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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The potential impact of greenhouse gas emissions constraints on the Southern African primary aluminium business

Pittendrigh, Alistair 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Kyoto protocol was signed early in 2005 whereby Annexure 1 industrialised countries committed to reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. South Africa signed the Protocol. however being a developing country it has no GHG emissions reduction target for the first commitment period until 2012. Primary aluminium is a GHG intensive global commodity to which Southem Africa contributes significantly. This dissertation aims to investigate how the profitability of the Southern African primary aluminium sector may be affected by Kyoto Protocol GHG restrictions even though the smelters are situated in non-Annexure 1 countries. A Delphi-type survey is conducted to gather opinions on identified pressures and drivers that could affect the industry. The survey respondents indicate that the greatest impact will occur from internal pressures from holding companies. Further pressure will originate from external sources namely government, Non Governmental Organisations, shareholders and investors. Direct manufacturing costs are not expected to increase as a result of the Protocol. Rather. industry changes are expected to be the result of internal and external pressures. Opportunities for Clean Development Mechanism (COM) projects are rated as highly importance and are strongly recommended. Various strategies are identified and presented in a matrix to compare the effect of each on the various identified pressures and drivers. From the matrix it is observed that the majority of the selected strategies have a profound impact on the internal and external pressures. From this research report it is recommended that a cooperative proactive strategy be followed . focusing initially on low cost GHG emissions reduction projects and rigorously pursuing COM projects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Kyoto Protokol, waardeur Anneks 1 geindustraliseerde lande hul daartoe verbind het om hul kweekhuis gas (GHG) emissies te verminder, is vroeg in 2005 onderteken. Suidelike Afrika het die Protokol onderteken, maar weens sy status as ontwikkelende land, het dit geen GHG emissieverminderingsdoelwit vir die eerste verpligtingsfase tot en met 2012 nie. Primere aluminium is 'n GHG intensiewe globale kommoditeit waartoe Suidelike Afrika 'n groot bydrae lewer. Hierdie tesis poog om ondersoek in te stel na die impak van Protokol GHG beperkings op die winsgewendheid van die Suidelike Afrika primere aluminium sektor, ten spyle daarvan dat die smelters in nie-Annex 1 lande gelee is. 'n Delphi-tipe opname was geloods om opinies in te win oor geidentifiseerde drukpunte en drywers wat 'n impak kon he op die industrie. Die respondente het aangedui dat die grootste impak sal kom van interne druk van beheermaatskappye. Addisionele druk sal afkomstig wees van eksteme bronne soos die regering, Nie-regerings organisasies (NGO's), aandeelhouers en beleggers. Daar word nie verwag dat die direkte vervaardigingskoste sal eskaleer as gevolg van die Protokol nie. Daar word eerder verwag dat veranderinge in die industrie die gevolg sal wees van interne en eksterne druk. Geleenthede vir skoon-ontwikkelings meganisme (COM) projekte is geweldig belangrik en word sterk aanbeveel. Verskeie strategiee word geidentifiseer en voorgele in 'n matriks om sodoende 'n vergelyking te tref tussen die effek wat elk het op die onderskeie drukpunte en drywers. Uit die matriks kan afgelei word dat die meerderheid strategiee 'n diepgaande invloed het op die inteme en eksterne drukpunte. Hierdie navorsingsverslag beveel aan dat 'n samewerkende proaktiewe strategie gevolg word, wat aanvanklik sal fokus op lae-koste GHG emissieverminderingsprojekte, asook die nougesette najaag van CDM projekte.

An investigation into the trading in emissions credits as a free market mechanism to curb global warming

De Klerk, W. A. (Willem Abraham) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the most topical and widely discussed factors which could lead to the ultimate end of life on earth is global warming and its devastating effects. Several current trends clearly demonstrate that global warming is directly impacting on rising sea levels, the melting of icecaps and other significant worldwide climatic changes. These climatic changes will have a profound effect on the economy of the world as well as having health and social consequences for humans on earth. It has also become evident that mankind has played a significant role in causing global warming through its excessive burning of fossil fuels and its deforestation activities. Mainstream economists have increasingly realised that the prime cause of environmental problems is the absence of markets and more specifically, the absence of private ownership, which provide the foundation for markets. This occurrence has also been described in the literature as the tragedy of the commons. Mankind has come to a point in its history whereby it is in great danger of causing its own annihilation through the destruction of its natural environment. As a result of this, world leaders and many industrialists have realised that it is essential that the world must do something to preserve the natural environment. This was the rationale behind the Kyoto Protocol. In Kyoto 38 industrial states undertook to reduce their total emissions of six important greenhouse gases by at least 5 percent by the period 2012 at the latest. It was agreed in Kyoto that the system to be used to curb global warming should be based on free market principles that would focus on limiting the tragedy of the commons. On this basis it was agreed that the international trade in greenhouse gas emission allowances might fulfil an important role in providing countries and companies with the capabilities to achieve part of their reduction obligations. The Kyoto mechanism was therefore designed on the basis of emissions trading, but also had an equity objective with respect to developing countries. Supporters of the trading scheme are of the opinion that this market will guarantee that certain emission targets are met. In principle, the international trade in emission credits offers several advantages in terms of a flexible and cost-efficient realisation of the reduction obligations undertaken at Kyoto. Supporters of emissions trading are also of the opinion that trading in these gases also has economic and technological benefits. The answer to global warming might be as simple as buy low, sell high conventions. Now greenhouse-gas emissions are becoming a commodity that can be bought and sold on a worldwide scale, just like gold or soybeans. It is expected that the trading in greenhouse-gas emission rights will ultimately constitute the largest commodities market in the world. An international market for greenhouse gas emission allowances is already developing. However, rules governing such transactions are not fully worked out yet. The 178-nation Kyoto Protocol on global warming may provide a start, despite the US's refusal to support the treaty. It will be the aim of this thesis to provide understanding in terms of the functioning of emissions trading schemes and therefore the Kyoto mechanism as a solution to this problem of global warming. It will also be an important objective of this thesis to provide insight into the issues applicable to climatic change and the Kyoto mechanism. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Atmosfeerverwarming is wêreldwyd een van die mees bespreekte kwessies. Die nadelige effek van atmosfeerverwarming as gevolg van die toenemende kweekhuiseffek, het die potensiaal om tot die uiteindelike uitwissing van lewe op aarde te lei. Verskeie tendense dui daarop dat atmosfeerverwarming 'n direkte impak op stygende seevlakke, die ontvriesing van die pakys by die pole en ander noemenswaardige klimaatsversteuringe het. Indien iets drasties nie gedoen word om atmosfeer verhitting te keer nie, sal klimaatsversteuringe 'n geweldig nadelige effek op die wêreld ekonomie te weeg bring, asook 'n nadelige effek op gesondheids- en sosiale toestande tot gevolg hê. Dit het duidelik geword dat die aktiwiteite van die mensdom, hoofsaaklik verbranding van fossielbrandstowwe en ontbossing, te blameer is vir atmosfeerverwarming. Ekonome wêreldwyd het toenemend besef dat die hoofrede vir omgewingsprobleme, soos atmosfeerverwarming, toegeskryf kan word aan die afwesigheid van markte en meer spesifiek die afwesigheid van privaatbesit, wat in effek die basis van die vrye mark vorm. Hierdie gebeurtenis word in die ekonomiese literatuur beskryf as die "tragedie van die gemene goedere" . Wêreldpolitici en industriële leiers het besef dat die mens by 'n punt in sy geskiedenis gekom het waar hy moontlik sy eie uitwissing kan bewerkstellig en dat iets drasties gedoen moet word om die natuurlike omgewing te beskerm om sodoende volhoubare ekonomiese groei te verseker. Hierdie besef het gelei tot die totstandkoming van die Kyoto Protokol waar 38 nywerheidslande ooreengekom het om voor die jaar 2012 hul totale nasionale emissies van die ses belangrikste kweekhuisgasse met ten minste 5 persent tot onder hul 1990 emissievlakke te verminder. Daar was in Kyoto ooreengekom dat die stelsel wat gebruik moet word om die Kyoto doelwitte te bereik sterk vryemark eienskappe moet besit asook meganismes om regverdigheid en gelykheid tussen lande in terme van kweekhuisgasbeperkings te verseker. Die Kyoto meganismes is ontwerp met sterk vryemark eienskappe, wat basies 'n stelsel is waarvolgens lugbesoedelingsregte verhandel kan word. Hierdie verhandeling van besoedelingsregte kan toegepas word om kweekhuis gasse te verminder. Die Kyoto meganismes en dus lugbesoedelingsverhandeling verskaf buigbaarheid aan besighede en lande om hul onderskeie besoedelingsbeperkingsdoelwitte op die mees koste effektiewe manier te bereik. Die antwoord op atmosfeer verwarming kan dalk so eenvoudig wees soos koop laag en verkoop hoog. Kweekhuisgasse is besig om net soos graan of goud 'n kommoditeit te raak. Daar word verwag dat die verhandeling in kweekhuis gas besoedelingsregte uiteindelik sal groei tot die grootste kommoditeitsmark ter wêreld. Ondersteuners van die Kyoto meganismes is van mening dat kweekhuisgas verhandeling ook ekonomiese en tegnologiese voordele inhou. Dit is 'n oogmerk van die Kyoto meganismes om die verskuiwing van tegnologie tussen ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende lande asook volhoubare groei te verseker. 'n Grysmark vir kweekhuisgas regte is reeds internasionaal, voor die beplande instelling van die Kyoto meganismes, aan die ontwikkel. Die reëls en regulasies vir die Kyoto meganismes is nog nie gefinaliseer nie. Dit en die onwilligheid van die VSA om die Protokol te onderteken, belemmer die vroegtydige implementering van die Kyoto meganismes en die effektiwiteit van die stelsel. Dit is die doelwit van die werkstuk om die leser bekend te maak met die funksionering van emissieverhandeling as 'n vryemark stelsel om omgewingsprobleme soos atmosfeerverwarming te verminder. Die werkstuk beoog ook om die kwessies betrokke by klimaatsverandering en die Kyoto meganismes aan die leser te verduidelik.

Ajustes de carbono na fronteira: análise da necessidade de disciplinas multilaterais para sua regulação / Border carbon adjustments: analysis of the necessity of multilateral disciplines

Árabe Neto, Abrão Miguel 06 May 2013 (has links)
A comunidade internacional tem se convencido sobre a seriedade da mudança climática e a necessidade de respostas urgentes para combatê-la. No entanto, a ausência de um regime universal com metas para os principais poluidores faz com que cada país adote ações individuais de maneira descoordenada. Esse descompasso levanta preocupações sobre possíveis impactos para a competitividade e a eficácia dos esforços dos países com políticas climáticas mais ambiciosas. Com o escopo de neutralizar tais ameaças, desponta a alternativa de adoção de ajustes de carbono na fronteira para equalizar os encargos ambientais entre a indústria doméstica e as importações. Nesse contexto, a presente tese defende a criação de disciplinas internacionais para orientar o uso de ajustes de carbono em sintonia com os valores do livre comércio e da preservação do clima. Recomenda-se que as negociações internacionais sejam lideradas pelas Nações Unidas, na moldura do regime climático, porém, em estreito diálogo e cooperação com a Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). A partir da análise de possíveis cenários, o trabalho expressa preferência por disciplinas multilaterais. Reconhece-se, contudo, méritos em arranjos intermediários, como os instrumentos setoriais. Por fim, indica-se um roteiro sobre os principais aspectos da aplicação dos ajustes de carbono que mereceriam apreciação em plano internacional. / The international community has acknowledged the need for urgent responses to address climate change. However, in the absence of a global agreement setting binding targets for all major polluters, countries pursue individual actions in an uncoordinated fashion. Such a situation raises concerns on competitiveness impacts and on the environmental effectiveness of climate policies of most countries, especially those leading the way. As a solution to level the playing field vis-à-vis international competitors, countries evaluate the use of border carbon adjustments. Against this background, this analysis supports the design of international disciplines to guide the use of border carbon adjustments in line with the goals of free trade and climate protection. It argues that the United Nations should lead those negotiations in the framework of the climate regime, in close dialogue and cooperation with the World Trade Organization (WTO). Based on an analysis of multiple scenarios, this essay favours the adoption of multilateral disciplines. It recognizes, however, advantages in alternative approaches such as sectorial agreements. Finally, it proposes a roadmap on key aspects concerning the use of border carbon adjustments that merit consideration in the international arena.

Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo e eficácia das medidas de compensação de reduções certificadas de emissões: análise de projetos aplicados à mineração

Molino, Fernanda Brusa 05 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Brusa Molino.pdf: 2400362 bytes, checksum: 398405a7c8529d68f2fab1d6fff2f18e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-05 / Industrialization, that was already seen as synonymous of progress and hope of a better future for most nations, reaches the XXIth century facing many detractors and being seen as a major threat because of its voracious consumption of raw material which exhausts seas, forests, soil, subsoil and releases harmful gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect, causing the reaction of sectors of society concerned with the legacy that will be let to future generations. Among most harming sectors, are mining and related industry, whose degrading and polluting activities demonstrates the need for quality control and environmental monitoring. This study seeks to contextualize the concern about global warming and the rise of international treaties on the subject for the defense of the environment, mentioning Kyoto Protocol, Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change (INC/FCCC), the conferences between the parties, and also the Brazilian legislation related to the issue of climate change mitigation. The study seeks to know about the flexibility mechanisms proposed by Kyoto Protocol, aiming to achieve emission reductions by developed countries signatories. The research analyzes the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the Certified Emission Reductions (CER) and the efficiency of these instruments as a form of environmental compensation, highlighting the various modalities, to finish with the presentation of the carbon market and CDM related projects that help in global warming mitigation undertaken by mining sector. Among the findings, it appears that compensation measures are able to meet the recommendations of the Kyoto Protocol and to assist in combating the adverse effects of mining to the environment / A industrialização, antes sinônimo de progresso e esperança de um futuro melhor para a maioria das nações, alcança o século XXI enfrentando muitos detratores e sendo vista como grande ameaça em razão da voracidade no consumo de matéria-prima que exaure os mares, as florestas, o solo, o subsolo e libera os nocivos gases que contribuem para o efeito estufa, provocando a reação de setores da sociedade preocupados com o legado que será herdado pelas gerações futuras. Entre os setores que mais poluem está a mineração e as atividades relacionadas, cuja ação degradadora para o meio ambiente demonstra a necessidade de controle de qualidade ambiental e monitoramento. Este estudo busca contextualizar a preocupação com o aquecimento global e o surgimento de tratados internacionais sobre o tema para a defesa do meio ambiente, fazendo menção ao Protocolo de Quioto, à Convenção- Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima e às Conferências entre as partes, e também as legislações brasileiras relacionadas à questão da mitigação das mudanças climáticas. Buscam-se conhecer os mecanismos de flexibilização propostos pelo Protocolo de Quioto, visando atingir às reduções de emissão pelos países desenvolvidos signatários. A pesquisa analisa os Mecanismos de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), as Reduções Certificadas de Emissões e a eficiência desses instrumentos como forma de compensação ambiental, destacando-se as várias modalidades, para finalizar com a apresentação do mercado de carbono e projetos relacionados com MDL que auxiliam na mitigação do aquecimento global empreendidos pelo setor minerário. Entre os achados, verifica-se que as medidas de compensação são capazes de atender às propostas do Protocolo de Quioto e auxiliar no combate aos efeitos adversos da mineração ao meio ambiente

Anticipating pressing issues in trade and climate change policies: a critical analysis of border carbon adjustment measures with WTO law

Adedeji Adedayo Samuel January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Anticipating pressing issues in trade and climate change policies: a critical analysis of border carbon adjustment measures with WTO law

Adedeji Adedayo Samuel January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The use of tax incentive measure in conjunction with carbon taxes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve economic growth: a comparative study with lessons for South Africa

Poole, Richard January 2013 (has links)
In 1997 industrialized nations, the Third Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, met in Kyoto, Japan to sign a treaty (the “Kyoto Protocol”) in terms of which industrialized nations would be required to reduce their greenhouse gas emission by at least five percent below 1990 levels by the end of the “first commitment period” 2008-2012. South Africa is not regarded as an industrialized nation, but nonetheless acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in 2002. The literature reviewed in the present research reveals that, although idealistic, the Kyoto Protocol has been problematic. Fourteen meetings of the Conference of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol between 1997 and 2011 have achieved little more than to repeatedly defer and redefine Kyoto obligations. This research was undertaken to document the existing environmental taxation policies employed in selected international jurisdictions with a view to providing a framework for environmental tax policy formation in South Africa to assist this country in meeting its “greenhouse gas” emission targets, while at the same time promoting economic growth. A doctrinal research methodology was adopted in this study as it mainly analysed and interpreted legislation and policy documents and therefore the approach was qualitative in nature. An extensive literature survey was performed to document the various environmental policies that have been legislated in the selected jurisdictions. Comparisons were drawn with proposed tax policy measures for South Africa. The literature indicates that in the selected international jurisdictions carbon taxes achieved less-than-optimal results, largely due to political and industry-competitive agendas. With South Africa planning to introduce a carbon tax, it is submitted that the implementation of a carbon tax regime in isolation will be counter-productive, given South Africa’s economic profile. On the basis of the literature reviewed, it was concluded that South Africa should consider “recycling” carbon tax revenues within the economy to fund a broad-based tax incentive regime that will stimulate the change to non-carbon energy whilst promoting growth through sustainable development

Ajustes de carbono na fronteira: análise da necessidade de disciplinas multilaterais para sua regulação / Border carbon adjustments: analysis of the necessity of multilateral disciplines

Abrão Miguel Árabe Neto 06 May 2013 (has links)
A comunidade internacional tem se convencido sobre a seriedade da mudança climática e a necessidade de respostas urgentes para combatê-la. No entanto, a ausência de um regime universal com metas para os principais poluidores faz com que cada país adote ações individuais de maneira descoordenada. Esse descompasso levanta preocupações sobre possíveis impactos para a competitividade e a eficácia dos esforços dos países com políticas climáticas mais ambiciosas. Com o escopo de neutralizar tais ameaças, desponta a alternativa de adoção de ajustes de carbono na fronteira para equalizar os encargos ambientais entre a indústria doméstica e as importações. Nesse contexto, a presente tese defende a criação de disciplinas internacionais para orientar o uso de ajustes de carbono em sintonia com os valores do livre comércio e da preservação do clima. Recomenda-se que as negociações internacionais sejam lideradas pelas Nações Unidas, na moldura do regime climático, porém, em estreito diálogo e cooperação com a Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). A partir da análise de possíveis cenários, o trabalho expressa preferência por disciplinas multilaterais. Reconhece-se, contudo, méritos em arranjos intermediários, como os instrumentos setoriais. Por fim, indica-se um roteiro sobre os principais aspectos da aplicação dos ajustes de carbono que mereceriam apreciação em plano internacional. / The international community has acknowledged the need for urgent responses to address climate change. However, in the absence of a global agreement setting binding targets for all major polluters, countries pursue individual actions in an uncoordinated fashion. Such a situation raises concerns on competitiveness impacts and on the environmental effectiveness of climate policies of most countries, especially those leading the way. As a solution to level the playing field vis-à-vis international competitors, countries evaluate the use of border carbon adjustments. Against this background, this analysis supports the design of international disciplines to guide the use of border carbon adjustments in line with the goals of free trade and climate protection. It argues that the United Nations should lead those negotiations in the framework of the climate regime, in close dialogue and cooperation with the World Trade Organization (WTO). Based on an analysis of multiple scenarios, this essay favours the adoption of multilateral disciplines. It recognizes, however, advantages in alternative approaches such as sectorial agreements. Finally, it proposes a roadmap on key aspects concerning the use of border carbon adjustments that merit consideration in the international arena.

Vybrané otázky práva ochrany klimatu se zaměřením na proces přenosu technologií / Selected topics from climate change law with a focus on the transfer of technologies

Vrbová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
The first chapter of this thesis discusses the recent development of climate change law. It explores the reason as to why it is at the centre of a global debate, which is predominantly due the increasingly pronounced consequences of climatic changes on human society and the environment. Furthermore, it describes the most important requirements in tackling the issues presented by international climate change treaties. This includes the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, acting as a base for the whole international climate change regime, the Kyoto Protocol as a legal tool with specified emission targets and most recently, the Paris Agreement, which serves as an independent international treaty however is still under the guidance of the framework convention. The author predicts that the Paris Agreement will determine the future direction of this legal field and therefore puts particular focus on this treaty in the first chapter of the thesis. The paper aims to uncover its weaknesses - questioning the enforceability of some of the measures that rely on the autonomy of states to implement and the lack of ambition in some of its targets. The second chapter expands on one of the key issues related to the main topic. The author emphasizes how the importance of environmentally friendly...

Anticipating pressing issues in trade and climate change Policies: a Critical analysis of border carbon adjustment measures with WTO Law

Adedeji, Adedayo Samuel January 2011 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

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