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Pesticide Pollution In Surface And Ground Water Of An Agricultural Area, Kumluca, TurkeyOztas, Nur Banu 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Concentrations of 17 organochlorine and 14 organophosphorus pesticides were measured in 27 ground and 11 surface water samples collected from a heavily agricultural area, Kumluca, in spring and fall seasons of 2005. The samples were preconcentrated by Solid Phase Extraction. GC-ECD and GC-NPD systems were used for quantitative determination of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides respectively.
The quality check/quality assurance tests were performed by the analysis of field and laboratory blanks, standard reference materials, spiked control and sample matrices, surrogate standards, sampling and analysis replicates. It is observed that, sample matrix lowers average percent recoveries from 89% to 76%.
The uncertainties of measurements were calculated to determine major factors affecting the analysis results. It was observed that uncertainty arising from extraction procedure was generally the highest.
The most commonly observed pesticide was endosulfan (70%) and chlorpyriphos (53%) for organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides. The highest average concentration was observed for heptachlor (26 ng/L) and fenamiphos (184 ng/L).
Generally pesticides were detected more often in surface waters, where the concentrations were also higher. The concentrations of organophosphorus pesticides in spring, and organochlorine pesticides in fall season were higher.
The high occurrences and detection of degradation products of chlorinated pesticides clearly indicate their intense use before 1980s. It is shown that, in Kumluca environment, degradation of these pesticides mostly occurs in surface waters.
It is observed that agricultural activities affect water quality in the region. The total concentration limit (500ng/L) was exceeded for 27% of surface and 14% of ground water samples, at least once in both seasons. The legal limit for a single pesticide (100ng/L) was exceeded by 32 % of surface, 24 % of ground water samples.
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濃尾平野の地下水状態と地盤沈下に関する研究佐藤, 健, Sato, Takeshi 25 March 1981 (has links)
名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類:工学博士(課程) 学位授与年月日:昭和56年3月25日
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Influence of Evapotranspiration on Patterns of Ground-Water Conductivity in Small BasinsJiménez, Ana 09 April 2007 (has links)
Ground-water conductivity data were obtained from shallow wells in a 12 km2 stream-basin along a 400 m transect, extending from the divide to the stream. The stream, Pringle Branch, is a second-order perennial stream in Hillsborough County, Florida. The shallow stratigraphy consists of 2-3 m of fine sand over a layer of clayey silt and silty clay. Vegetation cover includes grasses on the upper and middle slope, and riparian woodlands on the foot slope and floodplain. Precipitation is about 1.3 m per year. Shallow ground-water conductivity is about 50 uS/cm at the divide. It increases moderately along the mid slope, then increases markedly within the riparian woodlands, reaching a maximum of about 500 uS/cm at 30m from the stream and then decreases to about 150 uS/cm at the stream. The spatial variation of terrain electrical conductivity data collected using electromagnetic methods (EM 31) is similar to the spatial variation of ground-water conductivity.Dry season through wet season monitoring shows that ground-water conductivity in each well varies about 40%, generally following variations in potential evapotranspiration (ETpan). The more than five-fold increase in ground-water conductivity from divide to riparian woodlands is maintained during both dry and wet seasons.
The ground-water conductivity in this basin appears to be determined principally by spatial variations in ET and not by temporal variations in ET or interaction with soil minerals. The data suggest that patterns of ground-water conductivity can be used to infer patterns of ET variation within a small basin. A mass transport model constructed to test the hypothesis that evapotranspiration has the dominant effect on ground-water conductivity closely duplicates the observed variation in ground-water conductivity from divide to stream. The model uses two evaporation rates, 0.73 m/y for the grasses and 1.46 m/y for the riparian woodlands, and no contribution from solution of matrix materials.
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Monitoring Perched Ground Water in the Vadose ZoneWilson, L. G., Schmidt, K. D. 06 1900 (has links)
American Water Resources Association Symposium Proceedings / Reprinted from Establishment of Water Quality Monitoring Programs / Edited By: Lorne G. Everett and Kenneth D. Schmidt / June 12-14, 1978 / San Francisco, California / Traditional techniques for monitoring the mass flux of pollutants in the vadose zone involve obtaining point samples of solute, either by core sampling of solids, followed by laboratory extraction, or by installation of suction probes. An alternative sampling technique, discussed in this paper, is to sample perched ground water within the vadose zone. Large amounts of water may be pumped for sampling purposes from wells drilled into productive,
perched ground -water bodies. Alternatively, cascading water from perched regions may be
sampled in wells with perforations above the water table. Analytical results of samples from such wells are more representative of regional conditions than small point samples. Case studies are presented on sampling from perched ground water underlying a point source (an oxidation pond), a line source (an ephemeral stream), and a diffuse source (irrigation return flow).
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Kauno nuotekų valyklos dumblo saugojimo aikštelės vandens ir dumblo kokybės analizė / Kaunas Sewage Treatment Plant's Sludge Storing Place Water And Sludge Quality AnalysisSujeta, Donatas 03 June 2009 (has links)
Valant miestų nutekamuosius vandenis susidaro dideli kiekiai nuotekų dumblo, kurio panaudojimo galimybės yra gana ribotos. Vienas perspektyviausių buitinių nuotekų dumblo panaudojimo būdų yra dirvožemio tręšimas, ir energetinių želdinių auginimas. Dumblo panaudojimą riboja sunkiųjų metalų kiekiai dumble, taip pat mikrobiologiniai rodikliai. Dumblą naudojant tręšimui, taip pat būtina atsižvelgti į dirvožemio tipą, granuliometrinę sudėtį, pH, gruntinio vandens lygį bei jo kitimo dinamiką, dirvožemio foninį užterštumą sunkiaisiais metalais. Sunkieji metalai patekę į gruntinius vandenis yra pavojingi žmogui ir visai gyvajai gamtai. Šio magistrinio darbo tikslas – atlikti Kauno m. nuotekų valyklos dumblo saugojimo aikštelės gruntinio vandens lygio kitimo, bei jo kokybės analizę. Gruntinio vandens mėginių laboratorinės analizės buvo atliktos UAB „Kauno vandenys“ vandens tyrimo laboratorijoje, taip pat buvo remtasi monitoringo, atliekamo nuo 1997 m. duomenimis. Atlikta analizė parodė, kad patręšus dirvą nuotekų dumblu, sunkiųjų metalų kiekiai gruntiniame vandenyje palaipsniui mažėja. Todėl parinkus ekologiškai saugias nuotekų dumblo utilizavimo normas, galima labai efektyviai šį dumblą panaudoti želdinių tręšimui, nepadarant didelės žalos aplinkai. / During municipal wastewater treatment large amounts of sewage sludge are generated. Possibilities of this sludge being utilized are quite limited. One of the most promising sewage sludge utilization way is using it as fertilizer. Sewage sludge utilization are mostly limited by the amount of heavy metals in it. When using sludge as fertilizer one must know some soil parameters, such as soil type, pH, groundwater level, heavy metals concentration in soil. Heavy metals in groundwater are serious threat to humans and all living nature. The aim of this work is to analyze groundwater level dynamics and its quality at sewage sludge disposal site. Groundwater sample analysis was performed in UAB “Kauno vandenys” certified laboratory. Performed analysis, and all gathered data shows that heavy metals concentration in groundwater has trend of being smaller every year since the first fertilization of the soil. So, choosing amounts of sewage sludge that are ecologically safe for fertilizing may have very positive effect on soil nutrients balance, without significant negative impact on groundwater.
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Stabatiškių aikštelės efektyvių sausinimo galimybių analizė / Investigation on the effective drainage possibilities of Stabatiškė siteUlickas, Paulius 30 May 2012 (has links)
Tiriamojo darbo objektas: Stabatiškės aikštelė.
Tiriamojo darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti esamą Stabatiškės aikštelės situaciją ir parinkti galimus sausinimo sistemos techninius sprendinius.
Tiriamojo darbo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti kalvotų žemių sausinimo ypatumus ir drėgmės pertekliaus priežastis;
2. Išanalizuoti Stabatiškės aikštelės gamtines sąlygas, numatyti bei parinkti tinkamas sausinimo priemones;
3. Įvertinti Stabatiškės aikštelės topografines, geologines bei hidrogeologines sąlygas;
4. Parinkti galimas sausinimo schemas ir apibūdinti atskirus jų elementus.
Tiriamojo darbo metodika: tyrimams panaudoti geologinių, hidrologinių ir hidrogeologinių tyrimų duomenys, jie apibendrinti, susisteminti ir išanalizuoti. Atsižvelgiant į ilgaamžiškumo faktorių, pasiūlyti sausinimo sistemos techniniai sprendiniai.
Tiriamojo darbo rezultatai:
• atlikus Stabatiškės aikštelės tyrimų analizę, buvo nustatytos pagrindinės priežastys, kodėl teritorijoje toks drėgmės perteklius;
• pagal turimus duomenis parinkta optimaliausia sausinimo priemonių sistema;
• nustatyta jog teritorija geografiniu, geologiniu ir geotechniniu požiūriu tinkama žemo aktyvumo radioaktyviųjų atliekų saugyklos statybai;
• atviri melioraciniai grioviai bei daugiasluoksnis drenažas, tinkamiausias būdas kontroliuoti perteklinį vandenį Stabatiškės aikštelėje.
Išvados: Pagrindinis veiksnys lemiantis parinktą sausinimo sistemos tipą yra teritorijos paskirtis. Žinant saugyklos eksploatavimo trukmę (300 metų), reikia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of the research work: Stabatiske site.
The aim of the study: analyze current situation of the Stabatiske site and choose drainage potential technical solutions.
The specific aims of this study:
1. Analise the hilly land drainage characteristics and causes of excess moisture;
2. Analise Stabatiske site natural conditions and provide adequate drainage measures;
3. Evaluate Stabatiske site topography, geological and hydro-geological conditions;
4. Select the possible drainage schemes, and describe their individual elements.
The methodology of the study: for research was using geological, hydrological and hydro-geological data which was summarized, analyzed and structured. To take account of long-lived factor was offer drainage system technical solutions.
• Carried out Stabatiske site research and analysis was identified the main reasons why the territory is in the excess moisture;
• According to available data was choose optimal drainage system;
• Established the geographic, geological and geotechnical point of view appropriate
low-level radioactive waste storage facility construction;
• Open reclamation ditches and multi-drainage, is the best way to control excess water in Stabatiske site.
Conclusions: The main factor determining the selected type of drainage system is designed area. Knowing the storage lifetime (300 years), need for know suitable drainage complex for that period. Knowing the local water regime and soil composition, the best option to... [to full text]
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Gruntinio vandens lygio dinamikos tarpdrenyje tyrimai ir modeliavimas / The research and modeling of ground water level dynamics between the lateralsVaičiukynas, Vilimantas 18 December 2013 (has links)
Iškritus krituliams ant žemės paviršiaus, dalis jų susigeria į gruntą, o kita dalis nuolydžio kryptimi teka link žemiausių reljefo vietų. Susigėrimo intensyvumas priklauso nuo grunto laidumo. Sunkiuose gruntuose vandens susigeria ir patenka į gilesnius grunto sluoksnius gana sunkiai dėl mažo grunto laidumo. Intensyviausiai vanduo nuo žemės paviršiaus teka drenažo tranšėjomis ir šalia jų. Šios vandens tekėjimo sąlygos tranšėjose susidaro pakitus grunto struktūrai, jas užverčiant. Laikui bėgant, drenažo tranšėjoje atsiradę plyšiai užnešami smulkiomis grunto dalelėmis. Tai įtakoja grunto vandens laidumo savybių prastėjimą. Norint pagerinti vandens nutekėjimą iš viršutinio dirvožemio sluoksnio, padėtų natūralios gamtoje sutinkamos medžiagos, įterptos skersai virš vamzdinio drenažo. Drenažo tranšėjų užpylimui naudojant poringas medžiagas, dalis atitekėjusio vandens akumuliuotųsi naujai įrengtose skersinėse drenažo tranšėjose. Tokios technologijos taikymas leistų padidinti sausinimo efektyvumą nekeičiant jau paklotų drenažo vamzdžių. Modeliuojant skersinių drenažo tranšėjų tankio įtaką vandens lygiui tarpdrenyje, nustatyta, kad papildomas jų įrengimas turi įtakos gruntinio vandens lygiams tarpdrenyje tik esant atstumui iki 30 m. Esant didesniam atstumui, jų poveikis gruntinio vandens lygio nuslūgimui tampa nežymus, siekia vos 1-2%. Didžiausią įtaką gruntinio vandens slūgimui tarpdrenyje turėjo skersinės drenažo tranšėjos įrengiamos 20 m tarpais, kai drenažo tranšėjos užpildo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / After rainfall, part of it is absorbed by the ground whereas the rest part flows upon the direction of the inclination towards the lowest points on the relief. Intensity of absorption depends on conductivity of the ground. In the hard ground water is absorbed and enters the deeper layers of the ground with difficulty due to low conductivity of the ground. Water flows most intensely through drainage trenches and next to them. These conditions of water flow in trenches form when the ground structure alters and overloads them. The time passing by, cracks, having occurred in the drainage trench, are filled with small ground particles. It influences deterioration of ground water conductivity qualities. In order to improve water runoff from the upper soil layer, natural substances found in nature, if inserted across, above the drain, could help. Using porous substances in order to cover drainage trenches, part of the water would accumulate in newly equipped cross-section drain trenches. Applying such a technology would allow increasing the efficiency of drainage without changing the already laid drainage pipes. Modeling the influence of cross-section drainage trench density on ground water level between drains, it was determined that additional installation could affect ground water level between the cross-section drains trench, the distance being up to 30 meters. When the distance is larger, its impact on the ground water level recession becomes insignificant and reaches only 1-2%... [to full text]
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Gruntinio vandens lygio dinamikos tarpdrenyje tyrimai ir modeliavimas / The research and modeling of ground water level dynamics between the lateralsVaičiukynas, Vilimantas 18 December 2013 (has links)
Iškritus krituliams ant žemės paviršiaus, dalis jų susigeria į gruntą, o kita dalis nuolydžio kryptimi teka link žemiausių reljefo vietų. Susigėrimo intensyvumas priklauso nuo grunto laidumo. Sunkiuose gruntuose vandens susigeria ir patenka į gilesnius grunto sluoksnius gana sunkiai dėl mažo grunto laidumo. Intensyviausiai vanduo nuo žemės paviršiaus teka drenažo tranšėjomis ir šalia jų. Šios vandens tekėjimo sąlygos tranšėjose susidaro pakitus grunto struktūrai, jas užverčiant. Laikui bėgant, drenažo tranšėjoje atsiradę plyšiai užnešami smulkiomis grunto dalelėmis. Tai įtakoja grunto vandens laidumo savybių prastėjimą. Norint pagerinti vandens nutekėjimą iš viršutinio dirvožemio sluoksnio, padėtų natūralios gamtoje sutinkamos medžiagos, įterptos skersai virš vamzdinio drenažo. Drenažo tranšėjų užpylimui naudojant poringas medžiagas, dalis atitekėjusio vandens akumuliuotųsi naujai įrengtose skersinėse drenažo tranšėjose. Tokios technologijos taikymas leistų padidinti sausinimo efektyvumą nekeičiant jau paklotų drenažo vamzdžių. Modeliuojant skersinių drenažo tranšėjų tankio įtaką vandens lygiui tarpdrenyje, nustatyta, kad papildomas jų įrengimas turi įtakos gruntinio vandens lygiams tarpdrenyje tik esant atstumui iki 30 m. Esant didesniam atstumui, jų poveikis gruntinio vandens lygio nuslūgimui tampa nežymus, siekia vos 1-2%. Didžiausią įtaką gruntinio vandens slūgimui tarpdrenyje turėjo skersinės drenažo tranšėjos įrengiamos 20 m tarpais, kai drenažo tranšėjos užpildo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / After rainfall, part of it is absorbed by the ground whereas the rest part flows upon the direction of the inclination towards the lowest points on the relief. Intensity of absorption depends on conductivity of the ground. In the hard ground water is absorbed and enters the deeper layers of the ground with difficulty due to low conductivity of the ground. Water flows most intensely through drainage trenches and next to them. These conditions of water flow in trenches form when the ground structure alters and overloads them. The time passing by, cracks, having occurred in the drainage trench, are filled with small ground particles. It influences deterioration of ground water conductivity qualities. In order to improve water runoff from the upper soil layer, natural substances found in nature, if inserted across, above the drain, could help. Using porous substances in order to cover drainage trenches, part of the water would accumulate in newly equipped cross-section drain trenches. Applying such a technology would allow increasing the efficiency of drainage without changing the already laid drainage pipes. Modeling the influence of cross-section drainage trench density on ground water level between drains, it was determined that additional installation could affect ground water level between the cross-section drains trench, the distance being up to 30 meters. When the distance is larger, its impact on the ground water level recession becomes insignificant and reaches only 1-2%... [to full text]
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Fate of perfluoroalkyl acids in the aquatic environment with a focus on mass balance studiesFilipovic, Marko January 2015 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are man-made chemicals. Their unique properties make them beneficial for a wide range of industrial and consumer product applications, such as in aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), durable water repellent clothing, hydraulic oils and food packaging materials. Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), a class of PFASs, are highly persistent in the environment, and long chain PFAAs are bioaccumulative and toxic. International regulation and voluntary actions by the industry have been implemented and led to a recent reduction of primary emissions of PFAAs to the environment. However, point sources such as AFFF training sites as well as diffuse sources continue to contaminate water bodies, soil and biota. Reducing environmental pollution with PFAAs has therefore become a regulatory priority. Designing successful measures to reduce the PFAA contamination requires an understanding of the sources, transport and fate of PFAAs in the environment. Four scientific publications are included in this PhD thesis, which aimed at increasing the holistic understanding of the fate of PFAAs in aquatic systems. This was achieved by chemical trace analysis combined with mass balance modeling. The following topics were covered: Dispersion and fate of PFAAs from an AFFF-impacted site (Paper I), recirculation of PFAAs in the aquatic environment with focus on waste water treatment plants (WWTPs, Paper II), mass balance of PFAAs in the Baltic Sea (Paper III) and transport and fate of PFAAs in two pristine boreal stream catchments (Paper IV). Results from Paper I showed that AFFF-impacted sites at a former military airfield, which was abandoned for more than 30 years, continue to be point sources of PFAAs to recipients. The sum of PFAAs in the ground water and surface waters ranged from 740 to 51000 ng L-1 and <0.5 to 79 ng L-1, respectively. PFOS in muscle tissue of European perch from a nearby lake ranged from 77 to 370 ng g-1 wet weight, representing among the highest values reported worldwide for fish muscle. In Paper II the relative importance of environmental recirculation of PFAAs versus new releases from the technosphere was investigated for PFAAs in WWTP influents. It was shown that tap water can be an important source of PFAAs to WWTPs in areas with elevated environmental levels. This needs to be taken into account when calculating emissions via WWTP effluents. PFAA mass balances over the WWTPs suggested that PFHxA and PFOA were formed from precursor compounds within the plants. Assembled PFAA mass balances for the Baltic Sea (Paper III) showed that river inflow and atmospheric deposition were the dominant input pathways, while wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents discharging directly into the Baltic Sea made a minor contribution. The inputs of PFAAs were estimated to be higher than the outputs, suggesting a current increase of the PFAA inventory in the Baltic Sea. Also the mass balance study of PFAAs in two remote stream catchments presented in Paper IV revealed that inputs dominated over outputs for both catchments, indicating that a considerable portion of the PFAAs deposited from the atmosphere is retained in soil or in deep ground water and may be released to surface and marine water environments in the future / Perfluoralkilne tvari (PFASs) su umjetne kemikalije. Zbog svojih jedinstvenih svojstava široko su primjenjive u industriji i izradi proizvoda krajnje potrošnje kao što su pjena za gašenje požara (AFFF), vodootporna odjeća, hidraulična ulja i pakiranja za hranu. Perfluoralkilna kiselina (PFAAs) iz skupine perfluoralkilnih tvari iznimno je dugotrajna u okolišu, a dugolančane PFAAs su bioakumulativne i otrovne. Poduzeta međunarodna regulativa i dobrovoljne akcije vodile su nedavno smanjenoj primarnoj emisiji PFAAs u okoliš. Unatoč tome, primarni izvori, kao što su mjesta na kojima se provode treninzi za gašenje požara i difuzni izvori i dalje zagađuju vode, tlo i biotu. Zbog toga, smanjenje onečišćenja okoliša izazvanog PFAAs predstavlja regulatorni prioritet. Stvaranje uspješnih mjera kojima bi se smanjilo onečišćenje izazvano PFAAs zahtjeva razumijevanje izvora, prijenosa i sudbine tih tvari u okolišu. U ovaj doktorat uključena su četiri znanstvena članka kojima je cilj povećati sveukupno razumijevanje sudbine PFAAs u vodenim sustavima. To je postignuto kemijskom analizom elemenata u tragovima u kombinaciji s modeliranjem masene ravnoteže. Obrađene su sljedeće teme: Širenje i sudbina PFAAs na područjima zahvaćenim AFFF (Članak I), ponovna cirkulacija PFAAs u vodenom okolišu s naglaskom na postrojenja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda (Članak II), masena ravnoteža PFAAs u Baltičkom moru (Članak III) te prijenos i sudbina PFAAs u dva udaljena sjeverna vodena toka (Članak IV). Rezultati iz Članka I pokazali su da su područja zahvaćena AFFF na bivšem vojnom aerodromu napuštenom prije 30 godina i dalje je glavni izvor PFAA zagadenja okolisa. Zbroj PFAAs u podzemnim i površinskim vodama kreće se u rasponu od 740 do 51000 ng L-1 i <0.5 do 79 ng L-1. PFOS u mišićnom tkivu grgeča iz obližnjeg jezera kreće se od 77 do 370 ng g-1 mokre težine, predstavljajući jednu od najviših vrijednosti u svijetu za riblje mišiće. Članak II istražuje relativnu važnost ponovne cirkulacije PFAAs imajući na umu novu emisiju PFAAs iz tehnosfere u postrojenjima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda. Cirkulacija/kruženje u okolišu može se pojaviti kada PFAAs iz sustava pitke voda (rijeka, bunara i jezera) odlaze u otpadne vode. Prikazano je kako voda iz slavine može biti važan izvor PFAAs sustavima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u područjima s povišenim razinama zaštite okoliša. To se treba uzeti u obzir pri računanju emisije putem strojeva koji se koriste za pročišćenje otpadnih voda. Masena ravnoteža PFAA u postrojenjima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda upućuje na to da su PFHxA i PFOA stvoreni kao prethodni spojevi unutar postrojenja. Prikupljene masene ravnoteže PFAA za Baltičko more (Članak III) pokazale su da su pritoke rijeka i atmosfersko taloženje dominantni ulazni putovi, dok postrojenja za pročišćenje otpadnih voda pridonose tek u manjoj mjeri. Ulaz PFAAs je procijenjen višim od izlaza, što objašnjava trenutno povećanje sadržaja PFAA u Baltičkom moru. Masena ravnoteža PFAAs u dva udaljena riječna toka predstavljena u Članku IV otkriva da ulaz dominira nad izlazom za oba riječna toka, što upućuje na značajan udio PFAAs koji je iz atmosfere zadržan u tlu ili podzemnim vodama te može biti ispušten u područja površinskih voda i mora. / Perfluorerade alkylsyror (PFAA) är kemikalier som är producerade av människan. Deras unika egenskaper gör att de kan användas i många olika industriella applikationer. PFAAs används i brandsläckningsskum, vattenavvisande kläder, hydrauliska oljor och matförpackningar. PFAAs har visat sig vara persistenta i miljön, och långkedjiga PFAA-homologer har visat sig vara bioackumulerbara samt ha en toxisk verkan. Reglering på internationell nivå tillsammans med initiativ från industrin har lett till minskning av direkta utsläpp. Punktkällor som brandövningsplatser samt andra diffusa källor fortsätter att förorena omgivande vattendrag, jordlager och fauna. Den utbredda föroreningen av PFAAs har därför blivit prioriterad för reglering. För att förstå utsläppen av PFAAs i miljön, hur de transporteras samt deras öde i miljön, är det viktigt att utföra studier som belyser dessa områden. Denna doktorsavhandling inkluderar fyra vetenskapliga publikationer. Syftet med de underliggande studierna var att öka den holistiska förståelsen av PFAAs rörelse i akvatiska system. Studierna gjordes genom att kombinera kemiska analysmetoder med modellering. Följande studier genomfördes; Transport och spridning av PFAAs från en brandövningsplats (Paper I), recyklering av PFAAs i den akvatiska miljön med fokus på vattenreningsverk (Paper II), massbalans av PFAAs i Östersjön (Paper III), transport och öde av PFAAs i två pristina vattendrag (Paper IV). Resultat från (Paper I) visade att brandövningsplatser vid en flygplats som inte har varit i bruk i mer än 30 år, fortfarande är punktkällor av PFAAs till omgivande vattendrag. Summan av PFAAs koncentrationer i grundvattnet och ytvattnet sträckte sig från 740 till 51000 ng L-1 och <0.5 till 79 ng L-1 i respektive vattendrag. Koncentrationen av PFOS i muskelvävnad från aborre i en av sjöarna var 77 till 370 ng g-1 våtvikt. Dessa värden representerar några av de högsta uppmätta koncentrationerna i världen. I Paper II testades betydelsen av PFAAs från recirkulering i miljön i jämförelse med nya utsläpp från teknosfären. Recirkulering av PFAAs i miljön kan förekomma då PFAAs i inkommande vatten till reningsverk kommer från dricksvatten. Denna studie visar att dricksvatten kan vara en påtaglig källa av PFAAs till vattenreningsverk i områden med förhöjda halter av PFAAs i miljön. Detta måste tas hänsyn till när man beräknar emissioner med utgående vatten från vattenreningsverk. Massbalanser av PFAAs i reningsverken visar att PFHxA och PFOA bildades av prekursorämnen i vattenreningsverken. I Paper III beräknades massbalanserna av PFAAs i Östersjön, beräkningarna visar att floder och atmosfärisk nedebörd var de viktigaste källorna medan utsläppen från vattenreningsverk var markant lägre. Importen av PFAAs estimerades vara högre än exporten, varför vi tror att PFAAs mängden I Östersjön kommer att öka över tid. Vidare gjordes en mass balans av PFAAs i två avlägsna avrinningsområden (Paper IV). Resultaten visar att importen av PFAAs dominerar över exporten från båda avrinningsområdena. Detta indikerar att en stor del av PFAAs som kommer ner via nederbörd kommer att ansamlas i jorden eller i grundvattnet. Dessa PFAAs kan vid senare tillfälle komma att släppas ut till floder som rinner ut i marina vatten. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p><p> </p>
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Levantamento dos niveis de radioatividade natural em aguas do Alto Vale do Ribeira a planicie costeira do litoral Sul do estado de Sao Paulo / Assessment of natural radioctivity levels in waters from Higher Ribeira Valley until the Southern São Paulo state Coastal plainJESUS, SUELI C. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:28:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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