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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Počátky premonstrátů v Čechách / The Beginnings of Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia

Zemanová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The Beginnings of Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia. This thesis deals with the beginnings of Premonstratensian Order and their coming to Bohemia. At first, attention is devoted to the history which is briefly characterized by political, economic, and religious conditions in Bohemia in the first half of the twelfth century. The next chapter will take us through the life of St. Norbert, his conversion to Christianity, as well as the foundation and circumstances of the Premonstratensian Order. In this chapter, the Order's form of organisation, characteristics, and daily habits are also discussed. The subject of the fourth chapter is the establishment of the Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia. There are also discussed the persons who had the main credit for coming the Premonstratensian Order to Bohemia. It was their greatest admirer Jindrich Zdik, as well as the bishop Daniel and the provost of Steinfeld named Eberwin. The next section is dedicated to the description of the consequential creation of the first male and female monasteries in Bohemia such as Strahov, Doksany, Litomysl, Zeliv and Lounovice. There are also mentioned the first abbots and priors of these monasteries. In conclusion, there is a brief summary and evaluation of the contribution of the Premonstratensian Order.

Body Image and Acceptance of Plastic Surgery Among College Students in South Korea: Testing the Mediating Role of Filial Piety and Fear of Negative Evaluation

Lin, Kathy Lee 13 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Long-Term Behavioral Effects of Exposure to Imprinting Stimuli in Chicks(Gallus gallus domesticus)

Babaoglu, Irem January 2023 (has links)
Filial imprinting is a type of early developmental learning in which certain species buildstrong and mostly irreversible connections to objects or individuals. These connections couldbe shaped by the contribution of several stimuli including the fragments of auditory and visual components. This study aims to describe the duration of the imprinting process as well asestimate long-term behavioural changes in chicks. In this experiment, a total of 78 chicks were used out of which 39 were exposed to imprinting stimuli and the rest served as control.We applied three different tests and replicated them after the imprinting procedure. These tests are Imprinting Preference Test, Social Preference Test and Social isolation Test. Imprinted chicks had a constantly shorter latency to approach the imprinting stimuli for boththose two experiments with or without novel objects, whereas no preferences spent time inimprinting stimuli. However, introducing a novel object affected imprinting preferences more in terms of spending a longer time around the hen zone. During social isolation, the control group showed a relatively higher rate of distress calls even though our results don’t bear on the significant effect of filial imprinting on changes in distress calling. Overall, this study suggests the presence of long-lasting filial imprinting that is more triggered by external situations.

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Filial Imprinting on a Model Hen on the Emotional State of White Leghorn Chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)

Åkerstedt, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
In layer hen commercial production systems, chicks are not raised by hens and do therefore not receive any maternal care. In the wild, after hatching, chicks undergo filial imprinting where they create a social bond with a stimulus in their surrounding environment, usually the mother hen. Filial imprinting behaviors remain in chicks until adulthood. This bond and maternal care influence the emotional development of chicks. Here, I aimed to investigate short- and long-term effects of filial imprinting on a model hen, on the emotional state of White Leghorn chicks, hatched at Linköping University. To measure optimism, pessimism, and fear, a judgment bias test (JBT), an open field test (OFT), and a novel object test (NOT), was performed and replicated. Before the tests, half of the chicks were imprinted on a model hen, while the other half was not given such a model to imprint on. All chicks were weighed during the entire project. The hypotheses were that the imprinted chicks would be more optimistic in the JBT, show less fearful behavior in the OFT and NOT, and weigh more compared to the non-imprinted chicks. If these results would be found, imprinting could potentially be used to reduce stress in commercially hatched chicks, and thus improve their welfare. The results were inconsistent with all three hypotheses. This indicates that imprinting on a model hen, did not have a positive impact on the chicks’ emotional state. Further studies need to be performed to find methods to improve commercially hatched chicks’ emotional welfare.

Incorporating Xiao: Exploring Christ's Filial Obedience Through Hans Urs von Balthasar and Early Confucian Philosophy

Brown, Joshua R. 02 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Stressors and coping mechanisms of family care-givers of older relatives living with long-term conditions in mainland China: A scoping review of the evidence

Bífárìn, Oládayò, O., Quinn, Catherine, Breen, Liz, Wu, C., Ke, M., Yu, L., Oyebode, Jan 20 July 2021 (has links)
Yes / As the ageing population in China continues to grow, more people will be living with long-term health conditions and require support from family care-givers. This scoping review therefore aims to explore sources of stress and coping mechanisms adopted by care-givers of older relatives living with long-term conditions in mainland China. Literature searches were conducted in English (CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and SCOPUS) and Chinese (CNKI, WANFANG DATA, CQVIP and CBM) databases between October and November 2019. The searches focused on the stressors and coping mechanisms utilised by family care-givers residing in the community. Narrative synthesis was used to identify themes within the data. Forty-six papers were included: 20 papers from English and 26 from Chinese databases. Six themes captured stressors: care-giving time (N = 22), financial resources (N = 17), role and personal strains (N = 42), preparedness (N = 4), social roles (N = 10) and lack of adequate formal support (N = 22); and one theme captured coping (N = 14). Unmet needs of care-givers of older relatives in mainland China were found to be extensive. Only a few studies had attempted to explore the causal link between stressors, coping and the influence of culture. Findings underscore the significance of adequately capturing intricacies around care-givers’ unmet needs, rather than generalising on the basis of culture. Qualitative studies are critical to providing a better understanding of the relationship between stressors, coping and resources afforded to care-givers by their cultural environment. Having such understanding is crucial to inform the development of competent care, which promotes self-efficacy and self-actualisation in care-givers in mainland China. / This work was supported by Research England: Quality Related Global Challenge Research Fund (QR-GCRF).

Das Belastungserleben erwachsener Kinder von Parkinsonpatienten in Abhängigkeit von der Schlafqualität und dem Beziehungserleben / Caregiver burden in adult children of patients with Parkinson's disease: quality of sleep and filial maturity

Jacob, Theresia 13 July 2016 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung bestand darin, eine aussagekräftige und effektive Skala zur Messung der Filialen Reife pflegender Angehöriger zu finden. Im Mittelpunkt standen hierzu die Louvain Filial Maturity Scale A nach Marcoen (LFMS-A) und die Filial Anxiety Scale nach Cicirelli (FAS). Diese wurden erwachsenen betreuenden Kindern von Parkinsonpatienten vorgelegt, um Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Grad ihrer filialen Reife bzw. Angst und dem Ausmaß ihres subjektiven Belastungserlebens zu ermitteln. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde darauf gelegt, welche der Skalen in einem engeren Zusammenhang mit der Belastung der betreuenden Söhne und Töchter stand und folglich eine größere Relevanz in der Beziehung zwischen hilfsbedürftigen Eltern und ihren erwachsenen Kindern aufweist. Darüber hinaus wurde der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit sich Belastungs- und Beziehungserleben auf die subjektive Schlafqualität der Studienteilnehmer auswirken. Die Stichprobe dieser Untersuchung setzte sich aus 50 Patienten-Betreuer-Paaren und 50 Kontrollpersonen zusammen, die mit Hilfe standardisierter Fragebögen getrennt voneinander interviewt wurden. Anhand der vorliegenden Ergebnisse konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der filialen Angst bzw. Reife erwachsener Kinder hilfsbedürftiger Eltern und deren subjektivem Belastungserleben besteht (Hypothese 1): Eine verhältnismäßig hohe filiale Angst sowie ein geringer Grad filialer Reife wirkt sich negativ auf die Betreuungssituation aus, was sich in einer Verstärkung der subjektiven Belastung der betreuende erwachsenen Kinder von Parkinson-Patienten widerspiegelt. Die mittels der FAS gemessene filiale Angst der betreuenden erwachsenen Kinder der Parkinsonpatienten steht in einem engeren Zusammenhang mit ihrer subjektiv empfundenen Belastung als ihre anhand der LFMS-A erhobene filiale Reife (Hypothese 2). Hinsichtlich der allgemeinen Schlafqualität weisen die aktuellen Ergebnisse sowohl bei den erwachsenen betreuenden Kindern als auch bei den Parkinson-Patienten auf deutliche Zusammenhänge mit ihrer gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität hin (Hypothese 3). Darüber hinaus konnte mit Hilfe der aktuellen Untersuchungsergebnisse die Verbindung zwischen einem hohen Grad der Pflegebedürftigkeit der Parkinsonpatienten und einem erhöhten Belastungserleben ihrer betreuenden Söhne und Töchter eindeutig gezeigt werden (Hypothese 4). Einzig die fünfte Hypothese, laut der der Grad der filialen Reife in einem direkten Zusammenhang mit dem Schlafverhalten der Studienteilnehmer steht, konnte im Rahmen der hier vorliegenden Untersuchung nicht bestätigt werden (Hypothese 5). Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sollen dazu beitragen, das Konzept der Filialen Reife langfristig in der Angehörigenberatung zu etablieren, um Risikopersonen besser beraten und Copingstrategien für einen gelungenen Umgang mit pflegebedürftigen Familienmitgliedern gezielter fördern zu können.

Obligation of filial piety, adult child caregiver burden, received social support, and psychological wellbeing of adult child caregiversfor frail elderly people in Guangzhou, China

Tang, Yong, 唐咏 January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Social Work and Social Administration / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy


陳金木, CHEN, JIN-MU Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的:南北朝之經學,以五經正義為匯歸。隋代之經學,在南北朝義疏之學走向唐代五經正義之學中,實具關鍵之地位。劉焯、劉炫二氏為隋代之大儒,五經正義中:詩經、書經、左傳等皆據二劉先生之著作為底本,加以刪削而成,故以「劉焯劉炫之經學」為題,探討此一幽隱之轉折。 二、研究文獻:史傳書錄記載劉焯之經學著作有三種,劉炫之經學著作有十三種,然於唐未間先後亡佚。今日有佚文可得者,劉焯僅尚書義疏一種;劉炫亦僅尚書述議、毛詩述議、春秋左氏傳述議、春秋規過、春秋攻昧、孝經述議等六種。歷來輯者若不謨、郡瑛、薛承宣、黃奭、馬國翰、陳熙晉等雖有輯本,然蒐集範圍過窄,所據底本非佳善,文孛迻錄有失真,故未稱完善,故必重輯其佚文,以求完備。 三、研究方法:劉焯劉炫之著作,今率皆亡佚,僅有典籍援引,故必藉由輯佚,重輯其佚文,又必透過經學史之觀點,將其定位,以探究其經學之底蘊,最後亦必將二氏之思想,置於思想史中見其卓識,故此題融入輯佚、史學、經學、哲學等之全程觀點。 四、研究內容與成果:(一)說明本題以劉焯劉炫作綜合研究之因,闡述本題研究之四項價值,檢討以往研究之成果,並陳述本題之主旨與研究方法。(二)說明劉焯劉炫所處之時代背景與學術風尚。(三)依史傳參證劉焯劉炫之生平,考輯其著作。(四)重輯劉焯劉炫經疏之佚文,計得尚書佚文一百一十條,毛詩佚文八十二條,春秋左傳佚文四百十十八條,孝經述議佚文一百九十一條,合計八百又一條。(五)分就尚書學、詩經學、春秋左傳學、孝經學等四章,依重輯之佚文,就其形式與內容全面 考察之,且評論其得失。(六)簡述本題論述之要點,二劉先生治經之特色與對經學之貢獻,並說明本題研究之不足與今後研究之方向。 經學(尚書-毛詩-左傳-孝經)-隋代-劉焯-劉炫

Omsorgens pris i åtstramningstid : Anhörigomsorg för äldre ur ett könsperspektiv / The cost of caring in the Swedish welfare state : Feminist perspectives on family care for older people

Ulmanen, Petra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the extent of family care for older people, primarily filial care, and the costs of caring in the Swedish welfare state. Costs of caring are understood as the negative effects of caregiving, primarily on the caregivers’ working life. The analysis is inspired by feminist theories on the importance of welfare state provisions for care for women’s citizenship, including personal autonomy and economic independence. The main aims of this thesis are twofold. The first is to explore the extent and development of family care for older persons in Sweden, primarily filial care, and the consequences of caregiving for well-being and working life. The second is to explore how older persons’ family members have been represented and the possible consequences of these representations for the development of publicly financed eldercare services and other forms of support for family carers, as well as for family members’ living conditions. The thesis consists of four studies. The first reviews the literature concerning the extent and consequences of family caregiving for older persons and the welfare state’s policy responses to older people’s care needs. The second study analyses how older persons’ family members and their role in eldercare have been represented in Swedish eldercare policy since the 1950s. The third study analyses surveys to explore changes during the 2000s in the role of the family, the public sector and the market in providing care for older persons in Sweden. The fourth study is a survey analysis of the extent, content and consequences of filial care among middle-aged women and men in Sweden in 2013. The policy analysis found that the expansion of eldercare was motivated solely in relation to older persons’ needs; thus working daughters’ needs of eldercare have been a blind spot in Swedish eldercare policy. Since 2000, every fourth residential care bed has disappeared and the increase in homecare services did not fully compensate for the decline, resulting in a significant increase in filial care in all social groups, and among both sons and daughters. Daughters of older persons with shorter education, however, remained the primary providers of filial care. Both daughters and sons are affected by caregiving. They suffer to the same extent from difficulties in managing to accomplish their work tasks and taking part in meetings, courses and travels. They are also equally likely to reduce their working hours and to quit their job. It is however clearly more common that daughters experience mental and physical strain, difficulties in finding time for leisure and reduced ability to focus on their job. Although more daughters than sons retire earlier than planned due to filial care, this is very rare. Managerial care (handling contacts with health and eldercare services) has a more salient role in a welfare state such as Sweden, with generously provided care services, less intense filial care and high employment rates among both sexes. The high labour force participation however makes middle aged children more vulnerable when their parents’ care arrangement does not work. The decline in eldercare services since 1980 has reinforced co-ordination problems in health and eldercare services. The managerial care required to handle this development, while living up to the demands of work and family life, stands out as especially demanding for the well-being and working lives of daughters. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Accepted.</p>

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