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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Navegantes e surfistas: as curvaturas do ciberespaço nas vizinhanças dos portais / Sailors and surfers

Marco Antônio Macedo Gutierrez 29 March 2007 (has links)
De um território livre, construído em torno dos princípios da liberdade e da colaboração um ambiente onde pode ser exercida a liberdade de ser (ou parecer), de dizer (ou escrever) e de ouvir (ou ler), para o bem ou para o mal, a massificação do uso da Internet tem constituído um espaço social (virtual) contraditório e diversificado, onde forças cuja vocação parece ser homogeneizar (e possivelmente pasteurizar) esse território livre da diferença têm sido postas em cena. Dentre essas forças, lugar especial é ocupado pelo que se convencionou chamar portais de interesse geral. Tais sites, ao procurar responder a diferentes interesses, de modo a assegurar que o máximo possível de anseios de seus usuários seja satisfeito sem a necessidade de navegarem para fora dos seus domínios, são construídos como empreendimentos cujo sucesso requer o controle do comportamento de navegação dos usuários o que, neste caso, não pode ser feito senão através do discurso (persuasivo). A hipótese que salta aos olhos é evidente: e se este não for apenas um controle pelo discurso, mas um controle do discurso? A premissa é, evidentemente, que tais sites constituem uma categoria especial de artefatos de linguagem produzidos no interior de eventos comunicativos bem determinados, isto é, um gênero emergente do discurso. Assim, o objetivo primário da presente pesquisa consistiu em determinar como o modo de funcionamento discursivo do portal contribui para afetar os hábitos de navegação dos seus usuários, curvando e distorcendo o ciberespaço nas suas vizinhanças. Para isso procuramos abordar o que chamamos atratores retóricos, isto é, aquelas estratégias (discursivas) destinadas a seduzir, convencer ou mesmo fraudar os usuários de modo a assegurar sua permanência na órbita dos portais, fazendo desses websites vetores da ordem do discurso, um elemento de controle do caos típico do ciberespaço, um agente de exorcismo da diferença e subjugação do discurso desenfreado. / The starting point for this reasearch is a free-space built around principles of freedom and cooperation, an environment where may be exerted freedom of being (or pretend), of saying (or writting) and of listening (or reading). The massive growth in use of Internet has built, for better or worse, a social (virtual) contradictorial and varied space. Here certain strenghths have been at work, whoose purpose seems to be homogenise (or possibly pasteurise) a land-free-of-difference. Among these, a special place is occupied by what has been called general interests portals. The latter websites seek to provide answers to several desires. Their aim is to ensure that the most probable wishes of its users are satisfied inside its domains. Thus these websites are built as enterprises, whoose success depends upon the users navigational behavior control. In this particular case this cannot be achieved except by (persuasive) discourse. My research hipothesis might thus have easily seen: what if this is not just a control done through discourse but also a control of discourse? What we assume here is, evidently, that such websites form a special category of language artifacts created inside determined communicative events, e. g., an emerging discoursive genre. Thus the primary objective of the present research was to determine whether the portals discourse functioning mode contributed in altering the navigation habits of its users, bending and distorting cyberspace in its surroundings. Therefore, an effort was made to focus on what have been defined as rhetoric atractors. These are those (discoursive) strategies meant to seduce, convince or even deceive the users in order to assure their permancence in the portals orbit. These strategies, in turn, make the same websites carriers of the order of discourse, an element that controls the typical chaos of the cyberspace, an agent of exorcism of difference and domination of the un restrained discourse

Navegantes e surfistas: as curvaturas do ciberespaço nas vizinhanças dos portais / Sailors and surfers

Marco Antônio Macedo Gutierrez 29 March 2007 (has links)
De um território livre, construído em torno dos princípios da liberdade e da colaboração um ambiente onde pode ser exercida a liberdade de ser (ou parecer), de dizer (ou escrever) e de ouvir (ou ler), para o bem ou para o mal, a massificação do uso da Internet tem constituído um espaço social (virtual) contraditório e diversificado, onde forças cuja vocação parece ser homogeneizar (e possivelmente pasteurizar) esse território livre da diferença têm sido postas em cena. Dentre essas forças, lugar especial é ocupado pelo que se convencionou chamar portais de interesse geral. Tais sites, ao procurar responder a diferentes interesses, de modo a assegurar que o máximo possível de anseios de seus usuários seja satisfeito sem a necessidade de navegarem para fora dos seus domínios, são construídos como empreendimentos cujo sucesso requer o controle do comportamento de navegação dos usuários o que, neste caso, não pode ser feito senão através do discurso (persuasivo). A hipótese que salta aos olhos é evidente: e se este não for apenas um controle pelo discurso, mas um controle do discurso? A premissa é, evidentemente, que tais sites constituem uma categoria especial de artefatos de linguagem produzidos no interior de eventos comunicativos bem determinados, isto é, um gênero emergente do discurso. Assim, o objetivo primário da presente pesquisa consistiu em determinar como o modo de funcionamento discursivo do portal contribui para afetar os hábitos de navegação dos seus usuários, curvando e distorcendo o ciberespaço nas suas vizinhanças. Para isso procuramos abordar o que chamamos atratores retóricos, isto é, aquelas estratégias (discursivas) destinadas a seduzir, convencer ou mesmo fraudar os usuários de modo a assegurar sua permanência na órbita dos portais, fazendo desses websites vetores da ordem do discurso, um elemento de controle do caos típico do ciberespaço, um agente de exorcismo da diferença e subjugação do discurso desenfreado. / The starting point for this reasearch is a free-space built around principles of freedom and cooperation, an environment where may be exerted freedom of being (or pretend), of saying (or writting) and of listening (or reading). The massive growth in use of Internet has built, for better or worse, a social (virtual) contradictorial and varied space. Here certain strenghths have been at work, whoose purpose seems to be homogenise (or possibly pasteurise) a land-free-of-difference. Among these, a special place is occupied by what has been called general interests portals. The latter websites seek to provide answers to several desires. Their aim is to ensure that the most probable wishes of its users are satisfied inside its domains. Thus these websites are built as enterprises, whoose success depends upon the users navigational behavior control. In this particular case this cannot be achieved except by (persuasive) discourse. My research hipothesis might thus have easily seen: what if this is not just a control done through discourse but also a control of discourse? What we assume here is, evidently, that such websites form a special category of language artifacts created inside determined communicative events, e. g., an emerging discoursive genre. Thus the primary objective of the present research was to determine whether the portals discourse functioning mode contributed in altering the navigation habits of its users, bending and distorting cyberspace in its surroundings. Therefore, an effort was made to focus on what have been defined as rhetoric atractors. These are those (discoursive) strategies meant to seduce, convince or even deceive the users in order to assure their permancence in the portals orbit. These strategies, in turn, make the same websites carriers of the order of discourse, an element that controls the typical chaos of the cyberspace, an agent of exorcism of difference and domination of the un restrained discourse

Le contrat au service de l’intérêt général : enjeux transnationaux / The contract in the service of general interest : transnational issues

Cabeleira De Araujo Monteiro de Castro Melo, Noemy 06 January 2017 (has links)
L’étude de l’utilisation du contrat au service de l’intérêt général dans la sphère transnationale vise à rendre compte de l’essor de la contractualisation dans les sociétés contemporaines. Elle témoigne aussi de la recherche de nouveaux instruments de droit susceptibles de garantir la promotion et le respect de l’intérêt général dans les relations transfrontières. Cette prise en considération de l’intérêt général concernant, par exemple, les droits de l’homme, la protection de l’environnement, les questions sociales et la lutte contre la corruption prend une portée transnationale en raison de l’ampleur de problèmes mondiaux ainsi que de la difficulté du droit international public et du droit international privé de fournir une réponse idoine à ces questions. Le contrat émerge ainsi comme un instrument de gouvernance des acteurs publics et privés. En outre, la gouvernance contractuelle révèle une tendance à penser le droit selon une approche pragmatique propre au « droit transnational » dans lequel l’analyse est centrée sur les effets de la norme et sa mise en oeuvre par ses destinataires. La première partie de ce travail analyse ce mouvement d’intégration de l’intérêt général dans le contrat. La promotion et la protection efficace de l’intérêt général contractualisé dépendent d’un encadrement du principe de l’autonomie de la volonté exprimée dans ces contrats. Le droit de contrats (national et international) fournit des instruments intéressants et il permet de prendre en compte les transformations constatées dans la fonction du contrat, ce qui est analysé en détail dans la deuxième partie de la thèse. / The study of the use of contracts for the benefit of general interest in the transnational sphere reflects the expansion of contractualisation in contemporary societies as well as the search for new legal instruments likely capable of guaranteeing the promotion and respect of general interest in cross-border relations. The coverage of general interest concerning, for example, human rights, environmental protection, social issues and the fight against corruption acquires a transnational scope because of the magnitude of global problems as well as the difficulty that public and private international law have in providing an appropriate response to these questions. The contract thus emerges as an instrument of governance for public and private actors. Moreover, contractual governance reveals atendency in thinking law within a pragmatic approach specific to "transnational law" inwhich the analysis is centered on the effects of the norm and its implementation by its recipients. The first part of this work analysis, the movement of integration of general interest in the contract. The promotion and effective protection of the contractualized general interest depends on the framing of the principle of freedom of choice expressed in these contracts. Contract Law (national and international) provides interesting instruments and also take into account the transformations found in the function of contracts, this is analyzed in detail in the second part of the thesis.

Des nullités en matière civile : essai de reconstitution d'une théorie en droit français et libanais en considération des perspectives européennes et internationales / Of nullities in civil matters : an endeavor of reconstructing a theory in French and Lebanese law taking into account the european and international perspectives

Al Khoury, Wissam 08 October 2011 (has links)
La théorie des nullités, telle qu'exercée aujourd'hui en Droit civil, souffre d'une grave incohérence tant dans sa conceptualisation que dans son application. Il serait adéquat de parler de "cumul de théories". Car, de toutes les théories qui ont été élaborées, nulle n'a réussi à s'imposer comme seule compétente à régir toute la matière, et aucune, en revanche, n'a été définitivement éradiquée de la pratique juridique. De l'inexistence, à la rescision, aux nullités relative, absolue, virtuelle, partielle, conventionnelle, unilatérale, les modules du système d'annulation s'entassent sans qu'ils constituent un ensemble homogène susceptible de former une théorie pertinente, digne de la réputation historique et mondiale du Code civil français. Dans le mouvement d'européanisation et de mondialisation de l'activité juridique et législative, d'une part, et à l'heure où le chantier de la réforme du droit des obligations et des contrats est lancé, d'autre part, il semble que seule une théorie de nullité débarrassée de toute classification astreignante et dogmatique saurait remédier aux difficultés que soulève l'inlassable variation des circonstances. Dans cette perspective, désencombrer la nullité nous amène à dépoussiérer le noyau de la théorie et à remettre en avant le principe du but de la loi. Ceci implique aussi un élargissement de l'imperium du magistrat pour faire valoir le but de la loi, soit pour assurer la sauvegarde de l'intérêt général ou de l'ordre public, soit pour renforcer la protection du contractant faible au contrat. / The theory of nullities, as exercised nowadays in civil Law, suffers from a severe incoherence as much in its conceptualization as in its applicafion. It would be adequate to talk of “accumulation of theories”. Since, of all the theories that have been elaborated, none has succeeded to impose itself as the only competent to cover the entire subject, and none, on the other side, has been definitely eradicated from the juridical practice. From the inexistence, to the rescission, to the relative, absolute, virtual, partial, conventional, unilateral nullities, the modules of the system of nullification accumulate without forming a homogenous set liable of forming an apt theory worth the historical and global reputation of the French civil Code. In light of the movement of Europeanization and globalization of the juridical and legislative activity from one part, and at the time when the site of the reform of the of the law of obligations and contracts has been launched, from the other part, it seems that only a theory of nullity free of any demanding and dogmatic classification would be able to remedy the difficulties arising from the tireless variation of circumstances. In this perspective, emancipating the nullity will lead us to dust the nucleus of the theory and put on forth the principle of the goal of the law. This also implies enlarging the “imperium” of the magistrate to emphasize the goal of the law, either to ensure the protection of the general interest or public order or to reinforce the protection of the contractor weak towards the contract.

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