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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude expérimentale et numérique des grilles ichtyocompatibles / Experimental and numerical study of fish-friendly trashracks

Raynal, Sylvain 03 December 2013 (has links)
Un des enjeux de la Directive Cadre sur l'Eau (2000) est de rétablir la migration piscicole aval à travers notamment une baisse de la mortalité des poissons au niveau des turbines des centrales hydroélectriques. Les grilles ichtyocompatibles constituent une des solutions possibles grâce à un arrêt physique des poissons couplé à un guidage vers un exutoire de contournement. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mené une étude expérimentale et numérique afin de caractériser différents types de grilles en termes de pertes de charge et de courantologie. Cela a permis de déterminer d'une part les pertes d'énergie liées à la proximité des barreaux pour diverses configurations et d'autre part les vitesses que les poissons sont susceptibles de rencontrer le long des grilles jusqu'à l'exutoire. Ces deux sujets complémentaires ont été abordés via l'utilisation de deux installations hydrauliques couplées à plusieurs systèmes de mesure adaptés à nos modèles de grille. Des mesures de hauteur d'eau ont permis d'établir des nouvelles lois de pertes de charge tandis que des mesures de vitesse avec des systèmes de vélocimétrie acoustique par effet Doppler (ADV) et de vélocimétrie par images de particules (PIV) ont permis de déterminer les angles pour lesquels les grilles satisfont les critères d'ichtyocompatibilité. Certains points de l'étude, liés à la caractérisation des exutoires notamment, ont été résolus grâce à des simulations numériques avec le logiciel OpenFOAM. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus a permis de dimensionner et de comparer les différentes solutions de grilles dans un cas de prise d'eau réel, soulignant ainsi les avantages et problématiques inhérents à chacune des solutions. / The Water Framework Directive (2000) particularly aimed at restoring the fish downstream migration and at preventing fish from being injured or killed in hydropower plant turbines. Fish-friendly trashracks, which physically stop fish and guide them towards bypasses, are one of the possible solutions.In this context, we have carried out an experimental and numerical study focused on the characterization of head losses and velocity distributions for various kinds of trashrack. This helped to quantify the energy loss due to the narrow bar spacing and to assess the magnitude of velocities that fish may face in different trashrack configurations. Two hydraulic installations coupled with several measurement devices allowed the study of both topics on model trashracks. Water depth measurements resulted in new head loss equations while velocity measurements with acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) systems allowed the determination of fish-friendly angles in different trashrack configurations. Some other points of the thesis, concerning for instance bypasses, have been investigated with numerical simulations using OpenFOAM software. All the results allowed the conception and the comparison of various trashrack solutions for a real water intake case, highlighting the advantages and drawbacks relative to each of these solutions.

Épuration naturelle : de la rivière à la zone humide de rejet / Natural purification : from river to constructed wetland

Zhang, Yuhai 17 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’est déroulée dans le cadre du projet EPEC (Epuration en Eau Courante) soutenu par le programme ECOTECH 2010 de l’ANR. Ce projet doit permettre d’aider à répondre aux exigences de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau pour les petits cours d’eau en zone rurale. Deux voies ont été explorées i) la première vise à étudier et à proposer des moyens d’améliorer la capacité d’épuration au sein de systèmes naturels, en s’appuyant sur des observations réalisées sur deux cours d’eau en Lorraine (Brénon et St-Oger) ii) la seconde concerne la réduction des impacts sur le milieu récepteur des rejets de stations d’épuration en milieu rural par l’étude du fonctionnement de zones de rejet végétalisées (ou ZRV) à la sortie de ces stations. A l’échelle de la rivière, la caractérisation sur tout son cours permet de distinguer les zones les plus susceptibles de présenter des phénomènes d’autoépuration marqués. Cela a permis, en combinaison avec des caractérisations hydromorphologiques, de sélectionner pour chacun tronçon de taille plus réduite. Ces tronçons sont localisés en aval de zones urbanisées et présentent une succession de parties rectifiées et de parties naturelles. La réponse du tronçon naturel face aux polluants domestiques est différente selon le cours d’eau. Le tronçon naturel du Brénon, d’une longueur d’environ 6 km était efficace en termes d’abattement des matières organiques, de l’azote ammoniacal et des nitrates. Quant au St-Oger, les polluants ont été beaucoup moins influencés dans le tronçon naturel dont la longueur n’était que de 0.5 km. La troisième échelle s’est intéressée au compartiment hyporhéique dont le comportement est déterminé par les caractéristiques hydromorphologiques du cours d’eau, la composition du substrat et notamment sa porosité, et les conditions hydrologiques qui varient en fonction des aléas climatiques. A partir de prélèvements dans la zone hyporhéique (- 30 et -50 cm pour le Brénon et -20 et -30 cm pour le St-Oger), quatre types de fonctionnement ont été distingués en fonction de la disponibilité en oxygène dissous et des échanges possibles entre la zone hyporhéique et l’eau de surface : (1) les zones aérobies à échange hyporhéique important contribuent à la dégradation des matières organiques et à l’oxydation de l’azote ammoniacal ; (2) les zones anoxiques à échange hyporhéique moindre caractérisées par une épuisement rapide de l’oxygène dissous par le biais de métabolismes microbiens aérobies et par une réduction des nitrates ; (3) les zones anoxiques à faible échange hyporhéique caractérisées par une accumulation des sels en profondeur et une réduction des nitrates et sulfates et (4) les zones fermées caractérisées soit par présence du colmatage soit par une très faible conductivité hydraulique. Ces fonctionnements ont pu partiellement être reproduits au laboratoire dans un réacteur à lit poreux permettant de simuler la zone hyporhéique. Le terme de ZRV est utilisé pour décrire des espaces aménagés entre le point de rejet de station d'épuration en amont et le milieu récepteur en aval, dans le but de réaliser un traitement de finition des eaux résiduaires traitées. Ces ZRV ont montré une forte capacité à éliminer les nitrates et les phosphates en période estivale, mais une production de carbone organique dissous a aussi été notée lié à la décomposition des macrophytes (phragmites, lentilles d’eau, algues, etc). En plus, une forte production d’oxygène par la photosynthèse des algues a été observée au printemps. Cependant, cette production s’atténuait progressivement avec la vitesse de recouvrement de l’eau libre par de lentilles d’eau. Deux tests biologiques sur le potentiel de la dénitrification et de méthanisation des sédiments des zones humides ont été effectués en laboratoire pour corroborer les observations de terrain / The present PhD work was carried out within the project EPEC (Epuration en Eau Courante) funded by an ANR program, ECOTECH, in order to meet the requirements of Water Framework Directive for small streams, in particular in rural areas where domestic wastewater could be directly discharged by reason of lack of sewerage network and contribute to water quality degradation. Two study directions have been taken: i) the first aimed to study natural purification in stream systems and find out the way to improve water quality, and 2) the second concerned the reduction of the impact of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) discharge to receiving water bodies by installation of a free-surface constructed wetland between them. Three study scales were investigated within two rural streams of Lorraine, Brénon and St-Oger. At stream scale, characterization of water quality along its course allowed us to distinguish some segments where occurred naturel purification processes. The second study scale was on relevant stream sections presenting interesting hydromorphologic features. These sections were located at the downstream of urban areas and present a succession of rectified and naturel segments. The response of naturel sections to domestic pollutants was different for the two streams. The Brénon section length of about 6 km was efficient for organic matter, ammonium nitrogen and nitrates removal. Concerning the St-Oger stream, the pollutants were less influenced in the natural section long of only 0.5 km. The last study scale focused on the hyporheic zone where system function depends on hydromorphologic features of the stream, composition of streambed, especially its porosity, and hydrologic conditions which depends on climate. According to analysis on hyporheic waters sampled at -30 and -50 cm for Brénon and -20 and -30 cm for St-Oger, four functional zones were distinguished in relation with dissolved oxygen availability and possible water exchange between hyporheic zone and surface water: (1) aerobic zones at high hyporheic exchange showing contribution to organic matter degradation and oxidation of ammonium nitrogen; (2) Anoxic zones with less hyporheic exchange characterized by fast dissolved oxygen depletion by aerobic microbial metabolism and reduction of nitrates; (3) Anoxic zones with low hyporheic exchange characterized by accumulation of salts in deep layers and reduction of nitrates and sulfates and (4) “closed” zones characterized by clogged spaces or very low hydraulic conductivity. These functions could be partially reproduced in laboratory within a porous bed reactor simulating an hyporheic zone. Free-surface wetlands are spaces constructed between the discharge point of the WWTP and the receiving watercourse, here small streams in rural areas, with the aim to finish the waste water treatment. The wetlands had shown high capacity to remove nitrates and phosphates in summer periods. However a production of dissolved organic carbon was noticed and results from plant decomposition (reed, duckweed, algae, etc.). Algae contributed to high oxygen production through photosynthesis in spring. This production progressively decreased with the proliferation of duckweed on the water surface. Two biological tests on sediment's potentiality for denitrification and methane production were carried out at laboratory scale in order to corroborate the field observations

Simulations des écoulements en milieu urbain lors d'un évènement pluvieux extrême / Urban flows simulation during an extrem raining event

Araud, Quentin 30 November 2012 (has links)
Les écoulements en milieu urbain sont complexes et à l’heure actuelle estimés à l’aide d’outils informatiques. Pourtant, le manque de données expérimentales sur des géométries urbaines rend la validation et l’encadrement de l’utilisation de ces derniers difficile. Cette thèse présente les résultats obtenus sur un modèle physique d’un quartier urbain. La distribution des hauteurs d’eau ainsi que la répartition des débits en sortie du quartier expérimental sont mesurées. Leur étude a mis en évidence certains comportements caractéristiques des écoulements. Les données expérimentales ont été comparées aux simulations numériques générées avec un code 3D (Ansys-Fluent®) et un outil de recherche (Neptune 2D) mis au point durant cette thèse. Ce dernier résout les équations de Barré de Saint Venant 2D à l’aide d’un schéma EVR-DG, associé à une modification des solveurs de Riemann qui rend le code de calcul well-balanced.Les écarts observés entre Ansys-Fluent® et l’expérimental sont majoritairement en-dessous de 10%. Le code Neptune 2D apparait quant à lui légèrement moins précis : les écarts peuvent atteindre 20 à 30%. Diverses hypothèses sont avancées pour expliquer ces écarts. / This study deals with urban floods. Nowadays, numerical tools are used to simulate those complex flows. Nevertheless, the lack of experimental make the validation of the softwares difficult. This work presents experimental results of an urban flood physical model. The water height and the outflows at every outlet are measured and compared to numerical results. This study highlights some observed specificities of urban flows. In order to simulate those flows, a numerical tool (Neptune 2D) was developed during this PhD to solve the 2D shallow water equations with an EVR-DG scheme. Modifications of the Riemann solvers lead to a wellbalanced scheme. Numerical results were also provided with a 3D software (Ansys-Fluent®). Differences between Ansys-Fluent® and experimental results are mainly under 10%. Neptune2D is less accurate, with differences reaching 20 to 30%. Some hypotheses are discussed to explain those discrepencies.

Estratégias "upwind" e modelagem k-epsilon para simulação numérica de escoamentos com superfícies livres em altos números de Reynolds / Upwind strategies and k-epsilon modeling for numerical simulation of free surface flow at high Reynolds numbers

Analice Costacurta Brandi 13 June 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho é dedicado à análise e implementação de esquemas "upwind" de alta ordem modernos e o modelo de turbulência k-epsilon padrão no Freeflow-2D; um ambiente integrado para simulação numérica em diferenças finitas de problemas de escoamentos incompressíveis com superfícies livres. O propósito do estudo é a simulação de escoamentos de fluidos newtonianos incompressíveis, bidimensionais, confinados e/ou com superfícies livres e a altos valores do número de Reynolds. O desempenho do código Freeflow-2D atual é avaliada na simulação do escoamento numa expansão brusca e de um jato livre incidindo perpendicularmente sobre uma superfície rígida impermeável. O código é então aplicado na simulação de um jato planar turbulento em uma porção de fluido com superfície livre e estacionário. Os resultados numéricos obtidos são comparados com dados experimentais, soluções analíticas e soluções numéricas de outros trabalhos. / This work is devoted to the analysis and implementation of modern high-order upwind schemes and the standard k-epsilon turbulence model into the Freeflow-2D; a finite difference integrated environment for the numerical simulation of incompressible free surface flow problems. The purpose of this study is the two-dimensional simulation of high-Reynolds incompressible newtonian confined and/or free surface flows. The performance of the current Freeflow-2D code is assessed by applying it to the simulation of flow over a backward facing step and of an impinging free jet onto an impermeable rigid surface. The code is then applied to a turbulent planar jet into a pool. The numerical results are compared with experimental data, analytical solution, and numerical simulations of other works.

Simulação de escoamento de fluidos em superfícies definidas por pontos não organizados / Fluid flow simulation in surfaces defined by non-organized points

Kémelli Campanharo Estacio 24 October 2008 (has links)
Atualmente diversos produtos são fabricados por meio de injeção de polímeros, num processo denominado moldagem por injeção: material fundido é injetado em um molde no qual resfria e endurece. Contudo, ao contrário de outros processos de produção, a qualidade da peça criada por meio de moldagem por injeção não depende apenas do material e da sua forma geométrica, mas também da maneira na qual o material é processado durante a moldagem. Por esse motivo, o uso de modelagem matemática e simulações numéricas tem aumentado consideravelmente como maneira de auxiliar o processo de produção e tem-se tornado uma ferramenta indispensável. Desta forma, este projeto tem o propósito de simular o escoamento de fluidos durante a fase de preenchimento do processo de moldagem por injeção, utilizando o modelo 21/2-dimensional, composto por uma equação bidimensional para a pressão, conhecida como equação de Hele-Shaw, e uma equação tridimensional para a temperatura do fluido. Um modelo bidimensional para a temperatura é também desenvolvido e apresentado. Este projeto de doutorado propõe duas estratégias numéricas para a solução da equação de Hele-Shaw. A primeira delas é baseada em uma formulação euleriana do método Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, onde os pontos utilizados na discretização não se movem, e não há utilização de malhas. A segunda estratégia é baseada na criação de malhas dinamicamente construídas na região do molde que já encontra-se parcialmente cheio de fluido e subseqüente aplicação do método Control Volume Finite Element Method. Uma estratégia dinâmica do método semi lagrangeano é apresentada e aplicada à solução da equação bidimensional da temperatura. O projeto também pretende investigar três novas abordagens para o tratamento da superfície livre. Duas delas são baseadas na técnica Volume of Fluid e uma delas é uma adaptação meshless do método Front-Tracking. O comportamento não newtoniano do fluido é caracterizado por uma família de modelos de viscosidade. Testes numéricos indicando a confiabilidade das metodologias propostas são conduzidos / Currently, several plastic products are manufactured by polymer injection, in a process named injection molding: molten material is injected into a thin mold where it cools and solidifies. However, unlike other manufacturing processes, the quality of injection-molded parts depends not only on the material and shape of the part, but also on how the material is processed throughout the molding. For this reason, the use of mathematical modelling and numerical simulations has been increasing in order to assist in the manufacturing process, and it has become an essential tool. Therefore, this Sc.D. project has the purpose of simulating the fluid flow during the filling stage of the injection molding process, using the 21/2-dimensional model, compounded by a two-dimensional equation for the pressure field (also known as Hele-Shaw equation) and a three-dimensional equation for the temperature of the fluid. A simpler two-dimensional model for the temperature field is also derived and presented. This project proposes two novel numerical strategies for the solution of Hele-Shaw equation. The first one is based on an Eulerian formulation of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method, where the particles used in the discretization do not move along as the simulation evolves, thereby avoing the use of meshes. In the second strategy, local active dual patches are constructed on-the-fly for each active point to form a dynamic virtual mesh of active elements that evolves with the moving interface, then the Control Volume Finite Element Method is applied for the pressure field approximation. A dynamic approach of the semi-Lagrangian scheme is applied to the solution of the two-dimensional temperature equation. The project also assesses three new approaches for the treatment of the free surface of the fluid flow. Two of them are based on the Volume of Fluid technique and one of them is a meshless adaptation of the Front-Tracking method. The non-Newtonian behavior is characterized by a family of generalized viscosity models. Supporting numerical tests and performance studies, which assess the accuracy and the reliability of the proposed methodologies, are conducted

Um novo esquema upwind de alta resolução para equações de conservação não estacionárias dominadas por convecção / A new high-resolution upwind scheme for non stationary conservation equations dominated by convection

Laís Corrêa 29 March 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresenta-se um novo esquema prático tipo upwind de alta resolução, denominado EPUS (Eight-degree Polynomial Upwind Scheme), para resolver numericamente equações de conservação TVD e é implementado no contexto do método das diferenças finitas. O desempenho do esquema é investigado na resolução de sistemas hiperbólicos de leis de conservação e escoamentos incompressíveis complexos com superfícies livres. Os resultados numéricos mostraram boa concordãncia com outros resultados numéricos e dados experimentais existentes / Is this work a new practical high resolution upwinding scheme, called EPUS (Eight-degree Polynomial Upwind Scheme), for the numerical solution of transient convection-dominated conservation equations is present. The scheme is based on TVD stability criterion and is implemented in the context of the finite difference methodology. The performance of the scheme is investigated by solving hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and complex incompressible flows with free surfaces. The numerical results displayed good agreement with other existing numerical and experimental data

Desenvolvimento de estratégias de captura de descontinuidades para leis de conservação e problemas relacionados em dinâmica de fluídos / Development of strategies to capture discontinuities for conservation laws and related problems in fluid dynamics

Giseli Aparecida Braz de Lima 23 March 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da solução numérica de problemas em dinâmica dos fluidos usando dois novos esquemas upwind de alta resolução, denominados FDPUS-C1 (Five-Degree Polynomial Upwind Scheme of \' C POT. 1\' Class) e SDPUS-C1 (Six-Degree Polynomial Upwind Scheme of \'C POT.1\' Class), para a discretização de termos convectivos lineares e não-lineares. Os esquemas são baseados nos critérios de estabilidade TVD (Total Variation Diminishing) e CBC (Convection Boundedness Criterion) e são implementados, nos contextos das metodologias de diferenças finitas e volumes finitos, no ambiente de simulação Freeflow (an integrated simulation system for Free surface Flow) para escoamentos imcompressíveis 2D, 2D-1/2 e 3D, ou no código bem conhecido CLAWPACK ( Conservation LAW PACKage) para problemaw compressíveis 1D e 2D. Vários testes computacionais são feitos com o objetivo de verificar e validar os métodos numéricos contra esquemas upwind populares. Os novos esqumas são então aplicados na resolução de uma gama ampla de problemas em CFD (Computational Fluids Dynamics), tais como propagação de ondas de choque e escoamentos incompressíveis envolvendo superfícies livres móveis. Em particular, os resultados numéricos para leis de conservação hiperbólicas 2D e equações de Navier-Stokes incompressíveis 2D, 2D-1/2 e 3D demosntram que esses novos esquemas convectivos tipo upwind polinomiais funcionam muito bem / This dissertation deals with the numerical solution of fluid dynamics problems using two new high resolution upwind schemes,. namely FDPUS-C1 and SDPUS-C1, for the discretization of the linear and non-linear convection terms. The Schemes are based on TVD and DBC stability criteria and are implemented in the context of the finite difference and finite volume methodologies, either into the Freeflow code for 2D, 2D-1/2 and 3D incompressible flows or in the well-known CLAWPACK code for 1D and 2D compressible flows. Several computational tests are performed to verify and validate the numerical methods against other popularly used upwind schemes. The new schemes are then applied to solve a wide range of problems in CFD, such as shock wave propagation and incompressible fluid flows involving moving free msurfaces. In particular, the numerical results for 2D hyperbolic conservation laws and 2D, 2D-1/2 and 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes eqautions show that new polynomial upwind convection schemes perform very well

Esquemas de captura de descontinuidades para equações gerais de conservação / Stock capturing scheme for general conservation equations

Rodolfo Junior Pérez Narváez 22 February 2013 (has links)
Três esquemas de captura de descontinuidade são apresentados para simular hiperbólicos de leis de conservação e equações de Navier-Stokes incompressíveis, a saber: FDHERPUS (Five Degree Hermite Upwind Scheme); RUS (Rational Upwind Scheme); e CSPUS (Cubic Spline Polynomial Upwind Scheme). Esses esquemas são baseados nos critérios de estabilidade CBC e TVD e implementados nos contextos das metodologias diferenças finitas e volumes finitos. A precisão local dos esquemas é verificada acessando o erro e a taxa de convergência em problemas testes de referência. Um estudo comparativo entre os esquemas estudados (incluido o WENO5) e o esquema bem estabelecido de van Albada, para resolver leis de conservação lineares e não lineares, é também realizado. O esquema de convecção que fornece melhores resultados em leis de conservação hiperbólicas é então examinado na simulação de escoamentos de fluidos newtonianos com superfícies livres móveis de complexidade crescente; resultados satisfatórios têm sido observados em termos do comportamento global / Three shock capturing schemes for numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are presented, namely: FDHERPUS (Five Degree Hermite Polynomial Upwind Scheme); RUS (Rational Upwind Scheme); and CSPUS ( Cubic Spline Polynomial Upwind Scheme). These schemes are based on CBC and TVD stability criteria and implemented in the context of finite volume methodologies. The local observed accuracy of the schemes is verified by assessing the error and convergence rate on benchmark test cases. A comparative study between the schemes (including WENO5) and the well established van. Albada scheme to solve standard linear and nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws is also accomplished. The scheme that has provided better results in hyperbolic conservation laws is then examined in the simulation of Newtonian moving free surface flows of increasing complexity, satisfactory agreement has been observed in terms of the overall behavior

Investigation of Melt Pool Thermo-hydrodynamic Behaviour inLaser Beam Welding ofTi-6Al-4V through Numerical Simulation / Undersökning av smältans termohydrodynamik vid lasersvetsning avTi-6Al-4V genom numerisk simulering

Noori Rahim Abadi, Seyyed Mohammad Ali January 2021 (has links)
Laser is an efficient and widely used heat source in metal processing suchas welding and additive manufacturing. It has some great advantages compared to the other conventional heat sources like electron beam and arc namely: ability of handling complicated joint geometries and producing large components. Laser beam welding encompasses many complex physical phenomena such asheat transfer, metal melting, flow and solidification, free surface deformation, evaporation and possibly vaporization. The aim of this research work istwo-fold: gain deeper process understanding and improve the model reliability. Deeper process understanding is sought on the effect of beam shaping on themelt pool. To achieve improved model reliability, a good support consists in using qualitative experimental data representing the process. Thus, 3D validation of the melt pool geometry is performed while it was usually 2D inprevious research works. Furthermore, a new calculation procedure for laser absorption is introduced. To conduct this research work, a Computational Fluid Dynamics approach is used. A solver, capable of tracking the deformation of the melt free surface, is developed in OpenFOAM. Concerning beam shaping, it is found that not only the melt pool size as previously known but also the melt flow pattern is modified through elongating the beam shape.This last result could not be revealed by former studies as the non-transparent media hinders optical observation. New in-process quantitative measurements performed by a project partner are used to test the model. Weaknesses of the former absorptivity models are highlighted, as well as the limitations of the proposed model. Finally, the results show that the proposed absorptivity model function of local surface conditions leads to much better agreement with experimental results compared to the former constant absorptivity model. The maximum discrepancy compared to the experimental measurement, which is observed for the melt pool depth, can indeed be reduced to about 10%. / Laser är en effektiv och allmänt använd värmekälla vid svetsning och additiv tillverkning. Den har några viktiga fördelar jämfört med andra konventionella värmekällor såsom elektronstråle och elektrisk ljusbåge, nämligen: den kan ofta användas till komplicerade svetsgeometrier, och den kan producera stora komponenter. Lasersvetsning involverar olika sammansatta fysikaliska fenomen såsom värmeöverföring, metallsmältning, flöde, stelning, ytdeformation, avdunstning och i vissa fall förångning. Syftet med mitt forskningsarbete är tvåfaldigt: att få en djupare processförståelse och att förbättra modellens tillförlitlighet. Fördjupad processförståelse eftersträvades för att förstå hur formen på laserstrålen påverkar svetssmältan. För att uppnå förbättrad modellsäkerhet behövs experimentella data av hög kvalitet som representerar processen. Således utfördes 3D-validering av smältgeometrin medan det vanligtvis var 2D i tidigare forskningsarbeten. Dessutom har en ny modell för laserabsorption föreslagits. I forskningen har numerisk strömningssimulering (Computational Fluid Dynamics) använts för att simulera processen och en numerisk lösare, som kan spåra deformationen av den rörliga smälta ytan, är utveckladi programvaran OpenFOAM. Beträffande laserstrålens utbredning visar resultaten att svetssmältans storlek och även svetssmältansflöde modifieras genom att laserstråleformen förlängs. Medan den förra är känd från tidigare experimentella studier upptäcktes den senare inte före denna studie eftersomdet icke-transparenta mediet hindrar optisk observation. Nya (in-process) kvantitativa mätningar utförda av en projektpartner har använts för att testa modellerna. Svagheter i den tidigare absorptionsmodellen framhävdes, liksom begränsningarna i den föreslagna modellen. Slutligen visade resultaten att den föreslagna modellen där laserabsorptionen är en funktion av lokala ytförhållanden ledde till en bättre overensstämmelse med mätningar jämfört med den tidigare modellen med konstant laserabsorbtion. Den maximala avvikelsen jämfört med experimentell mätning, som observerades med avseende på smältbassängsdjupet, kunde reduceras till cirka 10%. / <p>Till licentiatuppsats hör 2 inskickade artiklar, som inte visas nu.</p>

Intégration de modélisation à surface libre dans un système d’aide à la décision : application à la Basse Vallée du Var, France / Integration of surface water modeling in a decision support system : application to the Lower Var Valley, France

Zavattero, Elodie 21 January 2019 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, les zones côtières concentrent souvent des villes densément peuplées où le développement économique est associé à une rapide urbanisation. Dans de nombreux endroits, les cours d’eau sont intégrés en zone urbaine présentant à la fois des ressources et des risques potentiels. La concurrence croissante entre les activités économiques et l'espace essentiel aux rivières et aux milieux naturels nécessite une gestion intégrée basée sur des outils fiables capables de fournir des informations hydrologiques. La basse vallée du Var, dans le sud de la France, est spécifiquement exposée à une augmentation de l’activité humaine, et les impacts sociaux sur l’environnement deviennent de plus en plus intenses. Par conséquent, le cycle de l’eau est déséquilibré et induit des problèmes liés à l’eau. Pour traiter ces problèmes, les collectivités territoriales ont besoin d’outils d’aide à la décision qui simulent le comportement du bassin versant. Tel est l’objectif du projet AquaVar qui repose sur trois modèles numériques : Mike SHE pour le bassin versant du Var, Mike 21FM pour la rivière, et Feflow pour l’aquifère. Ces travaux de recherches se concentrent sur le modèle des écoulements à surface libre et son intégration au sein de l’outil d’aide à la décision.Les modèles hydrauliques 2D sont fréquemment utilisés car ils fournissent une vision précise des phénomènes physiques en rivière et de l’hydrodynamique durant des événements extrêmes (inondation, sécheresse et pollution accidentelle). Le modèle des écoulements à surface libre 2D est conçu avec le logiciel Mike 21FM en utilisant la méthodologie classique. Il est calibré et validé pour des conditions spécifiques de la basse vallée du Var : hautes eaux au mois de novembre, hautes eaux au printemps dues à la fonte des neiges et basses eaux en été. Le modèle hydraulique peut non seulement être utilisé pour simuler des scénarios d’événements extrêmes, mais il est également capable d’interagir avec le modèle des écoulements souterrains développé avec Feflow. Une interface spécifique est développée pour connecter le Var et son aquifère dans la basse vallée. Elle nécessite cependant une phase de validation afin de précisément simuler les échanges nappe-rivière.De toute évidence, le modèle Mike 21FM est le cœur de l’outil d’aide à la décision. L'hydrodynamique du fleuve dépend de la transformation des précipitations en débit (modélisée par Mike SHE) et du volume d'eau échangé avec l'aquifère (modélisé par Feflow). La dernière partie est consacrée à la construction de l'outil d’aide à la décision avec l'intégration du modèle hydraulique 2D. Ce système de modèles est implémenté dans une interface web et accessible par différents utilisateurs. Cet outil peut être facilement mis à jour en partageant les données de chaque partenaire. Dans le futur, cet outil pourrait intégrer le petit cycle de l'eau (réseaux d’assainissement et d’alimentation en eau potable). Les autorités locales pourraient donc prévoir et contrôler leurs ressources en eau et les risques potentiels. / Nowadays, the coastal areas concentrate frequently densely populated cities where economic development is associated to a fast urbanization. In many locations rivers are integrated within the urban areas and present both resources and potential risks. The growing competition between the economic activities and the essential space for the rivers requests an efficient management based on reliable tools able to provide hydrological information. Typically, the Lower Var valley, in south of France, faces to an increase of human activities, and the social impacts on the natural environment have become more and more intensive. Therefore, the water cycle is unbalanced implying water problems. To deal with this issue, local authorities needs a Decision Support System (DSS) tool to simulate the behaviour of water system. This is the objective of the AquaVar research which includes three numerical models: Mike SHE for the Var catchment, Mike 21FM for the Lower Var River, and Feflow for the aquifer. Here, the research is focused on the 2D free surface flow model and its integration in the DSS tool.The 2D hydraulic models represent a meaningful approach that can provide an accurate view on the physical processes within the river and on the hydrodynamics during the extreme events (inundation, drought and accidental pollution). The 2D free surface flow model is designed with Mike 21FM software using common methodology. It is calibrated and validated for the three specific weather conditions in the Lower Var valley: floods which occur in November, spring floods due to snow melting and droughts in summer. Not only the 2D hydraulic model allows to simulate scenarios of inundation and accidental pollutions, but it is also able to exchange water volume with the groundwater model developed with Feflow. A specific interface is developed to connect river and aquifer in the Lower Var valley. It required validation cases to accurately simulate the river-aquifer exchanges.Obviously, Mike 21FM is finally the core of the DSS tool because it is the centre of the modelling system. The hydrodynamics of the river depends on precipitations converted in flow by Mike SHE model, and exchanges water volume with the aquifer modelled by Feflow. The last part of this research is dedicated to the construction of the DSS tool and the integration of the 2D hydraulic model. The modelling system is implemented in a web interface adapted for different types of users. This DSS tool can be easily updated by sharing data from all the stakeholders. In the future, this tool could integrate sewage network and drinking water supply system to consider all the water cycle. Hence, local authorities could forecast and control the water resources and the potential risks.

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