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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A execução residual na tutela dos interesses individuais homogêneos / The Brazilian fluid recovery in the protection of homogeneous individual interests.

Neder, Paulo Braga 24 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da execução residual na tutela dos interesses individuais homogêneos e as questões procedimentais que envolvem o instituto no direito processual brasileiro. Foram abordados aspectos relativos aos fundamentos do instituto no direito brasileiro, os requisitos para sua aplicação e o procedimento para a restituição da indenização devida aos indivíduos nos casos em que esta se faz necessária. / This paper aims to study the fluid recovery in the protection of homogeneous individual interests in Brazilian Law and the procedural issues surrounding the institute. The paper approached aspects related to the fundamentals of the institute in Brazilian law, the requirements for their application and the procedure for due compensation for individuals in cases where this is necessary.

A execução residual na tutela dos interesses individuais homogêneos / The Brazilian fluid recovery in the protection of homogeneous individual interests.

Paulo Braga Neder 24 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da execução residual na tutela dos interesses individuais homogêneos e as questões procedimentais que envolvem o instituto no direito processual brasileiro. Foram abordados aspectos relativos aos fundamentos do instituto no direito brasileiro, os requisitos para sua aplicação e o procedimento para a restituição da indenização devida aos indivíduos nos casos em que esta se faz necessária. / This paper aims to study the fluid recovery in the protection of homogeneous individual interests in Brazilian Law and the procedural issues surrounding the institute. The paper approached aspects related to the fundamentals of the institute in Brazilian law, the requirements for their application and the procedure for due compensation for individuals in cases where this is necessary.

Microdialysis Sampling of Macro Molecules : Fluid Characteristics, Extraction Efficiency and Enhanced Performance

Chu, Jiangtao January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, fluid characteristics and sampling efficiency of high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis are presented, with the aim of improving the understanding of microdialysis sampling mechanisms and its performance regarding extraction efficiency of biological fluid and biomarkers. Microdialysis is a well-established clinical sampling tool for monitoring small biomarkers such as lactate and glucose. In recent years, interest has raised in using high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis to sample macro molecules such as neuropeptides, cytokines and proteins. However, with the increase of the membrane pore size, high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis exhibits drawbacks such like unstable catheter performance, imbalanced fluid recovery, low and unstable molecule extraction efficiency, etc. But still, the fluid characteristics of high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis is rarely studied, and the clinical or in vitro molecule sampling efficiency from recent studies vary from each other and are difficult to compare.   Therefore, in this thesis three aspects of high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis have been explored. The first, the fluid characteristics of large pore microdialysis has been investigated, theoretically and experimentally. The results suggest that the experimental fluid recovery is in consistency with its theoretical formula. The second, the macromolecule transport behaviour has been visualized and semi-quantified, using an in vitro test system and fluorescence imaging. The third, two in vitro tests have been done to mimic in vivo cerebrospinal fluid sampling under pressurization, using native and differently surface modified catheters. As results, individual protein/peptide extraction efficiencies were achieved, using targeted mass spectrometry analysis. In summary, a theory system of the fluid characteristics of high molecular weight cut-off microdialysis has been built and testified; Macromolecular transport of microdialysis catheter has been visualized; In vivo biomolecules sampling has been simulated by well-defined in vitro studies; Individual biomolecular extraction efficiency has been shown; Different surface modifications of microdialysis catheter have been investigated. It was found that, improved sampling performance can be achieved, in terms of balanced fluid recovery and controlled protein extraction efficiency.

Os princípios do processo coletivo e o papel do juíz em prol da efetividade da reparação do dano moral coletivo na justiça do trabalho / The collective process principles and labor judge role in favor of the effectiveness of collective moral damage compensation on labor courts.

Barbosa, Maria da Graça Bonança 30 May 2014 (has links)
A presente tese apresenta uma base principiológica em prol da efetividade da reparação do dano moral coletivo e destaca a participação ativa do juiz do Trabalho visando alcançar uma indenização que estabeleça uma conexão entre o dano e a reparação em benefício da comunidade lesada. Com base na Constituição e nos projetos de codificação do processo coletivo, em especial do Projeto de Lei nº 5.139/2009, foram apontados os princípios do acesso à Justiça e devido processo legal como princípios balizas, pois deles decorrem ou defluem os princípios do processo coletivo e constituem os fundamentos para uma atuação judicial que priorize a efetividade da reparação do dano moral coletivo. A participação ativa do juiz do Trabalho e sua atuação discricionária e criativa no arbitramento da indenização por dano moral coletivo foram fundamentadas nos princípios da relevância social da tutela e da proporcionalidade e razoabilidade, sem prescindir de critérios próprios que devem nortear essa decisão, destacando-se que o dano moral coletivo não corresponde à somatória dos danos morais individuais e com eles não se confunde. Destacou-se o novo critério da punição do enriquecimento sem causa do ofensor que reforça a possibilidade de condenação por dumping social na Justiça do Trabalho, defendendo-se, entretanto, que esse critério seja considerado como agravante para a condenação e não como fundamento para uma condenação suplementar a tal título. A presente tese defende que a indenização do dano moral coletivo deve representar o tríplice efeito, por meio da punição ao ofensor, o fim pedagógico para a sociedade e a compensação para a comunidade lesada, e que apenas o primeiro desses efeitos é alcançado quando a indenização é remetida para o Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador FAT. Demonstra-se que o FAT não tem como objetivo reparar o dano moral coletivo reconhecido pelas decisões da Justiça do Trabalho e, ante a omissão da legislação brasileira, invoca-se o direito comparado, consistente na solução do tipo cy press ou fluid recovery das class actions do direito norte-americano, que considera a fórmula do mais próximo do possível entre o dano e a reparação. Apontam-se os fundamentos que podem nortear essa decisão, extraídos do próprio ordenamento jurídico pátrio e aborda-se a questão dos limites do pedido deduzido nas ações coletivas que indicam o FAT como destinatário da indenização. Defende-se, ainda, que o juiz do Trabalho considere, na sua decisão, o sentir coletivo representado pelos sentimentos da comunidade afetada pelo dano e adote medidas que possam viabilizar a percepção dessa coletividade quanto à reparação, e considere os efeitos compensatório e pedagógico da indenização, apresentando-se uma proposta de gradação como referência, com tal objetivo. O papel do juiz do Trabalho é indicado como fundamental para uma mudança de perspectiva para a efetividade da reparação, apontando-se alguns dos problemas que impedem o juiz de dedicar-se à condução e solução das complexas lides coletivas e também algumas propostas para alteração de um sistema jurídico que ainda privilegia as ações individuais. Em conclusão, a presente tese pretende impulsionar uma reflexão sobre os efeitos que devem ser alcançados pelas condenações por danos morais coletivos na Justiça do Trabalho em prol da efetividade da respectiva reparação / This thesis presents a principled basis in favor of the effectiveness of collective moral damage compensation and highlights the importance of an active participation of the labor judge aimed at attaining compensation to establish a connection between damage and compensation in favor of the aggrieved community. Based on the Constitution and on collective process codified projects, in particular the Bill nº 5.139/2009, we pointed the principles of access to justice and the due process of law as the \"fundamental principles\" because it is from them that the principles of collective process proceed and they constitute the basis for a court action that prioritizes the effectiveness of collective moral damages compensation. The active participation of the Labor judge and his/her discretionary and creative performance in the arbitration of collective compensation for moral damages were based on the principles of social relevance of authority, reasonableness and proportionality, without the exclusion of his/her own criteria that should guide his/her decision, it is worth mentioning that collective moral damages do not correspond to the sum of individual moral damages and it should not to be confused with it. We emphasized the new punishment criterion of unjust enrichment of the offender which enhances the possibility of conviction for social dumping on Labor Courts, but at the same time asserting that this criterion should be considered as aggravating circumstances and not as a basis for an additional conviction. This thesis argues that collective compensation for moral damages should represent the threefold effect; punishing the offender, educating society and compensating the aggrieved community and that only the first of these effects is achieved when the compensation is sent to the FAT (Worker Support Fund). It is here demonstrated that the FAT (Worker Support Fund) is not meant to repair collective moral damages recognized by the decisions of the Labor Courts and, and due to the omission of Brazilian Law in this respect, we invoked the compared right, which is consistent with the cy press or fluid recovery solution for class actions in U.S. Law, which considers the \"as close as possible\" formula between damage and compensation. We indicate the basis to guide this decision, taken from the national legal system itself and we address the question of limits of claims filed in collective actions that indicate the FAT (Workers Assistance Fund) as a recipient of compensation. It is also argued that the Labor judge should consider, as he/she takes his/her decision, the \" collective feeling\" which represents the feelings of the community affected by the damage and that this judge should take steps to make it possible to realize this collective group as far as the compensation is concerned, and he/she should also consider the compensatory and teaching effects of the compensation, we presented a grading proposal to be used as a reference with this objective in mind. The role of the Labor judge is indicated as critical for changing the perspective of compensation effectiveness, we also point out some of the problems that prevent the judge from finding the solution for complex collective labors actions besides presenting some proposals for amendments of the legal system which still favors individual actions. In conclusion, this thesis aims to encourage a reflection about the effects of convictions for collective damages in Labor Courts and it favors compensation effectiveness.

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