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Globos e mapas ao alcance das m?os : ensino de matem?tica numa perspectiva de alfabetiza??o funcional na EJAPereira, Daniele Esteves 22 February 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-22 / The following dissertation has as its main advantage the privilege of visualizing the literacy processes through the angle of the functional perspective, which does not see the literary process as a practice solely based on the decoding of alphabetical codes, and then allows for the opening of ample spaces for the allocation of mathematical skills in the realms of the functional literacy. The main object of this study was to investigate which are the contributions that a sequence of activities and of methodologies developed for the teaching of Geometry could provide for a part of the functional literacy process in mathematics of youngsters and adults of EJA, corresponding to the acquisition or to the improvement of skills related to the orientation capacity. The focus of the analyses consisted in the practice of these activities with the young and adult students of an EJA class belonging to a municipal public school of Natal/RN. The legacies of Paulo Freire about the redimensioning of the role of the teacher, of the students, of the knowledge and of their connections within the teaching-learning process, prevailed in the actions of the methodology implemented in the classroom and, especially, in the establishing of dialogic connections with the students, which directed all the observations and analyses regarding the collected information. The results indicated that the composition of articulations between the teaching of mathematics and the exploration of maps and the earth globe enabled the creation of multidisciplinary learning environments and situations, where we could observe, gradually, the development of procedures and attitudes indicating the evolution of space-visual type skills / A disserta??o que se apresenta tem como pressuposto principal a prerrogativa de visualizar os processos de alfabetiza??o sob o ?ngulo da perspectiva funcional, fato que destitui o alfabetismo de ser uma pr?tica unicamente vinculada ? decodifica??o de c?digos alfab?ticos e permite a abertura de amplos espa?os para a aloca??o de habilidades matem?ticas nos dom?nios da alfabetiza??o funcional. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi investigar quais as contribui??es que uma seq??ncia de atividades e de metodologias elaboradas para o ensino de Geometria poderiam proporcionar a uma parcela do processo de alfabetiza??o funcional em matem?tica de jovens e adultos da EJA, correspondente ? aquisi??o ou ao aprimoramento de habilidades relativas ? capacidade de orienta??o. O foco das an?lises consistiu na efetiva??o dessas atividades junto aos alunos jovens e adultos de uma classe de EJA pertencente a uma escola p?blica municipal de Natal/RN. Prevaleceram os legados de Paulo Freire sobre o redimensionamento do papel do educador, dos educandos, do conhecimento e de suas conex?es dentro do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, nos encaminhamentos da metodologia utilizada na sala de aula e, principalmente, no estabelecimento de liga??es dial?gicas com os alunos, as quais direcionaram todas as observa??es e an?lises a respeito das informa??es obtidas. Os resultados indicaram que a composi??o de articula??es entre o ensino de matem?tica e a explora??o de mapas e do globo terrestre favoreceu a cria??o de ambientes e situa??es de aprendizagem multidisciplinares, onde verificamos, gradativamente, o desenvolvimento de procedimentos e atitudes indicativos da evolu??o de habilidades do tipo espa?o-visual
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Ganho de peso e rendimento de carcaça de bovinos de corte confinados com acesso a sombraLopes, Antônio Carlos Rodrigues 06 October 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / CHAPTER 2: It evaluated itself the effect of the shade, in commercial feedlot beef cattle, about the average weight gain (AWG) and performance of carcass. They were utilized 156 animals Nelores (Bos Indicus) and Nelore-cross, with average initial weight 396 kg, divided in two pens, a shading with 90 animals (handling) and another not shady with 66 (witness); counts on occurred in two moments to the 77 days and to the 118 days of confinement. The food composed itself of a feed with urea, crumb of soy and supplement premix of a commercial brand, that was placed on top to the sorghum tillage and added of lump of cotton and sorghum in grain shredded and supplied "ad-libitum". It determined itself the extreme temperatures (maximum and most minimum); temperature of the dry bulb and wet bulb; temperature of the Black Globe Thermometer in the shade and to the sun; speed of the wind and precipitation. These facts were utilized in the determination of four indices of thermal environment (Temperature-Humidity Index - THI; Wet Bulb Globe Temperature - WBGT; Equivalent Temperature Index - ETI and Heat Load Index - HLI) for verification of the possibility of thermal stress. The animal performance was obtained by the weighing in the beginning of the confinement and when the animals were sold; also was considered the performance of carcass to the 118 days, in the second counts on. It applied analysis of variance and Tukey´s Test at 5%, being the variable I earn of weight corrected by the co-variance by means of the initial weight. Bovines Nelore and Nelore-cross, confined commercially with access in the shade, gains more of weight with 77 days. With 118 days the difference in earn of weight was not significant, but the performance of carcass of the animals of the shady pen was bigger. / CAPÍTULO 2: Avaliou-se o efeito da sombra, em confinamento comercial de bovinos, sobre o ganho de peso médio (GPM) e o rendimento de carcaça. Foram utilizados 156 animais nelores e anelorados, com peso inicial médio de 396 kg, divididos em dois currais, um sombreado com 90 animais e outro não sombreado com 66. O abate ocorreu em dois momentos, aos 77 dias e aos 118 dias de confinamento. A alimentação compunha-se de uma ração com uréia, farelo de soja e núcleo de uma empresa comercial, que era sobreposta à silagem de sorgo e acrescida de caroço de algodão e sorgo em grão triturado e fornecida ―ad-libitum‖. Determinaram-se as temperaturas extremas (máxima e mínima); temperatura do bulbo seco e bulbo úmido; temperatura do globotermômetro à sombra e ao sol; velocidade do vento e índice pluviométrico. Estes dados foram utilizados na determinação de quatro índices de ambiente térmico (Índice de Temperatura e Umidade - ITU; Índice de Temperatura e Globo Úmido - ITGU; Índice de Temperatura Equivalente - ITE e Índice de Carga Térmica - ICT) para verificação da possibilidade de estresse térmico. O desempenho animal foi obtido pela pesagem no início do confinamento e no momento da venda dos animais. Também foi considerado o rendimento de carcaça aos 118 dias. Aplicou-se análise de variância e Teste de Tukey a 5%, sendo a variável ganho de peso corrigida pela covariância por meio do peso inicial. Concluiu-se que o acesso à sombra de animais da raça nelore e anelorados, confinados comercialmente, favorece maior ganho de peso aos 77 dias e maior rendimento de carcaça aos 118 dias de confinamento. / Mestre em Ciências da Veterinárias
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Design and Implementation of an Out-of-Core Globe Rendering System Using Multiple Map Services / Design och Implementering av ett Out-of-Core Globrenderingssystem Baserat på Olika KarttjänsterBladin, Kalle, Broberg, Erik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a software system enabling out-of-core rendering of multiple map datasets mapped on virtual globes around our solar system. Challenges such as precision, accuracy, curvature and massive datasets were considered. The result is a globe visualization software using a chunked level of detail approach for rendering. The software can render texture layers of various sorts to aid in scientific visualization on top of height mapped geometry, yielding accurate visualizations rendered at interactive frame rates. The project was conducted at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York and serves the goal of implementing a planetary visualization software to aid in public presentations and bringing space science to the public. The work is part of the development of the software OpenSpace, which is the result of a collaboration between Linköping University, AMNH and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) among others.
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Insite as Representation and Regulation: A Discursively-Informed Analysis of the Implementation and Implications of Canada's First Safe Injection SiteSanderson, Alicia January 2011 (has links)
This study consisted of a qualitative analysis of articles from two Canadian newspapers related to North America’s only safe injection facility for drug users, Vancouver’s Insite, and examined the texts for latent themes derived from a review of harm reduction and governmentality literature. The investigation asked “In what ways are Insite and its clients represented in the media and what implications do those portrayals have in terms of Insite’s operation as a harm reduction practice as well as a governmental strategy designed to direct the conduct of drug users who visit the site?” The analysis revealed conflicting representations, some which have positive potential in terms of Insite’s adherence to the fundamental principles of harm reduction and others that undermined those principles and suggested that the site may have traditional governmental functions, perhaps indicating less distance between the harm reduction and governmentality philosophies in the discourse surrounding the SIS than expected.
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Compact Sensors for Evaluation the Thermal Comfort / Compact Sensors for Evaluation the Thermal ComfortKazkaz, Mohammad January 2017 (has links)
Teplota vzduchu je nejčastěji používaná k posouzení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. Avšak teplota vzduchu sama o sobě, je v mnoha případech pro toto posouzení nedostatečná. Hlavním cílem disertační práce je vyhodnotit tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí a specifikovat parametry, které na něj mají vliv. Teplota vzduchu, střední radiantní teplota, rychlost vzduchu a vlhkost vzduchu jsou čtyři základní parametry, které určují tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí. Vzhledem k tomu, že tepelný stav prostředí závisí na mnoha aspektech, byly odvozeny veličiny, které zahrnují kombinovaný účinek několika nebo všech těchto parametrů k určení tepelného stavu prostředí. Jedná se např. o efektivní teplotu, teplotu kulového teploměru, operativní teplotu, ekvivalentní teplotu, PMV a PPD indexy... aj. V dnešní době existuje spousta vysoce přesných senzorů, které mohou zhodnotit tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí. Z důvodu jejich vysoké ceny jsou používané převážně pro účely výzkumu. Předkládaná práce se převážně soustředí na vývoj kompaktního deskového senzoru pro vyhodnocení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. Zaměřuje se hlavně na nízkou cenu senzoru společně s dostatečnou přesností. K dosažení cíle této práce jsou provedeny následující postupy: • Analýza environmentálních faktorů ovlivňujících tepelný stav prostředí. • Studium dopadu teploty vzduchu, střední radiantní teploty a rychlosti proudění vzduchu na tepelné indexy: teplotu kulového teploměru a operativní teplotu. • Teoretické porovnání teploty kulového teploměru a operativní teploty. • Navržení, rozvoj a konstrukce nového deskového senzoru pro posouzení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. • Navržení a konstrukce testovací komory pro porovnávání senzorů tepelného stavu prostředí. • Kalibrace zkonstruovaného senzoru měřením fyzikálních veličin charakterizujících tepelný stav prostředí. • Testy směrové závislosti vyvinutého deskového senzoru a porovnání s kulovým teploměrem v testovací komoře. • Srovnání teoretických řešení s provedenými měřeními v testovací komoře. Výsledkem této práce je vlastní teoretické srovnání teploty kulového teploměru a operativní teploty ve vybraném rozsahu teploty vzduchu, střední radiantní teploty a rychlosti vzduchu pro možnost hodnocení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí pomocí kulového teploměru. Hlavním výstupem je však navržení a zhotovení jednoduchého deskového senzoru, který by byl dostatečně přesný pro měření tepelného stavu prostředí. V rámci disertace byla postavena také testovací komora a bylo provedeno testování vyvinutého senzoru pomocí měřicího systému INNOVA.
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United I Stand: An Investigation of Power Distance Value and Endorsement of the Great Man Theory Through American Social IdentitiesGirton, Jeffrey M. 22 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Reframing climate change as a public health issue : a Canadian case study, 2008-2020Pillod, Alizee 07 1900 (has links)
Les changements climatiques représentent une menace majeure pour la santé publique au Canada et ailleurs. À l’inverse, l’action climatique pourrait procurer des éventuels co-bénéfices santé. Bien que la recherche en matière de communication sur les changements climatiques soit en plein essor, seulement une poignée d’études ont exploré comment les médias relient les changements climatiques à leurs impacts sur la santé humaine. Les médias peuvent jouer un rôle clef, de par leur capacité à modeler la compréhension du public ainsi que son adhésion à des politiques nouvelles. Cette analyse de contenu examine la couverture des impacts sanitaires des changements climatiques dans le journal canadien The Globe and Mail entre 2008 et 2020. Notre étude suggère que le cadrage santé demeure sous-utilisé à ce jour, et que les journalistes ne réussissent pas à faire des liens exhaustifs entre climat et santé. Lorsque la question est abordée, le contenu est le plus souvent imprécis ; sans risque sanitaire, facteur social médiateur ou population vulnérable identifiés. Les co-bénéfices santé émanant de l’action climatique peuvent convier des émotions positives et ainsi inciter davantage à un changement comportemental. Malgré tout, ils demeurent rarement mentionnés. Tandis que des études précédentes montraient que les professionnels de la santé sont les mieux équipés pour communiquer les risques, nous avons constaté que ce sont les membres de la société civile, la plupart n’ayant pas d’expertise médicale, qui sont les plus souvent cités dans les articles. Enfin, la pandémie de Covid-19 peut être décrite comme une opportunité manquée pour recadrer les changements climatiques, puisque notre étude démontre que le cadrage santé n’était pas plus utilisé en 2020 qu’auparavant. / Climate change represents a major threat to public health in Canada and elsewhere. Conversely, climate action could procure potential health co-benefits. Although research on climate communication is growing, only a few studies have explored how the media connect climate change to its impacts on human health. The media can play a key role in shaping people’s understanding of the issue as well as their support for policy change. This media content analysis investigates the coverage of climate change impacts on human health in the Canadian news outlet The Globe and Mail between 2008 and 2020. Our study suggests that the public health frame remains largely underutilized to this date, and that journalists fail to make comprehensive links between climate change and health. When the issue is addressed, the content is most often unprecise, with either no particular health risk, social mediating factor or vulnerable population identified. Climate action health co-benefits can convey positive emotions and induce greater behavior change. Yet, they are rarely mentioned. While previous studies have shown that health professionals are best equipped to communicate the risks, we found that members of civil society with no medical expertise were the most regularly cited individuals in the articles. Finally, the Covid-19 pandemic could be described as a missed opportunity to reframe climate change, as our study demonstrates that the public health frame was not more often used in 2020 than it was before.
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From la Carpa to the Classroom: The Chicano Theatre Movement and Actor Training in the United StatesSloan, Dennis 14 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Le Québec anglophone: une communauté distincte du reste du Canada? : étude comparative des positions éditoriales de deux journaux anglophones - The Gazette et The Globe and Mail - en rapport avec certains débats publics au Québec et au Canada de 1976 à 1982Lacasse, Chantal 13 December 2023 (has links)
Les sociétés canadienne et québécoise se sont tissées au fil des rencontres avec l'altérité. Notre analyse comparative des éditoriaux de The Gazette et du Globe and Mail s'inscrit à un moment où s'opère, sur la scène provinciale, un renversement du rapport de force entre les deux communautés linguistiques québécoises, l'anglophone et la francophone, et, sur la scène fédérale, une véritable refondation identitaire du pays. En raison de son inscription dans la socialité franco-québécoise, le discours de The Gazette paraît être le fruit « d'un processus incessant d'échanges, d'emprunts, de négociations, de transmissions et de transformations » avec l'autre, à savoir les Franco-Québécois. Par son appropriation de matériaux culturels franco-québécois, le journal montréalais exprime une affiliation fluide et plurielle, voire de l'ordre de celle du caméléon, modifiant son épiderme selon les circonstances et les environnements. C'est ainsi que, suivant les contextes politiques, idéologiques et discursifs, cette position est québécoise, anglo-québécoise, canadienne ou canadienne-anglaise. En incorporant la variable « Québec » au cœur de son équation éditoriale, The Gazette saisit et présente, avec plus d'empathie, de justesse et de subtilité que ne le fait le Globe and Mail, les enjeux liés aux réalités québécoises et canadiennes. Dénuées du « fardeau » québécois, les analyses que publie le Globe and Mail sont plus distancées, mais aussi moins éclairées, à l'endroit de la donne québécoise, entre autres parce que le quotidien torontois n'inclut pas, ou inclut très peu, le Québec dans sa vision du Canada. / Canadian and Quebec societies have been woven together through encounters with otherness. Our comparative analysis of the editorials of The Gazette and The Globe and Mail takes place at a time when, on the provincial scene, the balance of power between Quebec's two main linguistic communities, anglophone and francophone, is shifting and, on the federal scene, the country is undergoing a true reshaping of its identity. As a result of being embedded in Franco-Quebec sociality, The Gazette's discourse appears to be the result of "a continuous process of exchange, borrowing, negotiation, transmission and transformation" with the other, namely Franco-Quebecers. By its appropriation of Franco-Quebec cultural materials, the Montreal newspaper expresses a fluid and plural affiliation, similar to the skin of a chameleon, adapting itself in response to circumstances and environments. Thus, depending on the political, ideological and discursive contexts, this position is Québécois, Anglo-Québécois, Canadian, or English- Canadian. By incorporating the "Québec" variable into its editorial equation, The Gazette captures and presents the issues related to Quebec and Canadian realities with more empathy, accuracy and subtlety than does The Globe and Mail. Without the Quebec "burden", the analyses published by The Globe and Mail are more distanced, and also less insightful, with regard to the Quebec situation, partly because the Toronto newspaper does not include Quebec in its vision of Canada, or only slightly.
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Vyhodnocení ekologické výchovy Ekocentra ve Vlašimi / Evaluation of ecological education in Ecocentre VlašimKučerová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the CUNC basic organization unit and Podblanické Ecocentre CUNC in Vlašim. The first part of the thesis presents the Czech Union for Nature Conservation (CUNC) followed by an overview of its Environmental Centres. The next section contains a summary of all the activities carried out by the CUNC basic organization unit and Podblanické Ecocentre CUNC in Vlašim from their establishment to the present and recapitulates the formation of these organisations themselves. The thesis also covers a characteristic of all the one-day as well as residential teaching programmes for secondary schools, technical schools and grammar schools carried out by the Ecocentre. The greatest emphasis is laid on four selected one-day teaching programmes, for which a research was conducted by using a questionnaire method. Its aim was to determine the influence on pupils and students of the educational programmes from secondary schools, technical schools and grammar schools.
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