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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of axon tract formation in Gli3 conditional mutant mice

Amaniti, Eleni Maria January 2014 (has links)
The cerebral cortex is the largest subdivision of the human brain and is associated with higher cognitive functions. These functions are based on the interconnections between the neurons that form pre- and postnatally in the different telencephalic regions. The processes of neurons with similar functions and connectivity follow the same course and form axon tracts. There are three main axons tracts analysed in this thesis the corpus callosum, the corticothalamic/thalamocortical tracts and the lateral olfactory tract that transfers olfactory information to the telencephalon. In the mouse, these tracts are generated during embryogenesis as axons project to their target area. The mechanisms by which axons navigate still need to be elucidated. Studies of a number of mutant mice have shown that axon pathfinding is under the control of genes. Gli3 is a zinc finger transcription factor with known roles in axon pathfinding. Gli3 is widely expressed in progenitor cells of the dorsal and ventral telencephalon complicating the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms by which Gli3 controls axon tract formation. My aim here is to investigate the spatial and temporal requirements for Gli3 in axon pathfinding in the forebrain using Gli3 conditional mutants as a tool. Regarding the corpus callosum, my findings demonstrated a crucial role for Gli3 in the dorsal telencephalon, but not in the septum or medial ganglionic eminence, to control corpus callosum formation and indicated that defects in the formation of the corticoseptal boundary affect the positioning of callosal guidepost cells. Moreover, conditional inactivation of Gli3 in dorsal telencephalic progenitors led to few corticothalamic axons leaving the cortex in a restricted lateral neocortical domain. This restricted entry is at least partially caused by an expansion of the piriform cortex, which forms from an enlarged progenitor domain of the ventral pallium. Transplantation experiments showed that the expanded piriform cortex repels corticofugal axons. Moreover, expression of Sema5B, a chemorepellent for corticofugal axons produced by the piriform cortex, is similarly expanded. Hence, control of lateral cortical development by Gli3 at the progenitor level is crucial for corticothalamic pathfinding. Finally, by using Emx1Cre;Gli3fl/fl mutants I analysed the consequences of the expansion of the piriform cortex on the formation of the lateral olfactory tract (LOT). This analysis showed that LOT axons also appear to be medially shifted with LOT collaterals aberrantly colonising the expanded piriform cortex. Time course analysis confirmed an expansion of the paleocortical primordium from E13.5 onwards, coinciding with the arrival of the LOT axons. Hence, it is possible that the expanded piriform cortex contributed to the medial shift of the LOT. In conclusion, these findings support a strong link between Gli3 controlled early patterning defects and axon pathfinding defects and form the basis for future analysis of the molecular mechanisms by which Gli3 controls axon pathfinding in the forebrain. My findings also reveal how alterations in GLI3 function may contribute to connectivity defects in human patients with mutations in GLI3.

Role of Gli3 in the developing mouse forebrain

Yu, Tian January 2007 (has links)
The mammalian forebrain, which consists of the telencephalon and the diencephalon, is responsible for many higher cognitive functions such as thinking, learning and memory. The cerebral cortex, which is important for language and processing information, is located in the dorsal portion of the telencephalon. The basal ganglia, which are important for movement, are located in the ventral telencephalon. Many genes are involved in patterning and the development of the forebrain. One gene that appears to be crucial for forebrain development is Gli3. Gli3 has been shown to work as both a transcriptional activator and a repressor of the Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signalling pathway in the developing spinal cord and limb buds. In the telencephalon, Shh has been shown to be important for induction of ventral cell fate, but the exact function of Gli3 in the forebrain and the interactions between Gli3 and Shh are still obscure. Previous studies have shown that Gli3 is required for the formation of the cortical hem area of the telencephalon, which does not form in Gli3Xt/Xt mutant mice lacking functional Gli3. The residual dorsal telencephalon of the Gli3Xt/Xt mutants is partially ‘ventralized’. The main aim of this study was to re-examine the developing forebrain of Gli3Xt/Xt mouse mutants to gain insight into the function of Gli3 during forebrain development. In this thesis, the expression of Gli3 mRNA and protein was examined in the E12.5 and E14.5 wild type telencephalon. The highdorsal-to-lowventral expression pattern of Gli3 corresponds to severedorsal-to-mildventral defects observed in the Gli3Xt/Xt mutants. The ratios between the levels of the cleaved and full length isoforms of Gli3 in dorsal and ventral telencephalon resemble those described in dorsal and ventral spinal cord and in the anterior and posterior limb bud, respectively, suggesting Gli3 in the dorsal telencephalon may act as a repressor of the Shh signalling pathway. The total amount and the ratios of the two isoforms of Gli3 protein were examined in Shh and Foxg1 null mice, which lack ventral telencephalon. The results obtained agree with a role of Gli3 as a repressor of the Shh pathway in the dorsal telencephalon. The forebrains of Gli3Xt/Xt mutants were analysed systematically both anatomically and by molecular markers in this thesis. The border between the telencephalon and the diencephalon was delineated in the Gli3Xt/Xt mutants by using a combination of markers expressed in different areas within the forebrain. This lead to the observation that the previously reported ‘ventralization’ only occurred in the very rostral telencephalic sections of the Gli3Xt/Xt mutant embryos, suggesting a possible shape change of the Gli3Xt/Xt telencephalon. To examine the possible causes of the significant size reduction of Gli3Xt/Xt mutant telencephalon compared to wild type telencephalon from E10.5, cell proliferation and cell death properties studies were undertaken. The changes observed were not sufficient to explain the phenotypic differences between the Gli3Xt/Xt mutant and the wild type embryos indicating that they might be the result of an early patterning defect. The dorsal telencephalon is severely reduced in volume at both E12.5 and E10.5, containing cells from adjacent eminentia thalami, probably due to the loss of the dorso-medial telencephalon. Large clusters of eminentia thalami cells were observed at later developmental stages, when the neocortex becomes highly disorganized, forming rosettes comprising mainly neural progenitors. These results suggest Gli3 is important for the formation of an intact telencephalic-diencephalic boundary and for preventing the abnormal location of diencephalic cells in the dorsal telencephalon. The volume of Gli3Xt/Xt ventral telencephalon was increased compared to that of the wild types at E10.5, but became smaller than that of the wild type littermates at E12.5. This might have been the result of a combination of more cells exiting the cell cycle and increased cell death observed in the Gli3Xt/Xt ventral telencephalon at E10.5, suggesting Gli3 regulates cell differentiation and cell death properties at this age and brain region. The significant expansion of rostro-ventral telencephalon observed in the Gli3Xt/Xt mutant might correlate with the expansion of Fgf8 expression and this hypothesis has been tested in this thesis.


Liam Town Unknown Date (has links)
The hedgehog morphogenic pathway is essential for the development of numerous organs and tissues in both vertebrates and invertebrates, and dysregulation of hedgehog signalling is also associated with a broad range of mammalian cancers. While a great deal of research has been dedicated to understanding the molecular interactions of the hedgehog signalling pathway itself, much work remains in understanding the downstream transcriptional output of the pathway, and how that output modulates cellular behaviour in target tissues to produce developmental outcomes. The hedgehog pathway is activated by hedgehog proteins and repressed by patched. Downstream of these regulators, the hedgehog signalling cascade involves modification and trafficking of a series of key proteins and ultimately leads to regulation of the GLI family of transcription factors, thereby modulating the transcriptional output of the pathway. This thesis builds on previous work investigating downstream targets of one GLI protein – GLI3 – in the mouse limb (McGlinn et al., 2005). This previous study identified genes that were dysregulated in the anterior limb of the Gli3-null, extra-toes strain of mice (Gli3Xt/Xt). Amongst the identified targets of GLI3 were a number of novel genes. However, further detailed analysis of these genes was not conducted, and therefore, this thesis investigates the embryonic expression or function of three of these novel downstream targets of GLI3, to clarify their regulation by the hedgehog pathway and identify their broader role throughout development. One published work and one paper submitted for publication are contained within this thesis, describing detailed expression of two novel SHH targets, Zinc finger protein 503 (Zfp503) and Pitrolysin metallopeptidase 1 (Pitrm1). Zfp503 belongs to a family of transcription factors that regulate aspects of development across a diversity of species. However, their role in mammals and avians has been poorly described. This manuscript presents a detailed description of Zfp503 expression in the mouse and chicken and examines regulation of Zfp503 in the limb by SHH and BMP signalling. My contribution to this paper was the analysis of WT Zfp503 expression in mouse and chick by section in situ hybridisation, and as such, I am listed as a middle author. Pitrm1 is a metallopeptidase with a broad range of predicted target molecules. Comparisons with family members in mammals and plants suggest Pitrm1 has mitochondrial function and is implicated in the pathology of Alzheimers disease. It is upregulated in response to hedgehog pathway activation in the anterior limb of two mouse models of hedgehog signalling– the Gli3Xt/Xt and Ptch1:Prx-Cre mouse line, which deletes patched1 in the developing limb. It is expressed in multiple developing tissues that are patterned by SHH, suggesting that Pitrm1 may be an important regulator of developmental processes downstream of SHH. For the Pitrm1 manuscript, I contributed the majority of the experimental data and prepared the manuscript, and therefore, I am the first listed author. A third downstream hedgehog target gene described in this thesis is Tmem26. Tmem26 is an entirely novel gene with unknown cellular function, although concurrent work in the Wicking laboratory suggests that Tmem26 regulates cell migration and morphology in cell culture. Tmem26 is negatively regulated by SHH in the anterior mouse limb at 11.5dpc, as shown by use of Gli3Xt/Xt and Ptch1:Prx-Cre mice. Tmem26 expression in wild-type mice is spatially restricted and strikingly evident in the facial prominences, particularly near the point of fusion of the developing lip and in the shelves of the secondary palate. This suggests that Tmem26 may be involved in lip and palate formation and possibly play a role in the common human birth disorders of cleft lip and cleft palate. Generation of a Tmem26 conditional knockout mouse line, followed by germline inactivation of Tmem26 using a ubiquitously expressed Cre line, did not reveal a craniofacial phenotype in embryos or adults. Knockout mice appear healthy and fertile with no obvious developmental defects. This does not preclude a role for Tmem26 in facial development however, as molecular redundancy may be able to compensate for Tmem26 loss in mice. Tmem26 is also expressed in cells and organs of the adult immune system and suggests an alternative possible role for Tmem26 in regulating immune function that could be further investigated using the Tmem26 conditional knockout mouse line.

The Role of Gli3 Transcription Factor in the Developing Mouse Stomach

Choi, Ruth 21 March 2012 (has links)
The Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway plays a critical role in murine gastric development. When Shh is knocked out in the mouse embryonic stomach, glandular epithelial hyperplasia occurs. Furthermore, this phenotype was mimicked in Gli3−/−, but not Gli2−/− stomachs. I utilized three additional mouse models that modulate Gli3 activity to better understand the role of Gli3 in the developing stomach - the Gli3Δ699/Δ699 ,Gli3P1−4/P1−4, and Kif7−/− mice. The Gli3P1−4/P1−4 stomach displayed glandular epithelial overgrowth, as did the Kif7−/− stomach to a lesser extent; the Gli3Δ699/Δ699 stomach displayed glandular hypoplasia. Moreover, the Gli3P1−4/P1−4 and Kif7−/− stomachs have a thicker circular smooth muscle, and the Gli3Δ699/Δ699 had a thinner one relative to wild-type. It appears that altering the balance of Gli3 in favour of its activator results in gastric glandular epithelial and circular smooth muscle hyperplasia, and a balance favouring the Gli3 repressor results in hypoplasia.

The Role of Gli3 Transcription Factor in the Developing Mouse Stomach

Choi, Ruth 21 March 2012 (has links)
The Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway plays a critical role in murine gastric development. When Shh is knocked out in the mouse embryonic stomach, glandular epithelial hyperplasia occurs. Furthermore, this phenotype was mimicked in Gli3−/−, but not Gli2−/− stomachs. I utilized three additional mouse models that modulate Gli3 activity to better understand the role of Gli3 in the developing stomach - the Gli3Δ699/Δ699 ,Gli3P1−4/P1−4, and Kif7−/− mice. The Gli3P1−4/P1−4 stomach displayed glandular epithelial overgrowth, as did the Kif7−/− stomach to a lesser extent; the Gli3Δ699/Δ699 stomach displayed glandular hypoplasia. Moreover, the Gli3P1−4/P1−4 and Kif7−/− stomachs have a thicker circular smooth muscle, and the Gli3Δ699/Δ699 had a thinner one relative to wild-type. It appears that altering the balance of Gli3 in favour of its activator results in gastric glandular epithelial and circular smooth muscle hyperplasia, and a balance favouring the Gli3 repressor results in hypoplasia.

Charakterisierung der Mikrotubulus-assoziierten PP2A und ihrer Zielproteine

Krauß, Sybille Ellen 23 November 2005 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten Ziel-Proteine der Mikrotubulus-assoziierten PP2A gefunden werden. Anhand phänotypischer Ähnlichkeiten zwischen OS- und Greig-, Acrocallosal- bzw. Pallister-Hall-Syndrom-Patienten wurde eine mögliche Interaktion zwischen dem MID1-alpha4-PP2A-Komplex und GLI3, einem zentralen Transkriptionsfaktor der SHH-Signaltransduktionskaskade, postuliert. In einer Reihe von zellbiologischen und proteinbiochemischen Experimenten konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl die intrazelluläre Lokalisation des GLI3 als auch der Phosphorylierungsstatus von Fu, einem Interaktionspartner von GLI3, über den MID1-alpha4-PP2A-Komplex und Mikrotubulus-assoziierter PP2A-Aktivität reguliert werden. Erhöhte Aktivität der Mikrotubulus-assoziierten PP2A führt hierbei zur Dephosphorylierung von Fu und zu einer Akkumulation des GLI3 im Cytosol, während verringerte PP2A-Aktivität zu einer Anreicherung der hyperphosphorylierten Form des Fu und zur Akkumulation des GLI3 im Nukleus führt. Darüber hinaus konnte GSK3beta als die der Mikrotubulus-assoziierten PP2A entgegenwirkende Kinase identifiziert werden. Eine verringerte Aktivität der GSK3beta führt zur Dephosphorylierung von Fu und zu einer Akkumulation des GLI3 im Cytosol. Außerdem wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine Interaktion zwischen GLI3 und der hyperphosphorylierten Form des Fu beschrieben. Die Hyperphosphorylierung von Fu wird über die gegenläufigen Aktivitäten der Mikrotubulus-assoziierten PP2A und GSK3beta reguliert. Durch die Interaktion des hyperphosphorylierten Fu mit cytosolischem, nicht phosphorylierten GLI3 wird dessen Phosphorylierung gesteuert. Phosphoryliertes GLI3 reichert sich im Zellkern an und die Transkription von SHH-Zielgenen wird induziert. Die in dieser Arbeit identifizierten Mechanismen sind ein möglicher zellbiologischer Hintergrund der Übereinstimmung in den klinischen Erscheinungsbildern von OS und Syndromen, die mit Genen der SHH-Signaltransduktionskaskade assoziiert sind. / Misregulation of microtubule-associated phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity as a result of mutations in the ubiquitin ligase MID1 plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Opitz BBB/G syndrome (OS). Features typical for OS are shared by patients with mutations in GLI3 and PATCHED1 (PTC1), two members of the Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) pathway. These observations suggest that MID1 / PP2A may also be involved in the transduction of the SHH signal. Here we demonstrate that nuclear translocation of the transcription factor GLI3, a major effector of the SHH pathway, is regulated by the activity of the microtubule-associated pool of PP2A. This effect is reproduced pharmacologically by lithium chloride (LiCl), a potent inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK3beta), and correlates with the phosphorylation status of human Fused (hFu), a GLI3 interaction partner. Our data suggest an antagonistic relationship between PP2A and GSK3beta as regulators of SHH signaling and provide a molecular basis for the phenotypic overlap between patients with OS and SHH pathway mutations.

Role for Gli3 in the formation of the major axonal tracts in the telencephalon

Magnani, Dario January 2011 (has links)
In the adult brain, the thalamocortical tract conveys sensory information from the external environment to the cortex. The cortex analyzes and integrates this information and sends neural responses back to the thalamus through the corticothalamic tract. To reach their final target both thalamocortical and corticothalamic axons have to cover long distances during embryogenesis, changing direction several times and passing through different brain territories. The ventral telencephalon plays a major role in the early development of these tracts. At least three main axon guidance mechanisms act in the ventral telencephalon. First, two different populations of pioneer neurons in the lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE) (LGE pioneer neurons) and medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) (MGE pioneer neurons) provide scaffolds which allow growing corticothalamic and thalamocortical axons to cross the pallium sub pallium boundary (PSPB) and the diencephalic telencephalic boundary (DTB), respectively. Second, the ventral telencephalon forms a permissive corridor for thalamic axons by tangential migration of Isl1 and Ebf1 expressing cells from the LGE into the MGE. Finally, thalamortical and corticothalamic axons guide each other once they have met in the ventral telencephalon (“handshake hypothesis”). The Gli3 transcription factor has been shown to be essential for normal early embryonic regionalization of the mammalian forebrain, although roles of Gli3 in later aspects of forebrain development, like the formation of axonal connections, have not been investigated previously. Here, I present the analysis of axonal tract development in the forebrain of the Gli3 hypomorphic mutant mouse Polydactyly Nagoja (Pdn). These animals lack the major axonal commissures of the forebrain: the corpus callosum, the hippocampal commissure, the anterior commissure and the fimbria. In addition, DiI injections and neurofilament (NF) staining showed defects in the formation of the corticothalamic and thalamocortical tracts. Although the Pdn/Pdn cortex forms early coticofugal neurons and their axons, these axons do not penetrate the LGE and instead run along the PSPB. Later in development, although a thick bundle of Pdn/Pdn cortical axons is still observed to project along the PSPB, some Pdn/Pdn cortical axons eventually enter the ventral telencephalon navigating along several abnormal routes until they reach thalamic regions. In contrast, Pdn/Pdn thalamic axons penetrate into the ventral telencephalon at early stages of thalamic tract development. However, rostrally they deviate from their normal trajectory, leaving the internal capsule prematurely and only few of them reach the developing cortex. Caudally, an ectopic Pdn/Pdn dorsal thalamic axon tract projects ventrally in the ventral telencephalon not entering the internal capsule at all. These defects are still observed in newborn Pdn/Pdn mutant mice. Next, I investigated the developmental mechanisms causing these pathfindings defects. No obvious defects are present in Pdn/Pdn cortical laminae formation and in the patterning of the Pdn/Pdn dorsal thalamus. In addition, Pdn/Pdn thalamocortical axons are able to respond to ventral telencephalic guidance cues when transplanted into wild type brain sections. However, these axonal pathfinding defects correlate with patterning defects of the Pdn/Pdn LGE. This region is partially ventralized and displays a reduction in the number of postmitotic neurons in the mantle zone due to an elongated cell cycle length of LGE progenitor cells. Finally, Pdn/Pdn mutant display an upregulation of Shh expression and Shh signalling in the ventral telencephalon. Interestingly, these patterning defects lead to the absence of DiI back-labelled LGE pioneer neurons, which correlates with the failure of corticothalamic axons to penetrate the ventral telencephalon. In addition, ventral telencephalic thalamocortical guidance mistakes happen at the same time of abnormal formation of the corridor cells. Taken together these data reveal a novel role for Gli3 in the formation of ventral telencephalic intermediate cues important for the development of the thalamocortical and corticothalamic connections. Indeed, Pdn animals are the first known mutants with defective development of the LGE pioneer neurons, and their study provides a link between early patterning defects and axon pathfinding in the developing telencephalon.

Gene and protein interactions in limb development : the case of Msx and Gli3 / Interactions des gènes et des protéines dans le développement des membres : le cas de MSX et Gli3

Shanmugasundaram, Mathura 17 September 2015 (has links)
Le bourgeon de membre est, dès son émergence dans le flanc de l'embryon, divisé en deux domaines distincts, l'un antérieur, l'autre postérieur. Nous analysons le rôle des gènes Msx dans cette polarisation. Chez la souris, les gènes Msx constituent une petite famille multigénique comprenant Msx1 et Msx2: ces gènes codent pour des facteurs de transcriptions à homéodomaine. Les souris mutantes pour Msx1 et Msx2 présentent également une surcroissance de la région antérieure du bourgeon de membre, associée à la perte d'un domaine apoptotique, qui conduit à des polydactylies antérieures. La projet vise à élucider les mécanismes par lesquels les Msx agissent sur la morphogenèse de cette région du membre. Au cours de cette investigation, nous avons fait d'intéressantes observations qui indiquent que les Msx interagissent avec Gli3, et nous avons obtenu d'intéressants résultats expérimentaux par co-immunoprécipitation des Msx et de Gli3 (co-IP) dans des cellules en culture transfectées, et par test de ligation de proximité (PLA) sur le bourgeon de membre in situ. La stratégie repose aussi sur l'analyse différentielle des transcriptome d'embryons doubles mutants pour Msx1 et Msx2 et d'embryons normaux, de façon à identifier les cibles qu'ils peuvent avoir en commun avec Gli3, ces dernières étant déjà décrites. Ces modèles devraient permettre de corréler le niveau d'apoptose avec la surcroissance du bourgeon et la polydactylie qui en résulte, apportant une importante contribution aux mécanismes de la morphogenèse qui sont encore très mal compris. / The vertebrate limb is a paradigmatic model for morphogenesis. The anteroposterior (AP) growth and patterning of the limb bud rely on an intricate regulatory genetic network involving many genetic players such Shh and Gli3. Shh is produced in the posterior region of the limb mesoderm and acts as a morphogen along the AP axis. It regulates both digit number and identity of different AP positions. As the main function of Shh is to prevent proteolysis of Gli3FL into Gli3R, Gli3R concentrates anteriorly which is also where apoptosis takes place. In the mouse, paradoxically, despite a quasi-symmetrical expression profile, Msx1/2 null mutants show systematic anterior defects with an overgrowth in the anterior limb domain, resulting in anterior polydactyly. Both Gli3 and Msx mutant limb defects are concentrated anteriorly in a similar fashion suggesting an interaction between these genes and a possible role of this interaction in AP patterning in the limb bud as well as dysregulation of apoptosis. Indeed, we demonstrate interactions between Msx and Gli3 genes and even proteins. Mutations of Msx and Gli3 result in anterior polydactylous phenotypes and a similar loss of anterior apoptosis. This morphological analysis is associated with a search for common Gli3 and Msx transcriptional targets and partners in an attempt to link gene activity with changes in cell physiology that underlie morphogenesis. We have performed a differential transcriptome (RNA-Seq) on whole limb buds of Msx1-/-Msx2 narrowing down on a number of potential common targets of Gli3 and Msx. We demonstrate that Msx and Gli3 work together in regulating the AP axis of limb development, independent of Shh.

Shh/Gli Signaling in Anterior Pituitary and Ventral Telencephalon Development

Wang, Yiwei January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

GLI2 Transcriptional Cascade During Mouse Fetal Lung Development

Rutter, Martin Edward 01 August 2008 (has links)
The lung is an organ that contains a vast system of airways carefully constructed to achieve maximal surface area in a confined space, requiring guidance from a multitude of developmental factors. The Shh pathway is one such signaling mechanism that is critical to proper lung formation, guiding branching morphogenesis and cellular proliferation through its downstream Gli transcription factors. Additionally, Foxf1 has been shown to be a key developmental factor required for proper lung formation during embryogenesis. Although theorized that the Gli transcription factors are responsible for regulating foxf1 levels, their exact relationship has yet to be revealed. Using five different models for Shh signaling (gli2 null, gli2 over-expressor [hVER-Gli2], gli3 null, Gli3 constitutive repressor [Gli3Δ699] and cyclopamine treated lung explants), I compared and contrasted the role of Gli2 and Gli3 in terms of their effect on cell cycle regulation, and on the expression levels of foxf1 and its potential downstream target genes tbx4, tbx5 and fgf10. I found that ectopic over-expression of gli2 resulted in increased Shh pathway activation, and increased expression of G1/S phase cyclins, which was associated with increased cellular proliferation and lung growth. However, no change in the levels of G1/S phase cyclins due to altered Gli3 signaling was observed. Foxf1 levels positively correlate with the levels of gli2, and appear to be independent of Gli3 activity. The amount of tbx4, tbx5, and fgf10 transcripts were observed to follow the levels of gli2 in the different gli2 mouse models, however, there was no significant change in gli3 null or Gli3Δ699 mice. Finally, by analyzing gene expression at different time points during gestation, I found that while gli2 levels affect foxf1 throughout gestation, the relationship to tbx4, tbx5 and fgf10, occurs only during the latter stages of lung development. I conclude, that Gli2 and not Gli3 appears to be the primary transducer of Shh signaling influencing cyclin regulation, leading to changes in embryonic lung growth. Furthermore, that Gli2 and not Gli3 appears to regulate foxf1 expression levels, and that this may extend downstream to influence tbx4, tbx5 and fgf10 expression.

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