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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozdíl v organizaci volnočasových aktivit v rámci dětského domova a dětského domova se školou / The difference in organising leisure activities within the children's home in Benešov and the children's home with school in Sedlec-Prčice from the perspective of children and young people who live there and also from the perspective of educators

ČUMPLOVÁ, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This theses is focused on the difference in the organization of free time within the children's home and the children's home with school. In the theoretical part of this theses there is described institutional and protective care. There are also specified types of institutional care and facilities by Czech ministries. There are also explained the most common reasons for placement of children to institutional care and further specification of legislation and statistics of placing children to foster care. There is also explained the concept and importance of leisure in sections function of free time and in the views of leisure. The theoretical part is also focused on the personality of the educator. There are also described leisure places for free time in children's homes and children's homes with school. The last important point in the theoretical part is the chapter of significant differences in the work of the children's home and the children's home with school. In the practical part, there are compared two children's homes and two children's homes with school using interviews and case studies. The purpose of this theses was to find out what is the difference in the organization of leisure activities and hinterland for leisure activities within the children's home and the children's home with school from the perspective of children and young people who live there and also from the perspective of educators.

Integrace paraplegiků ve volném čase / Paraplegics Integration in Free Time

ZMEŠKALOVÁ, Markéta January 2007 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis deals with paraplegics free time and their integration into the intact society free time activities. Theoretical part characterizes paraplegia and its variations. Furthermore it describes the care/help/support system provided for paraplegics. Last but not least it deals with free time, its quality and the quality change after spinal cord injury. Practical part contains evaluation of two researches focused on free time use of paraplegics.

Adolescence, její volný čas a hodnotová orientace / Adolescence, its Free Time and Value Orientation

TRAJER, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the adolescence as a particular life period of a man. Its aim is to analyze this period in connection with free time. Moreover it tries to point out the influence of value orientation of each individual which is reflected in one{\crq}s free time. And the topic is related to the society and current period called postmodernism. It deals with the influence of consumer culture that presses on the teenagers and with manifestations of this influence. It tempts to draw the attention to the crisis of so called traditional values and the antagonism between what people believe in and what they do. Finally I am trying to point at the possibilities of the free-time pedagogy that disposes of the methods, which can efficiently reduce problematic aspects brought by current time.

MOŽNOSTI CELOŽIVOTNÍHO VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ A PROFESNÍ RŮST PEDAGOGŮ VOLNÉHO ČASU / Options of Lifelong Education and the Professional Growth of Pedagogical Employees

KŘÍŽOVÁ, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the options of livelong education in Czech republic. The theoretical part describes the livelong education from the historical and nowadays view. It mentions circumstances of education due to membership in European union, later on, conditions and opportunities of education in Czech republic. On the tail end of disertation it deals with pedagogues of free time and their profesional growth possibilities The practical part consists of research, which goal is to analyze factors and circumstances that can affect the pedagogue of free time proffesional growth. It speaks about qualitative empirical research. Due to interview metod it probes how the pedagogues of free time deal with education. It probes which factors can affect the education.

Obsah pojmu volný čas pro mladé lidi / The meaning of the leisure for young people

KOČEROVÁ, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Free time is one significant phenomenons of young people's life. The attitude which young people have to free time depends on their subjective meaning of it. The author builds on the theory of Charles Osgood and tries to find the meaning from free time using the semantic differential as a method of research and the result compares with the definition of free time in literature.

Rozvoj empatie jako cíl výchovy a vzdělávání / Development of empathy like the aim of education and behavior

NOVÁČKOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This final thesis introduces empathy like one of the target of education and learning. It defines the terms emotion and emotional intelligence. It gives information about the notion education in the free time ? its characteristic, targets and methods. It deals with possibilities of development of empathy during the education in the free time. It describes the targets of the education in preschool and school age. It deals with the historical development of the term, evolutional conditions to empathy and the connections with the moral cognizance in the chapter about empathy. It describes some of the factors that can develop the empathetic behaviour in the last chapter.

Způsoby trávení volného času dětí ve městě Rotava a vytvoření návrhu komunitního centra / Forms of spending free time of children in Rotava and creation of a proposal for a community center

Tomešová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The diploma theses is focused on free time of children in Rotava. The aim of this theses is to find out the forms of spending free time of children aged 6 - 12 years in Rotava. Another goal is to create a proposal for a community center. The theoretical part deals with the theme of childhood in today's type of society and also with the topic of free time. This section is focused on free time of children and its historical transformation. Then attention is aimed at the current status of free time of children and the factors affecting this area. Another chapter is devoted to community and community centers. The diploma theses also contains the research part. Interviews, non - participant observation in a public area of the town and secondary data analysis were used as research methods. The results of research show that the offer of free time activities for children aged 6 - 12 years in Rotava is insufficient and inappropriately conceived. Many children spend their free time in a public area of the town or at home with electronic media.

Možnosti sportovního vyžití v Benešově a okolí / Sports opportunities in Benesov and its vicinity

Holánek, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
Title: Sports opportunities in Benešov and its vicinity Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to assess and analyse the sports opportunities in Benešov and its vicinity and to propose, on the basis of the obtained results, certain changes that could improve the current situation. Methods: The thesis uses primarily the analytical method of research. The method was applied in analysing the local sports grounds, sports facilities and sports clubs. In order to gain vital information from the inhabitants of Benešov, a set of interviews was also used. Furthermore, the SWOT analysis was applied as a means of obtaining a clearer assessment of the local sports environment. Results: The local sports situation has been assessed and analysed. The local sports grounds, sports facilities and sports clubs have been analysed. Opinions of the local inhabitants have also been gained by means of a set of interviews. On the basis of obtained information and opinions, various recommendations for improving the current situation have been created. These recommendations are aimed both at the municipality of Benešov and at private entities and sports clubs. It was established that the inhabitants of the town are largely content with the sports opportunities in Benešov, the major problem can be seen in their...

Tempo livre e lazer: usos e opiniões da juventude local sobre equipamentos públicos do Lajeado / Free time and leisure: uses and opinions of local youth on public facilities of Lajeado district

Martins, Thaís Blasio 21 May 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação foi resultado da observação da falta de participação dos jovens moradores do bairro do Lajeado nas atividades oferecidas por três equipamentos públicos instalados na região em 2008: CEU Lajeado, Parque Lajeado e Centro Cultural de Guaianases. Tais equipamentos, ainda que não exclusivamente, pretendiam oferecer opções culturais e de lazer para os moradores e, diante da ausência de equipamentos públicos deste tipo, pensou-se, naquela época, que a instalação representaria um incremento quanto às possibilidades de vivência do tempo livre e de lazer, em especial para a população jovem, a qual tem, nessas ocasiões, momentos privilegiados para sua formação como indivíduos. Contudo, observou-se que os jovens do entorno não se integraram à programação oficial mesmo estando constantemente nos espaços. Na época, acreditou-se que a falta de participação devia-se a problemas na articulação entre aquilo oferecido pelos equipamentos e os desejos e anseios da população local jovem. Tendo esta situação em vista, este trabalho objetivou conhecer, seis anos depois, quais eram hoje os usos e percepções dos jovens sobre estes lugares. Para isto, voltou-se o olhar para jovens estudantes de 13 a 29 anos da 8ª série e do 3º ano de seis escolas públicas situadas no entorno dos equipamentos. Foram aplicados 404 questionários que almejaram captar seus hábitos de tempo livre e lazer, sua percepção e uso dos equipamentos. Também se realizou observação de campo, entrevistas com os gestores dos locais estudados e conversas com jovens de duas escolas. Concluiu-se que a ausência de participação não se relaciona a uma antipatia ou antagonismo, havendo, na verdade, um distanciamento profundo dos locais pesquisados da vida dos entrevistados. Notou-se não haver, nos equipamentos, lugar para os repertórios dos jovens do distrito ou para a experimentação da sociabilidade por meio da convivência com os amigos. Os três espaços tendem a tolher estes momentos de vida dos jovens e a tentar regulamentar seu tempo livre por meio do enquadramento necessário em suas programações e atividades. Todavia, acredita-se que, antes da participação, é preciso o apreço pelo local que a oferece e, portanto, é preciso traçar estratégias para uma primeira inserção dos jovens nos equipamentos valendo-se de seus repertórios próprios para que se possa almejar outras adesões futuras em atividades menos populares ou conhecidas entre eles. / This paper resulted from the observation of the lack of teens engagement in the activities offered by the three public facilities installed in the neighborhood of Lajeado and its whereabouts in 2008: CEU Lajeado, Parque Lajeado, and Centro Cultural Guaianases. These facilities, even though not exclusively, aimed at offering cultural and leisure options to the inhabitants and, due to the inexistence of places of this kind, it was thought, at the time, that they would represent a great advance concerning leisure and free time, mainly to the teen population. However, as time passed by, it was possible to observe that this target population did not engage in the official scheduling, even being constantly inside the places. At that point, it was believed that it was due to issues in articulating what was offered and what was really expected by them. Bearing this in mind, this paper aimed at finding out, six years later, how these young people used and perceived these facilities. In order to do so, 404 students from 13 to 29 years old of specific grades from six public schools located around the facilities were interviewed, answering a questionnaire about their free-time activities, leisure and perception of the buildings. Along with the questionnaire, some field work was developed thought interviews with the managers of each facility and discussions with the students from two schools. It was concluded that their lack of engagement is not related to antipathy or antagonism, existing a great detachment instead. Besides, in the facilities there are no places for the repertoire of the students of the district and for experimenting socialization through the companionship with friends. The places tend to hinder these moments and to regulate their free time through the necessary framing of activities and scheduling. However, it is believed that, prior to their engagement, they must value the place and, in order to achieve that, it is imperative to have a strategy to a first insertion of the teens in the facilities using their own repertoire. This way, it is believed that future adhesions to less popular or known activities among the teen can be aimed.

Motivace dětí 4. a 5. ročníků k pohybu, pomocí mobilních aplikací / Exercise motivation for 4th and 5th graders, using mobile application

Zemanová, Aneta January 2018 (has links)
5 ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with exercise motivation for 4th and 5th graders, using mobile application The theoretical part of the thesis deals with physical ability of children about 10 years old. It describes motor development of younger school-age children. It focuses on the specifics of school maturity and children's needs. It points out consequences of lack of physical activity. It deals with motivation. It researches leisure activities for children and organizations involved in them. In the practical part, the thesis uses survey to answer question. How much free time children spend using mobile phone and what kind of application they use. It offers list of application with a methodology of use and overlapping into the school environment. The list of applications serves for teachers, educators or parents, as a guide to active leisure activities with children using modern technology. Individual applications have been tested within one class. The result is a comparison of the individual applications among themselves and the suitability or effectiveness of their use. KEYWORDS movement, mobile application, motivation, free time

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