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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grundvattenpotential i Västerviks kommun : Geostatistiska metoder i en GIS-miljö / Groundwater resource potential for Västerviks municipality : Geostatistical methods in a GIS environment

Andersson Cada, Emil January 2018 (has links)
In this study, groundwater resource potential (GRP) for Västervik municipality has been investigated using the methodology developed in the article by Earon et al. (2015). The aim was to test the reliability of the methodology for groundwater mapping, as to further add to the knowledge base of groundwater access. The GRP-methodology is a linear additive multicriteria analysis where geohydrological indicators are scored, classified into groups, then multiplied by weights calculated using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The classification and validation were performed against specific capacity [L/(h*m)], which is a well's capacity calculated at drilling, per meter well. GRP was calculated in different sets based on 13 geohydrological variables such as altitude and Topographic Wetness Index (TWI). The results included correlation tests for Kendall's tau (0.06-0.13), Spearmans rho (0.09-0.19) with a total accuracy of 52-55%. Positive but low values ​​for Cohen´s kappa indicated that all calculations performed better than a random generator, but not by margin. Calculations of VIP (Variables importance on PLS projection), based on Partial Least Squares (PLS), identified Altitude, Earth type, Drainage density and TWI as the most influential indicators for the analysis.The conclusions of this study were, among other things, that the GRP methodology had low predictivity due to the weak relationships between the indicators and the specific capacity. The weaknesses could also be due to the fact that specific capacity has weaknesses as a validation variable for groundwater resource potential linked to uncertainties of the capacity measured at wellbore. The study shows that further development of the weighting scheme by integrating PLS would be beneficial, as PLS calculates the variance of the indicators based on the specific capacity, instead of assuming it as a PCA. / I denna studie har grundvattenresurspotential (GRP) för Västerviks kommun undersökts med hjälp av metodik från artikeln av Earon et al.(2015). Metodiken användes för att ta fram översiktligt underlag till grundvattenresursplanering på ett billigt och effektivt sätt och är därför av intresse för beslutsfattare och konsulter. Exempel för dessa användningsområden är bland annat vid grundvattenresursplanering och vid brunnsborrning. Syftet var att testa metodikens pålitlighet för grundvattenkartläggning. Endast öppen data användes i undersökningen vilket krävde små insatser jämfört med traditionell kartering. Stora möjligheter finns därmed vid användande av metodiken för grundvattenresursplanering och brunnsborrning.  Metodiken är baserad på en linjärt additiv multikriterieanalys där indikatorer såsom altitud, topografiskt fuktighetsindex (TWI) och bergarter poängsätts, klassificeras i grupper, för att sedan multipliceras med vikter beräknade med hjälp av principalkomponent analys (PCA). Klassificeringen och valideringen utfördes gentemot specifik kapacitet [L/(h*m)], vilket är en brunns kapacitet beräknad vid borrning, per meter brunnsdjup, hämtad från SGUs brunnsarkiv. Brunnarna delades slumpartat upp i 70 % kalibreringsbrunnar och 30 % valideringsbrunnar. GRP beräknades i olika varianter utifrån 13 variabler (altitud, lutning, relativ altitud, avstånd till sjöar/hav, avstånd till vattendrag, avstånd till lineament, avstånd till nodpunkter, bergarter, jordarter, dräneringstäthet, avstånd till geologiska övergångslinjer, jorddjup och TWI). Resultaten från korrelationstester för Kendalls tau var mellan 0,06-0,13 och för Spearmans rho mellan 0.09-0.19, samt en total noggrannhet på 52-55 %. Positiva men låga värden för Cohens kappa indikerade att alla beräkningar överträffade slumpen, men inte med marginal. Beräkningar av VIP (Variables importance on PLS projektion), utifrån PLS (Partial Least Squares) identifierade altitud, jordart, dräneringsdensitet och TWI som de mest inflytelserika indikatorerna för analysen.  Slutsatserna i denna studie var bland annat att GRP-metodiken hade låg prediktionsförmåga som sannolikt berodde på de svaga sambanden mellan indikatorerna och den specifika kapaciteten. De svaga sambanden kunde också bero på att specifik kapacitet har svagheter som valideringsvariabel för grundvattenresurspotential, kopplat till hur kapaciteten mätts vid brunnsborrning. Studien visar att en vidareutveckling av viktningsmetodiken genom att integrera PLS skulle vara fördelaktigt, eftersom PLS beräknar indikatorernas varians utifrån den specifika kapaciteten, istället för att anta sambandet som PCA.

Urban Policy Implications on the Electric Vehicle Transition in Berlin and Washington, DC

Sänger, Tina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis argues for an approach which goes beyond the conventional urban climate governance view. With engagement in social-technical practices, a more sustainable and inclusive way of transforming the city can be accomplished. One way of doing so is with the offering of the urban living lab as a playground for real-life experiments. With a purposive intervention in an urban socio-technical system, the three- dimensional concept of urban environmental governance, socio-technical experiments and strategic experiments with designed policies can create a more sustainable urban transition. The urban electric vehicle transition is just one example of how these three concepts can be applied. In order to demonstrate the interaction of a sustainable urban transition, an empirical case study was conducted.   This thesis makes a conceptual contribution by engaging with current understanding of urban sustainability transition, using the urban electric vehicle transition as a reference point. The insights of this study extend the theories of the socio-technical system and argue that it is not only about social and technological innovation but how multiple innovations are experimented with and combined in an existing urban context. In addition, the research addresses how this transition is governed on a municipality level and is achieved through a multiple case study approach, analysed through the lens of environmental governance and offers an empirical exploration and develops the theoretical and conceptual framework of the socio-technical system further.

Mineralogical speciation of sulfur in acid sulfate soils from Luleå, Sweden

Gunnarsson, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
Marine sulfide – bearing sediments that oxidize when in contact with oxygen and leach outelements in high concentrations to small watercourses have been a problem for many years allover the world especially around the Bothnian Bay. The purpose of this study was to furtherinvestigate the sulfur mineralogy present in acid sulfate soils in the area of Luleå, Sweden. Asecondary aim was to see if elements leach out and accumulate in an acid sulfate soil closer tothe recipient. Samples were taken in two profiles (one oxidized and one waterlogged) fromfour sites (sites A-D) and were analyzed for whole rock geochemistry. Two sites were furtherinvestigated for mineralogy in polished samples with an optical microscope, Ramanspectroscopy and SEM-EDS. Each profile consisted of three layers: oxidation zone, transitionzone and reduced zone. The oxidation zone above the groundwater table was light grey withbrown iron hydroxide staining. Parts that lied under the water table were dark grey-black within general strong odor (“rotten eggs”) due to its sulfur content. It was usually straightforwardto distinguish and separate the layers from each other directly in the field, however in somecases pH was needed for confirmation.A general feature of investigated polished samples is the presence of abundant framboidalpyrites that are common in reduced marine sediments. The transition zone was formed in suboxicconditions and this feature is reflected by the mineralogy. Many morphologies of theframboidal pyrite were observed in this layer and signs of both dissolution and formationoccur. In the sample from site C one could observe elemental sulfur in form of large (up to 50μm) euhedral crystals. In the samples with pH<4, no sulfides occur as they have been replacedby jarosite (site B). Site C lacks these sulfur-bearing hydroxides which is thought to be due toa sulfur concentration of <0.2 %. Sulfur shows extensive leaching at most sites but at site B andD1, it accumulates in the transition zone. Elements like cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn)are leached out or are accumulated further down in the profile. Elements that could have beentransported and have accumulated in the waterlogged profiles are Co, Ni, Zn and chromium(Cr) and in some profiles also copper (Cu) and vanadium (V). / Coastal watercourses in Bottenviken: Method development and ecological restoration- A cross-border Swedish-Finnish cooperation project

Bicycle accidents: An analysis of the causes of single bicycle accidents in Stockholm

Nseya, Cecile January 2018 (has links)
Bicycling has many advantages. For example, it emits less noise compared to motor vehicles, it is environmentally friendly, and bicycling, as a means of transport, gives people exercise. To encourage bicycling in Sweden, the Swedish government has promoted policies and proposals on national and local levels. At the same time, several pieces of research on bicycle use in Sweden show that more people are bicycling now than 60 years ago. STRADA’s (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Acquisition) reports also show that most people who are severely injured in traffic are bicyclists, and that most bicycle accidents occur in urban and metropolitan areas.   Stockholm is a European city with a growing population. At the end of 2013 the population were 897 700    and it is predicted to grow by 25 % by 2030. The municipality of Stockholm is working on investment projects for bicyclists with the aim to increase accessibility and road safety such as special road safety measures at intersections that often aim at improving road conditions for both pedestrians and bicyclists, and better maintenance of bicycle paths, both in summers and winters. Critics and different debate articles about bicyclists` safety and accessibility point out that the investments that Stockholm municipality is making are not enough for meeting the growing population, especially for bicyclists.   The aim of this study is to analyse the causes of bicycle accidents in the city of Stockholm. To help answer the research questions stated below, statistics on bicycle accidents were extracted in Excel from Strada and compiled in Excel using the Excel tool PivotTable and Analysis Tool Pak. The questions investigated in the thesis are as follows: when and where are bicyclists most likely to suffer an accident, why does the accident occur, and what causes are behind bicycle accidents at the chosen place of investigation? Five categorisations on the causes of single bicycle accidents were used and these were: operations and maintenance, road design, bicycle interactions, cyclists’ behaviour and conditions, and interaction with other road users.    In addition to the above, a semi-structural qualitative interview was conducted with bicyclists who bicycle in or along the report's area of investigation. The results of this report show that single bicycle accidents in the investigated area have increased between 2010 and 2016, and that many bicyclists are not satisfied with the bicycle infrastructure in Stockholm.

Quaternary Arctic foraminiferal isotopes: species reliability and palaeoceanographic application

Varhelyi, Aron January 2018 (has links)
To investigate whether foraminiferal stable isotope (δ18O/δ13C) variations have potential as a chronostratigraphic tool in the Arctic Ocean, this thesis presents new δ18O/δ13C data from five marine sediment cores. Three of those are downcore analyses (PS92/54-1; TC/PC-03; PC-07) and the remaining two are core top analyses (PC-04; PC-08). Seven species of benthic foraminifera (Cassidulina neoteretis, Cibicides lobatulus, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Oridorsalis tener, Quinqueloculina arctica, Stainforthia concava and Triloculina sp.) and one planktic (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral) were compared against physical properties data, foraminifera counts and existing age models. The stable isotopic data reveal species-specific niches, resulting from vital effects and habitat preferences. As changes in δ13C mainly are related to palaeoproductivity and ocean/atmosphere gas exchange, and has limited use as a dating tool, the focus has been to create high-resolution downcore δ18O records that can be compared to a global benthic stack. Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi is found to be the most common benthic foraminiferal species in the central Lomonosov Ridge cores (TC/PC-03 and PC-07) whereas C. neoteretis and N. pachyderma are most common at the Yermak Plateau (PS92/54-1). Usefulness of C. wuellerstorfi in the central Lomonosov Ridge cores is limited due to low amplitude changes in δ18O over periods interpreted to cover several Marine Isotope Stages. A similar issue was observed in C. neoteretis δ18O on the Yermak Plateau (PS92/54-1). There, C. neoteretis abundances were low during interglacials. Instead, planktic N. pachyderma δ18O at the Yermak Plateau site (PS92/54-1), more closely than any analysed benthic species, resembled the global benthic δ18O stack. This implies potential of N. pachyderma δ18O as a chronostratigraphic tool in this region of the Arctic. Using N. pachyderma δ18O to correlate distal cores in the Arctic Ocean would demand addressing the issues of regional differences in pelagic δ18O, varying calcification depths and poor preservation. Addressing why the range of variability differs between sites in the same MISs is crucial, before attempting to stack downcore δ18O from the relatively abundant Arctic benthic species C. neoteretis. / Med siktet på att undersöka huruvida variationer i stabila isotopvärden (δ18O/δ13C) hos foraminiferer har potential som dateringsredskap i Arktiska Oceanen, presenteras härmed ny δ18O/δ13C data från fem marina sedimentkärnor. Tre kärnor analyseras på längden (PS92/54-1; LOMROG III TC/PC-03 och PC-07) medan två analyser begränsas till kärnornas toppskikt (LOMROG I PC-04 och PC-08). Resultat från sju olika arter av bentoniska foraminiferer (Cassidulina neoteretis, Cibicides lobatulus, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Oridorsalis tener, Quinqueloculina arctica, Stainforthia concava and Triloculina sp.) och en planktonisk (Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral) har jämförts mot data som baserats på kärnornas fysiska egenskaper, mängden foraminiferer och befintliga åldersberäkningar. De nya isotopresultaten avslöjar nischer som är specifika för varje art och som, förutom isotopvärdena i det omkringliggande havsvattnet, är beroende av varierande fraktioneringseffekter samt habitatpreferenser. Förändringar i δ13C är mestadels avhängigt paleoproduktivitet och gasutbyte mellan atmosfär och hav. Det har därför begränsad användning som dateringsredskap. Fokus har istället legat på att skapa högupplöst δ18O data som kan jämföras med en global δ18O ’stack’. Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi är den vanligast förekommande arten i TC/PC-03 och PC-07 medan C. neoteretis och N. pachyderma har flest förekomster i PS92/54-1. I den senare kärnan saknas C. neoteretis under perioder där förändringar i δ18O antas vara stora (interglacialer). Istället är det δ18O hos planktoniska N. pachyderma som i högst grad efterliknar en global bentonisk ’stack’. Dessa resultat antyder att N. pachyderma potentiellt kan användas som lokalt dateringsverktyg. För att kunna korrelera mot mer avlägsna sedimentkärnor i Arktiska Oceanen med hjälp av δ18O från N. pachyderma, så behöver hänsyn tas till regionala skillnader i pelagial δ18O, varierande kalcifieringsdjup och dålig bevaring av foraminifererna. Det är viktigt att adressera varför det finns en amplitudskillnad mellan olika sedimentkärnor för samma tidsperioder, innan försök görs att sammanfoga δ18O resultat från den vanligt förekommande Arktiska bentoniska arten C. neoteretis.

Inventering och sammanställning av publikationer inom geovetenskaplig didaktik

Hedmark, Mia January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a general definition of science education and earth science education.An inventory has been conducted of published material during the years 2011-2013, withthe start in 2013 and working backwards for international publications and with no timelimits in time for Swedish publications. Different databases were used during April 2013 forthe inventory.The thesis organizes and analyses published material in earth science education in a tablewith a following discussion.The purpose with the inventory was to investigate the amount and content ofprevious year’s publications in earth science education. Concept inventories were foundto be the most common subject of the found material, followed by virtual field studies. Thelargest amount of publications was published in North America. Only one publication wasfound in Sweden. / I denna uppsats presenteras det en allmän definition av didaktik, ämnesdidaktik och en mer specifik definition av geovetenskaplig ämnesdidaktik. Undersökningen har genomförts genom inventering och därefter sammanställning av publikationer inom geovetenskaplig didaktik publicerade under de senaste två åren (2011-2013). Sökningarna har gjorts på olika databaser inom tidsintervallet 2011 - 2013, för internationella publikationer, och ett obegränsat tidsintervall på svenska publikationer. Sökningarna utfördes i april 2013. Resultaten är sammanställda i en tabell och därefter analyserade i en resultatdiskussion. Syftet med att sammanställa dessa var att få en överblick över mängden material som publicerats under dessa två år, och även se vad dessa publikationer handlar om. Konceptinventering i olika skalor och grader var ett återkommande tema i många publikationer samt konceptinventeringar och missuppfattningar bland studenter, även virtuella fältstudier. En klar majoritet av publikationerna var publicerade i Nordamerika, och då framförallt USA. Endast en publikation hittades i Sverige.

Modellering och analys av grundvattenflödet i en byggnads grundläggning / Modelling and Analysis of the Groundwater Flow below a Construction’s Foundation

Hargelius, Malcolm January 2018 (has links)
På en fastighet i Luthagen i Uppsala uppfördes en byggnad grundlagd på träpålar år 1936. Under 60-talet uppstod läckage på en spillvattenledning vilket ledde till en kontaminering av sprickvattenakviferen där träpålar är särskilt utsatta för påverkan av bakterie, svamp- och virusangrepp till följd av torrläggning. För att spola bort kontaminerat sprickvatten och för att hålla en jämn sprickvattennivå i akviferen installerades påfyllningsbrunnar på två platser i källaren under huset. Brunnarna är driva ner i de pålrännor där träpålarna är slagna. Den normala vattentillförseln låg under flera decennier på runt 10 m3/år och vattennivåerna övervakades av bostadsföreningens fastighetstjänst med regelbundna observationer av sprickvattennivån. Under hösten 2016 skedde ett trendbrott och förbrukningen av dricksvattenpåfyllning på över 10 m3/dygn uppmättes. Vattenförbrukningen fortsatte att öka och var vid vissa perioder uppe på nästan 20 m3/dygn. Bjerking AB fick då i uppdrag att undersöka orsaken till den ökade vattenförbrukningen och var vattnet tog vägen. I samband med upptäckten av den ökande vattenförbrukningen skedde även ett brott på en kommunal vattenledning i Kyrkogårdsgatan. Akviferen antogs vara i princip tät och borde inte haft någon hydraulisk kontakt med det vattenförande moränlagret under leran. Syftet med följande rapport är att undersöka de flöden som sprickvattnet har och försöka bestämma den förhärskande flödesriktningen. Den frågeställning som valts är baserad på möjligheten att modellera flödet i grundvattenmodelleringsprogrammet GMS-MODFLOW. Frågeställningen är följande För att sedan kunna modellera grundvattenflödet användes parameter estimation (PEST) som utgår från det framkalibrerade initialt grundvattenförhållandet. Där efter bestäms ett antal zoner som programmet sedan beräknar fram den hydrauliska konduktiviteten för respektive zon. Modelleringen med PEST gav resultat som visar på höga hydrauliska konduktiviteter i husets sydvästra kortsida. Den transienta modelleringen utfördes genom att de observerade vattennivåerna som mätts upp under avstängningsförsöket jämfördes med beräknade värden som fåtts genom modellen. Resultaten visade då på att be beräknade vattennivåerna till viss del stämmde över ens med de observerade, även om de var förskjuta från varandra med nästan 0,6 meter. Denna skillnad berodde antagligen på det gränsvärde som satts för randvillkoret i modellen på 7,25. Vilket gjorde att inga vattennivåer kunde bli högra än detta, vilket som tolkades som att det förekom trösklar i rännorna. Dessa resultat stämmer överens med den hypotes som antogs före projektstarten och innebar att den mest troliga flödesriktningen skulle vara åt sydväst och husets kortsida. Att resultaten bevisar antagandet säger att modellen som byggdes är mer eller mindre rättvisande. Det är dock mycket osäkerheter i modellen och de ingångsvärden som använts. Bland annat är materialtyperna som finns i modellen enbart antagna och det har inte gjorts några bestämningar av markens hydrauliska egenskaper. Andra möjliga fel som kan ha påverkat resultaten är de skalningsproblem som finns i MODFLOW. Slutsatsen är att det är möjligt att göra denna typ av ”småskalig” flödesmodellering i MODFLOW och att förhärskande flödesriktningen är åt sydväst och husets kortsida. / Most of Sweden’s older buildings constructed in clay rich areas are founded on wood poles. The poles are used to build the constructions in areas with soils without satisfying stability, such e.g. clay soils, where the poles are used as the “stable ground” where the building are founded upon. One of the problems with wood poles are that to prevent the wood from rotting the poles must be covered with water, to make an oxygen free environment. The problems start first when the water levels start to decrease due to dewatering or if the water is contaminated with bacteria from e.g. leaky sewer pipes. The contamination leads to decomposing of the wood, which affect the stability of the poles negatively. To prevent the leaky aquifers many houses, have water supply by wells where water is added to the aquifer to keep the water at stable levels. In Uppsala, Sweden an apartment building founded on wood poles have this problems with a contaminated and leaky aquifer. The reason to the contamination was an old sewer pipe that start leaking due to subsidence of the clay below the house. The dewatering of the aquifer was detected in 2016 when the water supply to the aquifer increased from 10th of cubic meters per year to 10th of cubic meters per day. In an attempt to find out what the reason to the high discharge from the aquifer a groundwater model was constructed to modelling the groundwater flows below the building. To modeling this problem the software Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) and MODFLOW was used. By construct a 3D grid of cells in the same dimensions as the building divided in to three different layers it was possible to simulating the groundwater flow through the aquifer. The way we did it was by knowing that as part of the foundation there was “channels” filled with gavel above the poles. The hypothesis was that the water was flowing through this high hydraulic conductivity “gravel channels” and there for we used the model to performed calculations of the hydraulic conductivity in the channels and the areas around the channels. The results told us that there were high conductivity zones in the south west part of the building. After the calculation of the conductivity, a test was performed, where the water supply where turned off and the decrease of the water levels was measured. By using this calculated hydraulic conductivity and the observed levels from the water supply test we let the model calculate the change of water level during the whole-time series. The results told us that there was a possible groundwater flow to the sought west and that some sort of threshold in the channel prevented the water to sink below a curtain limit of 7.65 meter.

Requirements for Cross Country Movement in Land Warfare

Wicander, Mårten January 2018 (has links)
In modern military operations, the usage of command, control and communication systems is ever increasing, where Geographical Information Systems are used to increase the commanders’ situational awareness. The use of cross-country movement models in a Geographical Information System can further aid commanders in their decision-making and narrow down possible advancements on the battlefield. This study’s purpose is to examine the Czech Republic’s available methods for presenting cross-country movement in a geographical information system, to recognize what procedures the Swedish Armed Forces have to conduct in the future to have equivalent or better ability in calculating and presenting cross-country movement.  In order to determine this, Swedish geodata has been analysed with a simplified Czech cross-country model and compared to an extended analysis made in the Czech Republic. The method for information gathering was literature studies in the field of geography and cross-country movement, collection of geodata from the Swedish authority Lantmäteriet and two interviews about Swedish geodata and the current situation with Geographical Information Systems in the Swedish Armed Forces. The result shows that the available digital elevation model over Sweden is not accurate enough and that the vegetation database is limited. However, the available geodata over soil is adequate enough in structure to use in cross-country movement models. The author’s suggestion for the Swedish Armed Forces is to determine domestic trafficability parameters and create models that consider Sweden’s specific geographical conditions, with use of similar models that the Czech Republic uses. Further research should focus on investigating necessary parameters and how the cross-country models can be incorporated in a command, control and communication system.

Rock-magnetic and Soil Organic Carbon Proxies of Climate Change from Loess – Aeolian Sediments of Brittany, France / Identifikation av kvartära klimatförändringar genom analys av lössjordar från Bretagne, Frankrike

Kouns, Carolina, Margulis, Yael January 2021 (has links)
The aeolian sediment loess, which consists of mineral dust, is one of the most detailed terrestrial record of both global and regional climate changes. As climate changes in the past cover a much wider range of climate variability than humans have directly recorded, the soil memory of loess is vital for understanding the Earth’s climate system. By examining past climate records and analyzing past climate changes and factors that have instigated changes, inferences regarding future climate can be made. Therefore, the aim of this research was to define the specific depositional and post-depositional conditions of a loess sequence in Primel-Tr gastel, Brittany, north-western France. This was done by examining the magnetic susceptibility (MS), and loss on ignition (LOI) of 63 samples from the Primel-Tr gastel sequence. The result suggests that the lower part was formed during a relatively long, cold and dry period, with significant temperature oscillations, resulting in several periglacial phases. The data also shows an increase in the MS signal for the middle units, which then gradually decreases simultaneously as there is a sharp rise in the proportion of organic matter (OM). This is followed by a steep drop and finally an overall increase in OM, which suggests that this period has been characterized by both stadial and interstadial phases. The upper part displays a general increase in MS values, as well as increased organic matter, which implies a milder climate with increased temperatures. The study provides the first comprehensive estimate of the regional climate variability and provides a base towards a more comprehensive and overarching understanding of our climate system.

Lake Victoria - Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Stable Isotope (δ13C) comparison between lake and catchment sediments

Basapuram, Laxmi Gayatri Devi January 2018 (has links)
Lake Victoria situated in East Africa faces an acute problem with eutrophication. Many reasons like agricultural production, industrialization, anthropogenic processes, the introduction of species, and economic activities have caused a stress to the overall well-being of the lake. Excess carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus drive an increase in productivity which affects eutrophication. Previous studies on sediments and nutrient concentrations in the lake have concluded that nutrient concentrations increase due to release from the catchment. This study focuses on catchment sediments collected from four different sites and compares the results with sediments from two additional sites in the lake. The sediment core from Siaya indicates the highest concentrations of TOC (180 g/kg), TN (13 g/kg) and TP (17000μg/L). It is a rural site and poor agricultural practices such as the burn and slash, use of too many fertilizers, clearance of land, atmospheric deposition and precipitation increase elemental concentrations in the sediments compared to the more urban sites. In the lake sediments, the BILL core had higher concentrations of TP (430g/kg) and TN (16 g/kg) compared to the other site (LV-95) which is located far away from the margins of the lake. This core, however, had high TOC levels (180g/kg). The increase of nutrient levels in lake sediments is thought to be due to non-point sources from the catchment. Analyses of stable carbon isotope were used to infer the different organic matter source in the sediments. Based on the range of values for δ13C vs. C/N it is inferred that aquatic algal production and C4 vascular plants are the dominant sources for the organic matter input. The chemical characterization of catchment and lake sediments provides a qualitative link to nutrient influx and eutrophication in the lake.

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