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Role deformačního členění na tektonický vývoj rozhraní suprastruktury a infrastruktury v tepelsko-barrandienské oblasti / The role of deformation partitioning on the tectonic evolution of the superstructure-infrastructure transition in the Teplá-Barrandian domainPeřestý, Vít January 2019 (has links)
Upper part of the orogenic crust (superstructure) significantly differs from the lower part of the crust (infrastructure) by structural and metamorphic record. This fundamental observation is explained by interruption of the mutual evolution due to mechanical decoupling of the hot and ductile infrastructure from the cold and brittle superstructure at certain stages of the orogenic evolution. The superstructure-infrastructure transition zone is a rheologically predisposed domain of sharp deformation and metamorphic gradients with polyphase structural record. Understanding of the deformation partitioning in such a rheologically complex setting is a key aspect in linking of the individual deformation stages between upper and lower crust. The transition zone between unmetamorphosed early-Variscan superstructure (Teplá-Barrandian Domain) and late Variscan high- grade infrastructure (Saxothuringian Domain) crops out at the western margin of the Teplá- Barrandian Domain in the Bohemian Massif. This area is a continuous mid- to lower-crustal section with early-Variscan structural and metamorphic record, which is superposed onto pre-Variscan episode. This thesis aims to decipher individual deformation events, to evaluate their manifes- tations at different crustal levels and to bring new and unifying...
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Nature and Origin of the East Traverse Mountains Mega-Landslide, Northern Utah (USA)Chadburn, Rodney Ryan 11 December 2020 (has links)
The East Traverse Mountains are an E-W trending mountain range dividing Utah and Salt Lake valleys in northern Utah. Geologically perplexing, the nature of the East Traverse Mountains has been under investigation for 140 years. Previously, the mountain range was proposed to be a dismembered but still coherent down-faulted block that experienced 4 km of post-thrusting extension within the Charleston-Nebo thrust sheet. However, new insight on the origin of the East Traverse Mountains indicate that it is a mega landslide, roughly ~100 km3 in size, which catastrophically slid from the upper reaches of the Little-Cottonwood stock to its present-day location. The primary evidence for this landslide includes two unusual dike swarms whose roots are in the Wasatch Range and whose upper reaches are now in the East Traverse Mountains, 16 km to the SW. A swarm of pebble dikes, indicative of porphyry mineralization is found at the center of the East Traverse Mountains and contain pebbles of Little-Cottonwood stock as well as two other intrusions found at the center of a mineralized zone. These granitic clasts have phyllic alteration, contain molybdenite grains and are sourced from a subeconomic molybdenum-copper porphyry deposit located 16 km to the NE. The other dike swarm occurs on the SE corner of the range near Alpine, Utah, which contains various andesitic and phaneritic dikes of intermediate-felsic compositions (56-69 wt.% SiO2) with localized marble on their southern margin. These dikes range in U-Pb ages from 36-29 Ma. Moreover, other evidence includes brecciation of the entire mountain range as well as along the slide path of this landslide. Breccia, as well as pseudotachylyte and cataclasite have been discovered that formed in the rapid transportation of the 1-2 km thick detached block. Devitrified pseudotachylyte veins range in thickness from 1 cm to 1 m and are present in the roof zone of the pluton. Sixteen kilometers of sliding caused 70-80% of the Oquirrh Group rocks of the East Traverse Mountains to be fractured to less than 1-inch diameter clasts in breccias and broken formations, as documented by 16 years of mining. U-bearing opal replaced significant areas of brecciated volcanic rocks when hot water seeped into highly-fractured, argillically altered rock. U-Pb ages of 6.1 ± 0.9 Ma from these opalite areas could provide a minimum age for the emplacement of the mountain block. Underlying the East Traverse Mountains slide block is a layer of fallout tuff deposited in the Jordan River Narrows member with 40Ar/39Ar ages of 6.62 ± 0.07 Ma which provides a maximum age of emplacement. Therefore, we propose that the East Traverse Mountains mega-landslide occurred between 6.1 ± 0.9 Ma and 6.62 ± 0.07 Ma. Our interpretation for the East Traverse Mountains mega-landslide model builds upon previous research and data, with the addition of these recent findings. This new interpretation is crucial for understanding the potential for large normal fault systems to create significant landslide hazards.
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Детаљна луминесцентна хронологија последња два глацијално-интерглацијална циклуса Тителског лесног платоа / Detaljna luminescentna hronologija poslednja dva glacijalno-interglacijalna ciklusa Titelskog lesnog platoa / Detailed luminescence chronology of the lasttwo glacial-interglacial cycles from the Titelloess corePerić Zoran 14 February 2018 (has links)
<p>Еолски седименти представљају идеалан материјал за примену методе луминесцентног датирања. Један од главних разлога је њихов минеролошки састав који углавном чине кварц и фелдспат. Ови минерали поседују читав низ луминесцентних карактеристика који их чине погодним за луминесцентно датирање а поред тога, могуће је релативно једноставно извршити њихову екстракцију и сепарацију од других неминералних састојака. У случају лесних платоа (еолски транспортованих седимената), може се претпоставити да су индивидуална минерална зрна била потпуно изложена сунчевој светлости и да су у довољној мери ресетована пре депозиције. Истраживана секција Велики сурдук на Тителском лесном платоу, изабрана је за датирање, на основу своје моћности, високе стопе седиментације и комплетности које овај локалитет чине најдетаљнијим палеоклиматским архивом последња два глацијално- интерглацијална циклуса у овом делу Европе.<br />Употребом класичног SAR протокола за датирање утврђено је да кварцна зрна са<br />Тителског лесног платоа представљају прецизне дозиметре до ~120 Gy, после чега долази до очигледног засићења сигнала. Највиша утврђена доза фелдспата измерена модификованим SAR пост-IRIR<sup>200,290</sup> протоколом је била 854,0±24 Gy. Пост-IRIR<sup>200,290</sup> протокол није утврдио сатурацију код минералних зрна фелдспата, што је умногомо подигло поуздану старосну границу за датирање на секцији Велики сурдук, а највероватније и на осталим лесним профилима у Србији. Примена различитих протокола и мерења аплицираних на различите групе минерала и њихове фракције дају овим истраживањима далекосежан методолошки значај. На овај начин је доказано да у поменутом временском опсегу OSL датирање грубог кварца даје поуздане старосне процене до 35,8±3,7 ka док су зрна фелдспата датирана до чак 237,7±12,8 ka. Кварц има апсолутно највећу подударност са очекиваним геолошким временом до MIS 2 за разлику од фелдспата који показује бoљу подударност са претпостављеном геолошком хронологијом до MIS 7.</p> / <p>Eolski sedimenti predstavljaju idealan materijal za primenu metode luminescentnog datiranja. Jedan od glavnih razloga je njihov minerološki sastav koji uglavnom čine kvarc i feldspat. Ovi minerali poseduju čitav niz luminescentnih karakteristika koji ih čine pogodnim za luminescentno datiranje a pored toga, moguće je relativno jednostavno izvršiti njihovu ekstrakciju i separaciju od drugih nemineralnih sastojaka. U slučaju lesnih platoa (eolski transportovanih sedimenata), može se pretpostaviti da su individualna mineralna zrna bila potpuno izložena sunčevoj svetlosti i da su u dovoljnoj meri resetovana pre depozicije. Istraživana sekcija Veliki surduk na Titelskom lesnom platou, izabrana je za datiranje, na osnovu svoje moćnosti, visoke stope sedimentacije i kompletnosti koje ovaj lokalitet čine najdetaljnijim paleoklimatskim arhivom poslednja dva glacijalno- interglacijalna ciklusa u ovom delu Evrope.<br />Upotrebom klasičnog SAR protokola za datiranje utvrđeno je da kvarcna zrna sa<br />Titelskog lesnog platoa predstavljaju precizne dozimetre do ~120 Gy, posle čega dolazi do očiglednog zasićenja signala. Najviša utvrđena doza feldspata izmerena modifikovanim SAR post-IRIR<sup>200,290</sup> protokolom je bila 854,0±24 Gy. Post-IRIR<sup>200,290</sup> protokol nije utvrdio saturaciju kod mineralnih zrna feldspata, što je umnogomo podiglo pouzdanu starosnu granicu za datiranje na sekciji Veliki surduk, a najverovatnije i na ostalim lesnim profilima u Srbiji. Primena različitih protokola i merenja apliciranih na različite grupe minerala i njihove frakcije daju ovim istraživanjima dalekosežan metodološki značaj. Na ovaj način je dokazano da u pomenutom vremenskom opsegu OSL datiranje grubog kvarca daje pouzdane starosne procene do 35,8±3,7 ka dok su zrna feldspata datirana do čak 237,7±12,8 ka. Kvarc ima apsolutno najveću podudarnost sa očekivanim geološkim vremenom do MIS 2 za razliku od feldspata koji pokazuje bolju podudarnost sa pretpostavljenom geološkom hronologijom do MIS 7.</p> / <p>Aeolian sediments represent an ideal material for the application of the luminescence dating method. One of the main reasons is their mineralogical composition which consists mainly of quartz and feldspars. These minerals possess a whole range of luminescence characteristics that make them suitable for luminescence dating, and in addition, it is relatively easy to extract and separate them from other non-mineral ingredients. In the case of loess plateaus (eolically transported sediments), it can be assumed that individual mineral grains were completely exposed to sunlight and were sufficiently bleached before deposition. The investigated section Veliki surduk on the Titel loess plateau was chosen for dating, based on its thicknes, the high rate of sedimentation and completeness which makes this site one of the most detailed paleoclimatic archives of the last two glacial and interglacial cycles in this part of Europe.<br />Using the classic SAR protocol for dating, it has been found that the quartz grains from the Titel loess plateau are precise dosimeters up to ~120 Gy, followed by an apparent saturation of the signal. The highest established dose of feldspars measured by the modified SAR postIRIR<sup>200,290</sup> protocol was 854.0±24 Gy. The post-IRIR<sup>200,290</sup> protocol did not determine the saturation of feldspar minerals, which has largely raised the age limit for luminescence dating at the Veliki surduk section, and most probably, also on other loess profiles in Serbia. The application of various protocols and measurements applied to different groups of minerals and their fractions give these research a far-reaching methodological significance. In this way, it has been proven that in the mentioned time range, OSL dating of coarse grain quartz yields reliable age estimates up to 35.8±3.7 k while the feldspar grains are dated to as high as 237.7±12.8 ka. Quartz has the highest match with the expected geological age to MIS 2 as opposed to feldspar, which shows better correspondance with the assumed geological chronology to MIS 7.</p>
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Nature and Origin of the East Traverse Mountains Mega-Landslide, Northern Utah (USA)Chadburn, Rodney Ryan 11 December 2020 (has links)
The East Traverse Mountains are an E-W trending mountain range dividing Utah and Salt Lake valleys in northern Utah. Geologically perplexing, the nature of the East Traverse Mountains has been under investigation for 140 years. Previously, the mountain range was proposed to be a dismembered but still coherent down-faulted block that experienced 4 km of post-thrusting extension within the Charleston-Nebo thrust sheet. However, new insight on the origin of the East Traverse Mountains indicate that it is a mega landslide, roughly ~100 km3 in size, which catastrophically slid from the upper reaches of the Little-Cottonwood stock to its present-day location. The primary evidence for this landslide includes two unusual dike swarms whose roots are in the Wasatch Range and whose upper reaches are now in the East Traverse Mountains, 16 km to the SW. A swarm of pebble dikes, indicative of porphyry mineralization is found at the center of the East Traverse Mountains and contain pebbles of Little-Cottonwood stock as well as two other intrusions found at the center of a mineralized zone. These granitic clasts have phyllic alteration, contain molybdenite grains and are sourced from a subeconomic molybdenum-copper porphyry deposit located 16 km to the NE. The other dike swarm occurs on the SE corner of the range near Alpine, Utah, which contains various andesitic and phaneritic dikes of intermediate-felsic compositions (56-69 wt.% SiO2) with localized marble on their southern margin. These dikes range in U-Pb ages from 36-29 Ma. Moreover, other evidence includes brecciation of the entire mountain range as well as along the slide path of this landslide. Breccia, as well as pseudotachylyte and cataclasite have been discovered that formed in the rapid transportation of the 1-2 km thick detached block. Devitrified pseudotachylyte veins range in thickness from 1 cm to 1 m and are present in the roof zone of the pluton. Sixteen kilometers of sliding caused 70-80% of the Oquirrh Group rocks of the East Traverse Mountains to be fractured to less than 1-inch diameter clasts in breccias and broken formations, as documented by 16 years of mining. U-bearing opal replaced significant areas of brecciated volcanic rocks when hot water seeped into highly-fractured, argillically altered rock. U-Pb ages of 6.1 ± 0.9 Ma from these opalite areas could provide a minimum age for the emplacement of the mountain block. Underlying the East Traverse Mountains slide block is a layer of fallout tuff deposited in the Jordan River Narrows member with 40Ar/39Ar ages of 6.62 ± 0.07 Ma which provides a maximum age of emplacement. Therefore, we propose that the East Traverse Mountains mega-landslide occurred between 6.1 ± 0.9 Ma and 6.62 ± 0.07 Ma. Our interpretation for the East Traverse Mountains mega-landslide model builds upon previous research and data, with the addition of these recent findings. This new interpretation is crucial for understanding the potential for large normal fault systems to create significant landslide hazards.
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Le domaine paléoprotérozoïque (éburnéen) de la chaîne du Mayombe (Congo-Brazzaville) : origine et évolution tectono-métamorphique / Palaeoproterozoic (Eburnean) domain of Mayombe belt (Congo-Brazzaville) : origin and tectono-metamorphic evolutionBouenitela, Vicky Tendresse Télange 08 March 2019 (has links)
La chaîne du Mayombe constitue la portion congolaise du système orogénique « Araçuaï-West Congo » qui se répartit entre la marge orientale du Brésil et la marge occidentale de l’Afrique centrale. Elle s’allonge parallèlement au littoral atlantique suivant la direction NW-SE. En tenant compte des données géochronologiques, elle se subdivise en deux domaines lithostratigraphiques : (i) le domaine paléoprotérozoïque et (ii) le domaine néoprotérozoïque. Le domaine paléoprotérozoique de la chaîne du Mayombe correspond à la partie interne de la chaîne et se caractérise par la co-existence des roches d’origine sédimentaire et magmatique déformées et métamorphisées à des degrés variés. Ces roches se répartissent en trois principaux groupes lithologiques : (i) le Groupe de la Loémé, (ii) le Groupe de la Loukoula et (iii) le Groupe de la Bikossi. L’analyse structurale des Groupes de la Loémé et de la Loukoula montre que ceux-ci sont plissés et fracturés. Dans le Groupe de la Loémé les plis présentent des axes qui s’orientent dans les directions NE-SW, NNE-SSW et N-S tandis que dans le Groupe de la Loukoula, le plissement se fait suivant la direction NE-SW. Le Groupe de la Bikossi se caractérise par des plis qui s’orientent dans les directions identifiées dans les précédants Groupes. L’étude géochimique réalisée sur les échantillons provenant du domaine paléoprotérozoïque de la chaîne du Mayombe montre que ce dernier est hétérogénique c’est-à-dire qu’il implique des terrains d’origine et de lithologie variées. La caractérisation pétrologique des ensembles lithologiques des groupes de la Loémé et de la Loukoula montre que ceux-ci sont affectés par au moins deux événements métamorphiques distincts qui se superposent. Le premier événement se traduit par des paragenèses à grenat-biotite-oligoclase dans les métapélites et par le développement de la hornblende brune dans les métabasites permettant ainsi de situer le contexte d’évolution dans le faciès des amphibolites. Le second événement s’enregistre de façon différente dans le Groupe de la Loémé et dans le Groupe de la Loukoula. Il se traduit respectivement par des assemblages à grenat-biotite-oligoclase dans les formtaions du Groupe de la Loémé et par une paragenèse à chlorite-albite-épidote dans le Groupe de la Loukoula. Les échantillons rattachés au Groupe de la Bikossi ne présentent que les traces d’un seul événement métamorphique marqué par les paragenèses à grenat-biotite-muscovite et grenat-chloritoïde-chlorite avec une température oscillant entre 510-568°C pour une pression d’environ 8 kbar. La datation U-Pb sur zircons a permis de : (i) définir les sources des matériaux détritiques ayant constitué les bassins évoluant de l’Archéen au Protérozoïque (3300-1500) ; (ii) de confirmer l’âge paléoprotérozoïque (2070-2040 Ma) du magmatisme éburnéen ainsi que l’âge néoprotérozoïque (925 Ma) des granites de type Mfoubou et Mont Kanda et (iii) mettre en évidence des perturbations du système isotopique U-Pb des zircons à 642 ± 36 Ma et 539 ± 18 Ma. Les analyses 40Ar-39Ar sur biotite, muscovite et amphibole des échantillons du domaine occidental de la chaîne du Mayombe ont fourni des âges qui situent l’événement tectono-thermique pan-africain entre 615 Ma et 496 Ma. / The Mayombe belt is the congolese part of the Araçuaï-West Congo belt system which extend from eastern margin of Brazil to western margin of central Africa. It runs parallel to the Atlantic coastline with NW-SE trend. Considering geochronological data, it is subdivided into two lithostratigraphic domains : (i) the Paleoproterozoic domain and (ii) the Neoproterozoic domain. The Paleoproterozoic domain of the Mayombe range corresponds to the inner part of the belt and is characterized by the coexistence of para and orthoderived rocks deformed and metamorphosed to varying degrees. These rocks are distributed among the three main lithological Groups : (i) the Loémé Group, (ii) the Loukoula Group and (iii) the Bikossi Group. Structural analysis of Loémé and Loukoula Groups shows folded and fractured stuctures. In the Loémé Group, folds trend NE-SW, NNE-SSW and N-S while in the Loukoula Group, the main shortening trends NE-SW. The Bikossi Group is characterized by folds oriented in the directions identified in the preceding Groups. The geochemical study carried out on samples from the Paleoproterozoic domain of the Mayombe belt shows that the latter is heterogeneous, by involving rocks of various origin and lithology. The petrological characterization of Loémé and Loukoula Groups shows that they are affected by at least two distinct metamorphic events that overlap. The first event is characterized by garnet-biotite-oligoclase parageneses in metapelites and by the development of brown hornblende in metabasites, thus allowing the evolution context to be situated in the amphibolite facies. The second event is recorded differently in Loémé Group and Loukoula Group. It consits respectively in garnet-biotite-oligoclase assemblages in the Loemé Group and in chlorite-albite-epidote paragenesis in the Loukoula Group. Samples from Bikossi Group present only traces of a single metamorphic event marked by garnet-biotite-muscovite and garnet-chloritoid-chlorite parageneses whose temperature is estimated at 510-568°C for 8 kbar of pressure. U-Pb dating of zircons allows to : (i) define the Archean-Paleoproterozoic (3300-1500Ma) sources of metasedimentary rocks (ii) confirm Paleoproterozoic (2070-2040 Ma) age of Eburnean magmatism and Neoproterozoic (925 Ma) Mfoubou and Mont Kanda type magmatism and (iii) to highlight the perturbations of zircons U-Pb isotopic system at 642 ± 36 Ma and 539 ± 18 Ma. The 40Ar-39Ar analyzes on biotite, muscovite and amphibole from samples of the western domain of Mayombe betl provided since the age range of Pan-African tectono-thermal event at 615-496 Ma.
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Reconnaissance U-Pb geochronology of Precambrian crystalline rocks from the northern Black Hills, South Dakota: Implications for regional thermotectonic historyGhosh, Amiya Kumar 20 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Silicic Magma Genesis in Basalt-dominated Oceanic Settings : Examples from Iceland and the Canary IslandsBerg, Sylvia E. January 2016 (has links)
The origin of silicic magma in basalt-dominated oceanic settings is fundamental to our understanding of magmatic processes and formation of the earliest continental crust. Particularly significant is magma-crust interaction that can modify the composition of magma and the dynamics of volcanism. This thesis investigates silicic magma genesis on different scales in two ocean island settings. First, volcanic products from a series of voluminous Neogene silicic centres in northeast Iceland are investigated using rock and mineral geochemistry, U-Pb geochronology, and oxygen isotope analysis. Second, interfacial processes of magma-crust interaction are investigated using geochemistry and 3D X-ray computed microtomography on crustal xenoliths from the 2011-12 El Hierro eruption, Canary Islands. The results from northeast Iceland constrain a rapid outburst of silicic magmatism driven by a flare of the Iceland plume and/or by formation of a new rift zone, causing large volume injection of basaltic magma into hydrated basaltic crust. This promoted crustal recycling by partial melting of the hydrothermally altered Icelandic crust, thereby producing mixed-origin silicic melt pockets that reflect the heterogeneous nature of the crustal protolith with respect to oxygen isotopes. In particular, a previously unrecognised high-δ18O end-member on Iceland was documented, which implies potentially complex multi-component assimilation histories for magmas ascending through the Icelandic crust. Common geochemical traits between Icelandic and Hadean zircon populations strengthen the concept of Iceland as an analogue for early Earth, implying that crustal recycling in emergent rifts was pivotal in generating Earth’s earliest continental silicic crust. Crustal xenoliths from the El Hierro 2011-2012 eruption underline the role of partial melting and assimilation of pre-island sedimentary layers in the early shield-building phase of ocean islands. This phenomenon may contribute to the formation of evolved magmas, and importantly, the release of volatiles from the xenoliths may be sufficient to increase the volatile load of the magma and temporarily alter the character and intensity of an eruption. This thesis sheds new light on the generation of silicic magma in basalt-dominated oceanic settings and emphasises the relevance of magma-crust interaction for magma evolution, silicic crust formation, and eruption style from early Earth to present.
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Age, récurrence et mécanismes de déstabilisation des flancs des volcans océaniques d'après l'exemple de Tenerife (iles Canaries) / Age, recurrence and triggering mechanisms of flank collapse episodes on ocean islands after the Tenerife Island exemple (Canary Islands)Boulesteix, Thomas 30 September 2011 (has links)
La croissance des volcans océaniques est fréquemment ponctuée par des effondrements latéraux géants qui peuvent générer des avalanches de débris volumineuses et engendrer des tsunamis dévastateurs. Néanmoins, les causes, les mécanismes et les conséquences de telles déstabilisations, critiques pour la caractérisation des aléas, demeurent largement incompris.L'île de Tenerife (Canaries, Espagne) constitue une cible privilégiée pour étudier ces phénomènes. Son évolution récente inclue le développement d'un volcan central différencié et d'une ride volcanique proéminente le long d'une rift-zone principale NE-SW (NERZ). Durant le dernier Myr, ces systèmes ont été tronqués par trois effondrements de flanc géants, dont la semelle est partiellement accessible à la faveur de galeries souterraines à usage hydrogéologique.Cette thèse développe une analyse systématique des relations entre construction volcanique et instabilités récurrentes le long de l’axe de la NERZ. L'approche inclut des investigations de terrain en surface et dans les galeries, afin de reconnaître et d’échantillonner les séquences volcaniques affectées par chaque effondrement et remplissant leurs structures; la datation K/Ar Cassignol-Gillot sur phases séparées pour en contraindre l’âge précisément ; des reconstructions morphologiques 3D afin d'estimer le volume des édifices et des structures gravitaires; des analyses chimiques sur roches totales, visant à caractériser l’évolution de la composition des laves avant et après chaque déstabilisation.Les nouveaux résultats montrent le fonctionnement intermittent des différents tronçons la NERZ, avec un schéma récurrent comprenant :1) la croissance rapide d'un édifice imposant, dont la charge induit la création de niveaux de stockage superficiels et l’éruption de termes différenciés visqueux, favorisant l'inflation locale de la structure et sa déstabilisation2) la rupture proprement dite, datée à environ 840 ka, 525 ka et 175 ka (glissements de Güimar, La Orotava et Icod, respectivement)3) une réponse éruptive immédiate, impliquant la vidange rapide (<50kyr) du système d’alimentation, et le comblement des loupes de glissement sous des dizaines de km3 de lave.4) Un déplacement consécutif de la construction volcanique vers les secteurs moins matures de la NERZ (moindre épaisseur de l'édifice/moindre pression lithostatique)Nous montrons que les phénomènes de charge/décharge ont une influence primordiale sur le développement des instabilités gravitaires et l'évolution des systèmes d'alimentation des îles océaniques. / The growth of oceanic volcanoes is frequently punctuated by large flank collapses, which can generate voluminous debris avalanches and destructive tsunamis. The causes, the mechanisms and the consequences of such instabilities, crucial for risk assessment, remain poorly understood.Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) is a target of particular interest to study such phenomena. Its recent evolution includes the development of a large silicic central volcano and a prominent volcanic ridge along a main NE-SW trending rift zone (NERZ). During the last Myr, these volcanic systems have been truncated by three large flank collapses, the base of which is partly accessible through underground water mining galleries.This thesis develops a systematic analysis of the relationships between volcanic construction and recurrent flank instabilities along the NERZ. Our approach includes field investigations at the surface and in the galleries to identify and sample the volcanic units affected by each landslide and the successions filling their scar; unspiked K/Ar dating (Cassignol-Gillot technique) on fresh separated groundmass to constrain precisely the timing of the landslides; 3-D morphological reconstructions to estimate the volume of the edifices and landslides structures; and whole-rock geochemical analyses to characterize the compositional evolution of the magma prior to and after each collapse event.Our new results show the intermittent functioning of the various sections of the NERZ with a recurrent pattern comprising:(1) The rapid construction of a large volcanic edifice. The resulting load favors the creation of superficial storage levels, the associated evolution of the magma and the eruption of viscous differentiated terms, favoring local inflation of the structure and its destabilization(2) The collapse of a flank of the NERZ, dated at ca. 840 ka, 525 ka, and 175 ka (Güimar, La Orotava and Icod, events respectively)(3) An immediate eruptive response, implying the rapid emptying (<50kyr) of the feeding system and the filling of the landslide scars under tens of km3 of lava.(4) The subsequent displacement of volcanic activity towards the less mature sectors (lower thickness/lower lithostatic pressure).We show here that loading/unloading processes have a strong influence on the development of gravitational instabilities and the evolution of the magma feeding systems on such large intraplate volcanic islands.
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L’orogenèse varisque dans les massifs cristallins externes de Belledonne et du Pelvoux (Alpes occidentales françaises) : rôle de la fusion partielle et du plutonisme dans la structuration de la croûte continentale / The variscan orogeny in the external crystalline massifs of Belledonne and Pelvoux (French Western Alps) : the role of partial melting and plutonism on the structuration of the continental crustFréville, Kévin 12 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le but de déchiffrer l’évolution tectono-métamorphique des massifs de Belledonne, des Grandes Rousses et du Pelvoux nous avons effectué une étude multidisciplinaire (Structures, pétrologies, géochronologies, géochimies, et isotopes radiogéniques). Les résultats obtenus permettent de reconnaitre six évènements tectono-métamorphiques responsables de la structuration de ce segment de la chaîne varisque. Le premier événement, Dx, correspond à un épisode de collision précoce et se produit vers ca.380 Ma. Il est responsable de l’obduction vers l’E du complexe ophiolitique de Chamrousse, ainsi que d’un métamorphisme de MP-BT. Vers 350 Ma, un évènement magmatique permet la formation de l’unité magmatique bi-modal de Rioupéroux-Livet. Entre 350 et 330 Ma, la mise en place de nappes vers l’E (D₁) se caractérisé par un métamorphisme barrovien. Cet événement est également responsable de la mise en place de nombreux granites liés à la fusion partielle de la croûte. L’évènement transpressif senestre D₂ se produit immédiatement après, vers 320-300 Ma. Il se caractérise par le plissement de la pile de nappes non migmatitiques, et par le développement d’une foliation verticale S₂. Dans la croûte partiellement fondue, il est marqué par une fabrique verticales (S₂), par des zones de cisaillements (C₂ et C’₂), qui s’organisent en structure de type S-C-C’. Synchrone à la déformation tardi-D₂ (305-300 Ma), l’événement D₃ est responsable de la formation d.une foliation plate (S₃) à la transition entre les migmatites et les roches non fondues. Les structures D₂ et D₃ sont interprétées comme étant relatives au fluage latéral de la croûte partiellement fondue. L’événement D₂ s’accompagne également de la mise en place de nombreux granites peralumineux, formés lors de la fusion partielle de la croûte. Enfin, l’intrusion d’un granite à cordiérite au Permien constitue le dernier évènement observé dans cette portion de la chaîne varisque. / In order to decipher the Variscan tectono-thermal evolution of the Belledonne-Pelvoux area we perform a multidisciplinary study (structural, petrology, geochronology, geochemistry and radiogenic isotopes). The results allow us to recognize six tectono-thermal events responsible for the building of the studied portion of the Variscan orogen. The first, Dx corresponds to an earlier collisional event at ca. 380 Ma that was responsible for the obduction of the Chamrousse ophiolitic unit toward the East and MP-BT metamorphism. At ca. 350 Ma, a magmatic event is responsible for the formation of the bi-modal magmatism of the Rioupéroux-Livet unit. Between ca.350-330 Ma an eastward nappe-staking event (D₁) responsible of a barrovian metamorphism occurred. It is coeval with the emplacement of numerous continental crust derived plutons. This event is followed at ca. 320-300 Ma by a D2 NW-SE directed shortening in a sinistral transpressive regime. This event is characterized by folding of the unmolten nappe pile and development of a subvertical S₂ foliation. In the partially molten crust, the D₂ event is characterized by the formation of steeply dipping S₂ and shear zones (C₂ and C’₂) organized as S-C-C’-like pattern. Coeval with the late-D₂ deformation (ca. 305-300Ma) a D₃ event responsible for the development of a flat laying S₃ foliation at the boundary between the molten and unmolten domains is documented. The late-D₂ and D₃ events are interpreted to be relative to the lateral flow of the partially-molten crust. The D₂ event is coeval with the emplacement of the manly Stephanian peraluminous granitoids, formed by melting of the continental crust. Finally, a Cordierite- bearing granite indicate the existence of a Permian magmatism.
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Le volcanisme ignimbritique des canyons Ocoña - Cotahuasi (Sud du Pérou) : chronostratigraphie, sources et liens avec la surrection andineLa Rupelle, Aude de 27 September 2013 (has links)
La Cordillère des Andes, issue de la subduction de la plaque Pacifique sous le continent Sud-Américain, est un système orogénique propice à la formation de grands systèmes volcaniques acides, dans lesquels coexistent des produits d’éruptions volcaniques explosives de grandes magnitudes et des laves et dômes, associés à des calderas mono- ou polygéniques. Ce mémoire de thèse apporte de nouvelles connaissances sur certains systèmes volcaniques acides du Sud du Pérou, dont les produits affleurent dans les canyons d’Ocoña-Cotahuasi-Maran (OCM). Ces canyons, les plus profonds des Andes (3 à 3,5 km), résultent de la combinaison des processus de soulèvement tectonique, d’incision, et d’érosion depuis 15 Ma. Les imposantes séries ignimbritiques exposées dans cette région (env. 10000 km²), témoignent de l’existence d’un volcanisme explosif de grande ampleur, associé à des systèmes acides peu connus d’après les études antérieures. Cette étude vise tout d’abord à obtenir une chrono-stratigraphie améliorée des événements ignimbritiques (groupes, unités) dans la région OCM pour mieux connaître les récurrences des super-éruptions dans cette région au cours des derniers 25 Ma. Ensuite, nous cherchons à localiser les sources des grandes unités et à identifier les éventuelles structures d’effondrement associées (calderas). Pour ce faire, nous avons combiné diverses techniques, associant l’étude de la stratigraphie et de la lithologie des dépôts volcaniques, les datations par la méthode 40Ar-39Ar des principales unités ignimbritiques et coulées de lave, l’imagerie satellitaire (Landsat, SPOT) et la pétrologie (assemblages minéralogiques, étude des textures et des compositions chimiques) et enfin, les mesures de densité et d’anisotropie de susceptibilité magnétique des ignimbrites (ASM) pour analyser les directions d’écoulement et tenter de localiser leurs sources. Ainsi, les résultats nous ont permis d’identifier huit événements ignimbritiques, dont six majeurs, datés entre ~24 Ma et ~2 Ma. Les âges des grandes unités (Nazca, Alpabamba, Huaylillas, Caraveli, Sencca inférieure et supérieure) montrent une récurrence moyenne de l’ordre de 4-5 Ma depuis 25 Ma. Les lithologies sont assez semblables, bien que les degrés de soudure varient beaucoup, allant de produits meubles jusqu’aux faciès eutaxitiques. L’étude pétrologique révèle des assemblages de minéraux assez homogènes, les paragenèses étant dominées par le quartz, le feldspath, la biotite, l’amphibole et des oxydes. Les volumes bruts des unités principales que nous avons déterminés se situent entre ~40 et ~500-800 km3. Cependant, il ne s’agit que de valeurs minimales, puisque nous considérons que les volumes initiaux sont au moins le double ou le triple, probablement dans la gamme ~100 à ~2400 km3. La distribution des unités ignimbritiques d’OCM et les résultats des analyses ASM désignent plusieurs zones sources. L’unité de Caraveli provient de la caldera de Trapiche, qui contient le lac Parinacochas. Cette structure que nous identifions, d'un diamètre de ~22 km, est située dans un bassin tectonique allongé selon la direction N-S. Elle est occupée dans sa partie ouest par un dôme résurgent de 800 m de haut, le Cerro Trompo Orjo. Les unités Huaylillas et Alpabamba, ainsi que les groupes Sencca (inférieure et supérieure) seraient issus d’une source entièrement recouverte par le massif volcanique quaternaire du Nevado Coropuna. Des estimations de volumes éruptifs suggèrent une atténuation significative du volcanisme ignimbritique depuis 9 Ma, peut-être liée à la maturation orogénique de l’Altiplano-Puna. En profondeur, le magmatisme a probablement contribué à l’épaississement crustal par adjonction de grands volumes de magma. (...) / The Andes, resulting from the subduction of Pacific plate under South-America continental plate, is an orogenic system suitable for large acidic volcanic systems formation. These structures display at the same time volcanic products from high magnitude explosive eruptions, lavas and domes, and mono- or polygenetic calderas. This manuscript brings a new expertise on some of the acidic volcanic systems in South Peru, which products outcrop in the Ocoña - Cotahuasi - Maran canyons (OCM). This canyons system, one of the deepest worldwide (up to 3.5 km), was created by combined tectonic uplift, incision and erosion processes since 15 Ma. Voluminous ignimbritic series widespread in this region (around 10000 km2) are evidences for a past high amplitude explosive volcanic activity related to little-known acidic systems. The topic of this study is to obtain an enhanced chrono-stratigraphy of the OCM region ignimbritic succession (groups and units). This would provide a better knowledge on the regional super-eruptions recurrence since the last 25 Ma. Then, we focus on localizing the largest ignimbrites sources and identify the possible related collapse structures (calderas). For that purpose we combine several studies, from stratigraphy, deposits lithology to 40Ar-39Ar dating of the main ignimbritic units and lava flows. We also use satellite imagery (Landsat, SPOT) and petrology (mineralogical assemblage, textures and geochemical composition). Finally, we measure the ignimbrites density and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) to determine their flowing directions and estimate their sources locations. Thus, the results let us identify eight ignimbritic events among which, six happened between ~24 Ma and ~2 Ma. The main units ages (Nazca, Alpabamba, Huaylillas, Caraveli, lower and upper Sencca) show an average recurrence of 4-5 Ma since 25 Ma. Lithologies are similar even if welding degrees ranges are spread from loose deposits to eutaxitic facies. Petrological study show quite homogeneous mineralogical assemblages since quartz, feldspar, biotite, amphibole and oxydes dominate the paragenesis. Our estimations of the main units bulk volumes range from ~ 40 to ~ 500-800 km3. However, these are only minimum values since we consider that initial volumes as twice or three times higher, probably in the range of ~100 to ~2400 km3. The OCM ignimbrite flow units distribution and the AMS study results indicate several regions as sources for these units. Caraveli unit flowed from Trapiche caldera in which the Parinacochas lake rests. This structure is estimated to be ~22 km of diameter and lays in a N-S orientated tectonic basin. Its western part is occupied with a 800 m high resurgent dome, named Cerro Trompo Orjo. Alpabamba and Huaylillas units, as Sencca units (lower and upper) would come from a source presently entirely covered with the quaternary massif of Nevado Coropuna. Estimations of eruptive volumes recall an important decrease of ignimbritic volcanism since 9 Ma, which might be related to simultaneous Altiplano-Puna orogenic growing. It is supported that deep magmatism have probably contributed to crustal thickening thanks to the addition of large volumes of magma. These results also involve that canyons erosion and incision would have taken place at a rate ranging from 150 to 500 m/Ma during the last 13 Ma. Given that the large-volume acidic system studied in this work is considerable, further research are necessary to improve these results.
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