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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zlepšení finanční situace podniku využitím factoringu / Financial Situation Improvement by Means of Factoring

Rak, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
This master's thesis is dealing with alternate form of financing – factoring and its benefits for the company. Theoretic part explains the basics of factoring, its types, advantages and disadvantages. Practical part displays the influence of factoring by help of financial analysis on specific company – how factoring helped to improve financial situation. Next the costs of factoring are compared with bank overdraft. At the end of thesis is defined recommendation to continue with factoring.

Zhodnocení ekonomické situace podniku / Appreciation Economic Situation of Company

Šmerda, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This master´s theses is concerned with a recognition of an economic situation „IVes, l. t. d.“. For the valuation were used techniques of financil analysis, fixing hazards, which affect the company. Their real impact on progress of company, afterwards valuation gained finding and formation of the offer, which will make improvement of situation at the market for the next season.

Využití finanční analýzy v podniku / Application of Financial Analysis in a Company

Hejdová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
Master's thesis is focused on examination of financial health of a company from 2006-2008 with the usage of elementary methods of financial analysis. The aim of the submitted thesis is detection causes of financial standing of the company and according to gained knowledge, appropriate improving arrangements, which improve a financial position of company.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation in the Firm and Proposals to its Improvement

Flídrová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Evaluation of the financial situation in the firm and proposals to its improvement" deals with the financial evaluation Unistav Company, Inc. Its purpose is to provide recommendations for improving management analyzed the company. In the thesis are used methods of financial analysis. The theoretical part describes some methods of financial analysis, particularly elementary methods. The practical part of the methods I use for the treatment of Unistav financial analysis, and evaluation and management of state companies.

Využití finanční analýzy v podniku / Applying Financial Analysis at a Company

Zvoníček, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on appreciation company financial situation by method financial analysis. It is based on theoretical findings that specify lacks of money management and its causes in analytical part. On the basis of discovered findings there is an improvement proposal of current situation and benefit evaluation for company.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku a návrhy na její zlepšení / Evaluation of the Financial Situation of a Company and Proposals For Its Improvement

Hlávková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The thesis „ Evaluation of the financial situacion of a company and proposals for its improvement“ deals with the financial evaluation of the company and its purpose is to provide recommendations for improving financial situacion and competitiveness of the company.

Intäktsredovisning - En jämförande studie mellan RFR 2/IFRS 15 och K3 / Revenue recognition - A comparative study between RFR 2/IFRS 15 and K3

Bardh, Adam January 2020 (has links)
One of the most fundamental issues in the accounting area is when an income is to be reported.Depending on the time at which an income is reported, the income can have a significant rolefor what a company's financial reports will look like. In 2002, the IASB and FASB agreed tojointly develop a common international revenue standard. The aim of the collaboration was todevelop a more robust and consistent framework, in order to increase comparability in revenuerecognition between different companies, markets and countries. Basically, all Swedishunlisted companies that are classified as larger companies must prepare their accounts inaccordance with the Swedish regulations K3. However, Swedish major unlisted companies canvoluntarily choose to apply the international accounting standard IFRS by applying theSwedish recommendation RFR 2.The purpose of this study is to investigate and account for the similarities and differences thatarise in the income statement for Swedish unlisted companies through the voluntary applicationof the international standard RFR 2/IFRS 15 versus the Swedish counterpart in the regulatoryframework K3. By applying three self-constructed typing cases, the study aims to clarify thesimilarities and differences that arise between income recognition according to RFR 2/IFRS 15versus K3 with regard to income taxation, dividend possibilities and key figures linked toprofitability and capital structure.The results of the study show that there are both similarities and differences between the RFR2/IFRS 15 and K3 regulations. In the three typical cases, differences arise between the timewhen the income is to be reported and the amounts to which it is accounted for at eachindividual time. This, in turn, means that differences arise with regard to income taxation,dividend opportunities and key figures linked to profitability and capital structure. However,based on the three types of cases that have been constructed, it is not possible to identify whichregulations are most advantageous for the individual company. When the amount ofinformation that the two regulations require the company to provide and the scope of theregulations are taken into account, income reporting in accordance with RFR 2/IFRS 15 can beconsidered more favorable to the company's stakeholders, since more detailed and usefulinformation must be provided in accordance with these regulations. / En av de mest fundamentala frågorna inom redovisningsområdet är när en intäkt ska redovisas.Beroende vid vilken tidpunkt som en intäkt redovisas så kan intäkten ha en betydande roll förhur ett företags finansiella rapporter kommer att se ut. Under 2002 kom IASB och FASBöverens om att tillsammans utveckla en gemensam internationell intäktsstandard. Målet medsamarbetet var att utveckla ett mer robust och konsekvent ramverk, för att öka jämförbarheteninom intäktsredovisningen mellan olika företag, marknader och länder. I grund och botten skaalla svenska onoterade företag som klassificeras som större företag upprätta sin redovisningenligt det svenska regelverket K3. Svenska större onoterade företag kan emellertid frivilligtvälja att tillämpa den internationella redovisningsstandarden IFRS genom att tillämpa densvenska rekommendationen RFR 2.Syftet med denna studien är att undersöka och redogöra för vilka likheter och skillnader somuppstår vid intäktsredovisningen för svenska onoterade företag genom frivillig tillämpning avden internationella standarden RFR 2/IFRS 15 kontra den svenska motsvarigheten i regelverketK3. Genom tillämpning av tre egenkonstruerade typfall så syftar studien till att tydliggöra vilkalikheter och skillnader som uppstår mellan intäktsredovisning enligt RFR 2/IFRS 15 kontra K3med hänseende till inkomstbeskattning, utdelningsmöjligheter och nyckeltal kopplade tillräntabilitet och kapitalstruktur.Resultatet av studien visar att det existerar både likheter och skillnader mellan regelverken RFR2/IFRS 15 och K3. I de tre typfallen uppstår skillnader mellan tidpunkten då intäkterna skaredovisas och till vilka belopp de ska redovisas till vid varje enskild tidpunkt. Detta medför isin tur att skillnader uppstår med hänseende till inkomstbeskattning, utdelningsmöjligheter ochnyckeltal kopplade till räntabilitet och kapitalstruktur. Utifrån de tre typfall som harkonstruerats så går det dock inte att identifiera vilket regelverk som är mest fördelaktigt för detenskilda företaget. När den mängd information som de båda regelverken kräver att detredovisande företaget ska lämna och regelverkens omfattning tas i beaktning, så kanintäktsredovisning enligt RFR 2/IFRS 15 anses som mer gynnsamt för företagets intressenter,då mer utförlig och användbar information måste lämnas enligt detta regelverk.
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公司信用風險之衡量 / Corporate credit risk measurement

林妙宜, Lin, Miao-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
論文名稱:公司信用風險之衡量 校所組別:國立政治大學金融研究所 畢業時間:九十年度第二學期 提要別:碩士學位論文提要 研究生:林妙宜 指導教授:陳松男博士 論文提要及內容: 信用風險一直是整體金融環境非常重要的一環,銀行授信、商業交易、投資評估,都會對信用風險做仔細的研究與評估。本論文以台灣的公司為樣本,採用會計財務比率與股票價格,主要兩項反映公司體質的資訊,建構信用風險模型,期望能提供台灣公司信用風險衡量上,公正而有效的指標。 以財務比率為基礎的區別分析模型,選取變數為獲利能力指標的常續性EPS、現金流量指標的現金流量對負債、成長率指標的盈餘成長率、償債能力指標的負債比率,與經營能力指標的平均收帳天數,這五項財務比率涵蓋企業繼續經營與財務狀況的各個層面。區別分析模型在財務危機前一年可達正確分類率91.67%。 以股票市場價格為基礎的選擇權模型,可由每日之股票價格求算出預期違約機率,將市場對公司價值的衡量轉化為信用風險的程度,能即時掌握公司體質的變化,做出適當之因應。 關鍵字:信用風險、財務危機、會計資訊、財務比率、區別分析、股票價格、選擇權模型、預期違約機率 / Title of Thesis: Corporate Credit Risk Measurement Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of Money and Banking, NCCU Graduate Date: June, 2002 Name of Student: Lin, Miao-Yi Advisor: Dr. Chen, Son-Nan Abstract: Credit Risk has been the great concern in the financial market. Before the bank grants a loan or the company makes deals and investment, they first consider the credit risk of the conterparty. The empirical study tries to construct the credit risk models based on the public firms in Taiwan. Using financial ratios and stock prices, the two main sources of corporate financial information, we expect to provide a fair and efficient indicator to measure the corporate credit risk in Taiwan. In the discriminant analysis based on accounting data, the model chooses five financial ratios that cover the corporate operation and financial situation. They are earnings per share, operating cash flow to total debt, equity substantial growth rate, and average days to accounts receivable. The discrimanant analysis model can accurately classify 91.67% of the data as being default or solvency one year before the financial distress. In the option pricing model based on stock prices, the expected default probability can be solved by daily stock prices. In this model, how the market values the firm is turned into the level of credit risk, which can help us catch the changes of corporate soundness and make proper responses. Keywords: Credit Risk, Financial Distress, Accounting Data, Financial Ratio, Discrimanant Analysis, Stock Prices, Option Pricing Model, Expected Default Probability
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Využití finanční analýzy v podniku / Application of Financial Analysis in a Company

Braun, Karel January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the submitted thesis „Application of financial analysis in a company“ is to perform financial analysis of a enterprise IMOS Brno, a.s. from 2001 to 2007 and to make suggestions for improvement of company financial position. Results of this master´s thesis will give information for a company management and its decision-making process.

Fundamentální analýza vybraných akcií na českém kapitálovém trhu / Selected Stocks Fundamental Analysis at Czech Capital Market

Havránek, Dalibor January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is to do a fundamental analysis based on chosen shares on the czech capital market. The chosen corporations are Telefonica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. and ČEZ, a.s. In this dissertation I have set the share value, the prediction of the progression of dividends and the amount of ratio index. Further I have made a recommendation for future investors and the timing of their commerce.

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