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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Refractive index modification in glasses and crystals with ultrashort laser pulses / Lūžio rodiklio modifikavimas stikluose ir kristaluose veikiant ultratrumpaisiais lazerio impulsais

Paipulas, Domas 22 November 2011 (has links)
The study on refractive index modification of transparent materials with ultrashort laser pulses is presented in this work. Based on experimental data it was demonstrated, that using ultrashort pulses, generated with Yb:KGW laser system, it is possible to produce modified refractive index zones in the fused silica glass, that possess birefringence. This effect is caused by nanogratings that form in the bulk of the material. Homogeneity of the modified zones is determined by the accumulation effects, mainly the number of pulses that affect each area. Refractive index variations can be created also in crystalline material such as lithium niobate. Depending on the writing pulse parameters different types of modifications can be created: permanent modification that is caused by crystal amorphization and non-stable modifications that originate from the photorefractive properties of the crystal. Latter modifications can be used for three-dimensional, rewritable data recording. Highly efficient photonic elements, such as volume Bragg gratings, recorded in fused silica and lithium niobate crystal are demonstrated. The technique, allowing the evaluation of refractive index change applying Bragg gratings, is described. Also modification influence on nonlinear processes that appear in fused silica such as filament formation and supercontinuum generation is experimentally investigated. / Darbe pristatomi eksperimentiniai bei teoriniai rezultatai, susiję su skaidriųjų terpių lūžio rodiklio pokyčio indukavimu. Parodoma, kad lydytą kvarcą veikiant Yb:KGV lazerine sistema generuojamais impulsais, jame galima sukurti modifikuoto lūžio rodiklio sritis. Šios sritys pasižymi dvejopu šviesos lūžimu, atsirandančiu dėl medžiagos tūryje besiformuojančių nanogardelių, o modifikuotų sričių vienalytiškumas priklauso nuo akumuliacinių efektų. Pakitusio lūžio rodiklio sritis taip pat galima formuoti ir ličio niobato kristale. Priklausomai nuo spinduliuotės parametrų, šiame kristale galima įrašyti stabilius modifikuoto lūžio rodiklio darinius, o taip pat ir nestabilias modifikacijas, atsirandančias dėl fotorefrakcinio reiškinio. Pastarąjį efektą galima panaudoti daugkartiniam informacijos įrašymui. Pademonstruoti efektyvūs fotoniniai elementai, tūrinės Brego gardelės, įrašytos tiek lydyto kvarco, tiek ličio niobato kristalo tūryje. Pateikiama metodika, skirta lazerio indukuoto lūžio rodiklio pokyčiui nustatyti matuojant Brego gardelių difrakcinius efektyvumus. Taip pat tyrinėjama kaip modifikuoti dariniai lemia superkontinuumo ir šviesos gijos formavimosi reiškinius lydytame kvarce.

Amélioration de la tenue au flux laser des composants optiques du laser Mégajoules par traitement chimique / Laser-induced damage resistance improvement of fused silica optics by wet etching process.

Pfiffer, Mathilde 17 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’amélioration de la résistance au flux laser de la surface descomposants optiques en silice en régime nanoseconde. Ce matériau est utilisé sur lesinstallations de laser de puissance telles que le Laser Mégajoule. Pour augmenter la durée de viedes composants optiques et garantir le fonctionnement nominal de cette installation,l’endommagement laser doit être maîtrisé. Il s’agit d’une dégradation irréversible de la surfacedes composants causée par l’interaction entre le faisceau laser et des défauts précurseurs. Cesderniers sont une conséquence de la synthèse de la silice puis du polissage des composants etleur présence peut être limitée par une action de traitement chimique réalisée à l’issue dupolissage qui consiste à éroder la surface de silice à l’aide d’une solution chimique. Cette érosionne doit cependant pas dégrader la qualité de la surface polie et ses propriétés optiques. Cettethèse se concentre sur la réalisation de cette étape de traitement chimique et se décompose entrois études. La première porte sur la caractérisation de la pollution induite en surface par lepolissage et sa suppression par le traitement chimique. La seconde et la troisième analysentl’impact des traitements chimiques respectivement sur les propriétés optiques de la surface etsur les rayures de polissage. Ces études nous permettent d’évaluer l’influence des différentsparamètres du traitement chimique, tels que la solution, le système de mise en oeuvre etl’épaisseur érodée, sur les performances apportées aux composants optiques. Finalement,l’ensemble de ces connaissances nous conduit à proposer un traitement chimique optimisé quiaméliore la tenue au flux des composants optiques sans dégrader leurs propriétés optiques. / In this thesis, laser-induced damage resistance improvement of fused silica opticsis investigated in the nanosecond regime. This material is used on high power laser facilitiessuch as the Laser Mégajoule. In order to improve the optics life time and to ensure the nominaloperation of this facility, laser induced damage has to be controlled. This phenomenon is anirreversible modification of the components surface because of the interaction between the laserbeam and precursors defects. These defects are a consequence of the synthesis of silica and thepolishing of the optics and their presence can be reduced by a wet etching. This process consistsin an erosion of the surface using a chemical solution however optical properties must remainunchanged. In this thesis, we focus on the wet etching process and we conduct three studies. Thefirst one is about the characterization of the polishing induced contamination and the capabilityof a wet etching to remove it from the surface. The second and the third analyzes are about theimpact of the wet etching respectively on the surface and on the scratches. These studies allowus to evaluate the influence of the wet etching parameters as the chemical solution, the systemused and the deep etched. Finally, the highlights obtained thanks to these studies enable tooptimize the wet etching process and improve the laser induced damage resistance ofcomponents without compromising their optical properties.

Numerická simulace výroby keramických jader pro technologii lití na vytavitelný model / Numerical simulation of the ceramic core manufacturing in the investment casting process

Kinc, Marek January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is validation of numerical simulation of the ceramic core manufacturing in the investment casting proces. The first part submit the theoretical description of the manufacturing of the ceramic cores and a description of the basic principles of numerical simulations. The second part compares the video recording of filling the wax-ceramic mixture to the die-casting mold and simulation of the same process created in a simulation software Cadmould 3D-F.

Modélisation du facteur de correction beta en indentation instrumentée. / Modelling of the beta correction factor in instrumented indentation test.

GARCíA GUZMáN, Jaime 26 September 2017 (has links)
Avec l’avènement des NEMS, MEMS, films minces et autres revêtements, la caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques à uneéchelle locale est primordiale. A cet effet, l’essai d’indentation instrumentée permet l’acquisition continue de la réponse (courbeforce – profondeur de pénétration) d’un matériau à la pénétration d’un indenteur de géométrie donnée. Le post-traitement d’unetelle courbe permet la détermination de propriétés telles que le module d’indentation ou la dureté. Cette analyse est basée surla théorie du contact élastique, qui suppose une géométrie axisymétrique parfaite de la pointe d’indentation, un comportementpurement élastique du matériau, et la non-prise en compte des déplacements radiaux dans la zone de contact. En pratique, ceshypothèses sont souvent mises en défaut : les indenteurs sont généralement des pyramides à 3 pans (Berkovich, Cube Corner)ou 4 pans (Vickers, Knoop) présentant un émoussement de la pointe, et le comportement mécanique des matériaux est souventcomplexe. La correction de la relation de Sneddon, utilisée dans la méthode d’Oliver et Pharr pour l’analyse des essais denanoindentation, est donc nécessaire. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la détermination de ce facteurde correction, qui n’est pas une valeur universelle ni unique comme le préconisent certains auteurs. Il dépend notamment de lapression exercée par la pointe d’indentation et du matériau sollicité. Cette étude s’est faite sur la base de la détermination de laloi de comportement d’un des matériaux standards utilisés pour la calibration de l’essai de nanoindentation, la silice fondue.Ce matériau présente un comportement mécanique spécifique : sa déformation anélastique s’effectue par un mécanisme dedensification. Dans un premier temps, les paramètres de cette loi de comportement sont identifiés par une approche inversecombinant la simulation numérique 3D de l’essai d’indentation à l’optimisation de la fonction objectif au moyen d’unalgorithme génétique. Le facteur de correction est ensuite déterminé pour deux géométries de pointes et à différentes valeursdu rapport adimensionnel "profondeur de pénétration/rayon de pointe". La méthodologie proposée a été appliquée à ladétermination du module d’indentation d’un acier inox. / With the advent of NEMS, MEMS, thin films and other coatings, the characterization of local mechanical properties is achallenge. For this purpose, the instrumented indentation test allows for the continuous acquisition of the response (loadpenetration depth) of the material using an indenter of given geometry. The post-processing of such a curve allows thedetermination of the indentation modulus or the hardness of that material. This analysis relies on the elastic contact theory,which assumes an axisymmetric and perfect indenter, a purely elastic behaviour, and no radial displacements in the contactarea. In practice, those assumptions are defeated: indenters shapes are rather three-sided (Berkovich, Cube Corner) or foursided (Vickers, Knoop) pyramids, with blunted tips. Furthermore, mechanical behaviour is rather complex. The introductionof a correction factor in the Sneddon’s relationship, on which is based the Oliver and Pharr method for the analysis ofnanoindentation data is then necessary. Whithin the scope of this work, we aimed at determining this correction factor, whichhas not a unique nor a universal value, as recommended by some authors. It depends on the pressure distribution beneath theindenter and on the tested material. This study is based on the identification of the constitutive law of one of the referencespecimen used for calibration of the nanoindentation test, namely fused silica. The latter exhibits a specific mechanicalbehaviour, its anelastic deformation being achieved by a densification mechanism. In a first step we have determined the modelparameters by an inverse approach combining the 3D numerical simulation of the indentation test with the optimization of theobjective function using a genetic algorithm. The correction factor is then determined for two tip geometries and at severalpenetration depth over tip radius adimensional ratios. The proposed methodology was applied to the determination of theindentation modulus of an inox steel.

Towards Direct Writing Of 3-d Photonic Circuits Using Ultrafast Lasers

Zoubir, Arnaud 01 January 2004 (has links)
The advent of ultrafast lasers has enabled micromachining schemes that cannot be achieved by other current techniques. Laser direct writing has emerged as one of the possible routes for fabrication of optical waveguides in transparent materials. In this thesis, the advantages and limitations of this technique are explored. Two extended-cavity ultrafast lasers were built and characterized as the laser sources for this study, with improved performance over existing systems. Waveguides are fabricated in oxide glass, chalcogenide glass, and polymers, these being the three major classes of materials for the telecommunication industry. Standard waveguide metrology is performed on the fabricated waveguides, including refractive index profiling and mode analysis. Furthermore, a finite-difference beam propagation method for wave propagation in 3D-waveguides is proposed. The photo-structural modifications underlying the changes in the material optical properties after exposure are investigated. The highly nonlinear processes of the light/matter interaction during the writing process are described using a free electron model. UV/visible absorption spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy are used to assess the changes occurring at the atomic level. Finally, the impact of laser direct writing on nonlinear waveguide applications is discussed.

Additive Lithography Fabrication And Integration Of Micro Optics

Pitchumani, Mahesh 01 January 2006 (has links)
Optical elements are the fundamental components in photonic systems and are used to transform an input optical beam into a desired beam profile or to couple the input beam into waveguides, fibers, or other optical systems or devices. Macroscopic optical elements are easily fabricated using grinding and polishing techniques, but few methods exist for inexpensive fabrication of micro optical elements. In this work we present an innovative technique termed Additive Lithography that makes use of binary masks and controlled partial exposures to sculpt photoresist into the desired optical surface relief profile. We explore various masking schemes for fabricating a variety of optical elements with unprecedented flexibility and precision. These masking schemes used in conjunction with the additive lithographic method allows us to carefully control the photoresist exposure and reflow processes for fabricating complex aspheric lens elements, including aspheric elements whose fabrication often proves highly problematic. It will be demonstrated that employing additive lithography for volume sculpting followed by controlled reflow can also allow us to fabricate refractive beam shaping elements. Finally we will discuss the dry etching techniques used to transfer these optical elements into the glass substrate. Thus the additive lithography technique will be demonstrated as an inexpensive, high throughput and efficient process in the fabrication of micro optical elements.

Miniature gas sensing device based on near-infrared spectroscopy

Alfeeli, Bassam 06 December 2005 (has links)
The identification and quantification of atoms, molecules, or ions concentrations in gaseous samples are in great demand for medical, environmental, industrial, law enforcement and national security applications. These applications require in situ, high-resolution, non-destructive, sensitive, miniature, inexpensive, rapid detection, remotely accessed, real time and continuously operating chemical sensing devices. The aim of this work is to design a miniature optical sensing device that is capable of detecting and measuring chemical species, compatible with being integrated into a large variety of monitoring systems, and durable enough to be used under extreme conditions. The miniature optical sensor has been realized by employing technologies from the optical communication industry and spectroscopic methods and techniques. Fused silica capillary tubing along with standard communication optical fibers have been utilized to make miniature gas sensor based on near-infrared spectroscopy for acetylene gas detection. In this work, the basic principles of infrared spectroscopy are reviewed. Also, the principle of operation, fabrication, testing, and analysis of the proposed sensor are discussed in details. / Master of Science

Etude de l'interaction laser-matière en régime nanoseconde sous irradiations multiples : application aux composants optiques pour l’UV / Investigation on laser-matter interaction in the nanosecond regime under multi-pulse irradiation : application to optical components for the UV

Gouldieff, Céline 05 November 2013 (has links)
Les travaux portent sur l’endommagement laser en régime nanoseconde aux longueurs d’onde 355 nm et 266 nm. L'objectif de cette étude est de comprendre et d'analyser les processus mis en jeu lors de l'endommagement laser en surface et en volume de matériaux optiques, massifs ou en couches minces, lors de tirs répétés. Dans ce contexte, un banc d'endommagement laser a été entièrement mis en place et automatisé. Il permet d'analyser la résistance et le vieillissement de ces composants sous irradiation UV à des fréquences de tir de 50Hz, pour un grand nombre de tirs et de relever de façon systématique les paramètres du test les plus importants (profiles spatiaux et énergies des impulsions, images du site avant et après dommage). Pour une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes physiques conduisant à la fatigue des matériaux en tirs laser répétés, un modèle a été développé afin de discriminer les effets statistiques (dus au grand nombre de tirs impliqués) de modifications du matériau sous flux UV. Ce modèle a été validé expérimentalement dans le cas de la silice synthétique étudiée en volume. En ce qui concerne les couches minces, une étude multi-paramètres de la tenue au flux UV de mixtures d'oxydes a été menée, en partenariat avec le Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH, Allemagne). Ces matériaux ont en effet un comportement complexe et encore mal connu, en particulier en tirs répétés. Enfin, une partie du travail de thèse est consacrée à la caractérisation non-destructive de cristaux de KDP par photoluminescence pompée dans l'UV, réalisée dans le contexte du laser MégaJoule en collaboration avec le CEA Le Ripault (Monts). / The work is devoted to laser-induced damage in the nanosecond regime at the wavelengths of 266 nm and 355 nm. The goal of this study is to understand and to analyze the processes taking place during multi-pulse irradiation causing laser-damage, on the surface and in the bulk of massive or thin-films optical materials. To this end, a laser-damage experiment was entirely set up and automated. It allows analyzing the laser-damage resistance and the ageing of these components under UV irradiation at a pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz and for a high number of laser pulses and to record systematically the most important test parameters (spatial beam profiles, energies, images of the site before and after irradiation).To better understand the physical phenomena leading to fatigue effects in the materials under multiple pulse irradiation, a model was developed allowing the discrimination of statistical effects (due to the high number of shots) from material modifications under UV irradiation. This model was confirmed by testing synthetic fused silica irradiated in the bulk. Concerning thin-film coated components, oxide mixtures were studied in collaboration with the Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH, Germany) using a multi-parameter approach. These materials show indeed a complex behavior and remain poorly known, in particular under multi-pulse irradiation. Finally, a part of the work is dedicated to the non-destructive characterization of KDP crystals by UV-pumped photoluminescence, realized in the framework of the MegaJoule project, in collaboration with CEA Le Ripault (Monts, France).

Numerical study of ultrashort laser-induced periodic nanostructure formation in dielectric materials / Étude numérique de la formation des nanostructures périodiques induites par laser ultrabref dans les matériaux diélectriques

Rudenko, Anton 11 July 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur l'étude numérique de l'interaction laser ultrabref avec les diélectriques transparents. En particulier, le phénomène d'auto-organisation des nanoréseaux dans la silice est discuté et un modèle multiphysique est proposé pour expliquer le mécanisme de leur formation. Les nanoréseaux en volume sont des nanostructures périodiques de périodicité sub-longueur d'onde, qui consistent en un matériau moins dense et sont générés par une irradiation laser multi-impulsionnelle femtoseconde dans certains verres, cristaux et semiconducteurs. Leur origine physique ainsi que les conditions d'irradiation laser pour leur formation et leur effacement sont investiguées dans ce travail théorique. Pour simuler la propagation nonlinéaire dans les verres, les équations de Maxwell sont couplées avec l'équation d'évolution de la densité électronique. Il est démontré que les nanoplasmas périodiques 3D sont formés pendant l'interaction laser ultrabref avec les inhomogénéités de la silice fondue. Les nanopores induits par laser sont supposés jouer le rôle de centres inhomogènes de diffusion. La périodicité sub-longueur d'onde et l'orientation des nanoplasmas dépendante de la polarisation, révélées dans cette thèse, font d'eux un excellent candidat pour expliquer la formation des nanoréseaux en volume. En plus, il est demontré que les nano-ripples sur la surface de silice fondue et les nanoréseaux en volume ont des mécanismes de formation similaires. Pour justifier la présence de nanopores dans la silice fondue irradiée par laser, les processus de décomposition du verre sont étudiés. Premièrement, les profils de température sont calculés sur la base d'un modèle électron-ion. Ensuite, à partir des températures calculées, des critères de cavitation et de nucléation dans le verre ainsi que des équations hydrodynamiques de Rayleigh-Plesset, les conditions pour la formation des nanopores et la survie des nanoréseaux en volume sont élucidées. Pour établir les dépendances des paramètres du laser de formation et d'effacement des nanoréseaux en volume, l'approche multiphysique est développée comprenant la propagation du laser ultrabref dans le verre, les processus d'excitation/relaxation électroniques et le modèle à deux températures. Les résultats numériques fournissent les paramètres du laser en fonction de l'énergie de l'impulsion, sa durée et le taux de répétition pour induire des nanoréseaux en volume, en bon accord avec les expériences nombreuses et indépendantes de la littérature. Le travail réalisé a non seulement permis de déterminer les mécanismes de formation des nanostructures périodiques mais améliore également notre connaissance du contrôle optimal des paramètres du laser sur la réponse ultrarapide d matériau, en ouvrant des nouvelles opportunités de traitement des diélectriques par laser ultrabref / This thesis is focused on the numerical modeling of ultrashort laser interaction with transparent dielectrics. More particularly, the phenomenon of self-organized volume nanogratings in fused silica bulk is discussed and a multiphysical model is proposed to explain the mechanism of their formation. Volume nanogratings are sub-wavelength periodic nanostructures, consisting of less dense material, which are commonly induced by multipulse femtosecond laser irradiation in some glasses, crystals and indirect semiconductors. Their physical origin as well as the laser irradiation conditions for theirformation and erasure are investigated in this theoretical work. To model the nonlinear propagation inside glass, Maxwell's equations are coupled with rate equation. It is shown that three-dimensional periodic nanoplasmas are formed during ultrashort laser interaction with fused silica inhomogeneities. Laser-induced nanopores are proposed to play the role of inhomogeneous scattering centers. Subwavelength periodicity and polarization dependent orientation of the nanoplasmas, revealed in this thesis, make them a strong candidate for explaining volume nanogratings formation. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the nanoripples on fused silica surface and volume nanogratings have similar formation mechanisms. To justify the presence of nanopores in laser-irradiated fused silica bulk, glass decomposition processes are investigated. Firstly, the temperature profiles are found by incorporating the electron-ion temperature model. Then, based on the calculated temperatures, criteria for cavitation and nucleation in glass and also hydrodynamic Rayleigh-Plesset equation, the conditions for nanopores formation and for volume nanogratings survival are elucidated. To define the laser parameter dependencies on the volume nanogratings formation/erasure, a selfconsistent multiphysical approach is developed including ultrafast laser propagation in glass, multiple rate equation to take into account excitation/relaxation processes and two-temperature model. The numerical results provide a laser parameter window as a function of laser pulse energy, laser pulse duration and repetition rate for volume nanogratings consistent with numerous independent experiments. The performed work not only provides new insights into the formation mechanisms of periodic nanostructures but also improves our knowledge of the optimal laser parameter control over ultrafast material response, opening new opportunities in ultrashort laser processing of dielectrics

Monolithic separation media synthesized in capillaries and their applications for molecularly imprinted networks

Courtois, Julien January 2006 (has links)
<p>The thesis describes the synthesis of chromatographic media using several different approaches, their characterizations and applications in liquid chromatography. The steps to achieve a separation column for a specific analyte are presented. The main focus of the study was the design of novel molecularly imprinted polymers.</p><p>Attachment of monolithic polymeric substrates to the walls of fused silica capillaries was studied in Paper I. With a broad literature survey, a set of common methods were tested by four techniques and ranked by their ability to improve anchoring of polymers. The best procedure was thus used for all further studies.</p><p>Synthesis of monoliths in capillary columns was studied in Paper II. With the goal of separating proteins without denaturation, various monoliths were polymerized in situ using a set of common monomers and cross-linkers mixed with poly(ethylene glycol) as porogen. The resulting network was expected to present “protein-friendly pores”. Chemometrics were used to find and describe a set of co-porogens added to the polymerization cocktails in order to get good porosity and flow-through properties.</p><p>Assessment of the macroporous structure of a monolith was described in Paper III. An alternative method to mercury intrusion porosimetry was proposed. The capillaries were embedded in a stained resin and observed under transmission electron microscope. Images were then computed to determine the pore sizes.</p><p>Synthesis of molecularly imprinted polymers grafted to a core mono-lith in a capillary was described in Paper IV. The resulting material, imprinted with local anaesthetics, was tested for its chromatographic performance. Similar imprinted polymers were characterized by microcalorimetry in Paper V. Finally, imprinted monoliths were also synthesized in a glass tube and further introduced in a NMR rotor to describe the interactions between stationary phase and template in Paper VI.</p>

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