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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Public Sector Scorecard : en ekonomistyrningsmodell med kundfokus / Public Sector Scorecard : with service users in mind

Lundin, Marie, Winqvist, Carl January 2010 (has links)
The Public Sector Scorecard (PSS) is a younger version of the balanced scorecard, created for public and nonprofit organizations. The latest model of PSS is divided into three main groups and seven perspectives, while the balanced scorecard consists of four perspectives. Organizations who use either PSS or the balanced scorecard are supposed to have a clear vision spread all over the unit. This study has sought differences between the two models of financial control in both theory and practice. The first part of the study is a theoretical comparison between the models’ structures and terms used in them. In the second part, a PSS was created for a Swedish municipality and that laid as foundation for a comparison between PSS and the balanced scorecard in practice. The study has shown that the largest differences between PSS and the balanced scorecard lie in the process for creating the models and in the different ways the models focus in customers. Both of these two differences come out of a greater customer focus in PSS since the service users play a central role both in the model per se, but also in the process creating it. This is also what would affect a Swedish municipality using the balanced scorecard the most, if changing to PSS: the process for creating the model and the way customers would be taken into consideration. / Denna uppsats har undersökt ekonomistyrningsmodellen balanserat styrkort parallellt med en av dess efterföljare, Public Sector Scorecard (PSS). Grunderna till PSS presenterades av Moullin (2002) i en modell som påminde om ett balanserat styrkort anpassat efter offentliga organisationer. Denna modell omarbetades av upphovsmannen och 2007 var en nyare version av PSS publicerad, vilken fortfarande visade inslag av det balanserade styrkortet men till en högre grad var en egen modell. Den senaste versionen av PSS är uppdelad i tre grupper, vilka sammanlagt innehåller sju perspektiv medan det balanserade styrkortet vanligen består av fyra perspektiv. Vid tillämpning av både PSS och balanserat styrkort förväntas organisationer ha en tydlig vision som ska vara väl förankrad i hela verksamheten. Avsikten med denna studie var att finna skillnader mellan de båda styrmodellerna och ställa dem i relation till varandra i en jämförelse. Jämförelsen genomfördes både teoretiskt och genom en hypotetisk jämförelse i praktiken, där jämförelsen utgick ifrån en fallkommun som tillämpade en användning av balanserat styrkort. En skrivbordsundersökning genomfördes av båda styrmodellerna i avsikten att dels kunna genomföra den teoretiska jämförelsen av de båda modellerna och dels för att ligga som grund för den empiriska studien av en kommun i praktiken. Kommunen som undersöktes var Nacka kommun, vilka vid tidpunkten för studien använde sig av en variant av det balanserade styrkortet. Utifrån Nackas situation och förutsättningar arbetades ett PSS för kommunen fram, vilket låg till grund för en praktisk jämförelse mellan de båda styrmodellerna. De viktigaste resultaten som undersökningen visade var att de största skillnaderna mellan balanserat styrkort och PSS dels ligger i processen för framtagandet av modellen och dels i hur de olika modellerna ser på kunden. Båda dessa skillnader har sin grund i hur PSS i större utsträckning än det balanserade styrkortet utgår ifrån kunden, vilket visar sig både sett till modellen i sig, men även i processen för framtagandet. Dessa skillnader är grunden för hur en kommun som använder sig av balanserat styrkort skulle påverkas av att byta styrmodell till PSS. Processen vid framtagandet skulle vara mer fokuserad på kunden och dennes åsikt skulle i högre grad blandas med medarbetarnas, istället för att processen enbart formas internt. Detta blir dock mer tids- och resurskrävande då ytterligare moment läggs till för en mer utförlig process. Modellen i sig skulle bli mer kundorienterad, men organisationer behöver före en eventuell implementering av PSS göra avvägningen om de extra resurserna som sätts in i processen skulle leda till önskat resultat.

Anpassning av balanserat styrkort : En fallstudie av serviceavdelningen på Region Kronoberg

Gonzalez Castro, Andres, Kopic, Safet, Johansson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Anpassning av balanserat styrkort - en fallstudie av serviceavdelningen på Region Kronoberg Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet Företagsekonomi Författare: Andres Gonzalez Castro, Fredrik Johansson & Safet Kopic Handledare: Yuliya Ponomareva Datum: 2018-04-29 Nyckelord: Balanserat styrkort, Ekonomistyrning, New public management, Offentlig sektor, Anpassning Bakgrund: Begreppet “new public management” uppkom under 1980-talet som en konsekvens av att den offentliga sektorn tyngdes av höga kostnader och bristande kostnadskontroll. New public management syftar till att effektivisera den offentliga sektorn genom att hämta inspiration från den privata sektorn. Parallellt med begreppet “new public management” växte det balanserade styrkortet fram som en ny innovativ styrmodell. Det balanserade styrkortet tog inte enbart hänsyn till finansiella mått, utan även till icke-finansiella sådana för att skapa värde på lång sikt. Problemdiskussion: För att anpassningen av styrmodellen ska fungera måste en organisation ta hänsyn till flera aspekter; dels att styrmodellen är utformad efter verksamhetens specifika behov, dels att de olika perspektiven och styrtal har ett så kallat “orsaks-verkan”– samband. Det finns flera utmaningar med det balanserade styrkortet som kan påverka hur en organisation anpassar och utvecklar sitt styrkort. Det balanserade styrkortet inom offentlig sektor har ifrågasatts, där kritiker menar att styrkortet inte tillför någon nytta och att styrdokumenten som införs inte implementeras fullt ut. Frågeställning: I vilken utsträckning kan ett regionalt övergripande styrkort anpassas till avdelningsnivå? Syfte: Studien ämnar undersöka anpassning och tillämpning av det balanserade styrkortet på Region Kronoberg med särskilt fokus på serviceavdelningen.  Metod: En fallstudie har genomförts på Växjö lasaretts serviceavdelning, som ingår i Region Kronoberg. Intervjuerna som genomfördes gjordes både enskilt och i grupp. Vårt tillvägagångssätt tar ansats i den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden. Både primär och sekundär data har använts för insamling av information. Analys: Både det övergripande och serviceavdelningens balanserade styrkort har modifierats i förhållande till Kaplan och Nortons grundmodell. Flera indikatorer antyder att anpassningen av styrkorten på de olika nivåerna saknar samband – något som Kaplans och Nortons teori anser vara viktigt. Det övergripande styrkortet får på grund av detta en annan funktion än den som är tänkt, vilket medfört att det balanserade styrkortet inte når sin fulla potential genom de fyra perspektiven. Slutsats: Det vi har kommit fram till med denna studie är att anpassningen av det balanserade styrkortet i en stor och komplex organisation som Region Kronoberg kan innebära flera utmaningar. Grunden till dessa är att sambandet mellan det övergripande styrkortet för Region Kronoberg och den enskilda serviceavdelningen inte är optimalt. Det övergripande styrkortet fungerar mer som en modell för att beskriva övergripande mål till serviceavdelningen än ett styrningsverktyg. / Title: The adaptation of the balanced scorecard - a case study of the service department at Region Kronoberg Level: Final assignment for Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics Authors: Andres Gonzales Castro, Fredrik Johansson & Safet Kopic Supervisor: Yuliya Ponomareva Date: 2018-04-29 Key words: Balanced scorecard, financial control management accounting, New public management, public sector, adaptation Background: The concept of New Public Management emerged during the 1980’s as a result of the public sector being burdened by high costs and lack of cost control. New public management aims to streamline the public sector by gaining inspiration from the private sector. In parallel with the concept of New Public Management, the balanced scorecard grew as a new innovative control model. The balanced scorecard not only took into account the financial measurements but also non-financial measures to create value in the future. Problemdiscussion: In order for the adaptation of the control model to succeed, an organization must take several aspects into account, and that the control model is designed according to the specific needs of the business, but also that the different perspectives and control numbers have a causal relationship. There are several challenges with the balanced scorecard that can affect how an organization adapt and develops the scorecard. The balanced public sector scorecard has been questioned, where critics argue that the scorecard does not provide any benefit and that the steering documents that were introduced were not fully implemented. Research question: To what extent can a regional overall scorecard be adapted to departmental level? Purpose: The study aims to investigate the adaptation and application of the balanced scorecard at Region Kronoberg with special focus on the service department. Method: A case study has been carried out at the service department at Växjö lasarett, which is part of the Kronoberg Region. This case study contains the use of individual as well as group interviews. Our starting point has been a qualitative research method. Both primary and secondary data have been used to collect the data. Analyse: Both the overall and service department's balanced scorecards have been modified in relation to Kaplan and Norton's basic model. Several reasons suggest that the use of the control cards at the different levels lacks a connection, which, according to the theory, is considered important. Because of those reasons, the overall scorecard has a different function than the one intended, which means that the balanced scorecard does not reach its full potential through the four perspectives.  Conclusion: What we have achieved with this study is that the adaption of the balanced scorecard in a large and complex organization as Region Kronoberg can pose several challenges. The reason for these challenges is that the connections are not optimal between the overall balanced scorecard for Region Kronoberg and the individual service department. The overall scorecard works more like a model to describe overall goals to the service department than a control tool.

Strukturální fondy EU: kontrola projektů OPPP a případová studie / EU Structural Funds: Control of OPPP Projects and Case Study

Vaňková, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
The objective of the diploma thesis is to explain and evaluate the process of control of projects that were realized within the Operational Programme Industry and Enterprise. The thesis points out the most common problems and mistakes that were discovered during the financial control and extended the proces of control and postponed the payment of grant. Another aim is prosessing of case study of real project and evaluation of its effects and benefits. Firs part of the diploma thesis contains introduction, second part is theoretical. It sets Operational Programme Industry and Enterprise into wider context. It defines EU regional and structural policies and their objectives. It also mentions particular structural funds. Second part also talks about legislative framework concerning these policies. And this part also mentions operational programmes'administration. Third part of the diploma thesis is concerned with the Operational Programme Industry and Enterprise (OPPP). It describes individual OPPP support programmes from which it was possible to draw the support. Beside that, it shows the process through which the project of applier had to go from application for support, through authorisation to realization and control of project. Fourth part of thesis deals with the control of projects and the main focus is on the financial control. Fifth part contains the case study of real project. The conclusion contains evaluation of projects control process and also evaluation of project that was analysed in the case sudy.

Návrh podnikového finančního plánu pro společnost PLASTY-KO, s. r. o. / Proposal of Financial Plan for PLASTY-KO, s. r. o.

Urbánková, Renáta January 2015 (has links)
Main goal of the diploma thesis is a composition of a long-term financial plan for three years: 2014, 2015 and 2016. Processing company was chosen PLASTY-KO, s. r. o. located in Kobylí. There is a detailed analysis from the outside and also inside of surroundings of the company. Results of methods for processing the analysis are also used as groundwork for a crucial suggestion part of the thesis. This one is focused on a fulfilment of a main goal.

Styrverktyg i en decentraliserad organisation : En fallstudie på Scania Oskarshamn / Control tools in a decentralized organization : A case study at Scania Oskarshamn

Gashi, Liridon, Karlsson, Ella, Svensson Sandin, Alex January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: En organisation kan vara uppbyggd på många olika sätt varav decentralisering är ett av dem. Ekonomistyrverktyg som används inom en organisation är cybernetisk styrning, administrativ styrning och kulturstyrning. Även Lean benämns som ett starkt styrverktyg för en organisation. Tidigare forskning har visat att det är komplext att styra en stor, växande organisation. Det kan även utläsas att det inte finns tillräckligt med forskning om vilka styrverktyg som en organisation bör arbeta med.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att studera och skapa en djupare förståelse över vilka styrverktyg inom ekonomistyrning som företag lyfter fram i en decentraliserad organisation. Det mynnar ut till vidare förståelse av hur de valda styrverktygen tillämpas. Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en abduktiv ansats har använts i studien. Studiens forskningsdesign utgår från en enfallsstudie på Scania CV AB i Oskarshamn (Scania) som fallföretag. Vidare har empiriskt material samlats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, erhållna dokument och Scanias hemsida. Slutsats: Scania använder flertalet styrverktyg på olika sätt. Dels arbetar de decentraliserat. På cybernetiska styrverktyg använder de främst planeringsrunda, budget, prognoser och KPI:er. Vidare använder de kulturella styrverktyg genom organisationskultur, organisatoriskt lärande, organisatoriskt engagemang och kommunikation. SPS och lean har även tillkommit som ett styrverktyg. Slutligen har det primära inte varit valet av ekonomiska styrverktyg i sig utan mer arbetssättet som de tillför. / Background: and problem: An organization can be structured in many different ways, of which decentralization is one of them, financial control tools used within an organization are cybernetic control, administrative control and cultural control. Lean is also referred to as a strong control tool for an organization. Previous research has shown that managing a large, growing organization is complex. What can also be seen is that there is not enough research on what control tools an organization should work with. Purpose: The purpose of the academic paper is to study and build a deeper understanding of what control tools within financial management that companies highlight in a decentralized organization. This leads to a further understanding of how the selected control tools are applied. Method: A qualitative research strategy with an abductive approach has been used in the study. The study's research design is based on a single case study at Scania CV AB in Oskarshamn (Scania) as a case company. Furthermore, empirical material has been gathered through semi-structured interviews, documents obtained, and Scania's website. Conclusion: Scania uses several different control tools in different ways. For one thing, they work decentralized. On cybernetic control tools, they mainly use planning round, budget, forecasts and KPIs. Furthermore, they use cultural control tools through organizational culture, organizational learning, organizational commitment and communication. SPS and lean have also been added as a management tool. Finally, the primary issue has not been the choice of financial management tools per se, but rather the way of working that they bring

Финансовый контроль в сфере государственного оборонного заказа как фактор обеспечения финансовой безопасности Российской Федерации : магистерская диссертация / Financial Control in the Sphere of State Defense Order as a Factor in Ensuring Financial Security of the Russian Federation

Хайрутдинова, А. И., Khairutdinova, A. I. January 2023 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе рассматривается методология механизма обеспечения государственных оборонных нужд в контексте формирования федеральной контрактной системы, а также субъекты и объекты финансового контроля в сфере ГОЗ. Во второй главе исследованы расходы на национальную оборону в разрезе подразделов и главных распорядителей бюджетных средств. Анализируется уровень исполнения, динамика расходов Федерального бюджета по данному направлению, а также влияние расходов национальной обороны на ВВП, безработицу и налоговую нагрузку в Российской Федерации. В третьей главе рассматриваются особенности осуществления финансового мониторинга в сфере гособоронзаказа путем банковского и казначейского сопровождения контрактов, а также приводятся способы совершенствования финансового контроля при выполнении гособоронзаказа. В заключении подводятся итоги проведенного исследования. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of used sources and appendices. The first chapter examines the methodology of the mechanism of ensuring state defense needs in the context of the formation of the federal contract system, as well as the subjects and objects of financial control in the sphere of defense defense procurement. The second chapter studies the expenditures on national defense in the context of subsections and chief budgetary administrators. It analyzes the level of execution, the dynamics of federal budget expenditures in this area, as well as the impact of national defense expenditures on GDP, unemployment and tax burden in the Russian Federation. The third chapter considers the peculiarities of financial monitoring in the sphere of the state defense order through banking and treasury support of contracts, as well as provides ways to improve financial control in the implementation of the state defense order. The conclusion summarizes the results of the study.

Основные направления совершенствования государственного финансового контроля в РФ : магистерская диссертация / The main directions of improving state financial control in the Russian Federation

Асланян, А. Ю., Aslanyan, A. Y. January 2019 (has links)
The master's thesis is devoted to the development of promising ways to improve the organization of activities of financial control bodies in the Russian Federation. Final qualification work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of sources used. The first chapter discusses the theoretical aspects of state financial control. The second chapter analyzes and evaluates the control work of the Accounts Chamber and the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. The third chapter is devoted to the development of recommendations for improving the organization of the activities of control bodies and making a forecast for increasing budget revenues of the Russian Federation in future periods to further improve the quality of life of the country's population. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке перспективных путей совершенствования организации деятельности органов финансового контроля в Российской Федерации. Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения и списка использованных источников. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические аспекты государственного финансового контроля. Во второй главе проведён анализ и оценка контрольной работы Счетной палаты и Федеральной налоговой службы Российской Федерации. Третья глава посвящена разработке рекомендаций по совершенствованию организации деятельности контрольных органов и составлению прогноза по увеличению доходов бюджета Российской Федерации в будущих периодах для дальнейшего улучшения качества жизни населения страны.

Совершенствование методов учета в строительно-монтажных организациях : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of accounting methods in construction and installation organizations

Алейникова, А. Л., Aleynikova, A. L. January 2020 (has links)
Выполнение строительно-монтажных работ связано со сложной системой нормативного регулирования затрат по сметной стоимости, служащих базовым показателем ценообразования и договорной политики подрядных организаций. Разработка методов, позволяющих применить единый подход к учету разнообразия условий выполнения работ по видам договоров, а также средств контроля за исполнением договорных обязательств, служит существенным фактором совершенствования финансового и налогового учета. Результаты проведенного исследования: предложена система субсчетов в составе действующих синтетических счетов по учету затрат на строительно-монтажные работы, а также по учету реализации отдельных этапов работ; обоснована целесообразность расширения функциональных обязанностей работников, осуществляющих внутренний аудит, от обычного финансового контроля до комплексного анализа учетных операций в сочетании с договорной политикой строительной организации; адаптировано использование нормативного метода для учета затрат подрядных организаций с целью повышения эффективности мониторинга отклонений от сметы при формировании финансового результата отчетного периода. / Execution of construction and installation works is associated with a complex system of regulatory regulation of costs according to the estimated cost, which serves as a basic indicator of pricing and contractual policy of contractors. Development of methods to apply a unified approach to the diversity of conditions of work in contracts, as well as means of control over execution of contractual obligations is a significant factor in the improvement of financial and tax accounting. Results of the study: - a system of sub-accounts is proposed as part of existing synthetic accounts for accounting for construction and installation costs, as well as for accounting for the implementation of individual stages of work; - the expediency of expanding the functional responsibilities of employees engaged in internal audit from ordinary financial control to a comprehensive analysis of accounting operations in combination with the contractual policy of the construction organization is justified; - adapted the use of the standard method for accounting for the costs of contractors in order to improve the effectiveness of monitoring deviations from the estimate when forming the financial result of the reporting period.

Financial management of public hospitals

Van der Heever, Hendry 03 1900 (has links)
Interactive version of the thesis is filed with the printed copy in the UNISA archives / The study investigated and described public hospitals in terms of management processes with reference to financial planning, organizing, leading and control in order to identify deficiencies in the financial management of public hospitals. The aim was to identify gaps in the management of financial processes and to provide guidelines and strategies to improve these. The purpose of the research was addressed within a quantitative approach applying exploratory and descriptive designs. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data that fit the objectives of the research. The study population compassed all 27 public hospitals as study units in a specific geographic area, namely Mpumalanga Province with the following inclusion criteria: active patient capacity of 100 beds and more, which employ personnel such as (1) medical, (2) paramedical and (3) administrative and a working application of the BAS as financial accounting system since its interception in the year 2000. Nine public hospitals were randomly selected as the sample hospitals. Within the nine hospitals, four groups of staff were selected by means of stratified random sampling, namely management, health professionals, and financial and administrative staff. The number of staff selected within each hospital differed, from 15 to 50, amounting to a sample size of three hundred (n=300). A response rate of 66.66% v (n=182) was achieved. The sample consisted of 4 (2.27%) chief executive officers, 3 (1.70%) financial managers, 84 (47.72%) unit managers and 91 (50.00%) subordinates. The response rate of 66.66% in this study was an indication of the unavailability of the health care professionals (which include management, health professionals and financial and administrative staff) within the nine public hospitals. The major inferences drawn from this study are that the different health care professions have a poor perception of the scope of financial management in terms of financial needs, utilization of resources, the scope and function of leading and delegation, and applying appropriate financial control methods. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Services Management)

Kontrola na úseku finanční činnosti / Control in the field of financial activities

Šmíd, David January 2012 (has links)
My dissertation starts with the overview of the history of financial control in the Czech lands. In the overview, I compare various controls having the power of the financial control with special attention paid to their mutual interference and overlapping. Performance of one type of control influenced implementation of other types of control. For many reasons, I decided to focus on the period starting in 1989. The years following the change of the regime in 1989 were very turbulent and rich in legislative initiatives. Some were successful, some less productive and I point out selected steps made in the area of control of financial activities, which lacked proper background and reasoning. On the other hand, many constructive proposals had been abolished for political reasons rather for their imperfectness. In other words - much alike the old totalitarian regime, the new authorities did not hesitate to make political decisions at the cost of the public interest. In the text of my dissertation, I examine the current financial control activities from the de lege lata point of view. Looking at the main body of relevant legislation - leaving aside the selected special laws which guide control by ways of special provisions - there are currently three acts, which guide the performance of "financial control"...

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