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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Yngre medarbetares arbetsmotivation : En kvalitativ studie om vad yngre medarbetare motiveras av i svensk detaljhandel. / Younger employees work motivation : A qualitative study about what motivates younger employees in the Swedish retail sector

Gustafsson, Jenny, Jonsson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Problembakgrund: Svensk detaljhandel består till stor del av unga medarbetare i ålder 16-24 år.  Enligt Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB) (2013) utgör åldersgruppen cirka 42,3 % av samtliga medarbetare inom denna sektor. Då medarbetarna inom svensk detaljhandel är en viktig resurs är det av stor vikt att studera av vad dessa medarbetare motiveras i arbetet. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på arbetsmotivation generellt och inte inriktat på den åldersgrupp och sektor som denna studie berör, därav upplevs behov av denna undersökning.   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa och bidra till förståelse för vad yngre medarbetare i ålder 16-24 år motiveras av i arbetet. Även hur dess arbetsprestationer kan påverka verksamheten när medarbetarna är motiverade respektive icke motiverade. Utifrån studiens resultat har rekommendationer utformats som kan tänkas vara användbara för butikschefer.     Metod: Studien baseras på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med kvantitativa inslag. Detta i form av 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer där varje respondent även fått besvara en mindre enkätundersökning. Urvalet består av sex unga medarbetare inom angiven åldersgrupp och sektor, samt sex butikschefer inom vald sektor för ytterligare ett perspektiv på medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation. Resultat: Utifrån yngre medarbetares samt butikschefers perspektiv är relation till chef och kollegor samt uppskattning och uppmuntran viktiga faktorer som har stor påverkan för yngre medarbetares arbetsmotivation. Medarbetarna värderar även lön och anställningstrygghet som de viktigaste faktorerna för arbetsmotivationen, vilket butikscheferna inte delar uppfattning om. Medarbetarnas arbetsprestationer påverkas i stor utsträckning när de är motiverade respektive icke motiverade. Bland annat kan verksamhetens försäljning och kunder påverkas både positivt och negativt. / Problem: A large part of the Swedish retail sector consists of young employees in the age of 16-24 years. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (SCB) (2013), this age-group represents approximately 42,3 % of the total number of employees in the Swedish retail sector. Employees in the Swedish retail sector is an important resource, therefore it is of great importance to study what motivates them in their work. The majority of previous research has focused on work motivation in general, and not on this age-group in the Swedish retail sector. Therefore the need for this study.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create and contribute to an understanding of what motivates young employees in the age of 16-24 years in their line of work. This purpose of this study is also to investigate how their work performance may affect the business when they are either motivated or non-motivated. Based on the resultat of this study, recommendations have been formulated which can be useful for store managers.   Method: This study is a qualitative research with quantitative elements. Twelve semi-structured interviews have been conducted, where each respondent had to answer a small questionnaire. The sample respondents consist of six young employees and six store managers in order, to get various perspectives on young employees’ work-motivation.   Result: According to young employees and store managers, the relationship with managers and colleagues, as well as appreciation and encouragement are important factors that have a major impact on younger employees’ motivation at work. Employees also value the salary and job security as the most important factors for work motivation, which store managers do not value as much. Employees' work performance is affected significantly when they are motivated compared to when they are non-motivated. For instance, that can affect the business’s sales and customers.

A Study of the Functions Performed by Store Managers in Chain Supermarkets

DeHay, Jerry M. 12 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this dissertation is concerned is that of determining the true role performed by the chain supermarket store managers. A comparative study is made of chain supermarket store managers, supermarket chain-level managers, and non-food chain retail store managers and their ranking and rating of the importance of fifteen work functions ordinarily performed by retail store managers. The hypotheses of the study state that there will be a statistically significant difference in the rankings and ratings of the importance of the work functions in each of the six paired comparisons between respondent groups. In comparing chain supermarket store managers to non-food chain retail store managers, there is a statistically significant difference in their ranking of the following work functions: (1) overseeing all forms of security and enforcing store rules, company policies, laws, and other regulations; (2) handling employee disputes and discipline and assuring proper appearance and dress; (3) directing merchandising-- space allocation and display--out-of-stock, pricing, stock rotation, etc.; (4) developing good community relations by participating in civic affairs, cooperating with charities, taking part in local business activities, etc.; and (5) scheduling number of hours and employees needed. When supermarket chain-level managers are compared with nonfood chain retail store managers, there is a statistically significant difference in the ranking of the following seven work functions: (1) interviewing, hiring, and discharging of employees; (2) handling employee disputes and discipline and insuring proper appearance and dress of employees; (3) directing merchandising--space allocation and display-- out-of-stock, pricing, stock rotation, etc.; (4) developing 3 good community relations by participating in civic affairs, cooperating with charities, taking part in local business activities, etc.; (5) scheduling number of hours and employees needed; (6) delegating responsibility and authority to subordinates by allowing them to make decisions within their assigned area of responsibility; and (7) maintaining company identification in the store by following through on company-wide programs and demonstrating and directing loyalty to the company.

Inside-Out : Investigating the link between internal marketing and service quality in Swedish retail

Svensson, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative research that provides an understanding of store managers perception of internal marketing on the Swedish retail market. It also describes how the store managers use internal marketing to guide their frontline employees to deliver high quality service. This research aims to highlight the importance of service deliverance in the retail sector. Due to the changes that are taking place within retail where globalization, digitalisation and automation are changing customers' views on trade, it is becoming increasingly important to differentiate themselves. More and more physical stores are finding it difficult to survive and many are forced to shut down.  This study therefore wants to highlight the use of internal marketing to be able to deliver high quality service at the encounter between the frontline employees and the customer in physical stores. Therefore, the study will give answers to the following questions: (1) How do store managers on the Swedish retail market perceive internal marketing? (2) How are internal marketing used in physical stores to work with service quality deliverance? To answer these two questions a meticulous examination of previous studies on the concepts internal marketing, employee satisfaction and service quality was made. A conceptual framework for the study was set to classify and analyse the findings of the study. The empirical findings consis data collected through semi-structured interviews with six store managers of three different retail stores on the Swedish market.   It was concluded that the store managers perception of internal marketing is unclear but that they all believe it is important. Nevertheless, it can be seen that internal marketing is important and that the store managers work daily with activities to guide the frontline employees to deliver high quality service. However, these activities are not expressed as internal marketing among the companies and store managers. It was also concluded that the service quality delivered by the frontline employees was significant to the success of the stores in the store manager's point of view.

Att vara chef med utländsk bakgrund : Butikschefers upplevelse av sin arbetssituation och yrkesroll

Arvidsson, Fabian, Mulaosmanovic, Marie January 2022 (has links)
Previous research has shown that in the last 20 years, there has been discrimination againstindividuals with a foreign background in the Swedish labor market. Statistics illustrate thatpeople with a foreign background have weaker representation than Swedish-born inmanagerial positions. The purpose has been to describe how store managers with a foreignbackground experience their working conditions and professional role in Sweden, to presentstore managers 'perceptions of discrimination in retail and to highlight positive leadershipstories where store managers' foreign backgrounds have been an advantage. Throughsemi-structured interviews, the study sheds light on store managers' experiences of theexistence of discrimination and what it is like to be a manager with a foreign background inSweden. An image emerges that a foreign background often becomes a strength in themanagers' work, where their unique habitus enriches their leadership. At the same time, theSwedish labor market is mediated as formally equal but informally unequal. The storemanagers confirm the previous research in many respects; that discrimination occurs, often inthe recruitment process, due to name selection, that individuals have a linguistic break orthrough informal favoritism that occurs when individuals with a foreign background are notgiven access to network. A perspective of discrimination that has not been discussed inprevious discrimination research has been conveyed; that customers act discriminatorytowards store managers. The results of the study indicate that unequal informal structures insociety and in organizations are expressed when low social and cultural capital throughnetworks and language risks becoming a gatekeeper that hinders career development. Thisstudy has shown that despite laws and regulations on discrimination that have been added inthe last 15 years, inequality is still reproduced in organizations which can be understood asinequality regimes. / Tidigare forskning har visat att det under de senaste 20 åren skett diskriminering av individermed utländsk bakgrund på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Statistik visar att individer medutländsk bakgrund har svagare representation än svenskfödda i chefspositioner. Syftet harvarit att beskriva hur butikschefer med utländsk bakgrund upplever sina arbetsförhållandenoch sin yrkesroll i Sverige, att framställa butikschefers uppfattning om diskriminering inomdetaljhandeln samt att belysa positiva ledarskapsberättelser där butikschefers utländskabakgrund utgjort en fördel. Med semistrukturerade intervjuer belyser studien butikschefernasupplevelser om förekomsten av diskriminering och hur det är att vara chef med utländskbakgrund i Sverige. Genom informanterna framkommer en bild av att utländsk bakgrundmånga gånger blir en styrka i chefernas ledarskap. Samtidigt beskrivs den svenskaarbetsmarknaden som formellt jämlik men informellt ojämlik. Butikscheferna bekräftar imånga avseenden den tidigare forskningen; att diskriminering sker, ofta irekryteringsprocessen, på grund av namnselektion, att individer har en språklig brytning ellergenom informellt favoriserande som sker när individer med utländsk bakgrund inte fårmöjlighet till nätverkande. En bild av diskriminering som inte diskuterats i den tidigareforskningen har förmedlats; att kunder agerar diskriminerande gentemot butikscheferna.Studiens resultat indikerar att ojämlika informella strukturer i samhället och i organisationerkommer till uttryck då lågt socialt och kulturellt kapital genom nätverk och språk riskerar attbli en portvakt som hindrar karriärutvecklingen. Denna studie visar att trots lagar ochreglering om diskriminering som tillkommit de senaste 15 åren, reproduceras fortfarandeojämlikhet i organisationer vilka kan förstås som ojämlikhetsregimer.

E-handel och fysiska mellanhänders hantering av butiksdöden

Kastberg, Lars, Modin, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
Den snabba teknikutvecklingen har lett till att allt fler fysiska butiker läggs ner eller backar i vinstsiffror, vilket lett till att de klassiska mellanhänderna har hamnat i en problematisk situation. Butikschefer har märkt av denna förändring och även ledningsfunktioner inom större koncerner som exempelvis H&M. Därför har denna studie som mål att analysera varför butikskedjor i högre grad inte ställt om till Internethandel, samt hur butikschefer ser på framtiden för de fysiska klädbutikerna.Tidigare forskning har visat att många faktorer påverkar en konsuments shoppingvanor i dagens konsumtionssamhälle och hur dessa vanor ändras över tid. Forskare påstår även att en djupt rotad företagskultur kan göra nödvändiga organisationsförändringar svåra om det är nödvändigt. Vi har valt att göra intervjuer med butikschefer för att sedan tolka och analyserahur dessa bemöter förändringen inom klädbranschen på grund av utvecklingen med ehandel. Totalt intervjuades 8 butikschefer vars respons på intervjufrågorna analyserades.Slutsatsen är att butikscheferna har hög tilltro till sin egen verksamhet trots utvecklingen med e-handeln, då butikscheferna anser att e-handeln inte kan konkurrera med kundvärdet som servicen ger i butik. Vårt antagande är att även organisationerna som helhet har levt med denna tro, och att detta kan vara anledningen till att mellanhänderna inte ställt om till e-handel tidigare. / The rapid technology advancement has led to more and more physical stores closing down or backing in profit figures. In turn, this has led the classical intermediaries into a problematic situation. Store managers have noticed this change of events, and also top management within larger groups, such as H&M, are aware of this. Therefore, this study aims to find out why stores have not changed to e-commerce to a greater extent, and how store managers look to the future of the physical clothing stores.Previous research has shown that many factors affect a consumer’s shopping habits in today's consumer society, how these shopping habits change over time, and how a deeply rooted corporate culture can make necessary organizational changes difficult. In this study, we have done in-depth interviews with store managers, and then interpret and analyze whatthese managers said, to get a good overview how these store managers deal with the changes that are occurring in the clothing industry due to e-commerce. In total, 8 store managers were interviewed and whose responses were analyzed with an analysis model formed in a thematic order in contrast with the theories we used in the study.We can conclude that the store managers have high faith in their own business despite the development of e-commerce. The store managers firmly believe that e-commerce cannot compete with the value that services provides in stores. Our assumption is that the organizations as a whole have lived with this belief, and that this may be the reason why the intermediaries have not switched to e-commerce earlier.

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