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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Songs and music as an aid in the teaching of the French language and French culture : a report of a Type C project /

Spaar, Virginia Lois. January 1961 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Teachers College, Columbia University, 1961. / Sponsor: Gerald Dykstra. Dissertation Committee: Harry Robert Wilson. Bibliography: leaves 246-252.

Education in a remote community : a critical analysis /

Baker, Chesley Scott, January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2001. / Bibliography: leaves 81-83.

Using multimedia to teach French language and culture

Lemoine, Florence Marie 16 April 2013 (has links)
In order for the study of French to survive in American higher education, it will be necessary to adopt a pedagogy that motivates learners as well as teaches them both language and culture. I argue that the judicious use of visual materials (film, video and graphic novels) is ideal for this undertaking. I further assert--based upon numerous sources from fields such as Second Language Acquisition, cognitive psychology, anthropology and sociolinguistics--that language and culture are inseparable, and that visual materials provide the necessary context to facilitate the teaching of both. Visual materials present both problems and opportunities. I discuss such difficulties as cognitive overload (i.e., students’ being overwhelmed by too much information in too short a period of time) and suggest practical solutions. I also present criteria for the selection of films, such as appropriateness, learning goals and appeal to US university students. I also show how authentic media such as video can be adapted for all proficiency levels (e.g., assigning beginners’ simple word recognition tasks). In considering graphic novels, I suggest a familiar comic strip, Tintin, which is appropriate for beginning to advanced students, and which is likely to appeal to all students, given its American film adaptation. In the appendices, I include applications of the points presented in this report. In the conclusion, I argue that, regardless of the length formal instruction in French, this pedagogy can support practical skills (for example, dealing with people from other cultures) and lifelong learning (for example, staying involved with French culture through the aforementioned media). / text

Analyse contextualisée de l'expérimentation d'une approche didactique canadienne implantée en contexte universitaire chinois pour l'enseignement du français / Contextualized analysis of the experimentation of a Canadian didactic approach imported to a Chinese university for teaching French

Mao, Rongkun 10 January 2017 (has links)
Avec comme arrière plan l’histoire du développement de la langue française en Chine dans le système éducatif, notamment dans l’enseignement supérieur depuis les années 2000, la présente étude s’intéresse à une université chinoise où le français est enseigné comme spécialité (étudiants de Benke) avec une méthode ethnosociolinguistique. L’intérêt de ce terrain est que, dès sa naissance, ce département de français a fait le choix d’un enseignement « différent », voire « innovant », notamment en expérimentant une approche didactique canadienne, l’Approche neurolinguistique (ou ANL). Pour ce faire, un travail considérable de « contextualisation » a été accompli en vue de préparer les enseignants et les étudiants à mieux travailler avec cette approche. Pourtant, malgré efforts et investissement, et contrairement ce qu’espéraient les acteurs impliqués, les étudiants ne semblent pas être convaincus par l’enseignement proposé. Inquiets pour leurs résultats, ils ont même développé, en parallèle et par eux-mêmes, un système d’auto-apprentissage, visiblement à l’opposé des principes fondamentaux de l’ANL. Même au sein de l’équipe d’enseignants, des discours et des actions divergentes génèrent tensions et « conflits » entre ceux qui font confiance à l’ANL et ceux qui doutent, entre ceux qui sont impliqués directement et ceux qui ne le sont pas. L’un des points récurrents de tension porte sur le niveau de français des étudiants. Des personnes « clés » ayant encouragé et fortement soutenu la réforme du département de français à son début se trouvent aujourd’hui dans l’embarras, et le résultat de la réforme entreprise par le département ne semble pas satisfaisant. D’un autre côté, l’expérimentation de l’ANL a attiré des regards venant de l’extérieur : des experts et/ou enseignants de français venant d’autres universités s’intéressent à cette expérimentation qu’il serait quasi impossible de réaliser chez eux, tout en (se) posant aussi beaucoup de questions. Toutes ces divergences de position, de vision, de discours et d’actions ont amené à conclure qu’en didactique des langues et des cultures (DDL), la question est loin d’être uniquement entre « langues » ou « cultures », ni simplement entre approches didactiques ou supports pédagogiques. Ainsi, « contextualiser » une approche didactique ne doit pas se limiter à s’adapter aux (dites) cultures éducatives locales, ou bien à se contenter de modifier des supports pédagogiques en changeant certain contenu. Des questions liées à la « contextualisation » restent à creuser. / The background of this doctoral dissertation is the historical development of French language teaching in China, especially at higher education level from the year 2000. Following an ethno-socio-linguistics perspective, this research offers a detailed analysis of a French department in a Chinese university where French language is taught as a major to bachelor-level students (benke). By using a Canadian language teaching approach called NLA, this department has chosen a different way to teach French compared to what can be observed in other Chinese universities. To do so, a great amount of work has been undertaken to contextualize this approach and make both teachers and students more familiar with it. However, despite a large amount of time, energy and effort to make this “contextualization” a success, students do not seem to be convinced this approach is suitable for them, which is, finally, quite disappointing for the actors involved. In addition, largely concerned with the risk of failure at the national exams, they have developed, in parallel, their own method of self-studying, applying principles which are opposed to NLA’s basic theoretical principles. Among teachers, disagreements (at different levels and to different extents), and sometimes conflicts (open or not), have also been observed. Considering that the results of these students on National exams are not satisfactory (depending on the years, at or slightly above or below the national average), those who pushed for the reform at the beginning, especially the leaders, now find themselves in an embarrassing situation. On the other hand, the experiment of NLA has drawn attention from outside the university: several French experts or teachers from other universities show great interest in this approach. Divergent positions, visions, discourses, and actions have brought out the conclusion that in terms of foreign languages teaching, problems are not only related to "language" or" culture", neither to teaching methods or materials. In conclusion, "contextualizing" a teaching method should not be limited to trying to be immersed in local educational culture, or to modifying the teaching methods while changing certain contents.Contextualized analysis of the experimentation of a Canadian didactic approach imported to a Chinese university for teaching French.

L'enseignement du français et son histoire dans les manuels scolaires en Grèce : aspects culturels / French language teaching and its history in the greek textbooks : cultural aspects

Mytaloulis, Konstantinos 23 January 2014 (has links)
Cette étude fait l’objet d’un double traitement des manuels de français utilisés en Grèce : d’une part, l’étude de leur histoire et, d’autre part, le recensement et l’analyse de leur dimension culturelle. Cette rétrospective nous permet de mieux cerner les lignes directrices des manuels, d’en dégager des constantes, des éléments communs, au cours des diverses époques étudiées et d’en confronter les données.Les manuels de notre recherche sont classés en deux catégories, les manuels du XIXe siècle et ceux qui sont datés principalement de la première décennie du XXIe siècle ou plus précisément ont été publiés entre 1998 et 2008.Nous voulons montrer par l’étude de la naissance de l’enseignement du français en Grèce qu’il y a un rapport étroit entre l’introduction du français en tant que discipline dans les cursus des écoles publiques grecques et les événements historiques des époques de référence. Ce travail permet de retrouver ainsi, les premières racines de la disciplinarisation du français langue étrangère en Grèce.À travers notre analyse des manuels contemporains, qui s’appuie sur l’observation d’un corpus de plus de vingt manuels de français en usage en Grèce dans les écoles de l’enseignement secondaire et primaire publics, nous nous interrogeons aussi sur le rôle de l’image en tant que porteur de culture dans les manuels et sur la façon de rendre l’acte didactique interculturel plus clair au moyen du traitement des dialogues. Est également posée la question de la valeur des dialogues qui figurent dans les manuels de FLE en tant que documents authentiques ou fabriqués et du métalangage utilisé. Le recensement des aspects culturels des manuels de notre corpus nous permet d’élaborer une grille d’analyse et d’évaluation d’un manuel de FLE. Cette grille sert à comparer les manuels quant à leur pertinence sur certains points précis et met en avant leurs rubriques consacrées aux aspects culturels. / This research intends to make a double study of Greek textbooks for French as a foreign language: on the one hand it examines the history of these textbooks in Greece and on the other hand it records and analyses their cultural dimension. This flashback allows us to distinguish more clearly the books’ guidelines, to deduce their constancy, the common elements of the different eras as well as to compare and contrast this data.The textbooks are divided into two categories, the 19th century textbooks and those dating mostly at the first decade of the 21st century, more specifically those published between 1998 and 2008.We would like to point out by studying the birth of the French language teaching in Greece that there is an unbreakable connection between the introduction of French as a taught subject in the curriculum of the Greek public schools and the historical events of that time period. This study allows us to find the origins of disciplinarization of the French language teaching in Greece.The examination of the contemporary textbooks, which is based on the analysis of a selection of more than twenty textbooks used in primary and secondary Greek schools, focuses firstly on the role of image as culture conveyor in the textbooks and secondly on the way we could make the teaching cultural act clearer through the study of dialogues. It refers also to the question of the value of the dialogues we come across often in the textbooks as authentic or fabricated productions as well as to the metalanguage used by them.The recording of the cultural aspects in the textbooks of our selection allows us to develop a chart which analyses and evaluates those which are used in teaching French as a foreign language. This chart serves in comparing and contrasting the textbooks concerning the accuracy of specific points and in demonstrating the rubrics dedicated to cultural elements.

Теличност као дистинктивно обележје аспектуалног значења у француском и српском језику / Teličnost kao distinktivno obeležje aspektualnog značenja u francuskom i srpskom jeziku / Literary Texts in Teaching French as a ForeignLanguage. The Analysis of ContemporaryFrench and Serbian/Serbo-Croatian Textbooksfor Learning French as a Foreign Language inElementary and High Schools

Simović Vesna 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет рада је анализа семантичке категорије теличности као дистинктивног обележја аспектуалног значења у француском и српском језику. Теличност представља једно од семантичких, односно инхерентних аспектуалних особина глаголских лексема или синтагми и означава постојање крајње тачке у одвијању глаголске радње. У теорији концептуалне семантике (Jackendoff 1996) теличност се дефинише као ограничење Путање, једне од основних концептуалних категорија, која заједно са категоријама Догађај и Време чини структуру глаголске ситуације.<br />Циљ рада је анализа начина на које теличност учествује у стварању аспектуалног значења у француском и српском језику. У анализи су посматране семантичке класе глагола кретања, као и класе глагола извођења, стварања и трошења код којих важну улогу у изражавању теличности има директни објекат. Примењена метода контрастивне анализе открива да између француског и српског језика у начинима изражавања теличности највећа сличност постоји код глагола кретања: у француском ограниченост осе путање обележавају предлози &agrave; и jusque (+&agrave;/en), док предлог vers указује на неограниченост путање; у српском, ограниченост путање и достизање циља у току кретања изражавају предлошко-падежне конструкције са акузативом, док предлошко-падежне конструкције са дативом означавају да циљ у току кретања није достигнут и да је путања неограничена. У оба језика уочава се семантичка усклађеност између типа глаголске ситуације и предлога у француском, односно предлошко-падежних конструкција и глаголског вида у српском језику: уз ателичне глаголске ситуације у француском, односно неограниченотрајне глаголе у српском јављају се синтагме уведене предлогом, односно предлошко-падежном конструкцијом који такође означавају неограничену осу путање у процесу кретања (marcher/nager/courir vers &ndash; ходати/пливати/трчати према ка); уз глаголе који означавају тренутне радње, у француском теличне глаголске ситуације, а у српском глаголе свршеног вида, јављају се синтагме уведене предлогом, односно предлошко-падежне конструкције које указују да је оса путање у току кретања ограничена (arriver/venir/entrer &agrave; &ndash; стићи/доћи/ући у). Код семантичких класа глагола извођења, стварања и трошења у француском и српском језику, међутим, уочава се извесна разлика у погледу изражавања теличности. У француском језику концептуализација објекта као ограниченог или неограниченог учествује у изражавању теличности, те се глаголске ситуације у којима је објекат изражен као неограничен интерпретирају као ателичне (lire des romans/&eacute;crire des lettres/manger des oranges), док се глаголске ситуације које подразумевају постојање објекта актуализованог као ограниченог, целовитог појма, посматрају као теличне (lire les romans/&eacute;crire les lettres/manger les oranges). И у српском језику уочава се улога директног објекта у односу на теличност, али је она у вези са градилачким процесима. Код семантичких класа српских глагола извођења, стварања и трошења телични карактер глаголске ситуације обележава се непостојањем трећег члана видске опозиције у оним случајевима када перфективни облик глагола означава да је радња у потпуности протекла кроз објекат, односно када објекат настане или нестане у целости током глаголске радње (читати &ndash; прочитати &ndash; *прочитавати / писати &ndash; написати &ndash; *написавати / трошити &ndash; потрошити &ndash; *потрошивати). Уколико је објекат модификован или трансформисан, могуће је продужити радњу и тада постоји трећи члан видске опозиције (писати &ndash; уписати &ndash; уписивати). У оба језика, дакле, на концептуалном нивоу уочавају се истоветне појмовне категорије које се на структурно-језичком плану формализују на различите начине.</p> / <p>Predmet rada je analiza semantičke kategorije teličnosti kao distinktivnog obeležja aspektualnog značenja u francuskom i srpskom jeziku. Teličnost predstavlja jedno od semantičkih, odnosno inherentnih aspektualnih osobina glagolskih leksema ili sintagmi i označava postojanje krajnje tačke u odvijanju glagolske radnje. U teoriji konceptualne semantike (Jackendoff 1996) teličnost se definiše kao ograničenje Putanje, jedne od osnovnih konceptualnih kategorija, koja zajedno sa kategorijama Događaj i Vreme čini strukturu glagolske situacije.<br />Cilj rada je analiza načina na koje teličnost učestvuje u stvaranju aspektualnog značenja u francuskom i srpskom jeziku. U analizi su posmatrane semantičke klase glagola kretanja, kao i klase glagola izvođenja, stvaranja i trošenja kod kojih važnu ulogu u izražavanju teličnosti ima direktni objekat. Primenjena metoda kontrastivne analize otkriva da između francuskog i srpskog jezika u načinima izražavanja teličnosti najveća sličnost postoji kod glagola kretanja: u francuskom ograničenost ose putanje obeležavaju predlozi &agrave; i jusque (+&agrave;/en), dok predlog vers ukazuje na neograničenost putanje; u srpskom, ograničenost putanje i dostizanje cilja u toku kretanja izražavaju predloško-padežne konstrukcije sa akuzativom, dok predloško-padežne konstrukcije sa dativom označavaju da cilj u toku kretanja nije dostignut i da je putanja neograničena. U oba jezika uočava se semantička usklađenost između tipa glagolske situacije i predloga u francuskom, odnosno predloško-padežnih konstrukcija i glagolskog vida u srpskom jeziku: uz atelične glagolske situacije u francuskom, odnosno neograničenotrajne glagole u srpskom javljaju se sintagme uvedene predlogom, odnosno predloško-padežnom konstrukcijom koji takođe označavaju neograničenu osu putanje u procesu kretanja (marcher/nager/courir vers &ndash; hodati/plivati/trčati prema ka); uz glagole koji označavaju trenutne radnje, u francuskom telične glagolske situacije, a u srpskom glagole svršenog vida, javljaju se sintagme uvedene predlogom, odnosno predloško-padežne konstrukcije koje ukazuju da je osa putanje u toku kretanja ograničena (arriver/venir/entrer &agrave; &ndash; stići/doći/ući u). Kod semantičkih klasa glagola izvođenja, stvaranja i trošenja u francuskom i srpskom jeziku, međutim, uočava se izvesna razlika u pogledu izražavanja teličnosti. U francuskom jeziku konceptualizacija objekta kao ograničenog ili neograničenog učestvuje u izražavanju teličnosti, te se glagolske situacije u kojima je objekat izražen kao neograničen interpretiraju kao atelične (lire des romans/&eacute;crire des lettres/manger des oranges), dok se glagolske situacije koje podrazumevaju postojanje objekta aktualizovanog kao ograničenog, celovitog pojma, posmatraju kao telične (lire les romans/&eacute;crire les lettres/manger les oranges). I u srpskom jeziku uočava se uloga direktnog objekta u odnosu na teličnost, ali je ona u vezi sa gradilačkim procesima. Kod semantičkih klasa srpskih glagola izvođenja, stvaranja i trošenja telični karakter glagolske situacije obeležava se nepostojanjem trećeg člana vidske opozicije u onim slučajevima kada perfektivni oblik glagola označava da je radnja u potpunosti protekla kroz objekat, odnosno kada objekat nastane ili nestane u celosti tokom glagolske radnje (čitati &ndash; pročitati &ndash; *pročitavati / pisati &ndash; napisati &ndash; *napisavati / trošiti &ndash; potrošiti &ndash; *potrošivati). Ukoliko je objekat modifikovan ili transformisan, moguće je produžiti radnju i tada postoji treći član vidske opozicije (pisati &ndash; upisati &ndash; upisivati). U oba jezika, dakle, na konceptualnom nivou uočavaju se istovetne pojmovne kategorije koje se na strukturno-jezičkom planu formalizuju na različite načine.</p> / <p>The subject of this dissertation is the presence,<br />position and role of literary texts in the<br />textbooks of French as a foreign language.<br />Though in the last few years a lot has been<br />written about the importance of using literary<br />texts in foreign language teaching and its<br />advantages in comparison to other types of<br />teaching material, French glotodidacticians<br />point to the fact that literary texts are used in<br />contemporary communication-oriented<br />textbooks as any other texts, with the primary<br />purpose of developing language skills. In order<br />to prove this hypothesis, the textbooks of<br />national and French authors in use in<br />elementary and high schools in Serbia are<br />analysed. As reading, that is, understanding a<br />text is a prerequisite to any further work on the<br />text, special attention is given to reading<br />strategies and models which facilitate students&rsquo;<br />access to literary texts used in textbooks. The<br />comparative approach allows us to gain insight<br />into similarities and differences in choosing<br />French authors and their work represented in<br />textbooks, the position of literary texts in<br />teaching unit, the ways they are presented and<br />the accompanying activities. These criteria are<br />used in the analysis of all textbooks: the ones by<br />our and French authors both for elementary<br />schools, and for high schools.</p>

Ciclo multimodal complexo de leitura em língua francesa / Reading complex multimodal cycle in French

Generoso, Lisa Paula 05 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-18T14:30:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Lisa Paula Generoso.pdf: 617508 bytes, checksum: cd5e57b2cb2bf461556657e3f72b2e88 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T14:30:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lisa Paula Generoso.pdf: 617508 bytes, checksum: cd5e57b2cb2bf461556657e3f72b2e88 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this research is to describe and interpret the phenomenon complex multimodal reading cycle in French, considering that multimodality is used to refer to different qualities of perception caused by different forms of sense production that involve different technologies, Rojo (2012) In this sense, multimodality suggests a look at five analytical methods: linguistic, visual, spatial, gestural and sonorous. The theoretical framework that supports this research is shaped by complexity, as envisioned by Morin (2006, 2009), reading from the multimodal perspective, as perceived by Rojo (2012), and the teaching of French as a Foreign Language, as conceived by Courtillon (2003). Methodologically, this study is grounded on the complex hermeneutic-phenomenological approach (AHFC), according to Freire (2007, 2010, 2012, 2015), who was initially based on van Manen (1990). This research engaged eight participants – beginners in the study of French as a foreign language - who work as public school teachers, dealing with various educational disciplines in various grades. The selection of these participants was motivated by the potential impact of the complex multimodal reading cycle on students of French, perceived by the researcher in her teaching experience. The research began with the identification of the participants’ profile, followed by classes that involved the reading of several classic texts. By the end of each class in which the complex multimodal cycle was developed, the participants produced “One minute Papers”, which revealed the way each one of them experienced this particular form of developing reading classes. The complex multimodal cycle of reading revealed that learning, knowledge, embarrassment, motivation, self-fulfillment, interest, and attention are the constructs that compound the phenomenon on focus in this study. This knowledge about the phenomenon becomes relevant since it may contribute to the development of the reading skill in French or other foreign languages in Brazil, inspiring further research and future applications / O objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever e interpretar o fenômeno ciclo multimodal complexo de leitura em língua francesa, sendo que a multimodalidade é utilizada para referir-se a diferentes qualidades de percepção sensorial provocadas por diversas formas de produção de sentido em que se envolvem diferentes tecnologias, Rojo (2012), na medida em que propõe um olhar para as cinco modalidades analíticas: a linguística, a visual, a espacial, a gestual e a sonora. A fundamentação teórica que sustenta a pesquisa encontra-se na complexidade, conforme a perspectiva de Morin (2006, 2009); na leitura, de acordo com a perspectiva multimodal de Rojo (2012) e no ensino de Francês como Língua Estrangeira, FLE, a partir do aporte de Courtillon (2003). Metodologicamente, este estudo se embasa na abordagem hermenêutico - fenomenológica complexa (AHFC), de acordo com Freire (2007, 2010, 2012, 2015), que se baseou, inicialmente, em van Manen (1990). Esta pesquisa contou com oito participantes, todos iniciantes no estudo da língua francesa, que atuam na rede pública como professores de variados ciclos pedagógicos e variadas disciplinas. A escolha deles foi motivada pelo impacto que o ciclo multimodal complexo de leitura em língua francesa pode potencialmente causar nos alunos, de acordo com a experiência prévia da pesquisadora que o utiliza nas aulas que leciona. A pesquisa teve início com o traçado do perfil de cada participante, seguido por aulas envolvendo a realização de várias leituras de textos clássicos. Ao final de cada aula em que o ciclo multimodal complexo de leitura foi utilizado, os participantes preencheram um instrumento denominado “One Minute Paper”, que revelou a vivência do fenômeno pela ótica de cada um. O ciclo multimodal complexo de leitura em língua francesa revelou que aprendizagem, conhecimento, constrangimento, motivação, autorrealização, interesse e atenção são os construtos que constituem a manifestação do fenômeno estudado nesta investigação. O conhecimento da essência do fenômeno em foco torna-se relevante, pois visa contribuir para o ensino de Francês e outras línguas estrangeiras no Brasil, inspirando novas pesquisas e aplicações futuras

An investigation of pedagogical approaches and methods used in a French university French-as-a-foreign-language program: teacher and student perspectives

Blackstone, Pam 01 October 2019 (has links)
This qualitative study has investigated a month-long French-as-a-foreign-language summer program. Its goal was to compare teacher (n=4) and student (n=6) perspectives regarding learning objectives, challenges, and preferred teaching/learning approaches and methods, and to evaluate results against Whyte (2011), who argued that a schism in French university language teaching leads to the dominance of explicit (traditional teacher-fronted) instruction at the expense of more communicative teaching approaches. Data collection took place via classroom observations, pre-course interviews and surveys, a post-course teacher focus group, and weekly student reflective logs. A total of 2,211 references were coded to 276 thematic nodes. Results suggest that the teachers involved primarily embrace a traditional classroom dynamic but apply strategies associated with multiple methods, providing evidence for use of what has become known as the Eclectic Method. Some alignment was found between teachers and students concerning goals, challenges, and teaching approaches, and mixed support was obtained for Whyte’s claim regarding a deficit of communicative language teaching, in that both explicit and implicit teaching were observed. / Graduate

Pohádky ve výuce francouzského jazyka / Fairy Tales in French Language Teaching

Stolínová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of fairy tales in French language teaching. The first part is dedicated to the definition of fairy tales as literary texts and to the presentation of general aspects related to the use of literary forms in foreign language teaching. The subsequent parts are focused exclusively on fairy tales. First of all, the fairytale genre is generally introduced. Afterwards, several ways of the application of fairy tales in French classes are outlined, with regard to the focus on language skills and sub-skills. The practical part includes more subsections, however, it mainly aims at the analysis of the role of fairy tales in French language teaching in the Czech Republic. Therefore, it consists of the analysis of significant French textbooks and of a questionnaire survey aimed at Czech lower secondary and high school teachers. The textbook analysis verifies the presence of fairy tales in didactic materials, whereas the aforementioned survey examines the experience and opinions of foreign language teachers on this issue. Finally, three worksheets, based on recently acquired knowledge, are created to serve as the source of inspiration and motivation for the use of fairy tales in foreign language teaching. KEYWORDS fairy tales, French language teaching, literary text,...

Přístup k rozvoji sociální a personální klíčové kompetence v učebnicích francouzského jazyka / Social and Personal Key Competence Development in Textbooks of French as a Foreign Language

Janouchová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with one of the most important parts of the concept of the Czech educational system - with so-called key competencies. It is focused on two key competencies - the personal and social competencies. In the theoretical part, it deals with notions of the personal and social competence in general - it is focused on the meaning of these two competencies and on the individual areas which they contain. In case of the social competence, the thesis focuses mainly on areas of social communication, social skills, social intelligence and so-called pro-social behaviour. In connection with the personal competence, it deals mainly with areas of self-knowledge, self-conception, self-evaluation, self- organization or self-regulation, as well as with the area of psychohygiene. Theoretical information about personal and social competencies is explicitly linked with language teaching. The practical part analyses four chosen French textbooks and evaluates them in terms of their potentiality to develop both competencies. It evaluates whether the chosen textbooks develop personal and social competencies and if so - to which extent.

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