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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing performance and security in virtualized home residential gateways

Modig, Dennis January 2014 (has links)
Over the past years the use of digital devices has increased heavily, and home networks continue to grow in size and complexity. By the use of virtualized residential gateways, advanced functionality can be moved away from the home and thereby decrease the administrative burden for the home user. Using virtualizing residential gateways instead of physical devices creates new challenges. This project is looking in to how the choice of virtualization technology impacts performance and security by investigating operating system level virtualization in contrast to full virtualization for use in home residential gateways. Results show that operating system level virtualization uses fewer resources in terms of disk, memory, and processor in virtualized residential gateways. The results also show that with choice of setups and virtualization technologies different security issues arises, which has been analyzed in lab environment. Recommendations regarding solutions to security issues are proposed in the concluding parts of this thesis.

Leeubrug Gateway - an exhibition and conference centre

Van Rooyen, Marthinus Jan 17 March 2010 (has links)
The project is found on the north eastern corner of the Nelson Mandela Boulevard and Church Street crossing adjacent to the Apies River, one of the most important crossings in Pretoria. The goal of the project is to establish an Exhibition and Conference Centre on the eastern gateway of the city, reviving the historic area of repose between Lady Ngoya Square (Strijdom Square) and the Union Building gardens. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Architecture / unrestricted

Portal to Pretoria - establishing a northern gateway to the city

Smalberger, Marinda 22 November 2007 (has links)
Developing a point of orientation whereby users can navigate the Pretoria inner city. Integrating public resources to promote efficient and integrated public service delivery. Gateway to mark entry to the city at Boom street, along Paul Kruger street to act as a catalytic intervention for the regeneration of the northern district. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Architecture / unrestricted

A Secure Gateway Localization and Communication System for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Wang, Yan January 2013 (has links)
Intelligent Transport System (ITS) has become a hot research topic over the past decades. ITS is a system that applies the following technologies to the whole transportation management system efficiently, including information technique, wireless communication, sensor networks, control technique, and computer engineering. ITS provides an accurate, real time and synthetically efficient transportation management system. Obviously, Vehicular Ad Hoc NETworks (VANETs) attract growing attention from both the research community and industry all over the world. This is because a large amount of applications are enabled by VANETs, such as safety related applications, traffic management, commercial applications and general applications. When connecting to the internet or communicating with different networks in order to access a variety of services using VANETs, drivers and passengers in different cars need to be able to exchange messages with gateways from their vehicles. A secure gateway discovery process is therefore critical, because vehicles should not be subject to security attacks while they are communicating; however, currently there is no existing protocol focusing on secure gateway discovery. In this thesis, we first analyze and compare current existing secure service discovery protocols and then we propose a Secure Gateway Localization and Communication System for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (SEGAL), which concentrates on the security issue in gateway discovery. We focus on the authentication aspect by proposing secure cluster based VANETs, that can ensure the gateway discovery messages exchanged through secure clusters. We present the principle and specific process of our SEGAL protocol and analyze its performance to guarantee its outstanding practical applicability.

Propojení sítí IEEE 802.15.4 a Ethernet / Interconnection of IEEE 802.15.4 and Ethernet networks

Pavlata, Karel January 2011 (has links)
Táto práca sa venuje probému prepojovania rôznych typov sietí, konkrétne sietí typu IEEE 802.15.4 a Ethernetu. Motivácia vychádza zo stále sa rozširujúceho využitia bezdrátových senzorických sietí, potreby zberu dát z nich a ich integrácie. To vyžaduje aby sieť obsahovala prvky schopné preniesť dáta z bezdrátovej siete do okolitého sveta a prípadne poskytnúť konfiguračné a riadiace informácie do vnútra siete. Z hľadiska protokolov a programového vybavenia sa prepojenie uskutočňuje na rôznej úrovni, od sieťovej až po aplikačnú vrstvu komunikačného modelu ISO/OSI, s podporou hardvéru na fyzickej a linkovej vrstve.

Gateway pro připojení řídící jednotky ohřívače vody do cloudu prostřednictvím domácí WiFi / Gateway connecting a water heater controller to a cloud through a home WiFi

Zrzavý, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis is about concept of gateway connection a water heater controller to a cloud through a home Wi-Fi network. In the first part, possible solutions of Wi-Fi gateway are described. The next part describes development of the gateway and its realization.

Gateway pro připojení řídící jednotky ohřívače vody do cloudu prostřednictvím domácí WiFi / Gateway connecting a water heater controller to a cloud through a home WiFi

Zrzavý, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis is about concept of gateway connection a water heater controller to a cloud through a home Wi-Fi network. In the first part, possible solutions of Wi-Fi gateway are described. The next part describes development of the hardware and software of gateway and its realization.

Configuration and device identification on networkgateways / Konfiguration och enhetsidentifiering på nätverksgateways

Kers, Simon January 2013 (has links)
To set up port forwarding rules on network gateways, certain technical skills are requiredfrom end-users. These assumptions in the gateway software stack, can lead to an increasein support calls to network operators and resellers of customer premises equipment. Theuser interface itself is also an important part of the product and a complicated interfacewill contribute to a lessened user experience. Other issues with an overwhelming userinterface include the risk of faulty configuration by the user, potentially leaving the networkvulnerable to attacks.We present an enhancement of the current port forwarding configuration in the gatewaysoftware, with an extensible library of presets along with usability improvements. To helpusers with detecting available services, a wrapper for a network scanner is implemented, fordetecting devices and services on the local network. These parts combined relieves end-usersof looking up forwarding rules for ports and protocols to configure their gateway, basingtheir decisions on data collected by the network scanner or by using an applications nameinstead of looking up its ports. Another usability improvement is an internal DNS service,which enables access to the gateway interface through a human-memorable domain name,instead of using the LAN IP address.Using the Nmap utility for identifying services on the network, could be consideredharmful activity by network admins and intrusion detection systems. The preset libraryis extensible and generic enough to be included in the default software suite shipping withthe network equipment. Working within the unified configuration system of OpenWrt, thepreset design will add value and allow resellers to easily customize it to their services. Thisproposal could reduce support costs for the service operators and improve user experiencein configuring network gateways. / Vid portmappning i nätverksgateways krävs det vissa tekniska förkunskaper av användaren.Höga krav på kunskapsnivå kan leda till ett ökat antal supportsamtal för återförsäljareoch nätverksoperatörer. Användargränssnittet i sig är också en viktig del i produkten ochett komplicerat gränssnitt bidrar till försämrad användarupplevelse. Övriga problem medkomplicerade användargränssnitt är risken för felaktig konfiguration, vilket kan försämraIT-säkerheten på nätverket.En förändring av nuvarande inställningar för portmappning presenteras, tillsammansmed ett utbyggbart bibliotek med förinställda regler, samt generella förbättringar av an-vändargränssnittet. Ytterligare förbättringar av användarvänligheten sker i form av nä-tadressöversättning, som möjliggör åtkomst till nätverksgateway via domännamn som ärenklare att minnas än IP adressens siffror. För att hjälpa användare med identifikationav enheter och att göra rätt inställningar, utvecklas en wrapper för en portskanner, somautomatiskt kan identifiera enheter och nättjänster på det lokala nätverket. Tillsammansunderlättar dessa delar för slutanvändaren, befriar den från att referera till regler för portaroch protokoll och möjliggör inställningar enbart genom att använda portskanning eller väljanamnet på önskad tjänst från en lista.Användandet av verktyget Nmap för att identifiera nättjänster på nätverket kan kommaatt betraktas som dataintrång av nätverksadministratörer och intrångdetekteringssystem.Konfigurationsfilerna med förinställningar är utbyggbar, fungerar och passar in tillräck-ligt bra för att levereras med standardmjukvaran. Via det centraliserade konfigurationssys-temet i OpenWrt, kommer utformningen av systemet med förinställningar för portmappningmöjliggöra för komplementering av återförsäljare, för att innefatta deras respektive nät-tjänster och enheter som kräver vidarebefodring av särskilda portar. Systemet kan minskasupportkostnader för bredbandsleverantörer och bidra till en förbättrad användarupplevelsevid konfiguration av nätverksgateways.

Differences of SMS gateway services : A performance analysis of two communication platforms implemented on an infrastructure based on ASP.NET Core 6

Erlandsson, Adam, Johnsson Thunell, Karl-Manne January 2022 (has links)
Background: When we use our phone to make a purchase, booking, or simply contact someone, we expect a quick response to acknowledge that our request has been sent and received. Today’s traffic requests are higher than ever, and will most likely continue to grow. This puts pressure on the communication platforms to keep up with the demand and continue to perform and deliver the requests within short time frames. Twilio and 46elks are two communication platforms that offer an SMS gateway service, and this thesis will take a deeper look at how they perform when implemented on an ASP.NET Core 6 web application.  Objectives: The goal of this thesis is to evaluate if there are any disparities or similarities between the two communication platform’s SMS gateway services regarding performance. The performance quality attributes are focused on time behaviour, CPU utilization, and RAM usage. Method: Comparing two communication platforms by using a quasi-experiment. A web application was developed with ASP.NET Core 6 to handle incoming SMS bookings. With the provided data from the SMS, it created and stored the booking. Once done, a confirmation SMS was delivered to the Sender. The performance quality attributes were stored and collected for evaluation of each incoming SMS during the experiments. Results: Overall, Twilio had a longer time behaviour and higher RAM usage compared to 46elks, but Twilio had a lower CPU utilization compared to 46elks. Conclusions: The time behaviour and CPU utilization between the two communication platforms were significant different. Interesting findings were that when injecting a higher workload on the web application, the performance improved in two quality attributes, RAM usage and time behaviour, for both communication platforms.

IPv6 Home Automation

Hådén, Thor January 2009 (has links)
Home automation is the systematic controlling and monitoring of everyday home devices such as lighting, heating, window blinds and appliances (both white goods and home electronics). This report describes how to control and monitor home appliances over IPv6 by using existing home automation hardware and an Internet connected gateway. There are many commercial home automation systems available. However, these are often proprietary and/or designed for limited use. This project seeks to pave the way for IP-enabling home appliances, making such devices part of the Internet. Therefore, these devices can individually be controlled both from within the home and remotely. Internet enabling each of these devices eliminates the need for special Internet connected control units, simplifying home automation and hopefully giving yet another incentive to deploy IPv6 on a larger scale. The practical goal of this project has been to create a virtual, but practically usable, IPv6 home automation system. This has been done using existing simple home automation hardware tied to a gateway relaying uniquely addressed IPv6 command messages to the appropriate device. This gateway's only function will be to translate IPv6 commands to whatever interface the device being controlled is using (this includes translating to and from the appropriate link and physical layers). Using this platform, new applications can be created by enabling the devices to interact without relying on a central control node. The report also describes the basic design ideas of a computer connected interface to also relay information from the home automation system to the Internet. / Hemautomation handlar om att styra och övervaka vanliga funktioner i hemmet såsom belysning, värme, persienner samt apparater såsom vitvaror och hemelektronik. Denna rapport beskriver hur man kan styra och övervaka sådana apparater över IPv6 genom att använda existerande hemautomationssystem och en internetansluten gateway. Det finns många tillgängliga hemautomationssystem men dessa är ofta tillverkarspecifika och/eller bara designade för väldigt specifika syften. Syftet med detta projekt är att bana väg för att få apparater i hemmet att kommunicera via IP och göra dem internetanslutna. På så sätt kan apparaterna styras både inom hemmet men även från andra platser. Genom att göra varje apparat internetansluten krävs ingen central internetansluten styrenhet, vilket skulle göra hemautomation enklare och bidra med ytterligare en bra anledning att implementera IPv6 på större skala. Målet för detta projekt har varit att skapa en virtuell, användbar prototyp av ett hemautomationssystem för IPv6. Detta har gjorts genom att använda existerande hårdvara för hemautomation och en PCbaserad gateway som översätter kontrollkommandon från IPv6 till det hemautomationssystem som används. Detta innebär att överföra data mellan olika länk- och fysiska lager. Genom att använda denna plattform kan man skapa nya applikationer där apparaterna kommunicerar mellan varandra utan att förlita sig på en central styrenhet. Denna rapport beskriver också grunderna för hur ett datorgränssnitt kan överföra information från anslutna apparater i hemmet till Internet.

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