Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1generation differences"" "subject:"4egeneration differences""
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Usability in three generations business support systems - Assessing perceived usability in the banking industryJonsson, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Background: The business support system has become a necessary tool for managing activities in any organization. Usability is a key area in realizing effectiveness and ensuring users to properly interact with the systems. Still, today, many systems fail in key areas such as gaining the acceptance of the end users. To understand how the systems in use are perceived by its end users is suggested to be a needed key capability to be successful. Aim: To assess perceived usability in three generations business support systems. This knowledge is further to be compared and connected to length of employment and how that factor affects perceived usability and preference to a specific system. Methodology: The study assumes a positivistic position based on a deductive approach. A quantitative strategy was assumed in order to support evidence connected to the three case systems, which were further contrasted by a comparative design. Empirical findings were based on self-completion questionnaires responded by fifty-nine employees of the retail division in a Nordic bank. Completions and results: Even if this study could not show evidence that length of employment affected which business support system an individual preferred in the case firm, it still had a significant effect on perceived usability in general. In general it was shown that respondents who had been employed for a longer time assessed the usability factors of the systems higher than the category of short time employees.
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Generation Y : En studie om vad som motiverar yngre medarbetare / Generation Y : A study about what motivates young employeesAbdulreda, Alico, Giba, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
De senaste 30 åren har tekniken gjort allt större framsteg vilket har lett till att människan idag är mer beroende av den. Människor från de äldre generationerna måste lära sig hur den nya tekniken fungerar medan den yngre generationen inte behöver lika lång lärotid för att förstå den i och med att de är uppväxta med den nya tekniken. På grund av att de olika generationerna har olika uppväxter har det resulterat i att de resonerar olika. För att en organisation ska ha en god framtid är medarbetarna en viktig tillgång. Den yngre generation identifieras som generation Y eller Millenials och är redan en viktig del av arbetsmarknaden. Genom att lära sig hur generation Y resonerar och ta reda på hur de motiveras, samt hur man leder dem kan innebära en fördel som kan ha en positiv påverkan på organisationen. I denna kvalitativa forskningsansats undersöks hur generation Y fungerar, vad som påverkar dem och hur de resonerar. Studien utgår från två frågeställningar; vad det är som motiverar yngre medarbetare och vilken typ av ledarskap som ska användas för att motivera unga medarbetare. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur yngre medarbetare motiveras och hur de ska ledas inom organisationen. Studien är en fallstudiedesign där arbetets teoretiska referensram bygger på vetenskapliga artiklar. Teorierna och modellerna redovisar hur yttre samt inre motivation påverkar individens motivation, skillnaden de två motivationsteorierna Selfdetermination Theoryoch Cognitive Evaluation Theory för att senare utgå från studier om hur de olika generationerna resonerar och avslutas med olika ledarskapsmodeller som visar vilka faktorer som en ledare ska ta hänsyn till för att kunna leda generation Y. Vidare består undersökningsmetoden för det empiriska underlaget av semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att få information om vad som motiverar den yngre generationen och vilka ledaregenskaper en ledare ska ha. Respondenterna består av fem chefer från olika generationer och fem medarbetare inom generation Y. Studiens slutsats visar att individer inom generation Y motiveras främst av inre motivation. Inre motivation innebär att individen deltar i aktiviteten för sin egen skull, för att han eller hon är intresserad av den samt för tillfredställelsen. Den faktor som påverkar individer inom generation Y är främst relationen till chefer och kollegor. Vidare visade det sig att individer inom generation Y har ett större behov av en förstärkt inre motivation samt uppmuntran och uppmärksamhet. Individer inom generation Y ser främst att arbetsuppgifterna är roliga och utmanande då de motiverar individen att arbeta. För att leda individer inom generation Y finns det inget specifikt ledarskap som fungerar bäst. Studien visar att chefer ska anpassa sin ledarskapsstil för att kunna tillfredsställa de krav som generation Y har på arbetslivet. De ledarskapsfaktorer som är viktigast för en ledare är att kunna kommunicera med sina medarbetare där ledaren ska framföra saker och ting på ett tydligt sätt samt att stödja, vägleda och uppmuntra sina medarbetare. / Generation Y or Millennials are people born 1980-1999. They are raised with a more advanced technology like no other generation before them. The technology has affected the individuals from generation Y in a way which has led them to become impatience. Studies have shown that people in generation Y are very emotional compared to other generations before them. Individuals from generation Y are already entering the labour market. Studies have shown that if an organisation wants to have a bright future the employees are a very important access. A leader who knows how to motivate and lead his co-workers has a great asset which may have a positive impact on the organisation. The purpose of this study is to understand what motivates people who are included in generation Y and what kind of leadership suits them best. Most of the theoretical framework came from scientific articles with theories and models of motivation and leadership for generation Y. Semi-structured interviews were chosen for the research method to get right information. The result of the study showed that generation Y is mostly motivated by inner motivation and prefer a leader who can adapt to the many work situations that can occur in the organisations.
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Motivation, work values, organisational commitment and job satisfaction : age and generational cohort effects.Nkomo, Emmanuel 03 March 2014 (has links)
Since the year 2000, younger workers born after 1980 have been entering the South African workforce in large numbers. The experienced Baby Boomer generation, born between 1945 and 1964 has started leaving the workplace in retirement. With organisations currently facing the challenge of skills shortages in some professions/trades, it is important for organisations to recognise the potential influence of work values on attitudes and behaviours at work in order to retain staff and groom future leaders. Different Generations are assumed to bring their own norms and values into the work place and an understanding of what motivates these different generations will ensure that organisations better plan retention strategies. As South Africa receives the latest generation of workers (Generation Y) into the work force, managers need to be encouraged to deal with the potential generational differences among workers. The purpose of this quantitative study was to research and examine the relationship between age, sources of motivation, work values, organisational commitment and job satisfaction across generations in the South African work force. A research model was developed to test theory on generational differences. Cohort membership was hypothesised to influence motivation, work values, organisational commitment and job satisfaction. Work values and sources of motivation were also hypothesised to influence organisational commitment and job satisfaction. A quantitative study was conducted to investigate the association between age (which represented cohort membership) and sources of motivation, work values, organisational commitment and job satisfaction. The study was designed to answer the main question: Are there significant differences in sources of motivation, work values, organisational commitment and job satisfaction across the three generations found in the South African workforce today? Data were collected using both an on line and hard copy questionnaire distributed to corporate companies that participate in career exhibitions at the University of the Witwatersrand. Data were analysed using SPSS software version 19 and 20.The findings largely confirm previous findings which suggest that there are significant differences between generations in sources of motivation, work values, organisational commitment and job satisfaction. Consistent with research, older workers, Baby Boomers were found to have higher job satisfaction than younger workers. An interesting finding of this study was that contrary to research literature, younger workers, generation Y, were found to have higher organisational commitment than Baby Boomers and generation X.
Consistent with previous studies, Baby Boomers were found to have higher levels intrinsic work
values than both generation X and Y. The results indicate that there are differences between
generations and this has implications for Human Resource practitioners and researchers. Based on
the findings of this research, further research is warranted specifically in understanding
organisational commitment across generations.
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Mental violence and Chinese new educated youth : a study of workplace conflict in modern ChinaZhang, Xiaoying January 2012 (has links)
Mental Violence in present study is similar to a western concept, bullying. But is has its characteristics, forms and causes in Chinese workplace. It is a form of indirect interpersonal aggression and identified through the perceptions of its receivers. It does not involving touching receivers physically but is psychologically damaging. It exists between individuals of equal status, such as colleagues. Moreover, it is a two-way phenomenon, which could be reversible. Mental Violence may be the result of a conflict of values. It is particularly evident among the Chinese New Educated Youth. Chinese New Educated Youth is that cohort of young people who were partly Confucian and Collectivistic for emphasizing harmony but also partly Individualistic and Westernized for pursuing personal goals. For this cohort, the above two orientations were incompatible and dissonant leading to stress. Furthermore, they had a competitive lifestyle which was no longer supported by the welfare of a planned economy this exacerbates their stress. To relieve stress, Mental Violence was employed in their daily contacts, e.g. in workplaces. The evidence in support of this account was discussed and evaluated. There is no excuse for any violence. However, we have to say sometimes a kind of violence is not always too noxious for someone, such as the sender of violence. To some limited extent, violence could be considered as positive and it at least helped people to relieve stress and recover a balance from unbalanced situation. Mental Violence is such violence. It is a result of negotiation and a side effect of stress as well. Nevertheless, most of things are double-edged swords. Mental Violence is no exception. For the sender, it might be a buffer and makes him or her relaxed; for the receiver, it is absolutely negative, discomfort and even aggressive. For helping readers to clearly understand such violence, and for advising others to raise their awareness of the violence, this study would explore its causes and characteristics. From ancient traditional society to the present modern one, Confucianism and Collectivism afterwards represent a kind of gentle culture which deeply influences traditional Chinese. Chinese traditional philosophy, such as Confucianism and Taoism, stresses the significance of the harmony relationship for the growing, maturing and success of the Chinese. Chinese New Educated Youth who were disciplined for such a culture in thoughts and behaviours while growing up. Therefore, to keep harmony and to avoid conflict becomes a key characteristic for Chinese interactions in a collective society. However, the opening policy to the West world exposed China to the influence of Individualism which is absolutely unlike Confucian or Collectivism. Confucianism s influence has been challenged by Westernized values because of globalization. The difference between two values made Chinese New Educated Youth confused in their thoughts and appropriate behaviours in interpersonal relationships. To recover a balance, they need to relieve such a stress from the confusion and other stressors as well. While using the two value systems in interaction with others, Mental Violence usually happened. Therefore, the conflict of two different values in dealing with social relationship became one cause for Mental Violence. In present research, I tried to reveal Mental Violence, a particular kind of daily conflict in interactions among modern Chinese. For pursuing why Chinese New Educated Youth was special and experienced Mental Violence often, they were compared with other generations in China. Therefore, this research invited participants from three generations (Chinese New Educated Youth, the older generation who were born before 1970s, and the younger generation who were born in 1980s) and from different cities in China. Participants occupations covered different professions, and all of them worked in three sizes of offices (small, big and single). Both of qualitative and quantitative data collecting methods were used in the study. They contained semi-structural interviewing and filling up the questionnaire. And main methods of data analysis are factor analysis, correlation and Thematic Analysis. The result indicated that Mental Violence of Chinese educated youth occurred in workplace was the most often, but was largely unseen by people outside of the group. Because I had to establish why this cohort would be inclined to apply more Mental Violence in daily life, I compared them with their previous generation and the later generation through measuring demographics, westernised, individualism and collectivism. Three generations are different in the Individualism-Collectivism tendency. Chinese New Educated Youth were always in the middle. They were seemed as partly Collectivistic and partly Individualistic. Linked with categories of Mental Violence Chinese New Educated Youth usually experienced, it seems they applied double standards to deal with social interactions. Due to such standards made them failed in establishing good relationships with colleagues, in other words, whatever Chinese New Educated Youth or their colleagues did not feel happy in their social interactions, it means Chinese New Educated Youth have conflict in Individualism-Collectivism tendency. Otherwise, through the investigation, I noticed significant demographical difference other than the generation in experiencing Mental Violence. Male participants reported experiencing Mental Violence more than female ones. The higher education the participant got, the more he or she experienced Mental Violence. Comparing with other occupations, intellectual respondents reported sending Mental Violence the most. Participants who worked as staffs experienced Mental Violence more than people who worked as administrators in the workplace. And people who were singles experienced Mental Violence the most in workplace. Because conflict of relationship seems a sensitive topic for Chinese, I started interviews from talking about overviews of participants workplaces with them. Therefore, the result also shows characteristics of structure and social relationship of Chinese modern offices. China had lot of small size offices in which 2 to 10 staffs worked. Small offices organised small relative closed groups. In such a group, staffs had long time for face to face interaction everyday. Such offices were much more than single offices where only one person worked in and big offices where more than ten persons in. Both of the above characteristics of workplace are not beneficial for physical aggressions as previous study proved but could considered as a structural factor for Mental Violence. Actually, the Mental Violence which reported occurring in small offices is the most often, especially among Chinese New Educated Youth. Hope this research could be a model for further more thorough relevant study. All of the above would be a step towards further study on Mental Violence and Chinese New Educated Youth.
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