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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da geometria dos satélites na precisão das coordenadas geodésicas obtidas com o sistema GPS / Influence of satellite geometry on the geodetic coordinates precision from GPS determinations

Silveira, Gustavo Cruz da 27 August 2008 (has links)
A precisão que pode ser obtida com levantamentos com uso do Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS) depende de uma série de fatores, devido à grande quantidade de fontes de erros. Em geral, estas interferências podem ser modeladas e considerações são feitas de acordo com a contribuição de cada uma destas fontes de erros. Nos primórdios dos sistemas de posicionamento, o planejamento de missões era essencial para encontrar os horários em que haveria satélites suficientes para determinação da posição. Desde que o GPS foi declarado operacional, essa questão perdeu importância. Dessa forma, não há estudos conclusivos sobre a possível influência que suas posições relativas à antena do receptor causam nos resultados dos levantamentos. Esta questão foi investigada usando como ferramenta os indicadores de precisão (DOP) disponíveis. Considerações a respeito da interpretação da figura geométrica (tetraedro), cujo volume é considerado proporcional ao DOP foram estudadas. Foi verificada a confiabilidade e a contribuição da geometria nos resultados. Comparações entre valores de planejamento e levantamento foram realizadas para o posicionamento por ponto e relativo. A influência que o comprimento da linha-base tem na obtenção dos valores de indicação foi analisada assim como a influência na precisão causada por instantes de alto valor de DOP. A questão da expectativa de que horários com bons valores de DOP possam contribuir para a fixação da ambigüidade também foi esclarecida. / The obtaining precision of GPS (Global Positioning System) surveying depends on of many factors, due the several error fonts. In general, these interferences can be modeled and considerations are made as each one contributes. In the beginning of the positioning systems, the mission planning was essential to find the period of the day that would possible to have satellites enough to position determination. Since the GPS was declared operational this issue lost importance. Hence there is a lack of conclusive researches about the influence of the satellites positioning regarding the receptor antenna position may cause on the results. This issue was investigated using tools like the available precision indicators (DOP - Dilution of Precision). Considerations regarding interpretation of the geometric figure (thetraedron), that its volume is considered proportional to the DOP were analyzed. The reliability and the geometry contribution in the results were verified. Comparisons between planning and surveying values were done to the absolute and relative positioning. The influence of the baseline in indicator values determination was analyzed as the influence in the accuracy by DOP spikes. The issue regarding the expectative that the periods with good DOP values may contribute to the ambiguity fix status was also clarified.

O geoprocessamento na gestão ambiental em terras indígenas: uma experiência com etnomapeamento junto à comissão pró-índio do Acre / O geoprocessamento na gestão ambiental em terras indígenas: uma experiência com etnomapeamento junto à comissão pró-índio do Acre

Carvalho, Antonio Luis Andrade 28 August 2006 (has links)
O objetivo central deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de materiais didáticos direcionados às populações indígenas no estado do Acre, Brasil, envolvendo professores e agentes agroflorestais sob a coordenação da Comissão Pró-Índio - CPI/AC. A introdução de noções básicas de orientação e localização e o manuseio de instrumentos como a bússola e mais especificamente o GPS - Sistema de Posicionamento Global - são bases para o conseqüente domínio na cartografia. Através da combinação de fotografias aéreas, imagens de satélite com informações devidamente orientadas pela determinação dos pontos de controle favorecem a elaboração de mapas, e assim atingem a possibilidade de gerenciar e planejar o uso do solo com base georeferenciada. A geração de cartas geográficas referenciadas propiciam estudar e implementar, de maneira mensurável, o processo de definição das políticas de ocupação de suas terras, permitindo a discussão de problemas locais e a devida estruturação de ações que visam o planejamento territorial e ambiental. Aspectos relevantes como o manejo de recursos naturais, o cálculo de áreas, a avaliação da produção e inventário, a demarcação e monitoramento em áreas de fronteira sujeitas a invasões, áreas de refúgio de fauna, de culturas e locais sagrados assim como as trilhas utilizadas serão focalizados na composição de mapas de diagnóstico ambiental. Como resultante, elaborar e implementar a produção de textos bilíngües em co-autoria com professores e agentes agroflorestais indígenas, considerando a acessibilidade às tecnologias referentes à cartografia e sua importância no etnomapeamento. / The ethnomapping in the state of Acre looking for rescues cultural identities of peoples almost extinct and, therefore, situating in the national panorama. Productions literarys bilinguals has been development with the finality of perpetuation of memory accessible for other cultures and, to incentive the basic and professional education of indigenous people. The development of didactic material directly for indigenous populations of state of Acre, involve teachers and agroforestals agents on the coordenation of Comissão Pró-Índio - CPI/AC and the Laboratory of Teachings and Material Didactic - LEMADI - of departament of Geography of University of São Paulo. This work shows a introduction for basics notions of orientation, localization and a use of instruments as compass and more specifies GPS - Global Positioning System - base for the consistent domain in the cartography. Initiating of combination of aerophotography, images of satellite and associations with informations properly oriented through determination of points of control with the GPS, it is possible the elaboration of maps. The possibility of to manager and to plan the use of soil with base for the georeference reveal a strong instrumental for optimizes the use of the resources of boundary regions as the indigenous territories. Geographics maps with references to provide the study and to implement, of manner measurable, the process of definition of politics of occupation indigenous, allowing the discussion of locals problems and structures of actions that seeks the territorial and environmental planning. The handling of naturals resources, the calculations of surfaces, the avaliation of production and inventary, the demarcation and monitoration areas of frontiers subject invasions, areas of refuge of fauna and of cultures will be focalized in the composition of maps of diagnosis environmental. As a product resultant, elaboration and implementation the production of texts bilinguals with co-authorship with indigenous teachers and agroforestals agents of the activities of mapping, considering the accessibility in the technologies relatives in cartography and your importance in the ethnomapping. The reach of independence relative the activities of fiscalization and environmental management, in this proposal, viability a environmental diagnosis of yours self areas, to execute/perform potential exercises with agroforestals agents

Utilização de redes neurais artificiais na previsão do VTEC visando a geração de estações de referência virtuais em tempo-real. / Use of artiificial neural networks to predict VTEC aiming to generate virtual reference stations in real-time.

Machado, Wagner Carrupt 20 June 2012 (has links)
Dentre as técnicas de posicionamento utilizando os sistemas de navegação por satélite globais (GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems), merece destaque a que utiliza dados de uma rede de estações GNSS para gerar estações de referência virtuais. Desde que as estações da rede não estejam separadas por mais de 100 km e o receptor do usuário esteja dentro da região interna à rede de referência, esta técnica de posicionamento pode proporcionar posicionamento com precisão melhor que 10 cm a usuários de receptores de uma frequência. No entanto, o posicionamento em tempo-real pode ser inviabilizado caso ocorra problema de comunicação com as estações da rede de referência. Tendo em vista a relação do conteúdo total de elétrons (TEC - Total Electron Content) com o atraso ionosférico de primeira ordem, esta pesquisa apresenta uma forma de se prever 72 horas do TEC na direção vertical (VTEC - Vertical Total Electron Content) regionalmente com a arquitetura de redes neurais artificiais (RNA) denominada perceptrons de múltiplas camadas (MLP MultiLayer Perceptrons). A metodologia de previsão do VTEC proposta foi empregada na geração de estações de referência virtuais, onde arquivos de previsão do atraso troposférico zenital, produzidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), foram utilizados para considerar o atraso provocado pela atmosfera neutra e as efemérides preditas pelo serviço internacional do GNSS (IGS - International GNSS Service) foram empregadas para calcular a posição dos satélites. As RNA foram treinadas e avaliadas com dados de VTEC extraídos dos mapas da ionosfera globais (GIM - Global Ionospheric Map) produzidos pelo IGS e dos arquivos produzidos com o software Mod_Ion, ambos no formato IONEX (IONosphere Map EXchange), mostrando que o VTEC pode ser previsto por 72 horas com diferença média quadrática (RMS Root Mean Square) que varia de 1,2 unidades de TEC (TECU - TEC Units) a 12,5 TECU, em baixa e alta atividade solar, respectivamente. Dezoito linhas de base, localizadas no oeste do Estado de São Paulo, foram calculadas utilizando estações de referência virtuais e estações de referência reais, verificando-se que o posicionamento relativo tridimensional empregando a metodologia proposta apresentou RMS de aproximadamente 46 cm. Quando avaliada no posicionamento absoluto preciso (PPP Precise Point Positioning), o RMS relacionado com o posicionamento tridimensional foi de 26 cm. / The positioning technique that uses data from a network of GNSS reference stations to generate virtual reference stations should be detached among the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) positioning techniques. Since the inter reference station distances are up to 100 km and the user receiver is within the internal region of the network, this technique can provide single frequency receiver users positioning with better accuracy than 10 cm. However, real-time positioning can be impracticable if communication breakdown involving such reference stations occurs. Given the relation between the Total Electron Content (TEC) and the first-order ionospheric delay, this research presents a way to predict 72 hours of vertical TEC (VTEC) regionally using the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) architecture called MultiLayer Perceptorns (MLP). The proposed VTEC prediction methodology was employed in the generation of virtual reference stations, where files of prediction of zenithal tropospheric delay, produced by the National Institute For Space Research (INPE Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais), were used to take the neutral atmospheric delay into account and the precise ephemeris predicted by the GNSS International Service (GNSS) were employed to compute satellites positioning. ANN were trained and assessed using VTEC data from the Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) produced by IGS and the files produced by Mod_Ion software, both in IONEX (IONosphere Map EXchange) format, showed VTEC can be predicted for 72 hours with Root Mean Square difference (RMS) of about 1.2 TEC units (TECU) and 12.5 TECU, respectively, in low solar activity and high solar activity. Eighteen baselines, in the west region of Sao Paulo State, were computed using virtual reference stations and real reference stations, verifying that the three-dimensional relative positioning using the proposed methodology showed RMS of 46 cm. When assessed by precise point positioning (PPP), the three-dimensional RMS positioning was of 26 cm.

Monitoração, por GPS, de deslocamentos em estruturas com carga dinâmica. / Monitoring, by GPS, of displacements in structures with dynamic loads

Bueno, Régis Fernandes 20 June 2007 (has links)
A monitoração dinâmica de pontes rodoviárias através da determinação de deslocamentos espaciais é uma das atuais áreas de interesse da geodésia. A tecnologia de posicionamento por satélite é uma das ferramentas disponíveis para este fim e foi avaliada nesta pesquisa. Verifica-se que o GNSS pode contribuir para com o monitoramento dinâmico de estruturas e nos últimos anos se observam aplicações em grandes pontes estaiadas na Ásia, na Europa e na América do Norte. No presente estudo analisou-se a aplicação desta tecnologia em uma estrutura mais rígida, sob vinculo com uma rede de referência única e sob as condições apresentadas pela região brasileira. Foram realizados ensaios em um shaker, na Base de Calibração de Instrumentos Geodésicos da USP e na estrutura do Viaduto Ascendente 19 da rodovia dos Imigrantes, empregando-se a tecnologia GPS e análise modal. A partir de determinações no método relativo cinemático obtiveram-se os deslocamentos tridimensionais e a freqüências do primeiro modo de vibração da estrutura. A metodologia aplicada e os resultados obtidos demonstram a potencialidade do método também para estruturas mais rígidas e sob condições características da região brasileira, que diferem de outras partes do globo no que tange a tecnologia GPS. Ao final é sugerida uma Proposta Básica de Metodologia para a Monitoração de Estrutura com Carga Dinâmica pela Utilização de GNSS. / The dynamic monitoring of road bridges though spatial displacements is one of the geodetic areas of interests. The satellite positioning technologies are one of the disposed tools for this task and were evaluate by present research. One verifies that GNSS can contribute for the dynamic monitoring of structures, and has applied for this task in the last years to large cable stayed bridges on Asia, on Europe and on North America. On the present study, one analyses the use of this technology in a more rigid structure, tied to a unique reference network and under Brazilian region conditions. Were realized essays over a shaker on USP Geodetic Instrumental Calibration Base and over the Imigrantes Roadway Ascending Viaduct 19 employing the GPS technology and modal analysis. By determinations in the kinematics relative method ones obtain the tridimensional displacements and the frequency of first modal shape of the structure. The applied methodology and its obtained results demonstrate the potentiality of this method for more rigid structure too, and under Brazilian region characteristics. At the end is proponed a Methodological Basic Proposal for Dynamic Charged Structure Monitoring thru GNSS Employment.

Ionospheric imaging and scintillation monitoring in the Antarctic and Arctic

Kinrade, Joe January 2014 (has links)
Electron density irregularities influence Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals, manifesting as ionospheric scintillation. Scintillation poses a service risk to safety-critical GNSS applications at high latitudes. It is difficult to predict, as ionospheric instability processes are not yet fully characterised. This research combines the fields of ionospheric imaging and scintillation monitoring, to investigate the causes of scintillation in the Antarctic and Arctic. Results revealed a plasma patch structure above Antarctica, in response to the impact of a solar wind shock front. Measurements from a network of Global Positioning System scintillation receivers across the continent revealed moderate levels of phase scintillation associated with Total Electron Content (TEC) gradients at the patch break-off point. Scintillation was also driven by solar particle precipitation at E and F region altitudes, verified with in situ spectrometers on polar-orbiting satellites. The current receiver coverage in the region provided the Multi-Instrument Data Analysis Software (MIDAS) tomography tool with sufficient data to track the lifetime of the plasma patch without a convection model. A second experiment was performed at the South Pole, using a collocated GPS scintillation receiver and auroral imager. This allowed simultaneous line-of-sight tracking of GPS signals through the optical auroral emissions. Results showed the first statistical evidence that auroral emissions can be used a proxy for ionospheric irregularities causing GPS scintillation. The relationship was strongest during the presence of discrete auroral arcs. Correlation levels of up to 74% were found over periods of 2-3 hours. The use of multiple emission wavelengths provided basic altitude discrimination. Current capability of ionospheric TEC mapping in the Arctic was tested, where GPS receiver distribution is extensive compared to present Antarctic coverage. Analysis of the ionosphere’s response to a storm event revealed a sequential picture of polar cap patch activity, without the aid of plasma convection modelling. The electron density enhancements of the auroral oval were imaged in completeness for the first time using GPS tomography. Reconstructions were verified using ultraviolet auroral imagery from polar-orbit satellites, and vertical profiles from an incoherent scatter radar.

O geoprocessamento na gestão ambiental em terras indígenas: uma experiência com etnomapeamento junto à comissão pró-índio do Acre / O geoprocessamento na gestão ambiental em terras indígenas: uma experiência com etnomapeamento junto à comissão pró-índio do Acre

Antonio Luis Andrade Carvalho 28 August 2006 (has links)
O objetivo central deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de materiais didáticos direcionados às populações indígenas no estado do Acre, Brasil, envolvendo professores e agentes agroflorestais sob a coordenação da Comissão Pró-Índio - CPI/AC. A introdução de noções básicas de orientação e localização e o manuseio de instrumentos como a bússola e mais especificamente o GPS - Sistema de Posicionamento Global - são bases para o conseqüente domínio na cartografia. Através da combinação de fotografias aéreas, imagens de satélite com informações devidamente orientadas pela determinação dos pontos de controle favorecem a elaboração de mapas, e assim atingem a possibilidade de gerenciar e planejar o uso do solo com base georeferenciada. A geração de cartas geográficas referenciadas propiciam estudar e implementar, de maneira mensurável, o processo de definição das políticas de ocupação de suas terras, permitindo a discussão de problemas locais e a devida estruturação de ações que visam o planejamento territorial e ambiental. Aspectos relevantes como o manejo de recursos naturais, o cálculo de áreas, a avaliação da produção e inventário, a demarcação e monitoramento em áreas de fronteira sujeitas a invasões, áreas de refúgio de fauna, de culturas e locais sagrados assim como as trilhas utilizadas serão focalizados na composição de mapas de diagnóstico ambiental. Como resultante, elaborar e implementar a produção de textos bilíngües em co-autoria com professores e agentes agroflorestais indígenas, considerando a acessibilidade às tecnologias referentes à cartografia e sua importância no etnomapeamento. / The ethnomapping in the state of Acre looking for rescues cultural identities of peoples almost extinct and, therefore, situating in the national panorama. Productions literarys bilinguals has been development with the finality of perpetuation of memory accessible for other cultures and, to incentive the basic and professional education of indigenous people. The development of didactic material directly for indigenous populations of state of Acre, involve teachers and agroforestals agents on the coordenation of Comissão Pró-Índio - CPI/AC and the Laboratory of Teachings and Material Didactic - LEMADI - of departament of Geography of University of São Paulo. This work shows a introduction for basics notions of orientation, localization and a use of instruments as compass and more specifies GPS - Global Positioning System - base for the consistent domain in the cartography. Initiating of combination of aerophotography, images of satellite and associations with informations properly oriented through determination of points of control with the GPS, it is possible the elaboration of maps. The possibility of to manager and to plan the use of soil with base for the georeference reveal a strong instrumental for optimizes the use of the resources of boundary regions as the indigenous territories. Geographics maps with references to provide the study and to implement, of manner measurable, the process of definition of politics of occupation indigenous, allowing the discussion of locals problems and structures of actions that seeks the territorial and environmental planning. The handling of naturals resources, the calculations of surfaces, the avaliation of production and inventary, the demarcation and monitoration areas of frontiers subject invasions, areas of refuge of fauna and of cultures will be focalized in the composition of maps of diagnosis environmental. As a product resultant, elaboration and implementation the production of texts bilinguals with co-authorship with indigenous teachers and agroforestals agents of the activities of mapping, considering the accessibility in the technologies relatives in cartography and your importance in the ethnomapping. The reach of independence relative the activities of fiscalization and environmental management, in this proposal, viability a environmental diagnosis of yours self areas, to execute/perform potential exercises with agroforestals agents

Positional and Match Action Profiles of Elite Women’s Field Hockey Players in Relationship to the 2015 FIH Rule Changes

Abbott, Heather A 01 August 2016 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation was to examine the action profiles of elite field hockey players in relationship to the 2015 FIH rule change. The following are major findings of the dissertation: The following are major findings of the dissertation: Study 1 – Relative action profiles before the rule change revealed that defenders work at a lower meter per minute (m/min) when compared with all other positions, and that forwards, midfielders, and screens perform similar m/min during a game. Examination of pre rule change difference from the 1st to the 2nd half play showed that elite level field hockey players are able maintain high-intensity actions in zone 6 throughout the game by increasing actions in zones 1 and 2, and decreasing actions in zones 4 and 5. Study 2 – Action profiles after the rule formatting change revealed the team was unable to match the percent of distance covered in zones 4 and 5 during the 1st quarter all in subsequent quarters. The low intensity actions in zone 1 and 2 gradually increased, while m/min gradually declined. However the percent of distance covered in zone 6 showed no statistically significant change. When positional differences were examined forwards covered the greatest percent of distance in zones 5 and 6, followed by midfielders, screens, and defenders. This pattern varies for zone 4, within which the midfielders possesses the greatest percent distance covered. 3 Study 3 – Relative action profile comparisons for the team, pre to post the 2015 rule change did not indicate a significant change in zones 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. However zone 1 experience a statistically significant decrease. Positional analysis showed statistically significant changes for midfielders only. The changes were a decrease in zone 1, and increase in zone 5 and 6 during the first half of the game, and decrease in zone 1 and m/min during the second half of the game. A major focus of the US Women’s National Team is to develop the athletes’ physical capacity to maintain and repeat high intensity actions. The combination of physical preparation and tactical strategies allow the team to express high m/min and numerous high intensity actions throughout a match.

Sistema de apoio à mobilidade de utilizadores da bicicleta

Costa, Marco André Ferreira da January 2011 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2011

Public Safety Impact of Electronic Monitoring of Texas High-Risk Offenders

Aliu, Paul Utu 01 January 2015 (has links)
The use of electronic monitoring (EM) as a tool to supervise high-risk offenders has increased in the field of criminal justice in the state of Texas. Although EM is now widely used to supervise high-risk offenders to prevent them from committing further crimes, it is unclear whether EM has achieved the purpose of reducing reoffenses during parole supervision. Hirschi's social bond theory, which was later developed into social control theory, was used as the framework for this general qualitative study to explore retired parole officers' perceptions concerning whether EM is successful in preventing high-risk offenders from committing additional crimes. Interview data were collected from 10 retired parole officers who supervised high-risk offenders on EM in Harris County, Texas. The findings revealed that the 10 officers perceived EM to be an effective tool, but they perceived the role of capitalizing on positive social bonds was equally important in controlling criminal behavior. Specifically, the officers perceived that their bond with the high-risk offenders on EM could diminish offenders' propensity to commit new crimes. Opportunities for positive social change stemming from this study include recommendations to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to develop policies and training that is consistent with social bond theory, and retrain parole officers to emphasize to offenders positive contacts and relationship with family and continuing employment during the term of parole release in order to reduct opportunities for reoffense and futher victimization to the community.

Integration of GPS, INS and pseudolite to geo-reference surveying and mapping systems

Wang, Jianguo Jack, Surveying & Spatial Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Despite significant progress in GPS/INS integration-based direct geo-referencing (DGR) technology over the past decade, its performance still needs to be improved in terms of accuracy and tolerance to GPS outages. This is mainly due to the limited geometric strength of the GPS satellite constellation, the quality of INS and the system integration technology. This research is focused on pseudolite (PL) augmentation to enhance the geometric strength of the GPS satellite constellation, and the Neural Network (NN) aided Kalman filter (KF) system integration algorithm to improve the geo-referencing system's performance during GPS outages. The main research contributions are summarized as below: a) Systematic errors introduced by pseudolites have been investigated. Theoretical and numerical analyses reveal that errors of troposphere delay modelling, differential nonlinearity and pseudolite location are sensitive to pseudolite receiver geometry. Their effect on final positioning solutions can be minimised by selecting optimal pseudolite and receiver locations, which is referred to as geometry design. Optimal geometry design for pseudolite augmented systems has been proposed based on simulation results in airborne surveying scenarios. b) Nonlinear geometry bias, or nonlinearity, exists in single difference processes when the unit vectors from the reference and user receivers to a satellite or pseudolite are non-parallel. Similar to long baseline differential GPS (DGPS), nonlinearity is a serious issue in pseudolite augmentation. A Projected Single Difference (PSD) method has been introduced to eliminate nonlinear geometry bias. An optimized expression has been derived to calculate the direction of project vectors, and the advantages of applying PSD in pseudolite augmented airborne DGPS have been demonstrated. c) A new method for pseudolite tropospheric delay modelling has been proposed, which is based on single-differenced GPS tropospheric delay models. The performance of different models has been investigated through simulations and field testing. The advantages and limitations of each method have been analysed. It is determined that the Bouska model performs relatively well in all ranges and elevations if the meteorological parameters in the models can be accurately collected. d) An adaptive pseudolite tropospheric delay modelling method has been developed to reduce modelling error by estimating meteorological parameters in real-time, using GPS and pseudolite measurements. Test results show that pseudolite tropospheric delay modelling errors can be effectively mitigated by the proposed method. e) A novel geo-referencing system based on GPS/PL/INS integration has been developed as an alternative to existing GPS/INS systems. With the inclusion of pseudolite signals to enhance availability and geometry strength of GPS signals, the continuity and precision of the GPS/INS system can be significantly improved. Flight trials have been conducted to evaluate the system performance for airborne mapping. The results show that the accuracy and reliability of the geo-referenced solution can be improved with the deployment of one or more pseudolites. f) Two KF and NN hybrid methods have been proposed to improve geo-referenced results during GPS outages. As the KF prediction diverges without measurement update, the performance of a GPS/INS integrated system degrades rapidly during GPS outages. Neural networks can overcome this limitation of KF. The first method uses NN to map vehicle manoeuvres with KF measurement in a loosely coupled GPS/INS system. In the second method, an NN is trained to map INS measurements with selected KF error states in a tightly coupled GPS/INS system when GPS signals are available. These training results can be used to modify KF time updates. Optimal input/output and NN structure have been investigated. Field tests show that the proposed hybrid methods can dramatically improve geo-referenced solutions during GPS outages.

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