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Effect of Anion Exchange Resin Properties on the Adsorption of PFAAs and NOMJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Humans are exposed up to thousands of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment, but most of the research and action has been directed towards only two PFAS compounds. These two compounds are part of a subcategory of PFAS called perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs). It has been a challenge for the environmental community to mitigate risks caused by PFAAs due to their high persistence and lack of effective measures to remove them from the environment, especially in heavily impacted areas like fire-training sites. The goal of this work was to further answer some questions regarding the removal of PFAAs in the environment by looking at anion exchange resin characteristics and presence of a competing compound, natural organic matter (NOM), in the adsorption of environmentally relevant PFAS compounds including the two often monitored 8-carbon chain PFAAs. Two different resins were tested with two forms of counterions, in both groundwater and NOM impacted groundwater. Resin polymer matrix was the most important property in the adsorption of PFAAs, the two resins used A520E and A860 had similar properties except for their matrices polystyrene (PS) and polyacrylic (PA), respectively. The PS base is most effective at PFAAs adsorption, while the PA is most effective at NOM adsorption. The change in the counterion did not negatively affect the adsorption of PFAAs and is, therefore, a viable alternative for future studies that include regeneration and destruction of PFAAs. The presence of NOM also did not significantly affect the adsorption of PFAAs in the PS resin A520E, although for some PFAAs compounds it did affect adsorption for the PA resin. Ultimately, PS macroporous resins with a strong Type I or Type II base work best in PFAAs removal. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Engineering 2019
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PFAS-föroreningars påverkan på Gävles grund- och dricksvattentäkt : Kartläggning av potentiella riskverksamheter och bedömning av riskLundgren, Marie, Flink, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
The environmental toxin PFAS (per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) is a heterogeneous synthetic industrial chemical group that has been used since the 1950s which, due to its attractive properties, has a wide range of applications in our society. PFAS are persistent and bioaccumulative, which means that the levels increase in the environment over time; At higher levels, the substances are toxic and show a negative effect on human health. PFAS spread through air and water; in particular, the PFAS group PFAA (perfluorinated alkyl acids) poses a threat to the safe drinking water supply due to its rapid mobility and long-distance transport in aquatic environments. The main objective of this study was to investigate the potential impact of PFAS contaminants on Gävle's groundwater source through a simplified risk assessment. By mapping risk activities (use of firefighting foam, industries, and landfills) that can cause the introduction of PFAS pollutants to the groundwater source, comparing limit values and making a current situation description, the aim was to assess whether the risks to the environment and human health are acceptable or not. The study was conducted with mixed methods containing both quantitative and qualitative parts to provide several perspectives regarding the potential impact of PFAS contaminants on Gävle's groundwater and drinking water supply. The results identified two industrial operations where soil contamination by PFAS was found. Furthermore, the comparison between the limit value for PFAS4 in drinking water (4 nanograms per liter) and the mean value of Sum PFAS4 within the areas of the study shows PFAS concentrations exceeding the Swedish limit value. The description of municipal measures regarding drinking water reflects Gästrike Vatten AB's PFAS purification pilots. The study's conclusions are that the use of firefighting foam containing PFAA probably caused the contamination situation. Gästrike Vatten AB's ongoing and completed purification pilots in the Valbo and Sätra waterworks lead to the installation of purification systems that will be able to reduce the levels of PFAS4 in the drinking water in Gävle municipality to acceptable levels. The overall conclusion based on the risk assessment is that it is currently not possible to assess whether the risks are acceptable or not as a result of the continued supply of PFAS and groundwater sensitivity. However, Gästrike Vatten AB has taken measures regarding drinking water and are in-depth source tracking. / Miljögiftet PFAS (per- och polyfluorerade alkylsubstanser) är en heterogen syntetisk industriell kemikaliegrupp som använts sedan 1950-talet vilka genom sina attraktiva egenskaper har ett brett användningsområde i vårt samhälle. PFAS är persistenta och bioackumulerande vilket gör att halterna ökar i miljön över tid; i högre halter är ämnena toxiska och påvisar en negativ effekt på människors hälsa. PFAS sprids genom luft och vatten; särskilt PFAS-gruppen PFAA (perfluorerade alkylsyror) utgör ett hot mot säker dricksvattenförsörjning genom sin snabba mobilitet och långväga transport i vattenmiljöer. Målet med denna studie var att undersöka PFAS-föroreningars potentiella påverkan på Gävles grundvattentäkt genom en förenklad riskbedömning. Genom att kartlägga riskverksamheter (bruk av brandskum, industrier och deponier) som kan orsaka tillförseln av PFAS-förororeningar till grundvattentäkten, jämföra gränsvärden och göra en nulägesbeskrivning var syftet att slutligen bedöma om riskerna för miljö och människors hälsa är acceptabla eller inte. Studien genomfördes med mixad metod innehållandes både kvantitativa och kvalitativa delar för att ge flera perspektiv gällande PFAS-föroreningars potentiella påverkan på Gävles grund- och dricksvattentäkt. I resultatet identifierades två industriverksamheter där markföroreningar av PFAS påträffats. Vidare visar jämförelsen mellan gränsvärdet för PFAS4 i dricksvatten (4 nanogram per liter) och medelvärdet av Summa PFAS4 inom studiens områden påvisar PFAS-halter överstigande det nationella gränsvärdet. I genomgången av de lokala åtgärderna beskrivs Gästrike Vatten AB:s pågående och avslutade PFAS-reningspiloter. Studiens slutsatser är att bruket av brandskum innehållande PFAA troligen har orsakat föroreningssituationen. Gästrike Vatten AB:s pågående och avslutade reningspiloter i Valbo- och Sätra vattenverk föranleder installation av reningssystem vilka kommer kunna sänka halterna av PFAS4 i dricksvattnet i Gävle kommun till acceptabla nivåer. Den samlade konklusionen utifrån riskbedömningen är att det i nuläget inte går att bedöma om riskerna är acceptabla eller inte till följd av den fortsatta tillförseln av PFAS och grundvattnets känslighet. Gästrike Vatten AB har dock vidtagit åtgärder gällande dricksvattnet och fördjupad källspårning pågår.
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Screening of endocrine disrupting compounds in Swedish rivers : with focus on organic flame retardants and perfluoroalkylated substancesRibeli, Erik January 2014 (has links)
The occurrence of chemical contaminants in the environment is one of the key issues the world isfacing today. Special effort has been put on the screening of endocrine disrupting compounds(EDCs), substances that have been shown to have adverse effects on the endocrine system. EDCs are mainly found in pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), but also other products covering almost all categories of our daily life. EDCs can be both organic, such as the persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and inorganic, e.g. heavy metals. Today, all kinds of EDCs are currently being investigated on a large scale. Two EDC sub-categories that have gained increased public attention during the last years are organic flame retardants (FRs) and per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFASs). Both categories have shown to be bioaccumulating, persistent and toxic, which has led to banning of several substances in both categories. However, as both FRs and PFASs are considered to be emerging POPs, their fate and behaviour in the environment are still in great need of research. FRs and PFASs often end up in surface waters due to their disinclination of getting removed in waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) and their persistence. Thus, the objective of this project was to provide a snapshot of the current situation of FRs and PFASs in Swedish rivers, including both smaller streams and bigger rivers. Grab water samples were taken at 25 sites for FRs and 44 for PFASs in rivers all over Sweden. The results showed that sparsely populated areas such as the northern part of Sweden generally showed lower concentrations of PFASs in the water than the southern part did. The summarised concentrations of FRs ranged from 37 ng L-1 to 4.6 μg L-1, and from 0.59 ng L-1 to 59 ng L-1 for the detected PFASs, which was in good comparison to previous studies carried out on surface water in Europe. The percentile composition, the so-called fingerprint, showed significant differences between the southern part and the northern part for both FRs and PFASs, but also great similarities between some of the rivers with the highest measured PFASs concentrations. The highest loads of both FRs and PFASs were detected in Delångersån, which is one of the smaller rivers screened and likely to be affected by a nearby industrial point source. The European environmental quality standard of 0.65 ng L-1 of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) was exceeded in 12 of all 44 sampled rivers.
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Fate of perfluoroalkyl acids in the aquatic environment with a focus on mass balance studiesFilipovic, Marko January 2015 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are man-made chemicals. Their unique properties make them beneficial for a wide range of industrial and consumer product applications, such as in aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), durable water repellent clothing, hydraulic oils and food packaging materials. Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), a class of PFASs, are highly persistent in the environment, and long chain PFAAs are bioaccumulative and toxic. International regulation and voluntary actions by the industry have been implemented and led to a recent reduction of primary emissions of PFAAs to the environment. However, point sources such as AFFF training sites as well as diffuse sources continue to contaminate water bodies, soil and biota. Reducing environmental pollution with PFAAs has therefore become a regulatory priority. Designing successful measures to reduce the PFAA contamination requires an understanding of the sources, transport and fate of PFAAs in the environment. Four scientific publications are included in this PhD thesis, which aimed at increasing the holistic understanding of the fate of PFAAs in aquatic systems. This was achieved by chemical trace analysis combined with mass balance modeling. The following topics were covered: Dispersion and fate of PFAAs from an AFFF-impacted site (Paper I), recirculation of PFAAs in the aquatic environment with focus on waste water treatment plants (WWTPs, Paper II), mass balance of PFAAs in the Baltic Sea (Paper III) and transport and fate of PFAAs in two pristine boreal stream catchments (Paper IV). Results from Paper I showed that AFFF-impacted sites at a former military airfield, which was abandoned for more than 30 years, continue to be point sources of PFAAs to recipients. The sum of PFAAs in the ground water and surface waters ranged from 740 to 51000 ng L-1 and <0.5 to 79 ng L-1, respectively. PFOS in muscle tissue of European perch from a nearby lake ranged from 77 to 370 ng g-1 wet weight, representing among the highest values reported worldwide for fish muscle. In Paper II the relative importance of environmental recirculation of PFAAs versus new releases from the technosphere was investigated for PFAAs in WWTP influents. It was shown that tap water can be an important source of PFAAs to WWTPs in areas with elevated environmental levels. This needs to be taken into account when calculating emissions via WWTP effluents. PFAA mass balances over the WWTPs suggested that PFHxA and PFOA were formed from precursor compounds within the plants. Assembled PFAA mass balances for the Baltic Sea (Paper III) showed that river inflow and atmospheric deposition were the dominant input pathways, while wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents discharging directly into the Baltic Sea made a minor contribution. The inputs of PFAAs were estimated to be higher than the outputs, suggesting a current increase of the PFAA inventory in the Baltic Sea. Also the mass balance study of PFAAs in two remote stream catchments presented in Paper IV revealed that inputs dominated over outputs for both catchments, indicating that a considerable portion of the PFAAs deposited from the atmosphere is retained in soil or in deep ground water and may be released to surface and marine water environments in the future / Perfluoralkilne tvari (PFASs) su umjetne kemikalije. Zbog svojih jedinstvenih svojstava široko su primjenjive u industriji i izradi proizvoda krajnje potrošnje kao što su pjena za gašenje požara (AFFF), vodootporna odjeća, hidraulična ulja i pakiranja za hranu. Perfluoralkilna kiselina (PFAAs) iz skupine perfluoralkilnih tvari iznimno je dugotrajna u okolišu, a dugolančane PFAAs su bioakumulativne i otrovne. Poduzeta međunarodna regulativa i dobrovoljne akcije vodile su nedavno smanjenoj primarnoj emisiji PFAAs u okoliš. Unatoč tome, primarni izvori, kao što su mjesta na kojima se provode treninzi za gašenje požara i difuzni izvori i dalje zagađuju vode, tlo i biotu. Zbog toga, smanjenje onečišćenja okoliša izazvanog PFAAs predstavlja regulatorni prioritet. Stvaranje uspješnih mjera kojima bi se smanjilo onečišćenje izazvano PFAAs zahtjeva razumijevanje izvora, prijenosa i sudbine tih tvari u okolišu. U ovaj doktorat uključena su četiri znanstvena članka kojima je cilj povećati sveukupno razumijevanje sudbine PFAAs u vodenim sustavima. To je postignuto kemijskom analizom elemenata u tragovima u kombinaciji s modeliranjem masene ravnoteže. Obrađene su sljedeće teme: Širenje i sudbina PFAAs na područjima zahvaćenim AFFF (Članak I), ponovna cirkulacija PFAAs u vodenom okolišu s naglaskom na postrojenja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda (Članak II), masena ravnoteža PFAAs u Baltičkom moru (Članak III) te prijenos i sudbina PFAAs u dva udaljena sjeverna vodena toka (Članak IV). Rezultati iz Članka I pokazali su da su područja zahvaćena AFFF na bivšem vojnom aerodromu napuštenom prije 30 godina i dalje je glavni izvor PFAA zagadenja okolisa. Zbroj PFAAs u podzemnim i površinskim vodama kreće se u rasponu od 740 do 51000 ng L-1 i <0.5 do 79 ng L-1. PFOS u mišićnom tkivu grgeča iz obližnjeg jezera kreće se od 77 do 370 ng g-1 mokre težine, predstavljajući jednu od najviših vrijednosti u svijetu za riblje mišiće. Članak II istražuje relativnu važnost ponovne cirkulacije PFAAs imajući na umu novu emisiju PFAAs iz tehnosfere u postrojenjima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda. Cirkulacija/kruženje u okolišu može se pojaviti kada PFAAs iz sustava pitke voda (rijeka, bunara i jezera) odlaze u otpadne vode. Prikazano je kako voda iz slavine može biti važan izvor PFAAs sustavima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u područjima s povišenim razinama zaštite okoliša. To se treba uzeti u obzir pri računanju emisije putem strojeva koji se koriste za pročišćenje otpadnih voda. Masena ravnoteža PFAA u postrojenjima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda upućuje na to da su PFHxA i PFOA stvoreni kao prethodni spojevi unutar postrojenja. Prikupljene masene ravnoteže PFAA za Baltičko more (Članak III) pokazale su da su pritoke rijeka i atmosfersko taloženje dominantni ulazni putovi, dok postrojenja za pročišćenje otpadnih voda pridonose tek u manjoj mjeri. Ulaz PFAAs je procijenjen višim od izlaza, što objašnjava trenutno povećanje sadržaja PFAA u Baltičkom moru. Masena ravnoteža PFAAs u dva udaljena riječna toka predstavljena u Članku IV otkriva da ulaz dominira nad izlazom za oba riječna toka, što upućuje na značajan udio PFAAs koji je iz atmosfere zadržan u tlu ili podzemnim vodama te može biti ispušten u područja površinskih voda i mora. / Perfluorerade alkylsyror (PFAA) är kemikalier som är producerade av människan. Deras unika egenskaper gör att de kan användas i många olika industriella applikationer. PFAAs används i brandsläckningsskum, vattenavvisande kläder, hydrauliska oljor och matförpackningar. PFAAs har visat sig vara persistenta i miljön, och långkedjiga PFAA-homologer har visat sig vara bioackumulerbara samt ha en toxisk verkan. Reglering på internationell nivå tillsammans med initiativ från industrin har lett till minskning av direkta utsläpp. Punktkällor som brandövningsplatser samt andra diffusa källor fortsätter att förorena omgivande vattendrag, jordlager och fauna. Den utbredda föroreningen av PFAAs har därför blivit prioriterad för reglering. För att förstå utsläppen av PFAAs i miljön, hur de transporteras samt deras öde i miljön, är det viktigt att utföra studier som belyser dessa områden. Denna doktorsavhandling inkluderar fyra vetenskapliga publikationer. Syftet med de underliggande studierna var att öka den holistiska förståelsen av PFAAs rörelse i akvatiska system. Studierna gjordes genom att kombinera kemiska analysmetoder med modellering. Följande studier genomfördes; Transport och spridning av PFAAs från en brandövningsplats (Paper I), recyklering av PFAAs i den akvatiska miljön med fokus på vattenreningsverk (Paper II), massbalans av PFAAs i Östersjön (Paper III), transport och öde av PFAAs i två pristina vattendrag (Paper IV). Resultat från (Paper I) visade att brandövningsplatser vid en flygplats som inte har varit i bruk i mer än 30 år, fortfarande är punktkällor av PFAAs till omgivande vattendrag. Summan av PFAAs koncentrationer i grundvattnet och ytvattnet sträckte sig från 740 till 51000 ng L-1 och <0.5 till 79 ng L-1 i respektive vattendrag. Koncentrationen av PFOS i muskelvävnad från aborre i en av sjöarna var 77 till 370 ng g-1 våtvikt. Dessa värden representerar några av de högsta uppmätta koncentrationerna i världen. I Paper II testades betydelsen av PFAAs från recirkulering i miljön i jämförelse med nya utsläpp från teknosfären. Recirkulering av PFAAs i miljön kan förekomma då PFAAs i inkommande vatten till reningsverk kommer från dricksvatten. Denna studie visar att dricksvatten kan vara en påtaglig källa av PFAAs till vattenreningsverk i områden med förhöjda halter av PFAAs i miljön. Detta måste tas hänsyn till när man beräknar emissioner med utgående vatten från vattenreningsverk. Massbalanser av PFAAs i reningsverken visar att PFHxA och PFOA bildades av prekursorämnen i vattenreningsverken. I Paper III beräknades massbalanserna av PFAAs i Östersjön, beräkningarna visar att floder och atmosfärisk nedebörd var de viktigaste källorna medan utsläppen från vattenreningsverk var markant lägre. Importen av PFAAs estimerades vara högre än exporten, varför vi tror att PFAAs mängden I Östersjön kommer att öka över tid. Vidare gjordes en mass balans av PFAAs i två avlägsna avrinningsområden (Paper IV). Resultaten visar att importen av PFAAs dominerar över exporten från båda avrinningsområdena. Detta indikerar att en stor del av PFAAs som kommer ner via nederbörd kommer att ansamlas i jorden eller i grundvattnet. Dessa PFAAs kan vid senare tillfälle komma att släppas ut till floder som rinner ut i marina vatten. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p><p> </p>
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The Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds on In Ovo Toxicity and Hepatic mRNA Expression in the Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)O'Brien, Jason 03 May 2011 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) are a group of chemical surfactants most notably used in non-stick and stain-resistance applications. Due to their wide-spread use and inherent resistance to degradation, several PFCs have become persistent environmental contaminants. Despite the high concentrations of PFCs reported in wild birds and their eggs, very little is known about the toxicological effects they have on avian species.
This thesis investigates the developmental toxicity of PFCs in an avian model species: the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). Egg injection experiments were performed to assess the in ovo toxicity of perfluorooctane sulfonate (technical grade, T-PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorodecane sulfonate (PFDS) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA). Real-time RT-PCR was then used to measure the transcription of candidate biomarker genes in the liver tissue of day 20 embryos. Candidate genes were selected based on their responsiveness to PFC exposure in previously conducted in vitro screening assays. In ovo exposure to PFOS resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in embryo pipping success (a measure of hatching success) with an LD50 of 93 μg/g (3.54 μg/g-672,910 μg/g, 95% confidence interval), however the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα)-regulated genes was not affected in liver tissue as hypothesized. PFOA, PFDS and PFUdA had no effect on the pipping success of chicken embryos. The expression of cytochrome P450 1A4 (CYP1A4) and liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) mRNA increased in embryo liver tissue following in ovo exposure to PFUdA but was only statistically significant at 10 μg/g, which is several orders of magnitude higher than concentrations reported in wild bird eggs.
The isomer-specific accumulation of PFOS in chicken embryo livers was also investigated using an in-port derivatization gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. Prior to incubation, chicken eggs were injected with T-PFOS, composed of 63% linear isomer (L-PFOS) and 37.3% branched isomers. The isomer profiles in day-20 embryo liver tissue showed up to 20% enrichment in the proportion of L-PFOS, compared to T-PFOS, with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of branched isomers. This enrichment was inversely proportional to dose.
Finally, the transcriptional profiles of cultured chicken embryonic hepatocytes (CEH) exposed to either T-PFOS or L-PFOS were compared using Agilent 4x44k Chicken (V2) Gene Expression microarrays. At equal concentrations (10 μM), T-PFOS altered the expression of significantly more genes (340 genes, >1.5 fold change, false discovery rate adjusted p<0.05) compared to L-PFOS (130 genes). Functional analysis showed that L-PFOS and T-PFOS affected genes involved in lipid metabolism, cellular growth and proliferation, and cell-cell signaling. Pathway and interactome analysis suggested that gene expression may be affected through RXR, oxidative stress response, TP53 signaling, MYC signaling, Wnt/β-catenin signaling and PPARγ and SREBP receptors. In all functional categories and pathways examined, T-PFOS had a more pronounced disruptive effect on transctional regulation than L-PFOS.
In summary, egg injection experiments showed that T-PFOS (but not linear PFOA, PFDS or PFUdA) may affect the hatching success of the chicken at environmentally relevant concentrations. It was also demonstrated that the accumulation of PFOS in embryonic liver is isomer specific, and leads to an enrichment of L-PFOS. The increased transcriptional disruption caused by T-PFOS in cultured hepatocytes over L-PFOS suggests that the branched isomers may be largely responsible for the toxicological effects of PFOS. Combined, the results from this thesis demonstrate the importance of considering PFOS isomer burdens during risk assessment. In addition, gene expression analysis identified several candidate mechanisms for PFOS toxicity.
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The Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds on In Ovo Toxicity and Hepatic mRNA Expression in the Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)O'Brien, Jason 03 May 2011 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) are a group of chemical surfactants most notably used in non-stick and stain-resistance applications. Due to their wide-spread use and inherent resistance to degradation, several PFCs have become persistent environmental contaminants. Despite the high concentrations of PFCs reported in wild birds and their eggs, very little is known about the toxicological effects they have on avian species.
This thesis investigates the developmental toxicity of PFCs in an avian model species: the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). Egg injection experiments were performed to assess the in ovo toxicity of perfluorooctane sulfonate (technical grade, T-PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorodecane sulfonate (PFDS) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA). Real-time RT-PCR was then used to measure the transcription of candidate biomarker genes in the liver tissue of day 20 embryos. Candidate genes were selected based on their responsiveness to PFC exposure in previously conducted in vitro screening assays. In ovo exposure to PFOS resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in embryo pipping success (a measure of hatching success) with an LD50 of 93 μg/g (3.54 μg/g-672,910 μg/g, 95% confidence interval), however the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα)-regulated genes was not affected in liver tissue as hypothesized. PFOA, PFDS and PFUdA had no effect on the pipping success of chicken embryos. The expression of cytochrome P450 1A4 (CYP1A4) and liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) mRNA increased in embryo liver tissue following in ovo exposure to PFUdA but was only statistically significant at 10 μg/g, which is several orders of magnitude higher than concentrations reported in wild bird eggs.
The isomer-specific accumulation of PFOS in chicken embryo livers was also investigated using an in-port derivatization gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. Prior to incubation, chicken eggs were injected with T-PFOS, composed of 63% linear isomer (L-PFOS) and 37.3% branched isomers. The isomer profiles in day-20 embryo liver tissue showed up to 20% enrichment in the proportion of L-PFOS, compared to T-PFOS, with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of branched isomers. This enrichment was inversely proportional to dose.
Finally, the transcriptional profiles of cultured chicken embryonic hepatocytes (CEH) exposed to either T-PFOS or L-PFOS were compared using Agilent 4x44k Chicken (V2) Gene Expression microarrays. At equal concentrations (10 μM), T-PFOS altered the expression of significantly more genes (340 genes, >1.5 fold change, false discovery rate adjusted p<0.05) compared to L-PFOS (130 genes). Functional analysis showed that L-PFOS and T-PFOS affected genes involved in lipid metabolism, cellular growth and proliferation, and cell-cell signaling. Pathway and interactome analysis suggested that gene expression may be affected through RXR, oxidative stress response, TP53 signaling, MYC signaling, Wnt/β-catenin signaling and PPARγ and SREBP receptors. In all functional categories and pathways examined, T-PFOS had a more pronounced disruptive effect on transctional regulation than L-PFOS.
In summary, egg injection experiments showed that T-PFOS (but not linear PFOA, PFDS or PFUdA) may affect the hatching success of the chicken at environmentally relevant concentrations. It was also demonstrated that the accumulation of PFOS in embryonic liver is isomer specific, and leads to an enrichment of L-PFOS. The increased transcriptional disruption caused by T-PFOS in cultured hepatocytes over L-PFOS suggests that the branched isomers may be largely responsible for the toxicological effects of PFOS. Combined, the results from this thesis demonstrate the importance of considering PFOS isomer burdens during risk assessment. In addition, gene expression analysis identified several candidate mechanisms for PFOS toxicity.
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The Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds on In Ovo Toxicity and Hepatic mRNA Expression in the Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)O'Brien, Jason 03 May 2011 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) are a group of chemical surfactants most notably used in non-stick and stain-resistance applications. Due to their wide-spread use and inherent resistance to degradation, several PFCs have become persistent environmental contaminants. Despite the high concentrations of PFCs reported in wild birds and their eggs, very little is known about the toxicological effects they have on avian species.
This thesis investigates the developmental toxicity of PFCs in an avian model species: the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). Egg injection experiments were performed to assess the in ovo toxicity of perfluorooctane sulfonate (technical grade, T-PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorodecane sulfonate (PFDS) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA). Real-time RT-PCR was then used to measure the transcription of candidate biomarker genes in the liver tissue of day 20 embryos. Candidate genes were selected based on their responsiveness to PFC exposure in previously conducted in vitro screening assays. In ovo exposure to PFOS resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in embryo pipping success (a measure of hatching success) with an LD50 of 93 μg/g (3.54 μg/g-672,910 μg/g, 95% confidence interval), however the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα)-regulated genes was not affected in liver tissue as hypothesized. PFOA, PFDS and PFUdA had no effect on the pipping success of chicken embryos. The expression of cytochrome P450 1A4 (CYP1A4) and liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) mRNA increased in embryo liver tissue following in ovo exposure to PFUdA but was only statistically significant at 10 μg/g, which is several orders of magnitude higher than concentrations reported in wild bird eggs.
The isomer-specific accumulation of PFOS in chicken embryo livers was also investigated using an in-port derivatization gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. Prior to incubation, chicken eggs were injected with T-PFOS, composed of 63% linear isomer (L-PFOS) and 37.3% branched isomers. The isomer profiles in day-20 embryo liver tissue showed up to 20% enrichment in the proportion of L-PFOS, compared to T-PFOS, with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of branched isomers. This enrichment was inversely proportional to dose.
Finally, the transcriptional profiles of cultured chicken embryonic hepatocytes (CEH) exposed to either T-PFOS or L-PFOS were compared using Agilent 4x44k Chicken (V2) Gene Expression microarrays. At equal concentrations (10 μM), T-PFOS altered the expression of significantly more genes (340 genes, >1.5 fold change, false discovery rate adjusted p<0.05) compared to L-PFOS (130 genes). Functional analysis showed that L-PFOS and T-PFOS affected genes involved in lipid metabolism, cellular growth and proliferation, and cell-cell signaling. Pathway and interactome analysis suggested that gene expression may be affected through RXR, oxidative stress response, TP53 signaling, MYC signaling, Wnt/β-catenin signaling and PPARγ and SREBP receptors. In all functional categories and pathways examined, T-PFOS had a more pronounced disruptive effect on transctional regulation than L-PFOS.
In summary, egg injection experiments showed that T-PFOS (but not linear PFOA, PFDS or PFUdA) may affect the hatching success of the chicken at environmentally relevant concentrations. It was also demonstrated that the accumulation of PFOS in embryonic liver is isomer specific, and leads to an enrichment of L-PFOS. The increased transcriptional disruption caused by T-PFOS in cultured hepatocytes over L-PFOS suggests that the branched isomers may be largely responsible for the toxicological effects of PFOS. Combined, the results from this thesis demonstrate the importance of considering PFOS isomer burdens during risk assessment. In addition, gene expression analysis identified several candidate mechanisms for PFOS toxicity.
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The Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds on In Ovo Toxicity and Hepatic mRNA Expression in the Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)O'Brien, Jason January 2011 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) are a group of chemical surfactants most notably used in non-stick and stain-resistance applications. Due to their wide-spread use and inherent resistance to degradation, several PFCs have become persistent environmental contaminants. Despite the high concentrations of PFCs reported in wild birds and their eggs, very little is known about the toxicological effects they have on avian species.
This thesis investigates the developmental toxicity of PFCs in an avian model species: the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus). Egg injection experiments were performed to assess the in ovo toxicity of perfluorooctane sulfonate (technical grade, T-PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorodecane sulfonate (PFDS) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUdA). Real-time RT-PCR was then used to measure the transcription of candidate biomarker genes in the liver tissue of day 20 embryos. Candidate genes were selected based on their responsiveness to PFC exposure in previously conducted in vitro screening assays. In ovo exposure to PFOS resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in embryo pipping success (a measure of hatching success) with an LD50 of 93 μg/g (3.54 μg/g-672,910 μg/g, 95% confidence interval), however the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα)-regulated genes was not affected in liver tissue as hypothesized. PFOA, PFDS and PFUdA had no effect on the pipping success of chicken embryos. The expression of cytochrome P450 1A4 (CYP1A4) and liver fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) mRNA increased in embryo liver tissue following in ovo exposure to PFUdA but was only statistically significant at 10 μg/g, which is several orders of magnitude higher than concentrations reported in wild bird eggs.
The isomer-specific accumulation of PFOS in chicken embryo livers was also investigated using an in-port derivatization gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. Prior to incubation, chicken eggs were injected with T-PFOS, composed of 63% linear isomer (L-PFOS) and 37.3% branched isomers. The isomer profiles in day-20 embryo liver tissue showed up to 20% enrichment in the proportion of L-PFOS, compared to T-PFOS, with a corresponding decrease in the proportion of branched isomers. This enrichment was inversely proportional to dose.
Finally, the transcriptional profiles of cultured chicken embryonic hepatocytes (CEH) exposed to either T-PFOS or L-PFOS were compared using Agilent 4x44k Chicken (V2) Gene Expression microarrays. At equal concentrations (10 μM), T-PFOS altered the expression of significantly more genes (340 genes, >1.5 fold change, false discovery rate adjusted p<0.05) compared to L-PFOS (130 genes). Functional analysis showed that L-PFOS and T-PFOS affected genes involved in lipid metabolism, cellular growth and proliferation, and cell-cell signaling. Pathway and interactome analysis suggested that gene expression may be affected through RXR, oxidative stress response, TP53 signaling, MYC signaling, Wnt/β-catenin signaling and PPARγ and SREBP receptors. In all functional categories and pathways examined, T-PFOS had a more pronounced disruptive effect on transctional regulation than L-PFOS.
In summary, egg injection experiments showed that T-PFOS (but not linear PFOA, PFDS or PFUdA) may affect the hatching success of the chicken at environmentally relevant concentrations. It was also demonstrated that the accumulation of PFOS in embryonic liver is isomer specific, and leads to an enrichment of L-PFOS. The increased transcriptional disruption caused by T-PFOS in cultured hepatocytes over L-PFOS suggests that the branched isomers may be largely responsible for the toxicological effects of PFOS. Combined, the results from this thesis demonstrate the importance of considering PFOS isomer burdens during risk assessment. In addition, gene expression analysis identified several candidate mechanisms for PFOS toxicity.
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Prenatal Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Acids and Serum Testosterone Concentrations at 15 Years of Age in Female ALSPAC Study ParticipantsMaisonet, Mildred, Calafat, Antonia M., Marcus, Michele, Jaakkola, Jouni J.K., Lashen, Hany 01 December 2015 (has links)
Background: Exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) or to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) increases mouse and human peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor alpha (PPARα) subtype activity, which influences lipid metabolism. Because cholesterol is the substrate from which testosterone is synthesized, exposure to these substances has the potential to alter testosterone concentrations.
Objectives: We explored associations of total testosterone and sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG) concentrations at age 15 years with prenatal exposures to PFOS, PFOA, perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), and perfluoronanoic acid (PFNA) in females.
Methods: Prenatal concentrations of the perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) were measured in serum collected from pregnant mothers at enrollment (1991–1992) in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). The median gestational age when the maternal blood sample was obtained was 16 weeks (interquartile range, 11–28 weeks). Total testosterone and SHBG concentrations were measured in serum obtained from their daughters at 15 years of age. Associations between prenatal PFAAs concentrations and reproductive outcomes were estimated using linear regression models (n = 72).
Results: Adjusted total testosterone concentrations were on average 0.18-nmol/L (95% CI: 0.01, 0.35) higher in daughters with prenatal PFOS in the upper concentration tertile compared with daughters with prenatal PFOS in the lower tertile. Adjusted total testosterone concentrations were also higher in daughters with prenatal concentrations of PFOA (β = 0.24; 95% CI: 0.05, 0.43) and PFHxS (β = 0.18; 95% CI: 0.00, 0.35) in the upper tertile compared with daughters with concentrations in the lower tertile. We did not find evidence of associations between PFNA and total testosterone or between any of the PFAAs and SHBG.
Conclusions: Our findings were based on a small study sample and should be interpreted with caution. However, they suggest that prenatal exposure to some PFAAs may alter testosterone concentrations in females.
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