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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Collins, Kathy Flynt 01 January 2017 (has links)
A challenge study to validate a 5 log10 CFU/g reduction of non-O157 Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in dry fermented sausage (DFS) was performed. A 4.49 ± 0.474 log10 CFU/g was achieved over two trials. The results indicated that the process was not effective in reducing the pathogen to the level required of most pathogens by the USDA. Lactobacillus salivarius L28 (L28) was screened in vitro for the ability to inhibit STEC utilizing the paper disk diffusion method. This strain is a known bacteriocin producer. The results revealed that L28 would be a good candidate for use as a protective culture as large zones of inhibition were noted against the STEC. No zones of inhibition were noted against the commercial starter culture; therefore, it would not adversely impact the quality of the DFS. The supplementary L28 strain was added to a commercial starter culture to provide an additional hurdle in the protection against STEC. The sausage trial showed the additional strain did not offer a significant difference in reduction of the pathogen (p > 0.05). Further study will be required before L28 could be considered for use as a bioprotective culture.

Uticaj različitih tehnoloških parametara na formiranje boje tradicionalne fermentisane kobasice (Petrovačka kobasica) tokom standardizacije bezbednosti i kvaliteta / The influence of different technological parameters during standardization of safety and quality on the color formation of traditional fermented sausage (Petrovačka kobasica)

Škaljac Snežana 22 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Zadatak ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se utvrdi uticaj različitih tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara na formiranje boje Petrovačke kobasice, kao i da se modelovanjem tradicionalne tehnologije utvrdi zavisnost između brojnih tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara i optimalnog kvaliteta boje ovog tradicionalnog proizvoda, radi standardizacije kvaliteta i bezbednosti, a u cilju dobijanja prepoznatljivog proizvoda vrhunskog kvaliteta koji bi se kontinuirano proizvodio.<br />U cilju realizacije postavljenih zadataka tokom tri proizvodne sezone je izrađeno 13 modela Petrovačke kobasice kako bi se ispitao uticaj sledećih varijabilnih tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara: proizvodne sezone, vremena otko&scaron;tavanja mesa post mortem, vrste upotrebljenog omotača (prirodni i ve&scaron;tački), ručnog i ma&scaron;inskog me&scaron;anja, dimljenja u tradicionalnim i kontrolisanim uslovima, su&scaron;enja i zrenja u tradicionalnim i kontrolisanim uslovima, dodatka izolovane autohtone starter kulture, vremena skladi&scaron;tenja i načina pakovanja (neupakovane, pakovane u vakuumu i modifikovanoj atmosferi) na proces formiranja boje.<br />Formiranje boje Petrovačke kobasice tokom procesa dimljenja, su&scaron;enja i skladi&scaron;tenja praćeno je određivanjem instrumentalnih pokazatelja boje (L*, a*, b*, h, C*, R, BI i &Delta;E) na povr&scaron;ini i preseku Petrovačkih kobasica. Utvrđeni su brojni tehnolo&scaron;ki parametri (vrednost pH, sadržaj vlage, sadržaj ukupnih masti, sadržaj ukupnog pepela i sadržaj hlorida), pokazatelji senzornog kvaliteta (spolja&scaron;nji izgled i stanje omotača, boja i održivost boje na preseku, ukupan senzorni kvalitet) i kvalitet ljute začinske paprike.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Analizom rezultata dobijenih u ovim ispitivanjima zaključeno je da su kobasice izrađene od ohlađenog mesa dimljene i su&scaron;ene u tradicionalnim uslovima (B1 i B2 grupe) imale optimalan kvalitet boje i bile vrhunskog (za&scaron;tićenog) senzornog kvaliteta. Niže temperature (8,30&deg;C-10,7&deg;C) tokom procesa dimljenja i su&scaron;enja, sporiji pad vrednosti pH, od 5,69 (nadev) do ~5,4 (na kraju procesa fermentacije) i sadržaj hlorida ~ 3% u gotovom proizvodu, uz dodatak kvalitetne ljute začinske paprike omogućili su formiranje optimalne boje ove grupe kobasica. Optimalnu boju preseka kobasica karakteri&scaron;u numerički manje vrednosti instrumentalnih pokazatelja boje (L*, a*, b*, h, C* i BI) u odnosu na kobasice sa nižim senzornim ocenama za boju. Tokom skladi&scaron;tenja (od kraja su&scaron;enja do 270. dana proizvodnje) utvrđene su manje promene instrumentalnih pokazatelja boje na povr&scaron;ini i preseku Petrovačkih kobasica kada su skladi&scaron;tene upakovane (vakuum i modifikovana atmosfera) u poređenju sa neupakovanim. Pakovanje u vakuumu i modifikovanoj atmosferi je dobro re&scaron;enje za očuvanje optimalnih karakteristika boje kobasica, jer su upakovane kobasice B1 i B2 grupe skladi&scaron;tene 4 meseca od zavr&scaron;etka procesa su&scaron;enja (od 90. do 210. dana od dana proizvodnje) bez promena senzornog kvaliteta boje, a zatim su do kraja perioda skladi&scaron;tenja (270. dana proizvodnje) promene bile neznatne.<br />Uzimajuću u obzir da su ova istraživanja deo &scaron;ire koncipitranih istraživanja razvoja tradicionalne tehnologije proizvodnje Petrovačke kobasice i standardizacije kvaliteta i bezbednosti, ispitan je uticaj varijabilnih tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara i na formiranje policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika u Petrovačkoj kobasici, kao veoma važnih pokazatelja zdravstvene bezbednosti kobasica.<br />Jedan od najznačajnijih rezultata u ovim istraživanjima je da benzo[a]piren nije detektovan ni u jednom uzorku Petrovačke kobasice. Takođe je zaključeno da je Petrovačka kobasica dimljena na tradicionalan način, kao i u industrijskim uslovima bezbedna za potro&scaron;ače sa aspekta sadržaja policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika, jer su svi ispitani uzorci kobasica ispunjavali uslove propisane domaćim i evropskim propisima.</p> / <p>The aim of this Ph.D. dissertation was to determine the influence of various technological parameters on the colour formation of Petrovačka kobasica, as well as to define correlation between number of technological parameters and optimal colour quality of traditional product (by modelling traditional technology), in order to standardize quality and safety, and consequently with the main goal to obtain a recognizable high quality product that could be continuously produced throughout the whole year period.<br />To achieve the defined tasks in three production season 13 models of Petrovačka kobasica were produced in order to examine the effect of the following variable technological parameters: production season, post mortem time of meat deboning, type of the casing (natural and artificial), manual or mechanical mixing, smoking in traditional and controlled conditions, drying and ripening in traditional and controlled conditions, the addition of isolated indigenous starter culture, and storage time and packaging (unwrapped, packed in vacuum and modified atmosphere) in the process of colour formation.<br />Colour formation of Petrovačka kobasica during smoking and drying processes and storage was followed by determination of instrumental colour parameters (L*, a*, b*, h, C*, R, BI and &Delta;E) on the surface and cut cross section of Petrovačka kobasica. The number of technological parameters (pH, content of moisture, total fat, total ash and chloride), indicators of sensory quality (sausage appearance and condition of casing, colour and colour stability at the cut cross section, the overall sensory quality) and quality of red hot paprika powder were determined.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Analysing the results obtained in these studies it was concluded that sausages produced from chilled meat and smoked in traditional conditions (sausages of B1 and B2 groups) had the optimal colour quality and superior (protected) sensory quality. Lower temperatures (8.30&deg;C-10.7&deg;C) during smoking and drying processes, slower decrease of pH value from 5.69 (raw sausage after stuffing) to ~ 5.4 (at the end of the fermentation process) and the chloride content ~ 3% in the final product, with the addition of high quality red hot paprika powder enable the formation of the optimal colour of these groups of sausages. Optimal colour of cut cross section of sausages was characterized with numerically smaller values of instrumental colour parameters (L*, a*, b*, h, C* and BI) in relation to sausages with lower scores for sensory evaluated colour. During storage (from the end of drying process up to 270 days of production), minor changes of instrumental colour characteristics on the surface and cut cross section of Petrovačka kobasica were noted when sausages were stored packed in vacuum or modified atmosphere, compared with unpackaged ones. Packing in vacuum and modified atmosphere is a good solution for the preservation of optimal colour characteristics, as packaged sausages of B1 and B2 groups stored for 4 months from the end of the drying process (from 90 to 210 days from the date of production) had no changes in sensory evaluated colour quality. Further, until the end of storage (270 days of production) just minor changes of this sensory parameter were noticed.<br />Considering that these investigations are a part of wider conceived researches of development of traditional technology of Petrovačka kobasica and standardization of quality and safety, the influence of variable technological parameters on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Petrovačka kobasica, as a very important indicator of health safety of sausage, were also studied.<br />One of the most important results of these researches is that benzo[a]pyrene was not detected in any sample of Petrovačka kobasica. It was also concluded that Petrovačka kobasica smoked in traditional way, as well as in industrial conditions was safe for consumers in the terms of the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as all samples of analysed sausages meet the requirements defined by national and European regulations.</p>

Uticaj dodatka etarskih ulja na kvalitet fino usitnjenih barenih i fermentisanih suvih kobasica / Effect of essential oils addition on quality of finely comminuted cooked and dry fermented sausages

Savanović Jovo 21 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Osnovni zadatak ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita<br />uticaj dodatka odabranih etarskih ulja izolovanih iz začinskog<br />i lekovitog bilja (kima, kleke i žalfije) na kvalitet fino<br />usitnjenih barenih i fermentisanih suvih kobasica. Fino<br />usitnjene barene kobasice proizvedene su sa dodatkom<br />etarskih ulja kima, kleke i žalfije u količinama od 0,1, 0,5, 1,0,<br />2,0 i 5,0 &mu;l/g, kao i bez dodatka etarskih ulja (kontrola), dok<br />su fermentisane suve kobasice proizvedene sa dodatkom<br />etarskih ulja kima, kleke i žalfije u količinama od 0,01, 0,05 i<br />0,10 &mu;l/g, kao i bez dodatka etarskih ulja (kontrola). Dodatno,<br />odlučeno je da se ispita i mogućnost delimične ili potpune<br />zamene nitrita sa ovim uljima i to na fermentisanim suvim<br />kobasica koje su proizvedene sa tri različita sadržaja nitrita (0,<br />75 i 150 mg/kg) i dva različita sadržaja masti (15 i 25%) i čiji<br />je kvalitet i bezbednost praćen tokom 225 dana čuvanja.<br />Kvalitet fino usitnjenih barenih i fermentisanih suvih kobasica<br />ispitan je određivanjem i analizom fizičkih [vrednost pH, boja<br />&ndash; instrumentalno (L*, a* i b* vrednosti)], hemijskih [TBARS<br />vrednost, antiradikalska aktivnost prema DPPH radikalu (IC<sub>50</sub><br />vrednost), sadržaj ukupnih fenola (samo kod fino usitnjenih<br />barenih kobasica)], mikrobiolo&scaron;kih [ukupan broj aerobnih<br />mezofilnih bakterija, ukupan broj aerobnih mezofilnih<br />sporogenih bakterija, ukupan broj bakterija mlečne kiseline<br />(samo kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica), ukupan broj<br />lipolitičkih bakterija (samo kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica),<br />ukupan broj Enterobacteriaceae, ukupan broj Escherichia<br />coli, ukupan broj sulfitoredukujućih klostridija, Listeria spp.<br />(uključujući i Listeria monocytogenes) (samo kod<br />fermentisanih suvih kobasica), ukupan broj kvasaca i plesni] i<br />senzorskih [boja, miris (samo kod fermentisanih suvih<br />kobasica), ukusnosti] parametara kvaliteta.<br />Kod fino usitnjenih barenih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom etarskih ulja kima, kleke ili žalfije, u poređenju sa<br />fino usitnjenim barenim kobasicama koje su proizvedene bez<br />dodatka etarskog ulja, nezavisno od dodate koncentracije etarskih ulja, utvrđeno je sledeće: smanjenje svetloće (L*<br />vrednosti) &ndash; utvrđena je tamnija boja, povećanje udela crvene<br />boje (a* vrednosti), smanjenje udela žute boje (b* vrednosti),<br />smanjenje TBARS vrednosti, smanjenje IC<sub>50</sub> vrednosti,<br />povećanje sadržaja ukupnih fenola, smanjenje ukupnog broja<br />aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija, smanjenje ukupnog broja<br />aerobnih mezofilnih sporogenih bakterija, senzorski tamnija<br />boja i senzorski veći intenzitet ukusnosti, s tim da se sa<br />povećanjem koncentracija etarskih ulja efekat smanjenja<br />TBARS vrednosti, smanjenja IC<sub>50</sub> vrednosti, povećanja<br />sadržaja ukupnih fenola, smanjenja ukupnog broja aerobnih<br />mezofilnih bakterija, smanjenja ukupnog broja aerobnih<br />mezofilnih sporogenih bakterija i povećanja intenziteta<br />ukusnosti jo&scaron; vi&scaron;e ispoljava.<br />Kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom etarskih ulja kima, kleke ili žalfije, u poređenju sa<br />fermentisanim suvim kobasicama koje su proizvedene bez<br />dodatka etarskog ulja, nezavisno od dodate koncentracije<br />etarskih ulja, utvrđeno je sledeće: povećanje vrednosti pH,<br />smanjenje TBARS vrednosti, senzorski tamnija boja,<br />senzorski veći intenzitet mirisa i senzorski veći intenzitet<br />ukusnosti, s tim da se sa povećanjem koncentracija etarskih<br />ulja efekat smanjenja TBARS vrednosti, povećanja intenziteta<br />mirisa i povećanja intenziteta ukusnosti jo&scaron; vi&scaron;e ispoljava.<br />Kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom nitrita (75 i 150 mg/kg), u poređenju sa<br />fermentisanim suvim kobasicama koje su proizvedene bez<br />dodatka nitrita, utvrđeno je sledeće: veće vrednosti pH, manje<br />svetloće (L* vrednosti) &ndash; utvrđena je tamnija boja, &scaron;to je<br />potvrđeno i senzorski &ndash; rangiranjem, veći udeli žute boje (b*<br />vrednosti), manje TBARS vrednosti, veće IC<sub>50</sub> vrednosti,<br />manji ukupan broj bakterija mlečne kiseline (samo kod<br />fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom nitrita od 150 mg/kg), manje senzorske ocene za<br />razliku u boji i veće senzorske ocene za razliku u mirisu, s tim<br />da je kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />dodatkom nitrita od 150 mg/kg, u poređenju sa fermentisanim<br />suvim kobasicama koje su proizvedene sa dodatkom nitrita od<br />75 mg/kg, utvrđeno sledeće: veći udeo žute boje (b* vrednost)<br />i manja senzorska ocena za razliku u boji.<br />Kod fermentisanih suvih kobasica koje su proizvedene sa<br />15% masti, u poređenju sa fermentisanim suvim kobasicama<br />koje su proizvedene sa 25% masti, utvrđeno je sledeće: veća vrednost pH, manja svetloća (L* vrednost) &ndash; utvrđena je<br />tamnija boja, veći udeo crvene boje (a* vrednost), veći udeo<br />žute boje (b* vrednost), manja IC<sub>50</sub> vrednost, veći ukupan broj<br />aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija i manja senzorska ocena za<br />razliku u boji.<br />U toku čuvanja fermentisanih suvih kobasica (od neposredno<br />nakon proizvodnje do 225 dana) utvrđeno je sledeće:<br />povećanje vrednosti pH, smanjenje svetloće (L* vrednosti) &ndash;<br />utvrđena je tamnija boja, povećanje udela crvene boje (a*<br />vrednosti), povećanje udela žute boje (b* vrednosti),<br />povećanje TBARS vrednosti, povećanje IC<sub>50</sub> vrednosti,<br />povećanje ukupnog broja aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija,<br />smanjenje ukupnog broja bakterija mlečne kiseline i<br />povećanje senzorskih ocena za razliku u boji, uz nekoliko<br />izuzetaka koji bitnije ne odstupaju od utvrđenog trenda.</p> / <p>The main aim of this doctoral dissertation is to examine the<br />influence of the addition of selected essential oils isolated<br />from spices and medicinal herbs (caraway, juniper, and sage)<br />on the quality of finely comminuted cooked and dry<br />fermented sausages. Finely comminuted cooked sausages<br />were produced with the addition of essential oils of caraway,<br />juniper, and sage in the respective amounts of 0.1, 0.5, 1.0,<br />2.0, and 5.0 &mu;l/g, as well as without the addition of essential<br />oils (control group), while dry fermented sausages were<br />produced with the addition of essential oils of caraway,<br />juniper, and sage in the respective amounts of 0.01, 0.05, and<br />0.10 &mu;l/g, as well as without the addition of essential oils<br />(control group). In addition, it was decided to examine the<br />possibility of partial or complete replacement of nitrite<br />contents with these oils on dry fermented sausages made with<br />three different levels of nitrite contents (0, 75, and 150 mg/kg)<br />and two different fat contents (15 and 25%), whose quality<br />and safety were monitored during 225 days of storage. The<br />quality of finely comminuted cooked and dry fermented<br />sausages was tested by determining and analysing physical<br />[pH value, colour &ndash; instrumental (L*, a*, and b* values)],<br />chemical [TBARS value, antiradical activity against the<br />DPPH radical (IC50 value), total phenolic content (only for<br />finely comminuted cooked sausages)], microbiological [the<br />total number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, the total number<br />of aerobic mesophilic sporogenic bacteria, the total number of<br />lactic acid bacteria (only for dry fermented sausages), the<br />total number of lipolytic bacteria (only for dry fermented<br />sausages), the total number of Enterobacteriaceae, the total<br />number of Escherichia coli, the total number of sulphitereducing<br />clostridia, total number of Listeria spp. (including<br />Listeria monocytogenes) (only for dry fermented sausages),<br />the total number of yeasts and moulds] and sensory [colour,<br />odour (only for dry fermented sausages), flavour] quality<br />parametres. For finely comminuted cooked sausages produced with the<br />addition of essential oils of caraway, juniper, or sage, in<br />comparison with finely comminuted cooked sausages<br />produced without the addition of essential oils, independently<br />of the added concentrations of essential oils, the following<br />was determined: a decrease in lightness (L* values) &ndash; a darker<br />colour was determined, an increase in redness (a* values), the<br />decrease in yellowness (b* values), the reduction of TBARS<br />values, a reduction of the IC50 values, an increase of total<br />phenolic content, a reduction of the total number of aerobic<br />mesophilic bacteria, a reduction of the total number of aerobic<br />mesophilic sporogenic bacteria, a sensory darker colour, and a<br />sensory higher intensity of flavour, with an increase in the<br />concentrations of the essential oils resulting in the even more<br />pronounced effect of decreasing the TBARS values, of<br />decreasing the IC50 values, of increasing the total phenolic<br />content, of decreasing the total number of aerobic mesophilic<br />bacteria, of decreasing the total number of aerobic mesophilic<br />sporogenic bacteria, and of increasing the intensity of flavour.<br />In the case of dry fermented sausages produced with the<br />addition of essential oils of caraway, juniper, or sage, in<br />comparison with dry fermented sausages produced without<br />the addition of essential oil, independently of the added<br />concentrations of essential oils, the following was<br />determined: an increase in pH values, a reduction of TBARS<br />values, a sensory darker colour, a sensory higher intensity of<br />odour, and a sensory higher intensity of flavour, with an<br />increase in the concentrations of the essential oils resulting in<br />the even more pronounced effect of decreasing the TBARS<br />values, of increasing the intensity of odour, and of increasing<br />the intensity of flavour.<br />For dry fermented sausages produced with the addition of<br />nitrite (75 and 150 mg/kg), in comparison with dry fermented<br />sausages produced without the addition of nitrite, the<br />following was determined: higher values of pH, lower<br />lightness (L* values) &ndash; a darker colour was determined, which<br />was also confirmed by sensory analysis &ndash; by ranking, higher<br />yellowness (b* values), lower TBARS values, higher IC50<br />values, lower total number of lactic acid bacteria (only for dry<br />fermented sausages produced with the addition of nitrite in<br />the amount of 150 mg /kg), lower sensory scores for colour<br />difference and higher sensory scores for the difference in<br />odour, with a higher yellowness (b* value) and a lower sensory score for colour difference determined in dry<br />fermented sausages produced with the addition of nitrite in<br />the amount of 150 mg/kg, in comparison with dry fermented<br />sausages produced with the addition of nitrite in an amount of<br />75 mg/kg.<br />In the case of dry fermented sausages produced with 15% fat,<br />compared to dry fermented sausages produced with 25% fat,<br />the following was determined: a higher pH value, lower<br />lightness (L* value) &ndash; a darker colour was determined, a<br />higher redness (a* value), a higher yellowness (b* value), a<br />lower IC50 value, a higher total number of aerobic mesophilic<br />bacteria, and a lower sensory score for colour difference.<br />During storage of dry fermented sausages (from the moment<br />of production to 225 days), the following was determined: an<br />increase in pH values, a decrease in lightness (L* values) &ndash; a<br />darker colour was determined, an increase in redness (a*<br />values), an increase in yellowness (b* values), an increase in<br />TBARS values, an increase in IC50 values, an increase in total<br />number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, a decrease in total<br />number of lactic acid bacteria, and an increase of sensory<br />scores for colour difference, with several exceptions that do<br />not differ greatly from the established trend.</p>


McNeil, Jennifer Michelle 01 January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the survival of non-O157:H7 STEC, Salmonella spp., and S. aureus in dry fermented sausages. Chorizo and Landjager sausages were inoculated with individual bacterial cocktails and stuffed into natural casings. Temperature, relative humidity, pH, and water activity were monitored through fermentation, drying, and storage. Bacterial counts were determined by serial dilution and plated in triplicates on selective media. Plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours and colony forming units per gram (CFU/g) were observed. Results of the first study validate that contaminated raw materials contribute to pathogen survival and background bacteria outcompeted the starter culture. The pH critical limit of < 5.3 was met but there was no pathogen inhibition. Results from the second study confirm that pH and water activity are not enough to eliminate pathogens when post processing interventions are not used. Critical pH (< 5.3) and water activity (< 0.85) limits were met, but pathogens still survived. In chorizo, non-O157:H7 was recovered through enrichments until the end of the study. In landjager, non-O157:H7 STEC and Salmonella were recovered through enrichments until the end of the study.The studies suggest that sausages produced without post processing interventions are a health risk to consumers.

Identificação e verificação do potencial enterotoxigenico de Staphylococcus spp.coagulase negativa isolados a partir de salames brasileiros industrializados e avaliação da qualidade microbiologica do produto / Identification and enterotoxigenic potential of coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp. isolated from Brazilian industrialized salamis and microbiological quality of product

Pereira, Karen Signori 12 November 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Luiz Pereira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T14:47:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_KarenSignori_D.pdf: 795788 bytes, checksum: 3c56762962a9dfbb567a0cc78805f20c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: As bactérias pertencentes ao gênero Staphylococcus são bastante peculiares porque apesar de terem distribuição ubiqüitária e formarem a microbiota residente na pele e mucosa de humanos também podem ser causadoras de diversas enfermidades aos mesmos, tais como a intoxicação alimentar estafilocócica.Todavia, para a indústria de produtos cárneos a importância dos estafilococos está além do fato de serem microrganismos patogênicos. Algumas espécies do gênero são coadjuvantes de tecnologia para a fabricação de salames, estando presentes como componentes de culturas starter ou iniciadoras. Entre as características importantes das espécies utilizadas em culturas iniciadoras está a incapacidade enterotoxigênica, o que tem sido diretamente relacionado às espécies coagulase positiva. Diversos trabalhos, porém, têm demonstrado a capacidade de estafilococos coagulase negativa produzirem enterotoxina em meio de cultivo laboratorial e há, inclusive, registros de surtos de intoxicação estafilocócica associados a espécies não produtoras de coagulase. Assim, 90 amostras de salames industrializados, pertencentes a seis diferentes marcas, foram analisadas visando a enumeração, identificação e verificação do potencial enterotoxigênico das espécies de estafilococos coagulase negativa (ECN). Determinações de pH, Aw, análises de coliformes termotolerantes, Salmonella, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e bactérias láticas também foram realizadas. Salmonella foi detectada em uma amostra. Entre os 266 isolados de ECN nenhum produziu enterotoxina, e dos 252 identificados cerca de 90% eram S. xylosus e S. carnosus / Abstract: Staphylococcus is ubiquitous distribution bacteria and present in skin of humans and other animals. However, staphylococci species can cause various diseases. Staphylococcal food poisoning is one of these diseases. But for meat industry staphylococci importance is not only because diseases. Some species are very important for the fermented sausage¿s manufacture like starter cultures. To be used, staphylococci have do not produce coagulase. However, many researches have demonstrated capacity of coagulase negative staphylococci (CNS) to produce enterotoxin and there are registers of staphylococcal food poisoning outbreaks linked to CNS. Ninety samples of industrialized salamis, for six different brands, had been studied. Enumeration, identification and potencial enterotoxigenic of CNS were analyzed. Additionally, termotolerants coliforms, staphylococci coagulase positive and lactic acid were counted; Salmonella isolated; pH and Aw measured. Salmonella was isolated of one sample. None of 266 CNS produced enterotoxins, 252 were identified and about 90% were S. xylosus and S. carnosus / Doutorado / Doutor em Ciência de Alimentos

Opšti higijenski parametri i odabrani bakterijski patogeni u proizvodnji fermentisanih suvih kobasica u Srbiji uz ispitivanje efekata termičkih tretmana / General hygienic parameters and selected bacterial pathogens during production of Serbian dry fermented sausages and investigation of the effects of heat treatment

Dučić Miroslav 12 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Glavni cilj doktorske disertacije bio je ispitivanje op&scaron;tih odlika industrijski proizvedenih, fermentisanih suvih kobasica u Srbiji i mogućnost dodatnog unapređenja njihove mikrobiolo&scaron;ke bezbednosti. Ispitivani su mikrobiolo&scaron;ki i fizičko-hemiijski pokazatelji u industrijskom proizvodnom lancu sremske kobasice i sudžuka, tipičnih fermentisanih suvih kobasica od svinjskog i goveđeg mesa. U sremskoj kobasici praćeno je prisustvo Salmonella а Escherichia coli O157 u sudžuku. Ispitane su i promene glavnih grupa mikrobiota, pH i aw vrednosti i hemijski sastav proizvoda. Mikrobiolo&scaron;ka kontaminacija u početnim koracima proizvodnje bila je uglavnom visoka. Salmonela je ustanovljena u fazi pripreme nadeva u dva od tri proizvodna pogona, dok je E. coli O157 potvrđena u jednom uzorku usitnjenog mesa i masnog tkiva jednog proizvodnog pogona. Rezultati ispitivanja proizvodnje kobasica slični su rezultatima istraživanja u drugim zemljama. Svi uzorci gotovih sremskih kobasica bili su zadovoljavajućeg nivoa mikrobiolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta, dok većina uzoraka sudžuka nije bila zadovoljavajuća. Početno prisustvo alimentarnih patogena može se smatrati bezbednosnim rizikom.<br />Preživljavanje Salmonella Тyphimurium, Escherichia coli O157 i Listeria monocytogenes tokom proizvodnje i skladi&scaron;tenja inokulisane, sremske kobasice i sudžuka, praćeno je u drugoj fazi istraživanja. Smanjenje brojnosti sva tri patogena u skladu je sa literaturnim podacima i može se zaključiti da postupci uobičajeno primenjeni u industrijskoj proizvodnji sremske kobasice i sudžuka ne osiguravaju uvek, u dovoljnoj meri, mikrobiolo&scaron;ku bezbednost proizvoda. Ispitiana je i mogućnost pasterizacije u cilju redukcije navedenih patogena u kobasicama od svinjskog, odnosno, goveđeg mesa, uz ocenu senzorskog kvaliteta proizvoda. Rezultati su pokazali da Salmonella Typhimurium i E. coli O157 mogu da budu uklonjene pasterizacijom gotovih fermentisanih suvih kobasica а dа senzorske odlike proizvoda i dalje оstanu prihvatljive. L. monoctogenes se pokazala kao patogen koji je značajno otporniji na zagrevanje, u oba tipa kobasica, zbog čega su potrebna dalja istraživanja radi redukcije dо prihvatljivog nivoa.</p> / <p>Glavni cilj doktorske disertacije bio je ispitivanje op&scaron;tih odlika industrijski proizvedenih, fermentisanih suvih kobasica u Srbiji i mogućnost dodatnog unapređenja njihove mikrobiolo&scaron;ke bezbednosti. Ispitivani su mikrobiolo&scaron;ki i fizičko-hemiijski pokazatelji u industrijskom proizvodnom lancu sremske kobasice i sudžuka, tipičnih fermentisanih suvih kobasica od svinjskog i goveđeg mesa. U sremskoj kobasici praćeno je prisustvo Salmonella a Escherichia coli O157 u sudžuku. Ispitane su i promene glavnih grupa mikrobiota, pH i aw vrednosti i hemijski sastav proizvoda. Mikrobiolo&scaron;ka kontaminacija u početnim koracima proizvodnje bila je uglavnom visoka. Salmonela je ustanovljena u fazi pripreme nadeva u dva od tri proizvodna pogona, dok je E. coli O157 potvrđena u jednom uzorku usitnjenog mesa i masnog tkiva jednog proizvodnog pogona. Rezultati ispitivanja proizvodnje kobasica slični su rezultatima istraživanja u drugim zemljama. Svi uzorci gotovih sremskih kobasica bili su zadovoljavajućeg nivoa mikrobiolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta, dok većina uzoraka sudžuka nije bila zadovoljavajuća. Početno prisustvo alimentarnih patogena može se smatrati bezbednosnim rizikom.<br />Preživljavanje Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli O157 i Listeria monocytogenes tokom proizvodnje i skladi&scaron;tenja inokulisane, sremske kobasice i sudžuka, praćeno je u drugoj fazi istraživanja. Smanjenje brojnosti sva tri patogena u skladu je sa literaturnim podacima i može se zaključiti da postupci uobičajeno primenjeni u industrijskoj proizvodnji sremske kobasice i sudžuka ne osiguravaju uvek, u dovoljnoj meri, mikrobiolo&scaron;ku bezbednost proizvoda. Ispitiana je i mogućnost pasterizacije u cilju redukcije navedenih patogena u kobasicama od svinjskog, odnosno, goveđeg mesa, uz ocenu senzorskog kvaliteta proizvoda. Rezultati su pokazali da Salmonella Typhimurium i E. coli O157 mogu da budu uklonjene pasterizacijom gotovih fermentisanih suvih kobasica a da senzorske odlike proizvoda i dalje ostanu prihvatljive. L. monoctogenes se pokazala kao patogen koji je značajno otporniji na zagrevanje, u oba tipa kobasica, zbog čega su potrebna dalja istraživanja radi redukcije do prihvatljivog nivoa.</p> / <p>The main aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the general characteristics of industrially-produced Serbian dry fermented sausages and the possibility of further improving their microbiological safety. Microbiological and physicochemical indicators were studied along the industrial production chains producing Sremska and Sudzuk sausage, typical of dry, fermented sausage prepared from pork or beef, respectively. The occurrences of Salmonella in pork sausages, and of Escherichia coli O157 in beef sausages were determined. Changes in the main groups of microbiota, pH, aw values and the chemical composition of the products were evaluated. Microbiological contamination in the initial stages of production was generally high. Salmonella was confirmed from the batter-preparation phase in two of three production lines, while E. coli O157 was confirmed in one sample of meat and fatty tissue from one production line. The results of this investigation of sausage production were similar to results obtained in other countries. All samples of finished pork sausage were of acceptable microbiological quality, while the majority of beef sausage samples were not microbiologically acceptable. The initial presence of foodborne pathogens can be considered a food safety risk.<br />The survival of Salmonella Тyphimurium, Escherichia coli O157 and Listeria monocytogenes during production and storage of inoculated pork and beef sausages was determined in the second phase of the investigation. All three pathogens declined in numbers in accordance with data from the literature, and it can be concluded that normal measures for pork and beef sausage preparation in industrial production do not always ensure, to a suitable level, the microbiological safety of the products. The possibility of pasteurising finished pork and beef sausages, with the aim of reducing Salmonella Typhimurium and E. coli O157, respectively, was investigated, and at the same time, sensory evaluation of product quality was performed. The results showed that pasteurisation eliminated Salmonella Typhimurium and E. coli O157 from finished dry fermented sausages, while sensory qualities of the products remained acceptable. L. monoctogenes proved to be a significantly more heat-resistant pathogen in both types of sausage, and therefore, further research is required to determine how to reduce numbers of this pathogen to acceptable levels.</p>


Toneto, Edsom Roberto Lorenci 16 February 2007 (has links)
The wild fauna represent an option of protein source to Brazil and others countries of Latina America, Europe and Asia. In this context, the greater rhea and others ratites are very valorized in the market, because of the healthy read meat that is introduced what is similar to others sorts of slaughter. This work had the objective to develop and to characterize a cured fermented sausage with rhea meat (Rhea Americana) and the pork meat in the Brazilian market. In the formulations of the cured fermented sausage used five meat combinations (90% rhea, 67,5% rhea / 22,5% pork, 45% rhea / 45% pork, 22,5% rhea / 67,5% pork, 90% pork). The products elaborated were appraised for analysis physicochemical, microbiologics, and sensorials. The results of phisicochemical analyzes sowed that the proctucts elaboreteds were in the vigor law to the salami, therefore water activity varieted from 0,88 to 0,90 (maximum 0,92), umided varieted from 35,93% to 41,07% (maximum 40%), fat varieted from 29,89 from 31,03 (maximum 35%) and protein variated from 29,89% to 31,03% (minimum 20%). The results indicated that all products developed showed secure to the microbiologic seen. The sensorial analyze revealed bigger preference to the cured sausages that contains elevated percentage of the pork meat in relation to the rhea meat, therefore the cured sausages that contains 22,5% of rhea meat and 67,5% of pork meat obtained the best valuation of the colour, smell, texture and savour. The products developed with more proportion of rhea meat in relation to the pork obtained the minor preference for the provers panel, moreover the formulated cured sausages with 90% of rhea meat received undervaluation. Is follow that, in the present work, the cured fermented sausages that have a formulation of 22,5% of rhea meat and 67,5% of pork meat reunited characteristics to be framed into the vigor law of salami and are the most appropriate to be into the Brazilian market as a alternative font of proteins to the human consumption. / A fauna silvestre representa uma opção de fonte protéica para o Brasil e outros países da América Latina, Europa e Ásia. Nesse contexto, a ema e outras ratitas, são muito valorizadas no mercado pela carne vermelha saudável que apresentam, que é similar a outras espécies de abate. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar um embutido curado fermentado contendo carne de ema (Rhea americana) e carne de suíno, no mercado brasileiro. Nas formulações dos embutidos, utilizou-se cinco combinações cárneas (90% ema, 67,5% ema / 22,5% suíno, 45% ema / 45% suíno, 22,5% ema / 67,5% suíno, 90% suíno). Os produtos elaborados foram avaliados por análise físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais. Os resultados das análises físico-químicas mostraram que os produtos elaborados estavam dentro da legislação vigente para salame, sendo que a atividade de água variou de 0,88 a 0,90 (máximo 0,92), umidade variou de 35,93% a 41,07% (máximo 40%), gordura variou de 19,67% a 23,53% (máximo 35%) e proteína variou de 29,89% a 31,03% (mínimo 20%). Os produtos desenvolvidos apresentaram-se seguros sob o ponto de vista microbiológico. A análise sensorial revelou maior preferência pelos embutidos contendo percentagem mais elevada de carne de suíno em relação à carne de ema, sendo que os embutidos contendo 22,5% de carne de ema e 67,5% de carne de suíno obtiveram as melhores avaliações da cor, odor, textura e sabor. Os produtos desenvolvidos com maior proporção de carne de ema em relação ao suíno tiveram a menor preferência pelo painel de avaliadores, sendo que os embutidos formulados com 90% de carne de ema receberam as menores avaliações. Conclui-se que no presente trabalho, os embutidos curados fermentados que possuem uma formulação de 22,5% de carne de ema e 67,5% de carne de suíno reuniram características para serem enquadrados na legislação vigente de salame e são os mais adequados para serem lançados no mercado brasileiro como uma fonte alternativa de proteínas para o consumo humano.

Jakostní parametry trvanlivých fermentovaných masných výrobků / Quality parameters of dry fermented sausages

Pavlík, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate quality parameters of dry fermented sausages. Samples of two types of dry fermented sausages were sampled – sausage “Poličan“ and “Lovecký salám“, from three different producers. Basic physical-chemical analysis of quality parameters were performed in sausage mixture and immediately after end of ripening (21 days for Poličan and 16 days for Lovecký salám). Results of quality parameters analysis were compared with requirements of Czech legislation and differences between producers were observed. There were significant differences between producers, however all of them met requirements set by 326/2001 Czech notification as amended of Ministry of agricultural.

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