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Hedge de opção utilizando estratégias dinâmicas multiperiódicas autofinanciáveis em tempo discreto em mercado incompleto / Option hedging with dynamic multi-period self-financing strategies in discrete time in incomplete marketsIuri Lazier 04 August 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa três estratégias de hedge de opção, buscando identificar a importância da escolha da estratégia para a obtenção de um bom desempenho do hedge. O conceito de hedge é analisado de forma retrospectiva e uma teoria geral de hedge é apresentada. Em seguida são descritos alguns estudos comparativos de desempenho de estratégias de hedge de opção e suas metodologias de implementação. Para esta análise comparativa são selecionadas três estratégias de hedge de opção de compra do tipo européia: a primeira utiliza o modelo Black-Scholes-Merton de precificação de opções, a segunda utiliza uma solução de programação dinâmica para hedge dinâmico multiperiódico e a terceira utiliza um modelo GARCH para precificação de opções. As estratégias são comentadas e comparadas do ponto de vista de suas premissas teóricas e por meio de testes comparativos de desempenho. O desempenho das estratégias é comparado sob uma perspectiva dinâmicamente ajustada, multiperiódica e autofinanciável. Os dados para comparação de desempenho são gerados por simulação e o desempenho é avaliado pelos erros absolutos médios e erros quadráticos médios, resultantes na carteira de hedge. São feitas ainda considerações a respeito de alternativas de estimação e suas implicações no desempenho das estratégias. / This work analyzes three option hedging strategies, to identify the importance of choosing a strategy in order to achieve a good hedging performance. A retrospective analysis of the concept of hedging is conducted and a general hedging theory is presented. Following, some comparative papers of hedging performance and their implementation methodologies are described. For the present comparative analysis, three hedging strategies for European options have been selected: the first one based on the Black-Scholes-Merton model for option pricing, the second one based on a dynamic programming solution for dynamic multiperiod hedging and the third one based on a GARCH model for option pricing. The strategies are compared under their theoric premisses and through comparative performance testes. The performances of the strategies are compared under a dynamically adjusted multiperiodic and self-financing perspective. Data for performance comparison are generated by simulation and performance is evaluated by mean absolute errors and mean squared errors resulting on the hedging portfolio. An analysis is also done regarding estimation approaches and their implications over the performance of the strategies.
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Dynamiques de moyen et long terme des cours des matières premières : les enjeux pour le développement dans les pays africains producteurs de coton / Medium and long-term dynamics of commodity prices : challenges for development in African cotton producing countriesDiasso, Yankou 09 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les enjeux du développement économique liés aux dynamiques des cours des matières premières en général et ceux du coton en particulier. Traditionnellement, les travaux s’inscrivant dans une optique de long terme questionnent la pertinence des spécialisations primaires des PMA. À moyen terme l’intérêt porte davantage sur l’instabilité dont les conséquences sont d’autant plus importantes que la dépendance des pays à l’exportation de tels produits est forte. Les enjeux s’articulent alors autour des modalités de régulation des marchés, du choix d'outils (publics ou marchands) pour la gestion des incertitudes, le tout dépendant de l’appréhension de l’instabilité comme un phénomène endogène ou exogène. Dans un contexte nouveau marqué par l’affirmation d’oligopoles de firmes, la segmentation du processus productif mondial, et la financiarisation des marchés de matières premières, nous proposons un cadre analytique permettant d’aborder différemment ces problématiques. Nos travaux montrent d’abord comment les approches du type chaînes globales de valeur peuvent être mobilisées pour mieux orienter les stratégies commerciales / industrielles des PMA. S’appuyant sur la notion de rationalité limitée dans le cadre de modèles de comportements hétérogènes, ils prouvent ensuite l’existence d’une forte composante endogène dans l’instabilité et par là même, l'inefficacité des seuls outils marchands. Au final, pour les pays africains producteurs de coton, il apparait qu’il reste possible de mettre ce produit au service d’une stratégie globale de développement. Cela passe par le recours à des mécanismes hybrides de gestion de l’instabilité, combiné au renforcement des dynamiques de coopération transfrontalières en vue d’une structuration de chaînes régionales de valeur. / This thesis analyzes the economic development issues related to the medium and long-term dynamics of commodities prices in general and cotton prices in particular. Studies on the long-term perspective traditionally question the relevance of primary specializations of LDCs. In the medium term, the interest is relates to price instability for which the consequences are all the more important as countries’ dependency on the exports of such products becomes stronger. The stakes then revolve around market regulation modalities, and the choice of risk management tools (e.g. public or private interventions). These depend on the apprehension of price fluctuations as a phenomenon arising from endogenous or exogenous market factors. In a new economical context influenced by the growing importance of oligopolistic firms, a segmentation of the productive process and the financialization of commodity markets, we address differently these issues through a new analytical framework. The proposed analysis first shows how approaches such as the ones related to global value chains are more adapted to tackle industrial/commercial policies in commodity dependent LDCs. Second, in a context of heterogeneous behavioral models, we rely on the concept of bounded rationality to show the presence of a strong endogenous component in instability. Thus, it proves the inefficiency of private interventions to counter instability. Considering these findings in the case of African cotton producers, we conclude that it remains possible to incorporate the commodity in a global development strategy. But this involves the use of hybrid-type mechanisms (public-private) for managing uncertainty, combined with a reinforcement of cross-border cooperation dynamics in order to structure regional value chains.
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Modélisation multivariée hétéroscédastique et transmission financière / Multivariate heteroskedastic modelling and financial transmissionSanhaji, Bilel 02 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat composée de trois chapitres contribue au développement de tests statistiques et à analyser la transmission financière dans un cadre multivarié hétéroscédastique. Le premier chapitre propose deux tests du multiplicateur de Lagrange de constance des corrélations conditionnelles dans les modèles GARCH multivariés. Si l'hypothèse nulle repose sur des corrélations conditionnelles constantes, l'hypothèse alternative propose une première spécification basée sur des réseaux de neurones artificiels et une seconde représentée par une forme fonctionnelle inconnue qui est linéarisée à l'aide d'un développement de Taylor.Dans le deuxième chapitre, un nouveau modèle est introduit dans le but de tester la non-linéarité des (co)variances conditionnelles. Si l'hypothèse nulle repose sur une fonction linéaire des innovations retardées au carré et des (co)variances conditionnelles, l'hypothèse alternative se caractérise quant à elle par une fonction de transition non-linéaire : exponentielle ou logistique ; une configuration avec effets de levier est également proposée. Dans les deux premiers chapitres, les expériences de simulations et les illustrations empiriques montrent les bonnes performances de nos tests de mauvaise spécification.Le dernier chapitre étudie la transmission d'information en séance et hors séance de cotation en termes de rendements et de volatilités entre la Chine, l'Amérique et l'Europe. Le problème d'asynchronicité est considéré avec soin dans la modélisation bivariée avec la Chine comme référence. / This Ph.D. thesis composed by three chapters contributes to the development of test statistics and to analyse financial transmission in a multivariate heteroskedastic framework.The first chapter proposes two Lagrange multiplier tests of constancy of conditional correlations in multivariate GARCH models. Whether the null hypothesis is based on constant conditional correlations, the alternative hypothesis proposes a first specification based on artificial neural networks, and a second specification based on an unknown functional form linearised by a Taylor expansion.In the second chapter, a new model is introduced in order to test for nonlinearity in conditional (co)variances. Whether the null hypothesis is based on a linear function of the lagged squared innovations and the conditional (co)variances, the alternative hypothesis is characterised by a nonlinear exponential or logistic transition function; a configuration with leverage effects is also proposed.In the two first chapters, simulation experiments and empirical illustrations show the good performances of our misspecification tests.The last chapter studies daytime and overnight information transmission in terms of returns and volatilities between China, America and Europe. The asynchronicity issue is carefully considered in the bivariate modelling with China as benchmark.
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Simulation-Based Portfolio Optimization with Coherent Distortion Risk Measures / Simuleringsbaserad portföljoptimering med koherenta distortionsriskmåttPrastorfer, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
This master's thesis studies portfolio optimization using linear programming algorithms. The contribution of this thesis is an extension of the convex framework for portfolio optimization with Conditional Value-at-Risk, introduced by Rockafeller and Uryasev. The extended framework considers risk measures in this thesis belonging to the intersecting classes of coherent risk measures and distortion risk measures, which are known as coherent distortion risk measures. The considered risk measures belonging to this class are the Conditional Value-at-Risk, the Wang Transform, the Block Maxima and the Dual Block Maxima measures. The extended portfolio optimization framework is applied to a reference portfolio consisting of stocks, options and a bond index. All assets are from the Swedish market. The returns of the assets in the reference portfolio are modelled with elliptical distribution and normal copulas with asymmetric marginal return distributions. The portfolio optimization framework is a simulation-based framework that measures the risk using the simulated scenarios from the assumed portfolio distribution model. To model the return data with asymmetric distributions, the tails of the marginal distributions are fitted with generalized Pareto distributions, and the dependence structure between the assets are captured using a normal copula. The result obtained from the optimizations is compared to different distributional return assumptions of the portfolio and the four risk measures. A Markowitz solution to the problem is computed using the mean average deviation as the risk measure. The solution is the benchmark solution which optimal solutions using the coherent distortion risk measures are compared to. The coherent distortion risk measures have the tractable property of being able to assign user-defined weights to different parts of the loss distribution and hence value increasing loss severities as greater risks. The user-defined loss weighting property and the asymmetric return distribution models are used to find optimal portfolios that account for extreme losses. An important finding of this project is that optimal solutions for asset returns simulated from asymmetric distributions are associated with greater risks, which is a consequence of more accurate modelling of distribution tails. Furthermore, weighting larger losses with increasingly larger weights show that the portfolio risk is greater, and a safer position is taken. / Denna masteruppsats behandlar portföljoptimering med linjära programmeringsalgoritmer. Bidraget av uppsatsen är en utvidgning av det konvexa ramverket för portföljoptimering med Conditional Value-at-Risk, som introducerades av Rockafeller och Uryasev. Det utvidgade ramverket behandlar riskmått som tillhör en sammansättning av den koherenta riskmåttklassen och distortions riksmåttklassen. Denna klass benämns som koherenta distortionsriskmått. De riskmått som tillhör denna klass och behandlas i uppsatsen och är Conditional Value-at-Risk, Wang Transformen, Block Maxima och Dual Block Maxima måtten. Det utvidgade portföljoptimeringsramverket appliceras på en referensportfölj bestående av aktier, optioner och ett obligationsindex från den Svenska aktiemarknaden. Tillgångarnas avkastningar, i referens portföljen, modelleras med både elliptiska fördelningar och normal-copula med asymmetriska marginalfördelningar. Portföljoptimeringsramverket är ett simuleringsbaserat ramverk som mäter risk baserat på scenarion simulerade från fördelningsmodellen som antagits för portföljen. För att modellera tillgångarnas avkastningar med asymmetriska fördelningar modelleras marginalfördelningarnas svansar med generaliserade Paretofördelningar och en normal-copula modellerar det ömsesidiga beroendet mellan tillgångarna. Resultatet av portföljoptimeringarna jämförs sinsemellan för de olika portföljernas avkastningsantaganden och de fyra riskmåtten. Problemet löses även med Markowitz optimering där "mean average deviation" används som riskmått. Denna lösning kommer vara den "benchmarklösning" som kommer jämföras mot de optimala lösningarna vilka beräknas i optimeringen med de koherenta distortionsriskmåtten. Den speciella egenskapen hos de koherenta distortionsriskmåtten som gör det möjligt att ange användarspecificerade vikter vid olika delar av förlustfördelningen och kan därför värdera mer extrema förluster som större risker. Den användardefinerade viktningsegenskapen hos riskmåtten studeras i kombination med den asymmetriska fördelningsmodellen för att utforska portföljer som tar extrema förluster i beaktande. En viktig upptäckt är att optimala lösningar till avkastningar som är modellerade med asymmetriska fördelningar är associerade med ökad risk, vilket är en konsekvens av mer exakt modellering av tillgångarnas fördelningssvansar. En annan upptäckt är, om större vikter läggs på högre förluster så ökar portföljrisken och en säkrare portföljstrategi antas.
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The impact of single stock futures on the South African equity marketDe Beer, Johannes Scheepers 30 November 2008 (has links)
Text in English with summaries in English and Afrikaans / The introduction of single stock futures to a market presents the opportunity to assess an individual
company's response to futures trading directly, in contrast to the market-wide impact obtained
from index futures studies. Thirty-eight South African companies were evaluated in terms of a
possible price, volume, and volatility effect due to the initial trading of their respective single
stock futures contracts. An event study revealed that SSF trading had little impact on the
underlying share prices. A normalised volume comparison pre to post SSF trading showed a
general increase in spot market trading volumes. The volatility effect was the main focus of this
study with a GARCH(1,1) model establishing a volatility structure (pattern of behaviour) per
company. Results showed a reduction in the level and changes in the structure of spot market
volatility. In addition, a dummy variable regression could find no evidence of an altered
company-market relationship (systematic risk) post futures. / Business Management / M.Com. (Business Management)
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Value at risk and expected shortfall : traditional measures and extreme value theory enhancements with a South African market applicationDicks, Anelda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Accurate estimation of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) is critical in the management of extreme market risks. These risks occur with small probability, but the financial impacts could be large.
Traditional models to estimate VaR and ES are investigated. Following usual practice, 99% 10 day VaR and ES measures are calculated. A comprehensive theoretical background is first provided and then the models are applied to the Africa Financials Index from 29/01/1996 to 30/04/2013. The models considered include independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) models and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) stochastic volatility models. Extreme Value Theory (EVT) models that focus especially on extreme market returns are also investigated. For this, the Peaks Over Threshold (POT) approach to EVT is followed. For the calculation of VaR, various scaling methods from one day to ten days are considered and their performance evaluated.
The GARCH models fail to converge during periods of extreme returns. During these periods, EVT forecast results may be used. As a novel approach, this study considers the augmentation of the GARCH models with EVT forecasts. The two-step procedure of pre-filtering with a GARCH model and then applying EVT, as suggested by McNeil (1999), is also investigated.
This study identifies some of the practical issues in model fitting. It is shown that no single forecasting model is universally optimal and the choice will depend on the nature of the data. For this data series, the best approach was to augment the GARCH stochastic volatility models with EVT forecasts during periods where the first do not converge. Model performance is judged by the actual number of VaR and ES violations compared to the expected number. The expected number is taken as the number of return observations over the entire sample period, multiplied by 0.01 for 99% VaR and ES calculations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Akkurate beraming van Waarde op Risiko (Value at Risk) en Verwagte Tekort (Expected Shortfall) is krities vir die bestuur van ekstreme mark risiko’s. Hierdie risiko’s kom met klein waarskynlikheid voor, maar die finansiële impakte is potensieel groot.
Tradisionele modelle om Waarde op Risiko en Verwagte Tekort te beraam, word ondersoek. In ooreenstemming met die algemene praktyk, word 99% 10 dag maatstawwe bereken. ‘n Omvattende teoretiese agtergrond word eers gegee en daarna word die modelle toegepas op die Africa Financials Index vanaf 29/01/1996 tot 30/04/2013. Die modelle wat oorweeg word sluit onafhanklike, identies verdeelde modelle en Veralgemeende Auto-regressiewe Voorwaardelike Heteroskedastiese (GARCH) stogastiese volatiliteitsmodelle in. Ekstreemwaarde Teorie modelle, wat spesifiek op ekstreme mark opbrengste fokus, word ook ondersoek. In hierdie verband word die Peaks Over Threshold (POT) benadering tot Ekstreemwaarde Teorie gevolg. Vir die berekening van Waarde op Risiko word verskillende skaleringsmetodes van een dag na tien dae oorweeg en die prestasie van elk word ge-evalueer.
Die GARCH modelle konvergeer nie gedurende tydperke van ekstreme opbrengste nie. Gedurende hierdie tydperke, kan Ekstreemwaarde Teorie modelle gebruik word. As ‘n nuwe benadering oorweeg hierdie studie die aanvulling van die GARCH modelle met Ekstreemwaarde Teorie vooruitskattings. Die sogenaamde twee-stap prosedure wat voor-af filtrering met ‘n GARCH model behels, gevolg deur die toepassing van Ekstreemwaarde Teorie (soos voorgestel deur McNeil, 1999), word ook ondersoek.
Hierdie studie identifiseer sommige van die praktiese probleme in model passing. Daar word gewys dat geen enkele vooruistkattingsmodel universeel optimaal is nie en die keuse van die model hang af van die aard van die data. Die beste benadering vir die data reeks wat in hierdie studie gebruik word, was om die GARCH stogastiese volatiliteitsmodelle met Ekstreemwaarde Teorie vooruitskattings aan te vul waar die voorafgenoemde nie konvergeer nie. Die prestasie van die modelle word beoordeel deur die werklike aantal Waarde op Risiko en Verwagte Tekort oortredings met die verwagte aantal te vergelyk. Die verwagte aantal word geneem as die aantal obrengste waargeneem oor die hele steekproefperiode, vermenigvuldig met 0.01 vir die 99% Waarde op Risiko en Verwagte Tekort berekeninge.
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現貨市場交易制度改革對期貨市場外溢效果之研究-以TAIFEX為例萬幸真, Wan, Janet H. Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本研究探討證交所實施盤中撮合取消兩檔限制、盤中瞬間價格穩定措施、收盤改採五分鐘集合競價、揭露未成交五檔的買賣委託價量等措施後,是否對期貨市場的績效指標,包括流動性、波動度與市場效率等產生變化,亦即考量台灣交易制度與市場結構與國外的差異性後,市場間是否存有外溢現象(spillovers);此外,本研究亦檢視期貨對現貨的領先關係是否隨著現貨市場的交易限制減少及市場透明度增加而出現變化,本研究劃分研究期間為五個區段,分別是91年4月1日 ~ 91年6月30日、91年7月1日 ~ 91年7月26日、91年7月29日 ~ 91年9月30日、91年7月1日 ~ 91年9月30日與92年1月1日 ~ 92年4月09日,以探討這些新措施本研究的主要發現與研究結論如下:
1. 市場成交量與波動度均出現先增後減的現象,在假設總體經濟情勢無重大變化的前提下,現貨市場制度改革會對期貨市場造成影響,適度的透明度有助於提高市場一般流動性交易者的交易動機,但當市場的透明度提高到某一種程度時,反而會降低資訊內部人在公開市場的交易意願。
2. 傳統流動比率(ALR)與變異數比率在研究期間不存有顯著差異,顯示現貨市場的制度改革,並未對期貨市場的整體市場效率帶來改變。
3. 在領先落後關係上,期貨市場受現貨市場的影響力逐期減小,主要有以下可能解釋,分別是衝擊市場訊息屬於全面性(market wide),台灣現貨市場有平盤以下不得放空的規定限制現貨市場對壞消息的反應能力、期貨市場自從開市以來就已有揭露最佳未成交五檔買賣價量資訊的措施、以及現貨市場後期由於缺乏這些資訊內部人的參與而使其對新資訊的反應仍然不如期貨市場快速。
4. 現貨市場受期貨市場的影響呈現先增後減,表示投資人在制度實施初期對新制度尚不熟悉,導致現貨市場出現短暫無效率的現象,但在2003年1月的揭示未成交最佳五檔買賣價量制度實施後,現貨市場變的更加透明化,使其對期貨市場前期新資訊的依賴程度已大幅減少。
5. 期交所於2002 / 07 / 29更改盤中之撮合方式,將由原本每十秒集合競價撮合一次之方式改為逐筆撮合,對期貨的市場市場並未造成顯著特殊的影響。
關鍵字:外溢效果、領先落後、交易制度改革、市場績效指標、VECM-GARCH、衝擊反應函數、Granger因果關係檢定、Johansen共整合 / Abstract
The Taiwan Stock Exchange adopted four main trading mechanisms. (elimination of the two up/down tick, intra-day volatility interruption, 5-min closing call auction, and disclosure of the best five bid/ask price and volume) This paper investigates the spillover effects on TAIFEX after considering the special market microstructure and trading systems in Taiwan. The major findings are as follows:
1. Trading volume and return volatility increase first and then decrease, under the assumption that ‘ no significant macroeconomic changes ’, spillover effects exists.
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Securities trading in multiple markets : the Chinese perspectiveWang, Chaoyan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis studies the trading of the Chinese American Depositories Receipts (ADRs) and their respective underlying H shares issued in Hong Kong. The primary intention of this work is to investigate the arbitrage opportunity between the Chinese ADRs and their underlying H shares. This intention is motivated by the market observation that hedge funds are often in the top 10 shareholders of these Chinese ADRs. We start our study from the origin place of the Chinese ADRs, China’s stock market. We pay particular attention to the ownership structure of the Chinese listed firms, because part of the Chinese ADRs also listed A shares (exclusively owned by the Chinese citizens) in Shanghai. We also pay attention to the market microstructures and trading costs of the three China-related stock exchanges. We then proceed to empirical study on the Chinese ADRs arbitrage possibility by comparing the return distribution of two securities; we find these two securities are different in their return distributions, and which is due to the inequality in the higher moments, such as skewness, and kurtosis. Based on the law of one price and the weak-form efficient markets, the prices of identical securities that are traded in different markets should be similar, as any deviation in their prices will be arbitraged away. Given the intrinsic property of the ADRs that a convenient transferable mechanism exists between the ADRs and their underlying shares which makes arbitrage easy; the different return distributions of the ADRs and the underlying shares address the question that if arbitrage is costly that the equilibrium price of the security achieved in each market is affected mainly by its local market where the Chinese ADRs/the underlying Hong Kong shares are traded, such as the demand for and the supply of the stock in each market, the different market microstructures and market mechanisms which produce different trading costs in each market, and different noise trading arose from asymmetric information across multi-markets. And because of these trading costs, noise trading risk, and liquidity risk, the arbitrage opportunity between the two markets would not be exploited promptly. This concern then leads to the second intention of this work that how noise trading and trading cost comes into playing the role of determining asset prices, which makes us to empirically investigate the comovement effect, as well as liquidity risk. With regards to these issues, we progress into two strands, firstly, we test the relationship between the price differentials of the Chinese ADRs and the market return of the US and Hong Kong market. This test is to examine the comovement effect which is caused by asynchronous noise trading. We find the US market impact dominant over Hong Kong market impact, though both markets display significant impact on the ADRs’ price differentials. Secondly, we analyze the liquidity effect on the Chinese ADRs and their underlying Hong Kong shares by using two proxies to measure illiquidity cost and liquidity risk. We find significant positive relation between return and trading volume which is used to capture liquidity risk. This finding leads to a deeper study on the relationship between trading volume and return volatility from market microstructure perspective. In order to verify a proper model to describe return volatility, we carry out test to examine the heteroscedasticity condition, and proceed to use two asymmetric GARCH models to capture leverage effect. We find the Chinese ADRs and their underlying Hong Kong shares have different patterns in the leverage effect as modeled by these two asymmetric GARCH models, and this finding from another angle explains why these two securities are unequal in the higher moments of their return distribution. We then test two opposite hypotheses about volume-volatility relation. The Mixture of Distributions Hypothesis suggests a positive relation between contemporaneous volume and volatility, while the Sequential Information Arrival Hypothesis indicates a causality relationship between lead-lag volume and volatility. We find supportive evidence for the Sequential Information Arrival Hypothesis but not for the Mixture of Distributions Hypothesis.
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Value-at-risk forecasting with the ARMA-GARCH family of models during the recent financial crisis / Value-at-risk forecasting with the ARMA-GARCH family of models during the recent financial crisisJánský, Ivo January 2011 (has links)
The thesis evaluates several hundred one-day-ahead VaR forecasting models in the time period between the years 2004 and 2009 on data from six world stock indices - DJI, GSPC, IXIC, FTSE, GDAXI and N225. The models model mean using the AR and MA processes with up to two lags and variance with one of GARCH, EGARCH or TARCH processes with up to two lags. The models are estimated on the data from the in-sample period and their forecasting ac- curacy is evaluated on the out-of-sample data, which are more volatile. The main aim of the thesis is to test whether a model estimated on data with lower volatility can be used in periods with higher volatility. The evaluation is based on the conditional coverage test and is performed on each stock index sepa- rately. Unlike other works in this eld of study, the thesis does not assume the log-returns to be normally distributed and does not explicitly select a partic- ular conditional volatility process. Moreover, the thesis takes advantage of a less known conditional coverage framework for the measurement of forecasting accuracy.
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Analysis of Interdependencies among Central European Stock Markets / Analysis of Interdependencies among Central European Stock MarketsMašková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to examine interdependencies among the stock markets of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Germany in the period 2008-2010. Two main methods are applied in the analysis. The first method is based on the use of high-frequency data and consists in the computation of realized correlations, which are then modeled using the heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model. In addition, we employ realized bipower correlations, which should be robust to the presence of jumps in prices. The second method involves modeling of correlations by means of the Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH (DCC-GARCH) model, which is applied to daily data. The results indicate that when high-frequency data are used, the correlations are biased towards zero (the so-called "Epps effect"). We also find quite significant differences between the dynamics of the correlations from the DCC-GARCH models and those of the realized correlations. Finally, we show that accuracy of the forecasts of correlations can be improved by combining results obtained from different models (HAR models for realized correlations, HAR models for realized bipower correlations, DCC-GARCH models).
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