Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1emale gametophyte"" "subject:"chemale gametophyte""
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Bromeliaceae owns a huge diversity of species in the Neotropical region, comprising about
3140 species, in which 551 consist of the genus Tillandsia. The article aims the descritption,
of the anther development and ovule as the esporogenesis and gametogenesis characterization
as well, in order to make easier both the taxonomy and philogeny of the family, which is still
in process of change. Tillandsia aeranthos (Lois.) L. B. Sm. contains six stamens flowers;
superior, tricarpellate and trilocular ovary. The pattern of development of the anther wall is
characterized as mixed-type. Androsporangium is formed by epidermis, middle layers,
endothecium and tapetum. The tapetum is the secretor-type. Meiosis is the successive-type
with cleavage of the centrifugal type. The tetrads formed are decussate or isobilateral. The
first division of the pollen is preceded by vacuolation, it is assymmetric and produce both
generative and vegetative cells. The two cells formed are separated by a callose wall. The
mature grain pollen is bicelullar. The ovule of Tillandsia aeranthos is anatropus, bitegmic and
crassinucellate, with axial placentation. The ovule originates in the subdermal layer (zone II)
of the placentae. The integument nucellar epidermis is originated by divisions in the dermal
layers. One to three ginospore mother celss, which are originated by divisions in archesporial
cell, undergo meiotic divisions development a linear tetrad, with presence callosic wall. Only
the chalazal ginospore becomes functional. The functional ginospore differs in that a
gametophyte uninucleate after mitosis and yields a two-nucleate and four-nucleate
gametophyte. The female gametophyte has a monosporic origin and a Polygonum-type
development. The female gametophyte consists of two synergids, an egg cell, three antipodes
and two polar nuclei. Polar nuclei fuse prior to fertilization. / Bromeliaceae possui grande diversidade de espécies na região neotropical, compreendendo
cerca de 3140 espécies, sendo 551 do gênero Tillandsia. O presente trabalho teve como
objetivo descrever o desenvolvimento da antera e do rudimento seminal, além da
caracterização da espogênese e gametogênese, com a finalidade de auxiliar na taxonomia e
filogenia da família, ainda em fase de mudança. Tillandsia aeranthos, apresenta flores com
estames em número de seis e ovário súpero, tricarpelar. Na antera, o desenvolvimento dos
estratos parietais é do tipo misto , formado por epiderme, endotécio, camada média e tapete.
A epiderme é papilada e o tapete é do tipo secretor. A microsporogênese é sucessiva com
clivagem do tipo centrífuga, onde são formadas tétrades isobilaterais e decussadas. Após a
liberação do andróspro da tétrade, ocorre a primeira divisão do grão de pólen e é precedida
por vacuolação. Após mitose, é formada a célula generativa e a célula vegetativa, separadas
por uma parede de calose. O andrófito é liberado bicelular. O rudimento seminal de Tillandsia
aeranthos é anátropo, bitegumentado e crassinucelado, com placentação axial. O rudimento
seminal tem origem na camada subdérmica da placenta. Os tegumentos são de origem
dérmica. A inicial arquesporial dá origem á célula mãe de ginósporo (CMG). A CMG sofre o
primeiro ciclo meiótico que origina uma díade de ginósporo com presença de calose ao redor.
O segundo ciclo meiótico dá origem a tétrade linear de ginósporo, tornando-se o ginósporo
calazal funcional. O ginósporo funcional diferencia-se em um gametófito uninucleado que
após mitoses origina um gametófito bi e tetranucleado. Esse tipo de desenvolvimento do
ginófito é do tipo monospórico e Polygonum, onde o ginófito apresenta sete células e oito
núcleos, com a presença de duas sinérgides, uma oosfera, formando o aparelho oosférico e
três antípodas. Os núcleos polares de fusionam antes da fecundação.
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Discovery and characterization of a signaling molecule regulating somatic embryogenesis in loblolly pineWu, Di 04 March 2008 (has links)
myo-Inositol-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakisphosphate (InsP6), also called phytic acid, is ubiquitous in eukaryotic cells and the most abundant inositol phosphate derivative. Loblolly pine (LP, Pinus taeda) constitutes the primary commercial species in the southern forest of U.S. Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is an effective technique to maintain the desirable genetic composition of the progeny and to accomplish the efficiency of propagation. SE can also serve as a tool for study of plant development. Unlike angiosperm embryos with attached cotyledons as seed storage organs, the diploid conifer embryo is surrounded by the unattached haploid female gametophyte (FG). In LP SE, FG tissue is absent in the embryogenic tissue culture. We found that extracts from early-stage FG stimulate growth and multiplication of early-stage somatic embryos, whereas FG water extracts from late stage contain substance(s) inhibitory to early-stage somatic embryo growth (DeSilva et al., 2007). We now present the isolation and identification of the inhibitory substance as InsP6 by means of water extraction, two gel filtrations and two ion exchange FPLC chromatographies. The results represent the first complete structural characterization of InsP6 from a natural product using LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, exact MS, 1D- and 2D-NMR analyses. We also report that there is a good correlation between the amount of InsP6 purified from FG tissue (1.3 nmoles per full-term FG) and the amount of InsP6 which inhibits somatic embryo growth. This novel approach of isolating and characterizing InsP6 from plant tissue, and investigating its role on SE can allow us to improve SE technology by circumventing current bottleneck, to elucidate enigmatic functions of InsP6 in plants, and most importantly, to utilize this molecule properly.
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Unraveling the Functions of Plant Ran GTPase-Activating Protein (RanGAP) by T-DNA Mutant Analysis and Investigation of Molecular Interactions of Tandem Zinc Finger 1 (TZF1) in Arabidopsis thalianaRodrigo-Peiris, Thushani 28 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Expansion d'une nouvelle famille de protéines kinases (MAPKKKs) impliquée dans le développement reproductif chez les SolanacéesDaigle, Caroline 05 1900 (has links)
Les cascades de Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs) sont présentes chez tous les eucaryotes et permettent la transduction des signaux de l’extérieur vers l’intérieur de la cellule. Chez les végétaux, elles sont très abondantes et actives dans une multitude de processus, autant lors de la réponse aux stress que lors du développement. Elles fonctionnent comme un système de phosphorelais, se transférant un groupement phosphate d’une protéine à l’autre, de la MAPKKK à la MAPKK (MKK), puis de la MKK à la MAPK (MPK) et finalement, de la MPK vers des facteurs de transcription ou toute autre protéine qui permettra un changement au niveau de la réponse cellulaire.
Depuis quelques années, plusieurs membres de la grande famille des MAPKs ont été étudiés pour leur rôle dans la reproduction sexuée des végétaux. Des mutants ont été caractérisés, mais jusqu’à maintenant, peu de voies complètes ont été décelées. Des précédents travaux dans le laboratoire ont démontré que deux MAPKKKs, de la sous-famille des MEKKs, ScFRK1 et ScFRK2, sont importantes pour le développement normal de l’ovule et du pollen chez Solanum chacoense, une espèce de pomme de terre sauvage diploïde. Sachant que les mutants des gènes les plus orthologues chez Arabidopsis thaliana ne possèdent pas les mêmes phénotypes, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que les Solanacées, du moins S. chacoense, possèdent une famille de MAPKKKs différente, qui n’est pas présente chez A. thaliana.
Nous avons donc analysé les génomes/transcriptomes/protéomes de 15 espèces issues de différents clades du règne végétal afin d’étudier les relations phylogénétiques à l’intérieur de la sous-famille des MEKKs. Cela nous a permis d’observer que ScFRK1 et ScFRK2 ne sont pas seuls, mais sont inclus dans un groupe monophylétique que nous avons nommé la classe des FRKs (FRK pour Fertilization-Related Kinase). De plus, nous avons observé une expansion considérable de cette classe chez les Solanacées, comparativement à d’autres dicotylédones comme le peuplier, la vigne ou le coton. La classe des FRKs est absente chez les monocotylédones étudiées (riz et maïs) et ne possède qu’un seul membre (une FRK primitive) chez l’angiosperme basal Amborella trichopoda. Cette analyse phylogénétique des MEKKs nous a poussés à nous poser des questions sur l’origine de la classe des FRKs ainsi que sur son rôle au sein des Solanacées.
Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons fait la caractérisation fonctionnelle de ScFRK3, un troisième membre de la classe des FRKs chez S. chacoense, aussi impliqué dans le développement des gamétophytes mâle et femelle. Du patron d’expression jusqu’à l’établissement d’une voie de signalisation potentielle, en passant par la caractérisation phénotypique des mutants, plusieurs expériences ont été réalisées dans le but de comprendre le rôle de ScFRK3 au niveau de la reproduction chez S. chacoense. Dans un contexte plus global, il est important de se questionner sur les rôles semblables, mais forcément différents, des trois membres de la famille FRKs qui ont été caractérisés jusqu’à présent. / Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases (MAPKs) signaling cascades are found in all Eucaryotes and allow signal transduction from the outside of the cell to the inside. In plants, they are particularly numerous and play roles in several signaling processes, including stress responses and response to developmental cues. Their system involves a phosphorelay: they interact with each other to transfer a phosphate group. It starts with an activated MAPKKK, which transfers the phosphate group to a MAPKK (MKK), then this MKK transfers the signal to a MAPK (MPK), which ends this relay by phosphorylating transcription factors or any other proteins that will, in a way or an other, change the cell response according to the signal.
During the last few years, many MAPKs members have been studied for their role in plants sexual reproduction. Some mutants were characterized, but until now, our knowledge of complete signaling cascades is very limited. Previous studies in our lab have shown that two MAPKKKs from the MEKK subfamily, ScFRK1 and ScFRK2, are important for male and female gametophytes development in Solanum chacoense, a wild diploid potato species. Genes that are the most orthologous to ScFRK1 and ScFRK2 in Arabidopsis thaliana, AtMAPKKK19, 20 and 21, do not seem to play the same roles in reproduction, which led us to make the hypothesis that in solanaceous species, at least in S. chacoense, there is one MAPKKK family that is different and not present in A. thaliana.
At first, we did analyze the genomes/transcriptomes/proteomes of 15 species from different clads of the plant kingdom to find all the members of the MEKK subfamily of MAPKKKs in order to study their phylogenetic relationship. We then observed that ScFRK1 and ScFRK2 are included in a large monophyletic group which was called the FRK class (Fertilization Related Kinase). Moreover, we also observed that this class has considerably expanded within the solanaceous species, compared to other species like A. thaliana, poplar, cotton or grape vine. The FRK class is totally absent in the monocot species studied (rice and maize) and only one member is found in the basal angiosperm Amborella trichopoda. This phylogenetic analysis led us to ask questions about the origins of the FRK class and its role inside the Solanaceae family.
Secondly, we characterized ScFRK3, a third member of the FRK class in S. chacoense, which is also involved, as its two FRK sisters, in male and female gametophytes development. From its expression pattern to the establishment of a potential signaling cascade, analysis and phenotyping of ScFRK3 mutant lines, many experiments were realized in order to understand the role of ScFRK3 in S. chacoense sexual reproduction. Overall, the appearance of this new and expanded class of MEKKs questions its specific role in comparison to other species that have much lesser members, mainly when compared to the model plant A. thaliana, which harbor only a fifth of the FRKs found in solanaceous species.
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Implication du peptide ScRALF3 dans le développement du gamétophyte femelle chez Solanum chacoenseLoubert-Hudon, Audrey 08 1900 (has links)
La coordination du développement par les communications intercellulaires est essentielle pour assurer la reproduction chez les plantes. Plusieurs études démontrent qu’une communication entre le sac embryonnaire et le tissu maternel, le sporophyte, est essentielle au bon développement des gamètes. Les molécules, peptides ou autres protagonistes impliqués dans ces voies de signalisation ainsi que leur mode d’action restent toutefois nébuleux. Les gènes de type RALF codent pour des petits peptides sécrétés retrouvés de manière spécifique ou ubiquitaire dans la plante. Leur structure en font de parfaits candidats pour permettre ces communications cellule-cellule entre les différents tissus. Treize gènes de type RALF ont été isolés actuellement chez la pomme de terre sauvage Solanum chacoense. Maintenant, nous montrons qu’un de ceux-ci, ScRALF3, est impliqué dans la polarisation du sac embryonnaire et dans la synchronicité des divisions mitotiques assurant la formation d’un gamétophyte femelle mature fonctionnel. Étant exprimé de manière spécifique au niveau des téguments de l’ovule, ScRALF3 est un candidat idéal pour réguler les communications cellule-cellule entre le sporophyte et le sac embryonnaire. / Development coordination through intercellular communication is essential for plant reproduction. Several studies show that communication between embryo sac and maternal tissue, the sporophyte, is essential to the development of gametes. These molecules, peptides or other actors involved in these signaling pathways and their mode of action remains unclear. Genes encoding small secreted RALF peptides specifically or ubiquitously expressed throughout the plant are good candidates to allow these cell-cell communications. Thirteen RALF-like genes have been isolated at present from the wild potato Solanum chacoense. Now, we show that one of these, ScRALF3, is involved in the polarization of the embryo sac and the synchronicity of mitotic divisions to ensure the formation of a functional mature female gametophyte. Since it is specifically expressed in the integument of the ovule, ScRALF3 is an ideal candidate to regulate cell-cell communication between the sporophyte and the gametophyte, e.g., the embryo sac.
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Implication du peptide ScRALF3 dans le développement du gamétophyte femelle chez Solanum chacoenseLoubert-Hudon, Audrey 08 1900 (has links)
La coordination du développement par les communications intercellulaires est essentielle pour assurer la reproduction chez les plantes. Plusieurs études démontrent qu’une communication entre le sac embryonnaire et le tissu maternel, le sporophyte, est essentielle au bon développement des gamètes. Les molécules, peptides ou autres protagonistes impliqués dans ces voies de signalisation ainsi que leur mode d’action restent toutefois nébuleux. Les gènes de type RALF codent pour des petits peptides sécrétés retrouvés de manière spécifique ou ubiquitaire dans la plante. Leur structure en font de parfaits candidats pour permettre ces communications cellule-cellule entre les différents tissus. Treize gènes de type RALF ont été isolés actuellement chez la pomme de terre sauvage Solanum chacoense. Maintenant, nous montrons qu’un de ceux-ci, ScRALF3, est impliqué dans la polarisation du sac embryonnaire et dans la synchronicité des divisions mitotiques assurant la formation d’un gamétophyte femelle mature fonctionnel. Étant exprimé de manière spécifique au niveau des téguments de l’ovule, ScRALF3 est un candidat idéal pour réguler les communications cellule-cellule entre le sporophyte et le sac embryonnaire. / Development coordination through intercellular communication is essential for plant reproduction. Several studies show that communication between embryo sac and maternal tissue, the sporophyte, is essential to the development of gametes. These molecules, peptides or other actors involved in these signaling pathways and their mode of action remains unclear. Genes encoding small secreted RALF peptides specifically or ubiquitously expressed throughout the plant are good candidates to allow these cell-cell communications. Thirteen RALF-like genes have been isolated at present from the wild potato Solanum chacoense. Now, we show that one of these, ScRALF3, is involved in the polarization of the embryo sac and the synchronicity of mitotic divisions to ensure the formation of a functional mature female gametophyte. Since it is specifically expressed in the integument of the ovule, ScRALF3 is an ideal candidate to regulate cell-cell communication between the sporophyte and the gametophyte, e.g., the embryo sac.
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