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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Screening for Forage Sorghum Genotypes with Chilling Tolerance

Podder, Swarup January 2019 (has links)
Forage sorghum (FS) [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a warm-season biomass crop with the potential to become a bioenergy feedstock. The objective of this study was to screen potential FS genotypes for increased chilling tolerance and biomass productivity. The experiments were conducted in Fargo and Hickson, ND, in 2017 and 2018. Seventy-two genotypes of FS were tested at 24, 12, and 10℃. The genotypes were ranked from high to low vigor index and 12 genotypes were planted on two seeding dates: early (10 May) and late (27 May). Field emergence index values were greater for the late-seeding compared with the early-seeding date. Stand establishment and seed mortality were affected by the seeding date. Biomass yield correlated with emergence index and normalized vegetative index. Some of the genotypes tested had increased chilling tolerance and biomass yield when seeded earlier than normal, and may be used for breeding chilling tolerance into FS.

Soil nitrogen, active carbon, corn, and small grain response to manure injection

Hilfiker, Derek Richard 17 October 2023 (has links)
Manure injection is an alternative manure application method that places manure in subsurface bands rather than spreading it evenly across the soil surface as done with the typical broadcasting method. The reduced exposure of manure to air under injection can lead to greater N retention when compared to broadcasting, but also alters the spatial distribution of manure. This altered spatial distribution of manure could alter soil nutrient dynamics and crop growth; however, literature exploring this subject is limited. Therefore, this dissertation aimed to compare soil nitrate and active carbon levels between manure injection and broadcasting, assess the spatial distribution of soil N under injection, and determine if the subsurface bands under injection cause differential crop growth. An 8-site on-farm study was conducted comparing spring manure applications under corn silage. This study found that soil NO3-N was the same under injection and broadcasting but did alter the spatial distribution of soil NO3-N as it was consistently elevated in the injection band compared to between bands. No differences in active carbon were observed, even when measuring the injection band directly. This finding calls into question the usefulness of measuring active carbon in manured systems. Corn silage yields were only significantly increased at 1 of 8 sites, and this occurred at the one site that did not receive a sidedress N application, which suggests that N was not limiting at the other seven sites. A small-scale research plot study examining fall manure applications under small grains found similar results to the previous study. No consistent differences in soil NO3-N were observed between injected, broadcast, and control plots; however, soil NO3-N was greater in the injection band compared to between, a difference that persisted for two months after manure application. Evidence of soil NO3-N leaching was observed in one study year, suggesting soil NO3-N leaching under fall manure applications should be examined. No consistent differences in soil active carbon were observed, either between manure application methods or injection bands. Furthermore, the alteration in soil NO3-N under injection did not lead to differential small grain growth. A 24 site on-farm study was conducted to assess potential differential growth of small grains following manure injection. This study found that soil NO3-N in the manure injection band compared to between bands was significantly increased in 13 of 24 sites and was on average 137% greater in-band at the 0-15 cm depth. This difference did not persist through small grain silage harvest as only 1 of 24 sites showed a significant difference in-band. Small grain maturity did not show any difference in 2021 due to late planting dates, but some differences were observed in the injection band compared to between bands one month after planting. As with soil NO3-N, these differences did not persist through silage harvest. Small grain forage quality parameters were not different in-band compared to between-band at harvest, while DM yield only differed in 3 of 24 sites, with 2 of those 3 sites being under wheat. The data presented in this dissertation indicates that manure injection causes differential soil NO3-N levels from banding. Accurately measuring soil NO3-N levels under injection was difficult due to the injection band being difficult to fully sample and suggests injected soil NO3-N levels were underestimated. No meaningful changes in crop growth were observed due to banding or different manure application methods. / Doctor of Philosophy / Manure injection is a more environmentally friendly method of manure application when compared to traditional surface broadcasting. While research is clear on the environmental benefits of manure injection, the agronomic benefits of injection are unclear. Therefore, this research aimed to compare soil nitrogen and crop response to manure injection. Manure injection did not result in consistently increased corn or small grain yields when compared to manure broadcasting. Soil nitrate was not typically altered between manure application methods, but this could have been due to our soil sampling method not sampling enough of the manure injection band. Manure injection did result in soil nitrate being concentrated in the area manure was injected. The elevated soil nitrate in the area manure was injected typically persisted 1-2 months after manure application but didn't persist to the end of the growing season. This early season increase in soil nitrate concentrations in the manure injection area did not result in differential small grain maturity in both a small-scale research plot study and a 24 site on-farm study. Three of 24 sites studied showed increased small grain yield when comparing the area manure was injected compared between injection bands, with two of these three sites being under wheat. This suggests small grain yield response to manure injection bands could be species dependent.

Avaliação da eficiência biológica e doses crescentes de adubação em pastagens de capim-marandu e capim-mombaça durante o verão e outono em sistema de cria / Biological efficiency evaluation of increasing doses of fertilizers on marandu and mombaça pasture prairies during summer and autumn in a calf rearing system

Frasseto, Matheus Orlandin 23 June 2015 (has links)
Esse estudo foi composto por dois experimentos, o primeiro referente ao pastejo durante o período de verão e outono cujo objetivo foi avaliar a resposta de duas espécies forrageiras (capim-marandu e capim-mombaça) com doses crescentes de adubação. O segundo correspondeu ao período seco, quando os animais foram confinados com objetivo de avaliar a suplementação da silagem de cana-de-açúcar com duas fontes proteicas (farelo de soja e farelo de algodão) no desempenho animal de três categorias (vaca, novilha e bezerro). O estudo foi conduzido no Laboratório de Pesquisas em Gado de Corte (LPGC), da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, campus Pirassununga. Para o experimento 1, a área experimental foi composta por 12 ha, divididos em oito módulos de pastejo (4 para o capim-marandu e 4 para o capim-mombaça), sendo utilizados 2 módulos como reserva, e cada módulo foi composto por 6 piquetes. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos casualizados em arranjo fatorial 2x3 sendo duas espécies forrageiras (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu e Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça) e três doses de adubação por ciclo de pastejo, totalizando 42, 333 e 667 kg de N e K2O ha-1 para o capim-marandu e 50, 400 e 800 kg de N e K2O ha-1 para o capim-mombaça, avaliados durante o verão e outono. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: altura de entrada e saída das forrageiras, período de descanso, taxa de lotação, composição bromatológica de folha e colmo, relação folha/colmo/material morto e desempenho dos animais em pastejo. Para avaliação do desempenho animal, foram utilizadas 60 novilhas da raça Nelore, divididas nas seis unidades experimentais. Para ajuste da taxa de lotação, foram utilizadas vacas e novilhas do rebanho LPGC. No experimento 2 os animais foram alocados nas áreas de lazer, dos módulos de pastejo. A alimentação foi composta por silagem de cana-de-açúcar e duas fontes proteicas (farelo de soja ou farelo de algodão), sendo a relação volumoso:concentrado de 80:20. Os animais receberam alimentação ad libitum uma vez ao dia e os animais foram pesados a cada 21 dias a fim de avaliar o desempenho individual. De maneira geral, o incremento na dose de adubação aumentou linearmente (P<0,05) a altura de entrada, altura de saída, período de descanso, taxa de lotação (6,0 até 10,5 UA ha-1), PB, Lig/FDN, DIVMS, DIVFDN, proporção de colmo, e reduziu o teor de MS e folhas. O capim-mombaça apresentou menor período de descanso e teor de Lig/FDN, e maior teor de MM, FDN e Lig/FDN (P<0,05) em relação ao capim-marandu. Na estação de verão houve um aumento na altura de entrada, no teor de FDN, Lig/FDN e redução no teor de PB, DIVMS e DIFDN. Para o desempenho animal, não houve diferença entre doses de adubação (P=0,55) e espécie forrageira (P=0,07), sendo média de 0,850 kg dia-1. A suplementação com fontes proteicas apresentou efeito para a interação categoria*tratamento no CMS (P=0,03), sendo que vacas alimentadas com farelo de soja tiveram maior CMS em comparação às alimentadas com farelo de algodão. O desempenho animal não foi influenciado pelas fontes proteicas (P=0,10), no entanto houve efeito para categoria animal (P<0,05), sendo 0,677, 0,416 e 0,244 kg dia-1 para vacas novilhas e bezerros. Portanto, o uso de doses crescentes de adubação e o confinamento das categorias de cria permitiu o aumento na eficiência do uso da terra. / This study consisted of two experiments, the first referring to rotational grazing system during the summer and fall that aimed to evaluate the response of two forage species (marandugrass and mombaça) with increasing doses of fertilizer. The second corresponded to dry season, when animals were confined to evaluate the supplementation with sugarcane silage with two protein sources (soybean meal and cottonseed meal) on animal performance of animal three categories (cow, heifer and calf). The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Research in Beef Cattle (LPGC), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, campus Pirassununga. For the experiment 1, the experimental area was composed of 12 ha, divided into eight grazing modules (4 for marandugrass and 4 for mombaça), 2 of these modules were used as reservation. The design was a randomized complete block in factorial arrangement of treatments 2 x 3 with 2 forage species (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça) and 3 fertilizer levels by grazing cycle, totalying 42, 333 and 667 kg N and K2O ha-1 for Marandu grass and 50, 400 and 800 kg N and K2O ha-1 for Mombaça grass evaluated during the summer and fall. The following characteristics were evaluated: pre and post-grazing sward height of forage, grazing interval, stocking rate, chemical composition of leaf and stem, leaf/stem/dead material ratio and performance of grazing animals. For evaluation of animal performance, we used 60 Nellore heifers, divided into six experimental units. To adjust the stocking rate, cows and heifers, from LPGC herd, were used. In experiment 2 the animals were kept at the resting areas of grazing modules. The feed consisted of sugarcane silage and two protein sources (soybean meal or cottonseed meal), at a forage-to-concentrate ratio 80:20. The animals were fed ad libitum once daily and weighed every 21 days to assess individual performance. Overall, the increase in the dose of fertilizer increased linearly (P < 0.05) the pre and post-grazing sward height, grazing interval, stocking rate (6.0 to 10.5 AU ha-1), PB, Lig/NDF, IVDMD, IVNDFD, stem content, and reduced DM content and leaves. The mombaça showed lower grazing interval and Lig/NDF content and higher MM content, NDF and Lig/NDF (P < 0.05) compared to brachiaria grass. In the summer season there was an increase in the pre-grazing sward height, NDF, Lig/NDF and reduced CP content and IVDMD and IVNDFD. For the animal performance, there was not differences between fertilization doses (P = 0.55) and forage specie (P = 0.07), the ADG was 0.850 kg dia-1. Supplementation with protein sources presented effect of category*treatment interaction for DMI of cows (P = 0.03), while cows fed soybean meal had higher DMI than those fed cottonseed meal. The ADG was not affected by protein sources (P = 0.10), however, there was a category effect (P < 0.05), the means was 0.677, 0.416 and 0.244 kg dia-1 for cows, heifers and calves, respectively. Therefore, the use of increasing doses of fertilizers and the feedlot of calf rearing categories increased the land use efficiency.

Produtividade, valor nutritivo e características físicas da forragem do capim-Xaraés [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. RICH.) STAPF.] em resposta a estratégias de pastejo sob lotação intermitente / Productivity, nutritive value and physical characteristics Xaraés palisadegrass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. RICH.) STAPF.] forage as affected by rotational grazing strategies

Nave, Renata La Guardia 23 November 2007 (has links)
Os baixos índices produtivos da pecuária de corte no Brasil são normalmente associados à baixa produtividade e ao baixo valor nutritivo das espécies de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais nas condições edafo-climáticas onde se desenvolve a atividade no país. O presente trabalho procurou elucidar se a freqüência de desfolhação baseada em tempo cronológico constante iria gerar, além de dosséis com condição estrutural e fisiológica diferente a cada pastejo, forragem em oferta com características qualitativas também diferentes em cada evento de pastejo tentando-se estabelecer a importância relativa da idade fisiológica em comparação com a idade cronológica na determinação dos indicadores (químico-bromatológicos e físicos) do valor nutritivo da forragem em oferta. O experimento foi conduzido em Piracicaba, na ESALQ/USP, no Departamento de Zootecnia de setembro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos correspondendo às estratégias de pastejo, sendo duas definidas em função da interceptação luminosa (IL) pelo dossel durante a rebrotação (pastejos iniciados com 95% ou 100% de IL) e um baseado no tempo cronológico (pastejos iniciados a cada 28 dias), e três repetições. Piquetes manejados com 95% IL produziram forragem composta basicamente por folhas (92,5%). Esse mesmo tratamento produziu forragem com alto teor de proteína bruta (PB; 141 g kg-1 nas folhas, 89 g kg-1 nos colmos e 138 g kg-1 na forragem íntegra), concentrações menores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) de colmos (740 g kg-1), e maiores valores de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca de folhas (690 g kg-1) e de colmos (660 g kg- 1), resultando portanto em forragem com melhor valor nutritivo. Os tratamentos com menor freqüência de pastejo (100% IL e 28 dias) resultaram em forragem com maior proporção de colmos (9,8 e 9,1 % respectivamente). Teores de PB foram inferiores na forragem pastejada a cada 28 dias (71 g kg-1 para colmos e 114 g kg-1 para forragem íntegra) e as maiores concentrações de FDN de colmos foram obtidas na forragem colhida com 100% IL (769 g kg-1) e com 28 dias (764 g kg-1). A resistência ao cisalhamento de colmos foi menor na forragem produzida a 95% IL (9 kgf), enquanto que os maiores índices foram encontrados para os tratamentos 100% IL (10,5 kgf) e 28 dias (11,2 kgf). A uniformização fisiológica dos tratamentos baseados em IL não resultou em conseqüente uniformização dos determinantes qualitativos da forragem em oferta, pois tanto o tratamento 95% IL quanto o 100% IL resultaram em forragem com diferenças entre os ciclos de pastejo, principalmente com relação à forragem íntegra. O tratamento baseado em dias fixos, como esperado, também não foi considerado uniforme neste mesmo sentido. / The low productive indices of the beef cattle industry in Brazil are normally associated with the low productivity and the low nutritive value of the tropical forage species in the climatic conditions where the activity is developed in the country. The objective of this study was to ascertain whether the defoliation frequency based on constant chronological time would generate, besides different sward structural and physiological conditions at each grazing, forage on offer with different qualitative characteristics, and try to establish the relative importance of the physiological age in comparison with the chronological age in the determination of the indicators (chemical and physical) of forage nutritive value. The experiment was carried out in Piracicaba, at ESALQ/USP - Departamento de Zootecnia from September 2005 through February 2006. The experimental design was completely randomized, with three treatments corresponding to the grazing strategies, which was two defined by light interception (LI) (grazing started with 95% LI or 100% LI) and one based on chronological time (grazing started every 28 days), each replicated three times. Forage produced on paddocks managed with 95% LI were mostly leaves (92,5%). That same treatment produced forage with high concentration of crude protein (CP; 141 g kg-1 in leaves, 89 g kg-1 in stems and 138 g kg-1 in whole forage), low concentrations of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in stems (740 g kg-1), and higher values of in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of leaves (690 g kg-1) and stems (660 g kg-1), resulting in forage with higher nutritive value. Low grazing frequency treatments (100% LI and 28 days) resulted in forage with higher proportion of stems (9,8 and 9,1 %, respectively). Concentrations of CP were lower in forage grazed every 28 days (71 g kg-1 in stems and 114 g kg-1 in whole forage) and the higher concentrations of NDF in stems were obtained from forage harvested with 100% LI (769 g kg-1) and with 28 days (764 g kg1). The shear strength of stems was lower in forage produced with 95% LI (9 kgf), whereas that with the higher indices was founded for the treatments 100% (10,5 kgf) and 28 days (11,2 kgf). The physiological uniformization of treatments based in LI did not resulted in consequent uniformization of qualitative determinants of the offered forage, because both treatments 95% LI and 100% LI resulted in forage with differences among grazing cycles, mainly in relation to whole forage. The treatment based on fixed days of rest, as expected, did not resulted in uniformity as well.

Avaliação da eficiência biológica de doses crescentes de adubação em pastagens de capim-Marandu e capim-Mombaça durante o verão e outono em sistema de criação de bezerros / Biological efficiency evaluation of increasing doses of fertilizers on marandu and mombaça pasture prairies during summer and autumn in a calf rearing system

Rodriguez, Frederich Diaz 18 January 2013 (has links)
No Brasil, os sistemas de produção em ruminantes são principalmente a base do fornecimento de forragens cultivadas em grandes, medianas ou pequenas extensões do território nacional. A maior parte destas pastagens estão em um avançado estado de degradação por causa de um mal aproveitamento das vantagens que oferecem as gramíneas utilizadas nestes sistemas de produção. Um dos motivos pelos quais muitos estes sistemas ainda não são sustentáveis, é o mal uso ou não uso de suplementos no solo, levando o esgotamento de recursos em el solo muy importantes para o bom desenvolvimento de uma gramínea como o é o nitrogênio e o potássio. Como consequência disto, o desempenho animal, fator crítico nos sistemas de produção pecuário são baixos e o rendimento econômico faz que a empresa produtora de carne e leite bovino não seja rentável. Objetiva-se com este estudo avaliar o efeito a eficiência biológica de doses crescentes de adubação em pastagens de capim-marandu e capimmombaça durante os períodos de verão e outono com 3 tratamentos, e duas repetições. Foram 3 as doses de adubação avaliadas: 1) 50 kg N/ha + 50 kg K2O/ha; 2) 300 kg N/ha + 300 kg K2O/ha e 3) 600 kg N/ha + 600 kg K2O/ha, sobre os seguintes parâmetros: 1) massa de forragem produzida em cada um dos tratamentos no pré-pastejo; 2) Composição morfológica; 3) taxa de lotação; 4) frequência de pastejo; 5) composição químico-bromatológica. Foram utilizados 6 piquetes, cada um de 2 ha (3 de variedade Marandu e 3 de variedade Mombaça), nos quais foram coletadas as informações do trabalho de campo. Adicionalmente, dois piquetes com as mesmas dimensões, cada um, com uma das variedades de capim estudadas foram usados como área de reserva. Todos os piquetes foram divididos em 6 partes iguais e contaram com uma área de lazer de 15x30 metros. 181 novilhas foram utilizadas como agentes desfoliadores em ciclos de pastejo de 5 dias de ocupação e 25 de descanso para o campi-marandu e 7 dias de ocupação e 35 de descanso para o campi-mombaça. No período da seca foi testado o desempenho de 103 novilhas entre prenhes e vazias suplementadas com dietas a base de cana-de açúcar e 4 fontes de proteína (farelo de soja, farelo de soja + uréia, uréia e uréia de liberação lenta). A taxa de lotação tive um efeito linear positivo às doses de N e KCl avaliadas. A qualidade do capim foi pouco influenciada pelos tratamentos. Todos os suplementos usados na época da seca permitiram manter o peso médio e obter um ganho de peso adicional. O uso de adubos nitrogendos e potássicos permite aumentar a eficiência do uso da terra permitindo disponibilizar áreas dedicadas à pecuária para outro tipo de atividades no agronegócio. / In Brazil the ruminant production systems are mainly based on the offer of pastures cultivated in large, medium or small areas of the country. Most of the prairies in these production systems are in an advanced state of degradation due to misuse of the gramineae advantages making them unsustainable. The misuse or non-use of soil supplements leads to the depletion of resources such as nitrogen and potassium highly important for the proper development of grass. As a consequence the animal performance, a critical factor in livestock production systems is low, causing a negative impact on economic efficiency of the meat and milk production enterprise making it not profitable. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect and biological efficiency of increasing doses of fertilizers on Marandu and Mombaça pasture prairies during summer and autumn periods with three treatments in two repetitions. With three fertilizer doses evaluated: 1) 50 Kg of N/ha + 50 Kg of K2O/ha; 2) 300 Kg of N/ha + 300 Kg of K2O/ha and 3) 600 Kg of N/ha + 600 Kg of K2O/ha; on the following parameters: 1) mass of forage produced in each of the treatments on the pre-grazing, 2) morphological composition, 3) livestock rate, 4) frequency of grazing, 5) chemical and bromatological composition. 6 paddocks were used, each one of 2 ha (3 with Marandu variety and 3 Mombaça variety) were field work information was collected. Additionally, two fields with the same dimensions mentioned above, each one with the grass varieties tested were used as a reserve area. All paddocks were divided into 6 equal parts and counted with a rest area of 15 x 30 meters. 181 heifers were used to consume the accumulated pasture in grazing cycles, 5 days of occupation and 25 days off in Marandu pasture prairies and 7 days of occupation and 35 days off for Mombaça pasture prairies. In the drought period the performance of 103 pregnant heifers both pregnant and non-pregnant was evaluated, they were fed with diets supplemented with sugar cane and 4 protein sources (soybean meal; soybean meal+ urea; urea; and slow release urea).Lifestock rate had a positive linear effect on increasing doses of the N and KCl evaluated.. Pasture quality was poorly influenced by the treatments. All supplements used in the dry season allowed maintaining weight and additional weight gain. The use of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers allowed the increase of efficiency of soil and to use areas dedicated to livestock to other activities in the agribusiness.

Comparing simple and complex native forage mixtures for grazing cattle in southwestern Saskatchewan

Kusler, Justin P 13 January 2010
Diverse forage mixtures have improved resilience to drought, improved persistence, ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, reduced fertilizer costs, improved root mass and greater soil carbon sequestration but do they improve forage and animal production. The objective was to determine if complex native forage mixtures provide superior nutritional quality throughout the grazing season as compared to simple native mixtures. Three studies were conducted in 2007 at Swift Current, SK to evaluate forage production potentials, nutritive qualities and in vitro dry matter digestibility of native and tame forage species common to or having potential in Southwestern Saskatchewan. In study one, plots were seeded in 2006 on Chernozemic Orthic Brown Swinton Loam soils and consisted of 11 native and three tame monoculture species common to southwestern Saskatchewan. Clippings at a 5 cm stubble height occurred on June 20 and every 28 days after until October 10. Forage DM production, in vitro OMD, NDF, ADF, ADL, CP, Ca and P concentrations were measured. As species matured, production and OMD declined (P¡Ü0.05) but NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations increased (P¡Ü0.05). There were harvest date by species differences (P¡Ü0.05) in forage production and nutritional qualities of C3 and C4 grass and legume species. Study two examined the in situ CP, NDF and DM disappearance of six selected species harvested in the fall. EDNDF and ADDM values did not differ (P>0.05) among C3 grasses. The C4 grasses had higher (P<0.05) EDNDF and EDDM and the legume, Canadian milkvetch had the highest (P<0.05) EDDM but lowest EDNDF. Study three occurred in 2005, 2006 and 2007 to determine if complex native forage mixtures had superior forage and animal production as compared to simple forage stands. Grazing occurred from June through August to achieve 60% utilization. Animal weights and available, cage and residual forage yields were taken to determine production and utilization. Forage production and quality did not differ (P>0.05) between simple and complex forage mixtures but animal production (AUD ha-1) was higher on complex native mixtures. Overall results showed; 1) C3 and C4 grass and legume species have different growth patterns and qualities that can improve forage quality and degradability of the stand throughout the grazing season, 2) forage and animal production benefits associated with complex native forage mixtures largely depend on environmental conditions like temperature and moisture.

Comparing simple and complex native forage mixtures for grazing cattle in southwestern Saskatchewan

Kusler, Justin P 13 January 2010 (has links)
Diverse forage mixtures have improved resilience to drought, improved persistence, ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, reduced fertilizer costs, improved root mass and greater soil carbon sequestration but do they improve forage and animal production. The objective was to determine if complex native forage mixtures provide superior nutritional quality throughout the grazing season as compared to simple native mixtures. Three studies were conducted in 2007 at Swift Current, SK to evaluate forage production potentials, nutritive qualities and in vitro dry matter digestibility of native and tame forage species common to or having potential in Southwestern Saskatchewan. In study one, plots were seeded in 2006 on Chernozemic Orthic Brown Swinton Loam soils and consisted of 11 native and three tame monoculture species common to southwestern Saskatchewan. Clippings at a 5 cm stubble height occurred on June 20 and every 28 days after until October 10. Forage DM production, in vitro OMD, NDF, ADF, ADL, CP, Ca and P concentrations were measured. As species matured, production and OMD declined (P¡Ü0.05) but NDF, ADF and ADL concentrations increased (P¡Ü0.05). There were harvest date by species differences (P¡Ü0.05) in forage production and nutritional qualities of C3 and C4 grass and legume species. Study two examined the in situ CP, NDF and DM disappearance of six selected species harvested in the fall. EDNDF and ADDM values did not differ (P>0.05) among C3 grasses. The C4 grasses had higher (P<0.05) EDNDF and EDDM and the legume, Canadian milkvetch had the highest (P<0.05) EDDM but lowest EDNDF. Study three occurred in 2005, 2006 and 2007 to determine if complex native forage mixtures had superior forage and animal production as compared to simple forage stands. Grazing occurred from June through August to achieve 60% utilization. Animal weights and available, cage and residual forage yields were taken to determine production and utilization. Forage production and quality did not differ (P>0.05) between simple and complex forage mixtures but animal production (AUD ha-1) was higher on complex native mixtures. Overall results showed; 1) C3 and C4 grass and legume species have different growth patterns and qualities that can improve forage quality and degradability of the stand throughout the grazing season, 2) forage and animal production benefits associated with complex native forage mixtures largely depend on environmental conditions like temperature and moisture.


Warren Whitaker, 01 January 2007 (has links)
Four corn (Zea mays) hybrid types at three plant densities and two nitrogen rates were evaluated for forage yield, forage quality and ensilage quality. The four hybrid types over the first two year of the study included nutri-dense, waxy, leafy, and dualpurpose, the third year a second dual purpose hybrid was added; while the three target plant densities were 54 000, 68 000, and 81 000 plants per hectare; and the nitrogen rates were 134 and 224 kilograms per hectare. The dual-purpose hybrid consistently had high forage yields compared with the other types. When averaged over nitrogen rate and hybrid type, the two highest plant densities typically had higher yields. Across all hybrids nitrogen had no effect on forage yield when averaged across plant density. The leafy hybrid had a lower harvest index than other hybrid types indicating that leaves accounted for much of the harvested weight. Hybrids were examined both at harvest (green chop) and after ensiling for protein and digestibility. Higher nitrogen rates increased crude protein when averaged over all hybrids and plant densities. Dual purpose and waxy hybrid types typically had the lowest acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and the highest relative feed values (RFV); while the nutri-dense and leafy hybrids typically had the highest ADF and NDF values and lowest RFV.


Probst, Thomas Adam 01 January 2008 (has links)
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most important forage crop in the United States and consistently produces high yields and quality, but harvest frequency is the most significant factor for maximizing forage yield and quality. The objective of this research was to determine forage yield, quality, and regrowth rate among new alfalfa cultivars under four different harvest frequencies. Some of these cultivars have been marketed as having rapid rates of regrowth after cutting to maximize the number of harvests per year. Five cultivars were placed under four harvest frequencies of 25, 30, 35, and 40 days in a split-plot design. There was a significant yield and regrowth rate effect across cultivars and harvest frequencies, but little forage quality effect during the two years of this research. These results confirm previous findings that a 35-d harvest frequency is optimal for forage yield, quality, and stand persistence.

Small Grains Forage Management and Evaluation in Central Texas

Franks, Aaron Michael 03 October 2013 (has links)
Hard Red Winter (HRW) and Soft Red Winter (HRW) wheat classes (Triticum aestivum L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) are commonly established as a source of winter and spring forage for cattle grazing in many regions of Texas and the U.S. Southern Great Plains. Small grains used in these grazed systems offer the flexibility of management for season long forage production or production of both forage and grain (dual-purpose). Many commercially available and experimental cultivars are continually evaluated on their ability to produce grain, but little yield data is available on wheat and oats under dual-purpose management systems. In forage production systems, soil fertility management is also an integral component in meeting specific yield goals that producers depend upon to sustain adequate animal performance. Current nitrogen (N) recommendations in Texas are based on heavy, moderate, and light levels of grazing. To address these issues, two-year studies were initiated at three locations in Central Texas. The objectives of these studies were; (1) to evaluate thirty wheat and ten oat cultivars based on forage production and grain yield to identify those best suited to dual-purpose management; (2) to determine winter wheat forage yield potential at varying levels of N fertility; and (3) to evaluate five minimally invasive and non-destructive methods of quantifying forage yield. Results from dual-purpose cultivar evaluations included significant differences in forage yield, nutritive value, and grain yield between cultivars and species. Overall, oat produced less forage than either class of wheat, but Mg content was generally higher in oat. For grain production, SRW performed better under irrigation, but in dryland situations both wheat classes performed equally. We also found that pre-plant N fertilizer significantly reduced stand establishment in dry environments. The 67 kg ha-1 pre-plant N and the 45 kg ha-1 top-dress rates produced the highest forage yield. Nutritive value generally increased as N application rate increased, even when no yield increase was observed. Hand clipping and canopy height both correlated very well with full plot harvest and visual ratings and NDVI had moderate relationships with full plot harvest. The relationship between ground cover and dry matter yield was variable and only weakly correlated.

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