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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Green Pea Galaxies: Physical Properties of Low-redshift Analogs of High-redshift Lyman-alpha Emitters

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Green pea galaxies are a class of rare, compact starburst galaxies that have powerful optical emission line [OIII]$\lambda$5007. They are the best low-redshift analogs of high-redshift (z$>$2) Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs). They provide unique opportunities to study physical conditions in high-redshift LAEs in great detail. In this dissertation, a few physical properties of green peas are investigated. The first study in the dissertation presents star formation rate (SFR) surface density, thermal pressure in HII regions, and a correlation between them for 17 green peas and 19 Lyman break analogs, which are nearby analogs of high-redshift Lyman break galaxies. This correlation is consistent with that found from the star-forming galaxies at z $\sim$ 2.5. In the second study, a new large sample of 835 green peas in the redshift range z = 0.011 -- 0.411 are assembled from Data Release 13 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with the equivalent width of the line [OIII]$\lambda$5007 $>$ 300\AA\ or the equivalent width of the line H$\beta$ $>$ 100\AA. The size of this new sample is ten times that of the original 80 star-forming green pea sample. With reliable T$_e$-based gas-phase metallicity measurements for the 835 green peas, a new empirical calibration of R23 (defined as ([OIII]$\lambda$$\lambda$4959,5007 + [OII]$\lambda$$\lambda$3726,3729)/H$\beta$) for strong line emitters is then derived. The double-value degeneracy of the metallicity is broken for galaxies with large ionization parameter (which manifests as log([OIII]$\lambda$$\lambda$4959,5007/[OII]$\lambda$$\lambda$3726,3729) $\geq$ 0.6). This calibration offers a good way to estimate metallicities for extreme emission-line galaxies and high-redshift LAEs. The third study presents stellar mass measurements and the stellar mass-metallicity relation of 828 green peas from the second study. The stellar mass covers 6 orders of magnitude in the range 10$^{5}$ -- 10$^{11}$ M$_{\odot}$, with a median value of 10$^{8.8}$ M$_{\odot}$. The stellar mass-metallicity relation of green peas is flatter and displays about 0.2 - 0.5 dex offset to lower metallicities in the range of stellar mass higher than 10$^{8}$ M$_{\odot}$ compared to the local SDSS star-forming galaxies. A significant dependence of the stellar mass-metallicity relation on star formation rate is not found in this work. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Astrophysics 2018

A Model Connecting Galaxy Masses, Star Formation Rates, and Dust Temperatures across Cosmic Time

Imara, Nia, Loeb, Abraham, Johnson, Benjamin D., Conroy, Charlie, Behroozi, Peter 08 February 2018 (has links)
We investigate the evolution of dust content in galaxies from redshifts z = 0 to z = 9.5. Using empirically motivated prescriptions, we model galactic-scale properties-including halo mass, stellar mass, star formation rate, gas mass, and metallicity-to make predictions for the galactic evolution of dust mass and dust temperature in main-sequence galaxies. Our simple analytic model, which predicts that galaxies in the early universe had greater quantities of dust than their low-redshift counterparts, does a good job of reproducing observed trends between galaxy dust and stellar mass out to z approximate to 6. We find that for fixed galaxy stellar mass, the dust temperature increases from z = 0 to z = 6. Our model forecasts a population of low-mass, high-redshift galaxies with interstellar dust as hot as, or hotter than, their more massive counterparts; but this prediction needs to be constrained by observations. Finally, we make predictions for observing 1.1 mm flux density arising from interstellar dust emission with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array.

Deep CO(1–0) Observations of z = 1.62 Cluster Galaxies with Substantial Molecular Gas Reservoirs and Normal Star Formation Efficiencies

Rudnick, Gregory, Hodge, Jacqueline, Walter, Fabian, Momcheva, Ivelina, Tran, Kim-Vy, Papovich, Casey, da Cunha, Elisabete, Decarli, Roberto, Saintonge, Amelie, Willmer, Christopher, Lotz, Jennifer, Lentati, Lindley 26 October 2017 (has links)
We present an extremely deep CO(1-0) observation of a confirmed z = 1.62 galaxy cluster. We detect two spectroscopically confirmed cluster members in CO(1-0) with signal-to-noise ratio >5. Both galaxies have log (M-star/M-circle dot) > 11 and are gas rich, with M-mol/(M-star + M-mol) similar to 0.17-0.45. One of these galaxies lies on the star formation rate (SFR)-M-star sequence, while the other lies an order of magnitude below. We compare the cluster galaxies to other SFR-selected galaxies with CO measurements and find that they have CO luminosities consistent with expectations given their infrared luminosities. We also find that they have gas fractions and star formation efficiencies (SFE) comparable to what is expected from published field galaxy scaling relations. The galaxies are compact in their stellar light distribution, at the extreme end for all high-redshift star-forming galaxies. However, their SFE is consistent with other field galaxies at comparable compactness. This is similar to two other sources selected in a blind CO survey of the HDF-N. Despite living in a highly quenched protocluster core, the molecular gas properties of these two galaxies, one of which may be in the process of quenching, appear entirely consistent with field scaling relations between the molecular gas content, stellar mass, star formation rate, and redshift. We speculate that these cluster galaxies cannot have any further substantive gas accretion if they are to become members of the dominant passive population in z < 1 clusters.

A Spectroscopic Search for AGN Activity in the Reionization Era

Laporte, Nicolas, Nakajima, Kimihiko, Ellis, Richard S., Zitrin, Adi, Stark, Daniel P., Mainali, Ramesh, Roberts-Borsani, G. W. 08 December 2017 (has links)
The ubiquity of Lyman alpha (Ly alpha) emission in a sample of four bright [O III]- strong star-forming galaxies with redshifts above seven has led to the suggestion that such luminous sources represent a distinct population compared with their fainter, more numerous counterparts. The presence of Lya emission within the reionization era could indicate that these sources created early ionized bubbles due to their unusually strong radiation, possibly because of the presence of active galactic nuclei. To test this hypothesis, we secured long integration spectra with XSHOOTER on the VLT for three z similar or equal to 7 sources selected to have similar luminosities and prominent excess fluxes in the IRAC 3.6 or 4.5 mu m band, usually attributed to strong [O III] emission. We secured additional spectroscopy for one of these galaxies at z = 7.15 using MOSFIRE at the Keck telescope. For the most well-studied source in our sample with the strongest IRAC excess, we detect significant nebular emission from He II and N V indicative of a non-thermal source. For the other two sources at z = 6.81 and z = 6.85, for which no previous optical/near-infrared spectroscopy was available, Ly alpha is seen in one and C III] emission in the other. Although based on a modest sample, our results further support the hypothesis that the phenomenon of intense [O III] emission is associated preferentially with sources lying in early ionized bubbles. However, even though one of our sources at z = 7.15 suggests the presence of non-thermal radiation, such ionized bubbles may not uniquely arise in this manner. We discuss the unique advantages of extending such challenging diagnostic studies with JWST.

Molecular gas properties of a lensed star-forming galaxy at z ~ 3.6: a case study

Dessauges-Zavadsky, M., Zamojski, M., Rujopakarn, W., Richard, J., Sklias, P., Schaerer, D., Combes, F., Ebeling, H., Rawle, T. D., Egami, E., Boone, F., Clément, B., Kneib, J.-P., Nyland, K., Walth, G. 14 September 2017 (has links)
We report on the galaxy MACSJ0032-arc at z(CO) = 3.6314 discovered during the Herschel Lensing snapshot Survey of massive galaxy clusters, and strongly lensed by the cluster MACSJ0032.1+1808. The successful detections of its rest-frame ultraviolet (UV), optical, far-infrared (FIR), millimeter, and radio continua, and of its CO emission enable us to characterize, for the first time at such a high redshift, the stellar, dust, and molecular gas properties of a compact star-forming galaxy with a size smaller than 2.5 kpc, a fairly low stellar mass of 4.8(-1.0)(+0.5) x 10(9) M circle dot, and a moderate IR luminosity of 4.8(-0.6)(+1.2) x 10(11) L circle dot. By combining the stretching effect of the lens with the high angular resolution imaging of the CO(10) line emission and the radio continuum at 5 GHz, we find that the bulk of the molecular gas mass and star formation seems to be spatially decoupled from the rest-frame UV emission. About 90% of the total star formation rate is undetected at rest-frame UV wavelengths because of severe obscuration by dust, but is seen through the thermal FIR dust emission and the radio synchrotron radiation. The observed CO(43) and CO(65) lines demonstrate that high-J transitions, at least up to J = 6, remain excited in this galaxy, whose CO spectral line energy distribution resembles that of high-redshift submm galaxies, even though the IR luminosity of MACSJ0032-arc is ten times lower. This high CO excitation is possibly due to the compactness of the galaxy. We find evidence that this high CO excitation has to be considered in the balance when estimating the CO-to-H-2 conversion factor. Indeed, the respective CO-to-H-2 conversion factors as derived from the correlation with metallicity and the FIR dust continuum can only be reconciled if excitation is accounted for. The inferred depletion time of the molecular gas in MACSJ0032-arc supports the decrease in the gas depletion timescale of galaxies with redshift, although to a lesser degree than predicted by galaxy evolution models. Instead, the measured molecular gas fraction as high as 6079% in MACSJ0032-arc favors the continued increase in the gas fraction of galaxies with redshift as expected, despite the plateau observed between z similar to 1.5 and z similar to 2.5.

Planck’s dusty GEMS

Cañameras, R., Nesvadba, N., Kneissl, R., Frye, B., Gavazzi, R., Koenig, S., Le Floc’h, E., Limousin, M., Oteo, I., Scott, D. 23 August 2017 (has links)
We present an analysis of high-resolution ALMA interferometry of CO(4-3) line emission and dust continuum in the "Ruby" (PLCK_G244.8+54.9), a bright, gravitationally lensed galaxy at z = 3.0 discovered with the Planck all-sky survey. The Ruby is the brightest of Planck's dusty GEMS, a sample of 11 of the brightest gravitationally lensed high-redshift galaxies on the extragalactic sub-mm sky. We resolve the high-surface-brightness continuum and CO line emission of the Ruby in several extended clumps along a partial, nearly circular Einstein ring with 1.4 '' diameter around a massive galaxy at z = 1.5. Local star-formation intensities are up to 2000 M-circle dot yr(-1) kpc(-2), amongst the highest observed at high redshift, and clearly in the range of maximal starbursts. Gas-mass surface densities are a few x10(4) M-circle dot pc(-2). The Ruby lies at, and in part even above, the starburst sequence in the Schmidt-Kennicutt diagram, and at the limit expected for star formation that is self-regulated through the kinetic energy injection from radiation pressure, stellar winds, and supernovae. We show that these processes can also inject sufficient kinetic energy and momentum into the gas to explain the turbulent line widths, which are consistent with marginally gravitationally bound molecular clouds embedded in a critically Toomre-stable disk. The star-formation efficiency is in the range 1-10% per free-fall time, consistent with the notion that the pressure balance that sets the local star-formation law in the Milky Way may well be universal out to the highest star-formation intensities. AGN feedback is not necessary to regulate the star formation in the Ruby, in agreement with the absence of a bright AGN component in the infrared and radio regimes.

A Spectroscopic Survey of the Fields of Strong Gravitational Lenses

Wilson, Michelle Louise, Wilson, Michelle Louise January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation presents an algorithm for identifying galaxy groups, describes the effects of galaxy groups in the environments of strong gravitational lenses and elsewhere along their sightlines, and investigates the properties of brightest group galaxies. We develop an algorithm to identify galaxy groups and apply it to a large spectroscopic survey in the fields of 26 strong gravitational lenses. We identify 210 groups with at least five member galaxies having velocity dispersions of 60 ≤ σ grp ≤ 1200 km s −1 over a redshift range of 0.04 ≤ z grp ≤ 0.76. Using the group catalog defined by this algorithm, we study the environments and line-of-sight structures of 26 strong gravitational lenses. Using these systems to measure cosmological parameters requires an understanding of possible systematic errors as well as the large samples to combat random uncertainties that will be discovered by future surveys. We determine the impact of ignoring lens environments and groups elsewhere along the lens sightlines on H 0 . Lens groups that would bias H 0 high by ≥ 1% exist in 23% of our fields and similarly significant line-of-sight groups in 57%. For lens systems to be used for precision cosmology, the lens environments and line-of-sight groups must be considered to avoid the systematic biases they would cause if ignored. We also study the properties of brightest group galaxies. We compare their morphological, spectroscopic, photometric, and kinematic properties to those of other group galaxies and to a sample of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) from Tempel et al. (2014). There is a population (38%) of elliptical, quiescent BGGs as expected from local group and cluster samples. However, our sample also includes a diversity of BGG properties, including disks, disturbed morphologies, AGN, and star formation. BGG luminosities and colors are similar to those of BCGs. However,16 BGG colors show an intermediate amount of scatter between that of BCGs and other group galaxies. BGGs and other group galaxies also have similar phase space distributions. These diverse BGG properties suggest they are still evolving.

Gas Dynamics of a Luminous z = 6.13 Quasar ULAS J1319+0950 Revealed by ALMA High-resolution Observations

Shao, Yali, Wang, Ran, Jones, Gareth C., Carilli, Chris L., Walter, Fabian, Fan, Xiaohui, Riechers, Dominik A., Bertoldi, Frank, Wagg, Jeff, Strauss, Michael A., Omont, Alain, Cox, Pierre, Jiang, Linhua, Narayanan, Desika, Menten, Karl M. 18 August 2017 (has links)
We present new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the dust continuum and [C II] 158 mu m fine structure line emission toward a far-infrared-luminous quasar, ULAS J131911.29+095051.4 at z = 6.13, and combine the new Cycle 1 data with ALMA Cycle 0 data. The combined data have an angular resolution of similar to 0.'' 3, and resolve both the dust continuum and the [C II] line emission on a few kiloparsec scales. The [C II] line emission is more irregular than that of the dust continuum emission, which suggests different distributions between the dust and the [C II] emitting gas. The combined data confirm the [C II] velocity gradient that we had previously detected in a lower-resolution ALMA image from the Cycle 0 data alone. We apply a tilted ring model to the [C II] velocity map to obtain a rotation curve, and constrain the circular velocity to be 427 +/- 55 kms(-1) at a radius of 3.2 kpc with an inclination angle of 34 degrees. We measure the dynamical mass within the 3.2 kpc region to be 13.4(-5.3)(+7.8) x 10(10) M-circle dot. This yields a black-hole and host galaxy mass ratio of 0.020(-0.007)(+0.013), which is about 4(-2)(+3) times higher than that of the present-day M-BH/M-bulge ratio. This suggests that the supermassive black hole grows the bulk of its mass before the formation of most of the stellar mass in this quasar host galaxy in the early universe.

Boötes-HiZELS: an optical to near-infrared survey of emission-line galaxies at z = 0.4–4.7

Matthee, Jorryt, Sobral, David, Best, Philip, Smail, Ian, Bian, Fuyan, Darvish, Behnam, Röttgering, Huub, Fan, Xiaohui 10 1900 (has links)
We present a sample of similar to 1000 emission-line galaxies at z = 0.4-4.7 from the similar to 0.7deg(2) High-z Emission-Line Survey in the Bootes field identified with a suite of six narrow-band filters at approximate to 0.4-2.1 mu m. These galaxies have been selected on their Ly alpha (73), [O (II)] (285), H beta/[O (III)] (387) or H alpha (362) emission line, and have been classified with optical to near-infrared colours. A subsample of 98 sources have reliable redshifts from multiple narrow-band (e.g. [O (II)]-H alpha) detections and/or spectroscopy. In this survey paper, we present the observations, selection and catalogues of emitters. We measure number densities of Ly alpha, [O (II)], H beta/[O (III)] and H alpha and confirm strong luminosity evolution in star-forming galaxies from z similar to 0.4 to similar to 5, in agreement with previous results. To demonstrate the usefulness of dual-line emitters, we use the sample of dual [O (II)]-H alpha emitters to measure the observed [O (II)]/H alpha ratio at z = 1.47. The observed [O (II)]/H alpha ratio increases significantly from 0.40 +/- 0.01 at z = 0.1 to 0.52 +/- 0.05 at z = 1.47, which we attribute to either decreasing dust attenuation with redshift, or due to a bias in the (typically) fibre measurements in the local Universe that only measure the central kpc regions. At the bright end, we find that both the H alpha and Ly alpha number densities at z approximate to 2.2 deviate significantly from a Schechter form, following a power law. We show that this is driven entirely by an increasing X-ray/active galactic nucleus fraction with line luminosity, which reaches approximate to 100 per cent at line luminosities L greater than or similar to 3 x 10(44) erg s(-1).

Signatures of secular evolution in disk galaxies

Díaz García, S. (Simón) 16 September 2016 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis we shed light on the formation and evolution of disk galaxies, which often host a stellar bar (about 2/3 of cases). In particular, we address the bar-driven secular evolution, that is, the steady redistribution of stellar and gaseous material through the disk induced by the bar torques and resonances. We characterize the mass distribution of the disks in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G, Sheth et al. 2010) and study the properties of the different stellar structure components and the interplay between them. We use 3.6µm photometry for ~ 1300 face-on and moderately inclined disk galaxies to analyze the frequency, dimensions, orientations and shapes of stellar bars, spiral arms, rings, (ring)lenses, and barlenses (i.e. lens-like structures embedded in the bars). We calculate the strength of the bars in the S4G via ellipse fitting, Fourier decomposition of the galaxy images, and from the gravitational tangential-to-radial forces. We also estimate the stellar contribution to the circular velocity, allowing us to analyze the coupling between non-baryonic and stellar matter within the optical disk. We average stellar density profiles (1D), the disk(+bulge) component of the rotation curve, and stellar bars (2D) as a function of fundamental galaxy parameters. We complement the study with integral-field unit kinematic data from Seidel et al. (2015b) for a subsample of 16 S4G barred galaxies. We quantify the bar-induced perturbation strengths in the stellar and gaseous disk from the kinematics, and show that they agree with the estimates obtained from the images. We also use Hα Fabry-Perot observations from Erroz-Ferrer et al. (2015) for 29 S4G disk galaxies to study the inner slope of the rotation curves. We provide possible observational evidence for the growth of bars in a Hubble time. We demonstrate the role of bars causing the spreading of the disk and the enhancement of the central stellar concentration. Our observations support the idea that Boxy/Peanut bulges in face-on perspective manifest as barlenses, that are often identfied in early-type galaxies hosting strong bars, and some of them also as inner lenses. We find that the amount of dark matter within the optical disk scales with the total stellar mass, as expected in the ΛCDM models. We also confirm that the observed inner velocity gradient is correlated with the central surface brightness, showing a strong connection between the inner shape of the potential well and the central stellar density. We show that disks and bars in early-type (T &lt; 5 ≡ Sc) and late-type (T ≥ 5) disk galaxies, or alternatively in galaxies having total stellar masses greater or smaller than 1010M☉, are characterized by very distinct properties. Late-type disks are less centrally concentrated (many galaxies are bulge-less) and present a larger halo-to-stellar mass ratio, what probably affects the disk stability properties. The detection of bars in late-type galaxies is strongly dependent on the identification criteria. On average, bars in early-type spirals (T = 0 − 2) are longer (both in physical units and relative to the disk) and have larger density amplitudes than the intermediate-type spirals (T ≈ 5), and the bar lengths among the latest-types in the S4G are also larger. In comparison to earlier types, the bars in late-type systems show larger tangential-to-radial force ratios. This result holds even when the estimated dark halo effect is included.

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