Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bioecology."" "subject:"biomusicology.""
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Distribution, Abundance, and Food Habits of Larval Fish in a Cooling ReservoirMitterer, Lana Gayle 12 1900 (has links)
Analysis of larval fish collected at four stations in a 330-ha cooling reservoir indicated Dorosoma spp. were most numerous at all stations, followed by Lepomis spp. and Percina Macrolepida. Largest numbers and greatest diversity of larval fish were found at the station least affected by thermal effluent; the mid-lake station provided the smallest numbers and least diversity. The two warmwater stations were intermediate, with similar numbers and diversity.
Diversity and abundance of zooplankton between stations were similar to those of fish. The most abundant zooplankter (Bosmina) was generally selected against by Dorosoma, Lepomis and Micropterus spp. larvae except when the larvae were quite small ((10mm). Cyclopoid copepods were most often selected by all larvae.
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Bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides and biomarker responses in Hydrocynus vittatus and Synodontis zambezensis from the Lower Phongolo River and Floodplain, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa01 July 2015 (has links)
M.Sc. (Zoology) / Concern has been shown by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife for the state of the Lower Pongolo River and Floodplain due to the ever increasing urban and industrial development in the area. This increase in development poses a threat to the fish populations within the system and their ability to support the surrounding communities. Continued spraying of pesticides e.g. DDT within the area are adding to stresses placed on the fish populations through decreasing water quality. The effectiveness of environmental water flows suggested by White et al. (1984), have never been assessed by conservation authorities. This means that the authorities have been unable to fulfil their legislative obligations to establish management and conservation plans (Hughes et al., 2001). Work on the biological responses of fish to anthropogenic stressors such as organic pollutants and metals; have been conducted by a group of experts in the field of ecological health. This section of the project focusses on two fish species, Hydrocynus vittatus and Synodontis zambezensis, sampled within the study area and used for biomarkers and tissue chemical level determination. Standard techniques were applied for Organochlorine Pesticide (OCP) analysis according to Yohannes et al. (2013) and these results have been compared to biomarker responses which have also been completed following standard protocols. Results found within both fish species, show the relationship between accumulation of toxicants and biomarker responses. The highest levels of ΣOCPs where found within H. vittatus at (Mean ± SE) 1101.61 ± 610.97 ng/g lipid weight, the highest constituent being technical grade Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). High levels of ΣDDT were also found in S. zambezensis, but were lower than levels in H. vittatus and these levels correspond with positioning of each species within the food web. H. vittatus occupies a much higher level in the food web as they are top predators and S. zambezensis falls lower down on the food web due to their reliance on detritus and only small invertebrate species for food. Biomarker responses are clearly affected by bioaccumulation levels and this is especially evident within H. vittatus as Achetylcholinesterase (AChE) is greatly inhibited by high levels of ΣDDT. Changes in the level of biomarker responses are not as apparent in S. zambezensis and this is believed to be food web linked, due to differences in bioconcentration. Data collected during this study will contribute to baseline data on S. zambezensis and add to already accumulated data on H. vittatus. This new data will also help with the improvement of or alteration to already present monitoring programmes in the study area.
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Distribució espacial i ús de l'hàbitat de la comunitat de peixos a l'estany de BanyolesZamora Hernández, Lluís 15 September 2004 (has links)
En el marc d'un projecte més ampli sobre la comunitat de peixos de la conca lacustre de Banyoles, s'ha estudiat la distribució espacial de les diferents espècies així com l'ús que aquestes fan de l'hàbitat. El poblament piscícola de l'estany de Banyoles és el resultat d'un llarg historial d'introducció d'espècies exòtiques i extinció de les poblacions autòctones locals. S'ha revisat la seva composició actual detectant un total de 18 espècies (4 autòctones i 14 introduïdes) de les quals només 13 presenten una població estable.L'estudi de l'hàbitat s'ha centrat a l'Estany, l'element principal del sistema lacustre, analitzant per separat la zona litoral i la zona limnètica. En el primer cas s'han realitzat les captures d'individus mitjançant pesca elèctrica des d'una embarcació adaptada per aquesta pràctica. La totalitat del litoral ha estat dividida en trams de característiques homogènies on s'han obtingut les captures per unitat d'esforç per cada espècie. El mostreig s'ha desenvolupat entre l'estiu de 1997 i la primavera del 2000 realitzant un total de 10 campanyes de pesca. Les espècies més abundants al litoral són la perca americana (Micropterus salmoides) i el peix sol (Lepomis gibbosus), essent també presents la perca (Perca fluviatilis), carpa (Cyprinus carpio) i el gardí (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). S'han capturat altres espècies com ara anguila (Anguilla anguilla), bagra (Squalius cephalus), sandra (Sander lucioperca), carpí (Carassius auratus) i madrilleta vera (Rutilus rutilus), però són molt menys abundants en nombre. S'ha examinat, per cadascuna de les espècies, si existeix selecció de l'hàbitat i en cas afirmatiu, quin és el preferent en base a la classificació del litoral en sis tipus de vegetació predominant. Les espècies més abundants, perca americana i peix sol, ocupen tots els hàbitats disponibles però amb una densitat diferent. La perca mostra també una clara selecció de l'hàbitat a favor de les zones molt estructurades amb abundant presència de jonca litoral. Carpa i gardí seleccionen els ambients més fondos amb major presència de matèria orgànica d'origen vegetal procedent del bogar. En general els individus ocupen les zones amb una densitat de vegetació intermèdia, majoritàriament zones de jonca a l'estiu i zones amb mansega a l'hivern, on troben refugi i els recursos tròfics necessaris. La perca americana, a més, presenta una elevada fidelitat a un mateix punt del litoral al llarg de la seva vida.La zona limnètica ha estat prospectada mensualment mitjançant ecosondació, realitzant transectes perpendiculars a l'eix principal de l'Estany, cobrint la seva totalitat. La composició d'espècies s'ha obtingut a partir de les captures fetes amb xarxes (tresmalls) amb periodicitat estacional. L'anàlisi geoestadística de la densitat de peixos ha permès descriure l'estructura espacial d'aquesta a partir dels variogrames, així com la seva variabilitat tant espacial com temporal, i obtenir els mapes de densitat. A l'hivern, la densitat de peixos a la zona limnètica assoleix els seus valors mínims i els individus es troben formant agregats dispersos, pels diferents estrats de fondària. A partir de la primavera la densitat augmenta, pel reclutament i la major freqüència d'individus que abandonen el litoral; la densitat esdevé més homogènia a les primer capes de fondària. A l'estiu la densitat és màxima i l'estrat més homogeni coincideix amb la posició de la termoclina. Aquest estructura varia en disminuir la temperatura i barrejar-se la columna d'aigua, tornant a la situació hivernal. La perca i la madrilleta vera són les espècies predominants en aquest ambient, juntament amb la carpa. La seva distribució no és homogènia i respon a les característiques limnològiques de les diferents cubetes de l'Estany. Una particularitat d'aquest, relacionada amb el seu origen càrstic, es la formació d'una ploma hidrotermal que afecta la distribució dels peixos, probablement en augmentar la terbolesa.S'ha integrat l'ús de l'hàbitat de les espècies que ocupen tant la zona limnètica com la litoral a partir del seguiment d'individus, concretament de perca i bagra. S'ha utilitzat un sistema automàtic de posicionament que estima la localització dels individus marcats amb transmissor de telemetria acústica. L'anàlisi dels desplaçaments mostra un rang superior per la bagra en comparació amb la perca. Ambdues espècies mostren una orientació en els seus desplaçaments. La perca ocupa el litoral a la nit i es desplaça a la zona limnètica de dia, amb un ritme d'activitat marcat per dos màxims coincidint amb la sortida i posta de sol; en canvi la bagra mostra una major activitat nocturna amb zones de repòs properes al litoral. S'ha estimat igualment els dominis vital de cada individu marcat. / Habitat use and spatial distribution patterns of fish community from Lake Banyoles has been studied. Fish assemblage of this lake is the result of a long history of fish introductions and its current state has been assessed showing a high diversity with 14 exotic species and 4 native species. This study has been focused in the Lake, the main element of Banyoles's karstic system. Fish were captured in the littoral zone using a electrofishing boat. The whole perimeter of the lake was divided in 43 transects or sample units where all the fish were captured, processed and, finally, released at the same position. Sampling was divided in ten campaigns, between summer 1997 and winter 1999. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) were the most abundant in littoral zone. Other catches correspond to perch (Perca fluviatilis), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). Habitat selection was analysed using both, the Manly Index of selection and the analysis of variance. Results showed that juvenile of largemouth bass, pumpkinseed sunfish and perch present a positive selection of habitat were Schoenoplectus litoralis or Cladium mariscus are dominants. Common carp and rudd present selection of littoral zones with Typha. Habitat selection is related with structurally complex environments. Perch and largemouth bass show temporal variation in the habitat distribution and smaller sizes preferred the intermediate vegetation density. Large bass presented also a high site fidelity. Limnetic zone was prospected monthly from December 1997 until December 1999, using both echosounding and trammel nets. Different species were detected including perch (Perca fluviatilis), roach (Rutilus rutilus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), chub (Squalius cephalus) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). Fish density was maximum in summer and minimum in autumn-winter. Spatial pattern was described using geostatistics. In winter, fish formed aggregates in the center of the lake; with the increasing of fish density, in summer, the spatial distribution became more homogeneous with a maximum located at the same depth than thermocline. Abundance of different species varied with depth and limnological characteristics of basins. Also, the development of a hydrothermal plume due to underwater inflow, increase the turbidity of different parts of the lake altering fish distribution which avoid the presence of sediments. In order to monitoring the movements of perch and chub, 14 individuals were tagged with ultrasonic transmitters. Movements were followed by means of an automatic system showing a partition of habitat use between littoral zone and limnetic zone. Chub describes a pattern of movements bigger than perch but both species presents a main orientation of paths according with basin morphology. Activity (measured as velocity of displacements) was maximum at dawn and dusk in perch, with a diurnal increase while chub activity can be considered nocturnal.
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An assessment of the reproductive biology of the Marico barb Barbus motebensis (Steindachner 1894) from the upper Groot Marico CatchmentKindler, Dale Herman 29 June 2015 (has links)
M.Sc. (Aquatic Health) / This study took place in the Groot Marico River catchment situated in the North West Province of South Africa. The catchment holds many rivers and associated tributaries that are home to a variety fish species with some being endemic to the catchment. A small minnow species, the Marico barb Barbus motebensis was chosen as the study species due to it being endemic to the catchment with limited information available on them with regards to their reproductive status in terms of their reproductive timing and number of potential offspring. Two tributaries from the upper Groot Marico River were chosen as sampling sites for the collection of B. motebensis across the four seasons. These two tributaries presented two genetically different populations, which allowed for a comparison of the findings to ascertain whether any differences in reproductive aspects occurred between the two tributary populations during the different seasons. The Marico barb is under threat from predation pressure posed by the largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides introduced into the system. Micropterus salmoides is a known alien invasive fish that eats any animal food item it encounters, especially fish. Due to B. motebensis and M. salmoides sharing the same habitat preferences, B. motebensis stands little chance of survival in the same water inhabited by the predatory M. salmoides. Many studies have shown bass to drive other fish species to the point of extirpation from a system through predation pressure. Currently B. motebensis is classified as vulnerable on the Red List of Threatened Species, although this status may be further compromised with the presence of M. salmoides...
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Recruitment ecology of fish in floodplain rivers of the southern Murray-Darling Basin, AustraliaKing, Alison Jane, 1974- January 2002 (has links)
Abstract not available
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Effects of Macrophyte Functional Diversity on Taxonomic and Functional Diversity and Stability of Tropical Floodplain Fish AssemblagesTreviño, Jessica Marie 08 1900 (has links)
Multiple dimensions of biodiversity within and across producer and consumer guilds in the food web affect an ecosystem’s functionality and stability. Tropical and subtropical aquatic ecosystems, which are extremely diverse, have received much less attention than terrestrial ecosystems in regards to the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. We conducted a field experiment that tested for effects of macrophyte functional diversity on diversity and stability of associated fish assemblages in floodplain lakes of the Upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil. Three levels of macrophyte functional diversity were maintained through time in five floodplain lakes and response variables included various components of fish taxonomic and functional diversity and stability. Components of functional diversity of fish assemblages were quantified using a suite of ecomorphological traits that relate to foraging and habitat use. Response variables primarily distinguished macrophyte treatments from the control. Macrophyte treatments had, on average, double the number of species and total abundance than the control treatment, but only limited effects on stability. The high diversity treatment was essentially nested within the low diversity for assemblage structure and had similar or even slightly lower levels of species richness and abundance in most cases. Gymnotiformes and young-of-year were diverse and relatively abundant in macrophyte treatments contributing to the large differences in diversity between macrophyte and control treatments. Higher fish diversity in structured habitats compared to more homogenous habitats is likely associated with increased ecomorphological diversity to exploit heterogeneous microhabitats and resources provided by the macrophytes.
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