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Pressure-Temperature-time Constraints on the Deep Subduction of the Seve Nappe Complex in Jämtland and southern Västerbotten, Scandinavian Caledonides / Tryck-temperatur och åldersbestämmning av Seveskollancomplexet i Jämtland och södra Västerbotten, Skandinaviska KaledonidernaHolmberg, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
The Scandinavian Caledonides are defined by long transported thrust sheets emplaced in a nappe stratigraphic succession onto the Paleozoic Baltica platform, as a result of the collision between the paleo-continents Baltica and Laurentia. This Palaeozoic collisional orogen is nowadays exposed at mid-crustal levels, thus provides an excellent ground for in situ studies of mountain building processes. The complex nappe stack is subdivided into the Lower, Middle, Upper and Uppermost allochthons. The tectonostratigraphic highest unit in the Middle Allochthon is the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC), itself segmented into Lower, Middle and Upper Seve nappes, which all experienced different metamorphic evolution. The SNC is known for high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) subduction related rocks and the target for the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC-1) scientific drilling programme. The drilling resulted in a continuous c. 2.4 km long drill core through the Lower Seve Nappe, drilled in the eastern slope of Åreskutan Mt in west-central Jämtland. Above the COSC-1 profile lies the high grade Middle Seve Nappe (i.e. Åreskutan Nappe), which experienced UHP verified by the presence of microdiamonds in kyanite bearing gneisses. Recently, microdiamonds have also been discovered in gneisses (described here) further north close to Saxnäs in southern Västerbotten. The metamorphic history of the Lower Seve Nappe is reconstructed based on material from the COSC-1 drill core, which also enables evaluation of the tectonometamorphic relationship to the overlying high grade Middle Seve Nappe. The Lower Seve Nappe comprise calc-silicates, calcareous gneisses and mylonitic micaschists and two tectonometamorphic events are recognized, prograde metamorphism (M1-D1) and retrograde thrust related metamorphism (M2-D2). Pressure and temperature (PT) conditions of the Lower Seve Nappe is constrained by state-of-the-art Quartz-in-Garnet (QuiG) barometry based on the shift in Raman band position of quartz inclusions in garnet, and Titanium-in-Quartz (TitaniQ) thermometry (satellite masters project). Supplementary conventional barometry based on phengite composition is applied where the use of QuiG is limited. The PT conditions of the M1-D1 is constrained to ~ 8-13 kbar, 525-695 o C and the M2-D2 event ~7-10 kbar, 450-550 o C. Conclusively, the Lower Seve Nappe was metamorphosed in upper greenschist-amphibolite to lower eclogite facies conditions at depths around 40-60 km and later suffered from greenschist overprint during thrusting. Lu-Hf garnet geochronology confirm that the overlying high-grade Åreskutan Nappe experienced UHP conditions around 450 Ma at depths around 120 km. Likewise, Ar-Ar dating implies peak conditions of the Lower Seve around 460-450 Ma. Moreover, their respective lower shear zones were active at the same time, c. 424 Ma. Conclusively, they were juxtaposed in their current tectonostratigraphic positions in a subduction channel in the early Silurian as a result of exhumation. Additionally, the microdiamond bearing kyanite-garnet gneisses from Saxnäs indeed show similarities to the Åreskutan gneisses, which strongly implies that the UHPM in this unit of the Scandinavian Caledonides is of regional character. / De Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna har bildats genom en kollision mellan de två kontinentalplattorna Baltika och Laurentia då Japetushavet stängdes omkring 400 miljoner år sedan. Till följd av de starkt komprimerande krafterna transporterades stora flak (skollor) av havsbottenberggrund och kontinentalskorpa hundratals kilometer upp på Baltikakontinenten. Skollorna är överskjutna på varandra omlott och benämns som undre, mellersta, övre och översta skollberggrunderna och återfinns idag i vår fjällkedja. Innan kollisionen med Laurentia krockade Baltika med en vulkanisk öbåge, vilket resulterade i att delar av Baltika pressades ner så pass djupt att bland annat diamanter bildades till följd av det ultrahöga trycket. Bevis för omvandling under extremt tryck finns i den så kallade Seveskollan som utgör en del av den mellersta skollberggrunden. Seveskollan är ett komplex av tre olika enheter, som utsatts för olika grad av metamorfos till följd av tryck och temperatur. Till följd av väder och vind under miljontals år så är fjällkedjan idag nederoderad och därav väl exponerad. Det gör att de Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna är en av världens bästa platser att studera och förstå bergskedjebildade processer. Av den anledningen borrade djupborrningsprojektet COSC-1 en cirka 2.4 km långt kärnborrhål genom den lägst belägna enheten i Seve komplexet (lägre Seveskollan) strax nedanför Åreskutan i Jämtlandsfjällen. Över COSC-1 profilen ligger den berggrund som tillhör den mellersta Seveskollan, även kallad Åreskutanskollan. Åreskutanskollan är en del av Baltika som utsattes för ultrahöga tryck, och i kyanitförande gnejser har diamanter inneslutna i det motståndskraftiga mineralet granat påträffats. Nyligen, längre norrut i Saxnäs (södra Västerbotten) har ytterligare diamantförande gnejser påträffats i den mellersta Seveskollan, som karaktäriseras i den här studien. Material från COSC-1 borrkärnan har använts för att bestämma under vilka tryck och temperatur bergarterna i den lägre Seveskollan har metmorfoserats, för att förstå den tektoniska och metamorfa utvecklingen och även relationen till den överliggande högmetamorfa Åreskutanskollan. Trycket har bestämts genom den relativt oprövade metoden QuiG -barometri. Små kristaller av kvarts inneslutna i granat har analyserats med Raman spektroskopi och de fysikaliska parametrarna av kvarts och granat kan direkt översättas till tryck. Temperatur har erhållits genom det temperaturkänsliga ämnet titan i kvartsinneslutningarna. Resultatet visar att den lägre Seveskollan har genomgått minst två metamorfa faser genom tektonisk påverkan. Den första fasen varierar från övre grönskiffer-amfibolit till lägre eklogitfacies under tryck och temperatur av ca 8-13 kbar, 525-695 o C. Den andra fasen är associerad med överskjutning och skjuvning, vilket orsakade retrograd metamorfos i grönskifferfacies under lägre tryck och temperatur (ca 7-10 kbar, 450-550 o C). Datering baserat på radioaktivt sönderfall av lutetium till hafnium i granat fastställer att Åreskutanskollan utsattes för ultrahögt tryck för omkring 450 miljoner år sedan, samtidigt som lägre Seveskollan nådde metamorft klimax. Resultaten visar även att lägre och mellersta Seveskollorna skjuvades samtidigt, omkring 424 miljoner år sedan. Det betyder att de erhöll sina nuvarande tektonostratigrafiska positioner på stort djup innan överskjutningen på Baltika. Detaljerad petrografi påvisar att de diamantförande kyanit-och granatförande gnejserna från Saxnäs visar påtagliga likheter med Åreskutanskollans högtrycksgnejser. Det tyder på att berggrunden i Saxnäs kan kopplas samman med Åreskutanskollan och att ultrahögtrycksmetamorfos av den mellersta Seveskollan omfattar ett större område än vad som tidigare antagits.
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Dynamique long‐terme d’une marge continentale divergente (Les Ghâts Occidentaux de l’Inde péninsulaire) : contraintes géochronologiques 40Ar‐39Ar des paléosurfaces latéritiques / Long-term dynamic of a continental passive margin (the Western Ghats of peninsular India) : 40Ar-39Ar geochronological constraints of lateritic paleolandsurfacesBonnet, Nicolas 26 January 2015 (has links)
L’Escarpement des Ghâts Occidentaux borde la marge passive Ouest de l’Inde péninsulaire et sépare le bas-pays de la plaine côtière des hauts-plateaux à l’Est comme celui des trapps du Deccan vieux de 63 Ma et celui des roches précambriennes. Il a été suggéré une mise en place de cet escarpement par érosion d’un épaulement de rift élevé, et des mesures thermochronologiques ont estimé une forte dénudation dans la plaine côtière autour de ~ 50 Ma.Nous apportons des contraintes temporelles complémentaires quant à l’évolution de cette marge passive, par datation 40Ar-39Ar d’oxydes de manganèse potassiques (cryptomélane) extraits de formations latéritiques, reliques des paléosurfaces d’altération, sur le plateau et dans la plaine côtière. Trois principales paléosurfaces ont été identifiées, échantillonnées puis datées sur le plateau à différentes altitudes, ainsi qu’une quatrième dans la plaine côtière. Des latérites datées à 47 Ma dans la plaine côtière impliquent que l’escarpement existait déjà à l’Eocène moyen alors qu’une intense altération bauxitique affectait les deux côtés de l’escarpement. Nos résultats indiquent également des taux d’érosion faibles (~ 4 m.Ma-1) au pied de l’escarpement depuis 47 Ma, et un taux d’incision aussi faible (~ 5 m.Ma-1) depuis 19 Ma. Sur le plateau, l’érosion est plus importante mais inférieure à 15 m.Ma-1 depuis 45 Ma, et l’incision est inférieure à 6 m.Ma-1 depuis 23 Ma. Nos résultats indiquent de surcroit un diachronisme longitudinal des érosions et altérations de part et d’autre de l’escarpement depuis sa formation, et suggèrent la mise en place d’un gradient climatique fort entre l’Ouest et l’Est dès l’optimum climatique Eocène. / The western continental passive margin of Peninsular India is marked by the Western Ghats escarpment, which separates the coastal lowland from the highland plateaus and is carved both into the 63-Ma old Deccan Trapps and their Archean basement. Previous studies suggested establishment of the escarpment by erosion across an elevated rift shoulder, and thermochronologic models predicted strong denudation in the coastal lowland by ~ 50 Ma.We provided complementary time constraints on the evolution of the passive margin by 40Ar-39Ar dating of supergene K-Mn oxides (cryptomelane) sampled in lateritic formations exposed on paleosurfaces, which are preserved as relicts on the highland plateau and in the coastal lowland on both sides of the escarpment. Three main lateritic paleosurfaces were identified, sampled and dated in the highland at different altitude ranges, and one in the lowland.Preservation of laterites as old as 47 Ma in the coastal lowland implies that the escarpment already existed in the Mid-Eocene while intense bauxitic weathering was taking place on both sides of the escarpment. Our results indicate limited erosion (~ 4 m.Ma-1) at the foot of the escarpment since 47 Ma, and low incision rate of the lowland (~ 5 m.Ma-1) since 19 Ma. Ages obtained on the highland indicate further Neogene erosion but at less than 15 m.Ma-1 since 45 Ma, and incision lower than 6 m.Ma-1 since 23 Ma. Our results further document post-Eocene divergent erosion and weathering histories across the escarpment since it was formed, suggesting installation of a dual climatic regime on either sides of this escarpment after the Eocene peak greenhouse.
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<p>Alpine glaciers around the world are in retreat and are unlikely to reverse course. This dissertation focuses on improving our understanding of the impact of glacial melt on mountainous alpine groundwater systems. Studies on glacial melt-groundwater interactions have become more prevalent, particularly in the past 5 years, because we are recognizing that the contribution of glacial melt to the hydrologic cycle is not limited to melt-season surficial streamflow. The importance of glacial melt to mountain groundwater systems has the potential to not only influence spring and streamflow generation, but also the longevity of alpine specific, and frequently endangered species, dependent on this source of recharge. This recharge may be vital for human water needs such as potable water, agriculture, and hydrothermal power.</p>The impact that a transition from glacial melt to snow- or rain-dominated streamflow and recharge will have on alpine ecosystems in a continually warming climate is far reaching. This dissertation: 1) tests whether glacial melt is an important source of recharge for mountain springs and their microbial communities, 2) investigates the spatial impact of glacial-melt recharge on residence times and flowpaths that support alpine springs, and 3) explores the impact of post-peak water on alpine baseflow using a statistical, timeseries approach. My results show that the groundwater systems in glaciated mountainous, alpine regions are particularly vulnerable to climate change. Springs in Mount Hood National Forest and Glacier National Park were sampled over a 4-year period, and in addition, publicly available long-term streamflow datasets were are also utilized. The chapters composing this work build upon each other, and compare and contrast the factors most important in glacial melt recharging the mountain-block. Information that is vital to the management of alpine water resources by landowners, watershed groups, scientists, and others interested in mountain groundwater systems in glaciated alpine regions is presented in the following pages.
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Tectonics of an intracontinental exhumation channel in the Erzgebirge, Central EuropeHallas, Peter 28 August 2020 (has links)
The late Variscan rapid extrusion of ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks into a preexisting nappe stack is the striking feature of the Erzgebirge, N-Bohemian Massif. Complex deformation increments, the large scatter of orientation and geometry of the finite strain ellipsoid as well as partly inverted metamorphic and age profiles are controversially discussed.
Structural analysis and geothermobarometry show that deeply buried continental crust emplaced under transpression with horizontal σ1 (NNW-SSE) and σ3 stress axes. Thereby, west-directed lateral escape of isothermally exhumed high-pressure units led to the formation of an exhumation channel. The pervasive fabric of quartz-feldspar rocks formed between 400–650 °C. Based on Ar-Ar geochronology, the deformation in the exhumation channel is framed between 340 and 335 Ma.
This preliminary results allow a modern texture analysis of natural shear zones, i.e.
electron back scattering and neutron diffraction of quartz from shear zones of the
exhumation channel. Because of an extensive and complex dataset, the crystallographic orientation of quartz is statistically analysed. I applied multidimensional scaling of the error between orientation density functions to visualize quartz textures together with additional microstructural features. I show that the temporal coexistence of two crystallographic orientation endmembers is the exclusive result of varying strain rates and differential stress. This thesis combines for the first time crystallographic textures of the Erzgebirge with modern plate tectonic concepts of the European Variscan orogeny.:Table of contents
Channel exhumation models in collisional Orogens
Texture evolution of quartz in orogenic shear zones
The structure of the thesis
1 Introduction
2 Geological Setting
2.1 The Variscan orogeny
2.2 The Saxo-Thuringian Zone as part of the European Variscides
2.3 Tectonics – constraints for an exhumation channel (<340 Ma)
3 Methods and Data processing
3.1 Field work, sample collection and selection
3.2 Geochemistry
3.3 MLA
3.4 EMP analyses and pressure-temperature estimations
3.5 Ar-Ar dating
3.6 Ar-Ar data handling and statistical treatment
4 Results
4.1 Geochemistry and Mineral Content of the Channel Rocks
4.2 Tectonics of the exhumation channel
4.2.1 Mica schists – roof of the channel
4.2.2 Paragneisses and Orthogneiss (type 1)
4.2.3 Orthogneiss (mgn)
4.2.4 Orthogneiss (type 2) – footwall of the channel
4.3 Petrology and Mineral chemistry
4.3.1 Garnet
4.3.2 Plagioclase
4.3.3 White mica
4.3.4 Biotite
4.4 Geothermobarometry
4.5 40Ar/39Ar – geochronology
4.5.1 Step heating
4.5.2 Single grain fusion
4.5.3 Ar-Ar and mineral chemistry
4.5.4 Ar-Ar and structural geology
5 The tectonometamorphic evolution of the exhumation channel
5.1 Local change in finite strain ellipsoid orientation
5.2 Evidence for advective heat transfer during exhumation
5.3 Position of the gneiss complex Reitzenhain-Catherine
5.4 Do Ar-Ar ages of the Erzgebirge represent cooling or recrystallization?
6 The channel model
6.1 Pre-channel stage – subduction
6.2 Channel stage – lateral extrusion
6.3 Post-channel stage – extensional doming
7 The Constrains for Texture analyses in a channel-type exhumation shear zone
1 Introduction
2 State of the Art
2.1 Dynamic recrystallization mechanism in quartz.
2.2 Texture evolution from natural and experimental deformed quartz
2.3 Quartz c-axis and textures in the Erzgebirge
3 Sample description
3.1 Mineral content
3.2 Quartz microstructures
3.2.1 Type 1 – Predominance of GBM
3.2.2 Type 2 – GBM overprints SGR
3.2.3 Type 3 – Equal ratio of GBM and SGR
3.2.4 Type 4 – Predominance of SGR
4 Methods
4.1 Time of Flight data processing and analysis
4.2 EBSD data processing and analysis
4.3 Multidimensional scaling
5 Results
5.1 Pole figure geometry
5.2 Multidimensional scaling
5.3 Texture properties and recrystallization
5.4 Grain and sample properties
5.5 Intragranular misorientation
5.6 Subgrain misorientation axes, slip systems and Schmid factor
6 Discussion
6.1 The dependence of quartz content and distribution and the particular CPO
6.2 The context between grain sizes, shape preferred orientation (SPO) and crystal
preferred orientation (CPO)
6.3 Active slip systems during ductile quartz deformation
6.4 Recrystallization mechanism and texture
7 Conclusions
A Isochemistry during metamorphism
B Confidentiality of the PT estimations
C Discrepancy of WPA and WMA
D Appendix Figures
E Appendix Tables
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Unraveling the Tectonic History of the Aurek Metagabbro within the Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides / Undersökningsstudie av metagabbro i Aurek och dess tektoniska utveckling inom Seveskollan, Skandinaviska KaledonidernaRousku, Sabine January 2021 (has links)
The Scandinavian Caledonides form a mountain range comprising nappe stacks of numerous far-travelled thrust sheets. The thrust sheets consist of diverse lithologies representing pre- and synorogenic sedimentary and igneous rocks subsequently metamorphosed to various degrees, from the Late Neoproterozoic to Middle Devonian. In particular, (ultra)-high-grade metamorphic rocks have been recorded in the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC), extending >1000 km along strike of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Included in the SNC of northern Sweden is the Vássačorru Igneous Complex (VIC), consisting of bimodal magmatic suites, that formed c. 845 Ma. Fieldwork was conducted in the Kebnekaise mountains of northern Sweden, focusing on the high-grade Aurek metagabbro within the VIC of the SNC. Aurek is a key locality representing both initial stages of Iapetus Ocean formation in the Ediacaran and later stage Caledonian subduction affinities, from the collision between Laurentia and Baltica. In this study, petrological description, zircon U-Pb geochronology, mineral chemistry analysis, whole rock composition, and thermodynamic modeling was performed. Zircon U-Pb geochronology yielded protolith ages of 609±2.5 Ma, and 614±2.3 Ma, suggesting the Aurek metagabbro to not be part of the VIC, as has previously been described. The age of Aurek can instead be correlated to the Kebnekaise Dyke Swarms at c. 607 Ma, in the Kebnekaise mountains. Whole rock major and trace element data of e.g., Al2O3 (15.0 – 25.0 ppm) versus SiO2 (46.0 – 53.0 ppm), Rb (2.0 – 18.0 ppm), Zr (8.0 – 58.0 ppm) versus Y (2.7 – 18.0 ppm), Th/Yb ratio 0.25 – 2.0 and Nb/Yb ratio 1.30 – 5.14, indicate assimilation of continental crust. These major and trace element signatures show that the protolith of the Aurek metagabbro probably was emplaced in a continental rift setting in the Ediacaran. Semi-quantitative thermodynamic modeling from this study present blueschist to amphibolite facies conditions for the Aurek metagabbro at 11.8 – 12.6 kbar and 480 – 565 oC, confirming the unit experienced subduction, possibly in the Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician. The metamorphic grade and protolith age show similar features to correlative rock sequences in the Tsäkkok Lens, south of Aurek, in Norrbotten. Consequently, this study concludes that subduction, exhumation and subsequent deformation for Aurek, probably was equivalent to those of the Tsäkkok Lens, extending the HP affinities of the SNC further north in the Swedish Caledonides. / Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna utgör en bergskedja bestående av olika skollor som transporterats hundratals kilometer från sin ursprungskälla. Skollorna består av varierande bergarter som representerar olika utvecklingsskeden i formationen av Kaledoniderna under senare Neoproterozoikum och mellan Devon. Utmärkande har höggradiga metamorfiska bergarter återfunnits i Seveskollan som sträcker sig >1000 km längs med strykningsriktningen av de Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna. I norra Sverige inkluderar Seveskollan det magmatiska Vássačorru-komplexet, bestående av bimodal magmatism som bildats ca 845 Ma. Fältarbete utfördes kring Kebnekaisebergen i norra Sverige, med fokus på höggradig metagabbro från Aurek, ett område inom det magmatiska Vássačorru-komplexet. Aurek är ett viktigt område som representerar både initiala stadier av Iapetushavets bildande och efterföljande formationer från kollisionen mellan Laurentia och Baltica plattorna. I denna studie utfördes petrologisk beskrivning av mineral, U-Pb geokronologi av zirkon, kemisk analys av mineral och bulkkomposition av bergarter, samt termodynamisk modellering. U-Pb dateringen av zirkon resulterade i en ursprungsålder på 609±2,5 Ma och 614±2,3 Ma för metagabbro från Aurek. Detta indikerar att metagabbro i Aurek inte är en del av det magmatiska Vássačorru-komplexet, något som tidigare antagits. Åldern kan istället korreleras till Kebnekaise-gångkomplexet med en ålder på ca 607 Ma. Huvud- och spårelement i Aureks metagabbro tyder på assimilering av kontinentalskorpa, vilket föreslår att ursprungsbergarten till metagabbro i Aurek bildades i en kontinental spridningszon. Den termodynamiska modelleringen resulterade i metamorfiska förhållanden på mellan 11,8 – 12,6 kbar och 480 – 565 oC för bergarterna, vilket påvisar att den tektoniska miljön som senare präglat bergarterna förmodligen var associerad med en subduktionszon.
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Insights into Trans Crustal Magmatic Systems: A Framework for Investigating Continental Arc Magmatism at the Bolivian AndesVelazquez Santana, Liannie Coral 08 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic erosion and sediment dispersal in the Dinaride orogen: a sedimentary provenance approach / Spätmesozoische bis Känozoische Erosion und Sedimentschüttung im Dinarischen Orogen: Ansätze aus der ProvenanzanalyseMikes, Tamás 16 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Pantano Formation (Oligocene-Early Miocene), Pima County, ArizonaBalcer, Richard Allen January 1984 (has links)
The Pantano Formation comprises 1,250 m of alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine, and volcanic rocks deposited in a basin formed in response to regional extension during mid- Tertiary time in southeastern Arizona. During deposition, the locations and composition of sediment source areas varied as contemporaneous uplift occurred adjacent to the basin. The lower half of the formation was deposited as alluvial fans that prograded northward, westward, and southward; the upper half was deposited during southwestward retreat of alluvial fan deposition and the onset of lacustrine deposition. An andesite flow separates the two depositional regimes. Radiometric dates of 24.4 ± 2.6 m.y. B.P. for the andesite and 36.7 ± 1.1 m.y. B.P. for a rhyolitic tuff disconformably underlying the formation indicate that deposition occurred during Oligocene to early Miocene time. Proper stratigraphic sequencing and description, paleocurrent analysis, and gravel provenance study aided in understanding the depositional history of the formation.
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Cenozoic tectonic deformation, thermochronology and exhumation of the Diancang Shan metamorphic massif along Ailao Shan-Red River shear zone, southeastern Tibet, China / Känozoischen tektonischen Deformationen, Thermochronologie und Exhumierung der Diancang Shan metamorphen Massiv entlang Ailao Shan-Red River Scherzone, Südost-Tibet, ChinaCao, Shuyun 03 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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40Ar/39Ar Dating of the Late CretaceousGaylor, Jonathan 11 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
As part of the wider European GTS Next project, I propose new constraints on the ages of the Late Cretaceous, derived from a multitude of geochronological techniques, and successful stratigraphic interpretations from Canada and Japan. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, we propose a new constraint on the age of the K/Pg boundary in the Red Deer River section (Alberta, Canada). We were able to cyclostratigraphically tune sediments in a non-marine, fluvial environment utilising high-resolution proxy records suggesting a 11-12 precession related cyclicity. Assuming the 40Ar/39Ar method is inter-calibrated with the cyclostratigraphy, the apparent age for C29r suggests that the K/Pg boundary falls between eccentricity maxima and minima, yielding an age of the C29r between 65.89 ± 0.08 and 66.30 ± 0.08 Ma. Assuming that the bundle containing the coal horizon represents a precession cycle, the K/Pg boundary is within the analytical uncertainty of the youngest zircon population achieving a revised age for the K/Pg boundary as 65.75 ± 0.06 Ma. The Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary is preserved in the sedimentary succession of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation and has been placed ~8 m below Coal nr. 10. Cyclostratigraphic studies show that the formation of these depositional sequences (alternations) of all scales are influenced directly by sea-level changes due to precession but more dominated by eccentricity cycles proved in the cyclostratigraphic framework and is mainly controlled by sand horizons, which have been related by autocyclicity in a dynamic sedimentary setting. Our work shows that the Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin coincides with ~2.5 eccentricity cycles above the youngest zircon age population at the bottom of the section and ~4.9 Myr before the Cretaceous - Palaeogene boundary (K/Pg), and thus corresponds to an absolute age of 70.65 ± 0.09 Ma producing an ~1.4 Myr younger age than recent published ages. Finally, using advances with terrestrial carbon isotope and planktonic foraminifera records within central Hokkaido, Northwest Pacific, sections from the Cretaceous Yezo group were correlated to that of European and North American counterparts. Datable ash layers throughout the Kotanbetsu and Shumarinai section were analysed using both 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb methods. We successfully dated two ash tuff layers falling either side of the Turonian - Coniacian boundary, yielding an age range for the boundary between 89.31 ± 0.11 Ma and 89.57 ± 0.11 Ma or a boundary age of 89.44 ± 0.24 Ma. Combining these U-Pb ages with recent published ages we are able to reduce the age limit once more and propose an age for the Turonian - Coniacian boundary as 89.62 ± 0.04 Ma.
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