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Life cycle analysis of shea butter biodiesel using GREET software.Quansah, Solomon January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Chemical Engineering / John Schlup / In this study, life cycle analysis (LCA) of shea butter biodiesel from Well-to-Pump (WTP) is considered utilizing information gathered from Anuanom Industrial Bio Products Ltd. (AIBP) in Ghana, West Africa. The information presented in this report starts with shea plant cultivation, proceeds through harvesting of shea fruits, extraction of shea butter from shea kernels, and finishes with the production of shea butter biodiesel via homogenous acid–alkali transesterification reactions utilizing methanol. After researching the conversion of shea butter to biodiesel, the GREET software was explored as a tool to perform LCA.
Shea butter is an excellent alternative feedstock to produce biodiesel on an industrial scale. Though research into shea plant cultivation and subsequent conversion into biodiesel in Ghana has not received formal attention, it has huge potential in the biodiesel industry. The tree originates in Africa and is tropical and drought-resistant. Although even some basic agronomic characteristics of shea butter are not yet fully understood, the plant enjoys a booming interest, which may hold the risk of unsustainable practice.
The GREET software from the Argonne National laboratory of the US Department of Energy (DOE) was used in LCA. The software is a very useful tool specifically designed for LCA focused on energy and emissions of different production processes, including biodiesel production. This software is managed by DOE research laboratory and is made available for public use. The GREET software allow users perform many existing fuel production processes. To perform an LCA on shea butter biodiesel which is a new feedstock to the GREET software, some of the requisite information, and data input has to be sent to the Argonne National Laboratory personnel for input. For a new biodiesel feedstock such as shea butter which is not part of the GREET software database, it is important to work with the Argonne National laboratory to perform the LCA.
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Converting an Automobile Engine to an Aircraft Engine / Konvertera en bilmotor till en flygmotorKronberg, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
This project evaluates the opportunity to convert a three-cylinder automobile piston engine (the Tiny Friendly Giant) to an aircraft engine from an environmental and practical point of view. The problem of increased emissions from aviation calls for technical and socioeconomic solutions, which is the reason why this report is written. The main goals are to choose the best fuel for the piston engine in aviation, as well as to study emissions, engine cooling and practical challenges with conversion. The structure resembles a feasibility study where the problem is solved using literature in a trade study, together with emission estimations using The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies Model framework and Boeing Fuel Flow Method 2. An estimation for engine cooling is done using a semiemprical method from Lycoming, showing air cooling can be sufficient for the Tiny Friendly Giant in aviation. The results furthermore show that none of the alternative automobile fuels are appropriate for use in aviation and that alternative pathways to jet fuel are more suited for high altitude. The conclusion is thus that the engine should be converted to jet fuel compatibility. To avoid large turning moment fluctuations, two-stroke can be applied. Conversion and use of the engine in aviation is not considered to be feasible because of practical limitations - instead the study concludes designing a new engine from scratch is easier and most likely quicker. The study shows that reducing carbon dioxide emissions also lead to reductions in water and sulfur- and nitrous oxides. However, the same mitigation strategy leads to increase in carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. In general, the conclusion is that alternative fuels can significantly reduce aircraft emissions. / Detta examensarbete utvärderar möjligheten att konvertera en trecylindrig bilkolvmotor (Tiny Friendly Giant motorn) till en flygplansmotor från en miljömässig och praktisk synvinkel. Problemet med ökade utsläpp från flyget kräver tekniska och socioekonomiska lösningar, vilket är anledningen till att detta arbete är genomfört. De största målen går ut på välja det bästa bränslet för kolvmotorn inom flyget, samt att studera utsläpp, motorkylning och praktiska utmaningar med konvertering. Strukturen liknar en förstudie där problemet löses med hjälp av litteratur i en paramterstudie, tillsammans med utsläppsuppskattningar med hjälp av The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies Model ramverket och Boeing Fuel Flow Method 2. En uppskattning för motorkylning är beräknat med en semiemprisk metod från Lycoming, som visar att luftkylning vara tillräckligt för Tiny Friendly Giant motorn inom flyg. Resultaten visar vidare att inget av de alternativa bilbränslena är lämpliga för användning inom flyget och att alternativa vägar till flygbränsle är mer lämpat för hög höjd. Slutsatsen är att motorn bör konverteras till flygbränslekompatibilitet. För att undvika stora vridmomentfluktuationer kan tvåtakt användas. Konvertering och användning av motorn inom flyget anses inte vara genomförbart på grund av praktiska begränsningar - istället drar studien slutsatsen att design av en ny motor från grunden är enklare och med största sannolikhet snabbare. Studien visar att minskade koldioxidutsläpp också leder till minskningar av vatten och svavel- och dikväveoxider. Samma strategi leder dock till en ökning av kolmonoxid och kolväten. Generellt sett är slutsatsen att alternativa bränslen avsevärt kan minska flygplanens utsläpp.
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GHG EMISSION COMPARISON BETWEEN E85 FLEX FUELVEHICLE AND EV UPTAKE : A Scandinavian perspectiveDewilde Cervelló, Lucas January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis the effects of two future greenhouse gas emissionreducing strategies in the passenger transport sector are investigated.Three factors were modelled for 2021-2055; The life cycle emissions offour vehicle types using a well-to-wheel life cycle analysis tool calledGREET, the growth curve of these vehicle types was analyzed andextrapolated to obtain total vehicle predictions and the mileage ofthese vehicles was extrapolated from existing governmental data. Theresulting scenarios show that in the short term E85 ex fuel vehicles arecapable of more avoided emissions, with EVs outperforming them inthe long term. However limitations in the prediction of vehicle mileageleaves the overtake point to be determined.
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L’amitié aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles en France : normes, réalités et représentations / Friendship in France XVIth-XVIIth : norms, practices and representationsPrevost, Aurelie 28 November 2011 (has links)
La thèse s’intéresse au duo amical entre hommes en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Le corpus, aux sources très diverses, écarte à la fois les femmes, les clercs et les intellectuels. Il s’agit d’étudier la réception des idées philosophiques, le regard porté sur la norme et la pratique de l’amitié. Après avoir retracé l’apport antique, patristique et médiéval, le cadre social est défini, notamment en ce qui concerne la place de la famille. Puis, les dictionnaires offrent un bon aperçu des différentes connotations des termes « amitié » et « ami ». Enfin, le travail s’attache à suivre le cours d’une amitié, de sa genèse à sa mort. L’importance du choix de l’ami et sa vertu transcendent le discours des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Les gestes de l’amitié sont recherchés et presque codés. La peur de l’abandon ou de la trahison est très présente. On s’interroge beaucoup sur la possibilité, voire l’obligation, de la transgression des règles sociales. Les contemporains recherchent un équilibre, toujours difficile à obtenir et à garder. Concorde et Charité sont les deux notions non pas tant concurrentes que connexes à l’amitié. L’amitié-duo se vit en effet dans une société où l’amitié est omniprésente. Enfin, la mort ne scelle pas, en théorie, la fin d’une amitié. Le second tome de ce travail présente la méthodologie suivie pour l’élaboration du corpus ainsi que les raisons de la mise à l’écart des femmes. Les sources et la bibliographie sont également présentées dans ce dernier volume. / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the influences of the norm on the representations of friendship and its practice in France during the 16th and the 17th centuries. The corpus draws aside both intellectuals and women to focus on the non-enclosed people. How two individuals are able to make friends with each other in the 16th and 17th centuries within a society itself thought in terms of friendship? This dissertation divides in two volumes. The first one is devoted to the study itself. The philosophical inheritance is presented, along with considerations on bonds linking the friend, the society, the couple and the family during the Modern Times. Questions of linguistics are also raised. The evolution of a friendship between two men is followed step by step from birth to death, as if it were a genuine living organism. Gestures and tokens of friendship are the bases of friendship. The latter is always endangered by the fragile balance between the social demands and the requirements of friendship. In the second volume are presented the methodology used to gather the documentary corpus, as well as our historical sources and bibliography. Reasons why women were excluded from our research work make the core of a specific chapter.
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Impacts of Driving Patterns on Well-to-wheel Performance of Plug-in Hybrid Electric VehiclesRaykin, Leonid 27 November 2013 (has links)
The well-to-wheel (WTW) environmental performance of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) is sensitive to driving patterns, which vary within and across regions. This thesis develops and applies a novel approach for estimating specific regional driving patterns. The approach employs a macroscopic traffic assignment model linked with a vehicle motion model to construct driving cycles, which is done for a wide range of driving patterns. For each driving cycle, the tank-to-wheel energy use of two PHEVs and comparable non-plug-in alternatives is estimated. These estimates are then employed within a WTW analysis to investigate implications of driving patterns on the energy use and greenhouse gas emission of PHEVs, and the WTW performance of PHEVs relative to non-plug-in alternatives for various electricity generation scenarios. The results of the WTW analysis demonstrate that driving patterns and the electricity generation supply interact to substantially impact the WTW performance of PHEVs.
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Impacts of Driving Patterns on Well-to-wheel Performance of Plug-in Hybrid Electric VehiclesRaykin, Leonid 27 November 2013 (has links)
The well-to-wheel (WTW) environmental performance of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) is sensitive to driving patterns, which vary within and across regions. This thesis develops and applies a novel approach for estimating specific regional driving patterns. The approach employs a macroscopic traffic assignment model linked with a vehicle motion model to construct driving cycles, which is done for a wide range of driving patterns. For each driving cycle, the tank-to-wheel energy use of two PHEVs and comparable non-plug-in alternatives is estimated. These estimates are then employed within a WTW analysis to investigate implications of driving patterns on the energy use and greenhouse gas emission of PHEVs, and the WTW performance of PHEVs relative to non-plug-in alternatives for various electricity generation scenarios. The results of the WTW analysis demonstrate that driving patterns and the electricity generation supply interact to substantially impact the WTW performance of PHEVs.
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