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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sveriges bostadsmarknad i kris? : En kvalitativ fallstudie över Sveriges rådande situation på bostadsmarknaden och dess påverkan på finansiell stabilitet

Sundelin, Martin, Palmgren, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Att skapa förståelse för hur situationen på en marknad kan påverka den finansiella stabiliteten. Med det som grund göra en samlad bedömning om vilka risker som finns på Sveriges bostadsmarknad för att utvärdera hur och om de kan påverka finansiell stabilitet idag. Metod: För att ge oss en ökad förståelse om hur finansiell instabilitet uppstår på en marknad har vi tagit hjälp av Hyman P. Minskys teoretiska modell “The Financial Instability Hypothesis”. Teorin har vi sedan applicerat på utvalda finansiella kriser för att studera vad som karaktäriserat dem i sin utformning. Vår forskning har bedrivits med kvalitativa intervjuer med olika organisationer som arbetar aktivt för att upprätthålla och se över den finansiella stabiliteten i Sverige. Slutsats: Vi har identifierat externa och interna faktorer som kan påverka finansiell stabilitet. Oro inom det europeiska bankväsendet utgör största hotet mot finansiell stabilitet idag. Problem kopplade till Sveriges bostadsmarknad utgör inget direkt hot mot finansiell stabilitet, dock visar marknaden tendenser på ineffektivitet. Lågt bostadsbyggande och allmänt lågt utbud matchar inte efterfrågan, detta driver upp priser men även skulder. Priser och skulder kan till stor del förklaras med logiskt ekonomiskt resonemang. / Purpose: To create an understanding of how the situation in a market may affect financial stability. With that as a foundation make an overall assessment of the risks that exist on the Swedish housing market to assess whether and how they can affect financial stability today. Method: In order to obtain increased understanding of how financial instability arises in a market we have used Hyman P. Minskys theoretical model “The Financial Instability Hypothesis”. We have then applied the theory on chosen financial crises in order to study what characterizes them. Our study has been conducted with the help of qualitative interviews with various organizations such as banks and authorities that work to maintain and inspect the financial stability in Sweden. Conclusion: We have identified external and internal factors that could affect financial stability. Concern related to the European banking sector form the greatest threat to financial stability today. Problems related to the Swedish Real Estate Market constitute no direct threat to financial stability, however market trends shows inefficiency. Low housing and low supply in general do not match demand, this drives up prices, but also debts. Prices and debts can largerly be explained by logical economic reasoning.

Identifikace podmínek nestability v makromodelech finančních cyklů / Identifying the Conditions of Instability in Macromodels of Financial Cycles

Zenáhlík, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to construct an endogenous macroeconomic model explaining the cause of financial cycles and systemic instability based on the financial instability hypothesis (FIH) published by Hyman Minsky (1982). FIH maintains that capitalist financial systems have an inherent disposition to fi- nancial instability because periods of economic prosperity encourage borrowers and lenders to be increasingly reckless which in turn lead to the formation of financial bubbles. The problem is approached by employing an adaptive ex- pectations model based on stylized facts from Kaldor's and Kalecki's models with addition of behavioral equations implemented in an attempt to simulate market expectations. JEL Classification E02, E11, E32 Keywords Instability, Macromodel, Cycles Author's e-mail ales.z@hotmail.com Supervisor's e-mail jaromir.baxa@fsv.cuni.cz

Lending Sociodynamics and Drivers of the Financial Business Cycle

J. Hawkins, Raymond, Kuang, Hengyu January 2017 (has links)
We extend sociodynamic modeling of the financial business cycle to the Euro Area and Japan. Using an opinion-formation model and machine learning techniques we find stable model estimation of the financial business cycle using central bank lending surveys and a few selected macroeconomic variables. We find that banks have asymmetric response to good and bad economic information, and that banks adapt to their peers' opinions when changing lending policies.

Finansiell instabilitet i Sverige : Kan Minskys hypotes vara förklaringen?

Rosvall, Erica, Zamayeri, Habiba January 2020 (has links)
Through the study's analysis with background to theories and previous research, it turns out that financial instability is hidden in boom and economic stability. Where causes are speculation, optimism, risk-taking and credit expansion. Minsky (1982a) pointed out, among other things, that high debt ratio increases the risk of financial instability, which is an effect of the lavish lending, partly as a result of global financing. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there was a state of financial instability prior to Sweden's crises, focusing on Sweden's three most recent crises: the financial crisis of 1990, the IT bubble of 2000 and the financial crisis of 2008. The study illustrates how Minsky's financial instability hypothesis that "stability breeds instability" also can explain the emergence of Swedish crises. The result shows that there is a clear link between increased debt before crises. / Genom studiens analys med bakgrund till teorier och tidigare forskning visar det sig att finansiell instabilitet döljer sig i högkonjunktur och ekonomisk stabilitet. Där orsaker som ligger till grund är spekulation, optimism, risktagning och kreditexpansion. Minsky (1982a) pekade bland annat på att hög skuldkvot ökar risken för finansiell instabilitet, något som är en effekt av den frikostiga kreditgivningen, bland annat som en följd av den globala finansieringen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om där funnits ett tillstånd av finansiell instabilitet innan Sveriges kriser, med fokus på Sveriges tre senaste kriser: finanskrisen 1990, it-bubblan 2000 och finanskrisen 2008. Studien åskådliggör hur Minskys finansiella instabilitetshypotes om att "stability breeds instability" även kan förklara uppkomsten av svenska kriser. Resultatet visar på att det finns ett tydligt samband mellan ökad skuldsättning innan kriser.

Relationship Between Loan Product, Loan Amount, and Foreclosure After the Subprime Lending Crisis

Allen, Vonetta 01 January 2017 (has links)
Following the collapse of property values and an increasing rate of default on high-risk mortgages, the United States experienced a subprime lending crisis that led to massive financial losses for holders of mortgage-backed securities. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine if loan product and loan amount predict the likelihood of loan foreclosure. The theoretical framework grounding the study was Minsky's financial instability hypothesis, which describes the basis of capitalism as economic expansionism followed by financial crises. The population consisted of 473 loan cases from archival data of the Atlanta Sixth Federal Reserve District in Georgia. The method used to collect the data was a probabilistic simple random sample taken from the archival data. The use of binary logistic regression resulted in a finding that the variables of loan product and loan amount significantly predicted the likelihood of loan foreclosure, Ï?2(4) = 10.65, p = .031, Nagelkerke R2 = .09. The Nagelkerke R2 value indicated that the model explained 9% of the variability in foreclosure. The findings specifically showed that Federal Housing Authority and Veterans Administration loan products were significantly more likely than conventional loans to cause losses for mortgage lenders. The implications for positive social change include increased stakeholder knowledge of various factors that can contribute to foreclosure and sustainment of community value with fewer homeowners losing their home in foreclosure.

Professor Minsky「金融不穩定假說」下之政府角色的探討-以台灣地區為例

利秀蘭, Lee, Shiu-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本文以Minsky金融不穩定假說 (Financial Instability Hypothesis) 為基礎,闡述Minsky對於資本經濟不穩定現象的理論,並且對於Minsky強調不穩定情況下的大政府 (Big Government) 做一更詳細的說明。 金融不穩定假說反應著資本經濟體系的不穩定是一種內生、而且是常態的現象,透過制度結構的改變、法令與經濟單位的外生性反應將經濟維持在穩定的狀況。不穩定的情況始於對經濟前景的過份樂觀態度,隨著危機記憶的過去,風險趨避的態度也逐漸消逝,融通態度變得更為投機,因此提升經濟發生不穩定的機率。 在不穩定一蹴可幾的情形下,Minsky認為,唯有大政府的存在,適當的介入不穩定危機中,不穩定情況才能逐漸趨緩。大政府的存在是透過政府赤字的利潤效果、政府公債的資產負債效果,以及移轉性支付的所得效果來穩定金融、經濟的不穩定。因此,本文以台灣在民國87~88年間發生的金融危機為例,為Minsky的假說做一驗證。實證結果顯示,支持Minsky的假說,並且政府在驗證期間內,的確發揮上述的三效果。

Hushållens krediter : En tidsserieanalys av svenska hushålls skuldsättning mellan 1980 och 2012, utifrån Minskys hypotes om finansiell instabilitet

Aiello, Filip, Haegeland, Martin January 2014 (has links)
De svenska hushållens skuldsättning har ökat markant sedan 1980-talet och är idag på rekordhöga nivåer. Utifrån detta har frågor kring skuldsättningsnivåns hållbarhet, dess makroekonomiska konsekvenser och bakomliggande faktorer, blivit allt vanligare. Tidigare studier på området visar på brister i standardteorin för analys av hushållens skuldsättning, livscykelhypotesen, då hänsyn inte tas till kreditrestriktioner eller människors oförmåga till helt rationellt handlande. En alternativ analysram fick förnyad uppmärksamhet i samband med finanskrisen i USA 2008 – Hyman Minskys hypotes om finansiell instabilitet – vilken inkorporerar ett fokus på spekulation på kredit- och tillgångsmarknader som förklaring till skuldsättning. Den här uppsatsen undersöker om Minskys hypotes kan appliceras på de svenska hushållen och förklara förändringen i skuldsättning sedan 1980-talet, genom en linjär regressionsmodell på aggregerad data för tidsperioden 1980 till 2012. Resultaten tyder på att den ökade skuldsättningen i stor utsträckning kan förklaras utifrån Minsky hypotes, där en avreglerad kreditmarknad och fallande räntenivåer verkar ha lett till en ökad spekulation i reala tillgångar, ökat risktagande hos både långivare och låntagare och därmed en ökad skuldsättning. / The debt level of Swedish households has increased noticeably since the 1980’s and is today at a record high level. This has given rise to questions regarding the sustainability of the debt level, its macroeconomic implications and driving factors. Previous studies on the subject show deficiencies in the standard theory for analyzing household debt, the life-cycle hypothesis, due to lack of consideration in the theory of credit restrictions and humans’ inability to act completely rationally. An alternative framework for analysis received renewed attention in connection with the financial crisis in the U.S. in 2008 – Hyman Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis – incorporating speculation in credit and asset markets as explanations for indebtness. This thesis investigates whether Minky’s hypothesis can be applied on Swedish households and explain the change in debt levels since the 1980’s, through a linear regression model, using aggregate data for the period 1980 to 2012. The results of the thesis indicate that the increased debt level to a large extent can be explained by Minsky’s hypothesis, where a de-regulated credit market and falling interest rates seem to have caused increased speculation in real assets, increased risk-taking by both debtors and creditors and thus an increased level of household debt.

This Time It’s Different: Speculative Asset Bubbles & Adaptive Expectations

Sheehy, Conor January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Harold Petersen / Using insights from Hyman Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH), we develop a theoretical framework for how speculative bubbles may materialize in securities markets. Our model and empirical analysis show that agents place undue emphasis on recent experience of risk and returns when developing future expectations. We use the aggregate investor allocation to equities (aggregate total market capitalization of equities divided by the price of all real liabilities outstanding), Tobin’s Q (the aggregate market price of equities divided by the replacement cost of nonfinancial firms’ assets), Shiller Total Return Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings Ratio (TR CAPE), and Shiller Cyclically Adjusted Price to Earnings Ratio (CAPE) as proxy variables for bubbles. We find statistically significant, negative relationships between all four of these proxy variables and two dependent variables, Subsequent Ten-Year Annualized Cumulative Equity Market Returns (Nominal and Real), and also Subsequent 10-year Average Losses, thereby providing evidence against the Efficient Market Hypothesis and suggesting the possibility of speculative bubbles. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Carroll School of Management. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Economics.

The Efficient Market Hypothesis, the Financial Instability Hypothesis, and Speculative Bubbles

Sherman, John January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Harold Petersen / According to the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), speculative bubbles do not exist and are impossible. We disagree. If prices are the only observable component of an asset’s value, and they themselves are an aggregated consensus of perceived value, then what about the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is testable? Rather than assume that prices always reflect value (i.e. perfect market efficiency), we maintain that markets are efficient to the extent that one can be confident that tomorrow’s prices will not diverge dramatically or arbitrarily from today’s prices, absent significant new information. Speculative bubbles are not materializing every day, every month, or even every year. But they do have the potential and indeed a tendency to occur from time to time. If markets are efficient, what explains all the trading? Rather than assume rational expectations and a homogenous investor class, we assume four investor classes that diverge in their perception of value (i.e. in their expectation of future returns) and thus trade with each other. Using insights from Hyman Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH), we develop a theoretical framework for how a speculative bubble might materialize within a modern capitalist economy with securities markets’ that follow a random walk. Obviously, there is no “bubble” variable. We use Tobin’s Q, the ratio of the price of an asset to its replacement cost, and Shiller’s cyclically adjusted P/E ratio as proxy variables for bubbles. We find statistically significant, negative relationships between both of these proxy variables and our dependent variable, Ten Year Cumulative Returns, thereby providing evidence against the EMH and suggesting the possibility of speculative bubbles. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Economics Honors Program. / Discipline: Economics.

A evolução da indústria brasileira de fundos de investimentos de 2004 a 2009: da estabilidade à instabilidade

Itikawa, Tatiana Matie 22 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tatiana Matie Itikawa.pdf: 1349758 bytes, checksum: f16f64c34fa40b4a30123c2ef8ab1489 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-22 / Since the implementation of Plano Real, Brazilian s economy has been getting significant changes that have brought stability and sophistication to the financial system. In addition, since 2004, the Brazilian s investment funds industry has been going through regulatory changes that made it corresponds to 30% of GDP and is the 6th largest in the world. Based on the theory of financial instability hypothesis of Hyman Minsky, we intent to analyze the Brazilian investment funds from 2004 to June 2009: a period when the Brazilian economy shifts from stability to instability / Desde a implantação do Plano Real a economia brasileira vem conseguindo mudanças significativas que trouxeram estabilidade e sofisticação ao sistema financeiro. Alem disso, desde 2004, a indústria brasileira de fundos de investimento vem passando por transformações regulatórias que fizeram com que ela corresponda a 30% do PIB e seja a 6º maior do mundo. Com base na teoria da Hipótese da Instabilidade Financeira de Hyman Minsky que pretende-se analisar a indústria brasileira de fundos de 2004 a junho de 2009: um período em que a economia brasileira passa da estabilidade para a instabilidade

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