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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livros de compromisso : práticas em torno de um fazer livresco nas Minas setecentistas /

Montanheiro, Fábio César. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Maria do Rosário V. Gregolin / Banca: Sílvio de Almeida Toledo Neto / Banca: Roberto Leiser Baronas / Banca: Nádea Regina Gaspar / Banca: Sidney Barbosa / Resumo: Tomando como ponto de partida a idéia de que Discurso e História mantêm laços indissociáveis e que, através de figurações textuais de gêneros (Bakhtin, 1999) constituídos em determinadas épocas e lugares o ser humano representa sua relação com o vivido - concreto ou imaginário -, propõe-se no presente trabalho a edição diplomática e a análise de três livros manuscritos produzidos por irmandades vinculadas à Paróquia de Nossa Senhora do Pilar de Vila Rica do Ouro Preto, nas Minas Gerais do século XVIII. Trata-se de livros designados como Livros de Compromisso. Os Compromissos objetivam reger as irmandades religiosas leigas devotas ao culto de uma invocação do hagiológio católico; funcionam, enfim, como seus estatutos. As devoções mais correntes na primeira metade do Setecentos nas Minas eram a de Nossa Senhora do Rosário, principalmente entre negros; e as do Santíssimo Sacramento e de São Miguel Arcanjo, entre as pessoas brancas, principalmente as abastadas, da elite local (Boschi, 1986). Esse foi o primeiro motivo para seleção dos Livros de Compromisso dessas três Irmandades. O segundo motivo diz respeito ao caráter artístico dos três Livros, dado que todos apresentam um grande cuidado com questões de ordem estética: são iluminados, apresentam capítulos iniciados por letras capitulares e uma caligrafia esmerada. Para delimitar e circunscrever a abordagem dos Livros de Compromisso, foram utilizados trabalhos de três áreas de conhecimento: História Cultural e Nova História, Filologia e Análise do Discurso. A Nova História e a História Cultural é uma linha de fazer historiográfico que permite, entre outros aspectos, o estudo das formas de apropriação de bens culturais e nessa linha foram importantes... / Abstract: Taking as a starting point the idea that Discourse and History maintains inseparable bonds and that, through textual figurations of genres (Bakhtin, 1999) constituted in certain times and places the human being represents its relation with the lived one - concrete or imaginary - It is proposed in the present work the diplomatic edition and the analysis of three manuscript books produced by brotherhoods linked to the Parish of Our Lady of the Pillar of Vila Rica do Ouro Preto, in the Minas Gerais of the XVIII century. These are books designated as Livros de Compromisso. This kind of book is intended to govern the lay religious brotherhoods devoted to the worship of a saint or invocation of the Catholic Church; They function as their rules. The most common devotions in the first half of the Seventies in Minas were that of Our Lady of Rosario, mainly among blacks; and those of the Blessed Sacrament and St. Michael the Archangel, among the white people, especially the well-to-do, of the local elite (Boschi, 1986). This was the first reason for selecting the Livros de Compromisso from these three Brotherhoods. The second motif concerns the artistic character of the three Books, since all are very careful with questions of aesthetic order: they are enlightened, they present chapters beginning with capital letters and a careful calligraphy. In order to delimit and circumscribe the Livros de Compromisso approach, works from three areas of knowledge were used: Cultural History and New History, Philology and Discourse Analysis. The New History and Cultural History is a line of historiographical making that allows, among other aspects, the study of the forms of appropriation of cultural goods and in this line were important... / Doutor

Gli "Sprüche" su Roma e sul Papa di Freidank: introduzione, commento ed edizione di tutti i testimoni"

Bertagnolli, Davide January 2012 (has links)
Gli "Sprüche" su Roma e sul Papa sono una sezione particolare della "Bescheidenheit", l'opera didascalica costituita da sequenze di distici rimati di contenuto prevalentemente religioso e morale che nel Medioevo ebbe grande e duraturo successo. In essi, a differenza che nel resto dell'opera, in cui si raccolgono insegnamenti di validità generale spesso racchiusi in un distico, Freidank entra nello specifico della situazione romana a lui contemporanea, apparendo nel testo come istanza enunciante e presentando "Sprüche" più narrativi. In questa tesi gli "Sprüche" su Roma e sul Papa vengono considerati come una sezione dotata autonomamente di senso all'interno della "Bescheidenheit". In un primo momento vengono raccolte le informazioni riguardanti l’autore e le caratteristiche dell’opera nel suo complesso; in seguito vengono descritti tutti i testimoni che contengono gli "Sprüche" su Roma e sul Papa e vengono presentate delle tabelle che, grazie al raffronto dell’ordine degli "Sprüche", aiutano a comprendere i rapporti tra i vari testimoni. Seguono quella che è stata definita l’edizione “eclettica” di questo gruppo di "Sprüche", con l’apparato critico e le note di commento, e l’edizione diplomatica di ogni testimone.

An analysis of english discourse markers of reformulation

del Saz Rubio, Mª Milagros 11 March 2003 (has links)
SUMARYThe present dissertation deals with the notion of reformulation and with a group of lexical units by means of which the activity of reformulation is codified and explicitly signaled in the language. These lexical units will be referred to as DISCOURSE MARKERS of REFORMULATION or REFORMULATORS. The area of reformulation and of English reformulators is still an uncharted and unexplored territory. Thus, it was necessary to first provide an adequate definition of the notion of REFORMULATION in the English speaking-world that would allow me to lay the foundations for the detailed study of a group of lexical units that display a reformulative function in English. Secondly, I elaborated a justified taxonomy of English Discourse Markers of Reformulation along with their classification into different groups and sub-groups on the bases of the type of reformulation effected on the previous discourse segment or S1. Next, once Discourse Markers of Reformulation were defined, their properties ascertained and their sub-classes outlined, the groups of Explanation (that is to say, in other words, in simpler terms, in more technical terms, viz., namely, for example and for instance) and Rectification (or rather, [or] more precisely-accurately, [or] better still-yet) were analyzed in detail and the SYNTACTIC, DISTRIBUTIONAL PROPERTIES, PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONS and DOMAIN OF USAGE of the reformulators identified. With the assessment of all these properties it was my aim to delimit their ENVIRONMENTS OF USE and to obtain a principled description of them, both individually and as a group. Finally, reformulators of Explanation and Rectification were submitted to a test of SEMANTIC SUBSTITUTABILITY where replacement of one marker, A, for another, B, that did not occur in A's original environment, was accounted for. The results obtained from this test allowed me to organize the taxonomy of English Discourse Markers of Explanation and Rectification into a hierarchy of HYPERNYMS, HYPONYMS, EXCLUSIVE USES and SYNONYMS. In this respect, my aim was to help to broaden our knowledge of how these lexical units behave in English and to come up with a clear picture of two groups of English reformulators.

Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras en Educación Secundaria: propuesta piloto para su implementación en la Comunidad Valenciana

Warburton Labrador, Susan 07 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] SUMMARY Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) language teaching methodological approach stems from a shared effort to create a multilingual, equalitarian and integrated European Community. This thesis explores the educative context of the Valencian Region in Secondary Education from different perspectives: its implementation, the results obtained in control and experimental groups and the opinion of students and teachers who have been involved in CLIL application for several years. After the analysis of these aspects, a proposal for the improvement of the current situation which takes into account the needs of those involved will be presented. After researching the different CLIL European models and examining the results obtained from student and teacher surveys, a proposal for the effective operationalisation of this approach that can be adapted to our context will be presented, taking into consideration the significant change that this proposal would mean in relation to the current educational system. The main components of the proposal are: Gradual introduction in Primary and Secondary stages. Policies to guarantee continuity. If specific subjects have been chosen in Primary Education, it would be recommended - though not necessary - to continue them through the L2 in Secondary Education. Complete involvement and commitment of educational centres and teaching staff. Balaned teaching of non-linguistic subjects in three languages: English, Valencian and Spanish. This thesis presents a pilot proposal that originates from a deep analysis, and that means radical changes. Amongst them, investment in resources, teacher commitment, creation of new academic departments and new roles within them. We hope that educational authorities will take an interest in assessing its feasibility in the future. Key words: CLIL, Secondary Education and pilot proposal / [ES] RESUMEN El enfoque metodológico para la enseñanza de idiomas Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) proviene de un esfuerzo compartido por crear una Comunidad europea plurilingüe, igualitaria e integrada. Este estudio plantea acercarse al contexto educativo de la Comunidad Valenciana en Educación Secundaria desde diferentes aspectos: su implementación, los resultados obtenidos en grupos de control y experimentales, la opinión de alumnos y profesores tras la experiencia de varios años académicos para, tras su análisis, confluir en una propuesta piloto para que dicha comunidad mejore la situación actual y tenga en cuenta sus necesidades acordes a nuestro siglo. Tras investigar los distintos modelos europeos de Content and Language Integrated Learning y los resultados obtenidos de las encuestas del profesorado y del alumnado, presentamos una propuesta para la implementación efectiva de este enfoque que se adapta a nuestra realidad, conscientes del cambio significativo que supone respecto al actual sistema educativo. Sus componentes esenciales son: Introducción gradual en los distintos cursos de Educación Primaria y Secundaria. Continuidad de este proyecto que garantice su efectividad. Si se han escogido unas asignaturas determinadas en Educación Primaria sería deseable, aunque no imprescindible, continuarlas a través de la L2 en Educación Secundaria. La implicación total y disponibilidad del centro educativo y del equipo docente. Las materias no lingüísticas se imparten proporcionalmente en los tres idiomas: inglés, valenciano y castellano. Se trata de una propuesta piloto que nace de una profunda reflexión que significa grandes cambios, requiere invertir en recursos, disponibilidad docente, creación de nuevos departamentos y nuevas figuras. No dudamos de la conveniencia de que las autoridades educativas experimenten esta propuesta para verificar su idoneidad. / [CA] RESUM L'enfoc metodològic per a l'ensenyança d'idiomes Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), prové de l'esforç compartit per crear una Comunitat Europea plurilingüe, igualitària i integrada. Aquest estudi planteja apropar-se al context educatiu de la Comunitat Valenciana a l'Educació Secundària des de diferents aspectes: la seua implementació, els resultats obtinguts en grups de control i experimentals, l'opinió d'alumnes i professors darrere l'experiència de alguns anys acadèmics per, desprès del seu anàlisi, confluir en una resposta pilot per a que dita comunitat millore la situaciò actual i tinga en compte les seues necessitats acords al nostre segle. Després d'investigar els distints models europeus de Content and Language Integrated Learning i els resultats obtinguts de les enquestes del professorat i de l' alumnat, presentem una proposta per a la implementació efectiva d'aquest enfoc que s'adapta a la nostra realitat, conscients del canvi significatiu que suposa respecte al actual sistema educatiu. Els seus components essencials són: Introducció gradual als distints cursos d'Educació Primària i Secundària Continuïtat d'aquest projecte que garantixca la seua efectivitat. Si s'han escollit unes asignatures determinades a l'Educació Primària sería desitjable, encara que no imprescindible, continuar-les mitjançant la L2 a l'Educació Secundària. La implicació total i la disponibilitat del centre educatiu i del equip docent. Les matèries no lingüístiques s'impartixen proporcionalment en els tres idiomes: anglés, valencià i castellà. Es tracta d'una proposta pilot que neix d'una profunda reflexió que significa grans canvis, requerix invertir en recursos, disponibilitat docent, creació de nous departaments i noves figures. No dubtem de la conveniència de que les autoritats educatives experimenten esta proposta per a verificar la seua idoneïtat. Paraules clau: CLIL, Educació Secundària i proposta pilot / Warburton Labrador, S. (2016). Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras en Educación Secundaria: propuesta piloto para su implementación en la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61481

La adquisición de la competencia traductora protugués-español: un estudio en torno a los falsos amigos

Massana Roselló, Gisela 08 February 2016 (has links)
El presente trabajo pretende estudiar la adquisición de la competencia traductora del portugués al español. Para alcanzar ese objetivo, nuestra investigación se propone (1) sentar las bases conceptuales para el análisis de la adquisición de la competencia traductora en traducción escrita, (2) analizar y comparar los estudios empíricos realizados en este ámbito, (3) establecer las dificultades en la adquisición de la competencia traductora portugués-español y (4) realizar un estudio empírico sobre la adquisición de la competencia traductora con estudiantes del portugués al español y traductores profesionales. Para alcanzar ese objetivo, el estudio se divide en dos partes. En la primera parte, se analizan los modelos teóricos sobre competencia traductora y los estudios empíricos sobre adquisición de la competencia traductora. También se revisan las publicaciones sobre falsos amigos entre portugués-español y se propone una clasificación de estos. En la segunda parte de la tesis, se presenta el diseño y la medición del estudio empírico-experimental, basado en el modelo del grupo PACTE Proceso de Adquisición de la Competencia Traductora (2003). También se presentan los resultados del análisis de cuatro variables: Aceptabilidad, Identificación y resolución de falsos amigos, Conocimientos de traducción y Eficacia del proceso traductor. / Serve o presente trabalho para estudar a aquisição da competência tradutória da língua portuguesa para a espanhola. Para tal, a nossa investigação propõe-se a: (1) assentar bases conceituais de análise da aquisição da competência tradutória escrita, (2) analisar e comparar os estudos empíricos já realizados nesse âmbito, (3) estabelecer quais são as dificuldades durante o processo da aquisição da competência tradutória aquando da tradução da língua portuguesa para a espanhola e (4) efetuar um estudo empírico sobre a aquisição da competência tradutória do português para espanhol em estudantes e tradutores profissionais. Para alcançar esse objetivo, dividiu-se o estudo em duas partes: na primeira analisam-se os modelos teóricos da competência tradutória e os estudos empíricos da aquisição da competência tradutória. São também revistas as publicações sobre falsos amigos entre o português e o espanhol, e é proposta uma classificação para os mesmos; na segunda parte da tese apresenta-se o projeto e a medição do estudo empírico-experimental, com base no modelo do grupo do PACTE (Processo de Aquisição da Competência Tradutória (2003). Também se indicam os resultados da análise de quatro variáveis: Aceitabilidade, Identificação e resolução de falsos amigos, Conhecimentos de tradução e Eficácia do processo tradutor. / This thesis is intended to study the acquisition of translation competence from Portuguese to Spanish. To achieve this aim, our research is intended (1) to lay the conceptual basis for the analysis of the acquisition of written translation competence; (2) to analyse and compare the empirical studies made in this area, (3) to establish the difficulties in acquiring Portuguese-Spanish translation competence, and (4) to make an empirical study of the acquisition of translation competence with Portuguese-to-Spanish translation students and professional translators. To achieve this aim, we have divided the study into two parts. In the first part, we analyse the theoretical models of translation competence and the empirical studies of the acquisition of translation competence. We review the publications on translation from Portuguese to Spanish and on false friends from Portuguese to Spanish and we propose a classification of false friends. In the second part of the thesis, we present the design of our empirical-experimental study, based on the PACTE model (2003). We present the results of four variables: Acceptability, Identification and Solution of False Friends, Knowledge of Translation and Efficacy of the Translation Process.

El extranjero en la Grecia arcaica: acceso a la tierra y a la justicia

Piñol Villanueva, Adrià 22 January 2016 (has links)
A lo largo de la historia de Grecia, las principales diferencias de facto entre ciudadano y extranjero estriban en el grado de reconocimiento de ciertos derechos en materia económica, jurídica y religiosa. En ese contexto, por tanto, es “ciudadano” el oriundo que disfruta de un acceso a esos derechos en condiciones manifiestamente superiores a las del extranjero (residente o no). De este modo, la definición “jurídica” de “extranjero” en la Grecia antigua, y por tanto las cuestiones que podríamos llamar de “extranjería”, vendrían planteadas en términos del grado de reconocimiento o acceso a esos derechos. El análisis de textos griegos de todas las épocas permite, a nuestro modo de ver, aislar dos grandes categorías, pertenecientes a ámbitos distintos, que dibujan la frontera entre la condición de ciudadano y la de extranjero a lo largo de los diferentes períodos de la Grecia antigua, y especialmente en época arcaica: a) el acceso a bienes inmuebles (ámbito económico); y b) el derecho de acceso al sistema judicial como sujeto activo o pasivo de un proceso (ámbito legal). La Tesis ofrece pues un análisis del acceso de extranjeros a esos dos tipos de derechos (el acceso a la propiedad de bienes inmuebles y el derecho a la protección de la justicia institucional) en época arcaica e inicios de la clásica. A tal efecto se ha efectuado una recopilación lo más exhaustiva posible de testimonios de época arcaica e inicios de la clásica que directa o indirectamente aportasen datos al respecto. El análisis concienzudo de los textos con la metodología propia del filólogo, nos ha permitido construir una base sobre la que es posible construir algún que otro esquema teórico. La Tesis se estructura en dos grandes bloques o partes, que corresponden a los dos ejes temáticos recogidos en el título. En el primer bloque (PARTE I: El extranjero y la tierra) se contemplan las distintas modalidades de acceso de extranjeros a bienes inmuebles. Ese bloque se estructura en dos grandes capítulos. El primero aborda los casos en los que el acceso de foráneos a ese tipo de bienes se justifica por una concesión honorífica a título individual. El segundo incluye los ejemplos que responden a otros motivos (principalmente la necesidad de repoblación de la polis otorgante). Ambos capítulos se cierran con una reflexión conceptual más amplia en la que se comparan los patrones deducibles de los testimonios arcaicos con la praxis habitual de época clásica y helenística. Ello permite constatar diferencias importantes entre las comunidades griegas del arcaísmo y las de época posterior en lo que respecta a la concepción del extranjero y la gestión del suelo. La segunda parte (PARTE II: El extranjero y la justicia), dedicado al ámbito de la justicia, es notablemente más extensa que la primera. Ello se debe a la naturaleza del tema tratado, el cual implica una casuística sumamente heterogénea, a la vez que rica, lo que conlleva la necesidad de un estudio más amplio. Este segundo bloque consta de seis capítulos, del que el tercero (§2.3) es una sistematización de las modalidades de acceso a la justicia por parte del extranjero en el derecho ático clásico. La posición central que ocupa no es gratuita. En primer lugar, ilustra algunos de los conceptos introducidos en los dos primeros subcapítulos (§1 y §2), consagrados respectivamente al testimonio literario (Hesíodo, Trabajos y Días, 225) y epigráfico (IC IV 13) más antiguos de reconocimiento de derechos en materia de justicia al extranjero. Por otra parte, ese capítulo sobre la justicia ateniense facilita la comprensión de los textos de finales del arcaísmo objeto de comentario en los capítulos siguientes (4 y 5): se trata en este caso de testimonios complejos y aislados para los que resulta útil disponer del bagaje conceptual y terminológico del derecho ático clásico. El último capítulo (6) se consagra al estudio de las distintas modalidades de próxeno en la época arcaica y sus posibles vinculaciones con la justicia del extranjero. Hemos añadido a modo de apéndice un análisis en profundidad de dos inscripciones del tardoarcaísmo objeto de un intenso debate entre los estudiosos. Se trata de la célebre “Inscripción de Lígdamis”, procedente de Halicarnaso y fechable en torno a 460, y de IC IV 64, inscripción de Gortina de finales del siglo VI o inicios del V. A pesar de su temática distinta, presentan dos puntos comunes: ambas abordan cuestiones relativas a la tierra y la justicia. / Throughout Greek Antiquity, the main de facto differences between the juridical categories of “citizen” and “foreigner” lie in the degree of access to certain rights in the economic, juridical and religious spheres. Therefore, the “citizen” could be defined as the native enjoying full access to such rights, i.e. in manifestly superior conditions than foreigners (whether resident aliens or not). Consequently, the juridical definition of being “foreigner” in ancient Greece, and hence the aspects relating to immigration matters, were defined in terms of the degree of access to such rights. The analysis of Greek texts from all periods allows to isolate the two main categories or rights which constituted, at least since the Archaic period, the main border between “citizens” and “foreigners”: a) access to real estate (economic sphere), and b) access to the judicial system either as plaintiff or as defendant (legal sphere). Thus the Thesis analyses foreigners’ access to these two rights in the Archaic age and the beginning of the Classical period. With this aim, we offer an exhaustive compilation of relevant sources from the Archaic period or the beginning of the Classical age furnishing either direct or indirect evidence for the two topics concerned. The starting point of the study is a profound philological analysis of the most relevant literary and epigraphic texts. This allows us to build a more solid base in which to eventually accommodate theoretical schemes. The Thesis is structured in two parts which correspond to the two thematic lines outlined above and condensed in the title of the Thesis. Part One (The Foreigner and the Land) focuses on the different modalities of foreigners’ access to real estate. It comprises two Chapters: the first one deals with the honorific land grants to foreign individuals, already well attested in the Homeric Poems, tracing its evolution up to the formalization of the privilege of enktesis. The second one focuses on the earliest cases of access to real estate by larger groups of foreign population, which are usually explained by the granting community’s need of being repopulated. Both Chapters end with some conceptual considerations in which the Archaic praxis as attested by the sources is compared to that from the Classical and Hellenistic periods. Part Two (The Foreigner and Justice) is devoted to the sphere of justice and is considerably longer than Part One. This is due to the very nature of the topic, which entails a rich and varied casuistry, which demands a more thorough study. This second part is composed of six Chapters, of which the third one systematises the modalities of foreigners’ access to justice in Classical Athens. Its central position is not unjustified: first, it illustrates some of the points introduced in the first two Chapters, which are devoted, respectively, to the most ancient literary and epigraphic evidence on the topic (Hesiod’s Works and Days and the Gortynian Inscription IC IV 13). Second, this central Chapter on Athenian judicial praxis vis-à-vis foreigners helps understand the more precise and detailed late archaic documents which are analysed in Chapters 4 to 6. The last one (6) focuses on archaic proxenia and its possible connection with foreigners’ access to local courts. The Thesis closes with an Appendix devoted to the thorough study of two very-well know and much-debated epigraphic texts from the late Archaic period: the so-called “Lygdamis Inscription” from Halicarnassus (c.460), and Gortynian IC IV 64, dated to the end of the VI century or the beginning of the V century. Both inscriptions present very interesting problems and both refer to specific aspects of access to land and justice.

Albert Manent, corrector de Josep Carner. La tercera edició d’Alícia en terra de meravelles (1971)

Llobet Bruix, Alexis 28 February 2014 (has links)
L’any 1971 Marià Manent, director literari d’Editorial Joventut, va encarregar al seu fill, Albert Manent, que corregís a fons la traducció de Josep Carner Alícia en terra de meravelles amb vista a publicar-ne la tercera edició, més de quaranta anys després que el 1930 hagués aparegut la segona. La gran quantitat de canvis estilístics que afecten el model de llengua fan pensar que Marià i Albert Manent consideraven que els lectors dels setanta el podien trobar obsolet. Bàsicament, Carner va fer servir les traduccions (que la crítica coetània sempre va celebrar) de banc de proves lingüístic relacionat amb desenvolupar la prosa literària i implantar la normativa de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), i per això hi feia anar unes formes i unes construccions força més “exuberants” que en la prosa de creació pròpia. Els escriptors posteriors, però, amb la normativa fixada, van mirar de reflectir una llengua més acostada a la parla, i el model de Carner va anar quedant arraconat. És en aquest context que hem de situar la correcció d’Albert Manent, deixeble d’Eduard Artells i Bartomeu Bardagí, dos dels estendards del model de llengua oficial que propugnava Ramon Aramon des de l’IEC. El propòsit manifest d’Albert Manent va consistir a “desbarroquitzar” l’Alícia carneriana; aquesta tesi examina les variants que hi va introduir, prova de detectar les pautes generals que va seguir i les contrasta amb els preceptes que preconitzaven els seus mestres. / In 1971 Marià Manent, poet and literary director of Editorial Joventut, asked his son, Albert Manent, to revise and edit the first Catalan translation of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, made by the poet Josep Carner in the early 20’s. The great number of stylistic changes applied by Albert Manent seems to indicate, at least according to him and his father, that the language in Carner’s version had become old-fashioned in the 70’s. Carner’s translations, highly praised by the critics, were mainly intended to develop a new prose style, as a contribution to the process of establishing norms and standardizing the Catalan language which was being carried out by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), the academy of Catalan language and culture. Therefore, Carner used a more coloured and inventive language in his translations than in his own creative work. When the Catalan standards by the IEC were fully implemented, writers tended to use a language closer to the one people spoke, and Carner’s more complex and elaborated style of prose was gradually discarded. Albert Manent himself points out, in an interview, that in his revision of Carner’s text he wanted to simplify that over elaborated language. The aim of this PhD dissertation is to study the types of amendments Albert Manent made, to find out the guidelines and criteria he followed and to reflect on how these fit into the norms and the language standards defended by the IEC at that time.

L’adquisició del català com a llengua estrangera en el context multilingüe barcelonès: Estudi sobre les variables que intervenen en el procés d’aprenentatge d’alumnes adults indoirànics, arabòfons, sinoparlants i castellanoparlants

Estors Sastre, Laura 15 July 2014 (has links)
El fet migratori representa un important aspecte de la realitat catalana i ha tingut històricament diverses onades migratòries, però també ha estat punt de partida de molts emigrants. Al llarg del segle XX, després d’importants migracions internes, va rebre grans quantitats de persones procedents, primer, de l’Estat espanyol i, posteriorment, de països estrangers. Des dels anys 80, podem parlar dels tímids inicis de les migracions internacionals, amb la presència d’alguns immigrants fonamentalment d’origen marroquí, però també senegalès, gambià i filipí. L’arribada de nouvinguts es va intensificar durant la primera meitat de la dècada passada, per després experimentar un cert decrement durant el període de recessió econòmica. A 1 de gener de 2014, aquest fet migratori dibuixa l’escenari sociodemogràfic català, ja que la població estrangera representa un 15% de la població a Catalunya. Actualment, el col·lectiu procedent del Marroc continua essent el més nombrós tant a Catalunya com a la ciutat de Barcelona. La presència de persones que provenen de la zona indoirànica (pakistanesos, hindis i bengalís) i de la Xina ha augmentat exponencialment a Barcelona. En certs casos als seus països se’ls informa de les oportunitats laborals que poden trobar a Catalunya, però rarament se’ls diu que per fer-ho els cal afegir al sarró unes hores d’aprenentatge de català i castellà. Gran part de les persones que cada any arriba a Barcelona desconeixen que a Catalunya s’hi dóna una situació de bilingüisme. En arribar s’adonen que al carrer els rètols són escrits en una llengua que no coneixen i que als comerços, a la televisió, hi senten un idioma similar al castellà però que té una entitat i unes característiques pròpies. Si volen accedir a determinats llocs de treball els caldrà conèixer la llengua (o les llengües) del país que els acull, per tal de cenyir-se a les lleis lingüístiques del país. És a partir d’aquest context sociodemogràfic i sociolingüístic que emmarquem la nostra recerca sobre l’adquisició del català com a llengua estrangera en el context multilingüe barcelonès, en què es detecten fins a 277 llengües diferents amb les quals individus de vàries cultures desenvolupen la vida quotidiana. A partir d’una perspectiva multidisciplinària, l’objectiu del treball és demostrar que, amb el mateix nombre d’hores d’aprenentatge de llengua catalana, l’estadi d’Interllengua en català mostrarà diferències significatives segons diverses variables lingüístiques, sociolingüístiques i socioafectives. Per avaluar la competència comunicativa i lingüística dels aprenents utilitzem els barems del Marc Comú Europeu de Referència per a les llengües (MCER, 2003). La mostra està formada per 76 aprenents al·loglots (indoirànics, arabòfons i sinoparlants) i castellanoparlants, matriculats a cursos del nivell A2 de català que es coordinen des del Centre d’Acolliment Lingüístic de Barcelona (CALB). A partir de l’eina metodològica etnogràfica Casual Speech recollim informació per conèixer: la reacció dels aprenents davant del fet d’haver d’aprendre dues llengües en un mateix territori, les preferències lingüístiques a l’hora de triar el català o el castellà com a llengua d’acollida, les semblances i les diferències entre les situacions sociolingüístiques dels països d’origen i la catalana, les reaccions de l’entorn més proper a l’aprenent quan saben que estan estudiant català, les reflexions al voltant de la importància o no de conèixer el català a Catalunya, etc. Adoptant el marc de la Psicologia Social de la Llengua hem conegut el ventall de motivacions que empenyen els aprenents a estudiar català. Sembla ser que les orientacions motivacionals no constitueixen una llista tancada, sinó que, com destaca Dörnyei (1994:275): The exact nature of the social and pragmatic dimensions of L2 motivation is always dependent on who learns what languages where. Per tant, presentem les motivacions específiques en l’àmbit de l’aprenentatge del català com a LE en un context multilingüe com el de Barcelona. En aquest treball, també s’hi recopilen discursos sobre la llengua catalana – actituds positives i negatives – i alguns apunts sobre les percepcions dels alumnes de la mostra al voltant de les conductes lingüístiques – convergència lingüística – dels autòctons davant dels desconeguts (estrangers o no). Aquestes observacions permeten suggerir plans d’actuació per augmentar la confiança lingüística de la població catalana a l’hora de trencar el gel en català en qualsevol àmbit independentment de l’interlocutor. / Migration represents an important aspect of the Catalan reality. Catalonia experienced several migration waves, but has been also the starting point for many emigrants. Throughout the 20th century, after considerable internal migrations, Catalonia received large numbers of new comers, first from other Spanish regions and, subsequently, from foreign countries. Since the 80s Catalonia received the first modest flows of international migration, with the presence of some migrants mainly from Morocco, but also to the Senegal, Gambia and Philippines. The arrival of newcomers increased along the first half of the last decade, while it experienced a certain decrease during the phase of economic recession. On January 1, 2014, migration constitutes an important demographic reality in Catalonia, since the foreign population represents 15% of the population in Catalonia. Currently, migrants from Morocco represent the most relevant collective in Catalonia and in the city of Barcelona as well. The presence of people proceeding from the area Indo-Iranian area (Pakistani, Hindi and Bengali) and China has increased exponentially in Barcelona. In certain cases in their origin countries they are informed about the presence of job opportunities in Catalonia, but they rarely know that it is important to have a certain learning background of Catalan and Spanish. Most of the people who every year arrive to Barcelona are unaware about the bilingual reality of Catalonia. Upon arrival, they realize that the street signs are written in a language that they don't know and that in shops or in the TV they listen a language that is similar to Spanish, but possesses her own entity and characteristics. In order to get access to certain jobs they would need to learn the language (or languages) of their host country, in respect of the legal framework. It is from this demographic and socio-linguistic context that we focus our research on the acquisition of Catalan as a foreign language in the multilingual context of Barcelona, which is characterized by up to 277 different languages that are used by individuals from several cultures to develop their daily life. From a multidisciplinary perspective, the main aim of this work is to show that, with the same number of hours of Catalan teaching, the interlanguage status in Catalan shows significant differences according to several linguistic, sociolinguistic and social-affective variables. In order to evaluate the communicative and linguistic competence of students we employ the standard scales of the Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR, 2003). The sample consists of 76 students with non-romance L1 (Indo-Iranian, arabic and chinese) and Spanish-speakers enrolled at Catalan A2 level courses that are coordinated by the Centre for Language reception in Barcelona (Centre d’Acolliment Lingüístic de Barcelona). On the basis of the ethnographic methodology Casual Speech, we collect information about: the reaction in front the fact of having to learn two languages in the same territory, language preferences in the choice of Catalan or Spanish as host language, the similarities and the differences between the socio-linguistic situations of the origin countries and the Catalan one, the reactions of the closest environment (i.e. friends, relatives, etc.) to the learner when they get to know that he/she is studying Catalan, the opinions about the importance or not to know the Catalan in Catalonia, etc. Adopting the Social Psychology of Language framework, we identified the range of motivations that push the pupils to studying Catalan. It seems that the motivational orientations do not constitute a closed list, but, as highlighted by Dörnyei (1994: 275): The exact nature of the social and pragmatic dimensions of L2 motivation is always dependent on who learns what languages where. Therefore, we present specific motivations in the field of learning Catalan as LE in a multilingual context as that of Barcelona. In this paper, we also collected dialogues about the Catalan language – positive and negative attitudes – and some notes about students’ perceptions about linguistic behaviours – linguistic convergence – of autochthonous in front of strangers. These evidences allow us to propose measures aimed at increasing the confidence of the Catalan population and break the ice to using Catalan in any conversation regardless of the origin of the interlocutor.

A user-centred study of the norms for subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing on french television

Muller, Laetitia (Tia) 29 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Crónica de 1344, edición y estudio

Vindel, Ingrid 01 February 2016 (has links)
Resums pendents

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