Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flows"" "subject:"slows""
1021 |
A study of the effects of bifurcations in swirling flows using Large Eddy Simulation and mesh adaptation / Etude du phénomène de bifurcation des écoulements vrillés par la Simulation aux Grandes Échelles et l'adaptation de maillageFalese, Mario 07 October 2013 (has links)
Les écoulements vrillés, qui sont largement utilisés dans les turbines à gaz, sont connus pour être sujet à des bifurcations entre différentes topologies (grandes reconfigurations de l'écoulement) qui peuvent affecter les performances et la sécurité du moteur. Ce travail se concentre sur l'étude de ces bifurcations en utilisant la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (SGE). Cette étude montre qu'un petit changement dans les conditions dynamique du fluide, induite par les différents modèles de sous-maille utilisés, peut provoquer une transition entre deux régimes d'écoulement distincts lorsque l'écoulement tourbillonnaire est proche des conditions critiques de transition. La sensibilité de la SGE aux modèles de sous-maille est également identifiée comme le résultat d'un manque de résolution à certains endroits critiques, un problème qui est analysé en utilisant une méthode d'adaptation de maillage. L’adaptation de maillage est testée sur des cas académiques et industriels. Ici, par ajustement de la résolution du maillage sur la base des caractéristiques de l'écoulement étudié (raffinement et grossissement de la grille en maintenant constant le coût numérique), des améliorations substantielles peuvent être obtenues, en terme de prédictions de la SGE. Ce travail peut être considéré comme une des premières étapes vers la mise en place d'une procédure standard (reproductible et indépendante de l’utilisateur) de maillage pour la SGE. / Swirling flows, which are widely employed in gas turbines, are known to undergo bifurcation between different topologies (large reconfigurations of the flow field) affecting the engine performance and safety. This work focuses on the study of such bifurcations using Large-Eddy Simulation (LES). It shows that a small change in the fluid dynamics conditions, induced by the different Sub-Grid Scale (SGS) models used in the simulations, can cause a transition between two, distinct, flow states when the swirling flow is close to transition conditions. The sensitivity of LES to SGS modeling is also identified as the result of a lack of mesh resolution at some critical locations, a problem which is analyzed using mesh adaptation. Mesh adaptation is tested on canonical and industrial flows. Here, by adjusting the mesh resolution based on the characteristics of the flow examined (refining and coarsening the grid keeping constant the numerical cost), substantial improvements of the LES predictions can be obtained. This work can be considered as the first step toward the establishment of a standard (repeatable and user independent) meshing procedure for LES.
1022 |
Écoulements liquide-gaz, évaporation, cristallisation dans les milieux micro et nanoporeux : études à partir de systèmes modèles micro et nanofluidiques / Liquid-gas flows, evaporation, crystallization in micro and nanoporous media : studies based on micro and nanofluidic devicesNaillon, Antoine 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les écoulements en milieux poreux sont omniprésents tant dans la nature que dans l'industrie. Les travaux menés dans cette thèse ont pour objectif d’étudier ces écoulements en présence de liquide et de gaz. Cela correspond aux situations d'imbibition (ou invasion capillaire), de drainage (ou déplacement d'un fluide mouillant par la mise en pression d'un fluide non mouillant), et d'évaporation (ou de séchage). L'étude se base sur l'utilisation de systèmes modèles artificiels. Une première partie de ce travail se concentre sur les écoulements liquide-gaz dans les milieux dont la taille des pores est inférieure à 100 nm. Ces milieux sont dits nanoporeux. A cette échelle, différents phénomènes sont susceptibles de modifier les écoulements liquide-gaz par rapport à ce qui est observé à l’échelle micrométrique : accrochage de la ligne de contact, pression fortement négative en phase liquide ou cavitation par exemple. Des expériences sont donc nécessaires pour mieux caractériser ces écoulements. En parallèle, les récents progrès en nanofabrication permettent d’obtenir des systèmes dont la profondeur peut descendre jusqu’à quelques nanomètres. Cette approche, désormais classique à plus grande échelle, nous fournit un outil innovant pour étudier les écoulements dans des milieux nanoporeux modèles, en deux dimensions. Un atout évident de ce type de modèles est qu'ils permettent une visualisation directe des deux phases, liquide et gaz. Des dispositifs nanofluidiques en silicium-verre et à profondeur constante ont été réalisés dans la gamme 20-500 nm. Un nouveau procédé de nanofabrication basé sur une lithographie laser à niveau de gris a été développé afin d’obtenir des dispositifs à profondeurs variables en une seule étape. Les expériences d'imbibition et un modèle théorique ont mis en avant que la pressurisation du gaz accélère son transport dans le liquide. Ensuite, des expériences de drainage ont été réalisées dans des dispositifs nanofluidiques avec des pressions de l’ordre de 20 bars. Des simulations sur réseau de pores utilisant l’algorithme de percolation d'invasion ont montré que les motifs d'invasion expérimentaux correspondaient à ce qui était attendu à l’échelle micrométrique pour des écoulements à faible nombre capillaire. Enfin, l'évaporation en nanocanaux a révélé des cinétiques intéressantes d'apparition et de croissance de bulles dans le liquide. Une ouverture est faite sur l'intérêt de poursuivre ces études dans des systèmes déformables. La deuxième partie de cette thèse s'est focalisée sur la cristallisation du chlorure de sodium à l'échelle d’un pore micrométrique. Dans le cas particulier du séchage d'une solution de sel, l'évaporation amène à la cristallisation des espèces dissoutes. Ce phénomène est largement impliqué dans la problématique de la conservation des oeuvres d'arts ou de la détérioration précoce des édifices. Les mécanismes qui conduisent à la génération de contraintes par un cristal sur une paroi, appelée pression de cristallisation, ne sont pas encore admis tant à l’échelle macro que microscopique. Des déformations induites par la cristallisation du sel ont été observées dans des dispositifs microfluidiques verre-polymère (PDMS). La vitesse de croissance d’un cristal a été mesurée à haute cadence d'acquisition, aboutissant à une nouvelle valeur de la constante de cinétique de réaction, supérieure d'un à deux ordres de grandeur aux données de la littérature. Un modèle numérique prédit l'évolution du champ de concentration en sel dissous lors de la croissance du cristal. Complété par une analyse théorique qui a mis en avant un nombre de Damkhöler prenant en compte les propriétés de transport et la taille du pore, il a permis de construire un diagramme de phase qui traduit les conditions favorables à la génération de contraintes par un cristal sur une paroi. Enfin, un mécanisme de génération de contraintes négatives entraînant la fermeture du pore a été observé. / Flows in porous media are ubiquitous in nature and industry. The aim of this thesis work is to study these flows in presence of liquid and gas, relying on the use of artificial model systems. They correspond to imbibition (or capillary invasion), drainage (or the displacement of a wetting fluid by a non-wetting fluid), and evaporation (or drying). A first part of this work focuses on the liquid-gas flows in porous media whose pore size is lower than 100 nm. They are called nanoporous media. At this scale, several phenomenamight modify the liquid-gas flows in comparison with what is known at the micrometer scale: e.g. contact line pinning, high negative pressure in liquid or cavitation. Thus, experiments are needed to better characterize these flows. In parallel, recent progresses in nanofabrication allow fabricating devices whose depth drop down to few nanometers. This approach provide an innovative tool to study the flows in nanoporous model systems in two dimensions, as it has been already performed at larger scale. A clear advantage to this system is that it allows direct observation of different phases. Silicon-glass nanofluidic devices were fabricated with constant depth in the 20-500 nm range. A new fabrication process was developed to obtain nanochannel with non-uniform depth in one step. It is based on grayscale laser lithography. Imbibition experiments and a numerical model showed that the gas pressurization increased the gas transfer throw the liquid. Drainage experiments were performed in devices with pressure as high as 20 bars. Pore networks modeling with invasion percolation algorithmshowed that the experimental invasion patterns correspond to those expected at micrometer scale for low Capillary number. Evaporation in nanochannels revealed interesting kinetics of bubbles appearance and growth. A prospective study is shown at the end to argue the importance of pursuing these studies in deformable media. The second part of this work concentrates on the sodium chloride crystallization at the scale of a micrometer pore. In the specific case of the drying of a salt solution, evaporation leads to the crystallization of the dissolved species. This phenomenon is involved in the issue of art conservation or building salt weathering. The mechanisms which lead to a stress on wall induced by a crystal are not generally admitted both at macro and microscale. Deformations induced by crystal growth were observed in glass-polymer (PDMS) microfluidic devices. The crystal growth kinetics was measured at high acquisition rate and allowed giving a new value of the parameter of kinetics of crystal growth by reaction, one to two orders of magnitude higher than the ones used in literature. A numerical model was developed to predict the evolution of dissolved salt concentration during crystal growth. It allowed designing a phase diagram which gives the condition to favors the stress generation by a crystal on a wall. A theoretical analysis defined a Damkhöler number, taking into account transport properties and pore size. At last, a stress generation mechanism was observed, leading to the pore closure.
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Modélisation d'un film liquide cisaillé par un écoulement de gaz par une approche intégrale / Integral modeling of liquid films sheared by a gas flowLavalle, Gianluca 15 December 2014 (has links)
Dans de nombreuses applications aérospatiales, on peut trouver des films liquides cisaillés, c'est-à-dire une fine couche liquide qui ruisselle sur une paroi entrainée par le gaz. Par exemple, une couche de liquide peut se développer sur la voilure des avions, givrer et dégrader les performances. Des vagues peuvent se développer à l'interface liquide-gaz, et l'analyse correcte de ces instabilités devient très importante pour modéliser ce phénomène physique. En effet, la présence d'instabilités modifie les échanges liquide-gaz, notamment les transferts de masse et chaleur. Le but de cette thèse est de développer une technique permettant de coupler la phase gazeuse afin de reproduire les interactions à l'interface. La couche de liquide étant beaucoup plus mince que celle du gaz, une approche intégrale sur l'épaisseur est utilisée pour la modélisation. Enfin, deux cas d'un écoulement diphasique se développant dans une conduite confinée et dans une conduite plus large sont étudiés. les résultats sont ensuite comparés à des autres méthodes de référence, plus coûteuses en temps de calcul. / In many aerospace applications one can find liquid films sheared by a gas flow. In example, these liquid sheets can develop on aircraft wings, freeze and then destroy the aerodynamics performances. Waves can develop at the liquid-gas interface, and the correct analysis of such instabilities becomes very important to model this physical phenomenon. Indeed, instabilities mdify liquid-gas exchanges, such as mass and heat transfers. The aim of the present work consists in developing a technique to couple the liquid phase to the gas phase in order to reproduce the interactions at the interface. Since the liquid layer is much thinner then the gas, anintegral approach is used for modeling. Finally, two cases of a two-phase flow developing in a strictly confined channel and in a large channel are studied. Results are then compared to other reference methods which are more expensive in terms of computational cost.
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Modelagem mecânica e investigação numérica dos efeitos elásticos e viscosos em escoamentos inerciais de fluidos não newtonianosSantos, Daniel Dall'Onder dos January 2012 (has links)
A maioria dos líquidos encontrados na natureza são não newtonianos e o estudo do seu comportamento reológico tem uma importância significante em diferentes áreas da engenharia. Entre eles, existe uma classe de fluidos que exibem pequena deformação aparente quando sujeitos a um nível de tensões inferior a uma tensão limite de escoamento, referido como comportamento viscoplástico. Nesta classe de materiais, alguns apresentam também comportamento elástico quando submetidos a baixas taxas de cisalhamento. A presente Tese tem como objetivo o estudo numérico de escoamentos bidimensionais em regime permanente de fluidos elasto-viscoplásticos através de uma expansão-contração planar. O modelo mecânico é definido pelas equações de conservação de massa e de balanço de momentum acopladas ao modelo elasto-viscoplástico proposto nesta Tese. Esta modelagem é aproximada por um método de elementos finitos multi-campos estabilizado baseado na metodologia de Galerkin mínimos-quadrados que possui como variáveis primais os campos de tensão extra polimérica, velocidade e pressão. As condições de compatibilidade entre os sub-espaços de elementos finitos para tensão extra-velocidade e velocidade-pressão são violadas, permitindo assim a utilização de interpolações de igual ordem. O método estabilizado foi implementado no código de elementos finitos para fluidos não newtonianos em desenvolvimento no Laboratório de Mecânica dos Fluidos Aplicada e Computacional (LAMAC) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Nesta Tese é adotada uma metodologia alternativa para a definição das zonas rígidas do escoamento como sendo a posição onde a taxa de cisalhamento é igual a um valor dado pela relação de parâmetros reológicos do fluido, especificamente a tensão limite de escoamento e a viscosidade newtoniana para baixas taxas de cisalhamento. Nas simulações numéricas realizadas, o tempo de relaxação adimensional, o número de salto, o coeficiente power-law, a vazão adimensional e a massa específica adimensional são variados de forma a avaliar de que modo influenciam na dinâmica de escoamentos elastoviscoplásticos. Os resultados obtidos estão qualitativamente de acordo com a literatura, atestando a estabilidade da formulação empregada. / Non-Newtonian fluids are the majority of liquids found in nature and the study of their rheological behavior has a significant importance on different areas of engineering. Among them, there is a class of materials that exhibits little apparent deformation when subjected to a stress level behind an yield stress, referenced as viscoplastic material. In this class of materials, some fluids also exhibit elastic behavior at low shear rates. The present work aimed to a numerical study of two-dimensional steady state laminar flows of elasto-viscoplastic fluids through a planar expansion-contraction cavity. The mechanical model was defined by the mass conservation and momentum balance equations coupled to the elasto-viscoplastic model porposed in this work. This modeling has been approximated by a stabilized multi-field finite element method based on the Galerkin least-squares methodology, having as primal variables the elastic extra-stress component, velocity and pressure fields. In this way, the compatibility conditions between the extra-stress-velocity and pressure-velocity (Babuška- Brezzi condition) finite element subspaces are violated, allowing to use equal-order finite element interpolations. The stabilized method has been implemented in the finite element code for non-Newtonian fluids under development at the Laboratory of Applied and Computational Fluid Mechanics (LAMAC) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. An alternative methodology is adopted to define the yield surface as the position where the strain rate is equal to a value given by the relation of the rheological parameters of the fluid, namely the yield stress and the viscosity at low shear rates. In the performed numerical simulations, the non-dimensional relaxation time, the jump number, the power-law coefficient, the non-dimensional flow rate, and the non-dimensional density are varied in order to evaluate their influence on the elasto-viscoplastic fluid dynamics. All results found are in qualitatively accordance with the affine literature, and attesting the good stability features of the formulation.
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Análise experimental e numérica de escoamentos turbulentos em canais compostos empregando simulação de grandes escalas e método dos elementos finitos / Experimental and numerical analysis of turbulent flows in compound channels employing large eddy simulation and the finite element methodXavier, Carla Marques January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental e numérico de escoamentos em canais compostos. Simulação de grandes escalas e método dos elementos finitos, em paralelo com medições utilizando anemômetros de fio quente em um canal aerodinâmico são realizadas. Canais compostos estão presentes em muitas aplicações de engenharia. Dispositivos eletrônicos, trocadores de calor, reatores nucleares, canais de irrigação e planícies de inundação são alguns dos desafios enfrentados pela engenharia. A combinação de simulação de grandes escalas e o método dos elementos finitos para a investigação de escoamentos turbulentos pode ser de grande importância para o estudo dos escoamentos na engenharia. No caso dos escoamentos através dos canais compostos, publicações neste tema são ainda raros. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho são: analisar o escoamento de um fluido viscoso, incompressível e isotérmicas em um canal composto, empregando um código de computação tridimensional apresentado por Petry em 2002, que realiza simulação de grandes escalas com o método dos elementos finitos, para comparar os resultados numéricos com os resultados experimentais do escoamento turbulento em um canal composto cuja geometria é exactamente reproduzida pela malha numérica, para verificar a validade do método numérico e o comportamento de modelos em escala subgrade para reproduzir o fluxo no canal composto investigado; e comparar a eficácia dos esquemas Taylor-Galerkin e dois passos para analisar os resultados. O canal investigado consiste em um canal principal com seção transversal retangular, conectado a uma fenda retangular estreita. No código numérico, o modelo clássico de Smargorinsky é comparado com o modelo dinâmico de viscosidade turbulenta, inicialmente proposto por Germano et al. 1991. A segunda filtragem do processo dinâmico é feita através dos elementos finitos independentes propostos por Petry, 2002. Para a implementação do algoritmo, o método dos elementos finitos é usado, Taylor-Galerkin e esquemas dois passos são usados para a discretização no tempo e no espaço e de ligação das equações governantes. O domínio computacional é discretizadas por intermédio de elementos lineares hexaédricos. Os resultados obtidos a partir simulações de grandes escalas, usando o modelo clássico de Smagorinsky e o modelo dinâmico de submalha; mostram o desenvolvimento de uma camada de cisalhamento na direção principal do escoamento com características dinâmicas regidas pelos perfis de velocidade média. Os resultados da simulação mostraram boa concordância com os dados experimentais dos perfis de velocidade média, intensidade de turbulência e tensão de cisalhamento turbulenta. Em geral, o modelo dinâmico com o esquema de duis passos foi mais eficiente para reproduzir estruturas turbulentas, em comparação com o modelo Smagorinsky e o esquema Taylor-Galerkin particularmente ao longo da região da fenda do canal. / This work presents an experimental and numerical study of turbulent flows in compound channels. Large eddy simulation and finite element method in parallel with hot wires measurements in an aerodynamic channel are employed. Compound channels are present in many engineering applications like in electronic devices, heat exchangers, nuclear reactors and irrigation channels and flooding plains are some of the challenges faced by mechanical engineering. The combination of large eddy simulation and the finite element method for the investigation of turbulent flows can be of great relevance to the study of engineering flows. In the case of flows through compound channels, publications in this subject are still rare. The main objectives in this work are: to analyze the flow of viscous, incompressible and isothermal fluids in a compound channel; employing a three-dimensional computation code presented by Petry, 2002, which performs large eddy simulation with the finite element method; to compare the numerical results with experimental results of the turbulent flow in a compound channel whose geometry is exactly reproduced by the numerical mesh; to check the validity of the numerical method and the behavior of subgrid scale models to reproduce the flow in the compound channel investigated and compare the efficacy of the Taylor-Galerkin and Two-Steps schemes in analyzing the results. The compound channel investigated consists of a rectangular channel connected to a rectangular shaped slot. In the numerical code, Smargorinsky´s classical model is compared to the dynamic model of turbulent viscosity, initially proposed by Germano et al. The second filtering of the dynamic process is made through the independent finite elements proposed by Petry, 2002. For the implementation of the algorithm, the finite element method is used, Taylor- Galerkin and Two-Steps schemes are used for discretization in time and space and to link governing equations. The computational domain is discretized by means of linear hexahedrical elements. The results obtained from large eddy simulations, using the classical model of Smagorinsky and the Dynamic subgrid scale model show the development of a shear layer in the main direction of flow with dynamic characteristics governed by the mean velocity profiles. The simulation results showed good agreement compared to experimental data, and analysis of the profiles of mean velocity, turbulence intensities and turbulent shear stress. In general, dynamic model with the two-steps scheme was more able to reproduce turbulent structures in comparison with the Smagorinsky model with Taylor-Galerkin scheme, particularly along the channel slot.
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Residências secundárias : manifestações e dinâmicas do fenômeno nos espaços rurais de Itaara e Restinga Seca - RSWandscheer, Elvis Albert Robe January 2009 (has links)
A dinâmica da sociedade contemporânea, no espaço rural, apresenta uma série de mudanças em relação àquele espaço que contemplava tão somente o setor produtivo. A nova realidade do rural aponta para um caminho ainda sendo traçado e que, não raro, não encontra rumos precisos e passiveis de definição concisa, na qual o rural e a agricultura não se constituem mais em sinônimos e as transformações e diversificações nos cenários rurais envolvem novas demandas e problemáticas, como a conservação da natureza, arquitetura e outros tantos elementos de um passado em que se projeta uma outra velocidade dos eventos no tempo. Muito embora o fenômeno de residências secundárias não se constitua num evento especialmente recente, se destacam os novos contornos que o mesmo tem apresentado frente aos espaços nos quais as residências secundárias encontram-se alocadas, sobretudo no âmbito do rural. As variadas e complexas relações com o espaço expressam, direta e indiretamente, uma série de implicações na dinâmica das mesmas, repercutindo nas múltiplas relações econômicas, sociais, ambientais, culturais e, por conseguinte, repercutindo na esfera político-administrativa. Diante desta perspectiva, o objetivo da presente pesquisa consiste em examinar as mobilidades espaciais de residências secundárias, no meio rural, em seus distintos fluxos, de forma a contemplar as distintas nuanças, ações, interações e integrações com os espaços enfocados, bem como, as distintas manifestações dessas mobilidades nos mesmos. A pesquisa foi realizada nos municípios de Itaara e Restinga Seca, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil, que contemplam os fluxos de visitação de finais de semana e de veraneio, respectivamente. Metodologicamente parte-se da pesquisa bibliográfica, realizando-se, posteriormente, a coleta de dados, na qual utilizaram-se questionários aplicados a 86 visitantes e entrevistas com os gestores públicos municipais (2 em cada Município), iniciativa privada (6 em cada Município) e comunidade local (7 em Itaara e 4 em Restinga Seca). Posteriormente, delineou-se uma análise de caráter analítico-descritiva, utilizando o software SPSS 12 a fim de tabular os dados, bem como realizou-se a transcrição das entrevistas com vistas a alcançar os objetivos propostos. Os resultados permitem tecer considerações acerca do fato de o fenômeno de residências secundárias já se constituir numa realidade nos municípios de Itaara e Restinga Seca o que, portanto, afeta positiva e negativamente o local, necessitando, assim como em outros espaços de residências secundárias, de ponderações a respeito dos mesmos, a fim da construir de estratégias de maximização dos benefícios e minimização dos impactos negativos. Em função da forma pela qual o fenômeno das mobilidades materializa-se no espaço, salienta-se a relevância das periodicidades, já que não apresentam impactos de mesma ordem os fluxos de finais de semana e os de veraneio, divergindo em intensidade e heterogeneidade na forma que atuam no espaço e relacionam-se com o seu entorno. Mesmo diante destas realidades, constatou-se que, em ambos, as iniciativas ainda não contemplam estratégias e planejamentos capazes de dar conta da problemática das residências secundárias e, por isso, carecem de planejamento e ações a longo prazo, resguardadas as especificidades locais, com respostas eficientemente oferecidas aos problemas emergentes no seu contexto. / The dynamics of the contemporary rural society presents a series of changes concerning the previous space that regarded only the productive sector. The new rural reality points to a new way that is yet being traced, and that not necessarily encounters precise and briefly defined directions. So the rural and the agriculture are not more synonyms and the transformations and diversifications in the rural scenario involve new needs and troubles, as the nature conservation, the architecture, and other passed elements which are projected in a different speed. Even that the phenomenon of secondary homes is not a recent event, it now presents new outlines in front of the allocation space, specially in the rural scope. The variable and complex relationships with the space directly and indirectly express a series of implications in their dynamics, which spread in the multiple economic, social, environmental, cultural and hence politic-administrative relationships. In front of this perspective, the aim of this study is to shed light in the spatial mobility of secondary rural homes, in its distinct flows, regarding its distinct aspects, actions, interactions and integrations with the focalized spaces, and comprehending the distinct manifestations it has in each place. The search was conducted in Itaara and Restinga Seca (cities placed in Rio Grande do Sul state - Brazil), focalizing the weekend and summer flows, respectively. Methodologically, we initiated with a bibliographic search, which was followed by the data collection. This was conducted through question-forms applied to 86 visitors, as well as through interviews with municipal administrators (two in each city), with the private initiative (six in each city) and with the local community (seven in Itaara and four in Restinga Seca). Afterwards, we performed an analytic-descriptive analysis as implemented in the SPSS 1.2 software, in which we tabulated the data and accomplished the transcription of the interviews. The obtained results allow conducting some considerations about the fact that the secondary homes phenomenon already constitutes a reality that affects positive and negatively the cities of Itaara and Restinga Seca. Actually, this event needs a series of reflections, so that we can construct strategies able to maximize its benefits and minimize its negative impacts. As a consequence of the way this mobilization phenomenon occurs in space, we can detach the importance of the periodicity: the weekend and summer flows do not present similar impacts, diverging in the intensity and in the homogeneity in which they act in the space and also in the way they relate with the surroundings. Even with these difficulties, we could realize that in both cases the initiatives do not yet regard strategies and plannings able to resolve troubleshoots related to secondary homes. They lack long term actions, which could protect the local specificities, and offer efficient answers to the emergent troubles.
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Liberalização da conta de capitais : evolução e evidências para o caso brasileiro recente (1990-2005)Laan, Cesar Rodrigues van der January 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalha busca avaliar o processo de liberalização da conta capital em implementação no Brasil a partir da década de 1990, através da pesquisa nos trabalhos já registrados na literatura internacional (capítulo 2), associada a uma abordagem empírica própria (capítulo 4). Utiliza-se de dois índices independentes para avaliar o comportamento do setor externo da economia (ICC, de jure, e IAF, de facto), e, assim, realizar maiores inferências econométricas sobre tal processo, somando-se às iniciativas anteriores em compreender os vínculos entre a abertura financeira e o desempenho macroeconômico nos países em desenvolvimento em geral, e no Brasil, em particular. Nesse sentido, identificou-se a ampliação do grau de conversibilidade da conta capital do País no período 1990-2005 (capítulo 3) sem, entretanto, se verificar uma evidência de geração de benefícios em termos de crescimento econômico e de redução de volatilidade macroeconômica, nos termos apontados nos exercícios econométricos – o IAF chega, inclusive, a apontar uma relação robusta do aumento dos fluxos financeiros com uma maior oscilação da taxa de câmbio. Os resultados apresentados vão ao encontro da tendência predominante na literatura internacional, qual seja, de que não se consegue estabelecer uma relação causal positiva e robusta entre liberalização financeira e crescimento econômico. No mesmo sentido, a experiência brasileira na liberalização financeira, capturada pela evolução do ICC e do IAF, parece estar vinculada a um aumento na taxa de juros, e não a sua redução. Esses resultados confirmam a hipótese de que a integração de um país em desenvolvimento aos fluxos de capitais internacionais leva à necessidade de práticas de juros mais altas para atraí-los e os manter no País. Conclui-se pela conveniência de um grau ótimo de exposição dos países periféricos aos fluxos de capitais internacionais, controlando riscos e proporcionando avanços econômicos, sobretudo contando com um gerenciamento prudencial da conta capital por parte das autoridades monetárias. / The present study seeks to investigate the dynamics of capital account liberalization in implementation in Brazil since the 1990’s, analyzing previous papers on international literature (chapter 2), associated with an empirical framework, based on a vector autoregressive (VAR) method (chapter 4). It’s used two independents index as proxies in order to evaluate the behavior of external sector of the economy (ICC, de jure, and IAF, de facto), and, hence, make the econometric inferences about such process. In general terms, the aim is to contribute by comprehending the relation between financial openness and macroeconomic performance in developing countries, in general, and specifically in Brazil. For such, the task identified the broadening of capital account convertibility in the period 1990-2005 (chapter 3), without verifying evidences on benefits such as economic growth or reduction of macroeconomic volatile, according to the econometric exercises – IAF, indeed, supports a strong relation between the increase of financial flows with a greater variability on exchange terms. The empirical findings are similar to those predominant on international literature, i.e., that it does not exist a positive and strong association between financial liberalization and economic growth. In fact, brazilian experience on financial liberalization, measured by the ICC and IAF, seems to be related to an increase on interest rates, and not on its reduction, as could be supposed, which confirm the hypothesis that integration of a developing country to international capital flows creates the necessity of higher interest rates to attract and maintain then in a country. We conclude for the convenience of an optimum exposition of periphery economies to international capital flows, through a prudent management of capital account by the monetary authorities, controlling associated risks while permitting economic advances.
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Detailed Validation Assessment of Turbine Stage Disc Cavity Rotating FlowsJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: The subject of this thesis is concerned with the amount of cooling air assigned to seal high pressure turbine rim cavities which is critical for performance as well as component life. Insufficient air leads to excessive hot annulus gas ingestion and its penetration deep into the cavity compromising disc life. Excessive purge air, adversely affects performance. Experiments on a rotating turbine stage rig which included a rotor-stator forward disc cavity were performed at Arizona State University. The turbine rig has 22 vanes and 28 blades, while the rim cavity is composed of a single-tooth rim lab seal and a rim platform overlap seal. Time-averaged static pressures were measured in the gas path and the cavity, while mainstream gas ingestion into the cavity was determined by measuring the concentration distribution of tracer gas (carbon dioxide). Additionally, particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to measure fluid velocity inside the rim cavity between the lab seal and the overlap. The data from the experiments were compared to an 360-degree unsteady RANS (URANS) CFD simulations. Although not able to match the time-averaged test data satisfactorily, the CFD simulations brought to light the unsteadiness present in the flow during the experiment which the slower response data did not fully capture. To interrogate the validity of URANS simulations in capturing complex rotating flow physics, the scope of this work also included to validating the CFD tool by comparing its predictions against experimental LDV data in a closed rotor-stator cavity. The enclosed cavity has a stationary shroud, a rotating hub, and mass flow does not enter or exit the system. A full 360 degree numerical simulation was performed comparing Fluent LES, with URANS turbulence models. Results from these investigations point to URANS state of art under-predicting closed cavity tangential velocity by 32% to 43%, and open rim cavity effectiveness by 50% compared to test data. The goal of this thesis is to assess the validity of URANS turbulence models in more complex rotating flows, compare accuracy with LES simulations, suggest CFD settings to better simulate turbine stage mainstream/disc cavity interaction with ingestion, and recommend experimentation techniques. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2016
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Effective-diffusion for general nonautonomous systemsJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: The tools developed for the use of investigating dynamical systems have provided critical understanding to a wide range of physical phenomena. Here these tools are used to gain further insight into scalar transport, and how it is affected by mixing. The aim of this research is to investigate the efficiency of several different partitioning methods which demarcate flow fields into dynamically distinct regions, and the correlation of finite-time statistics from the advection-diffusion equation to these regions.
For autonomous systems, invariant manifold theory can be used to separate the system into dynamically distinct regions. Despite there being no equivalent method for nonautonomous systems, a similar analysis can be done. Systems with general time dependencies must resort to using finite-time transport barriers for partitioning; these barriers are the edges of Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS), the analog to the stable and unstable manifolds of invariant manifold theory. Using the coherent structures of a flow to analyze the statistics of trapping, flight, and residence times, the signature of anomalous diffusion are obtained.
This research also investigates the use of linear models for approximating the elements of the covariance matrix of nonlinear flows, and then applying the covariance matrix approximation over coherent regions. The first and second-order moments can be used to fully describe an ensemble evolution in linear systems, however there is no direct method for nonlinear systems. The problem is only compounded by the fact that the moments for nonlinear flows typically don't have analytic representations, therefore direct numerical simulations would be needed to obtain the moments throughout the domain. To circumvent these many computations, the nonlinear system is approximated as many linear systems for which analytic expressions for the moments exist. The parameters introduced in the linear models are obtained locally from the nonlinear deformation tensor. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Applied Mathematics 2018
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The role of socio-cultural factors in static trade panel modelsFischer, Manfred M., LeSage, James P. 17 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The focus is on cross-sectional dependence in panel trade
flow models. We propose alternative
specifications for modeling time invariant factors such as socio-cultural indicator variables, e.g.,
common language and currency. These are typically treated as a source of heterogeneity eliminated using fixed effects transformations, but we find evidence of cross-sectional dependence after eliminating country-specific effects. These findings suggest use of alternative simultaneous dependence model specifications that accommodate cross-sectional dependence, which we set forth along with Bayesian estimation methods. Ignoring cross-sectional dependence implies biased estimates from panel trade flow models that rely on fixed effects. / Series: Working Papers in Regional Science
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