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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Growing Figs in the Low Desert

Bealmear-Jones, Stacey R. 07 1900 (has links)
3 pp. / This publication will help home gardeners grow figs. It includes cultural care as well as pest management.

Factores determinantes en la evolución de las exportaciones de higos frescos o secos, en el marco del TLC Perú-UE, con destino a los Países Bajos entre los años 2011-2017

Gallegos Rodríguez, Gabriel, Guerreros Vargas, Manuel Augusto 18 June 2019 (has links)
El objetivo base de la siguiente tesis, es que dentro del marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio Perú-Unión Europea, cuya importancia fue mayor después de su vigencia, es identificar a los factores determinantes en la exportación de higos frescos o secos, ya que actualmente estos tienen una mayor relevancia. Por tal motivo, se busca analizar dichos factores en la evolución de las exportaciones de higos con destino a los Países Bajos. Por consiguiente, se plantea la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuál fue el factor determinante en la evolución de la exportación de higos frescos o secos con destino a los países bajos entre los años 2011-2017? Como respuesta tentativa se planteó la siguiente hipótesis general: El crecimiento de la participación de los competidores internacionales en el mercado de higo fue el factor más determinante en la evolución de las exportaciones de higos frescos o secos con destino a los países bajos entre los años 2011-2017. Aparte, también se plantearon hipótesis específicas. Por otra parte, también se plantean objetivos dentro de la presente tesis. Es por tal motivo, que las informaciones presentadas dentro de los capítulos de esta tesis buscan encontrar una solución a la pregunta de investigación. Asimismo, buscar validar las hipótesis y cumplir con los objetivos planteados. Para lo cual, se utilizó la metodología cualitativa y se elaboraron instrumentos como son las guías de entrevistas y el análisis de los datos recogidos de las diferentes instituciones. Asimismo, se realizaron entrevistas a expertos relacionados con el tema de investigación. / The basic objective of the following thesis is that within the framework of the Peru-European Union Free Trade Agreement, whose importance was greater after its validity, is to identify the determining factors in the export of fresh or dried figs, since currently these have a greater relevance. For this reason, we seek to analyze these factors in the evolution of fig exports to the Netherlands. In this sense, we seek to answer the question: What was the determining factor in the evolution of the export of fresh or dried figs destined to the Netherlands between the years 2011-2017? As a tentative response, the following general hypothesis was put forward: The growth of the participation of international competitors in the fig market was the most determining factor in the evolution of exports of fresh or dried figs to the lower countries between 2011 -2017. In addition, specific hypotheses were also raised. On the other hand, objectives are also proposed within this thesis. It is for this reason, that the information presented within the chapters of this thesis seek to give an answer to the research question. Also, seek to validate the hypotheses and meet the objectives set. For this purpose, the qualitative methodology was used and instruments such as the interview guides and the analysis of the data collected from the different institutions were elaborated. Likewise, interviews were conducted with experts related to the research topic. / Tesis

Análise da Metilação do DNA de Seleções de Figueira (Ficus carica L.) por MSAP e Sequenciamento / Analysis of Fig (Ficus carica L.) Selections DNA Methylation by MSAP and Sequencing

Rodrigues, Maria Gabriela Fontanetti 25 March 2015 (has links)
Os programas de melhoramento de figueira (Ficus carica L.) por métodos convencionais tais como cruzamentos dirigidos, para a obtenção de novos cultivares, são inviáveis em muitos países, como no Brasil, principalmente pela pequena variabilidade genética encontrada, e pela dificuldade de obtenção de plantas originadas pela fusão de gametas, uma vez que a vespa Blastophaga psenes, responsável pela polinização natural, não existe no país. Desse modo, o melhoramento genético, com o uso de mutagênicos, se torna uma linha de pesquisa importante para a melhoria da cultura, sendo necessário reunir informações sobre essa espécie, principalmente, em relação à sua variabilidade genética, para que projetos de propagação e manejo adequados sejam realizados. Diante do exposto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar a existência de variabilidade epigenética devido à metilação do DNA em seleções irradiadas de figueiras, entre si e quando comparadas ao principal cultivar comercial, Roxo-de-Valinhos, utilizando as técnicas de MSAP e ELISA, e posterior sequenciamento do DNA, tratado com bissulfito de sódio, para detecção do posicionamento das regiões polimórficas, analisado por ferramentas de bioinformática. Amostras do DNA genômico foram duplamente digeridas com a enzima HpaII (sensível à metilação) ou com o seu isoesquizomero MspI (não sensível à metilação), juntamente com a enzima EcoRI. Foram testadas 14 combinações de primers e obteve-se 87.9%, 10.1% e 2.0%, respectivamente, de regiões não metiladas CCGG, regiões metiladas CmCGG e regiões hemimetiladas hmCCGG, de um total de 553 produtos de amplificação, demostrando que a técnica MSAP é eficiente para detecção de sítios diferencialmente metilados no material genômico estudado, evidenciando sua divergência epigenética. Com o sequenciamento do DNA isolado desses sítios diferencialmente metilados, foi possível verificar diferentes padrões de metilação nos mesmos pelo sequenciamento dos DNAs tratados com bissulfito de sódio, em regiões codificadoras de genes regulatórios do desenvolvimento e amadurecimento dos frutos, além de terem sido encontrados no DNA mitocondrial dos tratamentos, o qual regula o fornecimento de energia em forma de ATP para as plantas, estando intimamente relacionado com o desenvolvimento das mesmas, justificando os diferentes fenótipos encontrados, tanto nos frutos, quanto no crescimento das plantas que sofreram estresse devido à exposição à radiação gama. Pela técnica de imunoquímica (ELISA), utilizando anticorpos anti 5-mC, foram observadas diferenças significativas pelo teste de Tukey, a 95 % de confiabilidade, no conteúdo global de metilação dos DNAs dos tratamentos, indicando que este fator abiótico foi responsável pelas alterações no epigenoma das plantas. Como o material utilizado como controle se encontrou também metilado, uma possível desmetilação dos materiais genômicos pode ser a responsável pela variação fenotípica entre os tratamentos. Diante disso, o estudo futuro da expressão gênica entre os tratamentos torna-se uma estratégia de extrema importância para o entendimento dos complexos sistemas regulatórios, levando à identificação de genes de interesse agronômico para a cultura da figueira, possibilitando a sua manipulação subsequente e propagação de cultivares melhorados para fins comerciais. / The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) breeding programs by conventional methods such as directed crosses, in order to obtain new cultivars, are unworkable in many countries, as in Brazil, mainly by small genetic variability found, and by the difficulty for obtaining plants originated from the fusion of gametes, since the wasp Blastophaga psenes, responsible for natural pollination, doesn`t exist in the country. In this way, the genetic breeding, with the use of mutagenic, becomes an important research line for the improvement of culture, being necessary to gather information about this species, mainly in relation to its genetic variability, for perform propagation projects and appropriate management. Given the above, The objective of this study was to verify the existence of epigenetic variability due to DNA methylation in irradiated fig selections, with each other and when compared to the main commercial cultivar, Roxo-de-Valinhos, using MSAP and ELISA techniques, and subsequent DNA sequencing, treated with sodium bisulfite, for detection of the position of the polymorphic regions, analyzed by bioinformatics tools. Samples of genomic DNA were double-digested with the HpaII enzyme (sensitive to methylation) with its isoschizomer MspI (insensitive to methylation), together with the EcoRI enzyme. Fourteen primer combinations were tested and it was obtained 87.9%, 10.1% e 2.0%, respectively, unmethylated CCGG, methylated CmCGG and hemimethylated regions hmCCGG, from a total of 553 amplification products, displaying, the MSAP technique, efficient for detection of differentially methylated sites in the genomic material studied, demonstrating their epigenetic divergence. With the sequencing of DNA isolated of these differentially methylated sites, it was possible to verify different patterns of methylation in them by sequencing the DNA treated with sodium bisulfite, in coding regions of regulatory genes of the development and fruits ripening, besides they have been found in the mitochondrial DNA of treatments, which regulates the supply of energy in ATP form for the plants, being closely related to their development, justifying the different phenotypes found in both fruits and plant growth that suffered stress due to exposure to gamma radiation. By the technique of immunochemistry (ELISA), using 5-mC antibodies, significant differences were observed by Tukey test, at 95% of trustworthiness, in the global content methylation of the treatments DNA, indicating that this abiotic factor was responsible for the changes in the epigenome of the plants. Since the material used as control was found also methylated, a supposed demethylation of the genomic material may be responsible for phenotypic variation among treatments. Considering this, future study of gene expression between treatments becomes an extreme important strategy for understanding the complex regulatory systems, leading to the identification of genes with agronomic interest for the fig culture, allowing its subsequent manipulation and propagation of improved cultivars for commercial purposes.

Η επίδραση διαφορετικών επιπέδων λίπανσης στην ποιότητα σύκων ποικιλίας «Καλαμών»

Μαλαπάνη, Άννα 04 May 2011 (has links)
Η εργασία αυτή πραγματοποιήθηκε με σκοπό τη μελέτη της επίδρασης διαφορετικών επιπέδων λίπανσης αζώτου, φωσφόρου και καλίου σε ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά των ξηρών καρπών της συκιάς (Ficus carica L.) της ποικιλίας «Καλαμών». Το πείραμα πραγματοποιήθηκε σε συκεώνα στο Νεοχώριο Μεσσήνης του νομού Μεσσηνίας το έτος 2009 και εφαρμόστηκαν στα δέντρα εννέα λιπαντικές επεμβάσεις, κάθε μια από τις οποίες αποτελούσε συνδυασμό διαφορετικών επιπέδων αζώτου (0,3 – 0,5 – 1 N kg ανά δέντρο), φωσφόρου (0 – 0,6 - 1,2 – 1,8 P2O5 kg ανά δέντρο) και καλίου (0 – 0,6 - 1,2 K2O kg ανά δέντρο), βάσει της καλλιεργητικής πρακτικής που εφαρμόζεται σε πολλές περιοχές του Ν. Μεσσηνίας. Οι επεμβάσεις που πραγματοποιήθηκαν ήταν οι ακόλουθες: Ν(0,3)-P(0)-K(0), N(0,3)-P(0,6)-K(0,6), N(0,3)-P(1,2)-K(0,6), N(0,3)-P(1,8)-K(0,6), N(0,5)-P(0,6)-K(0,6), N(1)-P(1,2)-K(0,6), N(1)-P(1,8)-K(0,6), N(0,3)-P(1,2)-K(1,2), N(1)-P(1,2)-K(1,2). Το πείραμα σχεδιάστηκε σύμφωνα με το πλήρως τυχαιοποιημένο σχέδιο και για κάθε επέμβαση χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τέσσερις επαναλήψεις (δέντρα). Η συγκομιδή πραγματοποιήθηκε σε δύο ημερομηνίες (20 και 29 Αυγούστου), όταν τα σύκα βρίσκονταν στο στάδιο της εμπορικής ωριμότητας ως ξηρό προϊόν. Μετά την ηλιοξήρανση των καρπών ακολούθησε διαλογή κατά την οποία απομακρύνθηκαν οι ελαττωματικοί καρποί (απόσυκα). Στα ξηρά σύκα που είναι κατάλληλα για εμπορία έγινε προσδιορισμός των εξής ποιοτικών χαρακτηριστικών: μέσο βάρος καρπού, διάμετρος του καρπού, περιεκτικότητα του καρπού σε υγρασία και ολικά διαλυτά στερεά, pH της πάστας του καρπού και τιτλοδοτούμενη οξύτητα της πάστας του καρπού. Από τα αποτελέσματα αυτής της μελέτης συμπεραίνεται ότι οι παραπάνω λιπαντικές επεμβάσεις δεν επηρεάζουν τα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά των ξηρών σύκων που παράγονται στις συγκεκριμένες κλιματολογικές και εδαφολογικές συνθήκες. / The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of different nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels on some quality characteristics of dried fruits of fig tree (Ficus carica L. cv. Kalamon). The experiment was carried out at Neoxorio Messinis (Messinia, South Peloponesse, Greece) during 2009. Nine treatments which were the association of different levels of nitrogen (0,3 – 0,5 – 1 N kg per tree), phosphorus (0 – 0,6 - 1,2 – 1,8 P2O5 kg per tree), and potassium (0 – 0,6 - 1,2 K2O kg per tree), and were selected on the basis of the common cultural practices at Messinia, were applied. The following treatments: Ν(0,3)-P(0)-K(0), N(0,3)-P(0,6)-K(0,6), N(0,3)-P(1,2)-K(0,6), N(0,3)-P(1,8)-K(0,6), N(0,5)-P(0,6)-K(0,6), N(1)-P(1,2)-K(0,6), N(1)-P(1,8)-K(0,6), N(0,3)-P(1,2)-K(1,2), N(1)-P(1,2)-K(1,2) were applied according to the completely randomized experimental design. Each treatment was applied to four replicates (trees). Figs fruits were harvested at two different dates (20 and 29 August), when they were at the commercial maturity stage for consumption as dried figs. After sun drying, figs with defects were selected as cull figs (improper for commercial use). Marketable dried figs were used for measurement of quality characteristics such as: mean weight and mean diameter of the fruit, moisture and total soluble solids content of the fruit, pH and titratable acidity of fruit paste. From the results of this study, it is concluded that the above treatments with different amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium do not affect the quality characteristics of dried figs produced at the soil-climatic conditions of this experiment.

Análise da Metilação do DNA de Seleções de Figueira (Ficus carica L.) por MSAP e Sequenciamento / Analysis of Fig (Ficus carica L.) Selections DNA Methylation by MSAP and Sequencing

Maria Gabriela Fontanetti Rodrigues 25 March 2015 (has links)
Os programas de melhoramento de figueira (Ficus carica L.) por métodos convencionais tais como cruzamentos dirigidos, para a obtenção de novos cultivares, são inviáveis em muitos países, como no Brasil, principalmente pela pequena variabilidade genética encontrada, e pela dificuldade de obtenção de plantas originadas pela fusão de gametas, uma vez que a vespa Blastophaga psenes, responsável pela polinização natural, não existe no país. Desse modo, o melhoramento genético, com o uso de mutagênicos, se torna uma linha de pesquisa importante para a melhoria da cultura, sendo necessário reunir informações sobre essa espécie, principalmente, em relação à sua variabilidade genética, para que projetos de propagação e manejo adequados sejam realizados. Diante do exposto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar a existência de variabilidade epigenética devido à metilação do DNA em seleções irradiadas de figueiras, entre si e quando comparadas ao principal cultivar comercial, Roxo-de-Valinhos, utilizando as técnicas de MSAP e ELISA, e posterior sequenciamento do DNA, tratado com bissulfito de sódio, para detecção do posicionamento das regiões polimórficas, analisado por ferramentas de bioinformática. Amostras do DNA genômico foram duplamente digeridas com a enzima HpaII (sensível à metilação) ou com o seu isoesquizomero MspI (não sensível à metilação), juntamente com a enzima EcoRI. Foram testadas 14 combinações de primers e obteve-se 87.9%, 10.1% e 2.0%, respectivamente, de regiões não metiladas CCGG, regiões metiladas CmCGG e regiões hemimetiladas hmCCGG, de um total de 553 produtos de amplificação, demostrando que a técnica MSAP é eficiente para detecção de sítios diferencialmente metilados no material genômico estudado, evidenciando sua divergência epigenética. Com o sequenciamento do DNA isolado desses sítios diferencialmente metilados, foi possível verificar diferentes padrões de metilação nos mesmos pelo sequenciamento dos DNAs tratados com bissulfito de sódio, em regiões codificadoras de genes regulatórios do desenvolvimento e amadurecimento dos frutos, além de terem sido encontrados no DNA mitocondrial dos tratamentos, o qual regula o fornecimento de energia em forma de ATP para as plantas, estando intimamente relacionado com o desenvolvimento das mesmas, justificando os diferentes fenótipos encontrados, tanto nos frutos, quanto no crescimento das plantas que sofreram estresse devido à exposição à radiação gama. Pela técnica de imunoquímica (ELISA), utilizando anticorpos anti 5-mC, foram observadas diferenças significativas pelo teste de Tukey, a 95 % de confiabilidade, no conteúdo global de metilação dos DNAs dos tratamentos, indicando que este fator abiótico foi responsável pelas alterações no epigenoma das plantas. Como o material utilizado como controle se encontrou também metilado, uma possível desmetilação dos materiais genômicos pode ser a responsável pela variação fenotípica entre os tratamentos. Diante disso, o estudo futuro da expressão gênica entre os tratamentos torna-se uma estratégia de extrema importância para o entendimento dos complexos sistemas regulatórios, levando à identificação de genes de interesse agronômico para a cultura da figueira, possibilitando a sua manipulação subsequente e propagação de cultivares melhorados para fins comerciais. / The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) breeding programs by conventional methods such as directed crosses, in order to obtain new cultivars, are unworkable in many countries, as in Brazil, mainly by small genetic variability found, and by the difficulty for obtaining plants originated from the fusion of gametes, since the wasp Blastophaga psenes, responsible for natural pollination, doesn`t exist in the country. In this way, the genetic breeding, with the use of mutagenic, becomes an important research line for the improvement of culture, being necessary to gather information about this species, mainly in relation to its genetic variability, for perform propagation projects and appropriate management. Given the above, The objective of this study was to verify the existence of epigenetic variability due to DNA methylation in irradiated fig selections, with each other and when compared to the main commercial cultivar, Roxo-de-Valinhos, using MSAP and ELISA techniques, and subsequent DNA sequencing, treated with sodium bisulfite, for detection of the position of the polymorphic regions, analyzed by bioinformatics tools. Samples of genomic DNA were double-digested with the HpaII enzyme (sensitive to methylation) with its isoschizomer MspI (insensitive to methylation), together with the EcoRI enzyme. Fourteen primer combinations were tested and it was obtained 87.9%, 10.1% e 2.0%, respectively, unmethylated CCGG, methylated CmCGG and hemimethylated regions hmCCGG, from a total of 553 amplification products, displaying, the MSAP technique, efficient for detection of differentially methylated sites in the genomic material studied, demonstrating their epigenetic divergence. With the sequencing of DNA isolated of these differentially methylated sites, it was possible to verify different patterns of methylation in them by sequencing the DNA treated with sodium bisulfite, in coding regions of regulatory genes of the development and fruits ripening, besides they have been found in the mitochondrial DNA of treatments, which regulates the supply of energy in ATP form for the plants, being closely related to their development, justifying the different phenotypes found in both fruits and plant growth that suffered stress due to exposure to gamma radiation. By the technique of immunochemistry (ELISA), using 5-mC antibodies, significant differences were observed by Tukey test, at 95% of trustworthiness, in the global content methylation of the treatments DNA, indicating that this abiotic factor was responsible for the changes in the epigenome of the plants. Since the material used as control was found also methylated, a supposed demethylation of the genomic material may be responsible for phenotypic variation among treatments. Considering this, future study of gene expression between treatments becomes an extreme important strategy for understanding the complex regulatory systems, leading to the identification of genes with agronomic interest for the fig culture, allowing its subsequent manipulation and propagation of improved cultivars for commercial purposes.

Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de licor a base de higo fermentado para el mercado local

Véliz-Rueda, Víctor-Oscar January 2016 (has links)
El tema del presente trabajo es la instalación de una planta productora de licor de higo fermentado para el mercado limeño, dicho producto busca ser considerado como una nueva opción para el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, se puede tomar en toda ocasión, principalmente como acompañamiento en las comidas. / The theme of this project is the installation of a fig liqueur plant for the Lima market, this product is intended to be considered as a new option for consumption of alcoholic drinks, it can be drunk at all times, mainly as accompaniment in foods. / Trabajo de investigación

"We Are All About Equality": D/deaf Inclusivity in Little Wimmin

Leber, Ruth Ann 22 November 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Figs in Wigs integration of a British Sign Language interpreter in their performance of Little Wimmin is a compelling example of inclusive theatre for D/deaf audiences. By examining the works of foundational D/deaf studies scholars Neil Glickman and Paddy Ladd alongside the works of contemporary D/deaf scholars such as Tom Humphries, Carol Padden, and Michael Richardson we can gain valuable insight into the evolution of the D/deaf culture and identity. This paper will refer to diversity scholar Susanne Ricee when defining the difference between accommodation, access, accessibility, and inclusivity. It will explore the current advantages and limitations of D/deaf accommodations available in British theatre today and discuss how the greater demand for accessibility emphasizes the need for inclusivity as the goal. An examination of the limitations and successes of Figs in Wigs' integration and interaction with BSL interpreter, Becky Barry, during their performance of Little Wimmin will point to an effective way of bridging the gap between access and inclusivity in the theatre.

Qualidade do figo 'Roxo de Valinhos' apos o transporte / Quality of 'Roxo de Valinhos' figs after transportation

Yokoyama, Luciane Yumi Rosa 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Ferraz / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T09:36:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Yokoyama_LucianeYumiRosa_M.pdf: 764510 bytes, checksum: 449c6db1fffebe07c86cb609f147db2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: Figos são suscetíveis a danos, pois oferece pouca resistência à solicitações mecânicas. Por isso, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do transporte na qualidade do figo 'Roxo de Valinhos' e investigar parâmetros extraídos da curva força e deformação, para se obter um índice de firmeza de menor variabilidade para o figo.Figos foram acondicionados em bandejas de papelão (tradicional), em bandejas plásticas com divisões individuais, e plásticas com divisões individuais, forradas com algodão em cada divisão e também depositadas sob uma camada de algodão. As bandejas foram colocadas em engradados de madeira para permitir empilhamento. As embalagens foram dispostas nas posições dianteira e traseira da carroceria do caminhão, e nas posições inferior e superior da pilha. Os engradados, contendo as bandejas plásticas forradas com algodão, foram colocadas no centro da carroceria e na parte inferior do empilhamento.O percurso se iniciou numa propriedade em Valinhos, seguindo até a CEAGESP - São Paulo/SP. Na CEAGESP, as embalagens foram descarregadas e pesadas, e logo à seguir foram conduzidas ao laboratório da FEAGRI-UNICAMP - Campinas/SP. Após armazenamento mediu-se a perda de massa, aparência, firmeza, sólidos solúveis/acidez titulável e avaliou-se o extravazamento do conteúdo celular durante o armazenamento em condições ambientais. Observou-se que os figos, independente do tipo de embalagem, apresentaram excessiva perda de massa 24h após o transporte. Para a aparência, os figos transportados em bandejas de papelão apresentaram marcas de contato entre frutas e marcas de superfície, e os das bandejas plásticas apresentaram manchas de umidade na casca proveniente da transpiração do fruto, e abrasões causadas pelo contato com as paredes das divisões. A variabilidade dos valores de força e energia específica a 10% de deformação apresentaram pequena diferença entre si, devido a semelhança de comportamento foi adotada o valor de energia de deformação como índice de firmeza. Não houve diferenças de perda de massa, aparência, firmeza, sólidos solúveis, e de extravazemento do conteúdo celular entre posições no caminhão. / Abstract: Figs are commodities that are highly susceptible to damages. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of transportation on the quality 'Roxo de Valinhos' figs and also to investigate parameters of the force and deformation curve in order to obtain a firmness index with low variability. Figs were conditioned in traditional cardboard trays, plastic trays with unitary divisions and plastic trays with uniting divisions, lined with cotton in each division and also between the crate and the tray. The packings were disposed on a truck plattaform in the front and back positions, and in inferior and superior positions of the pilles. The packings - with the lined plastic trays - were placed at the center of the plattaform and at inferior part of the pile. The journey initiated in a property in Valinhos and ended at CEAGESP - Paulo/SP. At CEAGESP the packings had been unloaded and weighed and then they taken to the laboratory at Feagri-Unicamp - Campinas/SP where they were kept at room temperature. Mass of loss, appearance, firmness, soluble solid /acid ratio of the figs and cellular leakage content after transport were mesuared and avaluated storage. It was observed the figs, independent of the tray type, presented extreme loss of mass 24h after transportation. For the appearance the figs packed in cardboard trays showed marks of contact between fruits and surface marks and the ones in the plastic trays showed humidity marks from the perspiration of the fruit and abrasions caused by the contact with the walls of the divisions. Values of force and specific energy 10% of deformation showed similar variability, than were adopted as index firmness the values of the deformation energy. There were no significant differences of loss of mass, appearance, firmness, solids and acidity and of cellular leakage content between the various positions inside the truck. / Mestrado / Maquinas Agricolas / Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola

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