Spelling suggestions: "subject:"favoritism"" "subject:"gavoritism""
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The Spanish migration model : A comparative case study in La Coruñavan der Ende, Willem January 2023 (has links)
Spain has an intricate relationship with their previous colonies. Relationships built up through centuries of intermingling have resulted in favourable integration trajectories for migrants from previous colonies in comparison with migrants from other countries. First through explicit favourable legislation, however this changed when Spain entered the European Union, meaning that the legislation had to be in line with the idea of controlled migration followed by the European Union. However, through the culturization, laborization and the criminalization of migration, it could be argued that migrants from previous colonies are still more favoured in comparison with migrants from different regions, exemplified by riots fueled by racism against labour migrants from North Africa in El Ejido in 2000. Besides the relationship with their previous colonies, Spain also has a long history with Northern Africa in which Maurophobia has played a significant role. This comparative case study compares the integration trajectory of two different migrant groups from both Latin America and Africa within Spain, more specifically into the local context of La Coruña. Even though Spain, and in the broader perspective the EU, are the authorities which create the legislation regarding migration and integration, the local authorities are the ones responsible for the implementation of these legislations. This study aims to demonstrate the importance of the analysis of integration in the local context as these could vastly differ from place to place, even within the borders of a nation-state. This case study compares the integration trajectory of Senegalese and Peruvian migrants within the context of La Coruña regarding access to the welfare state and the labour market.
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Work-Related Age Attitudes and Age StereotypesKleissner, Verena 14 June 2021 (has links)
Due to demographic changes (longevity, falling birth rates) the workforce is aging and therefore, more and more workers will potentially experience ageism (i.e., discrimination based on age) at work; however, ageism is not limited to older workers and can concern workers of any age. This dissertation deals with attitudes and stereotypes fostering ageism and demonstrates the strong presence of work-related ageist attitudes and stereotypes in a series of three studies.
In the first study, work-related age stereotypes were differentiated by dimensions (performance, adaptability, reliability, and warmth) and studied within an age-diverse sample of nurses. Older nurses were evaluated more positively on reliability, warmth, and competence, and younger nurses were evaluated more positively on performance and adaptability. In-group favoritism was observed for all age groups confirming social identity theory. Contact quality was the strongest potential predictor of age stereotypes, leading to the recommendation of fostering good contact between workers of different ages.
Extending the explicit measurement in the first study, the second study applied both explicit and implicit measures (Implicit Association Test, IAT) to study age attitudes and age stereotypes at the workplace and their variability across three groups: students, workers, and older adults. The attribute stimulus material in the IAT was manipulated such that cross-category associations arose. Regardless of group and manipulation of the stimulus material, older workers were always evaluated more negatively according to the IAT results, thereby supporting the stereotype embodiment theory. The explicit measures of general age preferences showed no clear age preferences. However, despite slight in-group biases, more differentiated explicit measures of work-related age stereotypes revealed clear age stereotypes in all samples that were similar to the first study: younger workers were favored in terms of adaptability and performance; older workers were favored in terms of competence, reliability, and warmth. By solely looking at the explicit age attitudes, age stereotypes in the workplace would have been trivialized, thus, it is important to apply explicit and implicit measures for studies in the field of ageism.
The third study examined the influence of explicit and implicit age cues in job applications on hypothetical hiring decisions. Discriminatory behavior was observed being triggered by both explicit and implicit age cues. Older applicants were less likely to be hired, as were applicants with an implicit old profile compared to an implicit age-neutral or young profile. An anti-discrimination prompt led to a reduction of the age bias, which is encouraging for human resources trainings.
This dissertation shows that age stereotypes in the workplace are still highly prevalent. Explicit and implicit measures should be combined when conducting research on ageism to gain a comprehensive picture. By raising awareness to ageism, discriminatory behavior can be reduced.:Acknowledgements 5
Abstract 6
Zusammenfassung 8
List of Tables 10
List of Figures 11
1. Synopsis 12
1.1 Introduction 12
1.2 Definition of Workplace-Ageism 13
1.3 Age Stereotypes in the Workplace 14
1.4 Workplace Inequalities 17
1.5 Negative Effects of Ageism in the Workplace 18
1.6 Fighting Ageism 21
1.7 Legal Regulations 24
1.8 Theories on Age Stereotype Formation 26
1.8.1 Social Identity Theory 28
1.8.2 Stereotype Embodiment Theory 29
1.8.3 Mere Exposure Effect 29
1.9 Research Objectives 30
2. Dimensions of Work-Related Age Stereotypes and In-Group Favoritism 34
2.1 Abstract 35
2.2 Introduction 36
2.2.1 Ageism and Age Stereotypes at Work 36
2.2.2 Age Stereotypes About Older and Younger Workers 37
2.2.3 In-Group Favoritism, Effects of Social Contact, and Self-Perception of Aging 41
2.3 Method 43
2.3.1 Participants 43
2.3.2 Measures 43
2.4 Results 45
2.4.1 Analyses of Age Stereotypes and Dimensions (Hypotheses 1 and 2) 48
2.4.2 Correlates of Age Stereotypes (Hypothesis 3) 51
2.5 Discussion 56
3. Implicit and Explicit Measurement of Work-Related Age Attitudes and Age Stereotypes 62
3.1 Abstract 63
3.2 Introduction 64
3.3 Theoretical Background 66
3.3.1 Explicitly Measured Age Stereotypes in the Workplace 66
3.3.2 Implicitly Measured Age Stereotypes in the Workplace 69
3.3.3 The Implicit Association Test 70
3.3.4 Age IAT and Correlation With Explicit Attitudes 74
3.3.5 The Present Study 74
3.4 Study 1A – Students 76
3.4.1 Method 76
3.4.2 Results 79
3.4.3 Discussion 83
3.5 Study 1B – Older Adults 84
3.5.1 Method 84
3.5.2 Results 84
3.5.3 Discussion 85
3.6 Study 1C – Active Workers and Semantic Influences in the IAT 86
3.6.1 Method 86
3.6.2 Results 87
3.6.3 Discussion 88
3.7 Overall Calculation 89
3.7.1 IAT 90
3.7.2 Explicit Measures 91
3.7.3 Implicit-Explicit Correlations 94
3.7.4 Discussion 94
3.8 General Discussion 94
3.8.1 Practical Implications 99
3.8.2 Limitations and Future Directions 100
3.8.3 Conclusion 100
4. Implicit and Explicit Age Cues Influence the Evaluation of Job Applications 102
4.1 Abstract 103
4.2 Introduction 104
4.2.1 Explicit Age Cues 105
4.2.2 Implicit Age Cues 107
4.2.3 Interventions for Reducing Age Discrimination in Evaluation Job Applications 109
4.2.4 The Present Study 110
4.3 Study 1 – Implicit Age Cues and Different Hiring Goals 111
4.3.1 Method 111
4.3.2 Results 115
4.3.3 Discussion 117
4.4 Study 2 – Implicit and Explicit Age Information 119
4.4.1 Method 119
4.4.2 Results 120
4.4.3 Discussion 123
4.5 Study 3 – Anti-Discrimination Prompting 124
4.5.1 Method 124
4.5.2 Results 125
4.5.3 Discussion 131
4.6 General Discussion 132
4.6.1 Limitations 136
4.6.2 Implications 137
4.6.3 Conclusion 138
5. General Discussion 139
5.1 Summary of Empirical Findings and Discussion 139
5.2 Limitations 143
5.3 Contributions, Practical Implications, and Future Directions 145
5.4 Conclusion 149
References 151
Appendix 171
Curriculum Vitae 173
List of Publications 175
Declaration 176 / Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels (Langlebigkeit, sinkende Geburtenraten) und der verbundenen Alterung der Arbeitskräfte, ist das Thema der Altersdiskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz von höchster Relevanz. Durch die Veränderung der Altersstrukturen sind potentiell immer mehr Arbeitskräfte von Altersdiskriminierung betroffen, wobei keine Beschränkung auf eine bestimmte Altersgruppe besteht. Die vorliegende Dissertation widmet sich den Einstellungen und Stereotypen die zu Altersdiskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz beitragen und demonstriert die Präsenz von negativen, arbeitsplatzbezogenen Alterseinstellungen und Altersstereotypen in drei Studien.
In der ersten Studie erfolgte eine Differenzierung von arbeitsplatzbezogenen Altersstereotypen nach Dimensionen (Performanz, Anpassungsfähigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Wärme). Pflegekräfte schätzten ältere Arbeitskräfte als zuverlässiger, wärmer und kompetenter, und jüngere Arbeitskräfte als leistungs- und anpassungsfähiger ein. Entsprechend der sozialen Identitätstheorie favorisierten alle Altersgruppen ihre eigene Gruppe. Kontaktqualität war der stärkste potentielle Prädiktor für Altersstereotype. Indem ArbeitgeberInnen guten Austausch zwischen MitarbeiterInnen unterschiedlichen Alters fördern, kann negativen Altersstereotypen vorgebeugt werden.
In Ergänzung zur expliziten Messung der ersten Studie, erfolgte in der zweiten Studie zusätzlich die implizite Erhebung von Alterseinstellungen mittels eines impliziten Assoziationstests in drei Stichproben (Studenten, Arbeitskräfte, ältere Erwachsene). Das Stimulusmaterial des impliziten Assoziationstests wurde so manipuliert, dass kategorienübergreifende Assoziationen auftraten. Unabhängig von der Stichprobe und der Manipulation des Stimulusmaterials wurden ältere Arbeitskräfte in Übereinstimmung mit der Stereotype Embodiment Theorie im impliziten Assoziationstest stets negativer evaluiert. Während die globale Messung der Alterspräferenz keine Bevorzugung einer Altersgruppe ergab, zeigte die differenzierte explizite Messung das gleiche Bild wie in der ersten Studie: Ältere Arbeitskräfte wurden in Bezug auf Kompetenz, Zuverlässigkeit und Wärme favorisiert, während jüngere Arbeitskräfte im Hinblick auf Performanz und Anpassungsfähigkeit besser bewertet wurden. Da die reine explizite Messung zu einem verzerrten Bild, im Sinne einer Trivialisierung, der arbeitsplatzbezogenen Alterseinstellungen und Altersstereotype geführt hätte, wird die kombinierte Anwendung von expliziten und impliziten Maßen für Studien im Bereich der Altersdiskriminierung empfohlen.
Die dritte Studie untersuchte den Einfluss von expliziten und impliziten Altershinweisen in Bewerbungen auf die Einstellungswahrscheinlichkeit in einem hypothetischen Bewerbungsverfahren. Explizite und implizite Altershinweise führten zu diskriminierendem Verhalten. Die StudienteilnehmerInnen waren weniger bereit, ältere BewerberInnen und BewerberInnen mit einem implizit alten Profil im Vergleich zu einem altersneutralen oder jungen Profil hypothetisch einzustellen. Ein Anti-Diskriminierungshinweis führte zu einer deutlichen Reduktion der Altersdiskriminierung, was vor allem für den Personalbereich von Bedeutung ist.
Die Dissertation demonstriert die hohe Prävalenz von Altersstereotypen am Arbeitsplatz. Zur umfassenden Erfassung von Alterseinstellungen und Altersstereotypen sollten explizite und implizite Messmethoden kombiniert werden. Bewusstseinsbildung kann altersdiskriminierendes Verhalten reduzieren.:Acknowledgements 5
Abstract 6
Zusammenfassung 8
List of Tables 10
List of Figures 11
1. Synopsis 12
1.1 Introduction 12
1.2 Definition of Workplace-Ageism 13
1.3 Age Stereotypes in the Workplace 14
1.4 Workplace Inequalities 17
1.5 Negative Effects of Ageism in the Workplace 18
1.6 Fighting Ageism 21
1.7 Legal Regulations 24
1.8 Theories on Age Stereotype Formation 26
1.8.1 Social Identity Theory 28
1.8.2 Stereotype Embodiment Theory 29
1.8.3 Mere Exposure Effect 29
1.9 Research Objectives 30
2. Dimensions of Work-Related Age Stereotypes and In-Group Favoritism 34
2.1 Abstract 35
2.2 Introduction 36
2.2.1 Ageism and Age Stereotypes at Work 36
2.2.2 Age Stereotypes About Older and Younger Workers 37
2.2.3 In-Group Favoritism, Effects of Social Contact, and Self-Perception of Aging 41
2.3 Method 43
2.3.1 Participants 43
2.3.2 Measures 43
2.4 Results 45
2.4.1 Analyses of Age Stereotypes and Dimensions (Hypotheses 1 and 2) 48
2.4.2 Correlates of Age Stereotypes (Hypothesis 3) 51
2.5 Discussion 56
3. Implicit and Explicit Measurement of Work-Related Age Attitudes and Age Stereotypes 62
3.1 Abstract 63
3.2 Introduction 64
3.3 Theoretical Background 66
3.3.1 Explicitly Measured Age Stereotypes in the Workplace 66
3.3.2 Implicitly Measured Age Stereotypes in the Workplace 69
3.3.3 The Implicit Association Test 70
3.3.4 Age IAT and Correlation With Explicit Attitudes 74
3.3.5 The Present Study 74
3.4 Study 1A – Students 76
3.4.1 Method 76
3.4.2 Results 79
3.4.3 Discussion 83
3.5 Study 1B – Older Adults 84
3.5.1 Method 84
3.5.2 Results 84
3.5.3 Discussion 85
3.6 Study 1C – Active Workers and Semantic Influences in the IAT 86
3.6.1 Method 86
3.6.2 Results 87
3.6.3 Discussion 88
3.7 Overall Calculation 89
3.7.1 IAT 90
3.7.2 Explicit Measures 91
3.7.3 Implicit-Explicit Correlations 94
3.7.4 Discussion 94
3.8 General Discussion 94
3.8.1 Practical Implications 99
3.8.2 Limitations and Future Directions 100
3.8.3 Conclusion 100
4. Implicit and Explicit Age Cues Influence the Evaluation of Job Applications 102
4.1 Abstract 103
4.2 Introduction 104
4.2.1 Explicit Age Cues 105
4.2.2 Implicit Age Cues 107
4.2.3 Interventions for Reducing Age Discrimination in Evaluation Job Applications 109
4.2.4 The Present Study 110
4.3 Study 1 – Implicit Age Cues and Different Hiring Goals 111
4.3.1 Method 111
4.3.2 Results 115
4.3.3 Discussion 117
4.4 Study 2 – Implicit and Explicit Age Information 119
4.4.1 Method 119
4.4.2 Results 120
4.4.3 Discussion 123
4.5 Study 3 – Anti-Discrimination Prompting 124
4.5.1 Method 124
4.5.2 Results 125
4.5.3 Discussion 131
4.6 General Discussion 132
4.6.1 Limitations 136
4.6.2 Implications 137
4.6.3 Conclusion 138
5. General Discussion 139
5.1 Summary of Empirical Findings and Discussion 139
5.2 Limitations 143
5.3 Contributions, Practical Implications, and Future Directions 145
5.4 Conclusion 149
References 151
Appendix 171
Curriculum Vitae 173
List of Publications 175
Declaration 176
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Government favoritism in public procurement : Evidence from Romania / Regeringens favorisering inom offentlig upphandling : fallet RumänienPustan, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
In Romania, the consideration that politicians use their influence to control the public procurement market is axiomatic. It is no surprise that the country ranks high in perceptionbased surveys or the low participation of firms on the procurement market. The more difficult task is to demonstrate the existence of restrictions to procurement contracts in order to benefit preferred companies. That is, to measure the extent to which the market is captured by favored companies. Employing data on all public procurement contracts in Romania for the period 2009 – 2015, this paper examines government favoritism in public procurement exerted by political parties. Using a dynamic panel data approach (Dávid-Barrett and Fazekas 2019), the companies are classified based on their winning pattern with respect to government change. Favoritism is observed if winning companies within the government period are also associated with a higher risk of corruption measured by two alternative approaches. The findings confirm that procurement market is captured in a low to moderate proportion (24%) and that the market display patterns of systematic favoritism. This may signal certain progress registered by Romania to combat political corruption. Arguably, the insensitivity of perception indicators with respect to this progress is, at least partly, due to media coverage of the on-going corruption investigations related to the past. / I Rumänien, finns det en allmän uppfattning om att politiker använder sitt inflytande för att kontrollera den offentliga upphandlingsmarknaden. Det är ingen överraskning att landet rankas högt i perceptionsbaserade undersökningar rörande korruption eller att företags deltagande inom upphandlingsmarknaden är lågt. Ett svårare uppdrag är dock att påvisa och bevisa förekomsten av begränsningar kring upphandlingskontrakt med syfte att gynna vissa företag. Med andra ord så föreligger en utmaning att, genom mätning, påvisa i vilken utsträckning marknaden inkluderar favoriserade företag kontra hur den exkluderar övriga företag. Med hjälp av uppgifter om samtliga kontrakt gällande offentlig upphandling i Rumänien under åren 2009 – 2015, undersöker denna avhandling regeringens och dess politiska partiers favorisering. Företagen i upphandlingarna klassificeras med hjälp av dynamiskpaneldata (Dávid-Barrett och Fazekas 2019), baserat på des vinnande mönster kopplat till regeringsbyte. Favorisering kan observeras om vinnande företag inom regeringsperioden även är förknippade med en högre risk för korruption som mätts genom två alternativa metoder. Resultaten bekräftar att upphandlingsmarknaden fångas i en låg till måttlig andel (24%) av favoriserade företag och att marknaden visar mönster av systematisk favorisering. Resultaten kan dock signalera om visst framsteg som Rumänien har uppnått för att bekämpa politisk korruption. Det kan argumenteras att perceptionsbaserade indikatorer fångade inte upp dessa framsteg, åtminstone delvis, på grund av mediatäckningen av pågående korruptionsutredningar i Rumänien relaterade till det förflutna.
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Through a Glass Cliff Darkly: Evidence That the Media Visibility of Companies Moderates Their Willingness to Appoint Women to Leadership Positions in Times of CrisisIhmels, Anika, Haslam, S. Alexander, Shemla, Meir, Wegge, Jürgen 19 March 2024 (has links)
After breaking through the glass ceiling, women often obtain precarious or risky leadership positions in crisis-ridden organizations (the glass cliff; Ryan & Haslam, 2005). Due to women’s minority status, their appointment in a crisis can signal important changes to organizational stakeholders indicating the use of new strategies for overcoming the crisis (signaling theory; Spence, 1973). Our study examines whether the media visibility of organizations moderates these signaling effects in ways that either strengthen or weaken glass cliffs. We augmented the archival dataset used by Haslam et al. (2010) in which the glass cliff phenomenon was discovered by including data on the media coverage that the Financial Times Stock Exchange index 100 companies received between 2001 and 2005. Our analysis shows that glass cliffs were more pronounced in companies with low media visibility. This suggests that the media visibility of organizations can contribute to increased accountability regarding their personnel decisions in ways that expose women leaders to less discrimination. / Nachdem sie die gläserne Decke durchbrechen, erreichen Frauen oft unsichere und riskante Führungspositionen in krisengeschüttelten Organisationen (gläserne Klippe oder Glass Cliffs; Ryan & Haslam, 2005). Nach der Signaltheorie (Signaling Theory; Spence, 1973) kann die Ernennung von Frauen in Krisenzeiten aufgrund ihrer Seltenheit Stakeholdern grundlegende Veränderungen bezüglich kritischer Probleme ankündigen. Wir untersuchen die Möglickeit, dass die mediale Sichtbarkeit von Organisationen Glass Cliffs moderiert – also verstärkt oder abschwächt. Können medial sichtbare Unternehmen wirksamere Signale senden oder stehen sie stärker unter Beobachtung? Hierfür wurde der Archivdatensatz von Haslam et al. (2010) um die Medienberichterstattung erweitert, die FTSE100-Unternehmen zwischen den Jahren 2001 und 2005 erhielten. Unsere Analyse zeigt, dass Glass Cliffs bei Unternehmen mit geringer medialer Sichtbarkeit stärker ausgeprägt waren. Dieser Befund zeigt, dass die medialer Sichtbarkeit von Organisationen zu einer höheren Verantwortlichkeit bei Personalentscheidungen beitragen kann, so dass weibliche Führungskräfte weniger diskriminiert werden.
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Sibling warmth as a correlate of youth self-esteemWu, Naomi January 2019 (has links)
During adolescence, self-systems and individual perceptions of the self are changing and heavily influenced by family relationships, which are generally the first and longest lasting connections individuals experience. Thus, to understand youth development, it is imperative to investigate the family context, wherein parent-youth relationships and sibling relationships impact one another. The current study examines the effect of a close sibling relationship on youth self-esteem above and beyond the effect of the mother-youth relationship. A cross-sectional study was employed on a sample of 434 families in the US, which all consisted of one mother and at least a pair of siblings. All three members of the family participating filled in an online survey. The target youth were between the 5th to 7th grades. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses find sibling warmth as a significant predictor for youth self-perception, but not for youth self-criticism. The present study shows the importance of considering not only the mother-youth relationship when analyzing youth self-system development, but also the sibling relationship. / Under adolescensen förändras självsystemet, eller individens uppfattning om det egna jaget, och är kraftigt influerat av individens familjerelationer. Dessa relationer är generellt de mest varaktiga relationer som en individ upplever. För att förstå ungdomsutveckling är det därför nödvändigt att undersöka familjekontexten, i vilken relationerna mellan förälder-ungdom och mellan syskon påverkar varandra. Denna studie undersöker effekten av en nära syskonrelation på ungdomars självkänsla utöver och bortom effekten från ungdomars föräldrarelation. Studien är en tvärsnittsstudie av 434 familjer i USA bestående av minst en mor och ett syskonpar. Dessa tre familjemedlemmar deltog alla i en webbaserad undersökning. Denna studies fokus är de av ungdomarna som vid undersökningens tidpunkt gick i årskurs 5 till 7. Med hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys visas att en varm syskonrelation är en signifikant prediktor för ungdomars självuppfattning, men inte för ungdomars självkritik. Denna studie visar på vikten av att inte endast beakta relationen mellan mor och ungdom när ungdomars självsystem analyseras, utan även syskonrelationen.
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電視廣告訊息中「內團體意識」之研究 / A study of in-group consciousness in TV advertisements.李朝榮 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:內團體意識、廣告表現、團體認同、廣告訴求、團體偏私、核心概念、訊息解讀、情感認同、歸因要素、背景歸因、社會歸因、文化歸因、生活型態、個體歸因、廣告創意、訊息策略、說服理論。 / The intention of advertisement is to provide a message to the targeted consumer and communicate rather than a presentation of individual expression and creativity. The core meaning of an advertisement is to transfer a key message embedded with advertising means successfully to its target receiver; furthermore, an outstanding advertisement will be able to fulfill the intention of marketing and sales. An exposition regarding consumer advertisement decoding denoted numerous variables that potentially alter the protocol of message receiver and his way of interpreting a message. This includes an individual consumer’s characteristic, lifestyle, value, culture, social acceptance, social status, social circle, taste, accomplishment, and vision. Messages embedded with such variables tend to create sympathy between the message and the receiver; as a result, creates a psychological bonding in which grows more powerful whenever a new variable reaches its echo with the receiver.
Such psychological behaviors are the essential attributes differentiating the in-group consciousness from out-group consciousness of an individual. With a sentimental bonding, messages can be transmitted more accurately and efficiently. Television advertisement exercise constant implicit of this in-group conscious behavior, by repeating intimation of “desire” and “acceptance” to the receiver, continuous fulfillment of ones the necessitate aspiration, and constant creation of expectation. As the realization of the in-group consciousness continues, the purpose of communication is only fully accomplished after an individual have gone through acknowledgement, emotion, and into action.
To understand how in-group consciousness establishes and executes television ad messages and its protocols. This research suggested using content analysis; by selecting 110 Television ad clips that possesses in-group consciousness implementation in between 1980 to 2009 and analyze them in two ways–era differentiation and product type under FCB protocol. This study focused on observing and analyzing the performance of variables such as expressing element, expressing form, background, social, cultural, lifestyle, individual attributes, and other related elements.
After the compilation of results, this research suggests that most television ads exercise in-group consciousness intentionally to create a common attribute among its listeners. By establishing sensational acceptance
as the core criteria, advertisements then elaborates on other attributes such as satisfying needs, consuming behavior, and image establishment to create the basic concept of creativity. Furthermore, this research shows that a large number of advertisements exercise one or more in-group consciousness attribute within them. Some of the in-group consciousness exercised in ads is portrayed simply due to creative and plotting needs and doesn’t actually create a conflict with the central in-group consciously. This research also found that the more unique or special a product or service is, the more dependant its advertisement will be on in-group consciousness.
Keywords: in-group consciousness, advertisement performance, group acceptance, advertisement requirements, group favoritism, core concept, message interpretation, emotional acceptance, attributes factor, background attribute, social attribute, cultural attribute, lifestyle, individual attribute, advertisement creativity, message tactic, persuading theory.
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