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Design, calibration, and early results of a surface array for detection of ultrahigh energy cosmic raysAllison, Patrick S. 06 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Propagação e convolução do fluxo primário de raios cósmicos ultra-energéticos segundo a resolução de energia estimada do Observatório Pierre Auger / Propagation and convolution of the ultra-high energy cosmic ray spectrum due to the estimated energy resolution of the Pierre Auger ObservatoryRodrigues, João Paulo Caminha Cascudo 26 February 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Carola Dobrigkeit Chinellato / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T01:00:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Neste trabalho estuda-se a propagação pelo meio intergaláctico de raios cósmicos ultra-energéticos partindo de fontes com distribuição espacial uniforme, considerando as perdas de energia ocasionadas pela expansão adiabática do universo e pelas interações com a Radiação , Cósmica de Fundo (produção de pares e-e+ e fotoprodução de píons), o que resulta no aparecimento do corte GZK (Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin). A degradação de energia no espectro primário da radiação cósmica que chega ao topo da atmosfera terrestre é então analisada para diferentes redshifts das fontes injetoras. São utilizadas simulações de Monte Carlo bem como uma abordagem analítica, com a posterior comparação dos resultados obtidos em cada método. Uma vez conhecido o fluxo propagado, é feita uma estimativa da forma da resolução de
energia do Observatório Pierre Auger, com a decorrente convolução desta resolução com o fluxo propagado, novamente utilizando-se ambos os métodos. Os resultados mostram que o corte GZK pode se mostrar severamente atenuado no fluxo convoluído, o que dificulta a sua constatação experimental / Abstract: In this work, we study the propagation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) which are injected into the intergalactic medium by sources with flat spatial distribution for several redshifts. The energy spectrum of UHECR observed on the Earth is directly influenced by the energy losses due to both the adiabatic expansion of the universe and interactions with the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (e-e+ pair production and photoproduction of pions), which cause the so-called Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff. We perform Monte Carlo simulations and also consider a semi-analytical approach and compare the results obtained by each method. Once the propagated primary flux is known, we make a simple estimate of the shape of the Pierre Auger Observatory energy resolution. This resolution is folded with the propagated primary flux again utilizing both methods. The results show the GZK cutoff may be severely smeared and might not be detected as sharp as predicted. / Mestrado / Teorias Especificas e Modelos de Interação ; Sistematica de Particulas ; Raios Cosmicos / Mestre em Física
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Measurement of acoustic attenuation in South Pole ice with a retrievable transmitterTosi, Delia 01 June 2010 (has links)
Der Neutrinofluss der durch die Wechselwirkung hochenergetischer kosmischer Strahlung mit dem kosmischen Mikrowellenhintergrund entsteht, produziert etwa 0.1 Ereignis/km^3 und Jahr. Um in wenigen Jahren eine ausreichende Anzahl an Ereignissen zu selektieren, muss ein Volumen von mindestens 100 km^3 instrumentiert werden. Die groessten aktuell im Bau befindlichen Detektoren, mit einem Volumen bis zu 1 km^3, benutzen optische Sensoren um das Licht zu detektieren, das durch die Neutrinowechselwirkungen produziert wird. Aus Kostengruenden ist es nicht moeglich mit dieser Technologie 100 mal groessere Detektoren zu bauen. Eine Alternative besteht darin, die durch den bei der Neutrinowechselwirkung entstehenden Teilchenschauer hervorgerufenen akustischen Signale und Radiosignale oder deren Kombination nachzuweisen. Eis ist dafuer ein vielversprechenden Medium, weil es die Moeglichkeit bietet alle drei Signal (optisch, akustisch, radio) nachzuweisen. Eine Grundvoraussetzung fuer die Entwicklung eines solchen Detektors ist die Bestimmung der akustischen Eigenschaften des Eises am Suedpol. Das South Pole Acoustic Test Setup (SPATS) wurde mit dem Ziel gebaut, den Rauschuntergrund, die tiefenabhaengige Schallgeschwindigkeit, die Untergrundereignisrate und die Schall-Abklinglaenge zu messen. Der Detektor besteht aus 4 Trossen, bestueckt mit akustischen Sensoren und Transmittern, die in Tiefen zwischen 80 und 500 m im Eis am Suedpol installiert wurden. Zusaetzlich wurde ein Transmitter (Pinger) entwickelt, der in mehreren wassergefuellten Bohrloechern zum Einsatz kam. Nach drei Jahren ist guter Fortschritt bei der Messung aller beschrieben Groessen erzielt worden. Insbesondere haben es der kombinierte Einsatz von SPATS und des Pingers ermoeglicht, die erste in situ Messung der Abklinglaenge zu 312+68-47 m vorzunehmen. In dieser Arbeit werden die Entwicklung der Hardware, die Analyse und die Resultate dieser Messung vorgestellt. / The neutrino flux generated by the interaction of high energy cosmic rays with the cosmic microwave background is predicted to produce about 0.1 event per km^3 per year. The detection of a sufficient number of events in a few years requires to instrument a volume of at least 100 km^3. The biggest detectors nowadays in construction, covering a volume of about 1 km^3, utilize optical sensors to detect the light produced by neutrino interactions; to extend this instrumentation method by the two necessary orders of magnitude is cost-prohibitive. An alternative is to use the radio or the acoustic signal generated by the neutrino-induced particle cascade, or even better, to use both of them in a hybrid detector. Ice is a promising medium since in principle all three signals can be detected simultaneously. The growing optical experiment IceCube, located at the geographic South Pole, could be complemented with radio and acoustic sensors. A pre-requisite to do so is to measure the acoustic properties of South Pole ice. The South Pole Acoustic Test Setup (SPATS) has been designed to measure background noise, sound speed profile, transient events rate and acoustic attenuation length at that location. The system is comprised of four strings of acoustic sensors and transmitters which are installed at depths between 80 and 500 m. In addition, a retrievable transmitter (called pinger) has been developed and used in several water-filled holes. After almost three years of operation, good progress has been achieved for all the goals. In particular, the attenuation length, one of the most important parameters for determining neutrino detection feasibility, and for which only theoretical estimates were available previously, has now been measured in situ with high confidence to be 312+68-47 m. In this work the hardware developed and the analysis performed to achieve this measurement are presented together with the final result.
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Development of a sub-glacial array of radio antennas for the detection of the flux of GZK neutrinosMeures, Thomas 12 December 2014 (has links)
GZK neutrino are interesting messenger particles since, if detected, they can transmit<p>us exclusive information about ultra-high energy processes in the Universe. These particles,<p>which hold energies above 10^16 eV, interact very rarely. Therefore, detectors of<p>several gigatons of matter are needed to discover them. The ARA detector is planned<p>and currently being constructed at the South Pole. It is designed to use the Askaryan<p>effect, the emission of radio waves from neutrino induced cascades in the South Pole ice,<p>to detect neutrino interactions. With antennas distributed in 37 stations in the ice, such<p>interactions can be observed in a volume of several hundred cubic kilometers. Currently<p>2 ARA stations have been deployed in the ice and are taking data since the beginning<p>of the year 2013.<p>The first part of this thesis summarizes the current theories concerning the GZK mechanism<p>and the Askaryan effect to explain the interest in GZK neutrinos and in the used<p>detection method.<p>In the second part the ARA detector is described and calibrations of different detector<p>parts are presented. In this work, the digitization chips have been calibrated concerning<p>their timing precision and signal amplitude. In this way a timing precision of 100 ps<p>between antennas could be achieved. Furthermore, the geometry of the antenna clusters<p>is determined by cuts based on external signals to allow for a proper radio vertex reconstruction.<p>In the third part of the thesis the development of methods to distinguish radio signals<p>from thermal noise are presented. Moreover, a reconstruction method, developed to determine<p>the position of radio sources, is described. With only two stations operational<p>a discovery of GZK neutrinos is not expected and in fact no signal candidate has been<p>found in the analysis of the data. A neutrino <p>ux limit is calculated. This limit is not<p>competitive yet with the current best limits, but very promising for the full ARA detector.<p>The work shows that after completion this detector is expected to be capable of a<p>neutrino discovery. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Model for a fundamental theory with supersymmetryYokoo, Seiichiro 15 May 2009 (has links)
Physics in the year 2006 is tightly constrained by experiment, observation, and
mathematical consistency. The Standard Model provides a remarkably precise de-
scription of particle physics, and general relativity is quite successful in describing
gravitational phenomena. At the same time, it is clear that a more fundamental theory is needed for several distinct reasons. Here we consider a new approach, which
begins with the unusually ambitious point of view that a truly fundamental theory
should aspire to explaining the origins of Lorentz invariance, gravity, gauge fields and
their symmetry, supersymmetry, fermionic fields, bosonic fields, quantum mechanics
and spacetime. The present dissertation is organized so that it starts with the most
conventional ideas for extending the Standard Model and ends with a microscopic statistical picture, which is actually the logical starting point of the theory, but which
is also the most remote excursion from conventional physics.
One motivation for the present work is the fact that a Euclidean path integral
in quantum physics is equivalent to a partition function in statistical physics. This
suggests that the most fundamental description of nature may be statistical. This
dissertation may be regarded as an attempt to see how far one can go with this
premise in explaining the observed phenomena, starting with the simplest statistical
picture imaginable. It may be that nature is richer than the model assumed here,
but the present results are quite suggestive, because, with a set of assumptions that
are not unreasonable, one recovers the phenomena listed above. At the end, the
present theory leads back to conventional physics, except that Lorentz invariance and supersymmetry are violated at extremely high energy. To be more specific, one
obtains local Lorentz invariance (at low energy compared to the Planck scale), an
SO(N) unified gauge theory (with N = 10 as the simplest possibility), supersymmetry
of Standard Model fermions and their sfermion partners, and other familiar features of
standard physics. Like other attempts at superunification, the present theory involves
higher dimensions and topological defects.
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Étude multi-messagers et phénoménologie des sources de rayons cosmiques d'ultra-haute énergie : l'éclairage de l'Observatoire Pierre AugerDecerprit, Guillaume 29 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La thématique des rayons cosmiques d'ultra-haute énergie (RCUHEs) est riche de mystères. Nous présentons l'état actuel des connaissances générales sur le sujet, ainsi que les apports et possibilités offerts par l'Observatoire Pierre Auger. Celui-ci nous a apporté plusieurs résultats majeurs dans le domaine : la mesure du spectre d'énergie au delà de quelques EeV et de la coupure à haute énergie avec une grande significativité, la mesure d'observables sensibles à la composition qui montrent un alourdissement avec l'énergie (ou une modification significative de la physique hadronique à la centaine de TeV !), et la mesure d'une anisotropie faible en dehors d'une région centrée sur une source remarquable mais pas forcément concernée, Centaurus~A. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, on étudie la propagation des RCUHEs depuis leur source dans le milieu extra-galactique. On étudie l'influence de la composition aux sources et des paramètres de l'accélération sur la forme des spectres à la Terre. On démontre la viabilité d'un modèle astrophysique satisfaisant, dit low-$E_{max}$, qui s'ajuste bien aux données du spectre et de la composition. Un outil numérique de propagation de protons/noyaux, notamment en présence de champs magnétiques, est également présenté dans ce cadre. Nous présenterons aussi (en quatrième partie) une étude indépendante des contraintes apportées par les données angulaires d'Auger sur la densité effective des sources de RCUHEs et leur déflexion dans les champs magnétiques. Une analyse des données par la méthode de percolation est également présentée, et démontre la faible anisotropie des données. Une partie entière est dédiée à la phénoménologie d'un messager secondaire : les photons. On expose leur propagation extra-galactique et l'outil numérique entièrement développé à ce sujet, que l'on intègre dans l'outil existant de propagation de protons/noyaux. Cette intégration aboutit à un code numérique global, véritablement multi-messagers (les neutrinos sont également traités), qui nous permet de disposer d'un outil complet, nous autorisant à fonder un modèle global de concordance capable de satisfaire l'ensemble des contraintes actuelles, dont les limites expérimentales connues sur le flux diffus de photons au TeV (par Fermi/LAT). Celui-ci est discuté dans le dernier chapitre. Nous terminons sur les perspectives offertes par la construction d'un modèle global de RCUHEs.
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