Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derman press"" "subject:"bierman press""
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Zánik německého tisku na Karlovarsku v letech 1938 a 1945 / The end of the german press in the Karlsbad region in 1938 and 1945Tesařová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
My thesis aims to analyse German written periodicals published in Karlovy Vary region, which were discontinued in 1938 and 1945. This paper analyses last issues of Volkswille and Karlsbader Tageszeitung (earlier known as Deutsche Tageszeitung), published in last week of their existence and Elbogener Zeitung in its last month of publishing. My goal is to establish not only changes in contents and editorial staff, but also to find out whether it was clearly stated that these papers will cease to exist or it was only indirectly hinted. I also focus on further lives of employees of mentioned periodicals and publishing houses after their work ended. Introductory part concerns itself with important historical events mainly of 1930s and 1940s that influenced both the living conditions in Karlovy Vary region and activities of regional media. Equally important is also coexistence of Czechs and Germans in our region, developing since 12th century. Given the subject of my thesis special emphasis is given to the Czech-German relations in vicinity of Karlovy Vary from 1930s till the end of World War II.
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Periodický tisk na Prachaticku v meziválečném období / Periodical press in Prachatice region during interwar periodKARVÁNKOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Periodical press in Prachatice region during interwar period" deals with Czech and German periodicals which were published in the above mentioned period in the territory of Prachatice County. The thesis focuses on the main newspapers of the region in connection with the sociohistorical events and political development in the border area. The goal of the thesis is dealing with the typology of periodical press in Prachatice region and exploring whether the events which had happened in the town of Prachatice and its surroundings had any influence on the local periodical press. The thesis makes use of formal, content and comparative analysis. The thesis presents a survey of the development of the Czech and German press during interwar period, further on it deals with the explanation of the situation in Prachatice on the background of historical and political events in the country. The main part of the thesis includes the characteristics of principal periodicals for the Czech and German population with the subsequent content analysis. The thesis originated on the basis of the available literature referring to the topic and on the basis of accessible sources deposited in the State District Archives in Prachatice.
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Obraz české politiky v německých a rakouských denících na příkladu prezidentských voleb v roce 2013 / The image of the czech polities in german daily newspapers illustrated by the example of the presidential election in 2013Niedermeierová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis The Image of the Czech Politics in German and Austrian Daily Newspapers Illustrated by the Example of the Presidential Election in 2013 is to analyse the media coverage of the first direct presidential election in Czech Republic in 2013 in German and Austrian daily newspapers. German periodicals Frankfurter Rundschau, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Die Welt and Austrian newspapers Der Standard, Die Presse and Salzburger Nachrichten were chosen for the analysis. German and Austrian press paid extraordinary attention to this election mainly because of the topic of the expulsion of Sudeten Germans from Czechoslovakia after the Second World War, which was reopened during the pre-election discussions. Moreover, one candidate, the former Czech minister of foreign affairs Karel Schwarzenberg, spent most of his life in Austrian exile which was another reason for the German and Austrian media interest in this election. The diploma thesis analyses articles about Czech election that appeared in the selected newspapers in the period from January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013. It focuses on the amount of space devoted to the topic in the selected newspapers and on the coverage of the election considering both content and formal aspects. It analyses also which topics came to the fore and how...
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L’image de "Solidarnosc" dans la presse française et ouest-allemande (1980-1982) / The Perception of Solidarnosc movement in German and French Press of the 1980.Pietras, Karolina 17 June 2011 (has links)
La crise polonaise des années 1980 a eu de larges répercussions dans le monde entier, notamment en France et en Allemagne.En reprenant au jour après jour la perception de la presse française et allemande du mouvement Solidarnoṡċ à sa naissance et lors de l’instauration de l’état de guerre, cette étude permettra, nous l’espérons, de mieux mettre en lumière les mécanismes de l’évolution des opinions dans des contextes internationaux politiques et économiques changeants.Nous avons étudié les réactions des médias allemands et français à partir des grèves d'août 1980 jusqu’au point culminant de cette crise – l’état de guerre déclaré le 13 décembre 1981.Notre recherche était principalement basée sur des quotidiens nationaux tels que Le Monde et Süddeutsche Zeitung, Le Figaro et Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung bien que quelques réactions d'autres journaux soient également présentées, en particulier celles de Libération et de L'Humanité. La presse hebdomadaire est représentée par Die Zeit et Der Spiegel pour la RFA et Le Nouvel Observateur pour la France.Ce travail essaye de répondre aux questions suivantes : quelle vision des changements en Pologne avait la presse française et allemande ? Comment elle les présentait - comme des simples faits ou bien comme des événements médiatiques ?Cette thèse étudie également comment les différents courants politiques en France et en RFA influençaient la représentation des événements polonais dans la presse.La couverture médiatique de Solidarność dans le monde occidental invite notamment à s’interroger sur la problématique d’ingérence informative et l’influence des médias dans notre perception des événements lors de divers conflits. / The crisis in Poland in the 1980's had large repercussions on the international stage notably in France and Germany. The thesis study has undertaken the review of perception expressed in the day to day accounts of the French and German press coverage of the Solidarnoṡċ movement from it's beginnings to the declaration of the Martial Law. We intend this work to give a better insight into the mechanisms of the evolution of opinion within the context of international political and economic evolutions.We have studied the respective reactions of the French and German press during the strikes of August 1980 until the culmination of the crisis with the declaration of the Martial Law on the 13th of December 1981.Our research has been primarily based upon the review of comparable daily newspapers, such as, Le Monde and Süddeutsche Zeitung, Le Figaro and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung alongside the reactions of other newspapers, in particular Libération and L'Humanité. The weekly press is represented by periodicals such as Die Zeit and Der Spiegel for the West Germany and Le Nouvel Observateur for France.The work attempts to respond to the following questions: What was the view of the French and German press towards the changes in Poland? How were these events presented, as clear "facts" or as "media events"?This thesis also investigates how the different political currents in France and the West Germany influenced the representation in the press of the events in Poland in the 1980's.The media coverage of "Solidarnoṡċ" in the West particularly calls into question of informative interference and the influence of the media on the wider perception of events in such conflicts.
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Le discours de la critique littéraire journalistique germanophone : étude du marquage de l’hétérogénéité énonciative et des relations métatextuelles / The discourse of German literary criticism : a study of the enunciative heterogeneity and metatextual relationships in a journalistic genreDias, Dominique 24 June 2016 (has links)
Fondée sur un corpus de 436 textes de recensions germanophones publiées dans cinq supports de presse généraliste lors du premier semestre 2012, cette étude porte sur le discours de la critique littéraire germanophone. Pour tenter d’identifier des traits constitutifs de la recension, trois axes de recherche sont envisagés : les perspectives textuelle, discursive et métatextuelle. Traditionnellement conçue à partir de la fonction, la notion de texte est considérée ici sous l’angle de la forme. En recourant aux notions de séquences et de périodes, élaborées dans le cadre de la linguistique textuelle, cette étude identifie un réservoir de formes à l’origine de la composition et de la configuration des recensions. Par ailleurs, la perspective discursive permet d’appréhender le sujet énonciateur des recensions comme un lieu de transition de la parole et du savoir. Le critique littéraire s’octroie, en effet, une position institutionnelle qui marque son rapport au savoir afin d’exercer une influence optimale sur le lecteur. L’enjeu est de repérer les marqueurs discursifs qui fondent cette visée argumentative. Enfin, la perspective métatextuelle oblige à concevoir la recension dans son rapport au texte source. Véritable dialogue avec l’œuvre critiquée, la critique exploite explicitement des stratégies empruntées aux discours littéraire et journalistique. Des procédés de reprise textuelle tels que la reformulation, la citation, l’allusion ou la contamination menacent de saper le métatexte pour en faire un hypertexte. Ces trois axes permettent d’aborder la recension en tant que genre, à l’interface entre texte et discours. Les résultats confirment l’idée que le genre doit être abordé non pas dans une perspective statique, comme une liste d’invariants, mais dans une perspective dynamique, comme le résultat de l’interférence de plusieurs genres discursifs. Enfin, c’est une meilleure compréhension de la production et de la réception des recensions qui est en jeu. / Based on a corpus of 436 texts of German book reviews published in five newspapers of non-specialized press during the first half of the year 2012, this study investigates the discourse of German literary criticism. To try and identify constituent characteristics of the review, three areas of research are envisaged: the textual, discursive and metatexual perspectives. Traditionally conceived with regards to function, the notion of text is considered here in terms of shape. By considering the notions of sequences and periods, developed within the text linguistics, this study identifies a reservoir of forms which underpin the composition and the configuration of the reviews. Besides, the discursive perspective allows us to get a sense the speaking subject of the reviews as a transition for speech and knowledge. The literary critic actually benefits from putting himself in an institutional position that marks his/her relation to knowledge in order to have the best influence on the reader. The challenge is to identify possible linguistic markers which serve this argumentative approach. Finally, the metatextual perspective obliges us to conceive the review in its relationship with the source text. The book review is a real dialogue with the criticized book, the criticism explicitly exploits strategies borrowed from the literary and journalistic speeches. Textual processes of repetition such as reformulation, quotation, allusion or contamination threat to undermine the metatext into a hypertext. These three axes allow to approach the review as a genre, in the interface between text and discourse. The results confirm the idea that the genre must be approached not in a static way, as a list of invariants, but in a dynamic way, as the product of the interference of several discursive genres. Finally, what is at stake is a better understanding of the production and of the reception of the reviews.
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Confronter les crimes nazis : les procès militaires alliés et l'opinion publique en Allemagne occupéeRacine, Rosalie 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise analyse les liens entre les premiers procès militaires alliés en Allemagne occupée et l’opinion publique allemande dans l’après-guerre immédiat. Notre mémoire de maîtrise, à travers la présentation de l’analyse du procès de Belsen, organisé par les forces d’occupation britanniques de septembre à novembre 1945, et du procès de Dachau, tenu par le gouvernement militaire américain entre novembre et décembre 1945, cherche à mettre en lumière l’importance que ces derniers revêtaient dans l’établissement de relations cordiales entre occupants et occupés. Ce mémoire démontre donc, par les exemples de Belsen et Dachau, que les procès se situaient à la croisée entre le besoin des Alliés d’établir des relations positives avec les Allemands et leurs programmes de dénazification et de rééducation. Nous remarquons ainsi que, des premières étapes dans l’organisation de ces tribunaux jusqu’à leur achèvement, les Alliés ont pris en considération les différentes réactions des Allemands face aux procédures judiciaires : d’abord, avec l’ancrage des accusations et des procédures judiciaires dans une législation internationale qui précédait le début de la guerre, puis avec l’autorisation d’une défense pour les accusés qui permettait aux Alliés de revendiquer une autorité morale sur leur zone d’occupation. Ce mémoire de maîtrise, en plus d’examiner les procès d’après-guerre et leurs objectifs, propose également une analyse de la couverture journalistique de ces tribunaux et des sondages d’opinion publique menés après les procédures judiciaires. Notre étude établit ainsi que la couverture journalistique des procès était, souvent, une des premières fois où les Allemands se trouvaient confrontés aux atrocités commises dans les camps de concentration nazis. Finalement, avec l’analyse des sondages d’opinion publique, nous argumentons que les procès, en tant qu’outil politique, ont eu un succès mitigé dans l’établissement de relations positives entre les forces d’occupation britanniques et américaines et les Allemands. / This masters’ thesis analyses the connections between the first allied military trials held in postwar Germany and German public opinion toward the British and American occupation forces. Focused on the Belsen trial, held in the British occupation zone from September to November 1945, and the Dachau trial, held by the American military government in the U.S. occupation zone between November and December 1945, this study seeks to highlight the importance both trials held for the British and the Americans in establishing positive relations with the Germans. Using Belsen and Dachau as case studies, it argues that, while they were essential to British and American denazification and re-education programs, they also had to be conducted in a manner that ensured the best possible relationship the German public and the occupation forces in both the American and British occupation zones. I demonstrate that, from the initial steps implemented to set up the trials through their conclusion, both powers took German concerns and reactions to the judiciary procedures into account: first by anchoring the charges and the trials themselves in international law preceding the Second World War; then by providing the right to a defense to the accused. Both factors, the Allies believed, allowed them to claim a moral authority over their occupation zone. The memoir’s examination of the trials and their purpose is complimented by an analysis of the press coverage of the trials and public opinion surveys taken after the trials. This study states that the press coverage was oftentimes one the first instances in which Germans were confronted to the atrocities committed in the concentration camps. Finally, this study argues that, as a part of larger programs, the trials had a limited success as a tool to implement positive relations between the British and American occupation forces and the German population.
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