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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feminist movements as agents of political change : An analysis of feminist social movements’ impact onlabour rights legislation in Morocco

Hemström, Cajsa January 2019 (has links)
Inspired by the contestatory debate over whether globalisation has brought more benefits or disadvantages, and feminist movements all over the world gaining more agency and leverage every day, this paper is an attempt to connect said components. Morocco is a case where both are highly present. Elements such as the country’s location with neighbouring countries on two continents, a history of a fight for independence, an economy that has undergone major reorganisation, and exceptional feminist movements, will prove paramount for the paper. The purpose is to study whether the feminist movements in Morocco have had a positive impact on the situation of female labourers, a group that has grown rapidly due to a combination of aforementioned elements. Theories of New Institutional Economics, the disproportionate effects of structural adjustment on women, and the importance of social movements to achieve change will be applied in an attempt to find connections. A frame analysis will be carried out and compared to legislative changes affecting female workers, to test whether these theories can be confirmed or dismissed. The results indicate that there is reason to believe that feminist movements have had an influence on labour rights legislation, and also that Morocco is more complex in this aspect than it might initially have seemed.

Education and Political Efficacy Among Youth in Kosovo : A field study on university students’ perceptions on the effect of higher education on political efficacy and political behavior

Hagelin, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
This study seeks to investigate perceptions on education’s effect on political efficacy among university students at University of Pristhina, Kosovo; as well as how that seems to inform political behavior. Education is believed to have important implications on political behavior, an important factor for this is internal and external political efficacy, which allows research to disentangle educational effects on the individual’s political behavior. In-depth interviews were conducted during a minor field study to examine these perceptions. Three ideal personality types were detected among the respondents in regard to their respective level of internal and external political efficacy, while the perception of how education informed these two components on the contrary was portrayed as uniform regardless of level of perceived political efficacy. It is found, in line with previous research, that education is perceived to increase internal political efficacy, making the individuals more confident in their capacity to understand and participate in politics. External political efficacy seems to be less informed by education and more so by the societal context in which the students find themselves. In a context such as Kosovo, which still struggles with its democratization process, this leads to low levels of external political confidence. Further studies are recommended to increase the understanding of, in particular, the external political efficacy among youths in Kosovo.

Different Conceptions of Nature in the Paris Agreement

Björck, Hedda January 2019 (has links)
ABSTRACT In 2015, an Agreement was made in Paris at the 21st conference of the Parties of the UN. The purpose of the Paris Agreement was to collectively target climate change and keep the global warming under 2°C. Since then, the strength of this Agreement has been evaluated in numerous ways, optimists and pessimists present arguments for different theories and opinions. While some argue that the agreement is too weak because of its non-binding features and vagueness, others argue that the very same vagueness has opened up a new door. To contribute with a new perspective, the aim of this study is to describe and analyse different conceptions of nature in the Nationally Determined Contributions submitted to the Paris Agreement by Parties who signed it. Based on previous research about different conceptions of nature, an analytical framework is built and used through a text analysis of some of the Contributions. The findings of this qualitative, descriptive case study are meant to create a deeper understanding of the Contributions made to the Paris Agreement, describing if different conceptions of nature are found and whether this affects the way the Parties aim to tackle the climate crisis.

The damaging effects of inequality : A global quatitative study on the correlation between inequality and human trafficking

Jakobsson, Hanna Debora January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Human trafficking is interesting from a developmental point of view. It is one of the worst social phenomenon of our time due to the countless victims that go undetected. This paper examines connections between human trafficking and gender inequality and between human trafficking and inequality overall. The research question is as follows: Is it the level of gender inequality or is it the level of inequality overall that correlates with human trafficking? Looking at previous research stating that human trafficking is related to other social injustices, and applying a vulnerability theory this essay hypothesizes that increased gender inequality and increased inequality overall will increase the level of human trafficking in a country. There is still no known way of estimating how many victims of human trafficking there are. Due to this, rather than looking at the number of people who fall victim to this crime, a scale looking at the perceived level of human trafficking was created by the author. A quantitative method is used to investigate the relationships between human trafficking and gender inequality and between human trafficking and inequality overall. The main finding of this thesis is that there is mainly a connection between human trafficking and gender inequality, but a connection between human trafficking and inequality overall could not be strengthened.

Leave No One Behind – But What About the ‘Scum of the Earth’? : A Discourse Analysis Based on Theories by Arendt and Agamben on Rohingya and Statelessness

Eriksson, Evelina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand the situation of Rohingya through the concept of statelessness and to illustrate the importance of citizenship in relation to human rights. The Rohingya minority has for a long period of time been victims of violence and discrimination by the Myanmar government and military. In 1982, all Rohingyas were deprived their Myanmar citizenship through a domestic law, which is in conflict with international human rights law. Various military operations, attacks, and attempts have been made to drive the Rohingya population out of the country. Consequently, as of 2019, nearly one million stateless Rohingyas are living in overcrowded camps in neighbouring Bangladesh. By applying the philosophical understandings and conceptualisations of Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben, this study seeks answers to how it is possible to perform such acts of breaching human rights. Furthermore, a number of official conventions and principles are analysed to seek answers to how the international community are obligated to act prior, during, and after atrocities on humanity are performed. The main findings of this study are that these acts of violence have been possible due to the Rohingya populations’ statelessness. The sustainable development goals aim to ‘leave no one behind’ and several universal documents and principles are in place to protect humanity from such atrocities. Nevertheless, the international community has clearly failed when it comes to protect the Rohingya population. One important and significant step towards preventing future genocides and ethnic cleansings has been identified through this study – all individuals need to be ensured their fundamental human rights.

Att uppmuntra till hållbart beteende : En undersökning om nudgings effekt på pappershandduksanvändning

Haapaniemi, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Samtidigt som konsekvenserna av förändringar i klimatet blivit alltmer uppenbara för varje år som gått är det tydligt att en stor del av miljö- och klimatproblematiken grundas i ohållbara beteenden hos en minoritet av världens befolkning. Ett viktigt steg mot en hållbar utveckling är därför att förändra dessa beteenden och göra dem mer hållbara. Nudging, en teori om människors beslutsfattande och beteendeförändring, syftar till att arrangera en valsituation på ett sätt som gör det enkelt att fatta önskvärda beslut. Denna uppsats undersöker nudgings potential att uppmuntra till mer miljövänligt och resurssnålt beteende genom att studera huruvida skyltar kan påverka människor att använda mindre pappershanddukar vid toalettbesök. Resultaten från undersökningen visar att en skylt kan skapa en statistiskt signifikant minskning i pappershandduksanvändning.

Avskräckning med marina medel mot en irreguljär motståndare

Ljungqvist, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen söker svar på i vilken utsträckning som marina stridskrafter kan bidra till att avskräcka en irreguljär motståndare. Genom det bristfälliga forskningsläget på detta område gör uppsatsen en ansats till att skapa ett analysverktyg på taktisk nivå inom den marina kontexten och dess roll i avskräckning mot en irreguljär motståndare. Under det kalla kriget, men även efteråt, har många teoretiker försökt sig på att beskriva och förstå avskräckningens komplexitet med olika teorier. Även om historien inte alltid belönar detta som en framgångsrik metod för att påverka en motståndare med, är det ändå när det lyckas en väsenskilt mycket bättre och humanare metod än krig. Ur teorierna kring avskräckning har ett antal framgångsfaktorer identifierats. Dessa har sedan behandlats i den marina arenan och mot en irreguljär motståndare på taktisk nivå. Uppsatsen finner att det inte är avskräckningen som metod som skiljer utan motståndaren och dennes karaktär, syften och viljor. Den irreguljära motståndaren har visat sig svår att avskräcka främst på grund av att det är svårt att kommunicera de hot man vill projicera då han sällan uppträder som en enskild antagonist utan snarare flera.

From Combatants to Civilians. The dos and don’ts when reintegrating ex-combatants into civilian life : A Comparative Case Study on Reintegration Efforts in Post-Conflict Societies

Ocaya, Bryan January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Postcolonial tendencies in Swedish development aid : A discourse analysis of the membership magazine of Läkarmissionen

Renkel, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Mina grannar ser exakt ut som jag själv : En studie om boendesegregations påverkan på utanförskap och gemenskap / My neighbors look exactly like me : A study about how residential segregation affects exclusion and community

Adolfsson, Ellen, Ruderfors, Beatrice January 2018 (has links)
Boendesegregation skapar antaganden om olika bostadsområden, antaganden som påverkar människors känsla av utanförskap och gemenskap. Två resursstarka och två resurssvaga områden i två olika städer jämförs för att undersöka respondenternas upplevelser kring utanförskap och gemenskap i respektive område. Studien bygger på två nationalekonomiska teorier, Mismatch hypotesen och Polariserings hypotesen, som förklarar uppkomsten av boendesegregation. Dessutom en kompletterande teori som diskuterar grannskapets effekter på känslan av utanförskap och gemenskap. 16 semi-strukturerade intervjuer ligger till grund för det empiriska materialet, varav 8 från resursstarka områden och 8 från resurssvaga områden. Studiens resultat visar på en starkare gemenskap mellan grannar i de resurssvaga områdena än i det resursstarka. Resultatet visar också att resurssvaga områden tillskrivs ett utanförskap, som individer boende i dessa områden inte själva upplever. 6 av 8 respondenter dementerar vid intervjuer påståenden om ett utanförskap. Avslutningsvis uppvisar studien på starkare gemenskap i samtliga områden, snarare än ett utanförskap.

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