Spelling suggestions: "subject:"und budget"" "subject:"fund budget""
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Lietuvos Respublikos pensijų sistemos reformos praktiniai aspektai / Pension system reform practice aspects in the Lithuanian RepublicFedaravičienė, Vera 24 February 2010 (has links)
Viešojo sektoriaus ekonomikos magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, kadangi darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos valstybinių pensijų sistema. Pensijų sistema – tai vienas iš socialinės apsaugos elementų. Socialinis draudimas yra pagrindinis institutas, apsaugantis pilietį rinkos ekonomikos sąlygomis. Prieš penkis metus Lietuvoje pradėta įgyvendinti valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sistemos reforma. Ši reforma reiškia dalinį valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sistemos privatizavimą. Šis žingsnis susilaukė ir kritikos ir pritarimo. Lietuvos mokslininkai, atlikę skaičiavimus ir statistinius tyrimus labai kritikavo ir tebekritikuoja atliktą reformą. Pasak juos, reformuota pensijų sistema nėra teisinga, daugiausia nuo jos nukentės dabartiniai pensininkai, bei vyresni dabartiniai darbuotojai, nepatenkantys į sistemą (Gylys, 2002). Atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sistema sukuria didesnį socialinį saugumą, nei privačių pensijų sistemos (Bitinas, 2008). Beje Lietuvoje privačios pensijų sistemos kuriamos valstybinio socialinio draudimo pensijų sąskaita. Įgyvendinus pensijų reformą, turi būti nagrinėjama, kokį socialinį poveikį pensijų sistema turės ateityje. Pensijų sistema turi būti valdoma siekiant socialinio teisingumo.
Laisvosios rinkos instituto ekspertai pritaria pensijų sistemos privatizavimui, jie teigia, kad norint išgelbėti žmonių pensijas, o ne dabartinę socialinio draudimo sistemą, reikia esminių reformų, kurių galutinis tikslas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Public Sector Economics Master's final thesis topic is of interest because we consider the Lithuanian state pension system. Pension system - is one of the elements of social protection. Social security is the basic institution which protects the national market economy. Five years ago Lithuania was launched in the state social insurance pension system reform. This reform is part of the state social insurance pension system privatization. This step and the context of criticism and support. Lithuanian scientists perform calculations and statistical analysis is very critical and critical carried out the reform. According to the reformed pension system is not fair, they will suffer most from the current retirees and older workers today, outside the system (Gylys, 2002). Studies have shown that the state social insurance pension system creates greater social security or private pension systems (Bitinas, 2008). By the way Lithuania private pension system developed state social insurance pension account. The implementation of pension reform should address the question of the social impact of the pension system will in the future. Pension system should be managed in the interest of social justice.
Free Market Institute, experts agree the privatization of the pension system, they argue that in order to save people's pensions, rather than the current Social Security system needs radical reform, with the ultimate aim of the mandatory state social insurance waiver.
However, the social... [to full text]
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Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo biudžeto problema ciklinio ekonomikos vystymosi sąlygomis ir jos sprendimo būdai / State Social Insurance Fund budget problem due to cyclical economic development and the ways of its solutionRukaitė, Rasa 05 July 2011 (has links)
Viešojo sektoriaus ekonomikos magistro darbo tema yra ypatingai aktuali tiek valstybei, tiek šalies gyventojams. Kiekvienoje valstybėje yra labai svarbu garantuoti socialinę apsaugą kiekvienam jos piliečiui, todėl socialinio draudimo fondo biudžetas turi būti planuojamas itin atidžiai. Įvairiais ekonomikos vystymosi etapais atsiranda socialinio draudimo fondo biudžeto sudarymo problemų, kurios ypatingai aktualios esant ekonominiam nuosmukiui, nes susidaro didžiausia problema – Valstybinio socialinio draudimo deficitas.
Socialinės išmokos ir užtikrintas jų gavimas, kai netenkama pajamų yra labai svarbus, tačiau esant dideliam biudžetui deficitui atsiranda pavojus, kad išmokų mokėjimas gali sutrikti arba išmokos mažėti. 2008 m. atsiradęs didžiulis biudžeto deficitas kelia nerimą net tik socialinio draudimo valdybai, kuri atsakinga yra už jo vykdymą, bet ir gyventojams, nes tai gali paliesti kiekvieną iš jų. Dėl šios priežastys svarbu tirti Valstybinio socialinio draudimo biudžetą ir pateikti rekomendacijas, kaip jį subalansuoti. Pagrindinė tyrime analizuojama problema – VSDF biudžeto deficitas, kuris susidaro ekonomikai vystantis cikliškai. Tyrimo objektas – Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo biudžetas. Tyrimo tikslas – atkleisti Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo priklausomybę nuo ekonominių ciklų ir pateikti siūlymus kaip sumažinti jų neigiamą poveikį socialinio draudimo biudžetui. Šiame moksliniame darbe iškeltam tikslui pasiekti yra nustatomi šie uždaviniai:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master's thesis in Public Sector Economics is particularly relevant to both the state and the country's residents. Ensuring social protection is very important for each citizen so the Social Insurance Fund budget must be planned very carefully. During the economic development various problems of the social insurance fund budget appear which are particularly relevant during economic downturn. In this period the main problem is the state social security fund budget deficit.
To ensure benefits when there is the loss of income is very important, but when the budget has deficit the social payments can be irregular, o social benefits may go down. The budget deficit in 2008 is a matter of concern not only for State social Insurance Fund border but also for every citizen, because reduction of benefits can affect everyone. For this reasons it is important to investigate the state social insurance fund budget and set recommendations on how to balance it. Deficit in State social Security Fund budget resulting from the cyclical economy is the main problem analyzed in the study. The object of investigation - the State Social Insurance Fund budget. The goal of this research – to discover State Social Insurance Fund's dependence on economic cycles and provide advice to minimize negative impact due to cyclical fluctuations on the social security budget. The objectives of the research: to describe the concept of social security its history, social policy Lithuania, to describe and... [to full text]
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Sveikatos priežiūros išlaidų Kauno apskrityje vertinimas / Assessment of Health Care Expenditures in Kaunas CountyBanienė, Osvalda 16 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – išlaidos sveikatos priežiūrai.
Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti sveikatos priežiūros išlaidas Kauno apskrityje.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Atlikus išlaidų sveikatos priežiūrai ir gyventojų sergamumo Kauno apskrityje analizę įvertinti jų kitimo tendencijas bei įtakojančius veiksnius.
2. Parengti sveikatos priežiūros išlaidų naudojimo vertinimo metodiką.
3. Pateikti sveikatos priežiūros išlaidų naudojimo gerinimo galimybes.
Tyrimo metodai. Analizuojant teorinius išlaidų sveikatos priežiūrai ir sergamumo aspektus, naudoti bendramoksliniai tyrimo metodai – mokslinės literatūros, teisės aktų, elektroninių informacijos šaltinių analizė ir sintezė. Įvertinant sveikatos priežiūros išlaidų įtaką gyventojų sergamumui Kauno apskrityje naudoti ekonominiai – statistiniai duomenų rinkimo bei analizės metodai, loginė analizė ir sintezė, sisteminimas, palyginimas, modeliavimas. Surinktai statistinei informacijai apdoroti ir sisteminti panaudoti grupavimo, palyginimo ir grafinio vaizdavimo būdai.
Tyrimo rezultatai:
• Pirmoje darbo dalyje išnagrinėta išlaidų sveikatos priežiūrai įtaka sergamumui Kauno apskrityje ir nustatyti veiksniai įtakojantys šias išlaidas. Nustatyta, kad išlaidos sveikatos priežiūrai paskirstomos neefektyviai.
• Antroje darbo dalyje parengta išlaidų sveikatos priežiūrai ir sergamumo sąveikos tyrimo metodika, išskiriant svarbiausius vertinimo etapus bei tyrimo metodus.
• Trečioje darbo dalyje atlikta išlaidų sveikatos priežiūrai ir sergamumo Kauno apskrityje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objectives: 1. To analyze the expenditures for health care and morbidity in Kaunas county, to assess their trends and influencing factors. 2. To pepare methodology for the assessment of health care expenditures. 3. To provide improvement opportunities for health care expenditures. Research methods. analysis and synthesis of literature, law, electronic information sources, statistical data collection and analysis, logical analysis and synthesis, organization, comparison, simulation, clustering and visualization techniques. Research results • The first part of the work analyzes the influence of expenditures for health care on the sickness rate in Kaunas County and identifies the determining factors. It is found that health care expenditures are allocated inefficiently. • The second part of the work develops research methodology for interaction of healthcare expenditures and the sickness rate, highlighting the most important stages of the evaluation and research methods. • The third part of the work analyzes the the determining factors of healthcare expenditures and the sickness rate in Kaunas county. The improvement of health insurance funding in Kaunas county is provided.
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Lietuvos respublikos sveikatos draudimo sistemos įvertinimas / Estimation of health insurance system in LithuaniaJankauskaitė, Vilma 30 May 2005 (has links)
The masters’s final work is written in Lithuania and consist of 80 pages, 20 Figures, 14 Tables, 38 References, 4 Appendixes. Research object: health insurance system in Lithuania. Research subject: health insurance. Research aim: to evaluate the system of health insurance in Lithuania and to present it’s development in perspective. Objectives: to analyze the theoretical aspects of health insurance and development of health insurance system in Lithuania, to fulfill the analysis of the accumulation of the income of Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Budget and distribution of the already accumulative finance, to define the factors determining the variations of income and expense; to provide the recommendations for the development of health insurance system in Lithuania. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of literature, logical analysis and synthesis, vertical analysis, methods of graphic modeling and forecast calculations. After studying the legislations of the Republic of Lithuania, scientific research works by various authors on the subject of health insurance in Lithuania, the analysis and evaluation of health insurance system as well as recommendations for the development of health insurance system were performed.
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Valstybinio socialinio draudimo sistemos įvertinimas ir perspektyvos / Evaluation and Perspectives of State Social Insurance SystemMažonienė, Kristina 02 June 2005 (has links)
Research object: the system of state social insurance. Research aim: to evaluate the state social insurance system and forecast it’s prospects. Objectives: to present a general conception of the state social insurance system; to determine a dependency of different welfare state traditions and the state social insurance system; to determine administration and financing means of the entire system; to analyze the state social insurance system in Lithuania; to evaluate the trends of the state social insurance in Lithuania and implemented reform of the system; to foresee long-term and short-term perspectives of state social insurance system. Research methods: descriptive and graphical, data systemization methods, comparative analyses, logic analyses and syntheses, analysis of literature and practical experience of individual countries. Study of periodical literature by different authors as well as legislative base on the state social insurance system’s activity helped to determine problems of this system, methods of their solution, prepare forecasts of the state social insurance development.
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Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemos finansavimo įvertinimas ir tobulinimas / Evaluation and Improvement of Financing of Lithuanian Compulsory Health Insurance SystemPovilaitienė, Dalia 14 January 2009 (has links)
Magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas, 76 puslapių, 21 paveikslo, 2 lentelių, 68 literatūros šaltinių, 12 priedų, lietuvių kalba.
Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemos finansavimas.
Tyrimo dalykas – privalomasis sveikatos draudimas.
Darbo tikslas – atlikus Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemos finansavimo analizę, nustatyti finansavimo problemas ir pateikti pasiūlymus jo tobulinimui.
Uždaviniai: išnagrinėti sveikatos draudimo teorinius aspektus, sukurti Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemos finansavimo įvertinimo metodiką, įvertinti Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo finansavimo modelį, atskleisti sveikatos draudimo sistemos privalumus ir trūkumus, indentifikuoti privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemos finansavimo problemas, ištirti ir įvertinti veiksnius labiausiai įtakojančius Privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo biudžetą, pateikti sveikatos draudimo sistemos finansavimo tobulinimo galimybes.
Iškeltai problemai tirti ir rezultatams gauti naudoti šie tyrimo metodai: specialiosios literatūros bendrieji moksliniai tyrimo metodai – literatūros analizė ir sintezė, sisteminė analizė, loginė analizė ir sintezė, loginio ir grafinio modeliavimo metodai, daugiafaktorinė regresinė analizė, prognoziniai skaičiavimai.
Nagrinėjant Lietuvos autorių mokslinius straipsnius, periodinę spaudą, užsienio autorių mokslinius darbus apie sveikatos draudimo sistemą, atlikta Lietuvos privalomojo sveikatos draudimo sistemos finansavimo analizė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research project is written in Lithuanian language and comprises of 76 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables, 68 references, 12 appendices.
Research object: financing of Lithuanian compulsory health insurance system.
Research subject: compulsory health insurance.
Research aim: to evaluate the financing system of compulsory health insurance in Lithuania and to define the problems and opportunity of improvement.
Objectives: to analyse the theoretical aspects of health insurance, create methodology of financing evaluation of Lithuanian compulsory health insurance system, evaluate model of financing of Lithuanian compulsory health insurance system, show advantages and disadvantages of health insurance system, identify problems of financing of compulsory health insurance system, analyse and evaluate factors significantly effecting compulsory health insurance fund budget, provide the recommendations for the improvement of financing of Lithuanian compulsory health insurance system.
For solving problems and research results the following research methods were used: general scientific research methods of special literature - analysis and synthesis of literature, systemic analysis, logical analysis and synthesis, methods of graphic and logical modelling, multifactor regression analysis, forecast calculations.
During the research of scientific articles by Lithuanian authors, periodic printings, scientific works by foreign authors about health insurance system, analysis of financing of... [to full text]
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Analýza možnosti čerpání finančních prostředků z fondů EU na financování rozvojových aktivit obcí, konkretizace na příkladu města v ČR / Analysis of the Possibility to Draw Financial Means on the European Union's Funds for the Financing of Developing Activities in Municipalities, a concrete manifestation on an example of a town in the Czech RepublicKoutecká, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the analysis of the option of drawing financial means from the European Union's funds to finance the development activities of municipalities. Thanks to the membership of the Czech Republic in the European Union, the municipalities may draw the subsidies to increase not only their own standard of living, but also of the whole region. After classifying the basic terms focused on the public administration, the municipality budget is introduced in more detail as well as the options for subsidies on various levels of public administration, especially through the structural funds of the European Union. The practical part of the thesis makes a more detailed analysis of the budget of the Boží Dar municipality between 2006 and 2012, including the interview survey-based assessment of the impact of implemented projects on the whole municipality as well as the businesses there.
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Návrh financování investice společnosti Zámoraví, a.s z fondů Evropské Unie / Project financed the investment company Zámoraví, a.s. from EU fundsGabrhelík, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The final theses deals with elaboration of project needed to gain dotation from Control agenda Axes I to modernize animal husbandry in Zamoravi Ltd.agriculture company.
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Vybraná investice v obci a možnosti jejího financování / Selected Investements in the Municipality and their Financing PossibilitiesSzusciková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on a public funding; mainly on possibilities of public financial investment. Theoretical part discusses about means which municipalities dispose on their financial intent. In this connection, both Czech and European funding are closely analyzed. Practical part of diploma thesis poses as an investment study. Firstly, particular investment has been chosen; sequentially, all possible types of funding have been confronted among each other. Goal of that thesis is evaluation of all available funding, including concept of the most suitable solution dedicated to municipal council.
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Sveikatos draudimo sistema ir jos tobulinimas / Health Insurance System and Its ImprovementZubrickienė, Aida 29 May 2006 (has links)
The master’s final work is written in Lithuanian language, consists of 77 Pages, 23 Figures, 16 Tables, 54 References, and 11 Appendixes. KEY Words: health insurance, health insurance system, compulsory health insurance, additional (voluntary) health insurance, health insurance Fund, Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Budget, health insurance payments, financing of health attendance, health attendance costs, efficiency. Research object: health insurance system. Research subject: health insurance. Research aim: after analyzing the theoretical and practical aspects of health insurance, to evaluate health insurance system in Lithuania, to foresee its perspectives and to provide the proposals for development. Objectives: to show the theoretical aspects of health insurance, to evaluate health system in Lithuania according to the chosen criterion (financing model, incomes, costs), to foresee the perspectives of health system and to provide the proposals for development. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of literature, logical analysis and synthesis, filing, comparison, vertical and horizontal analysis, simple linear regression and correlation, forecast calculations, diagrammatical representation of data. Health insurance system in Lithuania was analyzed and evaluated as well as the proposals for it’s development were presented by using scientific literature of foreign and Lithuanian authors, legislation, chronicles of statistics and electronic information sources.
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