Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fractured"" "subject:"stractured""
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Non-darcian Flow In A Fractured AquiferAltinors, Adnan Altay 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Non-Darcian flow in a finite fractured aquifer is studied in this thesis. A stream bounds the aquifer at one side and an impervious stratum at the other. The aquifer consists of fractures capable of transmitting water rapidly and porous blocks which mainly store water. Unsteady flow in the aquifer due to a sudden or a gradual rise in the stream level is analysed by the double-porosity conceptual model. Governing equations for the flow in fractures and blocks are developed using the continuity equation. The fluid velocity in fractures is often too high for the linear Darcian flow so that the governing equation for fracture flow is modified by Forcheimer&rsquo / s equation which incorporates a nonlinear term. Governing equations are coupled by an interaction term that controls the quasi-steady state fracture-block interflow. Governing equations are solved numerically by the Crank-Nicolson implicit scheme. The numerical results are compared to the analytical results for the same problem which assumes Darcian flow both in fractures and blocks. Numerical and analytical solutions give same results when Reynold&rsquo / s number is less than 0.1. The effect of non-linearity on the flow appears when Reynold&rsquo / s number is greater than 0.1. The larger the piezometric head gradient, the higher the flow rate and, thus, higher the non-linearity is. The effect of aquifer parameters on the flow is also investigated. The proposed model and its numerical solution is a unique application of non-linear flow models to the fractured aquifers. It can be used in predicting water levels in fractured aquifers and evaluating time dependent flow rates in the analysis of recession hydrographs.
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2-D pore and core scale visualization and modeling of immiscible and miscible CO2 injection in fractured systemsEr, Vahapcan 11 1900 (has links)
Pore scale interaction between matrix and fracture during miscible and immiscible CO2 injection was studied experimentally using visual models. Initially, visualization experiments were conducted on 2-D glass bead packed models by injecting n-heptane (solvent) displacing different kinds of processed oil. The focus was on the displacement patterns and solvent breakthrough controlled by matrix-fracture interaction and the pore scale behaviour of solvent-oil interaction for different fracture and injection conditions (rate, vertical vs. horizontal injection) as well as oil viscosity. Besides the visual investigation, effluent was also analyzed to calculate the solvent cut and oil recovery.
Next, the process was modeled numerically using a commercial compositional simulator and the saturation distribution in the matrix was matched to the experimental data. The key parameters in the matching process were the effective diffusion coefficients and the longitudinal and transverse dispersivities. The diffusion coefficients were specified for each fluid and dispersivities were assigned into grid blocks separately for the fracture and the matrix.
Finally, glass etched microfluidic models were used to investigate pore scale interaction between the matrix and the fracture. The models were prepared by etching homogeneous and heterogeneous micro scale pore patterns on glass sheets bonded together and then saturated with colored n-decane as the oleic phase. CO2 was injected at miscible and immiscible conditions. The focus was on visual pore scale analysis of miscibility, breakthrough of CO2 and oil/CO2 transfer between the matrix and the fracture under different miscibility, injection rate and wettability conditions. / Petroleum Engineering
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Heterogeneity-Induced Channelling, Flow-Wetted Surface, and Modelling of Transport in Fractured RockLarsson, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Heterogeneities in fractured rock are found at all scales; from the scale of individual fractures, to the scale of fracture networks, and to the largest regional scales. These heterogeneities cause challenges for modelling and parameter estimation of flow and solute transport. The heterogeneities in fracture aperture, characterization of the flow channelling they are causing, and implementation of this information into numerical simulation models of the solute transport in fractured media are the subjects of this thesis. Aperture variability within a fracture causes the flow channelling, where the water flow is focused in a few channels and other areas of the fracture have practically stagnant water. The flow-wetted surface is the area where the flowing water is in contact to the fracture area. Contaminants are transported with the flowing water and therefore the flow-wetted surface is an important parameter that influences the diffusion into the rock matrix and sorption to the fracture rock surface. The specific flow-wetted surface (sFWS) is the flow-wetted surface divided by the total fracture area. The sFWS is systematically analyzed for different fracture aperture distribution characteristics. The local aperture is linked to the local hydraulic conductivity K. Increasing standard deviation of the hydraulic conductivity K field (σln K) leads to decreased sFWS. The sFWS is found to be independent of the correlation length (λ) of the field. An empirical relationship is developed, which describes the sFWS as a function of the σln K. A method is also introduced to determine this key parameter by analysis of the breakthrough curve from a single-well injection-withdrawal (SWIW) test. Further, an approach is presented to incorporate the effect of fracture level heterogeneity into fracture network models and to analyze the effect on sorption and matrix diffusion, by including the sFWS parameter into the transport calculations. The results show that the median transport time is proportional to the square of the sFWS-value. The results also suggest that there are an averaging behaviour in the fracture network, the sFWS-value of each individual fracture is not important for the transport over the domain, but a mean-value can be utilized in the numerical model. / Heterogeniteter i sprickigt berg finns i alla skalor, från millimeterskala till en skala på hundratals kilometer. Dessa heterogeniteter orsakar problem vid beräkning av vattenflöde och ämnestransport. Aperturen i en spricka är öppningen mellan de två omslutande bergsidorna, den varierar både inom och mellan olika sprickor. Ämnet för denna avhandling är heterogeniteter i aperturerna inom enskilda sprickor, karaktärisering av den flödeskanalisering som uppstår på grund av dessa heterogeniteter och hur man kan använda denna information till en numerisk modell.Variabilitet av aperturen i en enskild spricka gör att vattenflödet blir fokuserat i ett fåtal kanaler, medan andra områden av sprickan kan ha praktiskt taget stillastående vatten. Den flödesvätta ytan är det område där det strömmande vattnet kommer i kontakt med sprickytan. Den flödesvätta ytan som påverkar diffusionen in i bergmatrisen och sorptionen till sprickytan är en viktig parameter eftersom föroreningar transporteras med det strömmande vattnet. Den specifika flödesvätta ytan (sFWS) är den flödesvätta ytan dividerad med den totala sprickarean. I avhandlingen analyserades sFWS systematiskt för olika statistik över sprickaperturen. Den lokala aperturen är kopplad till den lokala hydrauliska konduktiviteten K. En ökad standardavvikelse för det hydrauliska konduktivitetsfältet (σln K) ledde till minskad sFWS. sFWS visades vara oberoende av konduktivitetsfältets korrelationslängd (λ). En empirisk relation utvecklades som beskriver sFWS som en funktion av σln K. Ett SWIW-test är en typ av spårämnesförsök, där ett spårämne injiceras i en brunn följt av vatten i en bestämd tidsperiod, innan flödet vänds och en genombrottskurva registreras. Testet används traditionellt för att bestämma bergets diffusions- och sorptionsegenskaper. En metod presenterades för att bestämma den specifika flödesvätta ytan genom analys av genombrottskurvan för ett SWIW-test. Ett tillvägagångssätt introducerades för att analysera effekterna av sorption och matrisdiffusion i heterogena sprickor i en spricknätverksmodell genom att inkludera sFWS-parametern i transportberäkningar. Resultaten visade att medianvärdet för transporttiden är proportionell mot kvadraten på sFWS-värdet. Resultaten visade också att transporten genom spricknätverket inte är beroende av sFWS-värdet i de individuella sprickorna, utan att medelvärdet kan användas för modellering.
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Calculation of the effective permeability and simulation of fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirsTeimoori Sangani, Ahmad, Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to calculate the effective permeability tensor and to simulate the fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs. This requires an understanding of the mechanisms of fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs and the detailed properties of individual fractures and matrix porous media. This study has been carried out to address the issues and difficulties faced by previous methods; to establish possible answers to minimise the difficulties; and hence, to improve the efficiency of reservoir simulation through the use of properties of individual fractures. The methodology used in this study combines several mathematical and numerical techniques like the boundary element method, periodic boundary conditions, and the control volume mixed finite element method. This study has contributed to knowledge in the calculation of the effective permeability and simulation of fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs through the development of two algorithms. The first algorithm calculates the effective permeability tensor by use of properties of arbitrary oriented fractures (location, size and orientation). It includes all multi-scaled fractures and considers the appropriate method of analysis for each type of fracture (short, medium and long). In this study a characterisation module which provides the detail information for individual fractures is incorporated. The effective permeability algorithm accounts for fluid flows in the matrix, between the matrix and the fracture and disconnected fractures on effective permeability. It also accounts for the properties of individual fractures in calculation of the effective permeability tensor. The second algorithm simulates flow of single-phase fluid in naturally fractured reservoirs by use of the effective permeability tensor. This algorithm takes full advantage of the control volume discretisation technique and the mixed finite element method in calculation of pressure and fluid flow velocity in each grid block. It accounts for the continuity of flux between the neighbouring blocks and has the advantage of calculation of fluid velocity and pressure, directly from a system of first order equations (Darcy???s law and conservation of mass???s law). The application of the effective permeability tensor in the second algorithm allows us the simulation of fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs with large number of multi-scale fractures. The fluid pressure and velocity distributions obtained from this study are important and can considered for further studies in hydraulic fracturing and production optimization of NFRs.
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Korrelationer mellan meteorologiska händelser och hydrologiska responser i djupt berg / Correlations between Meteorological Events and Hydrological Responses in Deep BoreholesLarson, Kristin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents a closer look at correlations between major meteorological events and groundwater level responses observed in deep boreholes drilled in the bedrock at Forsmark, which is situated ca. 120 km north of Stockholm in the Fennoscandian Shield, Sweden. Understanding how large geological structures are hydraulically connected to the surface is of great importance as a repository for spent nuclear fuel is intended to be built in Forsmark. Understanding monitoring data under natural conditions gives greater knowledge of how the hydrogeological system near the surface might be affected during the construction, operation and closing phases of the repository.The hydrological monitoring of each borehole is performed in intervals (sections), i.e., the ground-water levels in the bedrock are measured at different depths. At the different depths, changes in pressure from different meteorological events is measured. A major precipitation event was recorded during a few hours between 21 and 22 September 2014. Groundwater level responses in four deep drill holes show different reaction rates and magnitudes depending on borehole location, the structures they inter-sect, and depth in the bedrock. Furthermore, the properties of the deformation zones determine how the groundwater levels respond to meteorological events. Previous work reveals that gently dipping defor-mation zones have higher hydraulic diffusivity than the steeply dipping deformation zones.Two major air pressure events combined with groundwater level reactions in two deep bedrock bore-holes were also analysed. A lowering of the air pressure resulted in a higher sea level, which is seen in the boreholes as an increase in the groundwater level and vice versa.Clear responses from meteorological events are seen where boreholes intersect gently dipping deformation zones that leads all the way up to the ground surface. / Syftet med examensarbetet är att studera korrelationer mellan diskreta meteorologiska händelser och responser hos grundvattennivåerna i djupa borrhål i kristallint berg. Undersökningsområdet är berggrun-den i Forsmark, Östhammars kommun, ca 120 km norr om Stockholm. Ett framtida slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle är planerat att byggas där och stora mängder meteorologisk, hydrologisk och geologiska data har tagits fram i detta område av Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB). SKB har bland annat en meteorologisk mätstation och stort antal djupa borrhål med ett flertal tryckgivare i varje borrhål. Borr-hålens medellängd är ca 700 m.Tidigare undersökningar i området redovisar exempel på korrelationer mellan nederbörd och grund-vattennivånresponser i berggrunden. Hydrauliska responser har också observerats vid flera interferens-tester i området. Ett intressant exempel på korrelation mellan nederbörd och grundvattennivå är att tryck-förändringar kan skönjas 500 m ner i berget längs med flacka deformationszoner. Ett annat exempel är en korrelation mellan skillnader i lufttryck och responser i ett djupt borrhål som ligger ca 500 meter från havet. Skillnader i lufttryck mellan Sverige och Finland skapar förändringar i havsytans nivå. Högtryck i Finland och lågtryck i Sverige ger en ökad havsytenivå vid Sveriges kust och detta påverkar vatten-trycket i djupa borrhål där dessa korsar deformationszoner som finns både under hav och land. Ett slags vågsystem ute i havet kunde ses som ökat och minskat vattentryck i ett borrhål på land.I detta arbete har en djupare undersökning av kopplingar mellan nederbörd och lufttryckprocesser på land och responser i djupt berg gjorts. Vid studier av insamlade data har korrelationer mellan meteoro-logiska och hydrologiska pulser på ytan och responser i djupa borrhål påträffats. Fyra kärnborrhål, KFM02A, KFM06A, KFM10A och KFM03A, utspridda i området, påvisar dessa samband.Tydliga responser i grundvattennivåer sker i berget där borrhålen korsar deformationszoner som går ända upp till markytan. Skillnad i respons kan också ses beroende på om de korsande deformations-zonerna är brant stupande eller svagt stupande. Svagt stupande deformationszoner har en högre hydraulisk diffusivitet än de brant stupande och detta beror bland annat på storleksskillnader i horisontella och vertikala spänningar. Kontrasten i spänningarna håller de svagt stupande zonerna öppna vilket resulterar i en hög hydraulisk diffusivitet.
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Structure et fonctionnement hydrogéologiques des massifs de péridotites de Nouvelle-Calédonie / Structural and hydrogeologic characterization of the peridotitic massifs of New CaledoniaJeanpert, Julie 26 April 2017 (has links)
Le fonctionnement et la structure hydrogéologiques des aquifères de socle des granites et des gneiss sont aujourd'hui relativement bien compris. En revanche, dans cet ensemble, les aquifères dans les péridotites sont très peu étudiés et mal compris. Dans ce contexte, les massifs obductés de Nouvelle-Calédonie présentent un laboratoire naturel exceptionnel pour améliorer la connaissance de cet hydrosystème original en contexte tropical. Ainsi l'objectif du présent travail de thèse est d'approfondir la connaissance de la structure et du fonctionnement hydrogéologiques de ces massifs. L'analyse porte d’abord sur le manteau d'altération constitué de la cuirasse, des latérites, des saprolites grossières et du saprock. Plus de 60 essais hydrauliques sont menés sur les massifs de péridotites et les résultats sont compilés aux données existantes. La conductivité hydraulique moyenne des latérites est évaluée à 1.10-7 m/s et celle des saprolites grossières et du saprock à 8.10-7 m/s. L'hétérogénéité de cet horizon altéré est marquée par une gamme de variation de la conductivité hydraulique sur six ordres de grandeur et l'analyse piézométrique met en évidence des connexions hydrauliques avec le substratum fracturé profond. Le substratum est ensuite considéré. L'étude de la fracturation est réalisée à partir de mesures structurales sur affleurement et de la description de près de 1000 m de carottes de forages. L'analyse de la fracturation met en évidence l'importance du réseau serpentineux par sa densité d’une part, et par son lien avec l'altération supergène d'autre part. De plus, il est vérifié que la conductivité hydraulique du substratum diminue avec la profondeur. Cette variation est liée à la diminution de la densité de fractures altérées. Ainsi, à l'issue de ces analyses, la structure des massifs de péridotites est définie. Un réseau primaire de fractures d’espacement décimétrique lié au réseau serpentineux préstructure les péridotites. Sur ce réseau se surimpose un réseau de fractures dont l'espacement est décamétrique et caractérisé par une altération supergène. Les fractures altérées présentent localement de fortes conductivités hydrauliques, de l'ordre de 10-5 m/s. En profondeur l'espacement des fractures est hectométrique et les fractures sont majoritairement fermées, scellées par les minéraux néoformés ou par l'effet de la pression lithostatique. Les réseaux de fractures déca et hectométriques, visibles également sur l'effet d’échelle de la conductivité hydraulique, sont majoritairement verticaux, développés par instabilité de dissolution lors des processus d’altération. Cependant, des structures à faible pendage existent également et permettent la percolation du réseau. Enfin, à partir de ces nouveaux résultats et de l’intégration de l'ensemble des données acquises sur les différents massifs, un modèle de structure et de fonctionnement hydrogéologiques est proposé à l'échelle du massif. Ce modèle comprend l'horizon des latérites qui constitue un aquitard homogène sous lequel se développe l'aquifère dont l'épaisseur est de l'ordre de cinquante mètres. Le substratum est discrétisé en trois couches dont la conductivité hydraulique décroît de 2.10-7 à 2.10-8 m/s entre 50 m et 250 m environ sous le mur de l'aquifère. Les modèles numériques construits permettent de valider le modèle conceptuel unitaire et montrent que l'état de saturation des massifs est contraint par leur géomorphologie. Au terme de ce travail, plusieurs aspects doivent encore être approfondis. Le rôle hydrogéologique de la cuirasse doit être précisé et considéré dans le modèle hydrogéologique. Enfin, compte tenu du développement possible de structures très perméables, voire pseudo-karstiques, la connaissance de la distribution des structures drainantes doit être améliorée. Les résultats appliqués de ce travail de recherche sont exposés dans un rapport final et un guide méthodologique livrés dans le cadre du projet CNRT « HYPERK ». / Water resources of hard-rock (gneisses or granites) aquifers have significantly been studied in the past two decades. The hydrogeological behavior and structure of these aquifers are thus relatively well understood. On the other hand, aquifers in mantle-type basements, such as peridotites, are poorly studied and understood, mainly because they are not common and of limited extent. In this context, New Caledonia is a great laboratory offering unique opportunity to improve the knowledge of these original types of hydrosystems in tropical climate. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to improve the knowledge of these aquifer systems within weathered peridotites. Firstly, the study focuses on the characterization of the weathered layers of the peridotites composed of, from top to bottom, iron oxides/ferricrete, laterite, coarse saprolite and saprock (ie. top of the bedrock, with up to 20 % of weathered material). More than 60 hydraulic tests are performed and results were compiled with existing data. Mean hydraulic conductivity (K) of laterites is estimated around 1.10-7 m/s while mean value in coarse saprolites and saprock is around 8.10-7 m/s. Heterogeneity of this altered layer is high; K varies between six orders of magnitude and hydraulic head data analysis reveals a hydraulic connection with the deep fractured bedrock. Secondly, the fresh rock part of peridotites is studied. Fracture network analysis is derived from outcrop structural measurements and from the description of about 1000 m of cumulated borehole cores. This work highlights the importance of serpentine network, because of its high density and its critical impact on weathering. Moreover, the observations reveal that hydraulic conductivity decreases with depth within the substratum, due to the vertical decrease of weathered fractures density. These new results allow defining a structural framework of the massifs. It is characterized by a primary decimetrical fracture network closely related to the serpentine network. This network is overprinted by a secondary weathering network which reveals decametric spacing (ca. 30 m) and in places K values of 10-5 m/s. At depth, spacing is hectometrical and fractures are sealed by lithostatic pressure and/or subsequent mineral precipitations. These deca- and hectometric fracture networks, which are also visible on the scale effect of hydraulic conductivity, are primarily vertical and are the result of dissolution instabilities occurring during weathering processes. However, low- angle fractures do occur and allow the percolation of the network. Finally, on the basis of these new results and the integration of all existing data from different massifs a new hydrogeological conceptual model is proposed at the scale of a massif. The model includes a homogeneous lateritic aquitard and a coarse saprolite and saprock aquifer which is about 50 m thick. The bedrock is subdivided into three layers whose hydraulic conductivity decreases from 2.10-7 m/s to 2.10-8 m/s, respectively 50 and 250 m below the aquifer base. Numerical modelling validates this unitary conceptual model and reveals that the saturation of the massifs depends on their morphology. At last, several aspects require further research. The role of the ferricrete layer must be specified and considered in the hydrological model. Moreover, distribution of the fracture network remains to be fully addressed and should be studied with care given the potential development of highly permeable structures that could conform to pseudo-karstic drains. The applied results of this work are available in a “Technical guide” and a “Technical report” of the “HYPERK” CNRT Project.
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Padrões hidroquímicos e isotópicos do sistema aquífero serra geral do Município de Carlos Barbosa, região nordeste do estado do Rio Grande do SulBortolin, Taison Anderson January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou avaliar a existência de diferentes padrões hidroquímicos e isotópicos dos aquíferos fraturados do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral (SASG), relacionando esses padrões com as profundidades das entradas de água. O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir do inventário e cadastramento de poços tubulares existentes na região do município de Carlos Barbosa - RS, do levantamento e interpretação de dados geológicos e hidrogeológicos, além da coleta e análise de amostras de água de poços tubulares que estão em operação e são utilizados pela companhia de abastecimento CORSAN. Para este trabalho foram utilizadas informações hidroquímicas e isotópicas da água de 12 poços tubulares e 3 fontes, além de análise isotópica mensal da água da chuva. A análise dos resultados foi realizada através dos diagramas de Piper, Schoeller e Stiff, além de análise estatística de agrupamento a fim de verificar padrões semelhantes entre os pontos amostrados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram evidenciar que a maioria dos poços apresentam profundidade de até 150 metros com vazões médias que variam de 5 a 20 m³/h, localizados em zonas de média e alta densidade de fraturas, as quais possuem orientação preferencial para noroeste. Quanto à hidroquímica, as águas que circulam por esses aquíferos são do tipo bicarbonatadas cálcicas ou magnesianas, predominando as águas bicarbonatadas mistas e cálcicas, com pequenas variações em relação à concentração dos íons e suas razões iônicas. Essas características hidroquímicas são típicas de águas que circulam por estruturas de rochas vulcânicas ácidas e indicam um baixo tempo de residência, sendo as concentrações variáveis com as profundidades das entradas da água. A avaliação entre a correlação de padrões hidroquímicos com a profundidade das entradas de água permitiu a identificação de dois grupos. O primeiro grupo é caracterizado por poços que apresentam entradas de água localizadas em profundidades inferiores a 30 metros e águas com baixa concentração de íons. No segundo grupo estão inseridos poços cujas entradas de água estão localizadas entre 50 e 112 metros e apresentam águas com uma maior concentração de íons como cálcio, sódio, bicarbonatos e maiores valores de condutividade e sólidos totais dissolvidos. A explicação dessas diferenças está relacionada com a circulação de água e com tempo de interação água-rocha que ocorre de forma diferente dependendo da profundidade das entradas de água. A análise de isótopos das águas de poços, fontes e da água da chuva apresentam semelhanças isotópicas indicando que água subterrânea pode ser caracterizada como originada por infiltração da precipitação nas áreas de recarga. Por fim, a caracterização hidroquímica e isotópica indicam que as águas subterrâneas dessa região apresentam baixo grau de mineralização e baixo tempo de residência, sendo que as exceções foram encontradas em poços que possuíam entradas de água mais profundas. / This study aimed to evaluate the existence of different hydrochemical and isotopic patterns of fractured aquifers of Serra Geral Aquifer System (SGAS), relating these patterns with depths of water intakes. The study was developed from the inventory and registration of wells in the region of Carlos Barbosa - RS, the survey and interpretation of geological and hydrogeological data, and the collection and analysis of samples of water from wells that are in operation and are used by the supply company CORSAN. Hydrochemical and isotopic information from 12 wells and 3 water sources were used for this work, in addition to monthly isotopic analysis of rainwater. The analysis was performed using diagrams as Piper, Schoeller and Stiff, and statistical cluster analysis to verify similar patterns between the sampling points. The results have highlighted that most wells have depths up to 150 meters with average flow rates ranging from 5 to 20 m³/h, located in areas of medium and high density of fractures, which have preferential orientation to the northwest. As for hydrochemistry, water circulating through these aquifers are the calcic or magnesian bicarbonate type , predominantly mixed and calcic bicarbonate waters, with minor variations in the concentration of ions and their ionic reasons. These hydrochemical characteristics are typical of waters that circulate structures and acidic volcanic rocks indicate a low residence time, and the varying concentrations with depths of water inputs. The evaluation of the correlation between patterns hydrochemical with water entry's depth allowed the identification of two groups. The first group is characterized by wells that have water intakes located bellow than 30 meters and waters with low concentration of ions. In the second group are inserted into wells whose water inlets are located between 50 and 112 meters and water present in a higher concentration of ions such as calcium, sodium, bicarbonates and higher values of conductivity and dissolved solids. The explanation of these differences are related to the circulating water and water - time interaction rock occurs differently depending of water entry's depth. Analysis of isotopes of water wells and sources of rainwater present isotopic similarities indicating that groundwater can be characterized as caused by infiltration of rainfall areas recharging. Finally, the hydrochemical and isotopic characterization indicate that the groundwater in this region have low grade mineralization and low residence time, with the exceptions were found in wells that had water intakes deeper.
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Ãgua SubterrÃnea na Bacia Experimental de Aiuaba-CE / Groundwater basin in Experimental Aiuaba-CEJosà Edberto da Silva 23 January 2009 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / A Bacia HidrogrÃfica Experimental de Aiuaba (BEA), està situada dentro da EstaÃÃo EcolÃgica de Aiuaba, no municÃpio de Aiuaba, Estado do CearÃ, portanto, livre da aÃÃo antrÃpica (fertilizantes, fontes de poluiÃÃo, impactos, etc). O fluxo subterrÃneo em meio poroso e fraturado à pouco conhecido na regiÃo. Para o seu estudo, foi realizado um levantamento geofÃsico utilizando o mÃtodo âVery Low Frequencyâ (VLF), para identificar os tipos de fraturas existentes nas rochas da regiÃo, como tambÃm permitir visualizaÃÃo das suas profundidades e extensÃes. Este levantamento foi utilizado tambÃm para localizar os poÃos perfurados na regiÃo e mostrar as caracterÃsticas geolÃgicas das rochas pesquisadas. VÃrios poÃos foram perfurados pela SuperintendÃncia de Obras HidrÃulicas (SOHIDRA), com o apoio tÃcnico da Companhia de Recursos Minerais â ServiÃos GeolÃgicos do Brasil (CPRM). As Ãguas destes poÃos, na maioria das vezes, apresentam salinidade elevada, com exceÃÃo de alguns deles, situados na Bacia da Gameleira, nas proximidades da BEA. As Ãguas salinas sÃo utilizadas para irrigaÃÃo e para consumo de animais, enquanto que as Ãguas de boa qualidade, sÃo para o consumo humano. Para o cÃlculo do balanÃo hÃdrico da BEA foi realizada uma anÃlise criteriosa do comportamento do aqÃÃfero fraturado. A direÃÃo e sentido da parcela relativa ao fluxo subterrÃneo foram determinados a partir de dados dos poÃos coletados, associados aos estudos topogrÃficos no mesmo local dos perfis do VLF. O solo sobreposto Ãs rochas possui caracterÃsticas semelhantes ao material que preenche as fraturas. Foram realizados alguns ensaios, tais como: ensaio petrogrÃfico na rocha, de permeabilidade e de granulometria no solo e fÃsico-quÃmicos nas Ãguas dos poÃos da regiÃo, comprovando as hipÃteses levantadas. O valor da condutividade hidrÃulica dos aqÃÃferos, em mÃdia, à de aproximadamente 1,61 x 10-2 m/h / Experimental Hydrografic Basin of Aiuaba (BEA) is located inside of the Aiuaba Ecological Station, in Aiuaba city, State of CearÃ, therefore, without antropic action (fertilizing, pollution sources, impacts, etc). The underground flow in porous and fractured medium is unknown in the region. For its study, a geophysical study was executed using the âVery Low Frequencyâ (VLF) method to identify the types of existing rocks fractures in the region, as well to allow to visualization of its depths and extensions. This study was also used to locate the wells in the region to show the geologic characteristics of the rocks. Some wells had been perforateed by the SuperintendÃncia de Obras HidrÃulicas (SOHIDRA), with the technician support of the Companhia de Recursos Minerais â ServiÃos GeolÃgicos do Brasil (CPRM). The water of these wells, most of the time, presents high salinity, with exception of some of them, situated in the Gameleira Basin in neighborhoods of BEA. The saline water is used for irrigation and animals consumption, whereas good quality water is for the human consumption. For the calculation of BEA water balance was made a multicriteria analysis of the fractured aquifer behavior. The direction and course of underground flow had been determined from data of the wells, associated to the topographical studies, in the same local, of the VLF profiles. The soil overlapping to the rocks has similar characteristics to the material that fills the fractures, It was made some tests, such as: petrografic in the rock, permeability and granulometric in the soil and physicist-chemistries in wells water of the region, proving the raised hypotheses. The value of the aquifers hydraulic conductivity, on average, is approximately 1.61 x 10-2 m/h
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Geologia estrutural de detalhe para elaboração de modelo conceitual de circulação de água subterrânea: estudo de caso em Jurubatuba, SP / Detailed structural geology aiming at the elaboration of a conceptual model of ground water flow circulation: a case study in Jurubatuba, SP.Bruna Fiume 21 March 2014 (has links)
Ao redor do canal de Jurubatuba, no município de São Paulo, a água subterrânea do Aquífero Cristalino apresentou elevadas concentrações de Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis (VOC), levando à proibição do seu uso nessa região. No Brasil, são raros os estudos sobre áreas intensamente contaminadas, principalmente, em meios heterogêneos como os aquíferos fraturados. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de elaborar um modelo conceitual da rede de fraturas, indicando os caminhos preferênciaisda água subterrânea.Uma detalhada investigação da geologia estrutural foi realizada, a partir dos seguintes métodos: 1) análise de lineamentos traçados em escala local e regional; 2) levantamento de fraturas, segundo scanlinese pontos, em afloramentos; 3) aplicação conjunta de diferentes perfilagens geofísicas (cáliper, radiação gama, temperatura, condutividade elétrica, imageamento óptico e acústico - OTV e ATV - e flowmeter) em quatro poços profundos;. Os resultados estruturais obtidos, levaram à caracterização dos principais grupos de fraturas, quanto às suas direções, mergulhos, comprimentos e espaçamentos. Foi verificado que os principais grupos de fraturas identificados nos poços, podem ser correlacionados com os grupos identificados nos afloramentos. Foram eles: (1) NW a NNW, subvertical;(2) E-W a ENE, subvertical; (3) NE, subvertical; (4) E-W a WNW, com mergulho entre 30° e 60°; (5) NNE e NE, com mergulho entre 10° e 40°. As fraturas NW, bastante frequentes nos afloramentos, foram subamostradas nos poços, onde, por sua vez, predominam as fraturas NNW. Outra diferença foi observada com relação ao grupo NNE e NE de baixo ângulo de mergulho, que enquanto nos poços as fraturas estão muitas vezes associado à foliação, nos afloramentos esta associação não ocorre. Os espaçamentos obtidos nos afloramentos para os grupos subverticais e de médio ângulo são mais representativos do que aqueles obtidos através das perfilagens. No entanto, o oposto ocorre para o grupo de baixo ângulo.Os grupos foram ordenados em ordem decrescente de espaçamento daseguinte forma: NNE a NE/ baixo ângulo, E-W a ENE/vertical, NW a NNW/vertical, E-W a WNW/médio e NE/vertical. Os grupos também foram classificados de acordo com a sua importância para o fluxo, sendo que: o grupo E-W a WNW e mergulho médio, apresentou menor importância; os três grupos subverticais (E-W a ENE, NE e NW a NNW) apresentaram importância intermediária, não sendo possível identificar a hierarquia entre eles; e o grupo de direção NNE a NE e baixo ou médio ângulo, com a maior importância. As de baixo ângulo são compatíveis com um dos camposde esforços atuais proposto pela literatura, tendo \'sigma\'1 de direção NE em regime compressivo, ou seja, com \'sigma\'3 vertical. / In the surroundings of the Jurubatuba channel, São Paulo, the ground water of the Crystalline Aquifer has elevated concentrations of VolatileOrganic Compounds (VOC), which led to its prohibition to usage. In Brazil, the studies about highly contaminated areas are scarce, and especially in heterogeneous environments like the fractured aquifers. Therefore, in this context, this work\'s main purpose is to elaborate a conceptual model of the fracture net in the Crystalline Aquifer, indicating the preferential ways of ground water flow and, consequently, of its contaminants. A detailed investigation of the structural geologyof the area was conducted, using the following methods: 1)analysis of lineaments in local and regional scale; 2) measurements of fractures in outcrops utilizing scanlinesand observation points; 3) integrated geophysical logging (calipers, gamma radiation, temperature, electrical conductivity, optical and acoustic imaging - OTV and ATV - and flowmeter) in four deep wells. The results obtained led to the characterization of strike, dip, length and spacing of all fractures and its subsequent division in groups. The main fracture groups identified in the wells can be correlated to the ones observed in the outcrops. The groups are: (1) NW to NNW, subvertical; (2) E-W to ENE, subvertical; (3) NE, subvertical; (4) E-W to WNW, with dips between 30º and 60º; (5) NNE and NE, with dips between 10ºand 40º. The fractures with direction NW, which are very common in outcrops, were subsampled in the wells - dominated by fractures NNW. Another difference observed was related to the low dip NNE and NE fractures; in the wells it is clear thatthey are associated with the rock foliation, but they don\'t occur in outcrops. The spacing obtained for the subvertical and medium angle groups in outcrops are more representative than the ones obtained through logging. However, the opposite is observed for the low angle group. The groups were then ordered following the spacing criteria. They are, in a decrescent order: NNE to NE/low angle, E-W to ENE/vertical, NW to NNW/vertical,E-W to WNW/medium angle and NE/vertical. The groups were also classified according to its importance of flow path, being: group E-W to WNW/medium dip was the least importance; the three subvertical groups had intermediate importance - not being possible to hierarchize between them; the most important group is NNE to NE and low to medium dip angle. This result is in agreement with one of the stress fields proposedin the literature, \'sigma\'1 with NE direction and in a compressive regimen, where the fractures that favor the flow are of low angle.
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Investigação de aquífero fraturado para entendimento de fluxo e transporte de contaminantes clorados: estudo de caso em Valinhos, SP / not availableAline Campello Fanti 29 March 2016 (has links)
Casos de contaminação de aquíferos fraturados são bastante complexos, tendo em vista a heterogeneidade das redes de fraturas, e no geral, sua investigação demanda a utilização de técnicas pouco usuais, como por exemplo o imageamento acústico e a perfilagem de velocidade de fluxo de água. Na área de estudo, localizada em Valinhos/SP, o uso inadequado de solventes organoclorados no passado ocasionou a contaminação do aquífero raso em duas áreas, e o aparecimento de concentrações no aquifero profundo levaram a condução do atual trabalho, que teve como principal objetivo a elaboração de um modelo conceitual de fluxo de água e transporte de contaminantes no aquífero cristalino. Previamente à investigação do aquífero fraturado, foi realizada uma análise de trabalhos existentes, incluindo a interpretação de lineamentos, levantamentos geológicos além de perfilagens geofísicas de superfície. Em cada área investigada, foi realizada a perfuração de um poço profundo e aplicadas as técnicas de perfilagens de raios gama, cáliper, flowmeter, imageamento acústico, além da filmagem do poço e realização de ensaios hidráulicos nos dois pontos perfurados. Para caracterização química do aquífero fraturado, foram realizadas coletas de água subterrânea em intervalos selecionados com a utilização de obturadores pneumáticos. As cargas hidráulicas medidas durante a amostragem também auxiliaram no entendimento da direção do fluxo de água. O aquífero cristalino é formado por rochas gnáissicas e se encontra bastante fraturado e intemperizado, principalmente na porção superficial da rocha (até aproximadamente 65,0 m) onde as maiores velocidades de fluxo de água também foram observadas. A rocha sã possui uma menor densidade de fraturas e predominância de minerais mais claros. As fraturas de baixo a médio angulo de mergulho (Grupo 1) são as mais frequentes em ambas as perfurações e possuem direção principal N-S a NE-SW. São observadas, no geral, exercendo grande influência sobre o fluxo de água, principalmente na porção alterada do gnaisse. Fraturas com ângulo elevado de mergulho, classificadas como Grupo 2 (paralelas à foliação) e Grupo 3 (direção NW à W), são também observadas ao longo de toda a perfuração estabelecendo a conexão hidráulica entre as fraturas do Grupo 1. Em menor proporção, são ainda verificadas fraturas com ângulos de mergulho >40 ° pertencente aos Grupos 4 (NE-SW), 5 (E-W), 6 (NW-SE) e 7 (E-W). O fluxo de água subterrânea se mostrou descendente na porção superior da rocha alterada e ascendente na porção mais profunda, possivelmente direcionando a água subterrânea para a região de transição da rocha mais alterada para a rocha sã (entre 61 a 65 m de profundidade). Apesar do fluxo ascendente em profundidade, o bombeamento de poços tubulares existentes no entorno ao longo dos anos, favoreceu a migração dos contaminantes para porções mais profundas. Os contaminantes observados no poço tubular P6 possuem maior semelhança com os contaminantes observados na Área 2, e ambos estão localizados entre lineamentos NW-SE, indicando uma possível influência dos lineamentos no controle sobre o fluxo de água. No entanto, para entendimento do transporte dos contaminantes em área, é necessário um adensamento da rede de monitoramento, levando em consideração a heterogeneidade do meio e as incertezas relacionadas à extrapolação dos dados para áreas não investigadas. / Cases of contamination in fracture aquifers are complex, given the heterogeneity of the fractures network and the common requirement of unusual techniques for investigation, such as the acoustic imaging and water flow velocity profile. In the study area, located in Valinhos / SP, the inappropriate use of organochlorine solvents in the past caused the contamination of the shallow aquifer in two areas, and the appearance of concentrations in the deep aquifer, lead to the current work, whose main goal was the development of a conceptual model of groundwater flow and contaminants transport in the crystalline aquifer. An analysis of pre-existing works, including the interpretation of lineaments, geological surveys as well as surface geophysical profiling, was conducted previously the investigation of fractured aquifer. A deep well was drilled in each area and applied the profiling methods gamma ray, caliper, flowmeter and acoustic imaging, as well as filming the wells and conducting hydraulic tests in two drillings. For chemical characterization of the fractured aquifer, groundwater sampling were collected at selected intervals with the use of pneumatic packers. Hydraulic heads measured during sampling also helped in understanding the direction of water flow. The crystalline aquifer is consisted by a fractured and weathered gneissic rock, especially in the upper portion of the rock (up to approximately 65.0 m) where higher water flow rates were observed. The fresh rock has a lower fracture density and predominantly lighter minerals. Fractures of low to medium dip angle (Group 1) are the most frequent in both boreholes. Their main direction is N-S to NE-SW, and they are in general, exerting great influence on the water flow, especially in the weathered portion of the gneiss. Fractures with high dip angle classified as Group 2 (parallel to foliation) and Group 3 (direction NW to W) are also observed throughout the drillings, establishing the hydraulic connection between the fractures from Group 1. At a lower frequency, fractures with dip angles >40 °, classified as groups 4 (direction NE-SW), 5 (E-W), 6 (NW-SE) and 7 (E-W), are verified. The water flow was downgradient in the surficial weathered portion of the rock, and upgradient in the deepest portion, probably directing the water flow to the transition portion of altered rock for the fresh rock (between 61 to 65 m in depth). Despite the upward flow in higher depth, pumping existing wells in the vicinity over the years favored the migration of contaminants into deeper portions of que aquifer. The compounds observed in the tubular well P6 have a greater resemblance to the contaminants observed in Area 2, and both are located between NW-SE lineaments, indicating a possible influence on control over the water flow and contaminant transport. However, a dense of monitoring network is necessary to understand the transport of contaminants in the study area, for which should be considered the proposed objectives, and taken into account the heterogeneity of the environment and the uncertainties related to extrapolation of data to non-investigated areas.
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