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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socioecology, stress, and reproduction among female Diana monkeys (<i>Cercopithecus diana</i>) in Cote d’Ivoire’s Tai National Park

Kane, Erin Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Déprédation par les orques (Orcinus Orca) et les cachalots (Physeter Macrocephalus) sur les palangriers à la legine australe dans la ZEE de l' archipel de Crozet

Tixier, Paul 10 July 2012 (has links)
C'est dans le contexte délicat du milieu marin, marqué par l'écroulement des stockshalieutiques et la conservation urgente des espèces de prédateurs marins, que s'inscrit cette étude sur la déprédation (i.e. prélèvement des poissons capturés) par les orques et les cachalots sur la pêche à lapalangre dans la ZEE de l'Archipel de Crozet.Le premier objectif a été d'évaluer les conséquences socio-économiques du phénomène. Entre 2003 et2010 les orques ont interagi avec un total de 43,3% des palangres relevées et les cachalots avec 57,5%,les deux espèces étant présentes simultanément sur 27.8% des palangres (n=5438). Les orques, seulesou associées aux cachalots ont été estimées prélever 926 ± 76 tonnes de légines sur l'ensemble de lapériode, représentant un taux de déprédation de 17,7%.Trois facteurs opérationnels ont été identifiés comme faisant varier la déprédation par les orques : i)utilisation de palangres courtes (<5000m) en absence d'orques, ii) déplacement du navire sur desdistances supérieures à 40nq pour quitter une zone confrontée à la déprédation et changer de zone, iii)utilisation de vitesse de remontée des hameçons à bord supérieures à 50 H.min-1.Le deuxième objectif de cette étude a été d'évaluer les conséquences démographiques de ladéprédation sur la population d'orques de Crozet. Le suivi à long terme des individus a permis demettre en évidence des réponses différentielles des unités sociales en fonction de leur degréd'interaction avec les pêcheries. / Over the last 50 years, fisheries have undergone a major decline worldwide. With an increasedcompetition for resource, depredation (i.e. removal of catches on fishing gear) has recently become amajor case of conflict between humans and marine predators. In this study I focused on thedepredation on Patagonian toothfish fisheries by killer and sperm whales in the Crozet EEZ. The firstpart of the study aimed at assessing the socio-economic consequences of this issue. Killer and spermwhales have interacted with 43.3% and 57.5% of longlines (n=6751) respectively from 2003 to 2010.Killer whales, alone or co-occurring with sperm whales were responsible for an estimated loss of 926± 76 tons of toothfish over that period, which represents 17.7% of the total catch.Three operational factors were identified as influencing significantly depredation levels: i) the use ofshort longlines (<5000m) in absence of killer whales, ii) the displacement of vessels on distances>40nq to leave the whales behind and iii) the use of longline hauling speed > 50 H.min-1.The second aim of the study was to investigate the consequences of depredation on the Crozet killerwhale population. The long term monitoring of individuals showed divergent demographic trajectoriesrelated to the depredation level of matrilines. During the 1990s, matrilines interacting with fisherieshave undergone a high mortality due to lethal interactions with illegal fishing vessels using explosivesto repel the whales.

Ecologia Alimentar do gavião-do-rabo-branco Buteo albicaudatus (Falconiformes:Accipitridae) no município de Juiz de Fora, sudeste do estado de Minas Gerais. / Feeding ecology of the White-tailed Buteo albicaudatus (Falconiformes:Accipitridae) in the Juiz de Fora municipality, southeast Minas Gerais State

Granzinolli, Marco Antonio Monteiro 16 September 2003 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta dados sobre a ecologia alimentar do gavião-do-rabo-branco (Buteo albicaudatus albicaudatus) no município de Juiz de Fora, sudeste do estado de Minas Gerais. Os objetivos específicos foram: a) estudar quantitativamente a dieta do gavião-do-rabo-branco, incluindo número de presas e biomassa consumida; b) analisar possíveis padrões de sazonalidade na dieta; c) determinar a amplitude de nicho trófico do gavião-do-rabo-branco; d) verificar a existência de possíveis respostas numéricas e funcionais na dieta desse gavião e e) verificar estatisticamente as prévias proposições de oportunismo na escolha de presas por esse predador sugeridas por Stevenson & Meitzen (1946), Farquhar (1986) e Kopeny (1988). O material para estudo da dieta do B. albicaudatus consistiu de pelotas de regurgitação, coletado simultaneamente com os dados de abundância dos principais grupos de presas e do predador na área de estudo. As 259 amostras analisadas revelaram 31 espécies/morfoespécies e uma biomassa total estimada de 7196,5 g. Cinco ordens de insetos (Hymenoptera, Heteroptera, Odonata, Isoptera e Lepidoptera) e uma de vertebrado (Chiroptera) são descritas pela primeira vez como integrantes da dieta de B. albicaudatus. Numericamente, os invertebrados representaram 88% da dieta, sendo Acrididae responsável por 63% da dieta total. Dentre os vertebrados, os roedores foram o grupo mais consumido (73% da classe e 8% da dieta total). Analisando-se as presas em relação à biomassa, verificou-se uma brusca inversão na maioria das espécies/morfoespécies. Nesta abordagem, os vertebrados corresponderam a 77% da dieta. Os grupos mais representativos são: roedores (50%), ortópteros (21%), aves (11%), lagartos (7%) e serpentes (5%). A análise de sazonalidade na dieta mostrou uma evidente dependência de consumo quanto à estação climática, em mais da metade das categorias. Na estação seca verifica-se um maior consumo de Araneomorphae, outros artrópodes e mamíferos, enquanto na estação chuvosa, o maior consumo foi registrado para Acrididae e Coleoptera. Aves e répteis, apesar de não apresentarem uma dependência significativa em relação à sazonalidade, parecem ser utilizados como complemento ao consumo de mamíferos na estação chuvosa, no que tange a biomassa ingerida. Buteo albicaudatus pode ser classificado como insetívoro, em termos de número, ou como carnívoro, em termos de biomassa ingerida. A amplitude trófica da dieta mostrou-se de intermediária para baixa, variando de acordo com a abordagem adotada. Em termos gerais, quanto ao número e a biomassa, a dieta total mostrou que o gavião-do-rabo-branco é especialista. No entanto, a análise da biomassa referente a cada estação climática revelou que na estação chuvosa, a dieta é intermediária entre generalista e especialista (Bp itens=0,292; Bp grupos=0,485). Esses dados indicam que tanto o consumo de determinados itens alimentares quanto a amplitude de nicho trófico pode variar de acordo com a estação climática. Comparando-se a abundância do principal grupo de presa (pequenos mamíferos), em termos de biomassa, no ambiente e os registros de B. albicaudatus percebe-se que em nove dos doze meses há uma sincronia nas flutuações, caracterizando uma resposta numérica (rs=0,864; p<< 0,001). Resposta funcional foi registrada para a ordem Orthoptera (rs=0,762; p<0,01) e para a família Acrididae (rs=0,706; p<0,05). Com relação à seletividade de espécies de presas, observou-se que dos 12 gêneros de pequenos mamíferos capturados por armadilhas de interceptação e queda no ambiente, apenas cinco (Calomys, Akodon, Oligoryzomys, Oxymycterus e Gracilinanus) fazem parte da dieta de B. albicaudatus. Em relação a estes gêneros, o gavião-do-rabo-branco apresentou seletividade para Calomys tener e rejeição para Akodon spp apenas na estação seca. Os dados apresentados neste estudo sugerem que a abundância de pequenos mamíferos pode determinar o comportamento seletivo ou oportunismo de B. albicaudatus. No período de maior oferta de recurso há uma seletividade enquanto, no período de menor abundância de alimento, há um oportunismo por parte do predador. Este estudo revelou que o gavião-do-rabo-branco possui uma flexibilidade em sua dieta.

Caracterização da dieta da lontra neotropical (Lontra longicaudis, Carnivora: Mustelidae) em três rios de Mata Atlântica do Sul do Brasil: uma análise espacial e temporal / Characterization of diet Neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis, Carnivora: Mustelidae) in three rivers of the Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil: an analysis of spatial and temporal

Krepschi, Victor Gasperotto 10 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T14:38:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Victor.pdf: 806977 bytes, checksum: e9912520cdf34c3078242340bfd6d207 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The diet of Otter longicaudis was characterized by fecal analysis and spatial and temporal aspects in their main prey consumption were analyzed. The study was conducted systematically in three rivers of the Iguaçu National Park, an Atlantic forest reserve located in southern Brazil. For a year, samples were taken monthly along three sections totaling 46 km, in order to find fecal samples. The analysis of 367 fecal samples collected showed a piscivorous diet, which includes four main fish families: Characidae Cichlidae, Pimelodidae and Loricariidae, with consumption of crustacean belonging to the family Trichodactilidae. Mollusks, birds, mammals, reptiles and insects were found in the diet. Seeds, vegetable fibers and materials of anthropogenic origin were also found. Differences in diet composition were found between the Iguaçu River and the other, which is probably related to the physical characteristics of these rivers reflecting distinct prey items available. The crabs were used as complementary resources for neotropical otters, when the consumption of their main prey (fish) decreased. An increased frequency of occurrence of prey categories was recorded in spring and summer, except for crabs and molluscs in two of the three rivers, which contrasts with the high consumption of fish during all seasons. Correlation was found between precipitation and consumption of fish families, which in turn seems to be due changings and the river otter and the habits of those arrested. In this region, otters depend on the features of the aquatic environment, forecasting the Mayor attention to the maintenance of rivers, shores and natural features (such as flow regimes and water), especially the river Gonçalves Dias, borders the east side of the National Park Iguaçu, with areas of heavy anthropogenic land use / A dieta de Lontra longicaudis foi caracterizada por análise fecal e aspectos espaciais e temporais no consumo de suas presas principais foram analisados. O estudo foi realizado sistematicamente em três rios do Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, uma reserva de Mata Atlântica localizado no sul do Brasil. Durante um ano, foram amostragens realizadas mensalmente ao longo de três trechos, totalizando 46 km, a fim de encontrar amostras fecais. A análise de 367 amostras fecais coletadas apresentaram uma dieta piscívoro, que inclui quatro principais famílias de peixes: Characidae, Cichlidae, Pimelodidae e Loricariidae, com consumo de crustáceo pertencente à família Trichodactilidae. Moluscos, aves, mamíferos, répteis e insetos foram detectados na dieta. Sementes, fibras vegetais e materiais de origem antrópica também foram encontradas. Diferenças na composição da dieta foram encontradas entre rio Iguaçu e os outros, que provavelmente está relacionado com as características físicas desses rios refletindo distinta presa disponibilidade itens. Os caranguejos foram utilizados como recursos complementares para as lontras neotropicais, quando o consumo de sua principal presa (peixes) diminuiu. Uma freqüência aumentado da ocorrência de categorias de presas foi registrada na primavera e no verão, com exceção de caranguejos e moluscos, em dois dos três rios, o que contrasta com o elevado consumo de peixes ao longo todas as estações. Correlação foi encontrada entre a precipitação eo consumo de famílias de peixes, o que por sua vez parece ser changings devido o rio e os hábitos da lontra e essas presas. Nesta região, as lontras dependem dos recursos do ambiente aquático, prevendo a atenção prefeito para a manutenção dos rios, margens e características naturais (como fluxo e regimes de água), em especial do rio Gonçalves Dias, fronteiras do leste lado do Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, com áreas de uso da terra pesada antrópica

Biology, ecology and anthropogenic threats of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in east Africa

Amir, Omar A. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the biology, ecology and anthropogenic threats of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) off Zanzibar, Tanzania, based on research conducted and samples collected between 2000 and 2008. Distribution and occurrence are described based on incidental catches (bycatch) in gillnet fisheries. Biology and ecology are examined by ageing and studying the reproductive biology and stomach contents of collected specimens. The composition of organohalogen compounds is determined in blubber samples, and assessment and mitigation of bycatch are conducted using observers onboard fishing vessels. Fisheries bycatch data showed that Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins occur year round in all areas around Zanzibar. Sexual maturity was attained between 7 and 8 years and body length 190-200 cm in females and at 16 years and body length 213 cm in males. The gestation period was estimated to be 12.3 months, with calving occurring throughout the year, peaking November-March and with an interval of 2.7 years. The estimated pregnancy rate was between 0.10 and 0.58 depending on methods used. Stomach contents revealed a relatively large number of prey species, but that only a few small- and medium-sized neritic fish and cephalopods contribute substantially to the diet. Estimates of total annual bycatch were &gt;9% which is not considered sustainable. An experiment showed that pingers can be a short term mitigation measure to reduce bycatch of dolphins in both drift- and bottom set gillnets. Methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (Meo-BDEs) were found at higher concentrations than anthropogenic organic pesticides (OCPs), with only traces of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) detected. This study reveals the magnitude and apparent susceptibility of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins off Zanzibar to anthropogenic threats, especially fisheries bycatch, and it is clear that immediate conservation and management measures are needed to reduce bycatch. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Submitted.

An examination of the diet and movement patterns of the atlantic cownose ray rhinoptera bonasuswithin a southwest florida estuary

Collins, Angela Barker 01 June 2005 (has links)
Cownose rays are benthic, suction feeders whose foraging activities have been implicated in severe damage to commercial shellfish industries and seagrass habitat. With jaws highly modified for durophagy, it has been assumed that they are crushing specialists, feeding primarily upon hard molluscan prey. In addition, R. bonasus are believed to be highly migratory, transient residents of coastal inshore waters. However, minimal quantitative data exist regarding R. bonasus feeding or movement patterns in the Gulf of Mexico. Stomach contents from 50 cownose rays caught within the Charlotte Harbor estuary between July 2003 and July 2004 were analyzed using the index of relative importance (IRI). Crustaceans, polychaetes, and bivalves were the dominant groups present, with bivalves representing the smallest proportion of the three dominant groups. High dietary overlap was observed between sexes, size groups and seasons. Shoalmates exhibited significantly more similar diets to each other than to members of other shoals. Although currently believed to be a hard prey specialist, these results suggest the cownose ray may behave as an opportunistic generalist, consuming any readily available prey. Between July 2003 and November 2004, 21 cownose rays were tagged and tracked within Charlotte Harbor using passive acoustic telemetry. Residence time ranged between 1-102 days. No significant relationship was detected between activity patterns and tidal stage or time of day. Minimum convex polygons (MCP) and kernel utilization distributions (KUD) were calculated to demonstrate the extent of an animals home range and core areas of use. Daily MCPs ranged between 0.01 and 25.8 km2, and total MCPs ranged between 0.81 and 71.78 km2. Total 95% KUDs ranged between 0.18 and 62.44 km2, while total 50% KUDs were significantly smaller, ranging from 0.09 to 9.68 km2.

Adult female feeding competition within two groups of free-ranging ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in different habitats at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Southwestern Madagascar

Gemmill, Andrea 30 August 2007 (has links)
Diet and female feeding competition was examined within two groups of free-ranging ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve in southwestern Madagascar. The first group’s home range was located within a protected gallery forest, the second is in a degraded forest and human-occupied area. The diets of the females were found to vary between groups; females fed on different plant species, and those in the unprotected area frequently consumed human food scraps and domestic animal fecal matter. Contest and scramble competition were detected within both groups. Rates of feeding competition were found to increase according to the type of food being consumed; feeding on fruits and leaves correlated with increased competition in the reserve group, and feeding on human foods and animal fecal matter correlated with increased competition with the non-reserve group. These dietary and competitive differences highlight the need for continued, and possibly additional, protection of L. catta in this region.

Adult female feeding competition within two groups of free-ranging ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in different habitats at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Southwestern Madagascar

Gemmill, Andrea 30 August 2007 (has links)
Diet and female feeding competition was examined within two groups of free-ranging ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve in southwestern Madagascar. The first group’s home range was located within a protected gallery forest, the second is in a degraded forest and human-occupied area. The diets of the females were found to vary between groups; females fed on different plant species, and those in the unprotected area frequently consumed human food scraps and domestic animal fecal matter. Contest and scramble competition were detected within both groups. Rates of feeding competition were found to increase according to the type of food being consumed; feeding on fruits and leaves correlated with increased competition in the reserve group, and feeding on human foods and animal fecal matter correlated with increased competition with the non-reserve group. These dietary and competitive differences highlight the need for continued, and possibly additional, protection of L. catta in this region.

Uso do habitat e atividade de forrageio de duas espécies de Sparisoma (Labridae: Scarinae), na Área de Proteção Ambiental dos Recifes de Corais, Maracajaú-RN

Moreira, Ana Luisa Pires 27 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-17T14:55:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1822472 bytes, checksum: 029afda8692ebb7aa8994936007707fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-27 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This study focused on the habitat use and foraging activity of juveniles and adults of the parrotfishes S. axillare and S. frondosum (Perciformes: Scarinae) at the Maracajaú Reefs, state of Rio Grande do Norte. The abundance of two species, habitat characteristics, and food availability were recorded along 60 transects (30 m X 2 m). Foraging activity was characterized by 409 direct observations, using "Animal-focal" and "All occurrences" methodologies. Aggregation and agonistic behaviors associated with foraging activity were also recorded. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) revealed differences in the spatial distribution of S. axillare and S. frondosum, and between different life phases. Juvenile parrotfishes exhibited the highest feeding rate (bites/minute) while adult S. frondosum terminal phase individuals showed the lowest number of bites. Juvenile and adult parrotfishes ate more frequently Mixed substrate and Sand, items containing large amounts of sediments and detritus in their composition. Feeding selectivity differed between S. axillare and S. frondosum, as well as in relation to life phases and food availability. Only 23% (n=95) of the individuals were sighted foraging in aggregations, mostly adult S. frondosum which formed large mixed schools, mainly with Scarus trispinosus and Acanthurus chirurgus. Attacks of Stegastes fuscus against parrotfishes constituted 76% of the agonistic behaviors recorded. / Este estudo teve como foco o uso do habitat e a atividade de forrageio de jovens e adultos dos budiões Sparisoma axillare e Sparisoma frondosum (Perciformes: Scarinae) nos recifes de Maracajaú, litoral do Rio Grande do Norte. A abundância das duas espécies, as características do habitat e a disponibilidade de itens alimentares foram registradas ao longo de 60 transecções em faixas (30 m X 2 m). A atividade de forrageio foi caracterizada através de 409 observações diretas, utilizando-se os métodos Animalfocal e Todas as ocorrências . Comportamentos de agregação e agonísticos realizados durante a atividade de forrageio também foram registrados. Através da Análise de Correspondência Canônica (CCA) observou-se uma distribuição espacial diferenciada entre S. axillare e S. frondosum, bem como entre suas fases de vida. Jovens de Sparisoma apresentaram a maior taxa de alimentação (mordidas/minuto), enquanto adultos de S. frondosum em fase terminal efetuaram o menor número de mordidas. Durante a alimentação, jovens e adultos de Sparisoma ingeriram com maior frequência os itens Substrato misto e Areia, caracterizados por conter grande quantidade de sedimento e detritos em sua composição. Ambas as espécies apresentaram seletividade ao alimentar-se; esta diferiu entre espécies, fases de vida e disponibilidade de alimento no ambiente. Apenas 23% (n =95) dos indivíduos foram avistados forrageando em agregações, sendo a maioria deles adultos de S. frondosum, que formavam grandes cardumes mistos, principalmente com Acanthurus chirurgus e Scarus trispinosus. Ataques de Stegastes fuscus contra Sparisoma constituíram 76% dos comportamentos agonísticos registrados.

Les marqueurs de l'écologie alimentaire chez le mandrill : le cas des micro-usures dentaires et des ratios d'isotopes stables / Proxies for feeding ecology in mandrills : a case study using dental microwear and stable isotope ratios

Percher, Alice 15 December 2017 (has links)
Le régime alimentaire est un élément clé de l’écologie des espèces et dépend à la fois des besoins nutritionnels des individus et des ressources alimentaires disponibles. Ainsi, les stratégies alimentaires peuvent varier en fonction de l’âge, du sexe ou de l’état physiologique des individus, mais également de paramètres environnementaux et, en particulier, de la saisonnalité. Reconstruire le régime alimentaire d’espèces cryptiques ou difficiles à observer en milieu naturel nécessite l’emploi de marqueurs capables de détecter les variations du régime alimentaire sur le court terme. L’analyse des patrons de micro-usures dentaires et des ratios d’isotopes stables du carbone et de l’azote constitue une approche pertinente pour distinguer le régime alimentaire entre différentes espèces ou entre populations. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons évalué le pouvoir prédictif de ces deux types de marqueurs sur les variations saisonnières et interindividuelles du régime alimentaire dans une population naturelle de mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) sur laquelle des données comportementales étaient disponibles. Conformément aux comportements alimentaires observés, les patrons de micro-usures dentaires et les signatures isotopiques varient en fonction de la saison, de l’âge et du sexe des individus. L’ensemble de nos résultats nous indique que la diversité importante d’aliments consommés à faible fréquence par les mandrills ne peut être détectée par les marqueurs analysés qui semblent être, en revanche, pertinents pour identifier des changements significatifs de consommation d’aliments majoritaires tels que les fruits et les feuilles. Enfin, les signatures isotopiques varient en fonction du cycle reproducteur des femelles et de leur rang de dominance, nous indiquant que l’utilisation de tels marqueurs peut permettre la mise en évidence d’aspects de la physiologie des individus non reportés par des observations comportementales. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse apportent des données de référence essentielles pour la reconstruction du régime alimentaire d’espèces éteintes partageant des traits communs avec le mandrill, telles que des primates généralistes de forêts tropicales. / Diet is a critical factor of species’ ecology and depends on both individuals’ nutritional needs and availability of their food resources. As such, feeding strategies may vary with age, sex or physiological condition of the individuals but also depend on environmental factors and, in particular, seasonality. In cryptic species and those that are difficult to observe in their natural habitat, diet reconstruction requires the use of proxies with the ability to detect dietary variations over the short term. Analyses of dental microwear patterns along with carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes constitute a relevant approach to discriminate between diets of different species or populations. In the framework of this thesis, we assessed the predictive power of these two proxies on seasonal and inter-individual variations of diet in a natural population of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) for which behavioural data was available. According to the feeding behaviours observed, dental microwear patterns and isotopic signatures vary depending on the season as well as individual’s age and sex. Taken together our results indicate that the large diversity of rarely consumed food items cannot be detected by the proxies analysed, which are however, relevant to identify significant changes in the consumption of major foods such as fruits and leaves. Finally, isotopic signatures vary across females’ reproductive statuses and dominance ranks, indicating that the use of those proxies may allow the highlighting of some aspects of individuals’ physiology not detected by behavioural observations. The results presented in this thesis provide a baseline data essential for dietary reconstruction of extinct species sharing similar traits with mandrills, such as generalist primates from tropical forests.

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