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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patrones funerarios de San Pedro de Atacama y el problema de la presencia de los contextos tiwanaku

Stovel, Emily 10 April 2018 (has links)
Funerary ritual in San Pedro de Atacama: evidence for Tiwanaku interment?Given the homogeneous nature of mortuary practices among the Prehispanic residents of San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, atypical graves have been interpreted as evidence for foreigners buried among the local dead in San Pedro cemeteries. This study reexamines graves generally attributed to colonizers from Tiwanaku (AD 500-1000). Emphasizing contexts with gold and silver, detailed comparison is made between the mortuary practices of San Pedro and Tiwanaku. These analyses and data coincide in challenging the efficacy of the colonization model, and support instead the model of indirect Tiwanaku presence that Berenguer (1998) termed "clientage". Confirmation of Tiwanaku tombs similar to the San Pedro graves is lacking, given the importance of Tiwanaku pottery in altiplano tombs, in comparison with the placement of individual Tiwanaku objects in San Pedro graves that otherwise contain only objects of local origin, as well as the possibility that gold and silver objects found in San Pedro graves came from places other than Tiwanaku, it is premature to assign Tiwanaku identity to San Pedro's atypical tombs. / Dada la homogeneidad de las prácticas funerarias de los habitantes prehispánicos de San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, los entierros de carácter excepcional han sido interpretados como producto de la presencia de individuos foráneos en la zona. El presente trabajo retoma los casos y objetos típicamente asociados a la colonización tiwanaku (entre 500 y 1000 d.C.), y poniendo énfasis sobre todo en los contextos con oro y plata, hace una comparación detallada entre los patrones funerarios sanpedrinos y tiwanaku. Los datos presentados coinciden para rechazar el modelo colonizador y apoyan al modelo indirecto de presencia tiwanaku de "clientelaje" (Berenguer 1998). Se establece que, dada la escasez de información sobre prácticas funerarias estatales, la importancia de la cerámica en los entierros altiplánicos recuperados cuando los ejemplos sanpedrinos carecen de la misma, la incorporación casi exclusiva del material cultural tiwanaku en contextos de carácter local y la posibilidad de que los objetos de oro puedan proceder de otros lugares no basta para confirmar una identidad tiwanaku a estos entierros excepcionales.

As práticas mortuárias dos caçadores-coletores pré-históricos da região de Lagoa Santa (MG): um estudo de caso do sítio arqueológico \"Lapa do Santo\" / The mortuary practices of pre-historic hunter-gatherers from Lagoa Santa region: a case study of the Santo Rockshelter archaeological site

Strauss, André Menezes 20 August 2010 (has links)
A região de Lagoa Santa é mundialmente famosa pela quantidade, qualidade e antiguidade dos remanescentes esqueletais humanos nela encontrados. Entretanto, muito pouco é conhecido sobre as práticas mortuárias dos grupos que ocuparam a região. A versão vigente na literatura é que essas eram extremamente simples, expeditas e homogêneas. Na presente dissertação esse quadro é questionado. A partir da descrição dos 26 sepultamentos encontrados na Lapa do Santo, foi possível determinar que diferentes padrões funerários se sucederam ao longo do Holoceno. Portanto, as práticas mortuárias da região não apresentam a alegada homogeneidade cronológica. Dentre os padrões de sepultamento identificados no sítio, o de número 1 se destaca não só pela sua antiguidade (8800-8200 AP), mas por apresentar uma forte ênfase na manipulação do corpo, incluindo o caso de decapitação mais antigo do Novo Mundo. Portanto, o registro da Lapa do Santo indica um quadro muito mais complexo e sofisticado para a paisagem mortuária da região de Lagoa Santa do que aquele proposto pela literatura. Mais do que isso, mostra que, ao contrário do que se imaginava, a ênfase na manipulação do corpo no início do Holoceno não era uma característica limitada à região andina. / The Lagoa Santa region is famous for the quantity, quality and antiquity of its human skeletal remains. However, little is known about the mortuary practices of those who inhabited the region. According to literature this practices were very simple, expedient and homogeneous. In this dissertation, this scenario is challenged. Based on the descriptions of 26 human burials found in Lapa do Santo it was established that several distinct burial patterns occurred in the site during Holocene. Thereafter, the idea that in Lagoa Santa the mortuary practices were chronologically homogeneous can no longer be supported. Among the different burial patterns indentified in this site Pattern 1 highlights not only for its antiquity (8800-8200 BP) but also because it presents a strong emphasis in the manipulation of the body, including the oldest case of decapitation ever recorded in the New World. Thereafter, the burials from Lapa do Santo points to a more complex scenario for the mortuary practices in the region of Lagoa Santa than was previously though. Besides, it shows that contrary to was once believed, the emphasis on body manipulation during Early Holocene was not restricted to the Andean region, as was once thought. The mortuary practices of pre-historic hunter-gatherers from Lagoa Santa region: a case study of the Santo Rockshelter archaeological site.

Evidence of Early Cultures in the Palpa Valleys on the South coast of Perú / Evidencias de culturas tempranas en los valles de Palpa, costa sur del Perú

Reindel, Markus, Isla, Johny A. 10 April 2018 (has links)
After the pioneering work of Julio C. Tello, Frédéric Engel and John H. Rowe on the Formative and Preceramic periods, few advances have been made in the investigation of early cultural developments on the south coast of Perú. This is especially true for the Río Grande de Nasca drainage, where there is a lack of data regarding early human occupation. The Nasca-Palpa Archaeological Project aims to reconstruct the human occupation of the Palpa valleys during all Prehispanic periods. In this article we present a summary of the evidence for the Paracas culture by presenting data recovered over the past ten years from several sites inthe Palpa valleys for the Initial Period and the Archaic period. We describe the settlement patterns, architecture, and funerary practices, as well as other cultural manifestations of the early periods, for instance, petroglyphs, geoglyphs, ceramics and other types of artifacts. We also carry out a preliminary reconstruction of the prehispanic settlement history of the Palpa valleys, beginning with the Middle Archaic period (ca. 3800 BC) and ending with the Inka period. More than 150 radiocarbon dates are used to establish a chronology of the different periods of human settlement in the Palpa valleys. / Después de los trabajos pioneros de Julio C. Tello, Frédéric Engel y John H. Rowe sobre el Periodo Formativo y Precerámico, no se han dado muchos avances en la investigación de los desarrollos tempranos en la costa sur del Perú. Para la cuenca del río Grande de Nasca, en especial, existen pocos datos sobre la ocupación humana en los periodos tempranos. El Proyecto Arqueológico Nasca-Palpa tiene como objetivo investigar este desarrollo en los valles de Palpa durante todas las etapas de la época prehispánica. En este artículo se presenta un resumen de las evidencias sobre la época Paracas, el Periodo Inicial y el Periodo Arcaico recuperadas en esa región en los últimos 10 años. Se describen patrones de asentamiento, rasgos arquitectónicos y patrones funerarios, así como otras manifestaciones culturales, como petroglifos, geoglifos, cerámica, entre otros tipos de hallazgos. Hasta el momento se ha podido reconstruir la historia ocupacional de los valles de Palpa desde el Periodo Arcaico Medio (aproximadamente 3800 a.C.) hasta el periodo inka. Más de 150 fechados de radiocarbono permiten respaldar la cronología de los diferentes momentos de ocupación de los valles de Palpa con fechas calendáricas.

Armatambo y el dominio incaico en el valle de Lima

Díaz, Luisa, Vallejo, Francisco 10 April 2018 (has links)
Armatambo and the Inka Dominion in Lima ValleyArmatambo is one of the far major sites in the sorroundings of Lima wich suffered from severe destruction due to urban expansion. Therefore it is archaeologically poorly known, mostly through notes published by travellers from the nineteenth century and from early historical sources. The latter documents mention that Armatambo was an important urban center in the central coast during Inca times and reached the category of hunu. In fact, due to recent record made by the authors in the San Pedro Huaca, one of the monumental buildings at Armatambo, complemented early interpretations and showed intense Inca ocupation. Great changes ocurred in the Ichma architecture showing new architectural forms and use of space, as well as changes in funerary pattern and new ceramic forms. / Armatambo es uno de los pocos sitios de gran extensión del área de Lima que en las dos últimas décadas ha sufrido mayores modificaciones debido al crecimiento de la ciudad y del que arqueológicamente es poco lo que se sabe. El conocimiento sobre este centro urbano ha estado mayoritariamente restringido a las notas de viajeros del siglo XIX y a las fuentes históricas. Estas últimas mencionan que Armatambo constituyó un centro urbano muy importante en el esquema organizativo de la costa central durante la época inca y que llegó a alcanzar la categoría de hunu. De hecho, recientes investigaciones de los autores en la Huaca San Pedro —uno de los edificios de Armatambo— han podido complementar la información obtenida en temporadas anteriores y han evidenciado la intensa ocupación incaica en el sitio. Esta se manifiesta en los grandes cambios que se dan en la arquitectura ichma, en las nuevas formas de organización y uso del espacio, así como en la aparición de cambios en el patrón funerario y la incorporación de nuevas formas cerámicas.

As práticas mortuárias dos caçadores-coletores pré-históricos da região de Lagoa Santa (MG): um estudo de caso do sítio arqueológico \"Lapa do Santo\" / The mortuary practices of pre-historic hunter-gatherers from Lagoa Santa region: a case study of the Santo Rockshelter archaeological site

André Menezes Strauss 20 August 2010 (has links)
A região de Lagoa Santa é mundialmente famosa pela quantidade, qualidade e antiguidade dos remanescentes esqueletais humanos nela encontrados. Entretanto, muito pouco é conhecido sobre as práticas mortuárias dos grupos que ocuparam a região. A versão vigente na literatura é que essas eram extremamente simples, expeditas e homogêneas. Na presente dissertação esse quadro é questionado. A partir da descrição dos 26 sepultamentos encontrados na Lapa do Santo, foi possível determinar que diferentes padrões funerários se sucederam ao longo do Holoceno. Portanto, as práticas mortuárias da região não apresentam a alegada homogeneidade cronológica. Dentre os padrões de sepultamento identificados no sítio, o de número 1 se destaca não só pela sua antiguidade (8800-8200 AP), mas por apresentar uma forte ênfase na manipulação do corpo, incluindo o caso de decapitação mais antigo do Novo Mundo. Portanto, o registro da Lapa do Santo indica um quadro muito mais complexo e sofisticado para a paisagem mortuária da região de Lagoa Santa do que aquele proposto pela literatura. Mais do que isso, mostra que, ao contrário do que se imaginava, a ênfase na manipulação do corpo no início do Holoceno não era uma característica limitada à região andina. / The Lagoa Santa region is famous for the quantity, quality and antiquity of its human skeletal remains. However, little is known about the mortuary practices of those who inhabited the region. According to literature this practices were very simple, expedient and homogeneous. In this dissertation, this scenario is challenged. Based on the descriptions of 26 human burials found in Lapa do Santo it was established that several distinct burial patterns occurred in the site during Holocene. Thereafter, the idea that in Lagoa Santa the mortuary practices were chronologically homogeneous can no longer be supported. Among the different burial patterns indentified in this site Pattern 1 highlights not only for its antiquity (8800-8200 BP) but also because it presents a strong emphasis in the manipulation of the body, including the oldest case of decapitation ever recorded in the New World. Thereafter, the burials from Lapa do Santo points to a more complex scenario for the mortuary practices in the region of Lagoa Santa than was previously though. Besides, it shows that contrary to was once believed, the emphasis on body manipulation during Early Holocene was not restricted to the Andean region, as was once thought. The mortuary practices of pre-historic hunter-gatherers from Lagoa Santa region: a case study of the Santo Rockshelter archaeological site.

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