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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metafísica, mística e linguagem na obra de Schcomo IBN Gabirol (Avicebron): uma abordagem bergsoniana

Macedo, Cecilia Cintra Cavaleiro de 29 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese CECILIA CINTRA CAVALEIRO DE MACEDO.pdf: 3453078 bytes, checksum: 78597032394466b38ff9fce1d4075060 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Schlomo Ibn Gabirol was a Jewish thinker who lived in Spain under Islamic rule. His work was developed in the fields of metaphysics, ethics and poetics. The philosophical text, written in Arabic and translated to Latin as Fons Vitae, was used by the medieval Christian philosophers who, calling him Avicebron, did not known his origin. His poems, written in Hebrew, were incorporated to the Jewish liturgy. In 1847, Salomon Munk discovered that they were the same man. This has made possible the attempt to identify the sources which had influenced the several facets of the author s work, facilitating the contact with the central core of his ideas. The aim of this work is the reconstruction of the author s identity from the comprehension of his work as the reflex of a mystical quest. For such purpose, we use a methodology developed from Henri Bergson indications, who understands the Intuition as a philosophical method, which would be reached through a Mediating Image / Schlomo Ibn Gabirol foi um pensador judeu que viveu na Espanha sob o domínio islâmico. Sua obra se desenvolveu nos campos da metafísica, ética e poesia. O texto filosófico, escrito em árabe e traduzido ao latim como Fons Vitae, foi utilizado pelos filósofos cristãos medievais que, denominando-o Avicebron, desconheciam sua origem. Sua poesia, escrita em hebraico, foi incorporada à liturgia judaica. Em 1847, Salomon Munk descobriu tratar-se do mesmo homem o que permitiu a tentativa de identificação das diversas fontes que influenciaram as facetas da obra do autor, facilitando um contato maior com o núcleo central de suas idéias. A idéia que inspira este trabalho é a reconstrução da identidade do autor a partir da compreensão de sua obra como reflexo de uma busca mística. Para tal fim, utilizamos uma metodologia desenvolvida a partir das indicações de Henri Bergson, que entende a Intuição como método filosófico, a qual seria alcançada através de uma Imagem Mediadora

Estudis de soroll sísmic ambiental amb registres de sismòmetres de fons marí. Tomografia d'ones superficials al NE de la Península Ibèrica

Frontera Genovard, Joana Tànit 16 December 2009 (has links)
L'estiu de 2005, es varen instal·lar un sismòmetre de fons marí (OBS, sigles en anglès d'Ocean Bottom Seimometer) permanent, de tres components i banda ampla, i un sensor diferencial de pressió, a les immediacions de la plataforma petrolífera Casablanca (Repsol Investigaciones Petrolíferas S.A.), a uns 150 m de fondària i 50 km de la costa de Tarragona. Aquesta iniciativa, pionera a l'Estat espanyol, es va portar a terme en el marc del projecte Casablanca (REN2003-06577), concedit pel Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia a l'Institut Geològic de Catalunya (IGC) i l'Observatori de l'Ebre, amb l'objectiu de caracteritzar la detectabilitat de l'OBS i millorar el coneixement de la sismicitat i el risc sísmic a la zona. L'any 2007, després d'una reinstal·lació dels sensors en què es varen introduir millores, la transmissió satèl·lit en temps real del senyal al centre de recepció de dades sísmiques a l'IGC de Barcelona va possibilitar la integració de l'OBS a la xarxa sísmica de Catalunya.L'anàlisi de soroll sísmic ambiental a l'emplaçament de l'OBS Casablanca mostra nivells alts als tres components, especialment a baixes freqüències i a la banda microsísmica. Així mateix, s'observen variacions estacionals i la influència de les condicions meteorològiques i oceanogràfiques. La comparació dels nivells de soroll a l'OBS Casablanca amb el d'un altre OBS situat a la mar de Ligúria, amb una instrumentació semblant, però instal·lat a una fondària de 2500 m, mostra un comportament més sorollós a Casablanca, probablement a causa de la menor profunditat a què està situat.Tot i el seu comportament sorollós, l'OBS Casablanca ha enregistrat diversos sismes locals, regionals i telesismes. Malgrat la petita magnitud i l'escassesa de terratrèmols locals succeïts durant el període de funcionament de l'OBS, l'estació ha mostrat la seva utilitat de cara a la millora de les localitzacions hipocentrals dels sismes propers amb epicentre a la mar. Noves dades permetran la validació d'aquest resultat.El senyal de l'OBS Casablanca, juntament amb el d'estacions situades a la Península Ibèrica, el nord d'Àfrica i les Illes Balears, s'ha pogut utilitzar amb èxit en un estudi de tomografia d'ones superficials amb soroll sísmic ambiental realitzat al NE de la Península. El procediment de l'estudi tomogràfic ha inclòs un tractament del senyal a fi de minimitzar l'energia aportada pels terratrèmols i normalitzar les amplituds a totes les freqüències. Mitjançant el càlcul de la correlació creuada per a tots els parells d'estacions disponibles durant un període de més d'un any, s'ha trobat un senyal equivalent a la funció de Green del medi, que ha possibilitat la mesura de la velocitat de grup i de fase. La representació dels resultats en forma de mapes de dispersió mostra zones d'altes i baixes velocitats, coherents amb les principals estructures geològiques de l'escorça i part del mantell superior. / Durante el verano de 2005, se instalaron un sismómetro de fondo marino (OBS, siglas en inglés de Ocean Bottom Seismometer) permanente, de tres componentes y banda ancha, y un sensor diferencial de presión, en las inmediaciones de la plataforma petrolífera Casablanca (Repsol Investigaciones Petrolíferas S.A.), a unos 150 m de profundidad y 50 km de la costa de Tarragona. Esta iniciativa, pionera en España, se llevó a cabo en el marco del proyecto Casablanca (REN2003-06577), concedido por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia al Institut Geològic de Catalunya (IGC) y al Observatori de l'Ebre, con el objetivo de caracterizar la detectabilidad del OBS y mejorar el conocimiento de la sismicidad y el riesgo sísmico en la zona. En el año 2007, después de una reinstalación en la que se introdujeron mejoras, la transmisión satélite en tiempo real de la señal al centro de recepción de datos sísmicos del IGC en Barcelona posibilitó la integración del OBS a la red sísmica de Cataluña.El análisis del ruido sísmico ambiental en el emplazamiento del OBS Casablanca muestra niveles altos en las tres componentes, especialmente a bajas frecuencias y en la banda microsísmica. También se observan variaciones estacionales y la influencia de las condiciones meteorológicas y oceanográficas. La comparación de los niveles de ruido en el OBS Casablanca con los de otro OBS situado en el mar de Liguria, de instrumentación similar, pero instalado a 2500 m de profundidad, muestra un comportamiento más ruidoso en Casablanca, probablemente a causa de la menor profundidad a la que está situado.Aunque de comportamiento ruidoso, el OBS Casablanca ha registrado numerosos seísmos locales, regionales y teleseísmos. A pesar de la pequeña magnitud y la escasez de terremotos locales durante el periodo de funcionamiento del OBS, la estación ha mostrado su utilidad de cara a la mejora de las localizaciones hipocentrales de los seísmos cercanos con epicentro en el mar. Nuevos datos permitirán la validación de este resultado.La señal del OBS Casablanca, junto con la de estaciones situadas en la Península Ibérica, el norte de África y las Islas Baleares, se ha podido utilizar con éxito en un estudio de tomografía de ondas superficiales con ruido sísmico ambiental realizado al NE de la Península. El procedimiento del estudio tomográfico ha incluido el tratamiento de la señal para minimizar la energía aportada por los terremotos y normalizar las amplitudes para todas las frecuencias. Mediante el cálculo de la correlación cruzada para todos los pares de estaciones disponibles durante un periodo de más de un año, se ha obtenido una señal equivalente a la función de Green del medio, que ha posibilitado la medida de la velocidad de grupo y de fase. La representación de los resultados en forma de mapas de dispersión muestra zonas de altas y bajas velocidades, coherentes con las principales estructuras geológicas de la corteza y parte del manto superior. / During the summer of 2005, a three-component broad-band permanent ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) and a differential pressure gauge were deployed near the Casablanca oil platform (Repsol Investigaciones Petrolíferas S.A.) at a depth of about 150 m and 50 km away from the Tarragona coast (NE Iberian Peninsula). This initiative, pioneer in Spain, was carried out within the framework of the Casablanca project (RES2003-06577), given by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia to the Institut Geològic de Catalunya (IGC) and to the Observatori de l'Ebre. The aim of this project was to characterize the OBS detection threshold and to improve the knowledge of the seismicity and seismic risk in the area around. In 2007 satellite transmission was implemented to have continuous and real time data, which allowed integrating the OBS into the Catalan Seismic Network.A seismic ambient noise analysis at the Casablanca OBS site shows high levels on the three components, especially at low frequencies and at the microseismic band. Seasonal variations and the meteorological and oceanographic conditions influence are also observed. The comparison between Casablanca OBS noise levels and those from another OBS placed at the Ligurian Sea, equipped with similar instrumentation but installed at a depth of 2500 m, shows that the Casablanca site is noisier, probably due to its shallower deployment.Despite its noisy behaviour, the Casablanca OBS has recorded a number of local and regional earthquakes and teleseisms. Only few close small events have occurred during the OBS running period. Nevertheless, the station has shown its utility to improve hipocentral locations of close earthquakes with the epicentre offshore.The Casablanca OBS signal, together with that from stations placed at the Iberian Peninsula, northern Africa and Balearic Islands, has been successfully used in a surface wave tomographic study from ambient noise in the NE Iberian Peninsula. The tomographic study includes a signal processing to minimize the energy from earthquakes and to normalize the amplitudes for all frequencies. A signal equivalent to the Green function has been obtained through the cross-correlation between all the possible station pairs during a period longer than one year, allowing the measurement of group and phase velocities. The results, which are presented as dispersion maps, show areas of high and low velocities that are coherent with the main crust and upper mantle geological structures.

Czech-Scottish Cultural Standards at Work Environment / Česko-skotské kulturní standardy v pracovním prostředí

Valterová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on Czech-Scottish cultural standards at work environment. The main aim is to define Scottish cultural standards at work environment from the Czech point of view and to compare them with the theory. The thesis begins with the definition of culture, cultural dimensions introduced by G. Hofstede, F. Trompenaars and E. T. Hall and cultural standards by A. Thomas. It continues to the description of Scotland with its geography, history, language, economic situation and various systems in the society, such as the legal system, educational system, health care system, a role of the family and religion. Further, Scottish national identity, key values and traditions are identified and there are added some information about work in Scotland. The thesis then leads us onwards to the determination of eight cultural standards at work environment and six cultural standards connected with the daily life in Scotland based on the qualitative research. The standards concerning work environment are further compared with the theory. At the end of the thesis, there are provided some recommendations for Czechs who are going to work with Scots.

Česko-indické a indicko-české kulturní standardy v pracovním prostředí / Czech-Indian and Indian-Czech cultural standards in the workplace

Kubiszová, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
Nowadays, most of the countries in the world are getting more and more dependent on each other, both politically and economically. Along with that, cultural clash comes inevitably influencing are private lives and working environment. Multinational companies get the opportunity of using the potential of diverse cultural environment which is challenging the managers, and other employees, to increase their competencies. The goal of this thesis is to identify the Indian cultural standards from the Czech point of view and the Czech ones from the Indian point of view. The theory of the thesis is based on cultural models by Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars. The cultural standards are being identified by using the method of critical incidents where the selected respondents are being interviewed. The thesis analyses at which aspects the two examined cultures differ the most and how it influences the working environment and performance. The research results are compared to other theoretical models and the thesis provides recommendations on how to work with the identified standards in order to make the Indian-Czech cooperation as efficient as possible.

Česko-kanadské a kanadsko-české kulturní standardy z pohledu výměnných studentů / Czech-Canadian and Canadian-Czech cultural standards from the exchange student's perspective

Kvapilová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify and evaluate Czech cultural standards from the perspective of Canadian exchange students and Canadian cultural standards from the perspective of Czech exchange students, using the method of cultural standards, which is based on qualitative research through in-depth interviews form. Individual goals of the thesis include comparison of the results with theoretical research and analysis of historical and socio-economic impacts on Canadian culture. In conclusion, the author proposes recommendations for the Czechs and especially the future Czech students who plan to study in Canada.

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