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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coworking – När är det fördelaktigt? : En jämförelse mellan coworking och traditionella kontor / Coworking – When is it beneficial?

Johansson, Måns, Strömberg, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Under senare år har efterfrågan på flexibla avtal ökat på den svenska kontorsmarknaden, vilket har banat väg för ett nytt kontorskoncept - coworking. Konceptet, som är snarlikt kontorshotell, bygger på filosofin om att kapitalvaror och tjänster ska delas mellan parter. I och med konceptets relativt korta historia på svensk kontorsmarknad finns en avsaknad av studier baserade på hyresgästens perspektiv. Uppsatsen använder sig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där sju semistrukturerade har genomförts för att besvara den huvudsakliga frågeställningen: När är det mer fördelaktigt för hyresgästen att välja coworking?En uthyrning av ett traditionellt kontor regleras av hyreslagen, det vill säga kapitel 12 Jordabalken. Dessa typer av hyresavtal är ofta inte tillräckligt flexibla för vissa företag, då dessa kontrakt oftast har en kontraktslängd på minst tre år, samt en viss uppsägningstid. Coworking är ett koncept som försöker finna en lösning för de företag som inte kan skriva så länga kontrakt.Uppsatsen visar att det kan vara fördelaktigt för mindre företag som befinner sig i en expansiv fas att välja coworking framför traditionellt kontor. Det beror främst på flexibiliteten som efterfrågas när expansiva företag har svårigheter att förutse framtida lokalbehov. Konceptet kan också vara attraktivt när allt fler branscher går mot en konsultliknande verksamhet, där mindre tid spenderas på kontoret. Det kan vara hållbart både ekonomiskt och ekologiskt för mindre företag att välja coworking då konceptet bygger på filosofin om att kapitalvaror och tjänster ska delas mellan parter och kapitalsvaga företag kan därför reducera sina utgifter bundet till detta. Vidare finns det vissa utmaningar med coworking, exempelvis är flera juridiska frågor i en gråzon eller att vissa verksamheter som arbetar med strikt sekretess inte kan använda sig av coworking. / During the past years the demand for flexible office spaces on the Swedish office market has increased, which has cleared a path for a new concept – coworking. The concept, which shares some similarities with office hotels, is based on the philosophy that capital goods and services should be shared amongst parties. Due to the concept’s recent development on the Swedish market, there is a lack of studies from the tenant’s perspective. Throughout this essay we have used a qualitative research approach, where seven semi structured interviews have been carried out in order to answer the main question: When is it beneficial for the tenant to choose coworking?When renting a traditional office space, the contracts are regulated by 12th chapter in Jordabalken. However, these rental agreements are often written over three years and includes a specific period of notice when the contract is terminated. Coworking is a concept which tries to find the golden path for companies that do not have the possibility to sign long contracts.The conclusion states that it can be more profitable for smaller expanding companies to choose coworking over traditional office space. This is primarily due to expanding company’s requirement of flexibility, following difficulties regarding their ability to predict future office needs. Furthermore, the concept can be more suitable for companies with a lot of consultants, because the time spent in the office is decreasing. For smaller companies, coworking can also be sustainable both economically and ecologically. However, some companies that are working under legal secrecy might not be suitable to sit in coworking areas. The study has generated questions regarding whether coworking-agreement should be classified as a rental agreement or a membership, which should be researched further.

The Change Process Towards an Activity-Based Flexible Office : A Qualitative Study Regarding the Perceptions of Managers and Employees at Skellefteå Municipality

Persson, Cecilia, Jonsson, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
Change is a constant factor in today's society and an important factor in the success of organizations. As a result, it is highly important that organizations learn to manage change in order to stay competitive and keep up with the rapidly changing market conditions. Change Management has therefore been a highly emphasized area within Business Administration. As new trends arise on the global market, it is important for organizations to be able to adapt. One of these trends is the implementation of the Activity-Based Flexible Office (A-FO). An Activity-Based Flexible Office consists of different areas with closed, half-open or open zones. The areas are created in order to match employee needs and the requirements of each work activity that needs to be conducted. As a result, no one is assigned a personal workstation, instead the employees move between different areas depending on what type of work activity they need to accomplish. Even though Change Management has been thoroughly investigated and A-FOs have been researched to some extent, no previous research has been found regarding the change process of implementing an A-FO. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the difference in managers’ and employees’ perceptions regarding the change process towards an A-FO. As a result, a deeper understanding of change management as well as of the effects of the A-FO will be provided from the viewpoints of managers and employees. This leads to the research questions: “How does the perception of the change process concerning activity-based flexible offices differ between managers and employees? What do managers and employees perceive as essential factors of the change process and A-FO implementation and how do these perceptions differ?”. The Theoretical Framework mainly consist of previous research models and theories regarding change management literature, work environment and activity-based flexible offices as well as employee satisfaction. Communication has also been chosen as an important factor as it has been stated to be vital in both change management and within the A-FO. Furthermore, in order to fulfil the purpose of the thesis and answer the research questions, the chosen research method for this study is qualitative with an exploratory research design and an inductive approach. Therefore, semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven respondents from a department at Skellefteå municipality who were chosen based on a combination of a purposive and snowball sampling method. After the interviews were transcribed, the empirical findings were analyzed and presented by using a thematic analysis. The findings show that when conducting an A-FO change process, managers’ and employees’ perceptions often differ. Managers often focus on the practical aspects of a change, while employees emphasized on “soft values”. Employees were also more skeptical towards the change in the beginning, compared to managers, and seemed more aware of possible disturbances in the A-FO. Furthermore, both managers and employees were highly satisfied with the change process and the implementation of the A-FO, but emphasized on different factors resulting in increased satisfaction. To conclude, since managers’ and employees’ perception regarding the A-FO change process often differ, but can also coincide, it is important to take both aspects into consideration when conducting this type of change. By involving everyone in the change process, it is more likely to be successful.

Flexibla hyresavtal – En växande trend på kontorsmarknaden : Fördelaktigt för fastighetsägare och hyresgäster? / Flexible leases - A growing trend in office markets : Advantageous for property owners and tenants?

Kristoferson, Ida, Lithander, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Till följd av digitaliseringens framfart förändras företags och medarbetares arbetssätt varpå nya krav ställs på kontors- och hyresavtalsutformningar. De krav som ställs idag kan sammanfattas med ett ord – flexibilitet. Den ökade efterfrågan på flexibla hyresavtal resulterar i en mängd förändringar på fastighetsmarknaden för kontor. Syftet med studien var att få en inblick i fastighetsägares och hyresgästers attityder gentemot flexibla hyresavtal för att kunna avgöra om det är fördelaktigt för parterna att använda sig utav flexibla hyresavtal jämfört med traditionella hyresavtal. Studien använde sig utav en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes medfastighetsägare, hyresgäster och branschrepresentanter. Studien visade att fastighetsägare och operatörer av flexibla kontorslokaler redan har börjat innovera nya koncept och produkter för att rätta sig efter kontorsmarknadens utveckling för att kunna tillgodose förändrade behov hos företagare. Trenden visar att antalet flexibla hyresavtal fortsätter att öka och därför bör fastighetsägare ha en affärsstrategi för detta.Den slutsats som kunde dras utifrån denna studie är att flexibla hyresavtal är fördelaktigt förbåda parter men att det krävs lite olika implementeringar för att det ska bli mer fördelaktigtför fastighetsägaren. Fastighetsägare som kan tillhandahålla en flexibel produkt som tarhänsyn till dagens attityder kommer troligtvis befinna sig i en starkare position påkontorsmarknaden på lång sikt. Studien visade att den ökade efterfrågan på flexibilitetgrundar sig i att traditionella hyresavtal inte tar hänsyn till den takt företag förändras idag.Vidare är det hög tid att reformera dagens hyresmodell och lagstiftning så att de passar dagensförändrade samhälle och möjliggör implementeringen av det flexibla hyresavtalet. Ökadflexibilitet i hyresmodellen skulle innebära att fastighetsägare kan bidra till ett mer effektivt resursutnyttjande och samtidigt ta hänsyn till hyresgästernas förändrade behov. / The way employees and companies work are changing. The progress of digitalisation iscreating new demands on the design of office and rental contracts. The tenants now require greater flexibility which has resulted in numerous changes to the real estate market for offices. A study was carried out to investigate the attitudes property owners and tenants have towards flexible leases. The purpose was to determine whether it is advantageous for both parties to use flexible leases compared to traditional leases. The study used a qualitative research method in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with property owners,tenants and representatives in the property industry. The study shows that property owners and operators of flexible office space have already begun to innovate new concepts and products in order to meet the changing needs ofbusiness owners. The trend indicates that the number of flexible leases continues to increase thus property owners should adapt accordingly. Furthermore, the study highlighted that flexible leases can be advantageous to both parties,but further implementations are required to also make it beneficial for the property owner.That being said, the property owners that can provide flexible contracts are likely to be in a stronger position in the long term. The study also suggested that traditional leases do not take into account companies' rate of change which subsequently explains the reason for the increased demand for flexibility. In addition, the current rental model and legislation must be reformed to suit today's changing society to enable the implementation of the flexible lease agreement. Increased flexibility inthe rental model would mean that property owners can contribute to a more efficient use of resources and simultaneously take into account the changing needs tenants' have.

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