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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Semiconductor characterization by terahertz radiation pulses / Puslaidininkių charakterizavimas terahercinės spinduliuotės impulsais

Koroliov, Anton 22 September 2014 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation work was to develop pulsed terahertz radiation techniques and use them to study different properties of the semiconductor materials and semiconductor devices. Three groups of materials were investigated: GaAsBi, GaAs nanowires, copper-indium chalcogenide. The used techniques are THz-TDS, optical pump – THZ probe, optical pump – optical probe and THz excitation spectral measurements. The main results that were presented in this dissertation are the following: thermal annealing has resulted in the shortening of electron lifetime in GaAsBi to picosecond values, which is important achievement for the application of this material in THz range components. In GaAsBi layers with larger than 10% Bi content absorption bleaching recovering on the picosecond time scale and its saturation can be realized when the wavelengths of the optical signals are as long as 1600 nm. The results of these studies can be applied in the production of SESAM with bismide absorption layer. The samples with GaAs nanowires emit THz radiation several times better than the bulk GaAs substrates due to enhanced light absorption because of localized surface plasmon resonances in GaAs nanowires. THz emission efficiency from thin copper-indium chalcogenide layers strongly depends on their stoichiometry and on the parameters of the top transparent contact layers, thus it can be used for the mapping of built-in electric fields in solar cells made from these layers. / Šio darbo tikslas buvo susipažinti su terahercinių impulsų generavimo ir detektavimo būdais, įsisavinti įvairias terahercinių impulsų panaudojimo metodikas bei pritaikyti jas puslaidininkių medžiagų ir puslaidininkinių prietaisų tyrimui. Buvo tirtos trys medžiagų grupės: GaAsBi, GaAs nanovielutės ir Cu – In chalkogenidai. Tyrimui buvo naudojamos: THz – TDS, optinio žadinimo – THz zondavimo, optinio žadinimo – optinio zondavimo bei THz sužadinimo spektroskopijos metodikos. Pagrindiniai rezultatai aprašyti disertacijoje yra šie: GaAsBi bandinių atkaitinimas stipriai sumažino krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmes, kas yra naudinga THz komponentų gamyboj. Optinio praskaidrėjimo efektas ir pikosekundžių eilės krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmės GaAsBi epitaksiniuose sluoksniuose su 10% ir daugiau Bi atomų stebimas žadinant juos optine spinduliuote, kurios bangos ilgiai siekia iki 1600 nm. Šios GaAsBi bandinių savybės leidžia juos priakyti įsisotinančių sugėriklių veidrodžių gamyboje. Bandiniai su GaAs nanovielutėmis emituoja THz spinduliuotę kelis kartus geriau nei GaAs padėklas, dėl padidėjusios sugerties, kurią skatina paviršinių optinių plazmonų rezonansai GaAs nanovielutėse. THz emisijos efektyvumas iš Cu-In chalkogenidų sluoksnių stipriai priklauso nuo jų stechiometrijos ir viršutinio skaidraus kontakto parametrų, ir gali būti naudojamas saulės elementų, pagamintų šių sluoksnių pagrindu, vidinių elektrinių laukų tyrimui.

Puslaidininkių charakterizavimas terahercinės spinduliuotės impulsais / Semiconductor characterization by terahertz radiation pulses

Koroliov, Anton 22 September 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo susipažinti su terahercinių impulsų generavimo ir detektavimo būdais, įsisavinti įvairias terahercinių impulsų panaudojimo metodikas bei pritaikyti jas puslaidininkių medžiagų ir puslaidininkinių prietaisų tyrimui. Buvo tirtos trys medžiagų grupės: GaAsBi, GaAs nanovielutės ir Cu – In chalkogenidai. Tyrimui buvo naudojamos: THz – TDS, optinio žadinimo – THz zondavimo, optinio žadinimo – optinio zondavimo bei THz sužadinimo spektroskopijos metodikos. Pagrindiniai rezultatai aprašyti disertacijoje yra šie: GaAsBi bandinių atkaitinimas stipriai sumažino krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmes, kas yra naudinga THz komponentų gamyboj. Optinio praskaidrėjimo efektas ir pikosekundžių eilės krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmės GaAsBi epitaksiniuose sluoksniuose su 10% ir daugiau Bi atomų stebimas žadinant juos optine spinduliuote, kurios bangos ilgiai siekia iki 1600 nm. Šios GaAsBi bandinių savybės leidžia juos priakyti įsisotinančių sugėriklių veidrodžių gamyboje. Bandiniai su GaAs nanovielutėmis emituoja THz spinduliuotę kelis kartus geriau nei GaAs padėklas, dėl padidėjusios sugerties, kurią skatina paviršinių optinių plazmonų rezonansai GaAs nanovielutėse. THz emisijos efektyvumas iš Cu-In chalkogenidų sluoksnių stipriai priklauso nuo jų stechiometrijos ir viršutinio skaidraus kontakto parametrų, ir gali būti naudojamas saulės elementų, pagamintų šių sluoksnių pagrindu, vidinių elektrinių laukų tyrimui. / The goal of this dissertation work was to develop pulsed terahertz radiation techniques and use them to study different properties of the semiconductor materials and semiconductor devices. Three groups of materials were investigated: GaAsBi, GaAs nanowires, copper-indium chalcogenide. The used techniques are THz-TDS, optical pump – THZ probe, optical pump – optical probe and THz excitation spectral measurements. The main results that were presented in this dissertation are the following: thermal annealing has resulted in the shortening of electron lifetime in GaAsBi to picosecond values, which is important achievement for the application of this material in THz range components. In GaAsBi layers with larger than 10% Bi content absorption bleaching recovering on the picosecond time scale and its saturation can be realized when the wavelengths of the optical signals are as long as 1600 nm. The results of these studies can be applied in the production of SESAM with bismide absorption layer. The samples with GaAs nanowires emit THz radiation several times better than the bulk GaAs substrates due to enhanced light absorption because of localized surface plasmon resonances in GaAs nanowires. THz emission efficiency from thin copper-indium chalcogenide layers strongly depends on their stoichiometry and on the parameters of the top transparent contact layers, thus it can be used for the mapping of built-in electric fields in solar cells made from these layers.

Investigation of carrier dynamics in InN, InGaN, and GaAsBi by optical pump-probe techniques / Nepusiausvirųjų krūvininkų dinamikos tyrimas sužadinimo-zondavimo metodikomis InN, InGaN, GaAsBi

Nargelas, Saulius 27 February 2013 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to investigation of carrier dynamics in InN, InGaN, and GaAsBi heterostructures by using light-induced transient gratings and differential transmission techniques. The experimental studies in a wide range of excess carrier densities and temperatures revealed that trap-assisted Auger recombination is the dominant recombination mechanism in MBE-grown InN layers at room temperature. Investigation of carrier dynamics in In-rich InGaN alloys revealed that density of fast nonradiative recombination centers increases with Ga content. The correlation between excess carrier lifetime and diffusion coefficient in MOCVD-grown single InGaN layer with 13% In is governed by diffusive flow to the extended defects. Investigations of carrier lifetime and diffusivity dependence on excitation fluence indicated that both nonradiative and radiative recombination contribute to an increase of excess carrier recombination rate at high photo-excitation levels in MOCVD-grown InGaN multiple quantum wells. Transient grating measurements in MBE-grown GaAsBi layers with different Bi content revealed that Bi induced potential fluctuations determine the tenfold decrease in nonequilibrium hole mobility, if compare to GaAs. / Disertacija skirta nepusiausvirųjų krūvininkų dinamikos tyrimams InN, InGaN ir GaAsBi heterosandarose naudojant šviesa indukuotų dinaminių gardelių ir skirtuminio pralaidumo metodikas. Atlikti tyrimai plačiame nepusiausvirųjų krūvininkų tankių ir bandinio temperatūrų intervale parodė, kad krūvininkų rekombinacijos sparta MBE būdu užaugintuose InN sluoksniuose dominuojantis rekombinacijos mechanizmas kambario temperatūroje yra gaudyklių įtakota Ožė rekombinacija. Nustatyta koreliacija tarp krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmės ir difuzijos koeficiento MOCVD būdu užaugintame InGaN sluoksnyje su 13% In parodė, kad krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmę lemia difuzinė jų perneša link rekobinacijos centrų. Parodoma, kad MBE metodu užaugintuose InGaN sluoksniuose su dideliu In kiekiu (x>0,7) didėjant Ga kiekiui didėja nespindulinės rekombinacijos centrų tankis, o krūvininkų rekombinacijos sparta yra termiškai aktyvuojama. MOCVD metodu užaugintose InGaN kvantinėse sandarose dinaminių gardelių tyrimais parodoma, kad spartėjančią krūvininkų rekombinaciją didėjant sužadinimo intensyvumui lemia ne tik spindulinė rekombinacija, tačiau reikia atsižvelgti ir į nespindulinės rekombinacijos spartėjimą. Nustatyta, kad į GaAs įterpiant Bi atomus daugiau nei dešimt kartų sumažėja skylių judris dėl Bi atomų kuriamų valentinės juostos fliuktuacijų.

Nepusiausvirųjų krūvininkų dinamikos tyrimas sužadinimo-zondavimo metodikomis InN, InGaN, GaAsBi / Investigation of carrier dynamics in InN, InGaN, and GaAsBi by optical pump-probe techniques

Nargelas, Saulius 27 February 2013 (has links)
Disertacija skirta nepusiausvirųjų krūvininkų dinamikos tyrimams InN, InGaN ir GaAsBi heterosandarose naudojant šviesa indukuotų dinaminių gardelių ir skirtuminio pralaidumo metodikas. Atlikti tyrimai plačiame nepusiausvirųjų krūvininkų tankių ir bandinio temperatūrų intervale parodė, kad krūvininkų rekombinacijos sparta MBE būdu užaugintuose InN sluoksniuose dominuojantis rekombinacijos mechanizmas kambario temperatūroje yra gaudyklių įtakota Ožė rekombinacija. Nustatyta koreliacija tarp krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmės ir difuzijos koeficiento MOCVD būdu užaugintame InGaN sluoksnyje su 13% In parodė, kad krūvininkų gyvavimo trukmę lemia difuzinė jų perneša link rekobinacijos centrų. Parodoma, kad MBE metodu užaugintuose InGaN sluoksniuose su dideliu In kiekiu (x>0,7) didėjant Ga kiekiui didėja nespindulinės rekombinacijos centrų tankis, o krūvininkų rekombinacijos sparta yra termiškai aktyvuojama. MOCVD metodu užaugintose InGaN kvantinėse sandarose dinaminių gardelių tyrimais parodoma, kad spartėjančią krūvininkų rekombinaciją didėjant sužadinimo intensyvumui lemia ne tik spindulinė rekombinacija, tačiau reikia atsižvelgti ir į nespindulinės rekombinacijos spartėjimą. Nustatyta, kad į GaAs įterpiant Bi atomus daugiau nei dešimt kartų sumažėja skylių judris dėl Bi atomų kuriamų valentinės juostos fliuktuacijų. / The thesis is dedicated to investigation of carrier dynamics in InN, InGaN, and GaAsBi heterostructures by using light-induced transient gratings and differential transmission techniques. The experimental studies in a wide range of excess carrier densities and temperatures revealed that trap-assisted Auger recombination is the dominant recombination mechanism in MBE-grown InN layers at room temperature. Investigation of carrier dynamics in In-rich InGaN alloys revealed that density of fast nonradiative recombination centers increases with Ga content. The correlation between excess carrier lifetime and diffusion coefficient in MOCVD-grown single InGaN layer with 13% In is governed by diffusive flow to the extended defects. Investigations of carrier lifetime and diffusivity dependence on excitation fluence indicated that both nonradiative and radiative recombination contribute to an increase of excess carrier recombination rate at high photo-excitation levels in MOCVD-grown InGaN multiple quantum wells. Transient grating measurements in MBE-grown GaAsBi layers with different Bi content revealed that Bi induced potential fluctuations determine the tenfold decrease in nonequilibrium hole mobility, if compare to GaAs.

Alliages à base de GaAs pour applications optoélectroniques et spintroniques / GaAs-based semiconductors for optoelectronic and spintronic applications

Azaizia, Sawsen 10 September 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l’étude et au contrôle des propriétés de spin des électrons dans des structures à base de semi-conducteurs GaAs : GaAsN, GaAsBi et InGaAs. L'objectif est de donner une description fine de leurs propriétés électronique afin d'appréhender leur potentiel pour des applications en optoélectronique et spintronique. Nous avons focalisé l'étude des propriétés de spin des semi-conducteurs à base de nitrure dilué GaAsN sur les propriétés de l'interaction hyperfine entre l'électron et les noyaux des centres paramagnétiques naturellement présents dans ces matériaux. L'étude est réalisée par des expériences de photoluminescence pompe-sonde, en tirant parti du mécanisme de filtrage de spin par les centres paramagnétiques profonds présents dans le GaAsN massif : la recombinaison dépendante du spin (SDR). Nous démontrons, via l'enregistrement de la dynamique de la photoluminescence bande à bande, une nouvelle technique de détection des oscillations de spin cohérentes électron-noyau dues à l'interaction hyperfine. Ces oscillations sont observées dans l'application d'un champ magnétique externe et sans la nécessité d'utiliser les techniques de résonance de spin électronique. La caractérisation des matériaux bismures dilués GaAsBi en couches massives et en puits quantiques élaborés par épitaxie par jet moléculaire avec différentes concentrations de bismuth avec des expériences de spectroscopie de photoluminescence résolue en temps et en polarisation permet l’étude des propriétés de spin des électrons. Les résultats expérimentaux ont révélé une nette diminution du temps de relaxation de spin des électrons lorsque la fraction de bismuth augmente. Cette réduction significative du temps de relaxation de spin est liée à l'augmentation du couplage spin-orbite dans le matériau GaAsBi. La dynamique de relaxation observée est en bon accord avec le modèle de D'yakonov-Perel. Une troisième étude a porté sur le contrôle et la manipulation de spin des électrons dans les puits quantiques à semi-conducteurs III-V InGaAs/GaAs. Les hétérostructures élaborées sur des substrats d'orientation (111) présentent des propriétés de symétries particulières, qui combinées aux propriétés piézoélectriques, permettent sans application d’un champ électrique externe, de bloquer ou accélérer la dynamique de relaxation de spin. Ces observations démontrent la possibilité de contrôler le spin des porteurs à l'aide des propriétés intrinsèques de structures à puits quantiques, ce qui en fait de très bons candidats pour des applications futures de traitement et de stockage de l'information quantiques. / This thesis is devoted to the study of the electron spin properties for optoelectronic and spintronic applications of different GaAs-based semiconductor systems: GaAsN, GaAsBi, and InGaAs.The investigation of the spin properties of dilute nitride GaAsN-based semiconductors is centered on the properties of the hyperfine interaction between the electron and the nuclei at the paramagnetic centers naturally present in these compounds. The study is carried out, in the temporal domain, by a photoluminescence-based pump-probe technique and taking advantage of the spin-dependent relaxation mechanism via deep paramagnetic centers in GaAsN bulk. We demonstrate a novel detection scheme of the coherent electron-nuclear spin oscillations related to the hyperfine interaction and revealed by the band-to-band photoluminescence in zero external magnetic field and without the need of electron spin resonance techniques. GaAsBi semiconductors provide new opportunities for many optoelectronic applications thanks to possibility of greatly modulate the band gap and the spin-orbit interaction with the bismuth concentration. Using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy experiment, we have characterized the optical and spin properties of bulk and quantum well GaAsBi structures elaborated by molecular beam epitaxy in a wide range of Bi-content. The experimental results revealed, on the one hand, the localization effect of exciton at low temperature and, on the other hand, the marked decrease of electron spin relaxation time when bismuth content increases. These results are consistent with Dyakonov-Perel spin relaxation mechanism whose efficiency is enhanced by the strong spin-orbit coupling interaction in GaAsBi alloy. The third study is focused on the demonstration of the control of the electron spin relaxation time in the III-V semiconductors by taking advantage of the symmetry properties allied to the piezoelectric effects in InGaAs (111)B heterostructures, without the need of any external electric field. We show that, in this system, the particular direction (111) associated with parameters related to InGaAs quantum wells such as indium concentration and quantum well width allows the control of spin electron relaxation time via piezoelectric field induced by the strain amplitude in the well. These observations demonstrate the possibility of monitoring electron spin relaxation process using intrinsic quantum confined structures, making them ideal candidates for use in quantum information storage and processing devices.

Optimization of growth conditions of GaAs1-xBix alloys for laser applications

Bahrami Yekta, Vahid 07 April 2016 (has links)
GaAsBi is a relatively unexplored alloy with interesting features such as a large bandgap reduction for a given lattice mismatch with GaAs substrates and good photoluminescence which make it promising for long wavelength light detection and emission applications. In this research, the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) method was used to grow epi-layers and hetero-structures. A Vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting-laser (VECSEL) was grown as a part of collaboration with Tampere University in Finland. The process of laser growth promoted the writer’s skills in the growth of hetero-structures and led into an investigation of the effect of growth conditions on GaAsBi optical properties with important results. For instance, when the substrate temperature during growth was reduced from 400°C to 300°C and all other growth conditions were fixed, the Bi concentration in the deposited films increased from 1% to 5% and the photoluminescence (PL) intensity decreased by more than a factor of 1000. This is an indication of the importance of growth temperature in GaAsBi crystal quality. n+/p junctions were grown for the deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) experiments in collaboration with Simon Fraser University. The DLTS measurements showed that lowering the GaAsBi growth temperature increases the deep level density by a factor of 10. These deep levels are the source of non-radiative recombination and decrease the PL intensity. The structural properties of GaAsBi were investigated by high resolution x-ray diffraction and polarized PL and revealed long distance atomic arrangement (Cu-Pt ordering) in GaAsBi. The measurements showed that the ordering is more probable at high growth temperature. This can be due to the larger mobility of the atoms on the surface at high growth temperatures that allows them to find the ordered low energy sites. / Graduate

Synthesis and Properties of GaAs1-xBix Prepared by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Li, Jincheng January 2016 (has links)
<p>GaAs1-xBix is a III-V semiconductor alloy which has generated much fundamental scientific interest. In addition, the alloy possesses numerous device-relevant beneficial characteristics. However, the synthesis of this material is very challenging and its properties are not well understood. The focus of this dissertation is to advance the understanding of its synthesis using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and, as a result, improve its key as-grown properties that are of great importance to device applications, such as increasing Bi concentration in the alloy and enhancing its optical emission efficiency.</p><p>In chapter 3, the discovery of a trade-off between the structural and optical characteristics of GaAs1-xBix , controlled by the degree to which the growth is kinetically-limited, is described. Chapter 4 discusses the exploitation of a growth method that utilizes the spatial distribution of MBE fluxes to facilitate numerous studies of the critical dependence of GaAs1-xBix characteristics on the V/III flux ratio. Chapter 5 describes the results of experiments utilizing vicinal substrates to modify both Bi incorporation and optical emission efficiency of synthesized GaAs1-xBix and enable new understanding of the Bi incorporation mechanism. Specifically, incorporation primarily at A steps, defined as the steps generated by misorienting the GaAs (001) substrate toward the (111)A surfaces, enhances Bi incorporation but reduces optical emission efficiency. Chapter 6 describes the identification of two new signatures in the Raman spectra of GaAs1-xBix that can be used to determine the Bi content and the hole concentration of nominally undoped GaAs1-xBix. Finally, in Chapter 7 the GaAs1-xBix growth using pulsed Ga fluxes is described. The use of pulsed-growth significantly modifies the incorporation of Bi and suggests it is a promising method for widening the GaAs1-xBix MBE growth window enabling improved synthesis control and materials properties.</p> / Dissertation

Enhancing terahertz photoconductive switches using nanotechnology

Heshmat Dehkordi, Barmak 27 March 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we use three main approaches to enhance the performance of terahertz photoconductive switches (THz PC switches). We first propose two novel materials (GaBiAs and carbon nanotubes) for the substrate. The resulting enhancement in THz emission and reception are significant for GaBiAs. As thoroughly analyzed and addressed in Chapter 2, both the emission bandwidth and the emission amplitude of the device are improved by these materials. A systematic study of CNTs predicts 2 orders of magnitude enhancement in THz emission and one order of magnitude enhancement in THz reception. Experimental results for GaBiAs indicate 0.5 THz increase in bandwidth and 68% increase in the emitted THz wave amplitude. The bandwidth enhancement is in comparison to premium commercial devices. The optical excitation of the PC switch is studied and optimized next as the second enhancement approach (Chapter 3). The study presented in Chapter 3 provides an insight on the subwavelength dynamics of the optical excitation E-field at the edge of the electrodes. The study reveals that majority of the fast photocarriers are collected at the edge of the electrode in a subwavelength scale area. This insight leads to optimization of illumination profile and also the third enhancement approach, namely, the enhancement of electrode structure (Chapter 4). In Chapter 4 we have engineered the electrodes down to nanometer scale. This significantly enhances the optical excitation of the substrate and also overcomes the undesired properties of some substrate materials such as long carrier lifetime. Fabricated devices and fabrication processes are assessed in Chapter 5. Results (Chapter 6) highlight more than two orders of magnitude enhancement for nanostructures on GaAs. / Graduate / 0544

Estudo experimental de efeitos de spin em heteroestruturas semicondutoras

Gordo, Vanessa Orsi 28 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Izabel Franco (izabel-franco@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-19T20:49:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseVOG.pdf: 4526477 bytes, checksum: f864ec51b52cd413053067c5f7305ea5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-20T14:06:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseVOG.pdf: 4526477 bytes, checksum: f864ec51b52cd413053067c5f7305ea5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-20T14:06:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseVOG.pdf: 4526477 bytes, checksum: f864ec51b52cd413053067c5f7305ea5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-20T14:06:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseVOG.pdf: 4526477 bytes, checksum: f864ec51b52cd413053067c5f7305ea5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-28 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / In this thesis, we have investigated optical and spin properties of semiconductor nanostructures. Photoluminescence and magneto-photoluminescence measurements were performed in high magnetic field (B ≤ 15T), in GaBiAs nanostructures and GaAs /AlGaAs semiconductor devices. Particularly, we have studied: (i) GaBiAs layers, (ii) GaBiAs/GaAs quantum wells (QW) (iii) standard GaAs / AlGaAs resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) and (iv) GaAs / AlGaAs RTDs containing quantum rings of InAs in the QW. We have investigated the effect of carrier localization by defects on the optical and spin properties of GaBiAs layers and nanostructures. Our results evidence important effects of carrier location by defects which was associate by small values of magnetic shifts. This effect is probably due to the formation of clusters and by the Bi composition variation on this type of alloy. It was also observed that the thermal annealing treatment improves the optical quality of these systems and increases the polarization degree which was associated to the reduction of spin relaxation times. We have also investigated the optical properties, magneto-optical and of transport in double barrier semiconductor heterostructures. Particularly, we have investigated the optical and spin properties of two dimensional electron and hole gases and the quantum well (QW). It was observe optical emission in the QW associate to the criation of uncharged exciton and negative charge exciton. The two dimensional gases acts as a spin polarize carriers injection in the QW, increasing thus the spin polarization in this region. The experimental results indicated that this process is more efficient in low voltage region. For high voltages region other processes, such as formation of tríons and spin polarization loss during tunneling should result in a significant contribution to the spin and polarization. Furthermore, it was investigated the spin properties of double barrier diodes containing InAs quantum rings in the center of the QW. It was observe that the degree of circular polarization of the emission of the QRs strongly sensitive to the applied voltage shows oscillation and besides one possible polarization oscillations tendency with the increase of the magnetic field. / Nesta tese, investigamos as propriedades ópticas e de spin de nanoestruturas semicondutoras. Foram realizadas medidas de fotoluminescência e magnetofotoluminescência em altos campos magnéticos (B ≤ 15T), em nanoestruturas de GaBiAs e em dispositivos semicondutores GaAs /AlGaAs . Em particular estudamos: (i) filmes de GaBiAs , (ii) poços quânticos (QW) de GaBiAs/GaAs, (iii) e diodos de tunelamento ressonante (DTR) convencionais de GaAs/AlGaAs e (iv) DTR de GaAs/AlGaAs contendo anéis quânticos de InAs no centro do QW. Investigamos os efeitos da localização de portadores por defeitos nas propriedades ópticas e de spin de filmes e nanoestruturas de GaBiAs. Os resultados evidenciam efeitos importantes de localização de portadores por defeitos que foi associado a baixos valores do shift diamagnético. Este efeito é provavelmente devido à formação de clusters e a variação de composição de Bi nesses tipos de ligas. Observamos também que o tratamento térmico melhora a qualidade óptica destes sistemas e aumenta o grau de polarização que é associado a redução de tempo de relaxação de spin. Também investigamos propriedades ópticas, magneto-ópticas e transporte em heteroestruturas de dupla barreira. Particularmente, estudamos as propriedades ópticas e de spin dos gases bidimensionais de elétron e de buraco e o poço quântico (QW). Foram observadas emissões ópticas no QW associadas à formação de éxciton neutro e éxciton negativamente carregado. O gás bidimensional atua como um injetor de portadores spin polarizados no QW, aumentando assim o grau de polarização de spin nessa região. Os resultados experimentais obtidos indicaram que este processo é mais eficiente em regiões de baixas voltagens. Para regiões de altas voltagens outros processos, tais como formação de tríons e perda de polarização de spin durante o tunelamento devem resultar em uma contribuição importante na polarização e spin. Além disso, foram investigadas as propriedades de spin de diodos de dupla barreira contendo anéis quânticos de InAs no centro do QW. Foi observado que o grau de polarização circular da emissão dos QRs é bastante sensível a voltagem aplicada, apresentando oscilações e também uma possível tendência a oscilações da polarização com o aumento do campo magnético aplicado.

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