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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação global dos modos energéticos de transporte do gás natural inclusive como energia secundária / Global Evaluation of Energy Ways of Natural Gás Transport, as Well as Secondary Energy

Pascoal Henrique da Costa Rigolin 15 June 2007 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é fazer a avaliação global de alguns dos modos energéticos de transporte do gás natural (gasodutos, GNL e GNC), inclusive como energia secundária (eletricidade e GTL). Para a escolha do melhor modo de transporte, além dos custos de cada projeto, serão considerados outros três fatores, que são: impactos ambientais, impactos sociais e riscos políticos. Para isto foi escolhida uma ferramenta de análise conhecida como Avaliação de Custos Completos (ACC), sendo que esta considera os quatro fatores citados anteriormente como de mesma importância na avaliação para um planejamento que vise a sustentabilidade. Para melhor visualização e entendimento do trabalho, foi feito um estudo de caso para o transporte de energia (gás natural e/ou eletricidade) para atender mercados consumidores na região de fronteira entre o Brasil e a Bolívia. Fundamentalmente o estudo do transporte foi feito em solo boliviano, correspondente entre os campos produtores de gás, localizados em Margarita, até a região de fronteira próxima a Corumbá no Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), e também próxima a uma região com grandes jazidas de minério de ferro conhecida como El Mutún. Metodologicamente dentro das quatro dimensões consideradas, foram usados alguns subcritérios mais relevantes para esta análise. Para todos os sub-critérios foram atribuídas notas específicas, de acordo com a região e com o tipo de transporte de energia, e após isto os dados foram passados para um software de tomada de decisão chamado Decision Lens, obtendo assim um rank das melhores opções transporte para a região. Como resultado, o mais coerente para atender a região, são gasodutos de transporte para as demandas elétricas e de gás natural (consumo do MS mais Mutún) e trens carregados com derivados líquidos do gás natural (GTL) para atender a demanda de diesel do MS. / The objective of this work is to make a global evaluation of some energy ways of transport of natural gas (gas-pipelines, LNG and CNG), as well as secondary energy (electricity and GTL). For the selection of a better way of transport, beyond the costs of each project, others three factors were considered: environmental impacts, social impacts and political risks. To perform this, a tool of analysis known as Evaluation of Complete Costs (ACC in portuguese) was chosen. This tool considers the four factors above mentioned as having the same importance in the evaluation process for planning that aims towards sustainability. For better visualization and understanding of the work, a case study for energy transport was made (natural gas and/or electricity) to supply the consumer markets in the region bordering Brazil and Bolivia. Basically the study of the transport was made in Bolivian territory; at the producing gas fields located in Margarita as far as the region bordering Corumbá in the Mato Grosso do Sul area, and also next to a region with great known iron ore deposits known as El Mutún. Methodologically, within the four dimensions above, some more relevant sub-criteria for the analysis were used. For all the sub-criteria considered specific ranks were taken, in accordance with the region and type of transported energy, and after this the data was fed to a software called Decision Lens, thus getting a rank of the best options to carry gas to the region. The results, most coherent way to supply gas to the region, happens to be gas-pipelines of transport for the electric and natural gas demands (consumption in MS plus Mutún) and trains with liquid derivatives of natural gas (GTL) to supply care of the demand of diesel of MS.

Guidance and Control for Launch and Vertical Descend of Reusable Launchers using Model Predictive Control and Convex Optimisation

Zaragoza Prous, Guillermo January 2020 (has links)
The increasing market of small and affordable space systems requires fast and reliablelaunch capabilities to cover the current and future demand. This project aims to studyand implement guidance and control schemes for vertical ascent and descent phases ofa reusable launcher. Specifically, the thesis focuses on developing and applying ModelPredictive Control (MPC) and optimisation techniques to several kino-dynamic modelsof rockets. Moreover, the classical MPC method has been modified to include a decreasingfactor for the horizon used, enhancing the performance of the guidance and control.Multiple scenarios of vertical launch, landing and full fligth guidance on Earth and Mars,along with Monte Carlo analysis, were carried out to demonstrate the robustness of thealgorithm against different initial conditions. The results were promising and invite tofurther research.

Experiment Design for System Identification on Satellite Hardware Demonstrator

Krantz, Elias January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this thesis covers the process of online parameter estimation of agile satellites. Accurate knowledge of parameters such as moment of inertia and centre of mass play a crucial role in satellite attitude control and pointing performance. Typically, identification of parameters such as these is performed on-ground using post-processing algorithms. This thesis investigates the potential of performing the identification procedures in real-time on-board operating satellites, using only measurements available from typical satellite attitude sensors.    The thesis covers the areas of system identification and modelling of spacecraft attitude dynamics. An algorithm based on the Unscented Kalman Filter is developed for online parameter estimation of spacecraft moment of inertia parameters. The proposed method is successfully validated, both through simulation environments, and in practice using Airbus’ satellite hardware demonstrator INTREPID, a three-axis air-bearing table equipped with CMG actuators and typical attitude sensors.


GISELE DE OLIVEIRA BARRETO 06 May 2016 (has links)
[pt] Se por um lado à privatização do setor de energia, que induz acirrada concorrência, tem estimulado a inovação tecnológica e a adoção de mecanismos de incentivos à eficiência operacional, a regulação do mercado introduz mecanismos de controle requerendo maior responsabilidade no uso consciente da energia de sorte a assegurar a eficiência energética e a proteção ambiental. Pressões de organizações ambientalistas internacionais e a crescente demanda por energia explicam a tendência mundial pelo uso de combustíveis fósseis mais limpos. O baixo nível de emissões e resíduos associados ao processo de combustão de gás natural qualifica esta commodity energética como um elemento estratégico para integrar a matriz energética de organizações e países comprometidos com a sustentabilidade global. O impacto econômico associado à medição de gás natural exige uma otimização do controle do balanço de massa no sistema de entrega. A aplicação da Metodologia de Reconciliação de Dados constitui o objetivo deste trabalho. A técnica provou ser uma ferramenta eficaz para a avaliação do balanço de massa em um gasoduto durante o período de operação associado ao transporte de gás natural. A natureza intrínseca do seu algoritmo de cálculo, que leva em conta a redundância nas medições, qualifica a metodologia para aumentar a confiabilidade da medição assim reduzindo a incerteza individual associada a cada grandeza física capaz de interferir na medição e identificar erros grosseiros. Fundamentado na avaliação metrológica do balanço de massa de um gasoduto brasileiro, os resultados do estudo permitem discutir a adequação da técnica proposta de reconciliação de dados. Dentre as conclusões do trabalho, foi possível mostrar que o uso da técnica de tratamento dos dados do gás não contado (unaccounted for gas) pode atingir valores inferiores a 0,3 porcento, comparando-se, assim, à tolerância preconizada em nível internacional. / [en] If on the one hand, privatization of the energy sector, which induces keen competition, has stimulated technological innovation and the adoption of incentive mechanisms for operational efficiency, regulation of the market introduces control mechanisms requiring greater responsibility in the conscious use of energy so as to ensure energy efficiency and environmental protection. Pressure from international environmental organizations and the growing demand for energy, explain the worldwide tendency for the use of cleaner fossil fuels. The lower levels of emissions and residues associated with the combustion process of natural gas classify this energy commodity as a strategic element to enter into the energy matrix of organizations and countries committed to global sustainability. The economic impact associated with the measurement of natural gas, demands optimization in controlling the mass balance in the delivery system. Application of the Data Reconciliation Methodology constitutes the objective of this work. The technique proved to be an efficient tool for the evaluation of the mass balance in a gas pipeline for the period of operation associated with the transport of natural gas. The intrinsic nature of its calculation algorithm, which takes into account the redundancy of measurements, qualifies the methodology to increase the confidence of measurement, thereby reducing the individual uncertainty associated with each physical volume capable of interfering with the measurement and identify gross errors. Based on the metrological evaluation of the mass balance of a Brazilian pipeline, the results of the study enable discussion on the adequacy of the data reconciliation technique proposed. Among the conclusions of the work, it was possible to demonstrate that the use of the technique in treating the data of unaccounted for gas, could achieve values lower than 0.3 percent, thereby comparable with the tolerances advocated at international level.

Implementation and Analysis of the Pre-Chamber Ignition Concept in a SI Engine for Passenger Car Applications

Martínez Hernándiz, Pablo José 15 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] El aumento global de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero desde el inicio de la Revolución Industrial se ha convertido en un grave peligro para la vida humana. Además de la generación de energía y la industria, el transporte, con el aumento del número total de vehículos en las últimas décadas, es uno de los principales responsables de este incremento exponencial de los gases causantes del calentamiento global. De hecho, ciudades como Barcelona o Madrid, entre muchas otras, están imponiendo restricciones al tráfico para mitigar esta situación. Sin embargo, la humanidad aún está a tiempo de invertir esta tendencia negativa y solucionar el problema medioambiental para las generaciones futuras. El objetivo principal de la presente Tesis se centra en el estudio, implementación y análisis del concepto de encendido por precámara pasiva para su aplicación en la próxima generación de vehículos automóviles. Más específicamente, esta investigación aborda los fenómenos físicos que intervienen en el proceso de combustión cuando se utiliza el sistema de encendido por precámara en un motor de encendido provocado. A continuación, se aplican algunas estrategias para mejorar el rendimiento térmico que se obtiene operando con este concepto. Finalmente, a partir del conocimiento generado, se presentan unas directrices básicas para el prediseño de este tipo de precámaras. La primera aproximación al concepto consiste en su implementación directa en el motor, obteniendo resultados experimentales en tres condiciones de funcionamiento diferentes en términos de carga y régimen de giro del motor. Además, también se evalúan diferentes geometrías de precámara. Aunque su implementación directa es relativamente sencilla mediante la sustitución de la bujía, la comprensión de ciertos fenómenos relevantes relacionados con la combustión, como el intercambio de gases o la penetración de los chorros, es extremadamente difícil sin el apoyo de herramientas computacionales. Esta es la principal razón que justifica el uso de herramientas numéricas 1D en la presente Tesis, ya que con un modelado adecuado basado en datos experimentales, se puede obtener información relevante en aquellas situaciones en las que no es factible generarla experimentalmente. Estas herramientas 1D tienen las ventajas de su bajo coste computacional y su capacidad de proporcionar resultados en poco tiempo. En cuanto al rendimiento térmico, se adoptan dos estrategias diferentes, como el aumento de lambda o el aumento de la tasa de recirculación de los gases de escape, para incrementar aún más las ventajas del sistema de encendido por precámara pasiva. Sin embargo, se alcanzan los límites físicos de aplicación de ambas estrategias y se proponen una serie de posibilidades para ampliar estos límites y aumentar el rendimiento térmico. Finalmente, a partir de los resultados experimentales y numéricos, se sugieren algunas pautas para diseñar una precámara que aproveche las ventajas observadas, aumentando el rendimiento térmico en comparación con los conceptos de encendido por bujía convencional y por precámara pasiva actuales. / [CA] L'augment global de les emissions de gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle des de l'inici de la Revolució Industrial s'ha convertit en un greu perill per a la vida humana. A més de la generació d'energia i la indústria, el transport, amb l'augment del nombre total de vehicles en les últimes dècades, és un dels principals responsables d'aquest increment exponencial dels gasos causants de l'escalfament global. De fet, ciutats com Barcelona o Madrid, entre moltes altres, estan imposant restriccions al trànsit per a mitigar aquesta situació. No obstant això, la humanitat encara és a temps d'invertir aquesta tendència negativa i solucionar el problema mediambiental per a les generacions futures. L'objectiu principal de la present Tesi se centra en l'estudi, implementació i anàlisi del concepte d'encesa per precàmera passiva per a la seua aplicació en la pròxima generació de vehicles automòbils. Més específicament, aquesta investigació aborda els fenòmens físics que intervenen en el procés de combustió quan s'utilitza el sistema d'encesa per precàmera en un motor d'encesa provocada. A continuació, s'apliquen algunes estratègies per a millorar el rendiment tèrmic que s'obté operant amb aquest concepte. Finalment, a partir del coneixement generat, es presenten unes directrius bàsiques per al predisseny d'aquesta mena de precàmeres. La primera aproximació al concepte consisteix en la seua implementació directa en el motor, obtenint resultats experimentals en tres condicions de funcionament diferents en termes de càrrega i règim de gir del motor. A més, també s'avaluen diferents geometries de precàmera. Encara que la seua implementació directa és relativament senzilla mitjançant la substitució de la bugia, la comprensió d'uns certs fenòmens rellevants relacionats amb la combustió, com l'intercanvi de gasos o la penetració dels dolls, és extremadament difícil sense el suport d'eines computacionals. Aquesta és la principal raó que justifica l'ús d'eines numèriques 1D en la present Tesi, ja que amb un modelatge adequat basat en dades experimentals es pot obtindre informació rellevant en aquelles situacions en les quals no és factible generar-la experimentalment. Aquestes eines 1D tenen com a principal avantatge el seu baix cost computacional i la seua capacitat de proporcionar resultats en poc temps. Quant al rendiment tèrmic, s'adopten dues estratègies diferents, com l'augment de lambda o l'augment de la taxa de recirculació dels gasos d'escapament, per a incrementar encara més els avantatges del sistema d'encesa per precàmera passiva. No obstant això, s'aconsegueixen els límits físics d'aplicació de totes dues estratègies i es proposen una sèrie de possibilitats per a ampliar aquests límits i augmentar el rendiment tèrmic. Finalment, a partir dels resultats experimentals i numèrics, se suggereixen algunes pautes per a dissenyar una precàmera que aprofite els avantatges observats, augmentant el rendiment tèrmic en comparació amb els conceptes d'encesa per bugia convencional i per precàmera passiva actuals. / [EN] The global greenhouse gas emissions increase since the start of the Industrial Revolution has become a serious hazard to human life. In addition to power generation and industry, transportation, with the rise in the total vehicle number in the last decades, is one of the main contributors to this exponential increase of global warming-causing gases. In fact, cities such as Barcelona or Madrid, among many others, are imposing traffic restrictions to mitigate this situation. However, mankind is still on time to reverse this negative tendency and fix the environmental issue for the upcoming generations. The main goal of the present Thesis focuses on the study, implementation and analysis of the passive pre-chamber ignition concept in a near-future light-duty passenger car application. To be more specific, the investigation addresses the physical phenomena involving the combustion process when pre-chamber ignition system is used in a spark-ignition engine. Then, some strategies to improve thermal efficiency while employing this concept are applied. Finally, with all the knowledge gathered, basic guidelines for a pre-chamber pre-design are presented. The first approach to the concept consists of its direct implementation in the engine, obtaining experimental results in three different operating conditions in terms of engine load and speed. Furthermore, different prechamber geometries are also evaluated. Although its direct implementation is relatively straightforward by exchanging the spark plug, understanding some of the relevant phenomena related to the combustion process, such as gas exchange or jet-tip penetration, is extremely difficult without the support of computational tools. This is the main reason supporting the use of 1D numerical tools in the present Thesis, since with proper modeling based on experimental data, further knowledge can be obtained in those situations where experimental evaluations are not feasible. These 1D tools have the benefits of their low computational cost and their ability to provide reasonably good results in a short period of time. In terms of thermal efficiency, two different strategies, such as the increase of lambda or the increase of the exhaust gas re-circulation rate, are adopted to extend further the benefits of the passive pre-chamber ignition system. However, the physical application limits of both strategies are reached, and a series of possibilities are proposed to expand these limits and increase thermal efficiency. Finally, with all the experimental and numerical results, some guidelines are suggested to design a pre-chamber that takes advantage of the benefits, increasing thermal efficiency compared with the conventional spark ignition and the current passive pre-chamber concepts. / The respondent wishes to acknowledge the financial support received through contract FPI-S2-19-21993 of the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID) of Universitat Politècnica de València. Parts of the work presented in this thesis have been supported by different collaborations with the research partner Sandia National Laboratories LLC, 7011 East Ave, Livermore, California, US. / Martínez Hernándiz, PJ. (2023). Implementation and Analysis of the Pre-Chamber Ignition Concept in a SI Engine for Passenger Car Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202063

Systems engineering processes for a student-based design laboratory

Garner, Michael Dax 24 August 2010 (has links)
A student-based university environment for engineering design and development is much different from a product development environment within the aerospace industry. Therefore, a different approach to systems engineering should be considered. By its very nature, a university product development laboratory thrives on creativity and rejects bureaucracy. Experience shows that continuity and discipline within a project is crucial for success. The practice of systems engineering enables technical project discipline. Systems engineering is the art and science of developing an operable system that meets requirements within imposed constraints. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the systems engineering processes and techniques necessary for a student-based project, and explicitly show how to implement these processes. Although attempts have been made to utilize a few systems engineering techniques in past projects, many students did not properly and consistently apply those techniques to the technical design work. The goal of the thesis is to tailor the NASA systems engineering processes to a student-based design laboratory environment and to apply the methodologies to the mission design of Paradox. The Picosatellite for Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking on-Orbit eXperiment, or Paradox, is the second of four missions to demonstrate autonomous rendezvous and docking with a picosatellite-class satellite. A strong technical contribution highlighted within the thesis involves developing an open architecture rendezvous targeting algorithm for the Paradox mission in the face of large mission architecture uncertainties. The robust targeting algorithm builds from previous work utilizing an optimizer based on the Clohessey-Wiltshire equations and an iterative Lambert targeter. The contribution extends the rendezvous transfer times by including a multi-revolution Lambert targeter. The rendezvous algorithm will perform successfully given any launch vehicle and target spacecraft vehicle supporting the notion of an open architecture to satisfy the mission. The development of the algorithm is embedded within the context of the systems engineering processes to clearly showcase the intimate connection between systems engineering processes and the technical engineering design of a mission. / text

MASCOT Follow-on Mission Concept Study with Enhanced GNC and Propulsion Capability of the Nano-lander for Small Solar System Bodies (SSSB) Missions

Chand, Suditi January 2020 (has links)
This thesis describes the design, implementation and analysis for a preliminary study for DLR's MASCOT lander's next mission to Small Solar System Bodies (SSSB). MASCOT (Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout) is a nano-lander that flew aboard Hayabusa2 (JAXA) to an asteroid, Ryugu. It is a passive nano-spacecraft that can only be deployed ballistically from a hovering spacecraft. Current research focusses on optimizing similar close-approach missions for deploying landers or small cubesats into periodic orbits but does not provide solutions with semi-autonomous small landers deployed from farther distances. This study aims to overcome this short-coming by proposing novel yet simple Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) and Propulsion systems for MASCOT. Due to its independent functioning and customisable anatomy, MASCOT can be adapted for several mission scenarios. In this thesis, a particular case-study is modelled for the HERA (ESA) mission. The first phase of the study involves the design of a landing trajectory to the moon of the Didymos binary asteroid system. For a preliminary analysis, the system - Didymain (primary body), Didymoon (secondary body) and MASCOT (third body) - are modelled as a Planar Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (PCR3BP). The numerical integration methodology used for the trajectory is the variable-step Dormand–Prince (Runge Kutta) ODE-4,5 (Ordinary Differential Equation) solver. The model is built in MATLAB-Simulink (2019a) and refined iteratively by conducting a Monte Carlo analysis using the Sensitivity Analysis Tool. Two models - a thruster-controlled system and an alternative hybrid propulsion system of solar sails and thrusters - are simulated and proven to be feasible. The results show that the stable manifold near Lagrange 2 points proposed by Tardivel et. al. for ballistic landings can still be exploited for distant deployments if a single impulse retro-burn is done at an altitude of 65 m to 210 m above ground with error margins of 50 m in position, 5 cm/s in velocity and 0.1 rad in attitude. The next phase is the conceptual design of a MASCOT-variant with GNC abilities. Based on the constraints and requirements of the flown spacecraft, novel GNC and Propulsion systems are chosen. To identify the overriding factors in using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) for MASCOT, a market survey is conducted and the manufacturers of short-listed products are consulted. The final phase of the study is to analyse the proposed equipment in terms of parameter scope and capability-oriented trade-offs. Two traceability matrices, one for devised solutions and system and another for solutions versus capabilities, are constructed. The final proposed system is coherent with the given mass, volume and power constraints. A distant deployment of MASCOT-like landers for in-situ observation is suggested as an advantageous and risk-reducing addition to large spacecraft missions to unknown micro-gravity target bodies. Lastly, the implications of this study and the unique advantages of an enhanced MASCOT lander are explored for currently planned SSSB missions ranging from multiple rendezvous, fly-by or sample-return missions. Concluding, this study lays the foundation for future work on advanced GNC concepts for unconventional spacecraft topology for the highly integrated small landers. / <p>This thesis is submitted as per the requirements for the Spacemaster (Round 13) dual master's degree under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree Programme. </p> / MASCOT team, DLR

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