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5-7 klasių mokinių laisvalaikio užimtumo problemos ir jų pedagoginė prevencija / The problems of free time of the 5-7th forms and their pedagogical preventionSiciūnas, Gintaras 13 June 2005 (has links)
International and intercultural cooperation of countries, integration into the European Union brought radical changes into the system of education. It became more democratic, grounded by critical thinking and cooperation. Great attention is paid to education itself and its quality. Pupils are forced to adapt quickly to the changeable situation. The studying load is increasing, pupils have less free time, they do not use it very effectively and properly what raises the problem of this work.
The aim of the work is to analyze the problems of free time of 5-7 formers and to find adequate ways for solving them.
In order to achieve this aim the following objectives have been set:
1. After analyzing pedagogical, psychological literature to study the influence of education upon a personality, to consider ways and forms of free time.
2. With the help of empirical investigation to find out how pupils plan their free time, to set the problems and present pedagogical preventions.
3. To find out how free time differs in a city and in a country.
4. To present conclusions and recommendations how to plan pupils’ free time in an effective and efficient way.
The methods used in the work are as follows:
1. Pedagogical, psychological, and methodological literary analysis that helps to reveal the ways and forms of free time typical for this age group. 2. Questionnaire that provides an opportunity to disclose the peculiarities of students’ free time in a city and in a country. 3. Qualitative... [to full text]
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Volnočasové aktivity žáků 1. stupně ZŠ jako prevence kázeňských problémů ve škole / Free-time activities of elementary school pupils as prevention of disciplinary problems at school.POŠUSTOVÁ, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with free-time activities of elementary school pupils with a special emphasis on its influence on discipline at school. The aim of the thesis was to gather experiences of elementary school teachers with disciplinary probloms in pupils, to survey how pupils spend their free-time and to assess whether free-time activities can significantly influence behaviour of pupils at school. Theoretical part is focused on the terms "free-time" and "discipline" and is based on scientific literature. It shows functions of discipline, sense of its norms, causes of disciplinary problems and their displays. It also outlines ways of disciplinary problems prevention, characterizes education outside school and free-time facilities. In practical part are results from a questionnaire-survey and interviews about disciplinary problems of elementary school pupils and about ways in which they spend their free-time. These findings have been analyzed form both - pupils and teacher - aspects.
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A mixed methods study to explore and describe free time experience and substance use amongst youth who have dropped out of school in Cape TownBrink, Megan Lee January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Occupational Therapy) - MSc(OT) / School dropout particularly amongst youth living in impoverished areas is a major concern in South Africa because of limited opportunities and resources. Therefore, these youth may experience leisure boredom, engage in sensation seeking and other risky behaviours, such as substance use, which influences their health and wellbeing. However, little research has explored youth who have dropped out of school with a specific focus on their free time experience and use of substances.
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Volnočasové aktivity. Rozdílné možnosti trávení volného času dětí mladšího školního věku ve městě a na vesnici / Free time activities. Different leisure time options for younger school children in the city and the village.NIKODÝM, Radim January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the perception of different leisure time opportunities for younger school children in the city and in the village. The theoretical part describes leisure time,its functions, various definitions and different concepts of free time. Specifies younger school age and leisure time for children and youth. She also devotes herself to school and extracurricular leisure facilities.The practical part contains a survey using questionnaires that were distributed to the children of the junior school in the town and the village. The questionnaires concerned how children spend their free time, but above all how they perceive their leisure time. The conclusion of the practical part includes the evaluation of the questionnaire survey and evaluation of the research assumptions.
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Kritinio mąstymo metodų panaudojimas laisvalaikiu, dirbant socialinį darbą su vaikais / The usage of critical thinking methods in a social work with children in a free timeNavickaitė, Natalija 24 September 2008 (has links)
Kiekvieno paauglio sėkmė ir gerovė priklauso nuo mokėjimo mokytis ir gebėjimo apmąstyti nuolat gausėjančią ir besikeičiančią informaciją. Tad akivaizdu, kad neįmanoma visko išmokyti ir išmokti, tačiau įmanoma išugdyti gebančius mokytis visą gyvenimą, kritiškai mąstančius ir priimančius sėkmingus asmeninio bei profesinio gyvenimo sprendimus paauglius. Kritinio mąstymo įgūdžiai neleidžia pasiklysti informacijoje, padeda paaugliams suvokti stipriąsias ir silpnąsias puses, nusistatyti tikslus bei kryptingai jų siekti, protingai pasirinkti, o pakitus situacijai, iš naujo viską persvarstyti. Kritinis mąstymas priima įvairias nuomones, požiūrius, ir ypač vertina tuos, kurie yra pagrįsti stipriais argumentais. Naudodami įvairius mokymo būdus, metodus ir strategijas ugdytojai gali skatinti paauglių kritinį mąstymą ir savarankišką mokymąsi, kurti tokią klasės aplinką, kurioje vyrautų atviras ir atsakingas bendravimas.
Tyrimo objektas – paauglių pedagoginė sąveika, siekiant ugdyti kritinį mąstymą laisvalaikiu mokykloje.
Tikslas - atskleisti kritinio mastymo ugdymo metodų panaudojimo socialiniame darbe su vaikais, laisvalaikiu galimybes.
Tikslo siekiama sprendžiant šiuos uždavinius:
. Pateikti kritinio mastymo teorinį pagrindimą;
2. Išanalizuoti socialinio darbuotojo kritinio mąstymo metodų panaudojimo laisvalaikiu galimybes;
3. Aptarti laisvalaikio svarbą ugdant paauglių kritinį mąstymą;
4. Atlikti informacijos įsisavinimo laisvalaikiu, mokykloje pamokų metu galimybių, tyrimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The luck and welfare of each teenager depends upon the ability to study and to consider constantly increasing and changing information. Obviously, it is impossible to teach or to learn everything, but there is a great chance to develop lifelong learning, critically thinking teenagers, who could make successful decision in their personal or professional life. The skills of critical thinking guide through the flood of information, help teenagers to realize their strong and weak points, to set objects and try to attain them, to make sensible choice. Critical thinking accepts various opinions, attitudes and especially values the ones based on strong arguments. Using different ways, methods strategies of teaching the educator can stimulate teenagers’ critical thinking and independent learning; create the atmosphere where frank and responsible contacts prevail.
The object of study: teenagers’ pedagogical interaction trying to develop critical thinking at school.
The aim of study: to reveal the possibilities of using teaching methods of critical thinking in a social work with children.
The aim is attained by solving the following problems:
1. To present the theoretical reasoning of critical thinking.
2. To find out possibilities of using the methods of critical thinking of social worker during free time.
3. To discuss the importance of free time in developing teenagers’ critical thinking.
4. To do a research of taking information in at school and during free time.
The methods of... [to full text]
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Moksleivių požiūrio į laisvalaikį struktūrinė interpretacija / Structural interpretation of students attitude towards their free timePaplauskaitė, Agnė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Temos aktualumas ir problematiškumas. Kiekvieną dieną girdime apie plintantį jaunuolių nusikalstamumą, narkotikų, alkoholio vartojimą, nuo kurių poveikio apsaugoti jaunąją kartą yra mūsų visų bendras tikslas. Įdomi veikla po pamokų atitraukia moksleivį nuo tuščio, beprasmio laiko leidimo. Laisvalaikio metu atsiskleidžia paauglio intelektinės, dorovinės nuostatos, atsiranda įvairių bendradarbiavimo galimybių. Be to, užsiimdami gerai organizuota veikla moksleiviai patenkina savo poreikius ir interesus, skatinamas jų kūrybiškumas, saviraiška, laisvalaikis tampa viena didžiausių vertybių.
Tad nagrinėjama problema yra pačių moksleivių netinkamas požiūris į laisvalaikį kaip vertybę, netinkamas jo leidimo pasirinkimas ir su tuo susiję sunkumai, bei nepakankamas švietimo bei pedagogų dėmesys mokinių laisvalaikio bei užimtumo organizavimui.
Tikslas. Išsiaiškinti kokios vertybės šiuo metu svarbios šiuolaikiniam jaunimui, atskleisti kokią vietą tarpe jų užima laisvalaikis, koks moksleivių bei jiems dėstančių pedagogų požiūris į laisvalaikį kaip vertybę lyties ir am��iaus aspektu, bei atskleisti jo realizavimo sunkumus mokinių ugdymo procese.
• Išanalizuoti mokinių vertybinių orientacijų ypatumus.
• Pateikti jaunosios kartos laisvalaikio kaip vertybės formavimo pagrindinius veiksnius.
• Paanalizuoti šiandienines laisvalaikio problemas ir apžvelgti perspektyvas
• Išanalizuoti jau esamus tyrimų apie laisvalaikį duomenis.
• Ištirti moksleivių laisvalaikio leidimo formas ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance and problem of the subject. Every day we hear about growing criminality, use of drugs and alcohol of our teenagers. It is our general purpose to prevent this from getting bad to worse. Interesting activities after school can prevent students from empty, meaningless time spending. During free time, opens up teenagers’ intellectual, moral regulations, appears different opportunities of co-operation. Also, when they are busy with well organised activities, students satisfy their needs and interests, they gain more creativity and leisure becomes one of the biggest values.
Therefore a problem we analyse is students improper point of view to leisure as a valuable thing, wrong choice of activities and all difficulties connected to it. And also, teachers are not spending enough time keeping students amused and organising their leisure.
Aim of work. To find out what values are important to a modern youth, to discover how significant leisure is amongst them, what is teachers’ and students’ point of view to leisure as a valuable thing in sex and age aspect. Also to reveal its realization difficulties in a process of students raise.
• To analyse students valuable orientations’ peculiarities
• To present the main factors of leisure as a valuable thing formation of our youth
• To analyse today’s leisure problems and to look over its prospects
• To analyse already existing facts from research about leisure
��� To research how students spend their free time and their... [to full text]
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An Evaluation Of The Effects Of A Leisure Education Curriculum On Deliquents' Motivation, Knowledge, And Behavior Changes Related To BoredomFinn, Paul, Jr. 01 January 2006 (has links)
Adolescents today have more unsupervised and unstructured free time than ever before. Poor decisions by youth during periods of free time may lead to substance abuse, teen pregnancy and juvenile delinquency. The highest frequency of juvenile crime, a major social problem, occurs during the 2-4 hours following the end of the school day. Research has demonstrated the benefits of engaging adolecents in prosocial leisure activity. However, no research has studied the issues of free time and leisure education with a delinquent population. This paper documents the impact of a leisure education curriculum on a population of delinquent youth in a randomized experiment. The delinquent youths who received the leisure education reported higher intrinsic motivation and better use of free time. The delinquent youths also reported improved decision making related to their involvement in healthy, prosocial free time activities. Finally, the improvement in the delinquent youths' motivation influenced a significant decrease in the delinquent youths' proneness to boredom during their free time.
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Možnosti rozvoje aktivit pro volný čas mládeže ve věku 15-18 let a ukázky jejich realizace v Českých Budějovicích / The Possibilities of Development of Free-time Activities for the Youth at the Age of 15 - 18 and the Examples of Implementation Within České BudějoviceBENDA, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
This thesis concerns the posibiliies of development of free-time activities for the youth and gives examples of the implementation within České Budějovice. The thesis is devided into two parts {--} the first theoretical part describes the wide space of freee time and its significance in society, focuses on the specifics which are significant for the youth at the age of 15 {--} 18, their needs and activities in terms of free time. The second practical part analyses the offer of free-time activities for the youth in České Budějovice. The results of the research focusing on free time and the ways of its exploitation concerning the youth at the age of 15 {--} 18 in České Budějovice are introduced there.
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Role rodičů při realizaci volnočasových aktivit dětí mladšího školního věku / The role of parents in the realization of leisure-time activities of younger-school-age children.ŽIKEŠOVÁ, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with the role of parents in free time activities of younger school children. There are many reasons why to help children organise their free time because all aspects as educational, health and social skill development should be fulfilled. Suitable free time activities prevent children from socially pathological phenomena.
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Využití volného času středoškolské mládeže v regionu Klatovy / Using of free time by students from the secondary schools in Klatovy regionNEPRAŠOVÁ, Marcela January 2008 (has links)
Processing of problems of using free time by students in connection with possible risk behaviour with factors which influence adolescence, going to the secondary school, preference of free time activities and ways which influence these activities.
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