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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

JÄMSTÄLLDHETEN – ETT PROBLEM ELLER EN VISION? En analys av kvinnorepresentationens påverkan på jämställdhetspolitiken i kommunen

Andersson, Emmie, Halldan, Ellinor January 2018 (has links)
The municipalities are important actors in the struggle to achieve gender equality. The main purpose of this study is to compare two municipalities, one with a higher representation of women and one with a lower representation in the political assemblies. We want to determine if there´s a difference in the way that the municipalities approach and define their gender equality work. To answer these questions we have divided our study into three different analyses. Based on previous research, our hypothesis is that in the municipality with a higher degree of women's representation, gender equality will be mentioned more often in political meetings (analysis one). We also assume that this municipality will have a more norm-critical approach in it´s gender equality plan (analysis two) and that the result will be reflected in the municipality's annual report (analysis three). The method of this study is a comparative analysis based on the most similar system design. The municipalities studied are Gällivare, which has a high representation of women and Arboga that has a low representation of women in the political assemblies. The overall findings of the first two analyses indicate that women´s representation doesn’t have a positive impact on how often gender equality is adressed and that women´s representation doesn´t lead to a more norm-critical approach in the gender equality plan. The results of the third analysis doesn´t reflect the result of the first two. On the contrary it indicates that the representation of women actually can have an effect on the municipality's gender equality focus. When all three of the analyses are taken into account we find that neither of the municipalities prioritize gender equality work.

Omvälvning eller invävning : En sociologisk undersökning av Feministiskt Initiativs partiprogram / To Overturn or Integrate : A sociological studie of the political platform of Feministiskt Initiativ

Öborn Regin, David January 2015 (has links)
Denna masteruppsats är en sociologisk diskursanalytiskt inspirerad undersökning av Feministiskt Initiativs partiprogram. Undersökningen syftar till att se på den världsbild som målas upp i partiprogrammet utifrån termer om invävning och omvälvning. Både gällande politiska diskurser och avseende människan som varelse. Undersökningens frågeställningar är: 1) Vilken verklighet konstrueras i Feministiskt Initiativs partiprogram avseende, a) politik, b) världen, c) människans jämställdhet? 2) Hur kan de konstruktionerna förstås utifrån ett perspektiv av omvälvning eller invävning? Utöver det spåras också konturerna av en normgestalt som utgör modellen för hur den jämställda personen bör vara, eller vem man bör sträva efter att vara för att kunna få uttala sig som en sådan. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i partirogrammets inledningstext som getts en särskild vikt, och har utgjort stommen för undersökningen. Resten av programmet, såväl till sin utforming, omfattning och direkta formuleringar, har fungerat som stödjande och fördjupande av de tolkningar som görs utifrån inledningstexten. De världsbilder som framträder har analyserats utifrån sociologiska teorier kring identitet, kön, makt, och politik. Utifrån det görs analyser kring huruvida programmets världsbild kan ses som försöka inväva perspektiv i den etablerade ordningen, eller försöka omvälva den. Resultatet visar på att det inte finns en direkt enhetlig världsbild i partiprogrammet, utan snarare liknande slitningar som återfinns i den feministiska teoridebatten. Dock finns det ett stark fokus på kön som en överordnad politisk utgångspunkt, och kopplingar till en etablerad upplysnings- och frigörelsetradition. Partiprogrammet går också att tolka som sprunget ur modernitetens identitetsprojekt. Det finns också en relativt stark tendens som betonar vikten av formell kunskap och utbildning för att frigöra människans potential. Min analys av den jämställda personen pekar på att det är en bildad och kulturell person som på ett distanserat vis kan se och avslöja diskriminerande strukturer. Det är de perspektiven som bör vävas in i den etablerade politiska diskursen och de personerna som ska placeras in på den etablerade politiska arenan. Avslutningsvis pekar uppsatsen ut fler olika riktningar som kan undersökas vidare, framförallt kring hur förhandlingar kring världsbilder och utsagopositioner kan föras inom inom en politisk rörelse, i bredare bemärkelse. / This master degree paper is a sociological investigation of the political platform from the Swedish party Feministiskt Initiativ (feminist initiative). The paper is made with an discourse theoretical influence, aiming to explore the views of the world that are constructed in the platform, in terms of overturning and integrating, in regards of political discourses and the human as a being. The papers handle the research questions 1) What pictures of reality is constructed in the political platform regarding a) politics, b) the world, c) human equality? 2) How could those constructions be understood in terms of overturning or integration? Besides that does the paper aim to trace the outline of a role model for the equal person in the platform: how should one be, and who should one strive to be, in order to get the authority to speak on equality issues? The main focus for this paper is the opening text in the platform, which serves as the foundation of this investigation. The rest of the program, form as well as content, serves as supporting and a way to deepen the analysis made from the introductory text. The view of the world as it appears in the platform has been analysed with mainly sociological theories regarding identity, gender, power and politics. According to those views is the question raised whether the view of the world in the platform can be seen as a way to integrate new perspective in the current order of things, or rather to overturn the same. The findings indicate that there is not one uniform view of the world in the platform, but several, which also can be found in the feministic academic debate. There are however a main focus on gender as political subject, and a strong connection to an emancipatory and liberating tradition. There is also a tendency in the platform to stress the importance of formal knowledge and education as tools to see trough discriminating structures, to set the human potential free. My analysis point to an outline of the equal person as a literate and cultivated person, and that it is that kind of person that the platform recommends us to integrate in the established political arenas. Lastly, the paper points towards several directions for further investigation, mainly about how negotiations regarding views of the world and spokes position are made in a political movement, in its wider sense.

Maybe your comment will help her dial the trust number : What do the attitudes on social media tell us about the situation of women in Tajikistan?

Osmanovic, Semira January 2021 (has links)
The ever-growing digital takeover of society fosters new platforms for opinion formation, transforming the traditional way of interacting and practising activism. However, while online activism has been successful in western parts of the world, its importance has not been as widely acknowledged in places such as Central Asia in relation to feminism. Consequently, this study aims to draw attention to the online activism on feminism within the context of Tajikistan and, through attitudes expressed on Instagram, examine the present-day obstacles that women face. Coloured by patriarchal values and limited space for feminism, Tajikistan provides an interesting case for studying the former and situation of activism on gender equality in general. This study was carried out through the qualitative content approach where 38 Instagram posts containing various aspects of women and gender, were analysed through the lens of patriarchy and women's empowerment. The findings revealed attitudes condemning patriarchal norms and calling for greater gender equality and empowerment of women. Said implied a distressing situation for women in Tajikistan, suggesting very few transformative steps, while the prevalence of online activism insinuated, minor, but significant steps for the feminist struggle in Tajikistan.

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