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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolômica como ferramenta em taxonomia: O modelo em Arnica. Metabolomics in plant taxonomy: The Arnica model / Metabolomics in plant taxonomy: The Arnica model

Ernst, Madeleine 23 August 2013 (has links)
Taxonomia vegetal é a ciência que trata da descrição, identificação, nomenclatura e classificação de plantas. O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas que podem ser aplicadas nesta área de conhecimento é essencial para dar suporte às decisões relacionadas a conservação de hotspots de biodiversidade. Nesta dissertação de mestrado foi desenvolvido um protocolo de metabolic fingerprinting utilizando MALDI-MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry) e subsequente análise multivariada utilizando scripts desenvolvidos para o pacote estatístico R. Foram classificadas, com base nos seus metabólitos detectados, 24 plantas de diferentes famílias vegetais, sendo todas elas coletadas em áreas da Savana Brasileira (Cerrado), que foi considerada um hotspot de biodiversidade. Metabolic fingerprinting compreende uma parte da Metabolômica, i.e., a ciência que objetiva analisar todos os metabólitos de um dado sistema (celula, tecído ou organismo) em uma dada condição. Comparada com outros métodos de estudo do metaboloma MALDI-MS apresenta a vantagem do rápido tempo de análise. A complexidade e importância da correta classificação taxonômica é ilustrada no exemplo do gênero Lychnophora, o qual teve diversas espécies incluídas neste estudo. No Brasil espécies deste gênero são popularmente conhecidas como \"arnica da serra\" ou \"falsa arnica\". Os resultados obtidos apontam similaridades entre a classificação proposta e a classificação taxonômica atual. No entanto ainda existe um longo caminho para que a técnica de metabolic fingerprinting possa ser utilizada como um procedimento padrão em taxonomia. Foram estudados e discutidos diversos fatores que afetaram os resultados como o preparo da amostra, as condições de análise por MALDI-MS e a análise de dados, os quais podem guiar futuros estudos nesta área de pesquisa. / Plant taxonomy is the science of description, identification, nomenclature and classification of plants. The development of new techniques that can be applied in this field of research are essential in order to assist informed and efficient decision-making about conservation of biodiversity hotspots. In this master\'s thesis a protocol for metabolic fingerprinting by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) with subsequent multivariate data analysis by in-house algorithms in the R environment for the classification of 24 plant species from closely as well as from distantly related families and tribes was developed. Metabolic fingerprinting forms part of metabolomics, a research field, which aims to analyse all metabolites, i.e., the metabolome in a given system (cell, tissue, or organism) under a given set of conditions. Compared to other metabolomics techniques MALDI-MS shows potential advantages, mainly due to its rapid data acquisition. All analysed species were collected in areas of the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado), which was classified as \"hotspot for conservation priority\". The complexity and importance of correct taxonomic classification is illustrated on the example of the genus Lychnophora, of which several species also have been included into analysis. In Brazil species of this genus are popularly known as \"arnica da serra\" or \"falsa arnica\". Similarities to taxonomic classification could be obtained by the proposed protocol and data analysis. However there is still a long way to go in making metabolic fingerprinting by MALDI-MS a standard procedure in taxonomic research. Several difficulties that are inherent to sample preparation, analysis of plant\'s metabolomes by MALDI-MS as well as data analysis are highlighted in this study and might serve as a basis for further research.

Codes de traçage de traîtres pour la protection de contenus numériques / Traitor tracing codes for digital content protection

Desoubeaux, Mathieu 14 October 2013 (has links)
En traçage de traîtres, plusieurs copies d'un même contenu sont personnalisées avant distribution pour identifier d'éventuelles fuites d'informations. Dans le contexte de la distribution de contenus multimédia, cette personnalisation repose sur une construction jointe d'un code composé d'identifiants uniques et d'un algorithme de dissimulation d'informations. Une des problématiques majeure de cette construction est de conserver des propriétés d'identification même en cas d'attaques par collusion d'une coalition de traîtres, c'est-à-dire lorsque plusieurs copies d'utilisateurs (les traîtres) sont utilisées pour créer une copie pirate inconnue du système. Ces attaques doivent être contrées d'une part, au niveau du code traçant et d'autre part au niveau de l'algorithme d'insertion. Pour une distribution de contenus à grande échelle, il est nécessaire d'aborder le problème de la génération des identifiants de manière probabiliste. Le code de Gabor Tardos est alors l'approche la plus performante pour un alphabet binaire. Cependant, pour des identifiants à valeurs réelles respectant une contrainte de distorsion à l'insertion, ces identifiants binaires ne sont plus optimaux en terme d'erreur de décodage. Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé un décodeur MAP non informé pour améliorer le décodage du code de Tardos. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés à combiner les approches de codes à valeurs binaires et réelles afin d'améliorer les performances de traçage. Enfin, nous avons abordé le problème de la complexité de décodage avec une approche hiérarchique de codes à deux niveaux. / In Traitor Tracing, preventing leaks of a digital content comes with the personalization of each delivered copy. For multimedia content distribution, such as video on demand applications, the personalization depends on a joint construction between a code of unique sequences and a data hiding tool. The major issue is to keep tracing properties even in case of collusion attacks proceed by a coalition of traitors. Collusion attacks have to be counteract both on the code layer with anti-collusion construction and on the data hiding layer with robust watermarking. For large scale multimedia content distribution, it is necessary to tackle the problem of the code generation in a probabilistic manner. The binary code of Gabor Tardos is actually the best approach of probabilistic traitor tracing codes. However, for real valued signals prone to distortion constraint, which is the context in multimedia digital watermarking, Tardos binary fingerprints are no longer optimal in term of decoding error. Our work concerns several aspects of probabilistic codes construction. Firstly, we gives new accusation functions in the Tardos tracing framework with a non informed MAP (Maximum A Posteriori) decoder leading to decrease errors probabilities. Secondly, we proposed a joint construction of binary and real values codes so as to improve collusion robustness. Finally we focus on a hierarchical two layers codes construction which reduces the Tardos decoding complexity.

Using DNA Fingerprinting to Assess Genetic Structure of the Vernal Pool Amphibian Rana sylvatica

Beatini, Salvatore J. 28 April 2003 (has links)
In this study, I used restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis (DNA fingerprinting) to study the genetic population structure of wood frogs, Rana sylvatica, collected as egg masses from vernal pools within the Massachusetts Audubon Society Lincoln Woods Wildlife Sanctuary in Leominster, MA. The average genetic relatedness of sibling individuals, non-sibling individuals from within the same pool, and individuals from pools of close (5 m), far (200 m) and distant (40 km) spatial separations was calculated. The goal was to use genetic relatedness to estimate the breeding patterns of R. sylvatica and use that information to make general management recommendations that could be applied to other vernal pools breeders. I detected relative differences in genetic similarity between individuals from pools only 5 meters apart, however over a larger distance of 200 meters no significant genetic differences were present. This suggests that although wood frogs are known to be highly philopatric, they may use information other than simply proximity to their natal pool when choosing breeding sites. Factors such as species composition, water chemistry and heterogeneity of the landscape between pools may influence breeding site choice. Also, contrary to the findings of recent studies, the distance between vernal pools may not be the best indicator of the genetic similarity of the individuals they host. Pools in close proximity to one another may host genetically distinct populations, and therefore management decisions should be made on a pool-by-pool basis. Consequently, when managing populations of R. sylvatica, and possibly other vernal pool breeders, taking into account parameters other than simply the spatial separation of pools within an array may avoid decisions that could result in the loss of genetic diversity.

Privacidade da mente " Brain Fingerprinting" - Aplicabilidade e limites

Gomes, Maria Inês Ferreira 18 February 2008 (has links)
Mestrado em Bioética / Master Degree Course in Bioethics / Com este trabalho procuramos analisar a problemática das novas tecnologias no acesso ao conteúdo do cérebro, nomeadamente o uso dos potenciais evocados cognitivos (sobretudo o P300) sob a forma de Brain Fingerprinting, pondo à prova a fiabilidade do método e eventuais consequências éticas da sua aplicação. Abordaram-se conceitos como mente e seu conteúdo, no que se refere à comunicação e linguagem como forma de interacção social, sobretudo na capacidade de fazer uso da verdade ou da mentira, como escolha consciente e individual. Inerente à mentira abordou-se o conceito de emoção para compreender como funciona o tradicional polígrafo e de que forma o Brain Fingerprinting poderá trazer vantagens. A nível experimental avaliamos a utilização do P300 como "detector de culpa" em 20 indivíduos, tendo-se excluído 5, divididos num grupo controlo (n=8) e experimental (n=7 participantes num furto simulado), em duas experiências com estímulos visuais: experiência 1 com palavras e experiência 2 com imagens. Na análise visual individual verificou-se maior eficácia das imagens para a detecção correcta dos indivíduos (50% vs. 37,5% para os inocentes e 28,6% vs. 0% para os culpados). Nos culpados as palavras deram origem a uma percentagem elevada de falsos negativos (57,1% vs. 28,6% com imagens), salientando-se uma baixa taxa de falsos positivos em ambas as experiências. Na análise visual dos grupos as imagens parecem ser também mais eficazes na detecção correcta de ambos os perfis (culpados e inocentes), enquanto as palavras só identificam correctamente os inocentes. Da análise estatística intra e intergrupos obteve-se um "perfil inocente" em ambos os grupos, nas duas experiências. Neste estudo os nossos melhores resultados só identificaram correctamente 50% dos inocentes e 28,6% dos culpados (com imagens) o que se encontra muito longe dos 100% obtidos por Farwell e Smith (2001). Por fim, levamos a cabo uma discussão bioética debruçando-nos sobre a licitude deste tipo de metodologia, que promete aceder aos pensamentos, criando uma nova noção de dignidade, privacidade e autonomia. A discussão termina com a noção de responsabilização individual, abrangendo o direito inalienável à liberdade de acção e pensamento, inerente à espécie humana. / With the present work we intend to approach the problem of the use of new technologies as a mean to gain access to mental events, such as the use of Brain Fingerprinting. We will test the reliability of such method and discuss its ethical implications. We will approach concepts such as the mind and its content, concerning communication and language as a social interaction tool, and the ability to tell the truth or lie as a conscious and individual choice. Concerning deception, we approach the concept of emotion in order to understand the functioning of the traditional Polygraph and the way in which the use of Brain Fingerprinting may be advantageous. We experimentally assessed the use of the P300 event related potential as a "guilt detector", relying on a sample of 20 subjects (15+5 excluded from the analysis), divided into control (n = 8) and experimental (n = 7 subjects who simulated a theft in a mock-crime scenario) groups. There were two experiments with visual stimuli: experiment 1 with words and experiment 2 with pictures. Visual analysis of individual records revealed greater accuracy on the use of images to correctly detect subjects (50% vs. 37,5% for innocents and 28,6% vs. 0% of correctly detected subjects for the guilty condition). For guilty subjects, words led to a high percentage of false negatives (57,1% vs. 28,6 for pictures). A low percentage of false alarms were observed for both experiences. From the visual analysis of groups we are led to conclude that pictures seem to be once again more effective on the detection of both profiles (guilty and innocent), while words are only effective for the detection of innocent subjects. Statistical analysis did not discriminate between profiles, as we obtained constant "innocent" results for both experiments and groups. On the present study the best results we achieved were a 50% rate of identification for innocents and 28,6% for guilty subjects (with pictures). This contrasts with the rate of 100% obtained by Farwell and Smith (2001). Finally, we entail on a bioethical discussion concerning the acceptability of this kind of methodology, which promises access to thoughts, thus creating a new notion of dignity, privacy and autonomy. The discussion ends with the notion of individual responsibility, embracing the inalienable right to freedom of action and thought, inherent to the human species.

Identificação de fontes de sedimento em bacias hidrográficas rurais do sul do Brasil / Fingerprinting sediment sources in agricultural catchments in southern Brazil

Tiecher, Tales 05 March 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Knowledge of the main diffuse sources of sediment can enhance efficiency in the use of public resources invested in soil conservation management strategies. Conventional fingerprinting methods based on geochemical composition are time-consuming and require critical preliminary sample preparation. In this context, spectroscopic methods can be less labor-intensive, cheap, and viable alternative for this purpose. The present study aimed to quantify the sediment sources supplied to rivers in agricultural catchments of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and to evaluate the potential use of spectroscopy measurements as a low cost and easy alternative to fingerprint sediment sources. Five study areas with increased size (Arvorezinha, Júlio de Castilhos 1, Júlio de Castilhos 2, Conceição, and Guaporé, with areas of 1.19, 0.80, 1.43, 804.3, and 2,027.2 km2, respectively) were evaluated. Sediment sources evaluated were crop fields, grasslands, unpaved roads, and stream channels. Sediment sampling strategies included time-integrated samplers, fine-bed sediments, and storm-event sediments. The total concentrations of several geochemical tracers were measured in both sediment and source samples. Spectral measurements were made for ultraviolet-visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared ranges only for the Arvorezinha catchment. Source ascriptions obtained by alternative methods based on spectroscopy analysis were in agreement with ascriptions from classical fingerprinting method based on geochemical composition. Spectral information can provide as relevant information as the geochemical tracers. Furthermore, combining visible-based-colour with geochemical tracers was a rapid and cheap way to enhance discrimination between source types and to improve the precision of sediment sources apportionment. Results of sediment source apportionment demonstrate that other factors than proportion of land use, such as distribution of croplands, forests, and unpaved roads across the landscape play an important role in sediment production. Riparian forests seems to be a key factor to control stream channel erosion. The sediment yielded from unpaved roads seems to be strongly scale-related and it depends on the number of intersections between roads the stream network. Crop fields, even when cultivated with no-tillage, are still the main source of sediment to rivers in agricultural catchments in Southern Brazil. The amount of cropland specific sediment yield ranged from 0.06 to 3.95 ton ha 1 yr 1. These variations are partly attributed to the relief and slope, but land use and soil management are also important control factors. The cropland specific sediment yield remains too high for areas with low sensitivity to erosion where no-tillage is applied, as in Conceição catchment (1.30 ton ha 1 of cropland yr 1), indicating that additional efforts are necessary to further reduce soil erosion. Therefore, there is an urgent need to better plan land use and cover in these catchments, inasmuch as the soil management systems used by farmers proved to be inefficient to reduce runoff and erosion in cultivated areas of Southern Brazil. / Knowledge of the main diffuse sources of sediment can enhance efficiency in the use of public resources invested in soil conservation management strategies. Conventional fingerprinting methods based on geochemical composition are time-consuming and require critical preliminary sample preparation. In this context, spectroscopic methods can be less labor-intensive, cheap, and viable alternative for this purpose. The present study aimed to quantify the sediment sources supplied to rivers in agricultural catchments of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and to evaluate the potential use of spectroscopy measurements as a low cost and easy alternative to fingerprint sediment sources. Five study areas with increased size (Arvorezinha, Júlio de Castilhos 1, Júlio de Castilhos 2, Conceição, and Guaporé, with areas of 1.19, 0.80, 1.43, 804.3, and 2,027.2 km2, respectively) were evaluated. Sediment sources evaluated were crop fields, grasslands, unpaved roads, and stream channels. Sediment sampling strategies included time-integrated samplers, fine-bed sediments, and storm-event sediments. The total concentrations of several geochemical tracers were measured in both sediment and source samples. Spectral measurements were made for ultraviolet-visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared ranges only for the Arvorezinha catchment. Source ascriptions obtained by alternative methods based on spectroscopy analysis were in agreement with ascriptions from classical fingerprinting method based on geochemical composition. Spectral information can provide as relevant information as the geochemical tracers. Furthermore, combining visible-based-colour with geochemical tracers was a rapid and cheap way to enhance discrimination between source types and to improve the precision of sediment sources apportionment. Results of sediment source apportionment demonstrate that other factors than proportion of land use, such as distribution of croplands, forests, and unpaved roads across the landscape play an important role in sediment production. Riparian forests seems to be a key factor to control stream channel erosion. The sediment yielded from unpaved roads seems to be strongly scale-related and it depends on the number of intersections between roads the stream network. Crop fields, even when cultivated with no-tillage, are still the main source of sediment to rivers in agricultural catchments in Southern Brazil. The amount of cropland specific sediment yield ranged from 0.06 to 3.95 ton ha 1 yr 1. These variations are partly attributed to the relief and slope, but land use and soil management are also important control factors. The cropland specific sediment yield remains too high for areas with low sensitivity to erosion where no-tillage is applied, as in Conceição catchment (1.30 ton ha 1 of cropland yr 1), indicating that additional efforts are necessary to further reduce soil erosion. Therefore, there is an urgent need to better plan land use and cover in these catchments, inasmuch as the soil management systems used by farmers proved to be inefficient to reduce runoff and erosion in cultivated areas of Southern Brazil.

Análise Metabolômica de Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietr.

Souto, Augusto Lopes 26 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2016-03-29T14:36:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5620328 bytes, checksum: cc12fb802b3be6b2f1e66e8519ace0cf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-29T14:36:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5620328 bytes, checksum: cc12fb802b3be6b2f1e66e8519ace0cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / The species Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietr, which belongs to the Piperaceae family, is a well-known plant, distributed from Mexico to South America. Previous phytochemical studies demonstrated the presence of compounds from several classes, such as: lignans, flavonoids, amides, phenolic compounds and chromenes, which demonstrated interesting biological activities. This work describes the metabolomic analysis of Peperomia obtusifolia, which study in real time, the metabolism of this species in many kinds of scenarios. However, to accomplish this study, firstly it was developed a standard protocol, capable of preparing the samples in a reproducible way, enabling the following metabolomic studies to generate reliable results. Later, it was conducted the metabolomic study of Peperomia obtusifolia and its varieties, by fingerprinting analysis, in order to characterize the metabolomic profiles of each one of them. Furthermore, it was also evaluated the behavior of the species against the stress induced by the herbivory of Monoplatus sp. In general, the analyzes were conducted by NMR of 1H (which the data was interpreted by PCA), mass spectrometry, HPLC, GC and its hyphenated techniques. As a result, it was found that, despite the fact that the Peperomia obtusifolia varieties belong to the same species, they had different metabolomes. Regarding the study of the biotic stress against the plant, changes were detected on the metabolomic profile of the attacked plants, indicating a response against the herbivore attack. As a major result of this research, it can be highlighted the fact that the same changes were also detected on the metabolome of the intact plants closed to the attacked ones, indicating a sort of interplant communication by volatile compounds, capable to induce the neighborhood yet not attacked, to be prepared for an imminent attack, giving them a better chance of survival. / A espécie Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A. Dietr, pertencente à família Piperaceae, é uma planta amplamente conhecida, cuja ocorrência vai desde o México até a América do Sul. Estudos fitoquímicos anteriores revelaram a presença de compostos de diversas classes, como: lignanas, flavonoides, amidas, compostos fenólicos e cromenos, os quais demonstraram atividade biológica bastante promissora. Este trabalho aborda a análise metabolômica de Peperomia obtusifolia, que visa estudar em tempo real o metabolismo desta espécie em diversos tipos de cenários. Entretanto, para que este estudo fosse realizado, primeiramente foi desenvolvido um protocolo padrão, capaz de preparar amostras de maneira reprodutível, possibilitando assim uma análise metabolômica que gerasse resultados fidedignos. Posteriormente foi realizado o estudo metabolômico de Peperomia obtusifolia e suas variedades, por análise de fingerprinting, que visa caracterizar os perfis metabólicos de cada organismo. Além disso, também foi avaliado o metaboloma da espécie frente ao estresse biótico provocado pela herbivoria do besouro Monoplatus sp. As análises das amostras foram realizadas por meio de RMN de 1H (cujos dados foram interpretados por PCA), espectrometria de massas, CLAE, CG e técnicas hifenadas. Como resultado, descobriu-se que apesar das variedades de Peperomia obtusifolia pertencerem à mesma espécie, elas possuíam metabolomas diferentes. Já em relação ao estudo de estresse biótico aplicado à planta, foram detectadas nas plantas predadas, alterações nos perfis metabolômicos, configurando-se uma resposta contra o ataque provocado. Considera-se um resultado de maior importância, o fato de que plantas intactas que estavam próximas às predadas, responderam ao ataque de maneira semelhante, indicando assim, uma comunicação inter-plantas por meio de compostos voláteis, capaz de induzir a vizinhança ainda não atacada a se preparar para reagir ao ataque, possibilitando assim, maior chance de sobrevivência.

Caracterização molecular de cultivares de café resistentes à ferrugem / Molecular characterization of coffee cultivars resistant to rust

Sousa, Tiago Vieira 29 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:42:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 483682 bytes, checksum: 46d5690ba1fa20fbb43c21ec1603c096 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Coffee breeding in Brazil promoted the development of cultivars with much higher productive potential, compared to traditional cultivars. Currently, 123 cultivars of Coffea arabica are registered in the National Register of Cultivars RNC/MAPA, of which eight are protected. Cultivars can only be registered if they are distinct, uniform and stable (DUS). Morphological descriptors have been generally used for DUS examination of a cultivar. However, commercial cultivars are increasingly coming phenotypically closer. This hinders a precise discrimination of these materials by such descriptors. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop an alternative to assist in DUS testing, because it will provide great benefits. The use of molecular markers can discriminate more accurately and safely cultivars candidates to registration and/or protection. Among the various types of molecular markers, microsatellites have been the most widely used because they are codominant, multi- allelic, highly polymorphic and locus-specific. This study aimed to establish a set of microsatellite markers for molecular characterization (fingerprinting) of coffee cultivars carrying rust resistance (Hemileia vastratrix Berk. Et Br). Thirty-four cultivars/progenies of C. arabica were assessed. For each cultivar/progeny, six plants were analyzed, which totaled 204 individuals. Thus, it was possible to verify the occurrence of genetic variability within and among the genetic materials evaluated. Thirty-one microsatellite primers were tested; 27 amplified, of which 20 were polymorphic. Based on the data of 16 polymorphic markers selected, a dendrogram was constructed, and a molecular profile of the cultivars was established in two distinct ways. The analysis of the dendrogram allowed distinguishing 29 of the 34 cultivars/progenies assessed. Fingerprinting analysis allowed defining 31 unique molecular profiles. / Os ganhos alcançados com o melhoramento genético do cafeeiro no Brasil resultaram na obtenção de cultivares com potencial produtivo muito superior ao das cultivares tradicionais. Atualmente, 123 cultivares de Coffea arabica estão registradas no Registro Nacional de Cultivares RNC/MAPA; destas, oito são protegidas. Para que uma cultivar possa ser registrada e ou protegida é obrigatório que ela seja distinta, homogênea e estável (DHE). Na comprovação de DHE de uma cultivar os descritores morfológicos tem sido os mais utilizados. No entanto, as cultivares comerciais são cada vez mais próximas fenotipicamente. Isso dificulta a discriminação precisa desses materiais por meio desses descritores. Assim sendo, uma alternativa que venha auxiliar nos testes de DHE é de extrema necessidade e proporcionará grandes benefícios. Nesse sentido, o uso de marcadores moleculares pode discriminar com maior precisão e segurança as cultivares as quais se deseja o registro e ou a proteção. Dentre os vários tipos de marcadores moleculares, os microssatélites tem sido os mais utilizados por serem codominantes, multialélicos, altamente polimórfico e loco específico. O presente trabalho objetivou estabelecer um conjunto de marcadores microssatélite para a caracterização molecular (fingerprinting) de cultivares de café portadoras de resistência à ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br.). Foram analisadas 34 cultivares/progênies de C. arabica. Para cada cultivar/progênie foram analisadas seis plantas, constituindo um total de 204 indivíduos. Dessa forma, pôde-se verificar a possível ocorrência de variabilidade genética entre e dentro dos materiais genéticos avaliados. Trinta e um primers microssatélites foram testados, 27 amplificaram, sendo 20 polimórficos. A partir dos dados de 16 marcadores polimórficos selecionados foi construído um dendrograma e de duas maneiras distintas, foi estabelecido o perfil molecular das cultivares. Pela análise do dendrograma foi possível distinguir 29 das 34 cultivares/progênies avaliadas. Pela análise de fingerprinting foi definido 31 perfis moleculares únicos.

Metabolômica como ferramenta em taxonomia: O modelo em Arnica. Metabolomics in plant taxonomy: The Arnica model / Metabolomics in plant taxonomy: The Arnica model

Madeleine Ernst 23 August 2013 (has links)
Taxonomia vegetal é a ciência que trata da descrição, identificação, nomenclatura e classificação de plantas. O desenvolvimento de novas técnicas que podem ser aplicadas nesta área de conhecimento é essencial para dar suporte às decisões relacionadas a conservação de hotspots de biodiversidade. Nesta dissertação de mestrado foi desenvolvido um protocolo de metabolic fingerprinting utilizando MALDI-MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry) e subsequente análise multivariada utilizando scripts desenvolvidos para o pacote estatístico R. Foram classificadas, com base nos seus metabólitos detectados, 24 plantas de diferentes famílias vegetais, sendo todas elas coletadas em áreas da Savana Brasileira (Cerrado), que foi considerada um hotspot de biodiversidade. Metabolic fingerprinting compreende uma parte da Metabolômica, i.e., a ciência que objetiva analisar todos os metabólitos de um dado sistema (celula, tecído ou organismo) em uma dada condição. Comparada com outros métodos de estudo do metaboloma MALDI-MS apresenta a vantagem do rápido tempo de análise. A complexidade e importância da correta classificação taxonômica é ilustrada no exemplo do gênero Lychnophora, o qual teve diversas espécies incluídas neste estudo. No Brasil espécies deste gênero são popularmente conhecidas como \"arnica da serra\" ou \"falsa arnica\". Os resultados obtidos apontam similaridades entre a classificação proposta e a classificação taxonômica atual. No entanto ainda existe um longo caminho para que a técnica de metabolic fingerprinting possa ser utilizada como um procedimento padrão em taxonomia. Foram estudados e discutidos diversos fatores que afetaram os resultados como o preparo da amostra, as condições de análise por MALDI-MS e a análise de dados, os quais podem guiar futuros estudos nesta área de pesquisa. / Plant taxonomy is the science of description, identification, nomenclature and classification of plants. The development of new techniques that can be applied in this field of research are essential in order to assist informed and efficient decision-making about conservation of biodiversity hotspots. In this master\'s thesis a protocol for metabolic fingerprinting by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) with subsequent multivariate data analysis by in-house algorithms in the R environment for the classification of 24 plant species from closely as well as from distantly related families and tribes was developed. Metabolic fingerprinting forms part of metabolomics, a research field, which aims to analyse all metabolites, i.e., the metabolome in a given system (cell, tissue, or organism) under a given set of conditions. Compared to other metabolomics techniques MALDI-MS shows potential advantages, mainly due to its rapid data acquisition. All analysed species were collected in areas of the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado), which was classified as \"hotspot for conservation priority\". The complexity and importance of correct taxonomic classification is illustrated on the example of the genus Lychnophora, of which several species also have been included into analysis. In Brazil species of this genus are popularly known as \"arnica da serra\" or \"falsa arnica\". Similarities to taxonomic classification could be obtained by the proposed protocol and data analysis. However there is still a long way to go in making metabolic fingerprinting by MALDI-MS a standard procedure in taxonomic research. Several difficulties that are inherent to sample preparation, analysis of plant\'s metabolomes by MALDI-MS as well as data analysis are highlighted in this study and might serve as a basis for further research.

Sediments in a fast urbanizing catchment in Central Brazil – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment geochemistry and sediment sources

Franz, Claudia 08 June 2015 (has links)
Over the last decades, fast urban sprawl and accelerated land use change have drastically increased the pressure on water resources of the capital Brasília and its surrounding area. The water supply of the metropolitan region of Brasília depends largely on surface water collected in reservoirs. There are increasing concerns regarding water shortages due to sediment aggradations, and of water quality due to geochemical modification of sediments from human activities. The complexity of various socio-environmental problems, such as non-point source pollution, soil erosion or silting of water reservoirs within urban catchments evoked the need for more effective and sustainable strategies to use land and water resources. Accurate identification and management of sediment source areas, however, is hampered by the lack of reliable information on the primary sources of sediment and on sediment geochemistry. The fingerprinting approach and a multivariate mixing model have been proven to be a valuable sediment source tracing technique across the globe and for various environmental settings. A multi-component methodology, including geochemical and geophysical analyses of representative sediment source and alluvial sediment samples, statistical analyses and a multivariate mixing model, was utilized to obtain the impact of different anthropogenic activities on sediment and water quality and to identify the major sources of sediments within the Lago Paranoá catchment. However, sediment source appointment and geochemical signatures of sediments in urbanized tropical regions, such as the Lago Paranoá catchment in the DF, are hampered by severe challenges; (i) the presence of various types of land use and heavy urbanized areas, (ii) large differences between sub-catchments and (iii) model structural failures in representing the sediment source contribution within urban tropical river basins. The present cumulative thesis addresses the challenges in geochemical analyses of different types of source and alluvial sediments, and in sediment source appointment for the Lago Paranoá catchment and it´s five sub-catchments. The aim of the study was to assess the distribution of chemical elements and geochemical/physical properties of potential sediment sources in the Lago Paranoá catchment. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to investigate the influence of different land use types on the geochemistry of sediments. Geochemical fingerprints of anthropogenic activities were developed based on the results of the cluster analysis grouping. The anthropogenic input of land use specific geochemical elements was examined and quantified by the calculation of enrichment factors using the local geological background as reference. The existing findings suggest a strong relationship between land use and quantifiable features of sediment geochemistry, and identified the combined effects of specific anthropogenic activities and metal enrichment in source and alluvial sediments. Through comparison of the geochemical signature of potential sediment sources and alluvial sediments of the Lago Paranoá and sub-catchments, the relative contribution of land use specific sediment sources to the sediment deposition of the main water reservoir were estimated. This assessment indicated that urban land use had the greatest responsibility for recent silting in the Lago Paranoá. In fact, one of the most challenging issues within the scope of IWRM is to quantify the contribution of sediment sources within fast urbanizing, mixed used, tropical catchments. Therefore, statistically verified composite fingerprints and a modified multivariate mixing model have been used to identify the main land use specific sources of sediment deposited in the silting zones of the Lago Paranoá, Central Brazil. Because of the great variability of urban land use types within the Lago Paranoá sub-catchments, the fingerprinting approach was additionally undertaking for the Riacho Fundo sub-catchment. This sediment source tracing technique provides valuable information on the response of the main sediment sources in a fast growing agglomeration with respect to specific land uses and human activities and allowed to examine the uncertainty in model prediction. The main contributions from individual source types (i.e. surface materials from residential areas, constructions sites, road deposited sediment, cultivated areas, pasture, farm tracks, woodland and natural gullies) varied between the whole catchment and the Riacho Fundo sub-catchment, reflecting the different proportions of land uses. The sediments deposited in the silting zones of the Lago Paranoá originate largely from urban sources (85±4%). Areas with (semi-) natural vegetation and natural gullies contribute 10±2% of the sediment yield. Agricultural sites have only a minor sediment contribution of about 5±4 % within the whole catchment. However, there is no mechanism considered to reflect seasonality in the tropics, e.g. phenological change of the vegetation between wet and dry season, or and temporal changes in land use, e.g. construction sites, which influence model estimates. Nevertheless, the study reveals that even 58 % of the land remains in (semi-) natural state, the main sediment source are urban areas. Beside the analyses of sediments, it was found that metal concentrations in surface water of the main tributaries to the Lago Paranoá are generally low, but show seasonal variability. Terrestrial inputs of metals occur during the rainy season and depend largely on the influence of urban land use. The present thesis shows the great influence of anthropogenic activities on sediment generation, and at least to some degree, on sediment associated pollution loads. It depicts region specific challenges, but also provides essential information to guide management responses towards more effective sediment source-reduction strategies.:Contents Declaration of the candidate i Acknowledgements iii Abstract v Zusammenfassung vii Contents ix List of Figures xi List of Tables xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Sediments in urbanized river basins: impact of land use changes on sediment dynamic and geochemistry 1 1.2 Sources of sediments and associated contaminants within urbanized catchments 4 1.3 Sediment issues in the tropics 6 1.4 Research area 10 2 Objectives and research questions 16 2.1 Sediment geochemistry and sediment sources 16 2.2 Sediment associated “metal” loads and water quality 18 2.3 List of publications 19 3 Material and Methods 20 4 Geochemical signature and properties of sediment sources and alluvial sediments within the Lago Paranoá catchment, Brasília DF: a study on anthropogenic introduced chemical elements in an urban river basin 22 5 Assessment and evaluation of metal contents in sediment and water samples within an urban watershed – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment and water quality in Central Brazil 45 6 Sediments in urban river basins: Identification of sediment sources within the Lago Paranoá catchment, Brasília DF, Brazil - using the fingerprint approach 73 7 Summarizing discussion and conclusion 95 7.1 Sediment properties and geochemistry 95 7.2 Relationship between urban land use and metal concentrations in surface water samples 98 7.3 Sediment source identification 99 7.3.1 Sediment source discrimination 99 7.3.2 Sediment source appointment 101 7.4 Future research questions and tasks 103 References 106 / Im Gebiet des Bundesdistrikts Brasilien ist ein erheblicher Druck auf die Wasserressourcen zu beobachten, der vorwiegend durch starkes Bevölkerungswachstum, ungeplante Suburbanisierung und Landnutzungsänderungen innerhalb der letzten Jahrzehnte ausgeübt wird. Die Wasserversorgung der jungen Hauptstadt Brasília und seiner suburbanen Räume wird im Wesentlichen durch in Stauseen gesammeltes Oberflächenwasser gewährleistet. Durch die voranschreitende Ausdehnung von urbanen und landwirtschaftlichen Flächen spielen insbesondere Sedimenteinträge in die Stauanlagen sowie sedimentgebundene Stoffbelastungen durch anthropogene Aktivitäten für die verfügbare Wasserquantität und Wasserqualität eine bedeutende Rolle. Damit verbundene negative Umweltauswirkungen sowie die daraus resultierenden sozioökonomische Konsequenzen erfordern daher dringend wirksame und nachhaltige Strategien im Land-und Wasserressourcenmanagement. Eine deutliche Minimierung der Sedimenteinträge und Stoffbelastungen in das Gewässernetz ist jedoch nur mit Kenntnis der Primärquellen von Sedimenten und der Sedimentgeochemie zu erreichen. Der "Fingerprinting"-Ansatz und der Einsatz eines "Multivariate Mixing-Modell", sind geeignete Werkzeuge um den Einfluss anthropogener Eingriffe in das landschaftsökologische Prozessgefüge der Sedimentgenerierung zu klären. Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation zeigt dies anhand der Anwendung einer Multikomponenten-Methodik. Diese beinhaltet sowohl geochemische und geophysikalische Analysen repräsentativer Sedimentproben der Sedimentquellen und der finalen Senken (Auenbereiche und Bereiche der Zuflüsse zum Lago Paranoá) als auch umfassende statistische Analysen sowie die Anwendung eines modifizierten "Multivariate Mixing-Modells". Der Einsatzder "Fingerprinting" Methodik in urbanen Einzugsgebieten der wechselfeuchten Tropen, wie das des Lago Paranoá in Zentralbrasilien, ist jedoch mit erheblichen Herausforderungen verbunden. Das betrifft insbesondere die Heterogenität der Landnutzungstypen innerhalb einer Landnutzungsklasse (urban, landwirtschaftlich, semi-natürlich) und die Unterschiede der Landnutzungsanteile zwischen den einzelnen Teileinzugsgebieten als auch modelstruktureller Unzulänglichkeiten bei der Sedimentherkunftsberechnung für urbane Einzugsgebiete. Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse und hierarchische Clusteranalyse wurden verwendet, um den Einfluss der verschiedenen Landnutzungstypen auf der Geochemie der Sedimente zu untersuchen. Geochemische Fingerprints verschiedener anthropogener Aktivitäten wurden auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse der Clusteranalyse ("grouping") entwickelt. Die Berechnung von Anreicherungsfaktoren ("Enrichmentfactors") auf Basis der gemessenen Elementgehalte, mit dem lokalen geologischen Hintergrundwerten als Referenz, ermöglichte die Quantifizierung des Einflusses der verschiedenen Landnutzungen auf die Metalleinträge in die Sedimente. Die vorhandenen Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass eine direkte Beziehung zwischen Landnutzung und quantifizierbarer Merkmale der Sedimentgeochemie existiert. Ein Vergleich der geochemischen Signatur von potentiellen Sedimentquellen und mit jenen der alluvialen Sedimente unterstützt die Hypothese, dass urbane Gebiete einen beachtlichen Beitrag zur Sedimentgenerierung und letztendlich zur Sedimentablagerung in den Auen- und Zuflussbereichen des Lago Paranoá leisten. Da diese relative Betrachtung von Elementzusammensetzungen der Sedimente keine quantitativen Aussagen zur Bedeutung der einzelnen Sedimentquellen zulässt, wurden statistisch verifizierte "composite fingerprints" und ein an urbane Bedingungen modifiziertes multivariate mixing-Modell (Hybrid) entwickelt und angewendet. Die Modellberechnungen erfolgten für das gesamte Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá und separat für das Riacho Fundo Teileinzugsgebiet, welches Die angepassten Modellschätzungen zeigten, dass die in den Verlandungszonen des Lago Paranoá abgelagerten Sedimente weitgehend aus urbane Räumen (85 ± 4%) generiert wurden. Dahingegen stammen nur 10 ± 2% der Sedimente aus Gebieten mit (semi-) natürlicher Vegetation, obwohl 58 % der gesamten Einzugsgebietsfläche des Lago Paranoá stets (semi-) natürliche Verhältnisse aufweist. Landwirtschaftliche Gebiete haben generell nur einen geringen Anteil von etwa 5 ± 4% am Sedimenteintrag. Die Unterschiede in den Sedimentbeträgen sowohl zwischen den verschiedenen Sedimentquelltypen als auch zwischen den einzelnen Teileinzugsgebieten scheinen maßgeblich von den Flächennutzungsanteilen (urban, landwirtschaftlich, semi-natürlich) in dem jeweiligen Teileinzugsgebiet abhängig zu sein. Trotz umfassender Probennahme, Probenanalytik, Modellanpassung und Unsicherheitsanalyse sind die Ergebnisse nur für den Beprobungszeitraum, für die analysierte Stoffgruppe (organische Stoffeinträge sind im Rahmen dieser Dissertation nicht erfasst) und für die ausgewählten Lokalitäten repräsentativ. Zeitliche Einflussgrößen wie die Saisonalität in den Tropen oder Änderungen der Landnutzung, wie z.B. temporäre Baustellen, konnten mit den hier verwendeten Methoden nicht erfasst werden. Um die hohe räumliche und zeitliche Variabilität der Sedimentdynamik und eine deutliche Minimierung der Sedimenteinträge in das Gewässernetz zu erzielen, sind demnach die Einrichtung und der Betrieb eines langfristigen Monitoring-Netzwerkes für Sedimente im Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá von hoher Priorität. Die vorliegende Dissertation bringt neue Einsichten in verschiedene wichtige Aspekte der geochemischen Beeinflussung von Sedimenten durch anthropogene Aktivitäten und liefert erstmalig quantitative Aussagen zu den Sedimentquellgebieten im Einzugsgebiet des Lago Paranoá. Sie stellt regionsspezifische Herausforderungen heraus, liefert gleichzeitig aber auch wichtige Informationen zu Sedimentbelastungen und -Einträgen und damit einen wichtigen Beitrag als Entscheidungsunterstützung im Rahmen eines Sedimentmanagementplans.:Contents Declaration of the candidate i Acknowledgements iii Abstract v Zusammenfassung vii Contents ix List of Figures xi List of Tables xiii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Sediments in urbanized river basins: impact of land use changes on sediment dynamic and geochemistry 1 1.2 Sources of sediments and associated contaminants within urbanized catchments 4 1.3 Sediment issues in the tropics 6 1.4 Research area 10 2 Objectives and research questions 16 2.1 Sediment geochemistry and sediment sources 16 2.2 Sediment associated “metal” loads and water quality 18 2.3 List of publications 19 3 Material and Methods 20 4 Geochemical signature and properties of sediment sources and alluvial sediments within the Lago Paranoá catchment, Brasília DF: a study on anthropogenic introduced chemical elements in an urban river basin 22 5 Assessment and evaluation of metal contents in sediment and water samples within an urban watershed – an analysis of anthropogenic impacts on sediment and water quality in Central Brazil 45 6 Sediments in urban river basins: Identification of sediment sources within the Lago Paranoá catchment, Brasília DF, Brazil - using the fingerprint approach 73 7 Summarizing discussion and conclusion 95 7.1 Sediment properties and geochemistry 95 7.2 Relationship between urban land use and metal concentrations in surface water samples 98 7.3 Sediment source identification 99 7.3.1 Sediment source discrimination 99 7.3.2 Sediment source appointment 101 7.4 Future research questions and tasks 103 References 106

Hnizdní parazitismus poláka velkého - proteomická analýza / Brood parasitism in Common Pochard - a proteomic analysis

Petrželková, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is a situation, when female (a parasite) lays egg or eggs in a nest of other conspecific female (a host). Then she leaves the nest and doesn't provide any subsequent parental care, such incubation and care for young. To distinguish between parasitic and host egg or young could be difficult, because there are not obvious morphological differences. CBP was documented in more than 234 species and its frequency is different between species, but also between population of the same species. The main aim of my master thesis was to describe the degree of parasitism in two population of Common Pochard (Aythya ferina). The field work was carried out from 2004-2006 in Třeboň Biosphere Reserve and form 2008-2010 in Poodří Landscape Protected Area. We found that the degree of CBP is relatively high. In Třeboň was found 72 % (41) of parasitized nests and 32 % (165) of parasitic eggs and in Poodří 93 % (39) of parasitized nests and 37 % (153) of parasitic eggs. The mean number of eggs per clutch was around 9 and mean number of host eggs per clutch was 6 in Třeboň. The mean number of eggs per clutch in Poodří was about 10, and the mean number of host eggs was also about 6. The mean number of parasitic eggs per clutch was 3 resp. 4. It was also found, that parasitized nests are...

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