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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tvorba SW pro generování signálu simulující závady rotačních systémů / SW for signal generation simulating rotary system faults

Martínek, Marek January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and creation of an algorithm for generating simulated signal data from a vibration diagnostics device. The first part is focused on theoretical acquaintance with vibration diagnostics and characteristics of individual defects of rotary machines. The next part deals with the possibilities of mathematical and kinematic simulations using a computer software. The main part of this work is dedicated to design and creation of software for generating simulated signal data. In the last part, the principle of simulation of specific defects of rotary machines is clearly demonstrated.

Klasifikace mikrospánku analýzou EEG / Classification of microsleep by means of analysis EEG signal

Ronzhina, Marina January 2009 (has links)
This master thesis deals with detection of microsleep on the basis of the changes in power spectrum of EEG signal. The results of time-frequency analysis are input values for the classifikation. Proposed classification method uses fuzzy logic. Four classifiers were designed, which are based on a fuzzy inference systems, that are differ in rule base. The results of fuzzy clustering are used for the design of rule premises membership functions. The two classifiers microsleep detection use only alpha band of the EEG signal’s spectrogram then allows the detection of the relaxation state of a person. Unlike to first and second classifiers, the third classifier is supplemented with rules for the delta band, which makes it possible to distinguish the 3 states: vigilance, relaxation and somnolence. The fourth classifier inference system includes the rules for the whole spectrum band. The method was implemented by computer. The program with a graphical user interface was created.

Identifikace parametrů elektroencefalografického snímacího systému / Identification of the parameters of an electroencephalographic recording system

Svozilová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Elektroencefalografický záznamový systém slouží k vyšetření mozkové aktivity. Na základě tohoto vyšetření lze stanovit diagnózu některých nemocí, například epilepsie. Účelem této práce bylo zpracování signálu z toho systému a vytvoření modelového signálu, který bude s reálným signálem porovnán. Uměle vytvořený signál vychází z Jansenova matematického modelu, který byl dále implementován v prostředí MATLAB a rozšířen ze základního modelu na komplexnější zahrnující nelinearity a model rozhraní elektroda – elektrolyt. Dále bylo provedeno měření signálů na EEG fantomu a následná identifikace parametrů naměřených signálu. V první fázi byly testovány jednoduché signály. Identifikace parametrů těchto signálů sloužila k validaci daného EEG fantomu. V druhé fázi bylo přistoupeno k testování EEG signálů navržených podle matematického Jansenova modelu. Analýza veškerých signálů zahrnuje mimo jiné časově frekvenční analýzu či ověření platnosti principu superpozice.

Analýza akusticko-vibračních parametrů kolejového roštu / The analysis of acoustic and dynamic parameters of the track skeleton

Ratislavová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on experimental measurement and acoustic and dynamic behavior analysis of railway construction with the Y – steel sleepers and their comparison with concrete sleepers. The measurements were taken in situ, in suitable sections of a railway line. These sections meet the requirements of regional railway tracks in the Czech Republic. Monitored parameters were obtained by measuring a response of testing trains and were analyzed using frequency and time analysis. Based on these evaluations, comparisons of particular constructions and their recommendations for practice were made.

Analýza akustických a vibračních parametrů od železniční dopravy / Analysis of acoustic and vibration parameters from rail transport

Turčíková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on operational testing of selected railway lines with different structures of superstructure. For the measurement purposes suitable measuring sections in directional curves on the rail corridors were chosen and suitable measuring methodology was designed. Based on all the tests the dynamic and acoustic parameters of tested structures were determined. For the test evaluations suitable mathematic methods in both time and frequency zone was chosen. Part of my work is also to compare the parameters of the tested structures and to make recommendations for practise.

Odvození slovníku pro nástroj Process Inspector na platformě SharePoint / Derivation of Dictionary for Process Inspector Tool on SharePoint Platform

Pavlín, Václav January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis presents methods for mining important pieces of information from text. It analyses the problem of terms extraction from large document collection and describes the implementation using C# language and Microsoft SQL Server. The system uses stemming and a number of statistical methods for term extraction. This project also compares used methods and suggests the process of the dictionary derivation.

Identifikace parametrů synchronního motoru s permanentními magnety / Parameter Identification of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

Veselý, Ivo January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to design identification methods for identifying a permanent magnet synchronous motor. The whole identification and motor control is carried out in d-q coordinates, and the program used for processing and control was the matlab simulink, together with the real time platform DSpace. The work focuses on two main areas of identification, off-line identification and on-line identification. For offline identification the frequency analysis was used with the lock rotor test to get three main parameters. They are the quadrature and direct inductances and stator resistance. In the online mode, the identified parameters were extended to magnet flux _f identified by MRAS method. The remaining parameters were again identified by frequency analysis, which was adapted into online mode, and simultaneously applied to the identification of several part in one time. The next method is Newton method, which is used for estimating stator resistance of the motor, without the need to apply any signal.

Evaluating the effectiveness of collisionavoidance functions using state-of-the-artsimulation tools for vehicle dynamics

Sengupta, Abhinav, Gurov, Alexey January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to gain knowledge of how and to what extent state-of-the-artsimulation tools can be used in a conceptual development phase for vehicle dynamics control atVolvo Car Corporation (VCC).The first part of the thesis deals with an evaluation of vehicle dynamics simulation tools and theiruses. The three simulation tools selected for the study, namely Mechanical Simulation CarSim 8.2.1,IPG CarMaker 4.0.5, and VI-Grade CarRealTime V14, are briefly described and discussed. In order toevaluate and compare these tools with respect to application for vehicle dynamics control, a criterialist is developed covering aspects such as tool requirements and intended usage. Based on thecriteria list and certain identified drawbacks, a ranking of the tools is made possible. Furthermore,the process of developing vehicle models for the different tools is discussed in detail, along with theprocedure of validating the vehicle models.In the second part, the concept of Collision Avoidance Driver Assistance (CADA) function isintroduced and possible approaches for developing CADA functions are discussed in brief. It isimportant to note that the CADA functions in this work are based on cornering the vehicle i.e.maneuvering around the threat, rather than solely reducing vehicle speed. A number ofimplementations of the functions are developed in Simulink. A frequency analysis of a simplifiedlinear vehicle model is performed to investigate the influence of steering, differential braking, andtheir combination on the resultant lateral displacement of the vehicle during an evasive maneuver.The developed CADA functions are then simulated using the vehicle simulation tools. Two specificmetrics - Lateral Displacement gain and DeltaX - are formulated to evaluate the effectiveness of theCADA functions. Based on these metrics, the assistance obtained due to the functions for a specificevasive maneuver is compared.From the evaluation process of the three tools, two were considered suitable for the purpose ofsimulating collision avoidance functions. The evaluation of the CADA functions demonstrates thatcombined assistive steering with differential braking provides considerable assistance in order toavoid collisions. The simulation results also present interesting trends which provide a usefuldirection regarding the conditions for intervention by such collision avoidance functions during anevasive maneuver. The use of simulation tools makes it possible to observe these trends and utilizethem in the development process of the functions.

Hodný, zlý a ošklivý (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) : The representation of three minority groups in printed media discourse from the Czech Republic / Den gode, den onde, den fule : tre minoritetsgruppers representation i tjeckisk mediediskurs

Elmerot, Irene January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att göra en kvantitativ, korpusbaserad undersökning av den språkliga andrafieringen av tre minoritetsgrupper: romer, vietnameser och ukrainare, i den tjeckiska mediadiskursen under 15 år, samt att få ett omfattande, representativt resultat genom att jämföra neutrala, positiva och negativa adjektiv som står intill sökorden. Till teoretisk grund ligger hur språket hjälper till att bygga och förstärka maktstrukturer samt hur korpussökningar efter kollokationer och närliggande ord kan tydliggöra en språklig andrafiering. Här används en kvantitativ metod för att besvara analytiska frågor om dessa benämningar. Materialet som ligger till grund för analysen är SYN version 4 i det tjeckiska Nationalkorpuset – i sin helhet består det av 275 miljoner meningar. Det verkar inte tidigare ha utförts någon sådan undersökning på ett så stort material, även om några forskare har använt liknande metoder. Resultatet bekräftar att de olika grupperna beskrivs på olika sätt, och är, genom det stora källmaterialet, ett bevis på hur språket i mediadiskursen speglar diskursen i samhället i stort.

Political Parties on the Move: Computational Scaling Method Applied to Swedish Parliamentary Debates / Politiska Partier i Rörelse: Datorbaserad Skalningsmetod Applicerad på Svenska Riksdagsdebatter

Källström Ståhlgren, Carl-Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Over the years, a variety of methods have been used in order toestimate policy positions for political parties in national parliaments. This papersets out to apply a novel computational method called Wordfish and apply it to aheavily under-researched form of political text, parliamentary speeches.Quantitative studies of this sort are even more rare the case in Sweden in whichquantitative studies on parliamentary speeches is close to non-existent. In anattempt to contribute to fill the gap in literature this study uses scaling techniqueusing word frequencies and to estimate positions of 4 Swedish political partiesalong two dimensions in political space. By observing the estimated movement bythese 4 parties over a 20-year time period one can draw conclusions of theSwedish political space and how it has shifted over time. One can also evaluatethe chosen method on this specific research material, a combination that has notbeen seen before. The results suggest that there is fine tuning that needs to bedone when using Wordfish considering the output was not in line with conventionalwisdom and previous research. The studied did show interesting movementtowards the authoritarian extreme by the two largest parties in Swedish nationalpolitics.

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