Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fettleibigkeit"" "subject:"fettleibigen""
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Die medizinische Diskussion um die Fettleibigkeit 1800-1914 / Medical discussion of obesity 1800-1914Holstermann, Inga Kristine January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist die medizinische Diskussion um die Fettleibigkeit von 1800 bis 1914. Dargestellt werden die unterschiedlichen Betrachtungsweisen der Fettleibigkeit beeinflusst durch gesellschaftliche, industrielle und medizinische Entwicklungen im Untersuchungszeitraum unter den Aspekten der Ursachen (Lebensführung, erbliche Veranlagung, Geschlecht, Alter, Stoffwechselstörungen) und Folgen (Gesundheitsgefahren, Ästhetik, psychische Auswirkungen). Des weiteren werden Konzepte zur Gesunderhaltung und Lebensverlängerung vorgestellt. / The object of the investigation is the medical discussion about the obesity from 1800 to 1914. The different approaches of obesity are shown influenced by social, industriel and medical developments in the investigation period under the aspects of the causes (livestyle, paled disposition, gender, age, metabolism disturbances) and results (health dangers, aesthetics, psychic consequences). Moreover draughts to preserve health and for live lengthening are introduced.
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Beleibtheit als Gegenstand von Karikaturen in der Weimarer Republik / Obesity as the Subject of Caricatures in the Weimar RepublicDittmar, Eva Elisabeth January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Die Wahrnehmung und Darstellung der Korpulenz in der westlichen Welt ist von einer Vielfalt von Bildern, Assoziationen und Wertungen geprägt. Werden Menschen auf Bildern mit einem dicken Bauch gezeigt, so kann dieser als Zeichen für Prestige, Wohlstand, Macht, Stärke und Respektabilität fungieren. Der dicke Bauch kann jedoch auch auf Unmoral und Schwäche verweisen und in ästhetischer Hinsicht als abstoßend empfunden werden.
In dieser Arbeit soll untersucht werden, wie Beleibtheit in Karikaturen der Weimarer Zeit dargestellt wird, welche Bilder, Assoziationen und Werturteile in ihnen zum Ausdruck kommen. Es werden verschiedene Typen von beleibten Menschen herausgearbeitet, die in den Karikaturen dargestellt werden. Diese Typologie verweist auf eine Fülle von Bedeutungen, mit denen Korpulenz zur Zeit der Weimarer Republik aufgeladen war. Diese sollen mithilfe der Forschungsliteratur zur Weimarer Zeit in den zeitgenössischen Kontext eingebettet werden. Auf diese Weise soll zugleich herausgearbeitet werden, welche Topoi mehr oder weniger spezifisch für die Weimarer Zeit waren und welche auf ältere, in die Zeit der Aufklärung oder sogar in die Antike zurückreichende Traditionen verweisen.
Die Vorstellungen von Korpulenz wurden in der Weimarer Republik auch durch die zeitgenössische Medizin geprägt. Es gab damals bereits eine intensive medizinische Debatte über die Beleibtheit und ihre Gefahren. Ärzte und Wissenschaftler versuchten, den Ursachen, den Folgeerscheinungen und der Behandlung von Fettsucht auf den Grund zu gehen. Es stellt sich damit auch die Frage, inwieweit die Wahrnehmung der Beleibtheit in der Gesellschaft – wie sie in den Karikaturen zum Ausdruck kam – und die medizinische Debatte sich wechselseitig beeinflussten. / The perception and portrayal of obesity in the West has been informed by a variety of images, associations and value judgements. Depictions of a bulging stomach can function as a symbol of prestige, prosperity, power, strength and respectability. Yet the same bulging stomach can conversely imply immorality, weakness and be perceived as aesthetically repulsive.
This paper examines the portrayal of obesity in cartoons of the Weimar-period and the images, associations, and value judgements expressed by these depictions. Through an examination of the varying types of obese bodies depicted I establish a typology that demonstrates the extent to which obesity was charged with meaning during the Weimar-period. Supported by secondary literature on the Weimar-period I consider these connotations from a present day perspective in order to make possible a distinction between those topoi specific to the Weimar-period and those whose roots lie further back, in the Enlightenment or even antiquity.
Weimar-period ideas about obesity were shaped by the medical beliefs of the day. Already at the time there was an intense debate about the potential dangers of obesity. Doctors and scientists of the period conducted research into root causes, consequences and possible treatments of obesity. The question that arises is: to what extent did Weimar society's perception of obesity, as expressed in cartoons, and contemporary medical discourse interact?
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Dietitians and nutritionistsJung, Franziska, Luck-Sikorski, Claudia, Wiemers, Nina, Riedel-Heller, Steffi 26 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Aim: Negative attitudes towards people with obesity are common even in health care settings. So far, the attitudes and causal beliefs of dietitians and nutritionists have not been investigated systematically. The aim of this article was to review the current state of quantitative research on weight-related stigma by dietitians and nutritionists.
Method: A systematic literature review was conducted in 2014 using PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Cochrane Library.
Results: Eight studies were found that differ in regard to study characteristics, instruments and the origin of the sample. Six out of eight studies reported weight stigma expressed by dietitians and nutritionists. Their believed causes of obesity indicated a defined preference for internal
factors rather than genetics or biology.
Discussion: Results of studies were not homogenous. The degree of negative attitudes by dietitians and nutritionists towards people with obesity appeared to be slightly less pronounced compared to the general public and other health care professionals. Stigma and its consequences
should be included into educational programs to optimally prepare dietitians and nutritionists.
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Serum uric acid levels as an indicator for metabolically unhealthy obesity in children and adolescents: Uric acid in metabolically unhealthy obesity childrenAlves Accioly Rocha, Edrienny Patricia 20 December 2018 (has links)
Übergewichtige Personen, die keine fettleibigkeitsbedingten metabolischen Komplikationen zeigen, wurden als 'metabolisch gesund fettleibig' (MHO, Metabolically healthy obesity) definiert. Im Gegensatz zu metabolisch ungesunden fettleibigen (MUO, Metabolically unhealthy obesity) Individuen zeigen MHOs keine metabolischen Störungen wie Bluthochdruck, Dyslipidämie, Insulinresistenz und Entzündung [50]. Aufgrund des Mangels an allgemein akzeptierten Kriterien ist die genaue Definition des MHO-Status jedoch immer noch umstritten. Es wird allgemein angenommen, dass die MHO-Definition von der Einführung zusätzlicher Biomarker profitieren könnte, welche wiederum zur Klärung der zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen metabolischer Komplikationen herangezogen werden können [24]. Darüber hinaus hat sich die klinische Forschung hauptsächlich auf Erwachsene konzentriert, und es liegen nur wenige Studien zu MHO bei jungen Menschen vor. Daher wird die Untersuchung des MHO-Status in der jungen Bevölkerung unter Verwendung gut etablierter und potentiell neuer Indikatoren als wesentlich angesehen, um einen positiven Beitrag zur Prävention und/oder Behandlung von zukünftigen fettleibigkeitsbezogenen Krankheiten zu leisten. Unter den möglichen neuen Biomarkern wurde festgestellt, dass Serumharnsäure (Serum-UA) eine wichtige Rolle als kardiometabolischer Risikofaktor [22] für Adipositas-assoziierte Komorbiditäten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen spielt. Dennoch haben nur wenige Studien den Zusammenhang zwischen dieser biochemischen Variablen und MHO in der jungen Bevölkerung untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Studie lag auf der Identifizierung potenzieller klinischer und metabolischer Indikatoren, die zur Unterscheidung zwischen MHO- und MUO-Phänotypen beitragen können. Die anthropometrischen, klinischen und biochemischen Merkmale von 458 Kindern und Jugendlichen wurden analysiert und diskutiert. MHO- und MUO-Individuen repräsentieren 38% bzw. 16% der dieser Grupe. Der häufigste kardiovaskuläre Risikofaktor bei MUO-Patienten war Hypertriglyceridämie (54,2%), gefolgt von niedrigem Serum-HDL-C (45,8%), Hypertonie (19,5%) und gestörter Glukosetoleranz (14,7%). Zusammenfassend deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass eine frühzeitige Identifizierung von MUO in der Jugend möglich ist, wodurch eine frühzeitige Erkennung möglicher metabolischer Komplikationen gewährleistet ist. Verglichen mit der MUO-Gruppe zeigten MHO-Individuen niedrigere Nüchterninsulinwerte, Triglyceride, Blutdruck, Nüchternglucose und höhere Insulinsensitivität sowie niedrigere Serumharnsäure-, hs-CRP-, Albumin- und C-Peptidspiegel. Interessanterweise wurden im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien in den MHO- und MUO-Gruppen ähnlich hohe Werte für die Marker der Leberfunktion, einschließlich der zirkulierenden Konzentrationen von ALT, AST und alkalischer Phosphatase, festgestellt. Dieses Ergebnis legt nahe, dass niedrigere Leberenzyme zu dem günstigen metabolischen Profil von MHO-Individuen beitragen könnten. Darüber hinaus fördert diese Forschung ein besseres Verständnis der Wirkung potenzieller Indikatoren, die verwendet werden können, um MHO von MUO zu unterscheiden, insbesondere mit dem Fokus auf Serum-UA. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass Serum-UA mit mehreren kardiometabolischen Risikofaktoren assoziiert ist, die normalerweise mit Fettleibigkeit in Verbindung gebracht werden, wie Serumtriglycerid SDS, systolischer Blutdruck, C-Peptid und Cystatin C. Keine signifikante Beziehung zwischen Glukose-SDS und Serum-UA-Spiegeln wurde gefunden. Höhere Serumspiegel von UA erwiesen sich als signifikanter Indikator für den MUO-Phänotyp. Höhere C-Peptid-Spiegel, Taillenumfangs-SDS und Pubertätstadium sind mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit des MUO-Status assoziiert. Umgekehrt zeigte das Geschlecht der Person keine signifikante Wirkung. Hs-CRP und Albumin waren keine signifikanten MUO-Indikatoren, wenn sie nach Alter, Geschlecht, Pubertät und BMI-SDS kontrolliert wurden. Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Ergebnisse könnten für eine bessere Unterscheidung zwischen MUO- und MHO-Phänotypen nützlich sein und adipositasbedingte Komorbiditäten frühzeitig im Leben behandeln. Längsschnittstudien in größeren Kohorten mit jüngeren Individuen werden als ein vernünftiger nächster Schritt angesehen, um das Ergebnis dieser Arbeit zu bestätigen und zu erweitern. Mögliche zukünftige Untersuchungen könnten zusätzliche Eigenschaften und Wirkungen von MHO/MUO-Indikatoren betreffen. Zum Beispiel, wie der Serum-UA-Spiegel durch Konsum zuckergesüßter Erfrischungsgetränke und Alkohol beeinfluss wird.:LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS III
1.1 Obesity and associated diseases, a world health threat
1.1.1 Definitions and classifications of overweight and obesity
1.2 A ‘metabolic healthy’ type of obesity
1.2.1 Distinguishing characteristics of healthy obesity
1.3 Physiology of uric acid (UA)
1.3.1 Serum UA and cardiometabolic risk factors
1.3.2 Serum UA and type 2 diabetes
1.3.3 Serum UA and hypertension
1.3.4 Serum UA and kidney-related complications
1.3.5 Connection between Serum UA levels and metabolic health status
1.4 Research question and hypotheses
1.5 The LIFE-Child study
II. Supplement Material
III. Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit
IV. Curriculum Vitae
V. List of publications and conference participations
VI. Acknowledgments / Obese individuals that do not show obesity-related metabolic complications have been defined as “metabolically healthy obese” (MHO). Unlike metabolic unhealthy obese (MUO) individuals, MHO do not show several metabolic disorders, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and inflammation. However, due to the lack of universally accepted criteria, the precise definition of the MHO status is still controversial. It is widely believed that the MHO definition might benefit from the introduction of additional biomarkers, which in turn can be used to clarify the underlying mechanisms of metabolic complications. Futhermore, clinical research has mostly focused on adults and few studies addressing MHO in young individuals are available. Therefore, the investigation of the MHO status in the young population, by using well-established and potential new indicators, is considered essential to positively contribute to prevention and/or treatment of future obese-related diseases. Among the possible potential new biomarker, serum uric acid (serum UA) has been found to play an important role as a cardiometabolic risk factor44 for obesity-related comorbidities in children and adolescents. Nonetheless, very few studies have investigated the association between this biochemical variable and MHO in the young population. The focus of the present study was to identify potential clinical and metabolic indicators that may help to distinguish between MHO and MUO phenotypes. The anthropometric, clinical and biochemical characteristics of 458 children and adolescents were analyzed and discussed. MHO and MUO individuals represent 38% and 16% of the overweight/obese population, respectively. The most frequent cardiovascular risk factor found in MUO individuals was hypertriglyceridemia (54.2%), followed by low serum HDL-C (45.8%), hypertension (19.5%) and impaired glucose tolerance (14.7%). Altogether, these findings suggest that early identification of MUO is possible during youth, thereby ensuring the early addressing of potential metabolic complications. Compared to the MUO group, MHO individuals showed lower fasting insulin values, triglycerides, blood pressure, fasting glucose and higher insulin sensitivity, as well as lower serum uric acid, hs-CRP, albumin and C-peptide levels. Interestingly, in contrast to previous studies, markers of liver function, including circulating concentrations of ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase, were found to be similarly high in MHO and MUO groups. This finding suggests that lower levels of hepatic enzymes could contribute to the favorable metabolic profile of MHO individuals. In addition, the research promotes a better understanding of the action of potential indicators that can be used to distinguish MHO from MUO, especially focusing on serum UA. The results of this thesis revealed that serum UA is associated with several cardiometabolic risk factors usually linked with obesity, such as serum triglyceride SDS, systolic blood pressure, C-peptide and Cystatin C. No significant relationship between glucose-SDS and serum UA levels has been found. Higher levels of serum UA were found to be a significant indicator of the MUO phenotype. Higher levels of C-peptide, waist circumference SDS and pubertal stage are associated to higher likelihood of MUO status. Conversely, the individual’s gender showed no significant effect. Hs-CRP and albumin were non-significant MUO indicators when controlled for age, gender, pubertal stage and BMI-SDS. The results presented in this thesis might be valuable for a better distinction between MUO and MHO phenotypes and to properly address obesity-related comorbidities early in life. Longitudinal studies in larger cohorts with younger individuals are seen as a sensible next step to confirm and expand the outcome of this work. Possible future investigations might address additional properties and effects of MHO/MUO indicators, for instance by studying how serum UA levels are affected by alcohol consumption and sugar-sweetened soft drinks.:LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS III
1.1 Obesity and associated diseases, a world health threat
1.1.1 Definitions and classifications of overweight and obesity
1.2 A ‘metabolic healthy’ type of obesity
1.2.1 Distinguishing characteristics of healthy obesity
1.3 Physiology of uric acid (UA)
1.3.1 Serum UA and cardiometabolic risk factors
1.3.2 Serum UA and type 2 diabetes
1.3.3 Serum UA and hypertension
1.3.4 Serum UA and kidney-related complications
1.3.5 Connection between Serum UA levels and metabolic health status
1.4 Research question and hypotheses
1.5 The LIFE-Child study
II. Supplement Material
III. Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit
IV. Curriculum Vitae
V. List of publications and conference participations
VI. Acknowledgments
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Untersuchungen über Regulationsmechanismen der 11beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Typ 1 / Analysis of regulation of 11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1Andres, Janin January 2008 (has links)
Die 11beta-HSD1 reguliert intrazellulär die Cortisolkonzentration durch Regeneration von Cortison z.B. aus dem Blutkreislauf, zu Cortisol. Daher stellt diese ein wichtiges Element in der Glucocorticoid-vermittelten Genregulation dar. Die 11beta-HSD1 wird ubiquitär exprimiert, auf hohem Niveau besonders in Leber, Fettgewebe und glatten Muskelzellen. Insbesondere die Bedeutung der 11beta-HSD1 in Leber und Fettgewebe konnte mehrfach nachgewiesen werden. In der Leber führte eine erhöhte Aktivität aufgrund einer Überexpression in Mäusen zu einer verstärkten Gluconeogeneserate. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine erhöhte Expression und erhöhte Enzymaktivität der 11beta-HSD1 im subkutanen und viszeralen Fettgewebe assoziiert ist mit Fettleibigkeit, Insulinresistenz und Dyslipidämie. Über die Regulation ist jedoch noch wenig bekannt.
Zur Untersuchung der Promotoraktivität wurde der Promotorbereich von -3034 bis +188, vor und nach dem Translations- und Transkriptionsstart, der 11beta-HSD1 kloniert. 8 Promotorfragmente wurden mittels Dual-Luciferase-Assay in humanen HepG2-Zellen sowie undifferenzierten und differenzierten murinen 3T3-L1-Zellen untersucht. Anschließend wurde mittels nicht-radioaktiven EMSA die Bindung des TATA-Binding Proteins (TBP) sowie von CCAAT/Enhancer-Binding-Proteinen (C/EBP) an ausgewählte Promotorregionen analysiert. Nach der Charakterisierung des Promotors wurden spezifische endogene und exogene Regulatoren untersucht. Fettsäuren modifizieren die Entstehung von Adipositas und Insulinresistenz. Ihre Wirkung wird u.a. PPARgamma-abhängig vermittelt und kann durch das Inkretin (Glucose-dependent insulinotropic Peptide) GIP modifiziert werden. So wurden die Effekte von unterschiedlichen Fettsäuren, vom PPARgamma Agonisten Rosiglitazon sowie dem Inkretin GIP auf die Expression und Enzymaktivität der 11beta-HSD1 untersucht. Dies wurde in-vitro-, tierexperimentell und in humanen in-vivo-Studien realisiert. Zuletzt wurden 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphismen (SNP) im Promotorbereich der 11beta-HSD1 in der Zellkultur im Hinblick auf potentielle Funktionalität analysiert sowie die Assoziation mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 und Körpergewicht in der MeSyBePo-Kohorte bei rund 1.800 Personen untersucht.
Die Luciferase-Assays zeigten basal eine zell-spezifische Regulation der 11beta-HSD1, wobei in allen 3 untersuchten Zelltypen die Bindung eines Repressors nachgewiesen werden konnte. Zudem konnte eine mögliche Bindung des TBPs sowie von C/EBP-Proteinen an verschiedene Positionen gezeigt werden. Die Transaktivierungsassays mit den C/EBP-Proteinen -alpha, -beta und -delta zeigten eben-falls eine zellspezifische Regulation des 11beta-HSD1-Promotors. Die Aktivität und Expression der 11beta-HSD1 wurde durch die hier untersuchten endogenen und exogenen Faktoren spezifisch modifiziert, was sowohl in-vitro als auch in-vivo in unterschiedlichen Modellsystemen dargestellt werden konnte. Die Charakterisierung der MeSyBePo-Kohorte ergab keine direkten Assoziationen zwischen Polymorphismus und klinischem Phänotyp, jedoch Tendenzen für eine erhöhtes Körper-gewicht und Typ 2 Diabetes mellitus in Abhängigkeit des Genotyps.
Der Promotor der 11beta-HSD1 konnte aufgrund der Daten aus den Luciferaseassays sowie den Daten aus den EMSA-Analysen näher charakterisiert werden. Dieser zeigt eine variable und zell-spezifische Regulation. Ein wichtiger Regulator stellen insbesondere in den HepG2-Zellen die C/EBP-Proteine -alpha, -beta und -delta dar. Aus den in-vivo-Studien ergab sich eine Regulation der 11beta-HSD1 durch endogene, exogene und pharmakologische Substanzen, die durch die Zellkulturversuche bestätigt und näher charakterisiert werden konnten. / The enzyme 11beta-HSD1 regulates intracellular the cortisol concentration by regeneration of cortisone to cortisol. Hence, 11beta-HSD1 is an important factor in glucocorticoid-mediated gene expression. It is ubiquitously expressed, but high levels have been specifically described in liver, adipose tissue and smooth muscle cells. A pivotal role for 11beta-HSD1 has been demonstrated with respect to metabolism in liver and adipose tissue. Thus, a liver-specific overexpression results in an elevated gluconeogenesis and hepatic glucose output. Furthermore, a fat-specific overexpression was associated with obesity, insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. Despite these intriguing data, the regulation of the human 11beta-HSD1 gene is still in its infancies.
8 promoter fragments from -3034 to +188 of 11beta-HSD1-gene were cloned to analyze promoter activity. Dual-Luciferase-Assay was used in humane HepG2 cells and in undifferentiated and differentiated 3T3-L1 cells. Furthermore, the region close to the transcription start was studied with a non-radioactive EMSA for binding of TATA-binding protein (TBP) and CCAAT/enhancer-binding-protein (C/EBP). The role of the endogenous and exogenous regulators fatty acids, PPARgamma and the incretin (Glucose-dependent insulinotropic Peptide) GIP was investigated in-vitro and in-vivo. Finally, the functional consequences of 2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) within the promoter region were studied in cell culture and the MeSyBePo-cohorts for association with diabetes mellitus type 2 and body weight.
The Luciferase-assay revealed a cell-specific regulation of 11beta-HSD1 and a repressor, which was active in all 3 cell models. Accordingly, a cell-specific regulation was observed in transactivation-assays with C/EBP-proteins -alpha, -beta and -delta. The 11beta-HSD1 enzyme expression and activity was specifically modified by the here investigated endogenous and exogenous factors, which was demonstrated in-vitro but also in-vivo in various experimental settings. The characterisation of the MeSyBePo-cohorte revealed no association between genotype and clinical phenotype, although a trend for an increased body weight and diabetes mellitus type 2 was detected.
This work demonstrated a cell-specific regulation of the 11beta-HSD1 promoter. Furthermore, a binding site for TATA-binding proteins was detected in HepG2 and undifferentiated 3T3-L1 cells. A pivotal role in regulation of 11beta-HSD1 promoter activity was demonstrated for the C/EBP-proteins, especially in liver cells. The in-vivo-Studies revealed a regulation of enzyme expression and activity by endogenous, exogenous and pharmacological substances, which was confirmed and analyzed in more detail in cell culture experiments.
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Dietitians and nutritionists: stigma in the context of obesity: a systematic reviewJung, Franziska, Luck-Sikorski, Claudia, Wiemers, Nina, Riedel-Heller, Steffi January 2015 (has links)
Aim: Negative attitudes towards people with obesity are common even in health care settings. So far, the attitudes and causal beliefs of dietitians and nutritionists have not been investigated systematically. The aim of this article was to review the current state of quantitative research on weight-related stigma by dietitians and nutritionists.
Method: A systematic literature review was conducted in 2014 using PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Cochrane Library.
Results: Eight studies were found that differ in regard to study characteristics, instruments and the origin of the sample. Six out of eight studies reported weight stigma expressed by dietitians and nutritionists. Their believed causes of obesity indicated a defined preference for internal
factors rather than genetics or biology.
Discussion: Results of studies were not homogenous. The degree of negative attitudes by dietitians and nutritionists towards people with obesity appeared to be slightly less pronounced compared to the general public and other health care professionals. Stigma and its consequences
should be included into educational programs to optimally prepare dietitians and nutritionists.
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Direct evidence of brown adipocytes in different fat depots in childrenRockstroh, Denise, Landgraf, Kathrin, Wagner, Isabel Viola, Gesing, Julia, Tauscher, Roy, Lakowa, Nicole, Kiess, Wieland, Bühligen, Ulf, Wojan, Magdalena, Till, Holger, Blüher, Matthias, Körner, Antje 25 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Recent studies suggested the persistence of brown adipocytes in adult humans, as opposed to being exclusively present in infancy. In this study, we investigated the presence of brown-like adipocytes in adipose tissue (AT) samples of children and adolescents aged 0 to
18 years and evaluated the association with age, location, and obesity. For this, we analysed AT samples from 131 children and 23 adults by histological, immunohistochemical and expression analyses. We detected brown-like and UCP1 positive adipocytes in 10.3% of 87 lean children (aged 0.3 to 10.7 years) and in one overweight infant, whereas we did not find brown adipocytes in obese children or adults. In our samples, the brown-like adipocytes were interspersed within white AT of perirenal, visceral and also subcutaneous depots. Samples with brown-like adipocytes showed an increased expression of UCP1
(>200fold), PRDM16 (2.8fold), PGC1α and CIDEA while other brown/beige selective markers, such as PAT2, P2RX5, ZIC1, LHX8, TMEM26, HOXC9 and TBX1 were not significantly different between UCP1 positive and negative samples. We identified a positive correlation
between UCP1 and PRDM16 within UCP1 positive samples, but not with any other brown/beige marker. In addition, we observed significantly increased PRDM16 and PAT2 expression in subcutaneous and visceral AT samples with high UCP1 expression in adults. Our data indicate that brown-like adipocytes are present well beyond infancy in subcutaneous
depots of non-obese children. The presence was not restricted to typical perirenal locations, but they were also interspersed within WAT of visceral and subcutaneous depots.
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Binge-Eating DisorderHilbert, Anja 11 August 2021 (has links)
Binge-eating disorder (BED) was first included as its own diagnostic entity in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) within the Feeding and Eating Disorders section.1 BED’s hallmark feature is recurrent binge eating, involving the consumption of an amount of food that is definitively larger than what others would eat under comparable circumstances within a certain time, associated with a feeling of loss of control over eating. Diagnosis of BED according to DSM-5 (307.59) requires this objective binge eating to occur at least once per week over 3 months. In contrast to binge eating in bulimia nervosa, binge eating in BED occurs without regular inappropriate compensatory behaviors aimed at preventing weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, fasting, or laxative misuse. Binge eating in BED is further characterized by behavioral abnormalities, such as eating rapidly or until feeling uncomfortably full, and results in marked distress.
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Slave to habit?Horstmann, Annette, Dietrich, Anja, Mathar, David, Pössel, Maria, Villringer, Arno, Neumann, Jane 29 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The motivational value of food is lower during satiety compared to fasting. Dynamic changes in motivational value promote food seeking or meal cessation. In obesity this mechanism might be compromised since obese subjects ingest energy beyond homeostatic needs. Thus, lower adaptation of eating behaviour with respect to changes in motivational value might cause food overconsumption in obesity. To test this hypothesis, we implemented a selective satiation procedure to investigate the relationship between obesity and the size of the behavioural devaluation effect in humans. Lean to obese men (mean age 25.9, range 19–30 years; mean BMI 29.1, range 19.2–45.1 kg/m2) were trained on a free operant paradigm and learned to associate cues with the possibility to win different food rewards by pressing a button. After the initial training phase, one of the rewards was devalued by consumption. Response rates for and wanting of the different rewards were measured pre and post devaluation. Behavioural sensitivity to reward devaluation, measured as the magnitude of difference between pre and post responses, was regressed against BMI. Results indicate that (1) higher BMI compared to lower BMI in men led to an attenuated behavioural adjustment to reward devaluation, and (2) the decrease in motivational value was associated with the decrease in response rate between pre and post. Change in explicitly reported motivational value, however, was not affected by BMI. Thus, we conclude that high BMI in men is associated with lower behavioural adaptation with respect to changes in motivational value of food, possibly resulting in automatic overeating patterns that are hard to control in daily life.
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Weight Bias Internalization ScaleHilbert, Anja, Baldofski, Sabrina, Zenger, Markus, Löwe, Bernd, Brähler, Elmar 10 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: Internalizing the pervasive weight bias commonly directed towards individuals with overweight and obesity, cooccurs with increased psychopathology and impaired quality of life. This study sought to establish population norms and psychometric properties of the most widely used self-report questionnaire, the Weight Bias Internalization Scale (WBIS), in a representative community sample.
Design and Methods: In a survey of the German population, N = 1158 individuals with overweight and obesity were assessed with the WBIS and self-report measures for convergent validation. Results: Item analysis revealed favorable item-total correlation of all but one WBIS item. With this item removed, item homogeneity and internal consistency were excellent. The one-factor structure of the WBIS was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent validity was shown through significant associations with measures of depressive
and somatoform symptoms. The WBIS contributed to the explanation of variance in depressive and somatoform symptoms over and above body mass index. Higher WBIS scores were found in women than in men, in individuals with obesity than in individuals with overweight, and in those with lower education or income than those with higher education or income. Sex specific norms were provided. Conclusions: The results showed good psychometric properties of the WBIS after removal of one item. Future research is warranted on further indicators of reliability and validity, for example, retest reliability, sensitivity to change, and prognostic validity.
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