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Crystalline systems formed with transition metal elements tend to exhibit strong magneto-structural coupling that gives rise to unusual but exciting physical phenomena in these materials. In this dissertation, we present our findings from the studies of structural and physical properties of single phase compounds Co2MnSi, Ni16Mn6Si7 and Mn(Ni0.6Si0.4)2. In addition, the stability of a Ni2MnSi composition in a multiphase system is discussed by both theoretical and experimental approaches. All the works have been conducted with a focus on explaining the fundamental behaviors of these systems that have not been adequately addressed by other studies in the literature.
We present an experimental and theoretical investigation of the half-metallic Heusler compound, Co2MnSi to address disorder occupancies and magnetic interactions in the material. Contrary to previous studies, our neutron diffraction refinement of the polycrystalline sample reveals almost identical amount of Mn and Co antisite disorders of ~6.5% and ~7.6%, respectively which is also supported explicitly by our first-principles calculations on the system with defects. A reduction of the net moment of Co2MnSi due to an antiferromagnetic interaction introduced by disordered Mn is observed by our theoretical study. The neutron refinements at 298 K, 100 K, and 4 K further supports such reduction of moments. The work also reports the growth of single crystal by the Czochralski method and determination of a Curie temperature of ~1014 K measured by both the electrical resistivity and dilatometry measurement.
Studies of a Ni2MnSi Heusler system reveal two new systems i.e., the Ni16Mn6Si7 G-phase and the Mn(Ni0.6Si0.4)2 based Laves phase with complex crystal structures. These systems exhibit strong magneto-structural coupling that could lead to interesting physical behaviors. The lack of thorough understanding of the properties of these materials inspired us to undertake the present studies.
We address the geometrically frustrated two-dimensional magnetic structure and spin canted weak ferromagnetic behavior of Ni16Mn6Si7. Our magnetization and specific heat measurements on a Czochralski grown single crystal sample depicts the paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition at 197 K, and a second phase change at 50 K. Furthermore, a gradual drop of zero field cooled magnetic susceptibility is observed below 6 K that is associated with the spin freezing effect. The neutron diffraction on the polycrystalline powder samples at the temperatures of interest reveals that the antiferromagnetism is governed by the magnetic ordering of the Mn ions in the octahedral network. Below the Néel temperature of 197 K, the 2/3 of Mn atom moments form a two-dimensional magnetic arrangement, while the 1/3 moments remain geometrically frustrated. The phase transition at 50 K is found to be associated with the reorientation of the 2D moments to a canted antiferromagnetic state and development of ordering of the frustrated paramagnetic ions. Magnetization measurements as a function of temperature and magnetic field in principal directions, permit to determine the anisotropic magnetic behavior of Ni16Mn6Si7 in terms of the magnetic structure obtained by the neutron diffraction measurements. We also report an irreversible smeared spin-flop type transition for the system at a higher magnetic field.
The diffuse scattering due to the short-range ordering is a commonly occurring phenomenon in Laves phase materials. The occurrence of such distinct atomic arrangement can considerably influence the physical behavior of the material. Nevertheless, no structural reconstruction of such atomic distribution in Laves phase has ever been reported in the literature. In this work, we present the structural ordering, and the associated physical behavior of an antiferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Si Laves phase with a composition Mn(Ni0.6Si0.4)2. The possibility of unique short-range ordering in the material is first concluded based on our single crystal diffraction analysis. With the high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy analysis, our work resolves the distinct atomic ordering of the Laves phase system. The investigations reveal the origin of the short-range ordering to arise from a unique arrangement between Ni and Si. The study also presents the atomic resolution mapping of the Si atoms which has never been reported by any previous studies. With further electrical conductivity measurement, we find one of the consequences of the unique ordering reflected in a semiconducting like temperature dependence of the compound. The neutron diffraction at 298 K suggests Mn(Ni0.6Si0.4)2 to be a strong antiferromagnetic system, which is further supported by the successive magnetic susceptibility measurement. The Néel temperature is determined to be 550 K.
We also address the stability of the hypothetical ferromagnetic Heusler compound Ni2MnSi which has been proposed to be a stable system by numerous theoretical studies. Our first-principles work corroborates those studies with a negative formation enthalpy of -1.46 eV/formula unit. However, after numerous attempts to synthesize the composition, we conclude that a single phase Heusler Ni2MnSi compound cannot form under ambient conditions. Our results show that the system crystallizes as a mixture of the two Ni-Mn-Si compounds, i.e., the Ni16Mn6Si7 type G-phase and Mn(Ni0.6Si0.4)2 based Laves phase. Our work provides a possible explanation for the unstable Ni2MnSi Heusler compound with the calculation of formation enthalpy of the hypothetical Heusler system in terms of the computed energies of the neighboring phases Ni16Mn6Si7 and Mn(Ni0.6Si0.4)2. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Influence des éléments d'alliage sur la cinétique de vieillissement de la ferrite d'aciers inoxydables austéno-ferritiques moulés / Influence of alloying elements on the aging kinetics of cast austenitic ferritic stainless steel ferriteBadyka, Romain 06 December 2018 (has links)
Les aciers inoxydables austéno-ferritiques moulés sont utilisés pour certains composants ducircuit primaire des centrales nucléaires de génération II. Aux températures de service (285 °C -325 °C), des modifications de propriétés mécaniques sont observées. Elles sont imputables auxtransformations de phases au sein de la ferrite de ces aciers : la décomposition spinodale (DS) en phaseα (riche en Fe) et α’ (riche en Cr) et la précipitation de la phase G aux interfaces α/α'. S'il est admisque la composition de l’acier influe sur l’évolution des transformations de phase de la ferrite (lesaciers moins riches en Ni et Mo sont moins sensibles au vieillissement), aucune étude, à ce jour, n'apermis de mettre en évidence l'influence du Ni, Mo, Mn et des synergies éventuelles sur levieillissement des aciers ni de déterminer la contribution de la phase G à l'évolution des propriétésmécaniques. Dans cette étude, les cinétiques des transformations de phase de la ferrite d'aciers inoxydable austéno-ferritiques pauvres en Mo et riches en Mo ainsi que de celle d'alliages modèles decomposition ciblée ont été étudiées par sonde atomique tomographique (SAT) et par mesure demicrodureté. Les travaux ont répondu aux trois questions suivantes : - Quantification de la contribution des différentes phases au durcissement : L'utilisation conjointe de modèles de durcissement et des données obtenues par la sonde a montré que, contrairement à ce qui était dit dans la littérature, la phase G est le contributeur majoritaire au durcissement pour les aciers avec Mo. Ce n'est qu'aux temps longs, lorsque la coalescence des particules de phase G intervient et que la DS est plus développée que la contribution de la DS devient prépondérante. Ceci est dû à la forte densité de particules de phase G dans ces aciers. Dans le cas des aciers sans Mo qui contiennent dix fois moins de particules en début de cinétique, la phase G et la DS ont des contributions équivalentes. – Influence du Ni, Mo et Mn : L’étude d’alliage modèles de compositions ciblées a montré que seul le Ni accélère la décomposition spinodale et que le Mn a un rôle prépondérant dans la formation des particules de phase G aux interfaces α/α’. - Efficacité d'un traitement thermique de régénération à 550 °C: Une alternative au remplacement des composants les plus vieillis pourrait être un traitement thermique dit de régénération. Les recuits à 550 °C permettent de restaurer entièrement les aciers sans Mo et partiellement les aciers avec Mo. Ceci est dû au fait que les particules de phase G ne sont pas entièrement dissoutes dans le cas des aciers avec Mo, induisant un durcissement résiduel. Dans tous les cas, la DS est entièrement dissoute. / Cast austenitic-ferritic stainless steels are used in primary circuit of 2nd generation nuclearpower plants. At operating temperature (285 °C - 325 °C), evolution of mechanical properties isobserved due to the phase transformations occurring within the ferrite: spinodal decomposition (SD)leading to the formation on a Fe rich phase (α) and a Cr rich phase (α ') and the precipitation of the G-phase at α/α' interfaces. This evolution of the mechanical properties can be prohibitive for thecomponents. If it is well known that the steel composition plays an important role on the evolution ofthe properties (steels less rich in Ni and Mo are less sensitive to aging), the role of solute elements asNi, Mo and Mn on the aging kinetics is not yet known so as the contribution of the G-phase on thehardening during the thermal aging. In this study, the aging kinetics of the ferrite of some austenitic-ferritic stainless steels with or without Mo and model alloys with tuned compositions have been studied by atom probe tomography (APT) and by micro hardness measurements. This works answered the three following questions: - Quantification of the contribution of both spinodal decomposition and G-phase precipitation on hardening of the ferrite: combination of hardening models and data obtained with APT permitted to show that G-phase precipitation is clearly the main contributor to ferrite hardness increase at early stage of ageing in Mo-bearing steels. This is due to the high number density of G-phase particles. In Mo-free steels which have ten times less G-phase particles, contributions of both spinodal decomposition and G-phase precipitation are similar. In both cases, when coarsening of G-phase particles occurs and SD is well developed, SD contribution becomes larger. - Influence of Ni, Mo and Mn on aging kinetics: The study of model alloys with tuned composition has shown that only Ni plays a role on SD by enhancing the decomposition. Mn is a key element for the precipitation of G-phase particles at α/α' interfaces. - Efficiency of regeneration heat treatment at 550 °C: an alternative to component replacement is to perform a heat treatment at higher temperature in order to restore the properties of the components. The heat treatments performed permitted to entirely restore the mechanical properties of Mo free steels and partially the properties of Mo bearing ones. This is due to the presence of undissolved G-phase particles in the case of Mo bearing alloys. In each case, SD was totally dissolved.
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Évolution de la microstructure d’un acier inoxydable lean duplex lors du vieillissement / Microstructure evolution of a lean duplex stainless steel during agingMaetz, Jean-Yves 10 January 2014 (has links)
Les aciers inoxydables lean duplex sont une famille d'aciers austéno-ferritiques allégés en nickel et en molybdène, qui s'est développée à la fin des années 1990. Le compromis propriétés mécaniques, propriétés de résistance à la corrosion et coût de matière première place cette famille comme une alternative intéressante aux aciers austénitiques standards, et en particulier aux 304/304L qui représentent actuellement les deux tiers de la production d'acier inoxydable. Cependant, cette famille étant relativement récente, la stabilité en température des aciers lean duplex a été relativement peu étudiée, en particulier lors de maintiens prolongés en température. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, l'évolution microstructurale d'un acier lean duplex 2101 a été étudiée, lors de vieillissements isothermes à des températures comprises entre 20 °C et 850 °C, pour des temps s'échelonnant de quelques minutes à plusieurs mois. Les cinétiques de vieillissement ont été suivies par mesures de pouvoir thermoéléctrique (PTE), à partir desquelles des états vieillis ont été sélectionnés pour être caractérisés par microscopie électronique et par sonde atomique tomographique. A des températures intermédiaires de 350 – 450 °C, la ferrite de l'acier lean duplex 2101 est sujette à la démixtion Fe-Cr et à la formation d'amas enrichis en Ni-Mn-Si-Al-Cu, malgré les faibles teneurs en nickel de cette nuance. Ces phénomènes sont détectés par une forte augmentation du PTE. Pour des températures plus élevées, à 700 °C environ, une approche multi-techniques et multi-échelles a permis de décrire précisément les mécanismes qui régissent les différentes évolutions microstructurales : la germination et la croissance de M23C6 et de Cr2N, observés dès quelques minutes de vieillissement aux joints de phases, la précipitation de la phase σ pour des temps de vieillissement plus importants qui s'accompagne d'une transformation de la ferrite δ en austénite secondaire γ2, et la transformation partielle de l'austénite en martensite lors du refroidissement des échantillons vieillis. L'effet des différentes phases sur le PTE de l'acier lean duplex peut être décrit qualitativement lors du vieillissement par une loi des mélanges. / Lean duplex stainless steels are austeno-ferritic steels with lower nickel and molybdenum contents, developed in the late 90's. Considering mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and cost of raw material, this family is an interesting alternative to standard austenitic stainless steels, which currently represent two thirds of stainless steel production. However, lean duplex steels are relatively recent and their thermal stability has been relatively little studied, especially during long term aging. In this study, the microstructural evolution of a lean duplex steel 2101 was studied during isothermal aging at temperatures between 20 °C and 850 °C, from few minutes to several months. Aging kinetics were followed by thermoelectric power measurements (TEP), from which aged states were selected to be characterized by electron microscopy and atom probe tomography. At intermediate temperatures of 350 - 450 °C, Fe-Cr demixing and precipitation of Ni-Mn-Al-Si-Cu occur in the ferrite despite the low nickel content of this grade, leading to an increase in the TEP. For higher temperatures, at about 700 °C, the mechanisms which govern the different microstructural evolutions have been described by a multi-scale approach: the nucleation and growth of M23C6 and Cr2N, observed from few minutes of aging and the σ phase precipitation, observed for longer aging time. The latter is accompanied by a transformation of δ ferrite in γ2 secondary austenite, and by the partial transformation of austenite into martensite during cooling. The effect of different phases on the TEP of the lean duplex steel can be qualitatively described during aging by a rule of mixture.
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